SSRN Id2172115
SSRN Id2172115
SSRN Id2172115
Case of India
V. Ranganathan
May 1996
V. Ranganathan
Indian Institute of Management
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 560 076
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Electricity Privatisation Revisited
Case of India*
V, Ranganathan
objectives. The Indian experience is showing that they are quite interdependant and
unless all the three objectives are tackled simultaneously, privatisation will not
succeed. Specifically, the poor financial performance of the State Electricity Boards
Keywords : Electricity, Privatisation, IPPs, Restructuring
Presently India has an installed capacity of about 80,000 MW. For the next 5
years, there is demand for an additional 30,000 MW. This would call for an investment of
about $.7.5 billion for generation mid associated transmission. The traditional sources of
power sector funding have been the Central Government budgetary allocations- used
rather discretionarily by the States - and World Bank loans. Even the outlay in the 8th
Plan (1992-97) was about $.4.5 billion, per year, and this outlay has never materialized,
due to fiscal constraints, at Centre and States. The World Bank financing has grinded to a
halt since it has stopped lending to State Electricity Boards (SEBs) which make losses.
There is no scope for internal financing since the SEBs have an accumulated loss of about
$.2 billion. Hence there is an imperative for privatisation, to mobilize funds for expansion
The SEBs cannot tap the domestic capital market, due to their poor financial performance.
For even the private sector, the domestic capital market does not offer much, compared to
the investment needs of the power sector, the entire capital market mobilization for the
year 94-95 was about $.1 billion for all sectors put together Hence the major recourse has
to come from foreign direct investment through schemes like BOT, and foreign financial
Hie deeper cause for the lack of funds for the growth of electricity supply is the poor
- like poor revenue collection -- but partly due to political tariff setting which subsidises
electricity heavily for the fanners, and marginally for the poor1. So far, electricity
pricing never reconciled the need to finance growth, since such finance was provided
externally through budgetary support. This has eroded the efficiency and commercial
orientation of the SEBs and has made them a plaything for political interference, since their
growth was controlled by the politicians who controlled the fimds. The loss of commercial
orientation has resulted in ignoring the consumer and die erosion of quality of service, on
the one hand and indiscipline with respect to both collection and payment of dues on the
part of the SEBs. On average they have 4 months' uncollected revenue, as arrears from
their consumers. They also owe the Central Government suppliers of power and coal an
amount roughly equal to this figure! Hie providers of fimds translate the insecurity of the
revenue stream to them into corresponding risk and demand higher cost for fimds. This
happens even if the borrower is a foreign EPP ( Independant Power Producer), since the
lending is project based Conversely if the revenue dream of the power utilities , i.e. the
present SEBs, is secure, then they themselves can tap the fimds in the international capital
market on account of their own creditworthiness. Tims we Aid a paradox that the
unnecessary subsidy to the well-to-do farmers, and laxity in collecting revenue for the
power sold fi^m consumers, mainly from the blackshcep of the industry, is hurting all
the citizenry in terms of high cost of funds, and hence high cost of power. Thus
overtaking economics . Hie Government is encouraging small scale high cost diesel
generation to tide over immediate problems of the day, by removing it from the perview
of scale inherent in targe scale generation. Hie nonviable energy technologies like wind,
micro hydro etc, are also being promoted by tax breaks ? abundant availability of low cost
fimdsfromWorld Bank and organizations like USAJD, tied aid from equipment supplier
countries and through a higher selling price2 by the SEBs which are forced into it > as a
matter of "government policy'. The frequent power failures have also resulted in
infructuous investment in the form of captive generation not only by industry but also
installations. Residential buildings are going in for sumps for water storage, since water
industry to acquire commercial orientation and to generate surpluses to enable long term
growth, with a redefined and clear focus on its objectives towards supply of electricity to
the poor. Electricity Privatisation in India should be looked at in this light to secure
The speed, selectivity and secrecy with which the contracts for additional power were
signed with foreign IPPs have resulted in a backlash questioning the competence and
credibility of the decision making process, with such decisions being reversed or stalled.
As for the IPPs, as the Economist put it, they have learned that transparency and robustness
of the offer that can withstand public scrutiny, are key to long term success.
