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Practice Reading 3

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tailor v to adjust something to suit a particular need

or situation: Điều chỉnh, làm cho đáp ứng

nhu cầu của someone
Ex: and the things you can do to tailor your
reach to a local audience.
Align (sth with sth ) v to change something so that it has a correct
relationship to something else: điều chỉnh
cho phù hợp
Ex: Ensure customer interactions align with
business objectives
Harness v to collect and control something so that it
can be used effectively: khai thác
Ex: Plans to help developing countries
harness the power of technology are
important in the fight against global
prospect n the possibility that something good might
happen in the future: triển vọng, khả năng
thành công
Ex: There's not much prospect that this war
will be over soon.

the idea of something that will or might

happen in the future: viễn cảnh
Ex: I’m very excited at the prospect of
seeing her again.

Người có triển vọng, khách hàng tương lai.

skeptical adj doubting that something is true or useful: sự
hoài nghi
Ex: I'm a bit skeptical about his chances of
sphere n a range or area of activity: phạm vi, lĩnh vực,
tầm ảnh hưởng
Ex: When the children played they always
remained(vẫn) within the sphere of their own
little group.

Hình cầu, khối cầu, mặt cầu

forced v Bị ép buộc
vital necessary for the success or continued
existence of something; extremely important:
quan trọng, sống còn (cần thiết cho sự tồn
tại, sự thành công..)
Ex: The energy sector is vital to Tanzania’s
She had found out some information of vital

Đầy sức sống, đầy nghị lực, sinh động; năng

Ex: He had never felt so vital and full of life.
grasp to quickly take something in your hand(s)
and hold it firmly:Sự nắm lấy lấy, sự níu lấy,
sự ôm ghì.
Ex: Rosie suddenly grasped my hand.

Nắm bắt, nắm giữ:

Ex: Both companies have an exceptional
grasp of the international financial market.

to understand something, especially

something difficult: nắm được, nắm rõ
Ex: I think I managed to grasp the main
points of the lecture.
manage v to succeed in doing or dealing with
something, especially something difficult:
Thoát khỏi, gỡ khỏi; xoay xở được, giải
quyết được
Ex: I can’t mangage all this work on my
I only just mangaed to finish on time.

Chế ngự, kiềm chế; điều khiển, sai khiến,

dạy dỗ, dạy bảo
Ex: I cannot manage that horse
This child is very difficult to manage.
joint adj Chung, giữa 2 hay nhiều người
Ex: In a joint statement
The project was a joint effort between the
two schools
engage v to employ someone: thuê
Ex: I have engaged a secretary to deal with
all my paperwork.
Thu hút (sự chú ý...); giành được (tình
Ex: The debate about food safety has
engaged the whole nation.

Lấy (danh dự...) mà cam kết

Wide range Phạm vi rộng
Wide range of Nhiều loại
Wide range of application Ứng dụng rộng rãi.
statistically adv Thống kê.
Ex: The data pool is too small to be
statistically reliable.
practical adj relating to experience, real situations, or
actions rather than ideas or imagination:thực
Ex: Qualifications(bằng cấp) are important
but practical experience is always a plus.
The service offers young people practical
advice on finding a job.

suitable for the situation in which something

is used: thiết thực
Ex: I tend to wear clothes that are practical
rather than fashionable.
Certain adj Nhất định
Time well spent Dùng thời gian một cách hiệu quả.
Well spent Ex: This ensures the time you are spending
on your content is time well spent.
Xứng đáng cho việc làm gì đó.
Ex: that’s a day well spent(1 ngày xứng
Spread the word Truyền bá, lan tỏa thông tin
indication Sự biểu thị, biểu lộ, dấu hiệu.
Ex: Tracking against past results will give
you a clearer indication of whether new
strategies are truly successful.
bombard Tấn công tới tấp, đưa thông tin dồn dập
Ex: Nowadays we are all bombarded with
product choices.
dedicated adj Chuyên về gì đó (chuyên môn)
Ex: A dedicated customer service email
address would be better for that.
As business and technology evolved, more
specialized funnels were then developed, as
in the case of a funnel entirely dedicated to
digital marketing.
consent n Permission or agreement:
Ex: They can't publish your name without
your consent.
You can only come on the trip if you have
your parents' written consent.
breeze n Gió.
something that is easy to achieve, often
Ex: You won't have any problems with the
entrance test - it's an absolute breeze.
intriguing adj very interesting because of being unusual or
mysterious: Hấp dẫn, gợi thích thú, kích
thích sự tò mò
Ex: Even if you've crafted the most
intriguing message possible they'll likely just
scan it.
She has a really intriguing personality.
speculate v Suy đoán.
Ex: The newspapers have speculated that
they will get married next year.
sequel n a book, film, or play that continues the story
of a previous book, etc.
Ex: I'm reading the sequel to "Gone with the
Particular adj special, or this and not any other: đặc biệt,
ngoại lệ.
Ex: "Why did you ask?" "Oh, no particular
reason, just making conversation."

