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A Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business

Exam Roll No. Session. 2020-23

Department of BBA

Summer training is the most vital part of a Bachelor of Business Administration
course, both as a link between theory and actual industrial practices as well as
an opportunity for hands on experience in corporate environment. I
approached Osumare Marketing Solutions for this purpose and got an
opportunity to prepare a report on it.
The project report draws attention on one of the significant aspect of Human
Resource Management that is, “ RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE TO FIND THE
Resource plays a significant role in a company and work as adhesive,
coordinating and aligning all the other activities of a company. In order to
attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate the position in
such a way that job seeks respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment
process should attract qualified applicants and provide enough information for
unqualified persons to self-select themselves out.

The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all
enumerated. The contribution are sincerely appreciated and gratefully
acknowledged. It is an exhilarating experience to do my training at HR,
department of LUDIFU (LET US DO IT FOR YOU), MUMBAI. I express my deep
sense of gratitude to LUDIFU (LET US DO IT FOR YOU) , MUMBAI for the same.
However, least; I extend my sincere thanks to for their excellent guidance,
encouragement andpatience that have made possible the completion of this
Finally, I would like to thank my Parents, Family and Friends for their unending
inspiration and encouragement

This is to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of
CANDIDATES” carried out by the _____________ bearing Roll No: - _________
carried under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in
Bachelor of Business Administration of
To the best of my knowledge the report
 Embodies the work of the candidate himself
 Has duly been completed
 Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of
 Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted

( )

HOD (Department of BBA)

This is to certify that the undersigned have assessed and evaluated the
project on
CANDIDATES FOR EXECUTIVE ROLES” submitted by ______________ of Semester-
V for the academic year 2020-23. This project is original to the best of our
knowledge and has been accepted for Internal Assessment.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)

I Sundar Sagar , student of Bachelor of Business Administration, declare that I
CANDIDATES FOR EXECUTIVE ROLES” at Human Resource Department of
LUDIFU (LET US DO IT FOR YOU), MUMBAI (On-Line Mode) under the
guidance of MS SAKSHI in partial fulfilment of the Bachelor’s Degree in
Business Administration during academic year 2020-23. All the data
represented in this project is true & correct to the best of my knowledge &
belief. I also declare that this project report is my own preparation and not
copied from anywhere else.

Date: -
Place: -
Signature: -


Making good recruitment and selection decisions can contribute greatly to an
organization’s success in achieving its mission and goals as well as supporting an
organization’s values and method of working. According to Edwin Flippo,
“Recruitment and Selection Process is a process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
organization”. Having a robust recruitment and selection process is a fundamental
step in ensuring that the correct caliber of candidates are attached to apply for
vacant positions with the organization and also to ensure that the correct choices are
made when selecting new employees. Poor recruitment and selection process give
rise to huge cost, wastage of time and result in bad selection decisions.
Recruitment at is mostly done through posting vacancies on online job portals
followed by resume submission to the HR manager through email followed by a
telephonic interview for exchanging information regarding job description and
expectations regarding (salaries, location, etc.) and then the final interview is
conducted and best candidates has been selected amongst them.
I must conclude that the process is quiet cost effective, less time consuming but not
efficient as physical presence of both the employer and employee is absent during
the recruitment and selection procedure which lead to a problem further regarding
the employee behavior with other employees as in online mode no one can predict
the candidates attitude and their behavior which lacks in this recruitment procedure
and attitude and behavior towards other employees is very vital for an executive role.
There is some improvement required in this procedure regarding the executive’s roles.
But before COVID- rely mostly on walk-in interview for recruitment of an executive
post which is quiet effective and efficient but quiet time consuming

Sn No. Topics Page No.

1. Project overview

Recruitment and Selection:- Overview

4. Research Study
• Objective and Scope of the Study
• Research Problem and Design
• Data Collection Method
• Research Measuring Tools
• Research Methodology adopted for the study
• Steps
5. Data Interpretation
Testing of Hypothesis and Suggestion
6. Bibliography
7. Annexures


Human Resource Management is the process of managing people in
organization in a structured and thorough manner. This covers the fields of
staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and perks setting and
management, performance management, change management and taking
care of exit from the company to round the activities. This is the traditional
definition of HRM which leads some expert to define it as a modern version of
the personnel management function that was used earlier.
The whole process of recruitment from a recruitment firm like Osumare is a
very exhausting one. It is detail oriented in nature. The reason why every
employee gets motivated to do the job is because of the knowledge that at
that particular moment that particular recruiter was responsible for giving job
to these candidates. To generate employment is one thing but to recruit the
right kind of workforce for a job is another thing. It not only needs the basic
understanding of the client company’s need to fill the position in a period of
time but it also requires the recruiter to be sensitive of the needs of the
candidate to find the right job for himself. All this needs a great profundity of
During my tenure at Osumare, I learnt to work as professional. The one thing
that got profoundly clear is that text books do not help in the actual corporate
world. There are unwritten policies and standard operating procedures that
each employee has to abide to. No matter what, profit maximization is the core
purpose of the existence of every business. Meeting targets on your level
dedicatedly is your contribution to the revenue generation of the company.
Functional area of HRM
• Human resource auditing
• Human resource strategic planning
• Human resource planning
• Manpower panning
• Recruitment / selection
• Induction
• Orientation
• Training
• Management development
• Compensation development
• Performance appraisals
• Performance management
• Career planning / development
• Coaching
• Counseling’s
• Staff amenities planning
• Event management
• Succession planning
• Talent management
• Safety management
• Staff communication
• Reward

