Carre To 2003
Carre To 2003
Carre To 2003
DOI 10.1007/s00227-003-1147-z
Received: 20 November 2002 / Accepted: 14 May 2003 / Published online: 16 July 2003
Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract The surface abundance and species composi- were subdominant (20–35%). The continental shelf
tion of phytoplankton communities were studied in a assemblage showed an almost exclusive dominance
section across the continental shelf between the Rı́o de (90%) of haptophytes resembling the coccolithophorid
La Plata and the oceanic waters of the Subtropical E. huxleyi. Another haptophyte (Phaeocystis sp.) was
Convergence, during late spring (November 1999). Al- dominant (75–85%) in the Malvinas Current assem-
gal communities were examined using light microscopy blage. The Brazil Current assemblage was characterized
and HPLC-derived (high-performance liquid chroma- by the codominance of cyanobacteria (45%) and ha-
tography) pigment concentrations. The CHEMTAX ptophytes (35%). These results are discussed in rela-
program was used to estimate the chlorophyll a (chl a) tionship to the complex hydrographic features of the
biomass of different algal classes. The inclusion of the area.
most abundant members of the chl c pigment family
(chl c1, chl c2, chl c3 and chl c2 monogalactosyldiacyl-
glyceride esters) in the pigment matrix improved the
CHEMTAX interpretation of field data. Using this Introduction
novel approach four haptophyte populations were
distinguished across the studied section, even though The Rı́o de La Plata drains the second largest basin of
they had qualitatively similar pigment signatures, South America. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean with a
although one subtype lacked 19¢-hexanoyloxyfucoxan- total discharge of 20,000–25,000 m3 s)1 (Framiñan and
thin (Hex-Fuco). Five different phytoplankton assem- Brown 1996). The main characteristics of the Rı́o de La
blages, spatially segregated by the prevailing Plata estuary are its large spatial scale and the occur-
environmental conditions, were distinguished during rence of a quasi-permanent salt wedge regime gener-
the studied period. All of them showed a complex ating a border system (Carreto et al. 1986; Guerrero
community structure, formed by a background of et al. 1997; Mianzan et al. 2001). Tidal currents are
small-sized cells such as cyanobacteria, cryptophytes, typically below 45 cm s)1 (Framiñan et al. 1999), and
haptophytes and prasinophyceans, on which diatom, the estuary therefore becomes a typically two-layer
cryptophyte or some haptophyte blooms were over- system with strong vertical stratification that gradually
lapped. In the estuarine assemblage, where maximum weakens seaward (Mianzan et al. 2001). Although the
chl a concentrations where found, diatoms were always main flow of the Rı́o de La Plata is expected to have a
the dominant group (30–60% of total chl a), but NNE direction along the Uruguayan coastline, its tra-
cryptophytes (10–40%), prasinophyceans (2–20%) and jectory, forced by the dominant winds, fluctuated sea-
dinoflagellates (2–12%) were also relevant. In the sonally. Its influence may be detected, in spring and
coastal assemblage diatoms were also the dominant summer, in a southward direction along the coastal
group (35–45%), but haptophytes lacking Hex-Fuco region of Argentina (Guerrero et al. 1997) and/or along
the mild-shelf regime (Carreto et al. 1995). Occasionally
Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe its area of influence may extend to the continental
slope, where these estuarine waters contact the warm,
J. I. Carreto (&) Æ N. G. Montoya Æ H. R. Benavides subtropical Brazil Current water (Lusquiños and Val-
R. Guerrero Æ M. O. Carignan des 1971; Provost et al. 1995), and the nutrient-rich
Instituto Nacional de lnvestigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
(INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo no. 1, waters of the Malvinas flow (Negri et al. 1992), or it
7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina may be found between both currents. These waters can
E-mail: [email protected] be carried offshore by the return flux of the Malvinas
Current (Provost et al. 1995) in an area referred to as papers, although the interpretation of HPLC field data is
the Subtropical Confluence. The time and intensity of not always a straightforward task (see Jeffrey et al. 1997).