not easily satisfied and demanding that close

attention should be given to every detail:
tường tận, tỉ mỉ, chi tiết, kỹ lưỡng, cẩn thận
từng chi tiết.
Ex: He's very particular about the kitchen -
everything has to be perfectly clean and in its
Particularly adv very or very much; especially:
Ex: We’re particularly interested in hearing
from people who are fluent in both Spanish
and English.
assertiveness n Tính quyết đoán
Ex: He spoke with confidence and
Perform v to operate/not operate in a satisfactory way:
hoạt động, vận hành
Ex: The equipment performed well during
the tests.
If the products you purchased from Things
Galore do not perform to your expectations,
please return to our store for an exchange or
a refund.

1. Listening 2023 Test 1 +2

habitat n Môi trường sống
Conservation = protect = Bảo tồn, giữ gìn
preserve ( khác desirable ) Giữ gìn, bảo vệ cái gì đó có giá trị sử dụng
lâu dài, cần duy trì để sử dụng trong tương
lai. Khi dùng Conserve người nói đề cập
đến vấn đề giữ gìn, bảo vệ nhưng mang
hàm ý giá trị sử dụng trong đó.
Garden plot Miếng đất nhỏ để làm vườn
Aquatic n Thủy sinh
Aquatic ecosystem / aquatic animals
coral reef n Rạn san hô

2. GPS Data Could Predict Earthquakes Hours Ahead

Researchers say they have identified earth movement signals that could predict
earthquakes up to two hours before they hit.

The signals were recorded, or detected, by GPS collection devices. The devices were
positioned in areas where major earthquakes had struck in the past.

Scientists noted, however, that the right equipment does not currently exist to use the data
to predict earthquakes. But if the sensitivity of current GPS measuring devices can be
improved, the researchers say a new earthquake warning system could be possible.
Earthquakes are caused by movements, or slips:trượt, in existing faults under Earth’s
surface, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) explains. A fault is a long break in rock
attached to Earth’s crust. When tension builds up along a fault, energy waves are released
and travel through the crust. This causes the ground to shake.

Technology for predicting earthquakes currently remains very limited. But the USGS
does have equipment that can pick up seismic data when an earthquake is just starting.
The term seismic relates to earthquake activity.

The USGS method makes it possible to warn people in areas where seismic activity is
expected. But this method generally can only provide a warning several seconds before
an earthquake hits. The USGS system is called ShakeAlert. It has already been deployed
along the U.S. West Coast. That is where the majority of earthquakes happen in the

But the new detection method could produce warnings up to two hours before the
damaging effects of an earthquake are felt. Such a system could save lives by giving
people the chance to get out of buildings that might collapse in an earthquake.

Two scientists from France’s National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
carried out a study that described the latest results. The findings recently appeared in the
publication Science.

For the study, researchers examined GPS data collected before and after past earthquake
events around the world. The data was collected on 90 earthquakes measuring larger than
7 on the Richter scale. The study period covered the past 20 years.

The team identified a pattern of fault movements as they examined the data collected
from different areas. The movement signals were recorded within two hours of an
earthquake striking. The researchers said the study demonstrates that faults generally
begin to move about two hours before a large earthquake.
Scientists had identified such signals before single earthquakes in the past. But until now,
researchers were not able to link those signals to all seismic events.

While the data identified this pattern, the scientists said the instruments that could capture
GPS data in real time do not currently exist.

The National Research Institute for Sustainable Development issued a statement on the
development. It said that in order to make predictions, researchers “would need to
measure signals at least 10 times smaller than what we can presently do.”

Another way to possibly build a better earthquake prediction system would be to develop
“dense measurement networks” that sit very close to faults. However, such an effort
would require major technological progress: tiến bộ, the institute said.

