Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence Studies in Transsexualism
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence Studies in Transsexualism
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence Studies in Transsexualism
Jon Arcelus, MD, PhD1,2, Walter Pierre Bouman MD1, Wim Van Den Noorgate PhD3,
Nottingham Centre for Gender Dysphoria, Nottingham, United Kingdom
School of Sport, Exercise, and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, United
Centre for Methodology of Educational Research,Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven,
Corresponding author:
Dr Walter Pierre Bouman
Nottingham Centre for Gender Dysphoria
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
3 Oxford Street
Nottingham, NG1 5BH
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44(0)115 876 0160
Fax: +44(0)115 947 5609
Statement of Authorship
Category 1
(a) Conception and Design
Jon Arcelus, Laurence Claes; Walter Pierre Bouman; Gemma Witcomb; Wim
Category 2
(a) Drafting the Article
Jon Arcelus ; Walter Pierre Bouman; Laurence Claes ; Gemma Witcomb ;
Fernando Fernandez-Aranda
Fernando Fernandez-Aranda
Category 3
(a) Final Approval of the Completed Article
Jon Arcelus; Walter Pierre Bouman; Wim Van Den Noorgate; Laurence
Background: Over the last 50 years several studies have provided estimates of the
used and the year and country in which the studies took place. Taking these into
consideration, this study aimed to critically and systematically review the available
Methods: Databases were systematically searched and 1473 possible studies were
identified. After initial scrutiny of the article titles and removal of those not relevant,
250 studies were selected for further appraisal. Of these, 211 were excluded after
reading the abstracts and a further 18 after reading the full article. This resulted in 21
studies on which to perform a systematic review, with only 12 having sufficient data
for meta-analysis. The primary data of the epidemiological studies were extracted as
raw numbers. An aggregate effect size, weighted by sample size, was computed to
provide an overall effect size across the studies. Risk ratios and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs) were calculated. The relative weighted contribution of each study was
also assessed.
100,000 individuals; 6.8 for trans women and 2.6 for trans men. Time analysis found
increasing. However, it is still very low and is mainly based on individuals attending
clinical services and so does not provide an overall picture of prevalence in the
general population. However, this study should be considered as a starting point and
the field would benefit from more rigorous epidemiological studies acknowledging
1. Introduction
and the previous editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
the discrepancy between their gender identity and the sex they were assigned at
birth. When this distress is sufficiently intense individuals wish to transition from one
point on a notional gender scale to another – most commonly from a man to a woman
(people known as trans women) or from a woman to a man (people known as trans
revision. It is proposed that the new edition of the ICD (ICD-11) will include a new
diagnostic term and will also include individuals who do not fit into the gender binary
development and policymaking, although this can be complex due to several factors.
studies, i.e. the fact that diagnoses change over the years or that results differ
depending on the period of time used to collect data. For example, point prevalence is
such as a particular date, which is in contrast to period prevalence that measures the
proportion of people in a given population over a specific time period, for example
several years(8).