1.2 Objective of the Study
 To make a study on the most preferably used requirement procedure at
the in case of Executive post.
 To identify the probable area of improvement to make recruitment
procedure moreeffective.
 To understand the source of recruitment at Executive post.


Recruitment: Placing the right person in right place at right time.
Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
It is an important part of an organization’s human resource planning and their
competitive strength.
Human Resource Planning helps in determining the number and type of people
anorganization needs. Job analysis and job design specify the task and duties
of jobs and the qualifications expected from prospective jobholders.
Recruitment has been regarded asthe most important function of personnel
administration, because unless the right type of people is hired, even the best
plans, organization charts and control system would not do much good.
In the words of Dale Yoder, Recruitment is the process to “discover the
sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers
to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.”
Kempner writes, “Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which
continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidates.”
Joseph J. Famularo has said, “However, the act of hiring a man carries with it
the presumption that he will stay with the company-that sooner or later his
ability to perform his work, his capacity for job growth, and his ability to get
along in the group in which heworks will become matters of first importance.”

 It is a process or a series of activities rather than a series of activities rather
than a singleact or event.
 It is a linking activity as it brings together those with jobs recruiter and those
seeking jobsprospective employee.
 It is a positive function as it seeks to develop a pool of eligible persons from
which mostsuitable ones can be selected.
 It is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the number
and type ofpersons necessary for continued function of the organization.
 It is a pervasive function.
 It is a two way process as recruiter chooses where to apply.
 It is a complex job as many factors affect it. Ex-image of the organization,
organizationalpolicies etc.

 Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.
 Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidate
for theorganization.
 Determine present and future requirements of the organization in
conjunction with itspersonnel planning and job analysis activities.
 It is the process which likes the employees.
 It helps in increasing the success rate of selection process by decreasing
the number ofunder qualified or overqualified job applicants.
 It help in reducing the probability that job applicants once recruited and
selected willleave the organization only after a short period of time.
 Meet the organization legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of itsworkforce.
 Identify and prepare potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
 Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting
techniques andsources of all types of job applicants

Recruitment is naturally subject to influence of several factors. These include
internal as external force.
(a)Recruitment Policy
(b)HRP (Human Resource Planning)
(c)Size of the firm
(d) Image of the job
(a)Demographic Factors
(b) Labour laws
(c)Legal Consideration
Step 1:- Recruitment Planning
Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the
vacant positions are analysed and described. It includes job specifications and
its nature, experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc.
A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates
from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified,
experienced with a capability to take the responsibilities required to achieve
the objectives of the organization.
Step II: - Recruitment Strategy
Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a
strategy is prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation
of job descriptions and job specifications, the next step is to decide which
strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential candidates for the organization.
Step III:-Searching the Right Candidates
Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced
depending upon the requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy is
done, the searching of candidates will be initialized.
Step IV: - Screening / Shortlisting
Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the candidates.
Screening is the process of filtering the applications of the candidates for
further selection process. Screening is an integral part of recruitment process
that helps in removing unqualified or irrelevant candidates, which were
received through sourcing.
Step V: - Evaluation and Control
Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this
process, the effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are
assessed. Recruitment is a costly process, hence it is important that the
performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly evaluated.

Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its
recruitment processfrom two kinds of sources:-
 Internal Source
 External sources.

The sources within the organization itself to fill a position are internal source
The internal sources of recruitment are:-
a) Promotion
Promotion means to give a higher position, status, salary and responsibility to
employee. So, the vacancy can be filled by promoting a suitable candidate
from the same organization.
b) Transfers
Transfer means a change in the place of employment without any change in
the position, status, salary and responsibility to employee. So, the vacancy can
be filled by transferringa suitable candidate from the same organization.
c) Internal Advertisements
Here, the vacancy is advertised within the organization. The existing
employees are askedto apply the vacancy. So, recruitment is done from within
the organization.

d) Retired managers
Sometimes, retired managers may be recalled for a short period. This is done
when the organization cannot find a suitable candidate.
e) Recall from Long Leave
The organization may recall a manager who has gone on a long leave. This is
done when an organization faces a problem which can only be solved by the
particular manager. After he solves the problem, his leave is extended.

