BS CoE (July 2017)
BS CoE (July 2017)
BS CoE (July 2017)
111 Advanced Digital Design. Combinational & sequential circuits; structured design; digital design using
programmable devices; hardware description language (HDL)-based digital design; simulation; testing of digital
circuits. Coreq: EEE 105. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
113 Advanced Computer Organization. Instruction sets. Central processor implementations. Hardwired and
microprogrammed control. Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processors. Datapaths. Arithmetic and
logic units (ALUs). Distributed systems. Performance enhancements. Prereq: CoE 111, EEE 105. 6 h (3 lec, 3
lab). 4 u.
121 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Discrete-time systems in frequency domain; digital filter design;
linear prediction & optimum linear filters. Prereq: EEE 25, EEE 35. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
123 Introduction to Digital Image & Video Processing. Digital image fundamentals; introduction to two-
dimensional digital signal processing (DSP); image enhancements & restoration algorithms; image filters; image
coding & compression; video coding & standards; some applications of video & image processing. Prereq: EEE
35. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
127 Audio & Speech Signal Processing. Fundamental audio synthesis concepts; advanced techniques of audio
signal processing, analysis & modeling; engineering models for speech signal analysis, synthesis & recognition.
Prereq: CoE 121. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
129 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing. Digital signal processor architectures; data converters; real-time
concepts & programming; digital filtering; real-time spectral analysis. Prereq: CoE 121, EEE 105. 5 h (2 lec, 3
lab). 3 u.
133 Computer Systems Engineering I. History and overview of computer systems engineering. Computer
engineering ethics. Software risks and reliability. Life cycles. Project management. Prereq: EEE 105. 2 u.
134 Computer Systems Engineering II. Requirements analysis and elicitation. Architectural design.
Implementation, testing and maintenance issues. Prereq: CoE 133. 4 h (1 lec, 3 lab) 2 u.
135 Operating Systems. Overview and examples of operating systems. System calls. Process management.
Threads. Scheduler. Interprocess communication and synchronization. Deadlock and starvation. Memory
management. Virtual memory. I/O systems. File system. Prereq: EEE 13. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
141 Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuit Design. Concepts, economics & trends of integrated circuits (IC);
MOS transistor characteristics & models; basic digital building blocks; structured digital circuits & systems.
Prereq: EEE 21, EEE 41. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
143 Introduction to Analog Integrated Circuit Design. IC fabrication processes; analog device modeling; circuit
simulation; amplifiers, comparators & other analog systems. Prereq: EEE 51. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
151 Computer Networks. Principles and practices of computer networking. Structures and components of
networks. Packet switching. Layered architectures. Open systems interconnect (OSI) reference model.
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Prereq: EEE 13, 107. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u
153 Advanced Computer Networks. Advanced topics in computer networks, including Internet architecture and
design, multicast and advanced routing. Quality of service and congestion control. Network measurement and
modeling. Mobile and ad-hoc networks. Web technologies and the Semantic Web. Application-layer overlay
networks. Security and privacy. Emerging applications. Prereq: CoE 151. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
197 Special Topics in Computer Engineering. Prereq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination of lec or lab); may be
repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record purposes.
198 Special Problems in Computer Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal from EEE 190, research
laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab) 5 u.
113 Communication Electronics. Resonant circuits and filters. Analog modulation and de-modulation circuits.
Frequency synthesis and phase locked loops. Basic concepts in radio frequency (RF) circuit design. Other
communications circuits. Prereq: EEE 53, EEE 54, EEE 100, EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
117 Instrumentation Electronics. Sensors in control systems; signal conditioning; data acquisition systems;
actuators & controllers; industry standards. Prereq: EEE 34, EEE 51. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
123 Digital Instrumentation & Control Techniques. A/D-D/A conversion; process control; fundamentals of
robotics; data acquisition; real time applications. Prereq: EEE 101. 3 u.
129 Simulation & Control Laboratory. System modeling; computer-aided control system design & computer
simulation; op amps as feedback compensators; DC motor dynamics & control; closed-loop control &
responses to step & ramp inputs. Prereq: EEE 52/COI, EEE 101. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
131 Introduction to Robotics. Coordinate transformations; forward & inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics;
control of manipulators; path planning. Prereq: EEE 101, ES 12, ES 21/COI. 3 u.
133 Introduction to Mobile Robotics. Mobile robot control. Software architectures. Interoceptive and
exteroceptive sensors. Sensor interpretation. Map building and navigation. Mobile robot construction. Prereq:
EEE 35, ES 12 and EEE 11 or COI. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
141 Digital Communications. Sampling & quantization; baseband pulse transmission; multiplexing; digital
modulation techniques; bit error rates & spectral efficiency; clock recovery; information theory & error control
coding; spread spectrum modulation. Prereq: EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
151 Communication Networks. Telephony; telephone traffic, switching & signaling systems; multiplexing;
trunking theory; modem standards; optical communication systems; open systems interconnect (OSI) layers
for communication systems. Prereq: EEE 107. 3 u.