the occurrence of these events may be dependent on the Recent developments in HPLC technology using C18
cyclical excursions of the main currents along the polymeric and C8 monomeric HPLC columns, and
continental slope, on the volume discharge of the river pyridine as modifier (Garrido and Zapata 1997; Jeffrey et
(Provost et al. 1995) and on the meteorological con- al. 1999; Zapata et al. 2000), have uncovered additional
ditions (Lusquiños and Valdes 1971; Carreto et al. chlorophyll c (chl c) pigments and acyloxyfucoxanthins
1986; Glorioso and Flather 1995; Guerrero et al. 1997). (Garrido and Zapata 1998; Egeland et al. 2000; Garrido
The strong contrast in various ocean properties et al. 2000; Zapata et al. 2001). The improved resolution
(e.g. salinity, sea surface temperature and nutrient of HPLC methodology and the potential utility of these
concentration), together with complex mesoscale pigments as biological markers (Zapata et al. 2001) could
patterns, make this area an important biogeographic facilitate the interpretation of field data.
boundary between phytoplankton communities of Several possibilities to estimate quantitatively the
brackish and oceanic waters of subtropical and sub- various phytoplankton groups from marked pigment
Antarctic origin. However, relatively few phytoplank- concentrations have been developed (Gieskes et al.
ton studies have been carried out in this area since 1988; Everitt et al. 1990; Letelier et al. 1993). A po-
Hentschel’s (1932) early data. Phytoplankton taxonomy tential source of errors in these approaches was that
and biogeography of dinoflagellates, diatoms and sili- pigment ratios might change as a consequence of long-
coflagellates have been previously studied by Balech term changes in light climate and nutrient availability
(1949, 1971, 1986), by Frenguelli and Orlando (1959), (Goericke and Montoya 1998; Mackey et al. 1998; van
Müller-Melchers (1959) and Lange (1985), respectively. Leeuwe and Stefels 1998). Mackey et al. (1996) intro-
Negri et al. (1988) and Bayssé et al. (1986) have studied duced the CHEMTAX program to obtain biomass
relative phytoplankton abundance and community estimations of algal groups that share common
structure of net samples and their relationship with pigments, taking into account the physiological and
environmental factors. Gayoso (1995) and Gayoso and genetic variation in pigment ratios. Nevertheless, inter-
Podestá (1996) reported on the phytoplankton abun- species (Jeffrey and Vesk 1997; Zapata et al. 2001) and
dance, although cells <5 lm in diameter were not in- inter-clones (Stolte et al. 2000) variation in pigment:chl
cluded in their analyses. The scenario resulting from a ratios, was also considerable. These findings indicated
these previous studies displayed a region where robust that the ratios chosen for the applications of the
diatoms, armored dinoflagellates, calcareous cocco- CHEMTAX calculations should, if at all possible,
lithoporids and Phaeocystis (Prymnesiophyceae) colo- reflect the dominant phytoplankton species present in
nies are the most frequent forms. The recognition of the sample (Schlüter et al. 2000).
the importance of delicate flagellates and minute coc- In the present work, the structure of surface phyto-
coid forms has come only recently, after more appro- plankton communities was studied during November
priate techniques for studying the picoplankton were 1999 in a section across the Argentine continental shelf
applied in this area (Silva and Negri 2000). between the Rı́o de la Plata and the oceanic waters of the
Picoplankton and many of the smaller nanoplankton Subtropical Convergence. Microscopic enumeration of
cells are difficult to study. Their small size and the ab- phytoplankton species, HPLC-derived pigment concen-
sence of clearly discernible features often preclude trations and the CHEMTAX software were used for the
identification by light microscopy, even to the class level, first time in the area to evaluate the distribution and
and many are too fragile to be adequately preserved abundance of the different phytoplankton groups. The
(Jeffrey and Vesk 1997). Fluorescence microscopy and spatial distribution of the different phytoplankton
flow cytometry have proven to be invaluable for the communities and their dominant species were analyzed
enumeration of cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes, but in relation to the complex environmental features of the
the identification of the less distinctive cells remains a region.
