FM-LAB-001 - 3/0
Age : 48Y
6M 9D CERILITA ACADEMIA Hospital No : 877724
Sex :F Admission No : 624619
Room : OPD Accession # :
CS # : CA-255501 Request Date : Sep-23-2021 / 12:00 PM
Physician : AS PER, PATIENT REQUEST Result Encoded : Sep-23-2021 / 12:33 PM
Specimen : Other Specimen Result Printed : Sep-23-2021 / 12:33:PM
Remarks : A Positive Antigen test for a suspected or a probable COVID-19 case shall be interpreted as a confirmed COVID-19
case. A Negative Antigen test results from persons with high index of suspicion(e.g symptomatic persons with unknown
transmission or travel history) should be confirmed using RT-PCR or repeat antigen testing no less than 24 hours and no longer
than 48 hours of the initial test.
"This is a computer generated form and does not require a signature if issued without any
Remarks : A Positive Antigen test for a suspected or a probable COVID-19 case shall be interpreted as a confirmed COVID-19
case. A Negative Antigen test results from persons with high index of suspicion(e.g symptomatic persons with unknown
transmission or travel history) should be confirmed using RT-PCR or repeat antigen testing no less than 24 hours and no longer
than 48 hours of the initial test.
"This is a computer generated form and does not require a signature if issued without any