Feminist Movements in The Americas

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Feminist movements in the Americas

Essay Title: Evaluate the successes and failures of the feminist movement in one country of the region during the period 1945–1979.

Theme Canada Latin America United States of America

Political  Women joined movements in Hermila Galindo in Mexico: She was a feminist  1966: National Organisation of women
Leadership increasing numbers. involved in the publication of “La mujer founded (NOW). Groupd wanted to
the role of women in  Judy LaMarsh: member of Truth moderna” in Mexico, that contributes to the enforce legislation; organised protests;
political activism; Squad; Minister of Health and gained of the right to vote in 1953. consciousness raising.
lobbying activities for
issues of importance to Welfare (1963) and then Secretary  Women were under-represented in
women; leadership of State. politics
positions in political
organizations; elected
and appointed
positions of leadership.

Educational 1960S – Royal Commission on the Eva Peron in Argentina: She promoted the  Women became better educated.
Opportunities status of Women: led by Florence Bird equal educational opportunities for women in
access to education improve the status of women in Canada Argentina between 1940s – 1950s.
(from elementary by fixing gender disparities in education
through post-
secondary); percentage and unemployment. Vilma Espin in Cuba: she was a Cuban
of women gaining revolutionary feminist that promote gender
degrees from Feminist activism in universities: The equality. Ashe was the head of the Federation
secondary and establishment of Women’s Studies of Cuban Women and played a fundamental
university institutions;
access to professional
programs in the Canadian universities role on women’s rights and workforce
degree programs with mote bias curriculums. participation.

Professional Post-World War II Era: The experiences Marta Vergara in Chile: She was a feminist Nursing and teaching: At the beginning of
Careers of women in the military forces during and activist that co-founded the Feminine the century these two careers were the
removal of the second world war, made that after Cultural Action in 1938. This promotes the only two possibilities of professional
exclusionary laws and the war, many women have the formation of National Women’s service. careers to women. In the 1930s some
customs for access to
professions; possibility of expanding their women started to become professionals in
percentage of women educational opportunities and career other areas such as journalism, social works
entering careers in law, options. and secretarial roles.
medicine, engineering,
etc; access to careers
in the military
Protection of 1980s – Pay Equity legislation: This was Rosario Castellanos in México: She was a  1964 Civil Rights Act applied to women.
Women’s Civil introduced to address wage gaps and Mexican writer who promoted the gender  1971: Reed v. Reed: Supreme Court
Rights and rectify systemic gender- based pay equity on her literary works. issued important rulings on equal
Equality of disparities. protection.
Opportunity  1973 Roe v. Wade: Reproductive rights
gender-equality 1970s – Charter of Rights and freedom:
legislation; issues of The Canadian Charter of Rights and
equal pay; capacity to
initiate anti- Freedoms that was part of the
discrimination suits; constitution of 1982, included a
judicial treatment of commitment of gender equality with the
sexual harassment, purpose of promote protection against
sexual battery, rape,
discriminatory acts.
Personal Freedom 1990 Morgentaler decision on abortion: The GIRE in Mexico: It is group that promotes  Women gained greater control over
access to The Supreme Court of Canada remove the women’s reproductive rights since the late their bodies but controversial.
contraception and the abortion law and give the women of 20th century, it involves legal battles to
abortion choices;
mores regarding sexual the right to choose over their own remove the abortion law in Mexico.
“double-standard”. bodies.
Portrayal of Women during the 20th century: They Telenovelas and domestic products: Women during the 20th century: They were
Women were mainly often associated with Telenovelas played a fundamental role in the associated as housewives and mothers due
how women are homemakers and supporting figures to establishment of specific roles for each to the post-war return of male to the
portrayed in print male protagonists. gender. Also, women were often featured in homes and the baby boom. Between the
media, advertising,
television and movies. advertisements promoting domestic products. 1980s to 1990s they started to have an
independent figure such as the
“supermom”, as well a lot of
advertisements use women sexualized
images to promote their products.
Economic Status NAC (National Committee on the status Women’s Rights and labor movements in  Working and pay conditions improved.
percentage of women of Women): On 1971, this committee Central America: Various organizations and
in work force, equality pushed for reforms such as the pay communities of women in Central America
of compensation;
access to credit and equity legislation and the promotion of countries started to promote labor rights with
loans; women in rights for women in their working non-violence methods such a strikes.
entrepreneurial roles. places.
Do not expect
coverage of all the
listed topics, but
1993 Kim Campbell: She became the
reward application of first female Prime Minister of Canada in
specific knowledge and 1993.
analysis as to the
achievements and
limitations or failures
of the feminist

Indigenous people Feminist Migrants

Legal No right to vote No tight to vote No right to vote
Social Lack of education Lack of education Lack of education
opportunities opportunities opportunities
Economic status Owners of land but Depend on the role of Economic development
with lack workers’ their husbands and lack and well-being with
rights of equity on working commercial sell of
labors goods and services, but
in an illegal way.
Political Lack of political power Political movements Lack of political power
with nonviolence
methods such as strikes

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