Merits of Internal Sources

The merits of using internal sources of recruitment:-
 It is time saving, economical, simple and reliable.
 There is no need of induction training because the candidate already
knowseverything about the organization, the work, the employee, the
rules and regulation, etc.
 It motivates the employees of work hard in order to get higher jobs in
the same organization.
 It increases the morale of the employees and it improves the relation in
the organization.
 It reduce executive turnover.
 It develops loyalty and a sense of responsibility.

Demerits of Internal Sources

The demerits of using internal sources of recruitment:-
 It prevents new blood from entering the organization. New blood
bringsinnovative ideas, fresh thinking and dynamism into the
 It has limited scope because it I not possible to fill all types of
vacancies fromwithin the organization.
 The position of the person who is promoted or transferred will be vacant.
 here may be bias or partiality in promoting or transferring persons from
within the organization.
 Those who are not promoted will be unhappy.
 The right person may be promoted or transferred only if proper
confidentialreports of all employees are maintained. This involves a lot
of time, money and energy.
The external sources of recruitment are:-
a. Management Consultants: Management consultants are used for selecting
higher-level staff. They act as a representative of the employer. They make all
the necessary arrangement for recruitment and selection. In return for their
services, they take a service charge or commission.
b. Public Advertisement: The Personnel department of a company advertises the
vacancy in newspapers, the internet, etc. This advertisement gives information
about a company, the job and the required qualities of the candidate. It invites
applications from suitable candidates. This source is the most popular source
of recruitment. This is because it givesa very wide choice. However, it is very
costly and time consuming.
c. Campus recruitment: The organization conducts interview in the campus of
Management institutes and Engineering Colleges. Final year students, who’re
soon to get graduate, and interviewed Suitable candidates are selected by the
organization based on their academic record, communication skill, intelligence,
etc. The source is used for recruiting qualified trained but inexperienced
d. Recommendation: The organization may also recruit candidates based on the
recommendations from existing managers.
e. Deputation Personnel: The organization may also recruit candidates who are
sent on deputation by the Government or Financial Institutes or by holding or
subsidiary companies.
Merits of External Sources
The merits of using External sources of recruitment:-
 Wide scope of selection process. This is because a large number of
suitablecandidates will come for the selection process.
 There are less chance of bias or partiality.
 Here there is no need to maintain confidential records it encourages young
blood withnew ideas to enter the organization.
Demerits of External Sources
The demerits of using external sources of recruitment:-
 It is very costly. This is because advertisements, test, medical examination etc.,
has to be conducted.

 It is very time consuming. It’s is because the selection process is very lengthy.
It may notdevelop loyalty among the existing managers.
 The existing managers may leave the organization if outsiders are given higher

In India the HR process outsourced from more than a decade now. A Company
may draw required personnel from firms. The outsourcing firm helps the
organization and creating asuitable pool of talent for the final selection by the
organization. Outsourcing firmdevelop their HR pool by employing people for
them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In
turn, the outsourcing firms of the intermediaries charge the organization for
their service.
“Buying talent” (rather than developing it)is the latest mantra being followed by
organization today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced
person already working with another reputed company in the same or different
industry; the organization might be a competitor in the industry.
Many big organization use internet as a source of recruitment. Recruitment is
the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job
vacancies through World Wide Web. The job seekers send their application or
C.V through e-mail using the internet.
 In-House Recruitment
Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using
their Human Resources department. In addition to coordinating with the
agencies mentioned above, in-house recruiters may advertise job vacancies
on their own websites, coordinate employee referral schemes, and/or focus on
campus graduate recruitment. Alternatively a large employer may choose to
outsource all or some of their recruitment process (Recruitment process

 Selection refers in the process by which qualified applicants are selected by
means of various test in pre-determined numbers, out of large amount of
 Once the recruiting effort has developed a pool of candidates, the next step in
the HRM process is to determine who is best qualified for the job. This step is
called the selection process. The enterprise decides whether to make a job
offer and how attractive the offer should be. The job candidates decide
whether the Enterprise and the job offer fits his or her needs and personal
goals. Success, in this case, means performing well on the criteria the
enterprise uses to evaluate employees.

 Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the
applicantand ending with contract of employment.