153 Wireless Communications. Radiowave propagation; antenna basics; large-scale path loss models; small-
scale fading; cellular & satellite communication systems; multiple access techniques; current topics of interest
in wireless communications. Prereq: EEE 23; Coreq: ECE 141. 3 u.
155 Modern Audio Engineering. Fundamentals of sound & hearing; audio tests & measurements; electrical &
environmental noise & noise reduction in audio systems; microphones & loudspeakers; audio processing
electronics & acoustics; practical audio systems. Prereq: EEE 107. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
157 Microwave Engineering I. Review of electromagnetics; transmission line theory & wave-guides; the Smith
chart; network analysis & port parameters; impedance matching; passive & active microwave circuits. Prereq:
EEE 23, EEE 107. 3 u.
159 Microwave Engineering II. Microwave materials & processes; laminates; metals; solders; packaging;
connectors; resistance, inductance, & capacitance (RLC) measurements; trans-mission lines; microstrip
circuits; test & measurement equipment & software for microwave communication systems. Prereq: ECE 157,
EEE 100. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
197 Special Topics in Electronics & Communications Engineering. Prereq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination of lec
or lab); may be repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record
198 Special Problems in Electronics & Communications Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal from
EEE 190, research laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab). 5 u.
121 Introduction to Power Electronics. Switching converter principles, harmonics, pulse-width modulation, phase
control and phase modulation. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers. AC voltage controllers, DC/DC
converters and DC/AC inverters. Converter transfer functions. Prereq: EEE 42, EEE 53. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
123 Electric Motor Drives. Electric drive systems; steady-state analysis of direct current, induction, synchronous,
& reluctance motor drives; efficiency, harmonics, & converter-motor interaction. Prereq: EE 121, EEE 43. 3 u.
143 Electrical Machine Dynamics and Control. Dynamic models and characteristics of electrical machines.
Applications and control of direct-current, synchronous, induction and reluctance machines. Prereq: EEE 43. 3
145 Electrical Equipment and Devices. Operating principles, characteristics and applications of transformers,
switchgear, and other electrical equipment and devices used for power system protection and control. Prereq:
EEE 43, EEE 103. 3 u.
146 Electric Power Measurements & Equipment Characterization. Power measurements. Performance
evaluation and parameter measurement of electrical machines and transformers. Prereq: EEE 43, EEE 44, EEE
103. 3 h (3 lab) 1 u.
147 Energy-efficient Lighting Systems. Fundamentals of lighting, vision, and color. Electric light source and
ballast technologies. Luminaires and optical control. Light loss factors. Average illuminance calculations.
Calculation of illuminance at a point. Lighting quantity and quality assessment. Design of energy-efficient lighting
for interiors. Design of energy-efficient lighting for exteriors. Strategies and technologies for control of energy-
efficient lighting. Daylighting. Building energy codes and standards. Lighting economics. Prereq: EEE 41, EEE
101. 3 u.
148 Electrical Machine Design. Design of transformers, rotating machines, and selected electrical equipment
and devices. Prereq: EEE 143. 3 u.
151 Power System Operation. Philippine Grid Code. Voltage and frequency control. Operating reserve. Unit
commitment. Economic dispatch. Optimal power flow. Energy interchange. System security and reliability.
Transmission network operations in competitive electricity markets. Prereq: EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
152 Advanced Power Systems Analysis. Large-scale power system studies using computer methods: matrix
techniques and numerical methods. Network building. Load flow studies, fault studies and rotor angle stability.
Electromagnetic transients analysis. Prereq: EEE 13, EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
153 Electric Power Distribution Systems. Substation, subtransmission and distribution sys-tem design.
Distribution system models and load flow, short-circuit, reliability, and system loss analysis. Distribution
planning. Distribution automation. Prereq: EE 103, EEE 145. 3 u.
157 New Energy Systems. Non-conventional energy resources & conversion technologies; new energy systems
for off-grid applications; grid integration issues of non-conventional & new energy systems; planning &
operations of electric power systems with intermittent energy systems. Prereq: EEE 103. 3 u.
158 Electrical System Design. Choice of systems & selection, arrangement & protection of components for
power, lighting & auxiliary systems of residential, institutional, commercial, & industrial power systems;
illumination design. Prereq: EEE 103. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
159 Industrial Power Systems. Selection & arrangement of electrical equipment for distribution, control,
protection & metering in industrial plants, substations & modern power plants. Prereq: EEE 158. 5 h (2 lec, 3
lab). 3 u.
197 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering. Prereq: COI. 2-4 u. (any combination of lec or lab); may be
repeated for additional credit provided that the special topic should be indicated for record purposes.