• Lenient operating norms (heat rate, PLF etc.): This has had the effect of
translating public sector inefficiency into super-normal profits for the private
• No income tax for 5 yews : In the light of the provision for expensing the
income tax paid in the fixed charge recovery, this provision is only meant to
relieve the the SEB (and ultimately the consumer ) of this burden in the tariff
Over the last 5 years the Government has learned some lessons and announced several
policy shifts. These are:
of competitive bidding.
• the 2-part tariff-which was misused as a single part tariff in some Power
and thereby claiming a second helping of the fixed costs, beyond the stipulated
based bidding.
• Relaxing the 5 year income tax exemption further to any 5 year period
surpluses, for die project. This additional incentive for the investor, will lead
to higher cost of power, since the investors will, over the years, substitute low
cost debt with high return equity, on which the returns are guaranteed
financially unviable SEBs, and the poor record on revenue collection of SEBs,
financially viable bulk buyer, the efficiency aspects and the effect of natural
hope to raise cash through sale of assets to domestic private sector. The
politicians are also wary about any reform' in the agricultural electricity tariff,
since it touches a vast segment of the vote bank. A third worry is about the
management contract for 2 years. Orissa was peiiiaps chosen care&lly since it
had a low agricultural load of about 8.7%, in contrast to say Andhra Pradesh
which had 34% agricultural load Secondly the people of Orissa were mild
the Zone, differential pricing from the grid is suggested. Hie hope is that
either through the management contract, lease or sale route, at a later date/
In spite of efforts, to attract private capital, the fruits have been modest The only effect
of the Government announcing a guaranteed rate of return and settling contracts through the
vindication of the Averch-Johnson hypothesis8. There has been a sharp increase in the cost
per MW after the announcement of guaranteed return policy by the Government, from a
range of $.0.5-1 million per MW to $.1-1,4 million per MW, in real terms9. Not even a
single project has, by 1995 achieved financial closure. Obviously there is apprehension
Apprehension of DPPs
GOI? (World Bank gives counter guarantees, but only for financially sound utilities,
which do not need them anyway!). In this context, we need to know the risk perceptions
of multinational institutions -both lenders and EPPs — towards public utility buyers in
other countries. If the developing countries were to form a buyers' cartel and adopt
uniform policies, it is possible that they can get the fimds aid equipment at better terms
than at present
equipment industry? Is the ultimate price per kwh comparable to what IPPs
sell in developed country power pools? What is the cost per MW in developed
coming years of lower tariff barriers and they would be unwilling to either
cross subsidise for agriculture or pay for high cost power from IPPs arising out
• The Indian Industry is facing the power crisis in terms of high supply
restrictions and both industry and domestic consumers feel the need for a more
Gaps at present
institutional capacity in decision making in the power sector. This requires a critical mass
of skill formation in technical, financial and legal and project finance aspects of the power
sector. Hie Indian financial institutions which have co-financed, have also appraised the
projects from a narrow point of view, viz .whether they will get back the money, rattier
than from the national economic and environmental points of view. In the appraisal of
Industrial Development Bank of India, of the Enron project, they never asked the question if
the cost of the project cost was too high. Rather they went by rules of thumb, like the cost
per MW of project bids recently submitted by different IPPs, instead of asking what is the
Cycle Gas TYirbine type.10 Similarly, in the Cogentrix project in Karnataka, the effect of
sulphurous emission on the Western Ghats eco-system and effect of hot water discharges
into the sea on the marine eco system and its impact on the economy of the fishermen, have
So far, being a public monopoly, the power sector did not need a Regulator. Hie Govt.
did the price control, though customer service took a back seat Now, with privatisation,
the Regulatory apparatus needs to be put in place. The Regulator must be a professional
who will make policies, instead of the Government, so as to facilitate inflow of private
capial on the one hand, and protect interest of consumers on the other. The skills required
person, who is traditionally thought of to fill the place. The regulator should have
sensitivities to environment, rural and consumer issues on the one hand and a eye on
efficiency and financing aspects on the other, together with a solid understanding of power
system economics.