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Medic Steps in Screening

6. 4.
Referenc Employe
e e
Check 5. Tests


2.1 About:
LUDIFU stands for Let Us Do It For You.
LUDIFU conducts LIVE & INTERACTIVE Online Classes in Various Subjects
including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Coding, Languages (English,
French, Spanish, German) and several other topics.
Knowledge of Microsoft usage is one of the basic requirements for most of the
job profiles. Be it accounting, business analysis, marketing or coding, one need
to have adequate awareness of Microsoft programs and LUDIFU helps in
gaining that knowledge.
Puneet Rawat
Company size
51-200 employees
LUDIFU is a startup company and the benefits provided to startup
companies are :
Simple process
The government of India has launched a mobile app and a website for easy
registration for startups. Anyone interested in setting up a startup can fill up
a simple form on the website and upload certain documents. The entire
process is completely online.
Reduction in cost
The government also provides lists of facilitators
of patents and trademarks.
They will provide high-quality Intellectual Property Right Services including
fast examination of patents at lower fees. The government will bear all
facilitator fees and the startup will bear only the statutory fees. They will enjoy
80% reduction in the cost of filing patents.
Easy access to Funds
A 10,000 crore rupees fund is set-up by government to provide funds to the
startups as venture capital. The government is also giving guarantee to the
lenders to encourage banks and other financial institutions for providing
venture capital.
Tax holiday for 3 Years
Startups will be exempted from income tax for 3 years provided they get a
certification from Inter-Ministerial Board (IMB).
Apply for tenders
Startups can apply for government tenders. They are exempted from the “prior
experience/turnover” criteria applicable for normal companies answering to
government tenders.
No time-consuming compliances
Various compliances have been simplified for startups to save time and money.
Startups shall be allowed to self-certify compliance (through the Startup
mobile app) with 9 labour and 3 environment laws.
Tax saving for investors
People investing their capital gains in the venture funds setup by the
government will get exemption from capital gains. This will help startups to
attract more investors.
Choose your investor
After this plan, the startups will have an option to choose between the VCs,
giving them the liberty to choose their investors.
Easy exit
In case of exit – A startup can close its business within 90 days from the date
of application of winding up
Meet other entrepreneurs
The government has proposed to hold 2 startup fests annually both nationally
and internationally to enable the various stakeholders of a startup to meet.
This will provide huge networking opportunities.
Startups are being highly encouraged by the government. The benefits
enjoyed by them are immense, which is why more people are setting up

2.2 Why should one learn Microsoft Office?

Microsoft Office is the most widely used tool for sharing/presenting
professional information by a considerable number of companies in the world.
All computer-based professionals today are very familiar with Office. It is used
at home, schools and offices daily for organizing, handling and presenting data
and information and offers programs that can be used both in a web browser
and on a desktop.
The important reasons why Office is an essential tool for every enterprise and
individual today:
1. Microsoft Office is used by 90% of Companies Worldwide
Statistically, this means that over 1.2 billion people and most businesses are
currently using Microsoft Office. That’s nearly 20% of the world’s population
and that many people can’t be wrong. Recent statistics have shown that the
percentage of enterprises with at least 100 users increased from 87% to 91%,
and usage within enterprises grew over 320%.
2. Employment
In the current job market, knowledge of Microsoft Office tools is essential as it
helps to make your mark.
Presentations, word files, excel sheets, working with databases – are all a part
of daily tasks for most of us. When you have an in-depth knowledge of MS
Office, it means you can make better presentations, use more features in Word,
Excel or Access and thus make your mark on work in your style. This puts you
ahead compared to your peers and thus boosts more confidence in you, too.
3. Cloud Service
Microsoft very well knows that the cloud is the future. Office 365 is a
remarkable service in this domain. Office 365 is a cloud-based service: while a
user has access to the Internet, he/she can access Office 365 services online.
Some of the main benefits of working in the cloud are:
Cost-saving – Easy access to your company’s data will save money and
time once you’re on the cloud.

Mobility – Mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices

is possible with cloud computing, which is a great way to make sure your

employees are never left out of the loop.

Disaster recovery – Quick data recovery for all kinds of emergency
scenarios, from natural disasters to power outages is provided for by

cloud-based services.
4. Different Features and Support
Microsoft delivers all office tools with more and better features with every new
release. There is extensive and professional support available 24/7 for Office,
as well as countless online resources providing tutorials and tips for using MS
Office tools.
5. Trust and Reliability
The reason companies and users continue to use Office today, is due to the
trust which Microsoft has built up over the years. Office delivers great utility
and advanced features with every new release, so people don’t need to look at
any other tool. Microsoft has justified the fact that trust goes a long way.
6. Highly User-Friendly Interface and Features
Microsoft Office is well known for its clean and straightforward user interface,
which is easy to use and understand. The pages are extremely user friendly,
and you can easily navigate through them. The menu items explain and guide
you clearly to execute your tasks effectively and effortlessly.

RECRUITMENT POLICY OF Osumare Marketing Solution consists of:-
 Objective
 Scope
 Sources of recruitment
 Recruitment plan
 Job specification
 Requisition
 Mode of selection
 Selection committee
 Final selection

4.2SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT IN Osumare Marketing Solution:

o INTERNAL PROMOTION: OMS promotes the employees from one
department to another with more benefits and greater responsibility
based on efficiency and experience.
o TRANSFER: - OMS use transfer rarely as it doesn’t have any branches
but it transfer employees from one department to another in case of
urgent need or requirement.
o EMPLOYEE REFERRAL:- An employee referral is when a candidate is
referred to a job opening, be that via an existing employee in the
company or someone in that candidate's network.
o JOB POSTING: - Job postings are a way for employers to recruit job
seekers by advertising their open positions. A job posting should be
tailored to help the job and your organization attract the great
candidates you are seeking for your company.
o ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement of the vacancy in job portals
andwebsites area widely used source of recruitment.

o E- RECRUITMENT: OMS uses internet as a source of recruitment. E-
recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment is the use
of technology to assist the recruitment process.
o CAMPUS INTERVIEW: - OMS rarely hire candidates through campus
Interview as for an executive role they require an experienced candidate.
o WALK-IN INTERVIEW:- Before COVID-19 hits OSUMARE mostly rely on
walk-in interview for hiring for an executive post as in walk-in interview
they have to go through a lot of different test and interview which is
necessary for selecting the right candidate.

