278-Article Text-417-1-10-20210126
278-Article Text-417-1-10-20210126
278-Article Text-417-1-10-20210126
Organic farming in Indonesia is growing rapidly. market demand is very high but most organic farming businesses have not been able to meet
market needs. the main problem lies in the business strategy used, which has not yet led to sustainability. This research tries to formulate a
sustainable strategy that can be applied in organic farming in Indonesia. This research uses analytical hierarchy process to weight the available
alternative strategies. alternative strategies and influencing factors and actors were obtained from a meta-analysis of the organic agriculture
literature in Indonesia. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with experts in the world of organic agriculture in Indonesia.
The weighting results shows that most important factor in developing sustainability strategy is the development of HR (0.269). The most
important actor that need to be involved in the development of the strategy is the agricultural manager (0.413), while the goal that need to be
achieved once the strategy is implemented is increasing farmers' income (0.372) and the highest weighting alternative strategy is product
innovation that has high added value and is responded well by the market (0.138).
analytical hierarchy process, organic farming, pairwise comparison, meta-analysis, sustainability strategies.
Article Received: 10 August 2020, Revised: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 298-305 ISSN: 00333077
Literature Review
Organic Farming
Picture 1. Hierarchy of Categories (Kukrety et al. 2013)
The philosophy that underlies organic farming is the principle
of feeding the soil, which in turn provides the soil with food
Pairwise Comparison
for plants (feeding the soils that feed the plants), and not
directly feeding the plants. Natural cultivating as per the
Pairwise comparison is utilized to decide the general
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
significance of every marker. The appraisal was performed
(IFOAM 2016) is an all-encompassing and incorporated
by leaders who were specialists in the field and who have an
farming creation framework, by advancing the wellbeing
enthusiasm for it. Appraisal of markers and choices permit
and efficiency of agro-environments normally, in order to
dynamic about the relative significance between two
deliver sufficient, quality, and manageable food and fiber.
components in a single level corresponding to the level above
Natural cultivating is an all-encompassing cultivating
it. This is finished utilizing a rating scale (size of 1 to 9
framework that bolsters and quickens biodiversity, organic
notwithstanding reverse qualities). The pairwise correlations
cycles, and soil organic exercises.
have two standards:
Identified with the use of natural agribusiness in Indonesia,
1. The need of each factor comparative with itself is
Lumbanraja (2013) expressed the significance of procedure
equivalent to 1.
in the use of the natural way of thinking. The procedure
2. If the need of factor A to factor B is equivalent to I,
received in natural cultivating is to move supplements rapidly
at that point the need of factor B to factor A ought to be
from crop deposits, fertilizer and compost into soil biomass,
equivalent to 1/I.
which after experiencing the mineralization procedure will
become supplements in the dirt. At the end of the day,
supplements are reused through at least one phases of the Material And Methods
type of natural mixes before they are consumed by plants.
This is entirely unexpected from customary farming which Data was collected through in-depth interviews with experts
gives supplements rapidly and straightforwardly as an consisting of Deputy Coordinating Ministry for Food and
answer, so it is promptly caught up with the sum and time of Agriculture, Director General of Horticulture, Expert Staff of
organization as per plant needs. the Ministry of Trade, Chair of the Indonesian Organic
Alliance and owners of organic farming businesses in
Analytical Hierarchy Process Indonesia, from January to July 2019.
The process of preparing a hierarchy consists of three
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is utilized as a stages, namely (1) identifying the overall objectives of
dynamic device for the distinguishing proof of reasonable making a hierarchy or commonly called a goal or focus, (2)
natural cultivating locales. AHP was created by Saaty determining the criteria needed or in accordance with the
(1990), for setting-up a various leveled model dependent on overall goal or focus, (3) identifying alternatives which will
standards and options for speaking to the intricate issues be evaluated under sub-criteria (Permadi 1992).
(Roig-Tierno et al. 2013). As a multicriteria dynamic The sustainable strategy structure of organic agriculture is
strategy, the AHP has been applied for taking care of a wide organized into five levels of hierarchy and the arrangement
assortment of issues that include complex models across is based on interrelated matters and is very important in
various levels, where the connection among measures is achieving focus. Prasetyaningtyas et.al. (2019) in her meta-
normal (Feizizadeh et al. 2014, Tiwari et al. 1999). analysis of organic farming literature in Indonesia shows 5
AHP is a strategy that manages multi-rules dynamic and level of important indicators. These levels consist of: (1)
considers the interest of a few partners. Garfì et al. (2011) The first level is determined as the goal or focus to be
featured multifaceted perspectives in AHP, believing it to be concentrated, namely the sustainable strategy of organic
a suitable instrument for the advancement of tasks focused agriculture in Indonesia, (2) The second level is determined
on strategies to improve expectations for everyday comforts as a factor consisting of four things that are important for
in creating nations; AHP is basic, adaptable, and sustainable strategies of organic farming, i.e. improvement of
straightforward to members, and spotlights on the human resources, capital, product innovation, and
requirements of recipients. To avoid confusion with many agricultural management models, (3) The third level is
comparisons, which significantly increases, it is determined as an actor consisting of four actors involved in
recommended that the number of elements in a category the sustainable strategy of organic agriculture, namely the
must not exceed 10 (Kukrety et al. 2013). owner of agriculture, the Foundation, the Regional
Agricultural Service, and the Indonesian Organics Alliance
(AOI), (4) The fourth level is determined as the goal in
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 298-305 ISSN: 00333077
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 298-305 ISSN: 00333077
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 298-305 ISSN: 00333077
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Table 2. The weight and priority of the actor towards the focus
Actor Weight Priority
Owner 0.413 1
Foundation 0.280 2
Department of Agriculture 0.178 3
Indonesian Organic Alliances 0.139 4
Table 4. The weight and priority of alternative strategies towards the focus
Strategies Weight Priority
Strategy 1 0.138 1
Strategy 3 0.136 2
Strategy 5 0.121 3
Strategy 8 0.108 4
Strategy 4 0.105 5
Strategy 6 0.104 6
Strategy 7 0.104 6
Strategy 2 0.093 7
Strategy 9 0.088 8