Divine Mercy Sunday

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Divine Mercy Sunday I cannot compass all I have,

ENTRANCE For all Thou hast and art are

Rejoice to the full in the glory mine!
that is yours,
Give thanks to the Lord Who Sound, sound His praises higher
has called you to His love. still,
Rejoice to the full in the glory And come, ye angels, to our aid,
that is yours; Sing Al-le-lu-ia. 'Tis God! 'Tis God! the very God
Whose power both man and an-
This is the day that the Lord has gels made!
made, Sing Him praise,
Shout for joy, Give Him glory. He comes! He comes! The Lord of
Borne on His throne triumphantly!
How I rejoiced when I heard peo- We see Thee, and we know Thee,
ple say, Lord;
“Let us go to the house of our And yearn to shed our Blood for
Lord, God.” Thee.
My feet are dancing before you,
my God, Offertory: Nai Isoro Tabu Vou
Let us sing, shout for joy, give Na Isoro tabu vou keimai sa cab-
you glory. ora kivei kemuni na neimami
Kalou e sa madrai ka waini ga ga
voleka mai ni vukici me yago tabu
Anointing Of the Sick: o Jisu ka me sa nona dra.
Jesus! my Lord, my God, my all!
How can I love Thee as I ought? E delani madrai au biuta na
And, how revere this wondrous yaloqu, yalodra na noqu Itau
gift, yalodra na meca ni na vukici na
So far surpassing hope or madrai me yago tabu I Jisu me
thought? vuki tale g ana yalo kece qo.

Sweet Sacrament! we Thee E loma ni waini au biuta noqu

adore! bula na vosa na igu na
O, make us love Thee more vakanananu moni vukica main a
and more! ca na ivalavala kece ga me dei na
itovo vou ka rauti kemuni.
Had I but Mary's sinless heart
To love Thee with, my dearest Sanctus: Tabu (Damiano Lo-
King! gaivau)
O with what bursts of fervent Tabu tabu tabu
praise Turaga na Kalou ni lewe oba
Thy goodness, Jesus, would I E roboti lomalagi kei vuravura
sing! Na kemuni serau
Osana mai lagi
Thy Body, Soul, and Godhead, all! Kalougata o koya e lako mai,
O mystery of love divine! Ena yaca ni Turaga
Osana mai lagi Reflection 1: Soul of my
Saviour (James Kibane)
Soul of my Saviour sanctify my
Communion 1: Madrai Ni Bula breast,
(Fr Mika Tuilau) Body of Christ, be thou my saving
Madrai ni bula dovi ena vukuqu guest,
Na yago tabu ni noqu Kalou Blood of my Saviour, bathe me in
Yavuni loloma talei I vei yau thy tide,
Vadei dina ni bula tawa mudu wash me with waters gushing
from thy side.
Nai loloma ni Iukarisitia
I noqu bula au reki au marau Strength and protection may thy
dina passion be,
Na noqu bula me sa nomuni O blessed Jesus, hear and answer
Noqu Kalou na me;
Noqu Turaga deep in thy wounds, Lord, hide
and shelter me,
Na waini sa nona dra tabu oqo so shall I never, never part from
Dewa ni bula seva na noqu ca thee.
Drodrovi yau na kena garasia
Meu na dina tikoga kivua Guard and defend me from the
foe malign,
Soqoni vata ena Komunio in death's dread moments make
Nona loloma vauci keda tu me only thine;
Sorotabu era reki na Yagilosi call me and bid me come to thee
Ai dusidusi ni bula savasava on high
where I may praise thee with thy
Communion 2: Take and Eat saints on high.
(Phil Bates)
Take and eat, come have your fill Reflection 2: Be Still for the
now. Sweet Heart of Jesus, font of love
Take this bread, come as you will. and mercy
For the life of the world, be not Today we come, Thy blessing to
afraid. implore.
Oh touch our hearts, so cold and
Take this cup, take and be filled so ungrateful
now. And make them Lord, Thine own
Take and drink, come as you are. for evermore.
For the life of the world, be not
afraid. Sweet Heart of Jesus we im-
Take this song, come be re- Oh make us love Thee more
freshed now. and more.
Take and live, take and be free.
For the life of the world, be, be Sweet heart of Jesus, make us
not afraid. know and love thee,
Unfold to us the treasures of thy
That so our hearts, from things of
earth uplifted,
May long alone to gaze upon thy

Sweet Heart of Jesus, make us

pure and gentle
And teach us how to do Thy
blessed will;
To follow close the print of Thy
dear footsteps
And when we fall, Sweet Heart,
oh love us still.

Recessional: Canticle of the

Jesus Christ is risen today, Al-
our triumphant holy day; alleluia,
who did once upon the cross; al-
suffer to redeem our loss; al-

Hymns of praise then let us sing;

unto Christ our heavenly king; al-
who endured the cross and grave;
sinners to redeem and save: al-

But the pains which he endured;

our salvation have procured; al-
now above the sky he's King; al-
where the angels ever sing: al-

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