 Strength
Experienced in Digital Marketing
 Weakness
Limited number of
employees Don’t have
dedicated department
 Opportunities
Large number of people connecting on social
mediaTechnological Environment
Increased number of user
 Threats
Data Leak

4.1 Research Methodology and its Objective
Research can be referred as search for knowledge. Research can also be
defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic. A Research Methodology is a way to study the various steps
that are generally adopted by a researcher in study and defines the purpose
of the research, how it proceeds, how to measure progress and what
constitute success with respect to the objectives determined for carrying out
the research study. The research methodology for the present study has been
adopted to reflect these realties and help reach the logical conclusion in an
objectiveand scientific manner.

The study is focused on achievement of following objectives:-

 To study the existing policy regarding Recruitmentand Selection process.
 To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the existing
recruitment andselection process.
 To identify the internal and external sources of recruitment and selection.

Scope of the Study

The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be
explored in the work and specifies the parameters within the study will be
operating. Basically, this means that you will have to define what the study is
going to cover and what it is focusing on. Here the scope of the study is not
too vast as the sample size in not that large. Time period available for the
study is quite limited for the purpose of study, observation and analysis.

4.2 Research Problem and Design

A Research Problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be
improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in
scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for
meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. In some social science
disciplines the research problem is typically posed in
the form of a question. A research problem does not state how to do something,
offer a vague or broad proposition, or present a value question.
A Research Design is the specification of methods and procedures for
acquiring the information needed to structure or solve the problem. It is the
overall operational pattern or framework of the project that stimulates what
information is to be collected from which source and by what procedure. On the
basis of major purpose of our investigation the descriptive research was found
to be most suitable. This kind of research has the primary objective of
development of insights into the problem. It studies the main area where the
problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.

4.3 Data Collection Method
The methods required for the collection of data:-

Sources of

1. Primary 2. Secondary

1. Primary Data: - Primary data refers to the first hand data gathered by the
researcher himself. Secondary data means data collected by someone else
earlier. An advantage of using primary data is that researchers are collecting
information for the specific purposes of their study. In essence, the questions
the researchers ask are tailored to elicit the data that will help them with their
study. Researchers collect the data themselves, usingsurveys, interviews and
direct observations.
2. Secondary Data: - The data which have already been collected by someone
else or taken from published or unpublished sources and which have been
already been passed through the statistical process. Compared to primary
data, secondary data tends to be readily available and inexpensive to obtain. In
addition, administrative data tends to have large samples, because the data
collection is comprehensive and routine. What’s more, administrative data (and
many types of secondary data) are collected over a long period.

MODE OF DATA COLLECTION (Primary and Secondary Data)
The study is based on Secondary data which includes: - Secondary Data will
be gatheredfrom
 Questionnaire, Observation and Personal Interview

 Published report and relevant to the subject.

 Websites and Records of the Organisation

4.4 Research Measuring Tools

Measurement tools are instruments used by researchers and practitioners to aid
in the assessment or evaluation of subjects, clients or patients. The instruments
are used to measure or collect data on a variety of variables ranging from
physical functioning to psychosocial wellbeing. Types of measurement tools
include scales, indexes, surveys,interviews, and informal observations.
This guide will:
1. Walk you through the process for finding measurement tools.
2. Demonstrate examples of commonly asked questions (scenarios).
3. Highlight resources that can answer questions about measurement tools.

4.5Research Methodology adopted for the study
The following methodology was adopted in project
 Comprises of understanding the theoretical concepts in general.
 Questionnaire study
 Analysis of the primary data

 Type of the Research Design:- Exploratory

 Sample Size:- 40
 Sample Unit:- Executive
 Sample Areas:- Head Office, Pune
 Sampling Method:- Survey was done by Questionnaire method
 Sample Area:- On-line mode (google forms)
 Sample Unit:- Employees
4.6Steps involved in Research Study
The steps in the research process interact and often occur simultaneously. For
example, the design of a measurement instrument is influenced by the type of
analysis that will be conducted. However, the type of analysis is also influenced by
the specific characteristics of the measurement instrument.
1. Identification of a research problem
A good research always starts with a good problem. You can observe people or
things, visit places, read print materials, or consult experts to find the research
problem that is right for you. The research problem guides you in formulating the
hypothesis and interpretation of your findings so that you can formulate the right
conclusion. A good research problem is important because it is the basis of all
subsequent research activities you are going toundertake. Factors like area of
interest, availability of fund, socio-economic significance of the study, and the
safety measures to be undertaken should be considered in finding a good
research problem.
2.Formulation of Hypothesis
After finding your research problem, the next step is to formulate your own
hypothesis. A hypothesis is a theoretical statement in solving a logical relationship
between variables. Do not be afraid if your hypothesis proves to be incorrect after
the experimentation because it is only considered as an educated guess. Always
remember that when you formulate a hypothesis, it should be based on the
research problem being solved.

