Demag Eindschakelaar Dgs - 3en4

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6 Putting the Demag DH hoist unit into service

6.1 DGS 3 and DGS 4 The DGS geared limit switch is fitted in the electrical equipment enclosure of the
DH hoist unit. It switches off the hoist motor when the top or bottom hook position is
geared limit switches reached. The direction of movement can be reversed. The emergency limit switch
must not be actuated during normal operation.
Operating limit switches are required where the end positions are approached regu-
larly during normal operation.
In such cases, the switches must be adjusted so that the operating limit switch is
actuated first and then, i.e. if this fails to operate, the emergency limit switch.
If required by accident prevention regulations, a facility for the crane operator to
check the emergency limit switch before starting work will be provided. This is then
possible using the check button in the controls. The operating limit switch can be
by-passed by pressing this button. In order to approach the emergency limit switch,
the hoist unit must be switched on and the check button pressed simultaneously.
The check button must also be pressed in order to move the hook back out of
the end position (lowering).
The functions carried out by the geared limit switch can be seen in the wiring diagram
Switching elements S1 – S3 in the DGS 3 and S1 – S4 in the DGS 4 can be used for
the following switching possibilities:
Switching element DGS 3 (part no. 875 200 44) DGS 4 part no. 875 201 44)
contacts 2 Ö
(11 - 12 and 21 - 22)
S1 Emergency limit switch for top hook position
"Main lifting" limit switch
S2 (only for hoist units with 2 speeds)
Operating limit switch for top hook position
Limit switch for incorrect phase sequence
S3 Emergency limit switch for bottom hook position
S4 Operating limit switch for bottom hook position

6.1.1 Determining the cut-out point The emergency limit switches must be properly adjusted to ensure prevention of
for the geared limit switch accidents and to avoid damaging the hoist unit. The emergency limit switches are
adjusted before leaving the factory to avoid complete unwinding of the rope, only.
Following installation of the hoist unit, they must be readjusted and checked for the
particular operating conditions.
If you wish to set the greatest possible lifting height for your specific operating condi-
tions, it is essential to observe the following:
The emergency limit switch for the top hook position must be set so that when it swit-
ches off the lifting movement, the minimum distance between the top edge of the
bottom block and the bottom edge of the hoist unit frame is maintained (see table 8).

DGS limit switch cut-out points for the top hook position (fig. 84)
Table 8 Dimension F (mm)
with rope reeving
1/1 2/1 4/1
A Simultaneous cut-out of main and creep lifting motions
S1 switching element 105 70 50
limit switch B Successive cut-out main and creep lifting motions

S2 main lifting motion switching element 105 70 50

S1 creep lifting motion switching element 30 30 25
Operating C Simultaneous cut-out of main and creep lifting motions
limit switch
S2 switching element 190 120 70
D An additional DGS switching element is required as protection against incorrect phase sequence so that the

lowering contactor is deenergized in the top hook position. With successive cut-out of the main and creep
D G S w i th lifting motions (cut-out points acc. to table 2, line B), protection against incorrect phase sequence is not
protection possible.
against incorrect 190 120 70
phases S1 emergency limit switch 105 70 50
74 S2 protection against incorrect phase sequence
The emergency limit switch for the bottom hook position must be set so that the load
hook does not touch the floor.
Setting the cut-out points is described in the setting instructions (section 6.1.2).

DGS limit switch cut-out point for the bottom hook position (fig. 84)
Dimension X (mm)

Table 9 with rope reeving

1/1 2/1 4/1
A Simultaneous cut-out of main and creep lifting
limit switch
S3 switching element 150 70 50
B Simultaneous cut-out of main and creep lifting

limit switch
Fig. 84 40133744.eps
S4 switching element 190 120 70

6.2 Setting instructions for DGS 3 and DGS 4 geared limit switches



S1 S2
S1 S3 S4
S1 4
2 Fig. 87 41110044.eps

3 5 6

1 1B

Hook travel
Fig. 85 41109844.eps Fig. 86 41109944.eps Fig. 88 41110144.eps

The following tools are required for setting the limit switch:
Two 1 x 4 mm and 1 x 6 mm screwdrivers.

