Pharmacy Act Notes
Pharmacy Act Notes
Pharmacy Act Notes
Pharmacy Act, 1948
APRIL 9, 2024
Pharma Warrior’s
Registration of Pharmacist
1. First Register of Pharmacist: To overcome the acute shortage of the registered pharmacists
immediately after independence all the State Governments were asked to appoint Registration
Tribunal of 3 members of which one shall act as Secretary cum Treasurer. The minimum
qualifications prescribed for registration –
A graduate in any discipline with a minimum of three years’ experience in compounding and
dispensing in a hospital or dispensing at any place where drugs are regularly dispensed on
prescriptions of medical practitioners.
A person who has passed examination recognised as adequate by the State Government for
compounders or dispenser.
2. Subsequent Register: For the interim period until the Education Regulations were enforced in the
State, the names of eligible candidates were included in the register of pharmacists on fulfilling the
following criteria –
1. Minimum age of 18 years.
2. A person satisfying conditions prescribed with the prior approval of the Central Council or
conditions entitling a person to have his name entered on the First Register, provided he is a
pharmacy holder of an institution approved by PCI who has undergone practical training of 500
hours (not less than 3 months) after completing of D. Pharma course is only eligible for registration
as pharmacist.
There were two major amendments to the Pharmacy Act, 1948 for the purpose of registration of
Pharmacists in 1959 and 1976.
According to the amendment to the Act in 1959, the First Register was once again opened for
consideration of following categories of people for the purpose of registration as Pharmacists –
a) The persons who were displaced as a result of partition of country from erstwhile territory
of India which is part of Pakistan and who were carrying on the business or profession of
pharmacy as their principal means of livelihood on or before 4th March, 1948, and satisfy
the conditions for inclusion in the First Register of Pharmacists.
b) The citizens of India who have been carrying on the business or profession of pharmacy
in any country outside India, provided they are qualified for registration in First Register.
c) The persons who resided in an area which has become a territory of India and they satisfy
the conditions for registration in First Register.
d) The persons belonging to an area which has become part of other State as a result of State
Reorganisation on 1st November, 1956. Even though, the First Registration in such a State
was closed, the persons in this category were enrolled as Pharmacists in First Register
provided, they have fulfilled the criteria laid down for enrolment in the First Register.
e) A person who has not responded to the call of registration in First Register even though
he/she was qualified to be registered, due to ignorance or any other reason was once
again given one time opportunity for registration.
The amendment to the Act in 1976 had considered following categories of people for registration
as Pharmacists –
a) The displaced persons as a result of Bangladesh war or from Sri Lanka, Burma and
Uganda or any other country between 14th April, 1957 and 25th March, 1971 provided
they were carrying on the business or profession of pharmacy as their principal means of
livelihood for a period of not less than five years. This clause was also applicable to the
persons affected by Goa Liberation Movement who were practicing pharmacy as per
requirement in First Register.
b) The persons identified in the provision for the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 as qualified
persons until 31st December, 1969 who were professing pharmacy were also considered
for registration as pharmacists.
If the Central Government has any substantial reason to believe that Pharmacy Council of India
is violating the norms laid down in the Pharmacy Ac, 1948 or misusing the powers or indulging in the
matters which are not in accordance with Statutes pertaining to the Act, the Central Government is
empowered to constitute Commission of Enquiry to probe into the affairs of Pharmacy Council of India.
The Commission of Enquiry of three persons, two of whom shall be appointed by the Central
Government, one being the judge of a High Court and one nominated by the Council shall enquire into
the matters referred to it and submits its report or recommendations to the Central Government. The
Government may accept the report or remit the same to the Commission for modification or
reconsideration. After the report is finally accepted, the Central Government orders PCI to comply within
specified time, failing which, the Central Government may take appropriate action.
At State Government level, the State Government constitutes Commission of Enquiry for State
Pharmacy Council not functioning in accordance with provisions of the Act and passes such order or
take necessary action as deemed fit.