Nursing Shortage: Consequences and Solutions
Nursing Shortage: Consequences and Solutions
Nursing Shortage: Consequences and Solutions
Consequences and
You’ve heard about the nursing shortage, but what does it really mean
for your practice and your patients?
By Amanda Perkins, DNP, RN
We’re facing the challenge of an impend- each year until 2029. Over the last 9 years,
ing nursing shortage, made worse by we’ve seen approximately 60,000 RNs
shrinking nursing faculty and fewer avail- leave the nursing workforce each year. As
able seats in nursing programs. There are of 2018, 55% of nurses working in the US
29 million nurses worldwide, with 3.9 are older than age 50; within the next 10
million in the US. It has been projected to 15 years, 1 million RNs will be eligible
that nursing will be one of the top profes- for retirement (see By the numbers).
sions for job growth until the year 2029. This article discusses the nursing short-
It’s expected that the RN workforce will age, including contributing factors, the
increase by 7%, or 221,900 nurses, in the effect on patients and nurses, and the way
10-year period from 2019 to 2029. This is in which nurses can positively impact the
in addition to 175,900 projected RN jobs nursing shortage.