The characteristic pigment composition of phyto-
plankton groups and the development of modern of Materials and methods
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
methods has favored the present use of pigment analysis Sample collection
in phytoplankton community research (Gieskes and
Kraay 1983; Bidigare et al. 1990; Wright et al. 1996; Sampling procedures were performed from 6 to 11 November 1999,
on board the R.V. ‘‘Cap. E. Canepa’’ (Fig. 1a). Vertical profiles for
Schlüter et al. 2000). Pigment chemo-taxonomy has been temperature, salinity and fluorescence were obtained with a CTD-
especially useful in samples from oceanic areas (Veldhuis SBE 911 equipped with a Seapoint fluorometer. CTD data and in
and Kraay 1990; Letelier et al. 1993; Peeken 1997), and vivo fluorescence measurements were calibrated and reduced to
proved to be valuable for the characterization of small- 1-m bins. Light penetration was measured with a PUV 500 (Bio-
spherical Instruments) underwater radiometer. Surface water
sized phytoplankton in coastal marine areas (Schlüter samples (0 m depth) were collected with a clean plastic bucket, and
et al. 2000) and estuaries (Roy et al. 1996). The signature discrete sampling of the water column (5 m depth) for CTD cali-
role of the pigments has been summarized in various bration was performed with a Niskin bottle.
small and fragile ones for which only the genus or alga group was
recorded. Unicellular cyanobacteria were observed by epi-fluores-
cence microscopy, and could only be reliably quantified in the clear
water of the Brazil Current.
Pigment analysis
Table 1 Pigment to chlorophyll a ratio matrix after fitting by the CHEMTAX program used in the calculation of algal group compositions (E1, Emiliania; C2, Chrysochromulina; for
Chl a
complexity observed within the Haptophyta, having nine recog-
nized subgroups (Jeffrey and Vesk 1997; Jeffrey and Anderson
2000). The inclusion of four categories accommodated the natural
non-polarchl c
split of the haptophytes between the different ecosystems studied.
(2) the microscopic analysis of representative samples from each
pigment assemblage. The taxonomic groups considered and the
pigment ratios obtained from CHEMTAX calculations are shown
in Table 1.
hydrographic features of the area. The Brazil Current
separated from the shelf-break at 36.5S, where it
encountered a narrow filament of cooler waters flowing
along the upper shelf-break between 39S and the lati-
tude of the Brazil Current separation. The Malvinas
Current separation is not spatially coincident with the
separation of the Brazil Current, showing coherence
with the results of Olson et al. (1988), who observed a
the area between the two strong thermal fronts. This
transition zone seems to be filled by an eddy of sub-
tropical waters wrapped between the cold filament
flowing along the upper shelf-break and the southward
flow of pure Brazil waters. The contact between the 0.000
Chl c1 Chl c3 Pras
Haptophytes D
Haptophytes C
Haptophytes B
Haptophytes E
from Emiliania huxleyi (chl c2–MGDG Emiliania-type, to that observed for the minor non-polar chl c (un-
Garrido et al. 2000) and chl c2–monogaloctosyldiacyl- known non-polar chl c) from E. huxleyi (clo-
glyceride from Chrysochromulina polylepis (chl c2- ne CCMP370). A compound with the same retention
MGDG Chrysochromulina-type, Zapata et al. 2001) as time and spectral properties (Table 2) was also present
associated trace pigments (Fig. 5b) supported this in assemblage C, although at a trace level. Also, trace
assumption. amounts of a pigment with a retention time
(rt=35.23 min) similar to that observed for chl c2–
Continental shelf and Malvinas communities MGDG Chrysochromulina-type (Zapata et al. 2001),
were present in both assemblages. Another unknown
Hex-Fuco was the dominant carotenoid in continental chl c–like derivative of intermediate polarity
shelf and Malvinas waters. Herein, the relative abundance (rt=23.29 min) was observed only in assemblage D
of the associated pigments also indicated at least two (Fig. 5f).
spatially segregated pigment associations (Fig. 5c, d). Microscopy showed (Table 3) that haptophytes were
The relative proportion of Fuco to Hex-Fuco in the the dominant group in both phytoplankton assem-
continental shelf assemblage (C) was lower than that blages. However, E. huxleyi was the dominant species
observed in the Malvinas assemblage (D) (Fig. 6a). In in assemblage C and Phaeocystis sp. was dominant in
addition, although the two assemblages presented sev- assemblage D. Some other unidentified Coccosphaerales
eral non-polar types of chl c (Fig. 5c, d), a different species were also present in assemblage D. Microscopy
proportion of these compounds was evident (Fig. 6e). showed that some diatom species were present in low
In assemblage C the HPLC retention time of the main abundances in both assemblages, although chl c1 was
compound (rt=33.36 min) was coincident with that of not detected in our chromatograms (Fig. 5c, d).
the principal non-polar chl c from E. huxleyi (chl c2– Microscopy also showed that the Prasinophyceae
MGDG Emiliania-type) (Garrido et al. 2000). The Micromonas sp. was present in both assemblages as a
retention time of the major non-polar chl c in assem- minor component, explaining the small amounts of
blage D was slightly slower (rt=32.41 min) and similar chl b and Pras detected in these samples (Fig. 5c, d).
