William Wilberforce

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Willima Wilberforce.

The video
Choose the relevant statements or say whether they are right or wrong and explain from with
you remember (or check)

1) What are the adjectives used to describe slavery ?

 necessary
 horrible
 profitable
 degrading
 hateful
 painful

2) What sort of people were involved in the Abolitionist movement in the United Kingdom ?
 former slaves
 slave traders
 representatives of religions
 charities
 men, only.

3) The journey from Africa to the West Indies was called :

 The Channel passage
 The Long Journey
 The Middle Passage
 The Great Migration

4) The slaves who were exchanged in West Africa against manufactured goods from
Bristol/London/Liverpool .........
 were workers who dreamed of a better life
 were prisoners of tribal wars
 were prisoners swapping their detainment with a trip
 were volunteers
 innocent kidnapped people

5) They were taken to the ships and

 lodged in cabins on the different decks
 shared a vast dormitory with beds and facilities
 chained to one another in the hold of the ship

6) They
 could sit and take walks along the decks for fresh air
 were lying in the heat of the hold throughout the journey
 suffered from seasickness

7) When they arrived

They were well-treated and properly fed right/wrong

8) Words used to describe the slaves' health and state if mind

agony, fear, greed, insanity, lack of self-worth, numbed submission, lust, wickedness

9) The slave traders were sometimes some Africans who sold their own people for money

10) The reasons for the rise of awareness in the United Kingdom about the slaves' situation :
 the reality of the sexual abuse of African women
 the decrease in sugar consumption
 the few people involved in the trade
 the little amount of money made
 the clash between personal beliefs and the human cost.
 the case of slaves being tossed overboard for fear of lack of drinking water

11) In the document, they compare William Wilberforce to :

Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, Abraham Lincoln. Why?

12) What is the lesson to be drawn from W Wilberforce's example?

 You need faith, knowledge, principle, friendship, passion and action, to build the kind
of force to change the world for the better, and not everybody has them.
 Whoever, wherever you are, in whatever walk of life you are, you have a purpose you
have a role to play and may change the world for the better

12) William Wilberforce was not only involved in the abolition of slavery right/wrong

William Wilberforce came from a family of slave traders right/wrong
They were very rich and lived in the North of England right/wrong
He was a charming, and very strong, healthy man right/wrong
William Wilberforce met his best friend William Pitt when they were students right/wrong
William Pitt was to become Prime Minister right/wrong
William Wilberforce was not interested in politics right/wrong
He had a natural interest in poetry, in the classics and enjoyed giving parties right/wrong
But he was also bad-tempered right/wrong
However he had one day a revelation and considered becoming a priest right/wrong
A friend, called John Newton, talked him out if and encouraged him to become a politician
instead right/wrong
And so he discovered his mission: the suppression of the slave trade and the Reformation of
manners right/wrong
However it was going to take all his life to fulfill it right/wrong
And he would have to fight this battle alone, with no friends or support right/wrong

14) The marketing devices invented for the anti-slavery campaign

 hold meetings
 write petitions
 write songs
 create societies and charitable organizations
 design posters to be shown all around the country
 design a plaque, a picture of a slave in shackles with the words :"am I not a man and a
 circulate leaflets with information about the reality of slavery.
 have former slaves testify in shows with music, singers and story-tellers.

15) The slave trade was eventually abolished on February 23 1807 right/wrong

16) At the announcement, all the members of parliament clapped their hands and applauded
William Wilberforce right/wrong

17) Slavery was to be abolished the following year right/wrong

18) William Wilberforce felt his mission was achieved and retired in his parents' property to
enjoy life as he well deserved and practice his favourite sport, riding right/wrong

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