3.Review of Related Literature
A research problem is vague at first. To give you a vivid picture of the whole
research, you shall read various publications or surf the internet to become aware
of the previous works already done. In doing so, it could spur an idea that can be
the subject of your investigation. The review of related literature can be taken
from science books, magazines, journals,newspapers, or even in the internet.
4.Preparation of Research Design
A research design is the blueprint of the research you are going to undertake. It
serves as the work plan of the whole study not only because it entails the
resources needed in conducting the research but also the ways these resources
are utilized.
5.Actual experimentation
Actual experimentation is an implementation of the research design. In actual
experimentation, you have to conduct an experiment to prove the validity of the
hypothesis you have formulated. Actual experimentation includes the
methodology that you have followed in doing your research. The methodology
should be carefully planned prior to the actual experimentation to ensure the
validity and accuracy of the result.
6.Results and Discussion
This is the heart of the research process because this is part where the findings
of the research can be found. You can use table (not the table in your kitchen)
and graph to interpretthe results of your research.
7.Formulation of Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusion is a statement where you will present the solution to the proposed
problem based on the findings of the investigation. They are tied up to the
questions investigated. Your conclusion will show whether or not your experiment
worked. It should answer your hypothesis and research problem. In your
concluding statement you can also infer on the possible benefits to society that
your results might present. You can state any plans you might have to continue
working on other aspects related to your area of study. We must remember that
recommendations are based on conclusions and conclusions are based on


I. What age group do you belong to?


From the above table we can conclude that 20% employees belong to the age
category 18-25, 30% employees belong to the age category 25-35, 25%
employees belong to the age category 35-45 and 25% employees belong to
the age category 45-above.

II. What do you feel about the work culture ?


From the above we can conclude that 55% of the employees are satisfied with
the work culture there and 30% employees are dissatisfied and 15%
employees chooses to remain silent or either they are too new in the

III. Are you happy with the recruitment procedure for executive post in your


From the above we can conclude that 65% employees are happy with the
recruitment procedurefor executive post at the organisation and 35% employees
are unhappy with the procedure.

IV. Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given
morepriority for the executive post?

Job Posting
Referal Internal

Internal Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are currently
employed. Responding to above asked question, 50% employees tell that company
prefers internal promotion as internal source of recruitments. 25% employees tell
that Employee referrals are given due priority and rest 25% say that Job posting is
preferred. Majority of employees actually thinks that internal promotion is given
priority and followed by company as internal source of recruitment.

V. Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and
given morepriority for executive?

Online job

External Sources of recruitment lie inside the organization.35 out of 40 employees
(87.5%) feel that company prefer online Job Portals for hiring from outside. 5%
employees (appx.) think that company prefers Advertisement as external source of
recruitment. 7.5 say that Campus Interviews did not prefer by the Organization.
Analysis shows that more than 87% employeestell that preferred External Source of
Hiring and finds these recruiting cheaper, faster andpotentially more effective.

VI. Which source of recruitment is relied upon when immediate requirement arises?


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment
processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources.
Responding to recruitment source question, almost all the employees tell that
External sources are relied upon when there is any immediate manpower
requirement in company.
Analysis clearly represents that 85% of employee’s show that External sources are
prefer for immediate opening in organization but my study suggests that internal
hiring would be better option for immediate opening in organization in which
company can have sufficient knowledgeabout the internal candidate and it is less

VII. What type of interview is taken while selection?

The PATTERNED INTERVIEW format has a structure to it. There is a set of pre-
determined questions that will be asked from each candidate for a position. The
STRESS INTERVIEW is the interview in which the interviewers try to 'discomfort' the
candidates in various ways and observe how they react to various difficult situations.
An IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW is aqualitative research technique that allows person to
person discussion. It can lead to increased insight into people’s thoughts, feelings
and behavior on important issues. This type of interviewis often structured.
Responding to the type of interview 20 out of 40 employees think that patterned
interviews are generally taken. 25% employees have the opinion that depth
interviews are often used. Rest believes that stress or any other type of interview is
being taken.
VIII. Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?


The basic focus of every organization is to satisfy the employees with its own
compensation plan. In this research most employees responded positively that they
are satisfied with their salary. They feel that the company has good compensation
plan for their employees.
Analysis clearly represents that 20 out of 40 employees (50%) show that maximum
employees are satisfied with their Salary 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not like
their current salary whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.

IX. Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?