6.2.1 S1 emergency limit switch Raise the load hook to the level of dimension F = approx. 200 mm (fig. 84). Set cut-
for top hook position out point gradually so that, after the lifting movement has been switched off, dimen-
sion F is not smaller than the values shown in table 8.
Allow for run-on!
Note direction of rotation of shaft A! (Important for later adjustment!)

Loosen fastening screws 2 by approx. 2 turns.

Turn adjusting screw 1B until adjusting marker 3 is aligned with white marker 4 on the
cam wheel (figs. 86 and 87).



S1 S2
S1 S3 S4
S1 4
2 Fig. 87 41110044.eps

3 5 6

1 1B

Hook travel
Fig. 85 41109844.eps Fig. 86 41109944.eps Fig. 88 41110144.eps

Turn adjusting screw 1A until plunger 5 no longer protrudes from the bottom of
switching element 6, i.e. the plunger is in its lowest position.
Then turn screw 1A in the direction of rotation of shaft A until plunger 5 and adjusting
markers 7 are level (see fig. 88).
In this position, the normally closed contacts of switching element S1 are open.

6.2.2 S2 main lifting motion limit Fitting is the same as for S1, except with adjusting screws 2A-2B.
switch If dimension F is set to a value which is greater than that shown under line A in ta-
ble 8, the switching point of S2 may only be max. 1 drum revolution ahead of switch-
ing point S1.
S2 operating limit switch for top hook position.
Setting is the same as for S1, except with adjusting screws 2A-2B.
For cut-out point see table 8, line C.
When required, a check button is provided in the control unit (see section 6.1).
S2 limit switch for incorrect phase sequence.
Setting is as for S1, except with adjusting screws 2A-2B.
For cut-out points see table 8, line D.

6.2.3 S3 emergency limit Setting is for S1, except with adjusting screws 3A-3B.
switch for bottom For cut-out points see table 9, line A.
hook position Direction of rotation for setting opposite to that for S1!

6.2.4 S4 operating limit switch for Fitting is as for S1, except with adjusting screws 4A-4B.
bottom hook position For cut-out points see table 9, line B.
Pay attention to the direction of rotation for setting.
The adjustment range of the DGS covers max. 142 revolutions.
When setting has been completed, make sure that the centre fastening screw (2)

of supporting cam shaft (B) and switching cam shaft (A) is tightened to a torque
of ≥ 2 Nm.
Operate the hoist/lower motions several times to check the limit switch functions are
76 operating correctly.
When resetting the geared limit switch, ensure the correct number of safety turns on
the drum.
Safety turns
Range Rope reeving
1/1, 2/1, 4/1 2/2, 4/2
DH 200/300/400 3,5 4,5
DH 500/600 3 3,5
(DH 600 = 3,5)
DH 1000 4 4,5
DH 2000 4,5 4,5

6.3 Inspection when put- When putting the hoist into operation for the first time, the inspections in accordance
with section 8.3, table 10 must be carried out.
ting the hoist into
6.4 Safety instructions All fitting and assembly work must be completed in accordance with the operating
instructions and the hoist rope must be greased.
Operation with defective or damaged ropes result in a high risk of accident for per-
sons and the hoist unit and is therefore prohibited.
Any change or modification which prejudices safety must be reported to the nearest
person responsible immediately. Unauthorized repairs are not permitted.

6.5 Starting operation See section 8.1

6.6 Instructions for the The surfaces marked on the motor shaft in fig. 89 are coated with Rustban 391 pre-
servative. The splined shaft profile is coated with dry film lubricant 321.
KMH 100 – 112 motor Preservative and dry film lubricant must not be removed during disassembly. Check
and KMF 80 travel marked surfaces and replace coating, as required, during maintenance.

Coated with dry film lubricant 321

Part no. 972 398 44

Rustban 391 preservative – apply thin coat –

Part no. 660 002 44

Fig. 89 42049644.eps

The red paste visible in the brake surface area is used for preservation until putting
the hoist into service and for running-in the brake surface of the motor.
This preservative must not be removed. Replacement during maintenance is not

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