Quentin Bletery is a geophysicist at Côte d’Azur University in the city of Nice. Bletery
worked together on the study with Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, another researcher at the

Bletery told Science that the study found that no observable movement was identified in
the first 46 hours leading up to an earthquake. But starting around two hours before an
earthquake, the GPS signals recording movement started to increase.

To confirm its findings, the team compared that data to more than 100,000 random time
periods recorded when no earthquakes were reported. That experiment found that similar
patterns in non-earthquake areas happened just 0.03 percent of the time.

“This tells us earthquakes are predictable in nature,” Bletery t old Science.

The scientists note that more research is needed to support their findings. Much of the
information used in the latest study, for example, depended heavily on data from GPS
stations near major earthquake sites.
conservation n Bảo tồn, giữ gìn
movement n Sự chuyển động
Ex: He made a sudden movement and frightened
the bird away.
detect v to notice something that is partly hidden or not
clear, or to discover something, especially using a
special method: dò ra / nhận thấy / nhận ra
Ex: Some sounds cannot be detected by the
human ear.
Radar equipment is used to detect (= find the
position of) enemy aircraft.
fault n Sự đứt đoạn, đứt gãy
crust n Vỏ trái đất
deploy v Triển khai
Ex: The company is reconsidering the way in
which it deploys its resources/staff.
collapse v Sụp đổ, đổ nát
Ex: Thousands of buildings collapsed in the
He thought his whole world had collapsed when
his wife died.
capture v Sự bắt giữ / sự thu được/ sự đoạt được / giành
Ex: The scientists said the instruments that could
capture GPS data in real time do not currently
pattern n Mẫu, kiểu, khuôn mẫu, mô hình.
Ex: Damage to the ozone layer has caused a
change in weather patterns.
Changing patterns of agriculture are threatening
the countryside.
dense adj Dày đặc
Ex: dense fog
A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched: kéo dài
liên tục across the horizon: đường chân trời.
progress v Sự tiến hành, tiến tới, tiến bộ, đi lên
Ex: Technological progress has been so rapid over
the last few years.

In progress: đang được tiến hành

3. Scientists Change Fruit Fly Genes to Help Farmers
Paul Nelson runs a raspberry( mâm xôi ) farm in the northern U.S. state of Minnesota.
Raspberries are a popular red fruit that people like to eat in the summer.
At the farm, Nelson and his team spend a lot of time worrying about fruit flies.
The insect pest that hurts their berries is known as the spotted wing drosophila. The flies
are from Asia and first came to the U.S. about 15 years ago. The flies hurt blueberries in
Maine, as well.
As winters get warmer and springtime comes earlier, farmers in states such as Maine and
Minnesota are having more trouble with the flies. Warmer winters permit the fruit flies to
survive and have more babies each year. They are also becoming resistant to some
pesticides, which are chemicals used to kill pests.
The flies cause damage by laying eggs in the fruit.
Nelson said the flies can ruin fruit farms if farmers are not willing to put the time in: sẵn
sàng giành thời gian to fight them.

Farmers use chemicals to kill the flies or place covers over the fruit plants to protect
them. It is a lot of work, and even with the hard work, they lose 20 to 30 percent of their
crop each year.

Researchers at North Carolina State University are working to solve the problem. In the
laboratory, they are changing the DNA of female flies to make sure that any babies they
have are not able to reproduce.

The scientists published their work recently in a publication:sự xuất bản called the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They found that if they mated one of
their flies with a normal fly, 99 percent of the offspring would be sterile: mất khả năng
sinh sản, or not be able to reproduce.

The scientists used computer models to make predictions and found that by releasing
modified flies over time, they could reduce the population of fruit flies in an area like a
farm in only five months.
It is not the first time scientists have considered modifying the DNA of an insect.
Scientists are using genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce the population of the
insects that cause diseases such as yellow fever, dengue and Zika. The use of gene
modification technology has not been used as often in agriculture because it is easier to
use pesticides.

Max Scott is a professor who studies insects at North Carolina State. He worked on the
study. He said past methods for releasing genetically modified insects would be costly for
farmers if they were used. However, his group’s study shows a new method could reduce
the population of fruit flies so fast that it would not cost so much.

“We’re really excited about this,” Scott said. “The system is working really efficiently.”

Bill Hutchison is an insect professor at the University of Minnesota. He agreed that if the
gene modification works, it will help farms in the northern U.S. that now have more flies
because of climate change.

