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SECOND MOCK E X A M I N A T I O N 2020 – 2021



Section – A (MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions)

Q.01: Choose the correct answer for each from the given options. 30

1. Media players are:

(a) Business Software (b) Entertainment Software
(c) Education Software (d) Productivity Software

2. A collection of wires connecting the CPU with main memory that is used to identify particular locations is:
(a) Control Bus (b) Data Bus
(c) Address Bus (d) Memory Bus

3. The inexpensive and most commonly used computers are:

(a) Super Computer (b) Mainframe Computer
(c) Minicomputer (d) Microcomputer

4. The process of checking computer, starting operating system and making it ready to work is referred to as:
(a) Resource Management (b) Booting
(c) Error Checking (d) File Management

5. Which management controls the dynamic allocation and de-allocation of processor, memory, etc?
(a) Resource (b) File
(c) I / O (d) User

6. The operating system that allows frequent switching from one task to another is:
(a) Batch Processing (b) Real Time Processing
(c) Single User (d) Time Sharing

7. The software that is used to format a document is:

(a) MS Word (b) MS Excel
(c) MS Power point (d) MS Access

8. If we want to change the overall design of a word document, we should use:

(a) Themes (b) Page layout
(c) Watermark (d) Margins

9. Charts are basically used to:

(a) Design tables (b) Organize data in tables
(c) Sort data in different columns (d) Show quantities & their relationships graphically

10. Communication system is made up of:

(a) Three components (b) Six components
(c) Five components (d) Four components

11. Both Physical and Logical addresses are:

(a) Different (b) Unique
(c) Permanent (d) Temporary

12. The topology in which all computers are connected to a central device called hub is:
(a) Bus (b) Star
(c) Ring (d) Tree

13. Converting digital signal to analog is called:

(a) Modulation (b) Modification
(c) Bandwidth (d) Multiplexing

14. Change in the shape of signal between sender and receiver is called:
(a) Attenuation (b) Interruption
(c) Noise (d) Distortion
15. The service that is responsible for making websites publicly accessible through the internet is called:
(a) Web Server (b) Web Hosting
(c) Web Site (d) Web Browser

16. A web browser will translate the codes in a web page if the extension of the document is:
(a) .html (b) .txt
(c) .doc (d) .pdf

17. To create a clickable text which navigates to another page or section, we use:
(a) <input> tag (b) <li> tag
(c) <b> tag (d) ca> tag

18. To differentiate the heading cells from rest of the data in a table, we use:
(a) <th> tag (b) <tr> tag
(c) <td> tag (d) <dt> tag

19. Which of the following Microsoft Office packages is a DBMS?

(a) MS-Word (b) MS-Excel
(c) MS-Power Point (d) MS- Access

20. The tag used to automatically add line space before and after the containing text is:
(a) <br> (b) <hr>
(c) <p> (d) <pre>

21. A field that stores the names of students should be defined as:
(a) Integer (b) Float
(c) String (d) Boolean

22. A key that allows only unique entries in a field is called:

(a) Primary key (b) Secondary Key
(c) Foreign Key (d) Super Key

23. In a database table of "Students", the address of the student will be a:

(a) Record (b) Field
(c) Entity (d) Data type

24. The basic limitation of a flat file database is that:

(a) It is complicated (b) It stores data in a single file
(c) It is very heavy (d) It is not supported on internet

25. The software which performs all basic tasks is:

(a) Antivirus (b) Start Menu
(c) Operating System (d) Office Automation

26. A program that enables user to interact with computer is called:

(a) My document (b) Start menu
(c) Desktop (d) Interface

27. The number of user(s) that can access the resources simultaneously on a Multiuser OS is / are:
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Many (d) Only Administrators

28. The software that is used for accounting purpose is:

(a) MS Word (b) MS Excel
(c) MS Power point (d) MS Access

29. Wired Media is also called:

(a) Targeted media (b) Guided media
(c) Unguided media (d) Directed media

30. The number of bits used in an IPV 4 address are:

(a) 16 (b) 32
(c) 64 (d) 128
Section – B (Short Answer Questions)
Note: Attempt any six questions from this Section. All question carry equal marks. 18

Q.02: Differentiate between Compiler and Assembler.

Q.03: What are the differences between RAM and ROM?
Q.04: Explain any three components of Communication System.
Q.05: List four uses of spreadsheets in business.
Q.06: List one merit and one demerit of each topology.
Q.07: Discuss the use of databases in business with example.
Q.08: What a Hacker can do to your computer?
Q.09: Why do we use “Arrange Group” in page layout tab?
Q.10: Write three dereferences between Logical Address and Physical Address.

Section – C (Descriptive Answer Questions)

Note: Answer any two questions, each question carry equal marks 12

Q.11: Differentiate between various input devices.

Q.12: Explain the basic components of DBMS.
Q.13: What are the properties of Good Communication System?
Q.14: Write down the classification of computer according to Size.
Q.15: What is Web Development? Define the following terms:
World Wide Web, Web Browser, Web Hosting, URL, Web Page

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