COURSE 1003 - Jr. Product Designer and Developer-Generic
COURSE 1003 - Jr. Product Designer and Developer-Generic
COURSE 1003 - Jr. Product Designer and Developer-Generic
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1 COURSE OBJECTIVE: ........................................................................................................................ 4
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This course is designed to provide the unique understanding to develop high-tech,
ecological and socially responsible products from concept and design to production.
Also this course includes a wide range of industrial skills Including idea generation,
advanced computer modelling, rapid prototyping, product development (Design failure
mode effect analysis, materials selection, quality testing, product costing and
optimization with product lifecycle management to develop creative design problem-
solving abilities and strategies.
This course provides strong sense of functional, Ergonomics and aesthetic principles of
design as well as a solid understanding of the technical and business aspects of
product development which will encourage students for start-up apart from improving
the employability of the students.
Own start up and applicable to all the industries (R&D, Product Planning, Product
Design & Development, Marketing, Innovation Assistant, Additive Manufacturing
Assistant, 3D Printing Operator, Laser Machine Operator, Creative Assistant etc.)
Product design and development assistant assists in planning and developing new
product as per customer requirement. Also provides product design verification through
Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis (DFMEA) and suggest the optimum design
solution as per the manufacturing feasibility. range. Preparation, review and control of
internal technical documents. Maintaining industrial standards and design document.
Validation & verification of Design calculation, analyzing, feasibility study for new
conceptual designs.
Providing support to the manufacturing dept. and Quality dept. to achieve the targeted
new product development. Preparing documents such as process control plan,
Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis (PFMEA), Managing overall development
related operations and ensuring timely accomplishment of efficiency and productivity
targets. Minimizing performance bottlenecks for higher productivity by maximizing men,
material and machine
Also assist to develop rapid prototyping on 3D printer and performing post operation on
laser cutting machine and other tools.
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4 Career Progression:
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Prepare Manufacturer's suggested Methods and importance of Post
retail price (MSRP) report. processing (e.g. Laser Cutter, Spray
Painting Gun and system, Vertical
Machining Center, CNC Tool-room
Inspection of the final product using
measuring instruments
Product Launch
Concept of Manufacturer's
suggested retail price (MSRP)
Commercialization of product
development process
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Estimated size
Learning outcomes Level
(Learning hours)
Comply with workshop health and
(i) 5 3
safety guidelines
Able to perform benchmarking
study & developing cost model of
(ii) product with effective profit margin 30 3
& preparing plan for product
design and development
Understand the technical and
business aspects of product
(iii) design and development by 35 3
evaluating the multiple solution
and to build the Concept design
Understand the Industrial design,
(iv) perceived quality of product & 50 3
Able to work computer aided
design software to perform the
(v) engineering activity like 60 3
developing 3D model to virtual
validation of product design.
Able to Understand the selection
of manufacturing process and
(vi) 60 3
developing prototype using 3D
printing technology.
Assignments to increase the
(vii) 60 3
absorbability of the subject
Mini Project to validate the
(viii) 90 3
learning outcomes.
Sub Total (A) 390 3
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Product design and development assistant is expected to have basic knowledge
of the product design and development processes to commercializing the
Evaluate the customer requirement and assist to create product cost model.
Design the product using computer aided software.
Basic Knowledge of Material, machining process, Machining tools, measuring
instruments, techniques and methods is expected to ensure the product quality.
Generic knowledge of Common Engineering standards, symbols, GD & T to read
the Industrial Drawing Considering the basic professional knowledge, which an
Additive Manufacturing operator to assist in new creation & upgradation in
existing product with Design the product using computer aided software.
Having professional skill to develop the product on machine and ensuring the
quality of the product by using measuring instrument.
Product design assistant assist in new creation & upgradation in existing product
as per the customer requirements & engineering standards.
Product design assistant is expected to have understanding of human
ergonomics and impact of perceived quality concept in the success of developed
Also expect to provide support for manufacturing operation and develop a rapid
prototype using 3D Printer machine and relevant software’s.
Product design and development assistant is expected to have better
understanding about product design and development process.
Also expected to have understanding about basic engineering drawing to create
the computer aided design model, assembly of product.