Until recently, farmers in Minnesota did not think they had to worry about seeing flies in
their fruit that would be ready to pick in June. But Nelson said that is no longer true.
While he has not seen the flies this year, he has seen them before.

Two professors who were not part of the study said the North Carolina State research
looks promising. Luciano Matzkin is at the University of Arizona. He said Scott’s team’s
plan to center on producing sterile:mất khả năng sinh sản insects is better than past plans
that attempted to modify another part of the flies’ DNA.

Lyric Bartholomay is a professor at the University of Wisconsin. She said “increasingly

tailored genetic approaches” will be required as insects gain more resistance to chemical

However, the work by the scientists in North Carolina is many years away from being
used outside of a laboratory.
Scott said he and his team still need to do more work. They have to confirm their
computer models and get permission from government officials to test their plan in
nature. The scientists need to learn more about how changing the DNA of the fruit flies
will affect other insects and whether the DNA changes will work on slightly different
fruit flies.

Matzkin was happy to learn about the North Carolina team’s research, saying that a “bio-
control approach is always preferable” to chemicals. That is why other insect experts are
working on similar projects.

Nelson, the farmer, worries that all the research may take too long to help his farm. He is
concerned about his farm today.

He said farmers wonder if research will help the next generation. He currently works with
his son, who is 24. He hopes they have an answer by the time he is older.

Today, he just wants to be able to sell enough berries to keep the farm going.
“If we lose our sales on our crops of berries, that’s a very large deal for our farm,” he
insect n Sâu bọ, côn trùng
pest n Loài gây hại, vật phá hoại (sâu bọ, súc vật)
Spotted (đốm, chấm nhỏ)
wing drosophila

resistant adj Có sức chống cự, chịu được sự thay đổi

Pesticide [ˈpes.tə.saɪd] n Thuốc trừ sâu
Ex: The pesticides that farmers spray on their
crops kill pests, but they can also damage
people's health.
offspring n the young of an animal
a person's children: con
Tom's sister came over on Saturday with all her
genetically modified:biến đổi Muỗi biến đổi gen
promising adj Something that is promising shows signs that it
is going to be successful or enjoyable: đầy triển
vọng, nhiều hứa hẹn.
Ex: They won the award for the most promising
new band of the year.
"How's your new venture:công việc kinh doanh
going?" "It's looking quite promising."
venture n a new activity, usually in business, that involves
risk or uncertainty: nhất là về thương mại kinh
doanh có thể có nhiều rủi ro.
Ex: The project was a joint:chung venture:liên
doanh between the two schools .

approach n Phương pháp tiếp cận

fertilization n the action of spreading a natural or chemical
substance on land or plants, in order to make the
plants grow well: làm cho đất màu mỡ bằng
cách sử dụng các biện pháp tự nhiên hoặc hóa
Ex: Leave large wood on the ground for wildlife
habitat and soil fertilization.
Proper fertilization of land is of great
importance for good quality food.
Ascending: tăng dần Successively: liên tiếp
Steadily: đều đặn Constantly: liên tục
Rapidly: nhanh chóng Progressively: dần dần
Increasingly: ngày càng
a. Ascending: Select "Ascending" to sort the chosen column in ascending order.
b. Steadily: Prices have been rising steadily during the summer.
c. Rapidly: The country's oil reserves(để dành, dự trữ) are rapidly declining.
d. Increasingly: Shoppers are becoming increasingly aware of their options, and tend
to shop around.
e. Successively: Since the championship began, they have finished(về đích)
successively ninth, seventh, and fifth.
4. Toeic Reading 2020 Test 6
1. Dear Ms. Suryani,
In order to serve our patients as effectively and reliably as possible, we are now
offering them the option of receiving appointment reminders and other relevant
information via our text-messaging system. You are currently registered to receive
our materials via e-mail. No action is required if you like your current service. If
you would like to add text messaging to your mode of communication with us or
would like to change your preference from e-mail to text messaging, please let us
know at your earliest convenience. Our goal is to give you relevant and useful
information about your health and about the products and services we offer in a
timely fashion.

effectively adv Có hiệu quả

reliably adv Đáng tin cậy
via prep using a particular machine, system, or
person to send or receive something:
qua đường gì, bằng phương tiện gì.
Ex: You are currently registered to
receive our materials via e-mail. (qua