CHEMTAX: abundance of algal groups prevailed (35–45% of total chl a), as in the estuary com-
munity. In terms of chl a calculated by CHEMTAX,
The total and relative contribution of the various groups haptophyte B was the subdominant group (20–35% of
of phytoplankton to chl a, calculated by CHEMTAX total chl a). Cyanobacteria (5–15% of total chl a) and
are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. prasinophyceans (2–12% of total chl a) were also rel-
As expected from pigment results, diatoms were al- evant in decreasing order. The contribution of other
ways the dominant group (30–60% of total chl a) in the groups was small (chlorophyceans, prasinophyceans
phytoplankton community of the estuary assemblage lacking Pras, cryptophytes, and other haptophyte
(A), where a maximum chl a concentration was found. types).
In terms of chl a calculated by CHEMTAX, crypto- The algal group composition obtained by CHEM-
phytes were the subdominant group (10–40% of total TAX for the continental shelf area (C) showed an
chl a). In decreasing order, chlorophyceans (2–20% of almost total dominance (90% of total chl a) of ha-
total chl a) and dinoflagellates (2–12% of total chl a) ptophytes C, probably represented by the coccolitho-
were also relevant. The contribution of other groups phorid E. huxley. The contribution of other groups was
such as cyanobacteria (<10% of total chl a) and Pras- very low, with cyanobacteria the most important of
containing prasinophyceans (<5% of total chl a) was these groups (about 5% of total chl a).
small. A high dominance (75–85% of total chl a) of ha-
Total phytoplankton biomass was very low in the ptophytes D was detected by CHEMTAX in the
coastal assemblage (B), but the phytoplankton com- Malvinas Current assemblage (D), mainly represented
munity was more diverse. The pigment proportions by the flagellated cells of Phaeocystis sp. However,
detected with CHEMTAX showed that diatoms some differences between the two stations (14 and 15)
Haptophytes D
et al. (2000) for coastal species. Also chl c1:chl a and Lut, Zea and its epoxides (Egeland et al. 1995; Mackey
chl c2:chl a ratios (respectively 0.178 and 0.208) were et al. 1996). Consequently, pigment analysis does not
both in the range observed by Jeffrey (1972) for several permit a clear separation of prasinophyceans from
diatom species. chlorophyceans. We included two groups of green algae
in our samples: chlorophyceans and prasinophyceans
lacking Pras (chlorophyceans), and Prasinophyceans
Pelagophyceans containing Pras (prasinophyceans). Despite regional
differences, species composition and variation owing to
Our initial pigment ratios were taken from Mackey et al. the algae physiological state, our values calculated for
(1998), obtained from surface pelagophyceans of the both chl b:chl a (1.156) and Pras:chl a (0.372) ratios in
western equatorial Pacific (1.33 for But:chl a and 0.166 prasinophyceans coincide with literature values (Mackey
for Fuco:chl a). The program left these ratios un- et al. 1996; Peeken 1997).
changed. Our values obtained for both the chl c3:chl a
(0.24) and the chl c2:chl a (0.47) ratios were similar to
those calculated by Jeffrey and Wright (1997) from one Algal assemblages and environmental conditions
strain of Pelagoccus subviridis (respectively 0.25 and
0.44). Both pigment HPLC patterns and microscopy-derived
information showed five different phytoplankton assem-
Cyanobacteria blages in the region during spring 1999. These assem-
blages displayed a clear spatial segregation imposed by the
The Zea:chl a ratio of cyanobacteria was highly depen- extant environmental conditions. All of them presented a
dent on irradiance (Kana et al.1988; Bigidare et al. 1989; complex community structure, comprising small-sized
Lutz et al. 2001), being consistent with its photopro- cells from cyanobacteria, cryptophytes, chlorophyceans,
tective function. Although large errors can be expected haptophytes and prasinophyceans, on which diatoms,
in the calculated pigment ratios, our value (1.12) was cryptophytes, or some haptophytes overlapped.