198 Special Problems in Electrical Engineering. Prereq: Approved project proposal from EEE 190, research
laboratory affiliation. 11 h (2 lec, 9 lab). 5 u.
1 Essentials of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Analysis of alternating current (AC) & direct current
(DC) circuits; motors & generators, characteristics & methods of control; diode & transistor circuits; current
digital circuits & logic gates; transducers & transducer circuits; operational amplifiers; motor control; feedback
control systems; introduction to digital control; programmable logic controllers. Prereq: ES 21/Math
121.1/equiv, Physics 72/102. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
3 Elementary Electrical Engineering. Fundamentals of electric & magnetic circuits; transformers; direct &
alternating current machinery; elementary distribution systems & electrical wiring. Prereq: Math 54, Physics
72. 3 u.
4 Industrial Electronics and Equipment. Electrical measurements and some of their industrial applications.
Operating principles, characteristics and application of electrical equipment. Equipment and devices used for
system protection and control. Applications in power and industrial systems. Modern control devices in
industry. Prereq: EEE 1 or EEE 3. Credits: 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab). 3 u.
5 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Theory. Elementary circuit analysis; semiconductor
devices; introduction to transducers, operational amplifiers, and digital design. Prereq: Math 54, Physics 72,
Physics 72.1. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
21 Switching Theory & Digital Logic Design. Combinational logic analysis and design. Digital integrated circuit
building blocks. Design of digital subsystems. Analysis and synthesis of sequential circuits. Introduction to
hardware description languages.
Prereq: Math 17. 3 u.
23 Electromagnetic Fields I. Vector analysis; steady electric and magnetic fields; dielectric and magnetic
materials; time-varying fields. Maxwell’s equations; introduction to uniform plane waves & transmission lines;
applications to electrical engineering. Prereq: Physics 72; Coreq: Math 55. 4 u.
25 Probability & Statistics for Electrical & Electronics Engineers. Review of descriptive statistics;
combinatorial probability; single & bivariate random variables; expectation; sum of two independent random
variables; introduction to estimation; introduction to random processes. Prereq: Math 55. 3 u.
31 Introduction to Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Fundamental concepts and laws in electrical and
electronics engineering. Magnetism. Electrical and electronic devices. DC analysis of resistive networks.
Overview of different fields in electrical and electronics engineering. Demonstration of basic concepts. Prereq:
Math 17. 3 u.
33 Electric Circuit Theory. Network theorems. AC circuit analysis. Equilibrium equations for resistance-
inductance-capacitance (RLC) networks. Transient analysis of first-order and higher-order networks. Sinusoidal
steady-state analysis. Polyphase circuits. Prereq: Math 53, EEE 31. 4 u.
34 Electrical Measurements Laboratory. Laboratory procedures & practice; data collection & analysis; laboratory
documentation; standard electric instruments & circuits; basic electric circuit behavior; transducers. Coreq: EEE
33. 3 h (lab) 1 u.
35 Signals and Systems. Mathematical modeling of signals and systems. Continuous- and discrete-time signals.
System analysis techniques and their applications to electric and electronic circuits, filter design,
communications, control and signal processing. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. Frequency domain
representation of signals and system transfer functions. Two-port networks. Fourier-, Laplace- and Z-
transforms. Prereq: Math 54, EEE 11, EEE 33. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
41 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices and Circuits. Semiconductor devices: diodes, bipolar junction
transistors, field effect transistors; device models & circuit applications; regions of operation; large & small signal
modeling & analysis; semiconductor theory. Prereq: EEE 23, EEE 33, 3u
42 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Laboratory. Characteristics, parameters, & non-idealities of actual
diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) & field effect transistors (FETs); basic circuit applications. Prereq:
EEE 34; Coreq: EEE 41. 3 h (lab) 1 u.
43 Electromechanical Energy Conversion. Basic principles; generalized machine model; direct current,
synchronous & induction machines. Prereq: EEE 23, EEE 33. 3 u.
44 Electrical Machine Operation and Control. Operation and control of rotating machines. Motor and generator
control devices and circuits. Programmable logic controllers. Prereq: EEE 34, Coreq.: EEE 43, (3 lab) 1 u.
51 Electronic Circuits I. Transistor amplifiers. Feedback amplifiers. Operational amplifiers. Linear regulators.
Prereq: EEE 41. 3 u.
52 Electronic Circuits Laboratory I. Performance measurements & behavior analysis of analog circuits. Prereq:
EEE 42; Coreq: EEE 51. 1 u.
53 Electronic Circuits II. Active switching circuits. Waveshaping circuits. Pulse and digital circuits. Analog and
digital circuit building blocks. Linear and switch-mode regulators. Prereq: EEE 21, EEE 41. 3 u.