2. TOFTLUND (10 June)—

Row after row of electric cars in local parking areas seem to indicate that the city
of Toftlund has begun to give up on gasoline—fueled cars. In fact, 20 percent of
the cars on Toftlund city streets are electric, but this number is changing at a rapid

To some extent, this is due to the city’s generous tax benefits offered to electric car
drivers. According to Anne Rasmussen, president of Toftlund Green Business,
more attractive designs and longer-lasting batteries have also made a difference.
Ms. Rasmussen predicts the number of electric cars in Toftlund will more than
double in the coming years. In fact, she believes that in twenty years only electric
cars will be sold here.
generous adj Rộng lượng, hào phóng
Row after row Row after row of electric cars: rất
nhiều xe điện được xếp thành hàng
=> có rất nhiều xe
Pace n the speed at which someone or
something moves, or with which
something happens or changes: Tốc
độ, nhịp độ tiến triển, tốc độ phát
Ex: When she thought she heard
someone following her, she
quickened her pace.

3. Welcome to Rosen Valley Bank!

To activate your debit card online, follow these steps:
1. Go to www.rosenvalleybank.com and click on the ”Debit Card" tab.
2. Enter your full, 16-digit debit card number.
3. Type in your temporary PIN number. For security purposes, a 4-digit number
should have been mailed to you in a separate letter to serve as a temporary
password for card activation purposes. If you have not received this letter, please
contact your local branch.
4. You will be prompted to create your own unique 4-digit debit card PIN. You
will be required to provide this number each time you use your card for purchases
or to access cash.
5. Click the ”Activate” icon at the bottom of the screen. You may now begin using
your Rosen Valley debit card.
Debit card Thẻ ghi nợ

4. Attached
please find the details for your trip to Bratislava, Slovakia. It includes your
itinerary, hotel confirmation, and confirmation of your participation in the
conference of the World Federation of Flight Attendants (WFFA). There are also
instructions for requesting reimbursement for any expenses you incur. Please print
and sign a copy of the attached letter and return it to me at your earliest
convenience; it serves as acknowledgment that you have received the information.
You may wish to print a copy for your records as well. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
What is a purpose of the e-mail?
To acknowledge completion of travel arrangements

incur v Chịu, gánh chịu, (chi phí phát sinh)

Ex: Please detail any costs/expenses
incurred by you in attending the interview.
acknowledge to tell someone, usually in a letter or email,
that you have received something they sent
you: xác nhận đã nhận được
Ex: To acknowledge completion of travel

5. Montego Bay (23 July)

—Edmond Limited is pleased to announce the completion of its latest project,
South Montego Bay Court. The complex has only 200 townhouses still available;
most of the units were presold when construction first began.

Each townhouse features a well—equipped kitchen, a spacious family room, two

to three comfortable bedrooms, and two full bathrooms. The family room opens to
a patio, so residents can enjoy the peaceful setting. Every unit also includes
modern amenities, such as central air conditioning and an energy—efficient oven,
dishwasher, and clothes washer/dryer.

The South Montego Bay Court complex is ideally situated close to shops and
restaurants as well as several popular beaches. Additionally, residents have access
to an outdoor pool and a playground on the property.

You are welcome to drop in at South Montego Court and visit any of the available
units. They are open for viewing Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 A.M. to
7:00 P.M. If you wish to schedule a private tour, you may do so by calling 876-
townhouse n Nhà phố
unit Căn hộ
Well-equipped kitchen Nhà bếp đầy đủ tiện nghi
energy—efficient oven Lò nướng tiết kiệm năng lượng

6. Before we begin
our discussion about the upcoming meeting with Coral City government officials,
I have some exciting news to report: one of our most recent designs, Chatillion
House, will be featured in next month’s issue of Residential Life.

Fantastic! This will mean increased exposure for the firm.

My thoughts exactly. The magazine has a readership that spans many countries.
(It was gratifying to work on the firm’s latest project.)

Particularly since we wanted the house to blend in with the greenery that adorns
the neighborhood (khu phố). Using a variety of plants, trees, and flowers, the crew
from Vistarama created a scenery that is absolutely stunning.