largely comparable with averaged values of literature Several diatom species were dominant in the phyto-
results, obtained at high and low light intensities plankton assemblage (Table 3) of the nutrient-rich and
[Schlüter et al. 2000 (1.24); Mackey et al. 1998 (1.15); high-silicate estuary water (Carreto et al. 1986), where a
Kana et al. 1988 (1.20)]. Our value was also similar to high chl a concentration was measured. The dominance
the ratios obtained at medium light intensities [Moore of larger diatom cells was coincident with most of the
et al. 1995 (0.7 at 350 lE m)2 s)1); Morel et al. 1993 previous reports for this area (Negri et al. 1988; Elge
(0.71 at 100 lE m)2 s)1); Lutz et al. 2001 (1.00 at 100 lE et al. 1990; Mesones 1991). The Prasinophyceae Pyra-
m)2 s)1)] for several strains of marine cyanobacteria mimonas sp. and the Cryptophyta Cryptomonas sp. were
(Synechococcus spp.). also very frequent in this eutrophic environment; the
latter codominating in some cases with diatom flora.
Some bloom-forming dinoflagellate species (e.g. Proro-
Cryptophytes centrum minimum) were also present, although in rela-
tively low concentrations, indicating that factors other
Whereas the Allo:chl a ratio, calculated from oceanic than nutrients regulate the dinoflagellate blooms in this
phytoplankton, was in the range of 0.105–0.240 (Gieskes fluctuating environment.
and Kraay 1983; Wright et al. 1996; Mackey et al. 1998; Total phytoplankton biomass was very low, and a
Peeken 1997), values up to 1.58 were found in phyto- more diverse phytoplankton community was observed in
plankton communities of the turbid lower St. Lawrence the coastal system. The slightly stratified coastal water
estuary (Roy et al. 1996). On the other hand, our cal- presented both the lowest absolute (<1 lM) and rela-
culated ratio was similar to the one obtained for a tive (N:P:Si ratio: of 0.1:1:1.4) nitrate surface concen-
coastal strain of Plagioselmis prolonga (0.682), growing tration (Carreto et al. 1986), as expected for late spring
at medium light intensity (Schlüter at al. 2000). after the diatom bloom (November), therefore explain-
ing the low chl a concentration. As in estuarine waters,
Prasinophyceans and chlorophyceans diatoms were dominant in the phytoplankton assem-
blage. Their dominance in the coastal zone was probably
A high inter-species variability was found in pigment related to transport in the buoyant plume from the
ratios (Mackey et al. 1996), attending the complex tax- estuary, and then dilution by vertical mixing of the water
onomy of prasinophyceans. Some of them produce column. Although nitrate and silicate limitations induce
common green algal carotenoids, whereas some others the replacement of diatoms by some haptophytes, the
synthesize unusual carotenoids for this algal class chl a biomass of codominant haptophytes B was typi-
(micromonadophytes), Pras being the most important cally low within the coastal assemblage (B).
among them (Egeland et al. 1995). Additionally, some In contrast with the diatom dominance in the estu-
chlorophyceans and prasinophyceans grown at low light arial and coastal systems, a flagellate-dominated com-
intensity do not always contain the accessory pigments munity was found over the continental shelf, almost
exclusively comprised by haptophytes resembling the Brazil–Malvinas Confluence (Hubold 1980; Gayoso and
coccolithophorid E. huxleyi (haptophytes C). In spite of Podestá 1996; Brandini et al. 2000). It is well known that
E. huxleyi being dominant in assemblage C, the chl a nano- and picoplankton are the main components in
biomass estimated from microscopic cell counts the phytoplankton communities of nutrient-depleted
(assuming a cell content of 0.1 lg chl a per 106 cells; oceanic waters. Coincidentally, our results showed that
Stolte et al. 2000) was three orders of magnitude lower cyanobacteria and haptophytes were the main contrib-
than that determined by HPLC. This difference could be utors to chl a, each group providing approximately 30–
associated to the cell stage in the life cycle of E. huxleyi 40% of total chl a. Nevertheless these groups’ biomass,
(Paasche 2000). The E. huxleyi coccolith-forming cell is expressed as chl a absolute values, was low. For exam-
the stage normally reported for the sea, and is the one ple, the cyanobacterial contribution to chl a (up to
that completely dominates blooms. However, cells de- 0.25 lg l)1) was on the same order of magnitude as that
void of coccoliths are practically indistinguishable from observed in the estuary system. The haptophytes ob-
other haptophytes and rarely, if ever, quantified in field served in the samples comprised several non-identified
work (Campbell et al. 1994). The dominance of naked or coccolithophorid species and low numbers of E. huxleyi.