Operate 3D printer machine, Performing the post operation for 3D printed
product & ensure the product quality with the help of measuring instruments.
If any support is needed to follow superior’s instructions.
Expected to be good in communication
Jobholder is expected to conduct themselves in ways, which show a basic
understanding of the social and professional environment of working at
workshops and on field visits
The jobholder is responsible to:
Product design and development assistant assists in
Planning and developing new product as per customer requirement.
Provides product design verification through Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis
(DFMEA) and suggest the optimum design solution as per the manufacturing
Preparation, review and control of internal technical and design documents.
Carried out basic design calculation, analyzing, feasibility study for new product
Providing support to the manufacturing dept. and Quality dept.
Also assist to develop rapid prototyping on 3D printer and performing post
operation on laser cutting machine and other tools.
Maintain tools and work area
And the limited Responsibility for own work and majorly function in close
supervision. In his routine activity he is responsible for his own work.
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Outcomes to be Assessment criteria for the outcome
assessed/NOSs to be
Comply with workshop Comply with safety, health, security and environment
health and safety guidelines related regulations/ guidelines as per organizational/
manufacturer’s policy.
Carry out maintenance operations as per the
manufacturer’s and workshop related health and safety
guidelines/ standard operating procedures.
Follow safety regulations and procedures with regard to
service workshop hazards and risks.
Use appropriate protective clothing/ equipment for
specific tasks and work conditions as per service
Record and report details related to operations,
incidents or accidents, as applicable.
Able to perform Analyze the need of new product development or to
benchmarking study & upgrading the existing product.
developing cost model of Refining the product specification as per end user or
product with effective profit customer requirement
margin & preparing plan for Developing cost model of product & defining effective
product design and profit margin
development Prepare plan to develop the new product concept
Risk assessment in product planning
Understand the technical Ability to generate multiple creative ideas & their
and business aspects of evaluation
product design and Ability to develop Concept design, selection & testing
development by evaluating Competitive Analysis
the multiple solution and to Ability to understand the Product architecture
build the Concept design Technical and business aspects of product
Understand the Industrial Understand the importance of Industrial design
design, perceived quality of Understand the importance of Ergonomics,
product & Ergonomics Understand the importance of Perceived quality&
Product based quality
Able to work computer Create a solid part model using computer aided design
aided design software to software
perform the engineering Create sheet metal component using computer aided
activity like developing 3D design software
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model to virtual validation of Make an assembly of component to create a product
product design. with the help of computer aided design software.
Create a Bill of Material using computer aided design
Create an industrial drafting drawing for manufacturing
Ability to Identify the effects & outcome of product
design failure by using DFMEA tool
Ability to Product design (using Design software)
Create the Digital mockup for assembly product.
Identifying effects & outcome of failure by using PFMEA
Understand the engineering activity in product design &
development like Material selection, Design
consideration etc.
Able to Understand the Define the manufacturing process using Breakeven
selection of manufacturing point analysis method.
process and developing Identify the tooling used in additive manufacturing.
prototype using 3D printing Create a final product inspection report.
technology. Prepare Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP)
Comply with workshop Comply with safety, health, security and environment
health and safety guidelines related regulations/ guidelines as per organizational/
manufacturer’s policy.
Carry out maintenance operations as per the
manufacturer’s and workshop related health and safety
guidelines/ standard operating procedures.
Follow safety regulations and procedures with regard to
service workshop hazards and risks.
Use appropriate protective clothing/ equipment for
specific tasks and work conditions as per service
Record and report details related to operations,
incidents or accidents, as applicable.
Means of assessment 1
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Practical assessment Role plays, Demonstration, Skill test
Project work carried out, Presentation of work done and VIVA Voce
Means of assessment 2
The marks allotted for the assessments are as below.
In total of 100 marks are allotted for the Assessments.
Total 100
Minimum passing marks for the Assessment is 60%. The candidate is declared pass
subject to the attendance during the course, the minimum criteria for attendance is
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10 Annexure-1-Tools & Equipments
1. Design Software -
7. Safety Kit
10 Nos
8. Laser Cutter
1 No
9. Spray Painting Gun and system
1 No
10. Vertical Machining Center
1 No
11. CNC Tool-room Lathe
1 No
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