Yes, the area that surrounds the house looks absolutely fabulous.
Government official Quan chức chính phủ
exposure the amount of public attention that
someone or something, especially an
advertisement or product, receives: sự
chú ý, sự tiếp xúc.
Ex: The product is being advertised to
bloggers with the hope of getting more
span n Quãng, trải dài, trải rộng
Ex: My thoughts exactly. The magazine
has a readership that spans many
blend n Sự pha trộn
Ex: Their music is a blend of jazz and
African rhythms.
The building's design is an interesting
blend of traditionalism and modernism.
gratifying Hài lòng và thỏa mãn: rất vui, rất hạnh
Ex: It must be very gratifying to see all
your children grown up and happy.
adorn v Tô điểm, trang trí, trang hoàng
fabulous adj Tuyệt vời
Ex: She looked absolutely fabulous in
her dress.
They've got a fabulous apartment in the
centre of Paris.

7. Obviously,
we will have to postpone the meeting scheduled for Monday until later in the
week. On that occasion we will go over our earnings and revenue of the previous
quarter. I have attached the relevant information so that you can review it ahead of

Additionally, we will be looking at some recent trends in sustainable building

design and construction.

Finally, I apologize for the disruption this renovation project has caused. Then
again, I hope you have been seizing grasp this opportunity to find new ways to
work effectively and to enjoy work—life balance.
earning n Lợi nhuận
Review it ahead of time Xem trước
sustainable adj able to continue over a period of time: bền
Ex: Marketing plays a key role in a
company's plan for sustainable business
seizing v Sự tóm, sự nắm, bắt.
8. Many employees
wish to work a nonstandard schedule, available through a system known as
“flextime.” Flextime may involve working nontraditional hours or working more
hours on some days and fewer on others. Although commonly viewed as a benefit
to workers, flextime can also benefit employers by increasing employee
satisfaction, helping in recruitment of new talent, and permitting longer hours of
coverage at the business without increasing the number of employees or incurring
overtime costs.

Employers(nhà tuyển dụng) who are interested in such arrangements should first
consider several factors. They include the number of workers who want to take
advantage of the program, how employees’ hours will betracked, and whether
flextime will interfere with daily business.

Then a policy must be created that includes details specific to the company’s needs
and preferences. Employers should revisit this information from time to time and
make changes as necessary. And of course, prior to implementation, employers
will want to consult with their legal team to make sure the proposed policy
complies with laws concerning wages and hours.
Nonstandard / Phi tiêu chuẩn, phi truyền thống
preference n Sự yêu thích, sở thích
Ex: More flexibility will enable managers to
redesign their floors quickly according to
customer preferences.
consult v Tham khảo ý kiến
comply v Tuân thủ, đồng ý làm theo
Concern with Liên quan đến

9. Welcome!
Located just minutes from High Street Station in Richford's shopping district, the
Morlen Museum offers visitors a chance to explore scientific topics in engaging,
hands-on exhibits. Tours can be arranged for those seeking even more detailed
information. Parking is available in a nearby city garage. And don't forget to visit
the museum shop with its wide range of unique and interesting items.

I’m writing on behalf of the Talvix Energy Professionals Partnership(TEPP). The

TEPP pairs(v) young adults considering careers in the energy sector with engineers
and executives from Talvix. Each quarter we arrange an educational trip for the
program participants.

On 12 October we are planning for a group of six mentors and twelve mentees to
visit the Morlen Museum. We plan to visit the Geology Labto examine the origins
of fossil fuels. We believe an in—depth tour would be quite beneficial to the
mentees. Would you be able to provide us with a tour of the lab? If so, what would
be the cost in addition to the ticket price? We also want to spend time at the special
Hands-on learning Thực hành
Pair v Kết đôi (kết nối), liên minh, liên kết,
Cặp, đôi
mentee n Người được hướng dẫn
In-depth Chuyên sâu
Young adult n Thanh niên

10. Powell Internship Programme

HJP Transport Solutions, Ltd., headquartered in London, seeks university students
to fill ten intern positions in its Powell Internship Programme (PIP). Interns will be
placed:bố trí in one of HJP's three regional offices: Birmingham, Manchester, or
Bristol. Applicants should email a statement of interest and résumé to
[email protected] by 31 March. Successful candidates will have the honour of bein
the first recipients of the Powell Internship.

Background: PIP is the initiative of Tristan Powell, who wanted to honour the
ingenuity of Henry J. Powell, the founder of HJP Transport Solutions, Ltd. The
programme seeks to inspire young engineering students to Follow in Henry
Powell’s Footsteps and propose and develop innovative solutions to shipping and
transport problems. Having earned his doctorate:tiến sĩ degree in engineering,
Henry. J. Powell went on to found HJP Transport Solutions, Ltd. Over time, he
built the company into a successful, internationally renowned business. Having
served four decades as company president, he retired last year and was succeeded
by his son, Tristan.