scaly E. huxleyi cells and/or the presence of other ha- In this area, pelagophycean, prasinophycean and cryp-
ptophytes, undetected by microscopy, could explain tophyte species appeared to be poor competitors, as each
such inconsistency between E. huxleyi cell biomass and group contributed about 5–10% of the total chl a. The
chl a. The only previously reported occurrence of an absence of diatoms and dinoflagellates in the subtropical
E. huxleyi bloom in Argentine waters occurred in the waters of the Brazil Current was noteworthy. This
same area during austral spring (November) of 1989 observation contrasts with results from Gayoso and
(Gayoso 1995). However, patches of water with spectral Podestá (1996) on the phytoplankton species composi-
signatures identical to those of blooms of E. huxleyi tion near the confluence of Brazil and Malvinas Cur-
have been regularly observed on the shelf and shelf- rents. Gayoso and Podestá (1996) speculated that the
break off Argentina during late austral spring and high diatom density (up to 5.5·106 cells l)1) observed in
summer (Brown and Podestá 1997). In our data the most the Malvinas retroflexion was due to the nutrient
remarkable hydrographic feature associated with the enrichment of the subtropical assemblages from the
E. huxleyi bloom was the existence of a two-layer water Malvinas Current.
column with a well-developed, shallow pycnocline near
20 m, resulting from the superposition of tow type of
waters. However, we can only speculate as to which
species contributed the most biomass in the deep pop-
ulation. Conclusions
The phytoplankton community in the cold and
nutrient-rich water of the Malvinas Current, near the Our results showed that the complementary use of pig-
shelf-break, was dominated by another haptophyte, ment analysis and microscopy is very useful tool in
Phaeocystis sp. This species is also common on the characterizing phytoplankton communities of highly
Argentine continental shelf, associated with coastal tidal diverse ecosystems, with a wide variability in species
fronts as well as with the shelf-break front (Carreto et al. distribution, similar to that represented in the studied
1985, 1995; Carreto and Benavides 1989). Large differ- area.
ences in pigment profiles (authors’ unpublished results) The inclusion of the most abundant members of the
were observed after comparing a Phaeocystis sp. strain chl c pigment family (chl c1, chl c2, chl c3 and non-polar
isolated from a northern Argentine coastal area with our types of chl c) in the pigment matrix improved the
field data (shelf-break), indicating some regional physi- CHEMTAX interpretation of field data. This improve-
ological heterogeneity within the species. Phaeocystis ment allowed us to distinguish between four haptophyte
antarctica is a common microalgae in the Southern populations along the section, even though they had
Ocean; its spring blooms are yearly events in all seas similar pigment signatures. It is evident that the pre-
surrounding Antarctica (Palmisano et al. 1986; Wright dominance of each subtype was spatially segregated and
and Jeffrey 1987; Davidson and Marchant 1992). that segregation was imposed by the environmental
Therefore, it is likely that the Phaeocystis sp. population conditions. The identification of the algae prevailing in
found in the sub-Antarctic waters of the Malvinas the estuary system (prasinophyceans without Pras) could
Current is related to Southern Ocean populations. This only be resolved by microscopy. Therefore, the optimal
was supported by the observed pigment profiles (see use of pigment data is achieved if such data are com-
pigment ratios). The low diatom abundance observed in bined with microscopic examination of representative
this region was coincident with previous results that samples.
showed the dominance of microflagellates in the Malv-
inas Current (Negri, personal communication). Acknowledgements We are grateful to Dr. M.D. Mackey for pro-
viding the computer program CHEMTAX. We thank three
The warm, nutrient-poor surface water of the Brazil anonymous reviewers for providing helpful comments and sug-
Current is generally characterized by a low new gestions on the manuscript. This is contribution no. 1254 of
production, except in the upper photic zone of the INIDEP.
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