Every organization tries to enable their employees for their offered job position along
with a good compensation plan for which the organization provides Training. In this
research most employees agreed positively that they are provided training sessions
apart from the domain training. They feel that the company has good Training
programs for their employees.
Analysis clearly represents that 30 out of 40 employees (75%) show that maximum
employees are satisfied with the training program offered to them. 10 out of 40
employees (25%) did not agree on the training programs offered to them whereas
12.5% were unable to answer.

X. HR Department’s performance in recruitment and selection for executive post.

Can't say

From the above we can conclude that 35% of the employees say that performance of
HRD is excellent, 30% employees say that performance is adequate, 10% employees
say that performance is poor and 25% employees has chosen to remain silent or they
don’t have adequateinformation.

1.2 Hypothesis Testing
Null hypothesis, H0 – The procedure regarding recruitment for
executive post byHR/personnel management department is not
appropriate for the company.
Alternative hypothesis, H1 – The procedure regarding recruitment for
executive post byHR/personnel management department is appropriate for
the company.
Sample Size – 35
Response “Yes” = 1
Response “No” = -1
Response “Maybe”
X = Total response for a question
Mean, X1 = ΣX/n; where ΣX=sum of
responsesn= total number of respondents
= 240/40
= 6.0

No. of Q.1 Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. X X-X1 (X-2

Respon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X1)
1. 1 1 1 -1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 1.0 1.0
2. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 1 7 1.0 1.0
3. 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 0 6 0 0
4. 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 3.0 9.0
5. 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 -1 7 1.0 1.0
6. 1 -1 1 0 -1 1 1 1 0 1 4 -2.0 4.0
7. 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 -1 1 1 7 1.0 1.0
8. 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 -1 -1 4 -2.0 4.0

9. 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 8 2.0 4.0
10. 1 1 0 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 5 -1.0 1.0
11. 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 3 -3.0 9.0
12. 1 -1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 0 0
13. 1 1 1 -1 0 1 1 1 -1 1 5 -1.0 1.0
14. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 9 3.0 9.0
15. 1 -1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 0 0
16. 1 1 -1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 7 1.0 1.0
17. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 0 5 -1.0 1.0
18. 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 5 -1.0 1.0
19. 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 8 2.0 4.0
20. 1 -1 -1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 -1.0 1.0
21. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 0 5 -1.0 1.0
22. 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 0 3 -3.0 9.0
23. 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 3.0 9.0
24. 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 2 -4.0 16.0
25. 1 1 -1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 6 0 0
26. 1 1 1 -1 1 0 1 1 1 -1 6 0 0
27. 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 8 2.0 4.0
28. 1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 -5.0 25.0
29. 1 -1 -1 1 1 0 1 1 1 -1 3 -3.0 9.0
30. 1 1 1 1 -1 1 0 1 1 1 7 1.0 1.0
31. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 9 3.0 9.0
32. 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 -1 1 6 0 0
33. 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 2.0 4.0
34. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 6 0 0
35. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 4.0 16.0
36. 1 -1 1 1 0 -1 1 1 -1 0 1 -5.0 25.0
37. 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 -1 -1 4 -2.0 4.0
38. 1 1 0 1 1 -1 1 1 1 0 6 0 0
39. 1 -1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 -1 5 -1.0 1.0
40. 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 1 1 0 6 1 1
∑X= ∑(X-
240 X1)2=

Standard Deviation =√(X-X1) /√ n-1

= 187/39
Standard Deviation=
4.80Since, sample size
is 40.
Hypothesis test can be conducted by using the Z-Table. Therefore,
using Z-Table formula we get,
T= X1-µ
= 6.0-0.5
= 5.5
= 7.14
Degree of freedom = n-1
= 40-1 = 39

Taking Level of Significance 5% i.e., 0.05

Table Value = 2.093

Calculated value is more than table value, therefore the null hypothesis is
rejected andalternative Hypothesis is accepted.

Q. No Questio “Yes” “May be” “No”
1. Does your company have a 40 0 0
personnel HRDepartment or
2. Are you familiar with the recruitment 30 0 10
procedurefor Executive posts?
3. Does HR Department play a vital role in 31 4 5
yourorganization in maintaining a good
& healthywork culture environment?
4. Is HRP important in identifying present 30 5 5
5. Does your company have effective 20 15 5
recruitmentprocedure for executive?
6. Does final hiring decision made by the HR 30 5 5
department instead of top level
management forExecutive role affect the
quality of candidate being selected/hired?
7. Does the HR department seek approval 30 10 0
from seniors/competent authority in the
organizationbefore making job offer to
applicant for
executive role?
8. Does the candidate hired executive role by
25 0 15
department have friendly and
supportiveattitude towards their
9. Does the candidates hired for the 25 5 10
executive rolefulfilling their leadership role
in the organisation?
10. Does HR department fulfilling their role
regarding recruitment and selection?
20 10 10
 Employees agree to some extent that internet recruitment is effective.
 Present recruitment process needs improvement in terms of its procedure.
 The company do utilizes company’s website for the recruitment process and
for findingthe talent candidate.
 To large extent recruitment policy is helpful in archiving the goals of the company.
 A mostly external source is used for recruit the employee.
 E-recruitment provide an innovative cost efficient and effective recruitment
 E-recruitment dramatically reduces paper work and administration work.
 As the sample size was small hence conclusion cannot be generalized.
 Unwillingness and inability of respondents to provide information.
 As the strength of the company is it was not possible to draw sample from
each and everydepartment.

