Tuev Nord Cert GMP Service Description
Tuev Nord Cert GMP Service Description
Tuev Nord Cert GMP Service Description
Table of contents
2 SURVEILLANCE AUDIT............................................................................................. 5
10 TRADEMARKS ........................................................................................................... 9
If you should require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be
please to help you.
Upon signing of the contract, the Company warrants that it complies with all applicable requirements
in the GMP+ FC scheme. The GMP+ FC scheme is part of this agreement.
The most recent version of the GMP+ FC scheme is publicly accessible at the Website
By signing the contract, the Company expressly agrees to the above ways to take note of the GMP+
FC scheme and declares that prior to signing it has read and understood these documents.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
• The customer is aware of his obligation to inform the certification body of any misuse of the GMP
mark or offence against the GMP+ FSA which becomes known to him. The certification body
communicates the information to GMP+ International B.V. (NL).
• GMP+ International may at any time make any necessary amendments to the contents of the GMP+
FC scheme
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
actions. Within 14 days of receipt, the customer sends the action plan with the corrective actions and
suitable evidence to the Audit. The auditor verifies the corrective actions based on the evidences
provided or by means of a follow-up audit (improvement control), i.e. a new inspection on site, and
notes this in the action plan. The scope of the follow-up audit is decided by the lead auditor. However,
only the requirements of the standard for which a nonconformity or nonconformities were identified
are subject to re-audit.
In the case of a critical non-conformity result, in accordance with GMP+ rules an immediate report must
be made to GMP+ International B.V. (NL).
If one or more critical nonconformities are observed during an initial certification audit, surveillance
audit and recertification audit or a re-view of the quality documentation, then the GMP+ certificate or
the temporary approval may not be issued or extended.
The requirement of GMP+ C6 are applicable.
• the applicant does not immediately report changes to aspects of his operation which are decisive
for the certification, or indications of such changes, to the certification body;
• the certificate or the trade mark “GMP+ FC” of GMP+ International B.V. is used in an incorrect
• the results of the surveillance audits no longer justify maintenance of the certificate;
• insolvency proceedings are opened with regard to the assets of the applicant, or if an application
for insolvency proceedings applied for against him is refused due to lack of assets;
• the fee is not paid within the period of time set by the certification body;
• surveillance audits cannot be carried out for reasons for which the applicant is responsible;
• the certification or the continued existence of the certificate is prohibited for legal reasons or official
administrative reasons.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
The time when the surveillance audit is due depends on the date of the certification audit and must be
performed 12 or 24 months after the certification audit.
Before the surveillance audit, the data of the company are updated in order to take changes which
have a significant influence on the area of activity or the way of working of the customer into
Before the recertification audit, the data of the organisation are updated in order to take changes which
have a significant influence on the area of activity or the way of working of the customer into
consideration, and a new offer is submitted to the customer.
In good time before the period of validity of a certificate has expired, a recertification audit must be
carried out. Normally the recertification audit has been carried out 36 months after the certification
In addition, before expiry of the period of validity of the certificate, the entire certification process,
including updating of the database of GMP+ International B.V. (NL) must have been completed by the
certification body. If the recertification audit is not carried out before expiry of the period of validity of
the certificate, a certification audit has to be performed. During this period, the customer is not GMP+-
Duration for audits may increase if EWS, complaint, exemptions, incidents etc. have to be investigated.
The unannounced surveillance audit will replace one of the announced surveillance audits during the
certification cycle.
Participants that already apply the voluntary unannounced audit will be changing to the mandatory
unannounced audit in the new certification cycle.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
4.2 Option B: European customers (including customers located in the Netherlands and
Germany) certified for a service scope and all customers outside Europe certified for
any GMP+ scope.
The voluntary unannounced surveillance audit is for European customers certified for one of the
following scopes:
• Trade,
• Storage & Transshipment,
• Transport of feed, road transport,
• Affreightment,
It is also possible for all customers outside the Europe certified for at least one GMP+ scope, any
The unannounced audit will be carried out on a voluntary basis. Those who apply for the
unannounced audit, will be obliged to participate during the certification cycle.
The following prior notice periods to perform the unannounced surveillance audit are applicable:
• Customers (producers) located in the Netherlands: not allowed.
• Customers (producers) located in Germany: one working day.
• Customers (producers) located in other countries in Europe: two working days.
If the results of the audit indicate it then an additional audit should be carried out.
Conformity audit
If major- nonconformities shortcomings were observed then the certification body may carry out a
conformity audit. This audit is in addition to the normal audit cycle and is aimed at specific aspects
related to the observed nonconformity and the improvement measures taken. A major- nonconformity
can also be handled administratively on the basis of compliance measures formulated by the company.
Stricter supervision
In the event of the observation of one or more critical- nonconformity a certification body may decide
to withdraw the certificate or temporary approval of the company, to suspend the company or to place
the company under stricter supervision. This last will only be done if unsatisfactory improvement
measures are taken. The stricter supervision will take place for the period determined in appendix 1
and will be a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months.
At least one on-site stricter supervision audit must be conducted. For the rest of the monthly stricter
supervision audits, the certification body can decide to conduct an audit on site or not on-site.
