Ba Part 2 Modern English Literature 1 56 2020

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I-56 OR

B.A. (Part-II) Examination, 2020 How men will go content with what we spoiled.
ENGLISH LITERATURE Or, discontent, boil bloody, and be spilled.
Paper - II
They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress.
(Modern English Literature)
None will break ranks, though nations trek
Time Allowed : Three Hours
from progress.
Maximum Marks : 75
Minimum Pass Marks : 25 (b) Look stranger, on this island now

The leaping light for your delight discovers,

Note : All questions are compulsory. Read the question
Stand stable here
carefully before attempting to solve.
And silent be,
Unit–I That through the channels of the ear

Q. 1. Explain with reference to the context any 'three' of May wander like a river

the following passages : 3×5=15 The swaying sound of the sea.

(a) Here faith and mercy, wisdom and humility
The earth is under its tongue,
(whose influence shall prevail for evermore)
A dead weight of darkness, trying to see
shine. And this lowly grave tells Heaven's
through its eyes.
tranquility. The wolf is living for the earth.

And here stand I, a suppliant at the door. But the wolf is small, it comprehends little.

I-56 P.T.O. I-56
(3) (4)

(c) A man, they say, who is a perfect OR

remembering machine is seldom a man of In the big world the old people do be leaving

the first intelligence, and they quote various things after them for their sons and children,

cases of children or men who had but in this place, it is the young men do be

marvellous memories and who yet had no leaving behind for them that do be old.

intellect to speak of. Unit–II

OR Q. 2. Write the critical appreciation of the poem 'At the

He picked up the book again and looked at Grave of Henry Vaughan'. 10

the title. "It doesn't just tell you on the OR

outside. What they've printed there is just Write down the biographical sketch and the

foolishness. There's no story I can make out. poetic style of Wilfred Owen.

It’s all cut up. Might be newspaper articles !" Unit–III

All these words of his were painful ones. Q. 3. The power of the sea has no human sensibilities.

(d) I know what you have suffered. There's Explain the statement with reference to the poem

nothing that you can tell me that I don't know; 'Seascape' by Auden. 10

but the whole is greater than the part, and OR

you are only the part. Stand by us and we will Critically appreciate the poem ‘Howling of the

stand by you. Wolves’ by Ted Hughes.

I-56 P.T.O. I-56
(5) (6)

Unit–IV Unit–VI

Q. 4. In what essential way is 'Forgetting' a humorous Q. 6. Write a note on the various themes of the novel

essay. 10 'Lord of the Flies'. 10


What experiences does the author H. Belloc Write a note on the various symbols used in the

speak in the essay 'A Conversation with a novel 'Lord of the Flies'.

Reader" ? Unit–VII

Unit–V Q. 7. Write short notes on any five of the following with

Q. 5. Write down a comparative character sketch of suitable examples : 5×2=10

Anthony and Roberts from the play 'Strife'. 10 (i) Alliteration

OR (ii) Ballad

Write down the character sketch of Maurya from (iii) Characteristics of dramatic monologue

the play 'Riders to the Sea". (iv) Characteristics of an epic poem

I-56 P.T.O. I-56

(v) Metaphor

(vi) Simile

(vii) Onomatopoeia


I-56 1,300

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