Dear Mr. Chen,

Thank you for promptly returning the paperwork relevant to your internship. You
will receive your intern packet within a week.

As for your inquiry about housing, I appreciate your concern that the two—hour
train ride from London to your assigned location makes for an arduous daily
commute. Regrettably, HJP does not provide accommodations for interns. I
suggest that you contact Mr. Daniel Anders who is in charge of the mentorship
program in our Bristol office. He has lived in the city for many years and
presumably will have some advice about housing options there. Good luck, and I
hope you will enjoy working at HJP.
honour n Niềm vinh hạnh, vinh dự
Ex: It's an honour to have you here today,
Mr President.

Lòng tôn kính, sự kính trọng, sự tôn vinh.

initiative n Sáng kiến
the ability to use your own judgment to
make decisions without asking another
person's advice: khả năng tự sử dụng
những phán đoán của mình để điều hành
công việc.
recipient n Người nhận
ingenuity n someone's ability to think of clever new
ways of doing something: sáng tạo
Ex: I was impressed by the ingenuity and
energy of the contestants.
renown n Danh tiếng, tiếng tăm, nổi tiếng
Ex: Her renown spread across the country.
Arduous difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy:
khó khăn, gian khổ.
Ex: But the following two examples show
that this could be arduous.
commute to make the same journey regularly
between work and home: di chuyển từ nơi
làm việc trở lại nhà.
Ex: It's exhausting commuting from
Brighton to London every day.

to change one thing into another: chuyển,

chuyển đổi.

11. City to Upgrade Aging Gas Pipes

(September 1)—During the month of October, Nairobi Energy Services, Inc.,

(NESI) plans to replace two kilometers of cast—iron: gang thép underground_ gas
pipes with plastic-coated steel:thép bọc nhựa pipes as part of its commitment to
maintaining the city’s energy infrastructure.

“The increase in pressure provided by the new pipes will better support today’s
high—efficiency furnaces:lò sưởi, water heaters, clothes dryers, and other gas
appliances,” said Ms. Esther Cheptumo, the gas company‘s vice president. “The
new system will ensure safe and reliable gas delivery for years to come.”

Some streets in Nairobi will be closed to traffic between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.
while pipes are replaced. The gas company is working with city officials to
develop a schedule that will minimize the inconvenience. The schedule will be
updated daily on the company’s Web site as well as in all local newspapers.
Customers who experience a significant problem due to the work schedule should
contact the gas company with their concerns.
infrastructure n Cơ sở hạ tầng
"For many years to come" nghĩa là một cái gì đó sẽ tiếp tục hoặc
diễn ra trong một thời gian dài trong
tương lai.
12. Located just outside of Nassau,
the capital city of The Bahamas, Elvinna's is the ideal venue for your reception
banquet, or business meeting. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it is
surrounded by lush gardens featuring a variety of beautiful sculptures.

The Alameda Room seats between 100 and 250 people comfortably, and our
largest space, the Bougainvillea Room, is perfect for up to 300 guests. For
business meetings, the Tamarind Room can accommodate up to 50 guests, while
the Waterfall Room, slightly larger, seats up to 80 people. Our two business
meeting spaces are outfitted with the latest technology to support productive and
efficient meetings.
Our elegant restaurant, the Candlewood Tree, offers an ample menu that takes into
account many dietary restrictions and preferences. Plan ahead to join us on July 10
when we offer a special Independence Day dinner menu!

To book an event, visit elvinnas.bs. First-time reservations for select days receive a
15 percent discount. For further information call 242—555—0135.
infrastructure n Cơ sở hạ tầng
hustle and bustle Hối hả và nhộn nhịp
lush adj Tươi tốt, sum suê
Ex: My grandparents have a lush garden
with many kinds of trees.
efficient Có hiệu quả
elegant addj He is so delicacy(tinh tế) and elegant.(thanh
ample More than enough: nhiều, phong phú
Ex: There's ample evidence that the lawyer
knew exactly what she was doing.
An ample menu that takes into account
many dietary restrictions and preferences.
dietary n Chế độ ăn uống:
Ex: Dietary habits can be very difficult to
Take in to account Để ý, suy xét đến, lưu tâm đến, chú ý đến.