After analysing the collected data the following recommendation were made to
improve thepresent recruitment and selection scenario in the organization.
 Management should follow a systematic process of HR planning.
 Internal promotion should be done on regular basis during specified time period.
 Recruitment management process should help to communicate and create
healthyrelationships with the candidates‟ process.
 Induction should be properly done for selected candidates.
 Physical examination and reference check should be given due consideration
after selecting a candidates.
 Recruitment management systems should help to incorporate and integrate
the various links like application system on the official website of the company
the unsolicited application outsourcing recruitment the final decision making to
the main recruitment process.
 Recruitment manager system should help to reduce the time per hire and cost per
 Management should structure and systematically organize the entire recruitment
 Recruitment management system should facilitate faster unbiased accurate
and reliable processing of application from various applications.
 Recruitment management system should maintain an automated active
database of the applicants facilitating the talent management and increasing
the efficiency of recruitment process.
 Effectiveness of the selection process should be evaluated on regular basis for
ensuring availability of competent and committed personnel. In order to do so,
a periodic audit ca.

Some of the biggest and most constant challenge that plague organization is people
related because they don’t give more emphasis on getting the recruitment process
right .If they get the right person in the right line and many other business benefit are
immediate tangible and significant.
Every company looks for an employee who can work effectively. They are in search of
a person who has the maximum skill required for the job. After selecting the right
person company main aim is to place that person at the right job. The main strength
of any company is its employee. Effective worker are the best route to success for
this reason a company strives to attract and hirethe best and to provide best place to
They Have competent and committed workforce still there are scope for more
improvement .To ensure that company recruit the right people it has to identify
essential skill and behaviour that applicant should demonstrate for each position
there should be a job description outlining typical duties and responsibilities and a
person specification defining personal skill and competences . The emphasis should
be on matching the needs of the applicants. This would minimize employee turnover
and enhance satisfaction.
It is important for the company to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place
which canbe executed effective to recruit the best talent pool for the recruitment
selection of the right candidates at right place quickly creating a suitable recruitment
policy is the first step in efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment
policy help to ensure a sound recruitment process. The recruitment management
system should be such that it helps to save the time and cost of the HR recruiters in
company and improving the recruitment process.



 Rural Management Human Resource Management (1st Edition 2021)-
Dr W G Prasanna Kumar Dr K N Rekha
o Page No:- 147-152
o Page No:- 160-165
 Human Resource Management (1st Edition
2018)-Author: - Dr Biswo Ranjan Mishra
Edited by: - Dr.Sujit Kumar Acharya
Dr.Rashmi Ranjeeta Das
o Page No:- 64-65
o Page No:- 67-73

 - (several times)
 – (10/11/2022, 11:10:00 am)
 – (11/11/2022, 9:15:10 am)
 – (11/11/2022, 12:10:00 pm)
 – (15/11/2022, 8:40:00 pm)


Hello Sir/Ma’am
My name is and I am pursuing Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration . I am an
intern and doing a project on “Recruitment &Selection Process”.
I am conducting a survey which is based on the recruitment procedure regarding
executive post HR department. It will be very helpful if you spend your precious time
in filling up this questionnaire so that I can collect the data and complete my project
which will reflect the currentstatus of all facilities provided to its employee.

(c)Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )
(d)Experience: 0-5 ( ) 5-10 ( ) above 15 years ( )

Kindly rate the question from 1-15 as per the following scale

1. What age group do you belong to?

a) 18-25 ()
b) 25-35 ()
c) 35-45 ()
d) 45-above ( )
2. What do you feel about the work culture ?
a) Satisfied ()
b) Dissatisfied ( )
c) No comments ( )
3. Are you happy with the recruitment procedure for executive post in
a) Happy ()
b) Unhappy ()
4. Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and
given morepriority for the executive post?
a) Job Posting ()
b) Employee Referral ( )
c) Internal Promotion ( )
d) Transfer ()

5. Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and
given morepriority for executive post?
a) Campus Interview ( )
b) Advertisements ()
c) Online Job Portals ( )
d) Walk-in Interview ( )
e) Employment Exchange( )
6. Which source of requirement is relied upon when immediate requirement
a) Internal ()
b) External ()
7. What type of interview is taken while selection?
a) Patterned ()
b) Stress ()
c) Depth ()
d) Others ()
8. Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?
a) Yes ()
b) No ()
c) Can’t Say ()

9. Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?
a) Yes ()
b) No ()
10. HR Department’s performance in recruitment and selection for executive post.
a) Excellent ()
b) Adequate ()
c) Poor ()
d) Can’t Say ()


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