Repeat audit
In special circumstances there may be a repeat audit. This audit is aimed in principle at all the
requirements of the GMP+ FC scheme. The reason for a repeat audit may be an EWS alert, complaints
or incidents, or something else. The costs of the repeat audit will be met in principle by GMP+
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
International. However, if it appears that one or more critical or major nonconformities are observed
then the costs will be charged to the company.
During the term of their GMP+ certificate, the customer can transfer to another certification body
accepted by GMP+ International.
This transfer is carried out under the following conditions:
• All contractual obligations following from the (departing) certification body and the customer
should be performed until the moment of termination of the certification agreement.
• The departing certification body remains responsible for GMP+ certification of the customer
until the termination of certification.
• Prior to the moment of transfer of the customer, all outstanding nonconformities should be
• After transfer the new certification body is responsible for GMP+ certification of the customer.
• The new certification body always has to enter a new GMP+ agreement
• The certification cycle between the new certification body and the customer always has to start
with an initial audit. To transfer a GMP+ certificate from the old certification body to the new
certification body is not allowed.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
Audit nonconformities are to be classified on the basis of the general assessment criteria stated below.
In addition the specific assessment criteria shown in the checklists remain in force. The measures
specified should be imposed as a minimum. A certification body is able to impose stricter measures.
Minor- Nonconformity :
Any nonconformity which does not adversely affect the health or safety of a product.
Where 10 or more minor nonconformities are observed during an audit, an additional audit or the
assessment of quality documentation, the company does not meet the requirements for GMP+
certification or temporary approval.
Major-Nonconformity :
Any nonconformity other than critical, which may result in failure for health or safety and which cannot
be completely eliminated by re-work or reduced to a minor nonconformity.
When a requirement of the GMP+ normative document has been addressed but there is in-sufficient
evidence to demonstrate that it has been properly controlled or implemented.
The company does not meet the requirements for GMP+ certification or temporary approval.
If major-nonconformities are observed during an initial certification audit or recertification audit or a re-
view of the quality documentation, then the GMP+ certificate or the temporary approval may not be
issued or extended.
Critical-Nonconformity :
Any nonconformity which may result in hazard-ous or unsafe for individuals and animals.
A regulatory violation or a complete feed safety failure to implement a requirement of the GMP+
normative document.
The company does not meet the requirements for GMP+ certification or temporary approval.
If one or more critical nonconformities are observed during an initial audit, an extension audit or a
review of the quality documentation, then the GMP+ certificate or the temporary approval may not be
issued or extended.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
If the certification body as a result of an audit or in some other way establishes that the customer does
not comply in fully or partly with what is determined in or by virtue of the GMP+ FC scheme or the
GMP+ agreement, then measures will be taken or sanctions applied to the customer by the certification
body. Nonconformities must be classified according these criterias.
Measures or sanctions are the following:
a) Compliance audit at the customer. The cost for this audit is at the expenses of the customer.
b) A stricter supervision audit at the customer. The cost for this audit is at the expenses of the
c) Suspension of the GMP+ Certificate for of maximum of three months
d) Withdrawal of the GMP+ Certificate for a minimum period of at least one year. The customer
is excluded for at least twelve month from reapplying for participation in the GMP+ FSC
e) Publication by GMP+ International of the suspension and the withdrawal
During Suspension, the Company shall not use the Trademarks and Documentation. The Company
shall temporarily remove all references made to the Trademarks. In case the Company has affixed the
Trademarks to its products, during suspension it will refrain from bringing these products into the
The Certification Body is entitled to inform GMP+ International and the relevant government authorities
of any Measures or Sanctions taken against the Company.
The Certification Body or GMP+ International are entitled to publish any Measures or Sanctions taken
against the Company. GMP+ International is also entitled to inform the Customers or other certification
bodies in the GMP+ FC scheme or any other scheme holder with which it has a mutual recognition,
about any Measures or Sanctions imposed on the Company.
Upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company is entitled to use the Trademarks and
the Documentation under the condition that it meets all requirements for Customers incorporated in
the GMP+ FC scheme.
The Trademarks shall only be used exactly as registered in the relevant trademark register(s). In any
case, the Company is not permitted to alter the Trademarks or to use the Trademarks as part of a new
logo. The Trademarks may be:
a. affixed to the walls and/or on signs around the premises or on transport vehicles of the Company;
b. affixed to documents of the Company;
c. used on the website of the Company.
The Documentation shall not be published nor modified in any way by the Company. The Company
has the right to reproduce the Documentation for its own use.
The Company does not have the right to license or transfer the rights granted in this Agreement to a
third party.
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Description of the TÜV NORD CERT certification procedure
GMP+ FC (Feed Certification scheme)
of GMP+ International B.V. (NL)
The Company has the duty to immediately report to the Certification Body any infringement of the
Trademarks or Documentation which comes to the notice of the Company.
Upon termination of this Agreement, the Company loses its right to use the Trademarks and
Documentation. The Company shall permanently remove all references made to the Trademarks and
shall destroy the Documentation as well as all materials depicting the Trademarks.
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