1. Toeic Reading 2020 test 7

1. Use this opportunity to update your business office, and, in the process, save some
money and accumulate rewards points. Hurry, offer ends September 30.
accumulate v to collect a large number of things over a
long period of time: Tích lũy, gom góp
Ex: As people accumulate more wealth(của
cải), they tend to spend a greater proportion
of their incomes.

to gradually(dần dần) increase in number or

amount: A thick layer of dust had
accumulated (tích tụ) in the room.
Reward point Điểm thưởng
analysis Phân tích

2. I appreciate the Norden Water Commission’s interest in my serving as a member

of your board of directors. As we discussed, I am currently unable to assume any
additional responsibilities. However, I would like to take this opportunity to voice
my support for Ms. Lauren Birrell to serve as a board member.

Ms. Birrell, the Director of Development at Harding Environmental Group, began

her career here as a water analyst. She was quickly promoted to multiple
supervisory roles as her expert knowledge and skills became apparent. For
example, a recent research study led by Ms. Birrell found deficiencies with
Norden City's water pumping system. She provided guidance on necessary
upgrades in a timely and cost-effective manner. The upgraded system, which
requires much less maintenance, has saved Norden City thousands of dollars over
the past five years.

Additionally, Ms. Birrell has built strong relationships with the Great Valley
Watershed, the Norden Department of Environmental Protection, and other
government agencies. Your organization would benefit from these connections.
Ms. Birrell would be an invaluable contributor to your organization.
Supervisory adj Giám sát
Apparent adj able to be seen or understood: rõ ràng
Ex: Her unhappiness was apparent to
It was becoming increasingly apparent
that he could no longer take care of
Deficiency (/dɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si/) n Sự thiếu hụt
Ex: Pregnant women often suffer from
iron deficiency.
There were clear deficiencies in the
standard of service provided.

3. POTTERSVILLE (May 21) - At the opening of this year’s Small Business Fair in
Pottersville Central Park yesterday, the Pottersville Chamber of Commerce
announced Images of Success, a community initiative:sáng kiến that seeks to
promote Pottersville businesses by way of public art. Through the project, local
artists will work with area business owners to create original:nguyên bản
murals:tranh tường on storefronts throughout the city.

To apply, business owners must submit a description of their business’s role in the
community and document that their business has been in its current location for at
least two years. Artists interested in participating must complete an application in
which they describe their connection to Pottersville and submit samples of their
own original:gốc artwork.

Both business owners and artists should submit applications to Timothy Freel at
[email protected] by June 15. The city will reimburse artists for approved
supplies up to a limit of $150.

4. Ms. Garza is known for her skill and speed as well as her kindness and team spirit.
Off the court, she founded an organization called Reading is a Breeze. This
organization provides resources to libraries that receive limited funding for print
and audio books, young-adult periodicals, and digital reading devices. It even
provides glasses to children whose parents have difficulty purchasing them on
their own.

As promised, I researched a possible celebrity endorser to work with us on the
expansion into the United States market. Jacqueline Garza is a professional
basketball player from Austin, Texas, with an interesting background. Her
nonprofit foundation, which focuses on children’s literacy, has a natural
connection to our products at Bonvue. You can learn more about her by visiting
her Web site, www.jaqgarza.com. If you approve of the idea, I will try to connect
with her agent to negotiate her compensation. I also spoke with Mr. Roy this
morning. He says that because the publicity campaign has been temporarily
delayed, Marketing does not need us to have the spokesperson lined up until June.

Austin (May 11) - Bonvue, the French designer eyewear company, has announced
its entry into the United States market. Austin—based basketball star Jacqueline
“Jaq” Garza has signed up as the company’s celebrity endorser. A video clip
featuring Ms. Garza announcing the collaboration was released on Monday, and a
full line of advertisements will be rolled out(tung ra) next week.

Founded and headquartered in Paris, the eyewear company is currently under the
direction of CEO Martin Oliveira. Bonvue expanded into Canadian retail stores
eight years ago in Ottawa. The company’s popular eyeglasses and sunglasses will
now be sold at stores across the U.S.
Periodical n Tạp chí, báo định kỳ
Ex: She has written for several legal
hospitality Dịch vụ Nhà hàng - Khách sạn, Dịch vụ
lưu trú
Celebrity (celeb) n Người nổi tiếng
literacy the ability to read and write:
The country has a literacy rate(tỉ lệ biết
chữ) of almost 98%.
publicity n Sự công khai, quảng cáo, quảng bá

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