Govt. Schemes Incentives For Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Govt. Schemes Incentives For Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Govt. Schemes Incentives For Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Excise duty Concessions: Government provides exemption to MSME units for a particular
level of annual turnover from paying excise duty. The limit of turnover is variable.
Credit Facility: Credit to the MSME sector is covered under priority sector lending by
banks. Small industries development bank of India (SIDBI) is mainly responsible for
implementing various schemes of providing financial support to small entrepreneurs. Loans
are also provided to small entrepreneurs by scheduled banks without collateral security. The
limit is variable.
The state governments also provide technical and other support services to MSME through
their directorate of industries and district industries centres. In general all the state
governments extend support of the following types:
a) Deferment/ suspension of sales tax.
b) Power subsidy
c) Capital investment subsidies to new enterprises established in some selected districts.
d) Margin money/seed capital assistance schemes.
e) Priority in providing power connection/water connection.
f) Technical and consultancy support.