54 Electronic Circuits Laboratory II. Construction, performance measurements and behavior analysis of pulse,
wave-shaping, timing and digital circuits. Prereq: EEE 42; Coreq: EEE 53. 3 h (3 lab). 1 u.
100 Electronic Circuits Prototyping Laboratory. Basic prototyping skills for electronic circuits including soldering,
schematic design entry, printed circuit board (PCB) layout and routing, PCB fabrication. Safe laboratory
practices. Computer aided design tools. Overview of industrial prototyping processes and standards. Prereq:
ES 1, EEE 42. 3 h (3 lab). 1 u.
101 Control Systems Theory. Continuous & discrete systems; open & closed loop systems; transfer functions;
block diagrams. Signal flow graphs; state variables; state transition matrix; stability; controllability &
observability. Prereq: ES 12, EEE 35; Coreq: EEE 41. 3 u.
103 Introduction to Electric Power Systems. Electric power industry. Power system compo-nents and system
modeling. Per unit system. Symmetrical components. Load flow analysis. Short circuit analysis. Prereq: EEE
23, EEE 33. 3 u.
105 Computer Organization. Instruction sets. Computer arithmetic. Datapath and control. Memory system
organization and architecture. Interfacing and communication. Assembly language programming. Prereq: EEE
11, EEE 21, EEE 41. 6 h (3 lec, 3 lab). 4 u.
107 Introduction to Communication Systems. Signals & spectra; noise & distortion; trans-mission, reception, &
detection; continuous-wave modulation & baseband digital pulse modulation; examples of practical
communication systems. Prereq: EEE 25, EEE 34, EEE 35. 5 h (2 lec, 3 lab) 3 u.
190 Project Proposals, Inspection Trips, & Seminars. Project proposal documentation & presentation; visits to
companies, factories, & electrical power plants; seminars on topics such as research, technical writing,
presentation skills, career planning, engineering ethics, & technopreneurship. Prereq: SS, research laboratory
affiliation. 4 h (1 lec, 3 lab). 2 u.
10 Everyday EEE: Kuryente, Radyo, atbp. Electrical & electronics engineering in everyday life. 3 u.
CSSP Anthro 10 Bodies, Senses & Interaction of biology & culture in the 3
Humanity shaping of humanity.
CSSP Geog 1 Places & Landscapes in a Overview of the diversity of 3
Changing World interconnections of peoples & places
in a globalizing world as mediated by
cultures, politics & historical
CSSP Kas 12 Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas Ang pagsulong na pulitikal, pang--‐ 3
ekonomiya, panlipunan at
pagkalinangan ng Pilipinas.
CSSP Kas 2 Ang Asya at ang Daigdig Ang pamanang pangkalinangan 3
ng Asya sa pagkaka--‐ugnay at
ang kaugnayan nito sa
kabihasnang pandaigdig.
ECON Econ 11 Markets & the State Essential economic concepts & their use 3
in analyzing real--‐world issues.
1. Comm 1 & English 1 are equivalent courses and therefore only one (1) course will be credited towards the GE requirement.
1a. Comm 1 & English 10 are equivalent courses and therefore only one (1) course will be credited towards the GE requirement
2. May be taken to satisfy Philippine Studies requirement.
3. Preferably Junior Standing
3a Preferably Junior or Senior Standing
4. Preferably Sophomore Standing
5. Can be taken to fulfill GE requirement either AH, MST, or SSP; Can only be credited once
5a. Can be taken to fulfill GE requirement either AH or SSP; Can only be credited once
5b. Can be taken to fulfill GE requirement either MST or SSP; Can only be credited once
6. This course cannot be taken by students in the College of Engineering except those under the BS Computer Science Program.
7. Math 1 cannot be taken by BS Math students
7a. Math 2 cannot be taken by students of degree programs which require at least Math 11
Students who wish to study and pursue careers in electrical and electronics engineering and any of its allied fields
need to acquire a strong background in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and other engineering sciences,
in addition to courses in their chosen field. To ensure that student aptitudes and interests match the rigors and
demands of the program, and that graduates consistently meet the high quality standards expected of products of our
programs, the Institute enforces academic retention rules that EEE undergraduate students must satisfy, in addition
to existing College and University academic rules and regulations, in order to remain in good academic standing.
A student will be permanently dismissed from any EEE undergraduate program if he or she:
Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these mathematics courses: (Math 17, 53, 54, 55);
Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these mathematics
courses (Math 17, 53, 54, 55);
Incurs a grade other than a passing grade twice in any of these basic EEE courses (EEE 23, 31, 33, 35, 41);
Accumulates three or more grades other than passing grades in any combination of these basic EEE courses
(EEE 23, 31, 33, 35, 41)
For purposes of this retention rule, a "grade other than a passing grade" includes the following: a 5.0, an unremoved
4.0, an unremoved INC, or a DRP recorded at the end of the semester or semesters under evaluation.