Lack of coordinated set of policies: It is not possible to have market and competition in
one segment and administered pricing and supra-market behaviour in a related segment. In
order to bring the two into alignment, the prices of domestic coal and natural gas must be
made to reflect their inherent competitiveness so that if they are cheaper there must be
automatic mechanisms which promote their use. Presently questions arise such as why
imported gas and coal are used in IPPs, while they are domestically available. These
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profitability. Similarly, when SEB enters into a set of contracts with IPPs for buying
generated power, defining each other's obligations through a contract, it has to enter into
another set of contracts with the transmission authorities, the Power Grid Company or the
Regional Electricity Board, regarding counterpart obligations. At present this issue is not
addressed Similarly commercial contracts should govern domestic coal supply and coal
transport through railways. At present, these are done through bureaucratic fiat, with no
The World Bank is leading the power sector reforms in the country so far, albeit with
for Private Power in June 1994, where the participants were educated on the technical
aspects of how to go about competitive bidding. Again in June 199S it organized
through MOP another workshop on Private Sector Participation in Distributioa12 Here the
experience of other countries like Argentina, Chile etc. in distribution privatization was
shared, along with the latest inputs from Orissa experiment in distribution privatisation and
Present status: On the generation side, the stress by the Government has been on
privatisation rather than on competition. Arguably, this approach has been due to an
anxiety to secure financing. Ironically, not only has international fund flow into power
sector fallen much short of expectations , but even the reduced budgetary outlays by (he
Government of India have not materialized, worsening the crisis even further. In short
there is a paralysis in generation investment. On the distribution side, apart from the early
privatised areas as in Bombay, Calcutta and Ahmedabad, an urban area on the border of
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Delhi and U.P, Noida has been given to private sector and has been in operation for about
an year. The lessonsfromthis experiment are, that while commercial orientation has come
to the fore by way of better revenue realization and better attention to paying customers,
predictably, the connections to agriculture — which is free supply, as per the terms of the
contract — have not increased, nor has the quality of supply to this category improved In
Orissa thefirstcontract to the private sector for one zone (out of 4) has just been awarded.
The power industry has also been restructured in Orissa, effectively unbundling generation,
transmission and distributioa In West Bengal and Gujarat, pockets of areas have been
given on a management contract to a foreign firm for improving the quality of supply in
distribution along with provisions for green-field generation. In many other States like
privatisation is ruled out by the politicians. Hie vexed questionof agricultural electricity
tariff, though discussed in several power ministers' conferences, has defied a solution.
is primarily because it is a decision thrust from outside. As a result it has not even
achieved the main purpose, viz. attracting capital. Hie main constraint is die non-
commercial nature of the State Electricity Boards, with apolitical pricing for agriculture
thrust on them . Yet politicians are interested in generation privatisation, because they
would be bringing power, while the future generations of consumers who would be paying
for it. But they will not be interested in distribution privatisation, wholesale for the whole
State, because thai would deprive them of a potent too) of patronage. So, in distribution
privatisation, cities may be privatised, but not rural areas. This would then leave two
different market segments, one, high cost good quality commercial power for the cities
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and another, low cost, poor quality social electricity for rural areas and possibly domestic
Hie political argument for continuing subsidies for electricity to agriculture is that
65% of the people depend on agriculture and it constitutes 34% of GDP. Also agriculture
Since wind energy is an intermittent energy source, its cost should be compared only with
the energy cost of electricity generation, and not the total cost, which includes the capacity
cost For economics of wind energy see, Ranganathan V and Sharath Kumar "Economics
and costs varying from inconvenience to loss of life, due to supply interruptions in
"Are there profits in Asian Power?", The Economist, Oct 28,1995
Ministry ofPower, Govt of India, India's Electricity Sector - Widening the Scope
for private Participation, 3rd Edition, Oct. 1994, and Gazette Extra Ordinary,
* Averch H and Johnson L.L "Behaviour of the firm under regulatory constraint"
Electronic copy available at:
American Economic Review 52,1052-1069
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Current Energy Scene in India June 1994,
Bombay, p. 42
Personal communication.
World Bank and Ministry of Power, Govt of India Technical Workshop for
competitive bidding for power sector, Hyderabad, June 21-23,1994.
Ministry of Power (with (he assistance of World Bank) Workshop on Private Sector
Participation in distribution, Bangalore, June 26-28,1995.
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