Other factors that also add to the complexity of undertaking epidemiological studies
relate to the subject studied; in this case the number of transsexual individuals in the
community. For example, the terminology and classification systems used have varied
over the years, and authors have used some of this terminology inconsistently, for
there are many epidemiological studies that have used the term “transsexualism” and
which have followed the ICD or DSM diagnostic criteria (9,1,2,3,10,11,7) or the definition
1) A sense of belonging to the opposite sex, of having been born into the wrong
3) A strong desire to resemble physically the opposite sex via therapy, including
diagnostic criteria did not include those individuals who were not interested in
undergoing sex reassignment surgery and who received the alternative diagnosis of
studies (based on the diagnostic criteria used at the time that the study took place) will
relates to the methods used to identify this population. For example, the country
where the study takes place can influence the prevalence of individuals found, as trans
people tend to live in larger cities and especially in areas, or countries, which are
defined as “trans friendly”(13). Therefore studies from specific countries may describe
countries. Thirdly, the timing of the study may also affect the findings. The fact that
in some countries tolerance to trans individuals has improved over the years has
allowed trans people to “come out” more easily in order to access clinical services (14,
. This may be reflected by the fact that older studies(16) report lower prevalence
than more recent ones(17). Finally, the recruitment process used to collect
epidemiological data will also influence the findings. Many studies are based on
clinical populations of individuals which, by definition, only include those who have
the capacity and motivation to ask for help, but, importantly, can also access clinical
services(18). This is reflected in the large number of studies from the Netherlands(18,19)
where trans services have been available for many years and where society is
because of this that researchers who have studied prevalence rates have focused on
consequence many prevalence studies published in this field have their origins in the
Western world(22). There is only one prevalence study from the Eastern world(23),
which is surprising given that many countries like Thailand, India and Pakistan are
known to have an apparently tolerant culture towards trans* identities, although there
reviewed in this study, provide the best available insight into the rates of
transsexualism, and vary from 0.45(22) to 23.6(23) per 100,000 people. Although
prevalence studies are welcome, such a great variation in findings leaves the reader
confused. Therefore, the aim of this study was to respond to the reported variation in
transsexualism. Where data were available, a meta-analysis of the studies was carried
out which took population, diagnosis, the time period studied and gender into
2. Methods
prevalence studies in the field. The following data bases were used: Web of Sciences,
Medline/Pubmed, Biosis, Science Direct, and Scielo. For each database, combinations
epidemiology, incidence, and prevalence. Studies published between 1945 and June
2014 were selected. Two researchers independently selected the studies, extracted the
describing small populations of individuals which could not be proved to reflect the
prevalence of a given area, region or country were excluded. Only studies describing
were screened for further potential studies and citation searches were conducted. Only
definitions were selected. Table 1 details the criteria for search used for this review.
When the study did not describe some of the above information, whenever possible,
this was calculated by the authors. For example, in some cases the mean population of
the studied area was calculated. Studies were excluded where there was ambiguity in
the number of individuals with a clear diagnosis or studies that primarily included
2.2. Procedure
Studies meeting the inclusion criteria were examined. The study collected the
women per 100,000 individuals; 3) prevalence of trans men per 100,000 individuals;
4) sex ratio between males and females; 5) country or region where the study took
regarding methods used to identify trans individuals; and 8) the change in the trans
Studies were screened in three phases, namely title, abstract, and full text. In the first
instance the titles were screened (n= 1724). The number of studies found using the
above search terms were: Transgender (TG) plus epidemiology (259), TG plus
incidence (28) and TG plus prevalence (257). Transsexualism (TS) plus epidemiology
(143), TS plus incidence (51) and TS plus prevalence (130); Gender dysphoria (GD)
plus epidemiology (24), GD plus incidence (4), GD plus prevalence (11); Gender
identity disorder (GID) plus epidemiology (390), GID plus incidence (41) and GID
plus prevalence (384). Gender non conforming (GNC) plus epidemiology (1), GNC
plus incidence (0) and GNC plus prevalence (1). Duplicates were removed (n=251),
and the two independent reviewers (JA and GW) independently screened and coded
the remaining titles (n=1473). Based on the titles, 1223 papers were excluded. The
main reason for exclusion was that the studies did not describe prevalence of
other disorders such as mental health problems or HIV in trans individuals. Out of the
250 studies selected to be screened in detail, 211 were excluded after reading the
abstracts. The reasons for the exclusions were: inadequate sample size (case studies);
2) no prevalence data; and 3) no specific area, region or country covered by the study.
Out of the 39 papers retrieved for more detailed evaluation, five were excluded as
there was no exact epidemiological information or they were not covering a specific,
identifiable area (these were not excluded in the previous stage as this information
was not identifiable by reading the abstract). Four more studies were excluded as they
only described the prevalence of psychiatric co-morbidity, and a further five studies
were excluded as the population was self-identified or it was unclear as to whether the
the etiology of transsexualism (with no new data), and two studies that described only
2.4.Assessment of quality
The study used a checklist for cross sectional studies based on the NICE checklists (29)
developed by Gilbert(30) and used in previous studies(31). The NICE rating system rates
the studies from good quality (when all or most of the criteria have been fulfilled;
[++]), reasonable quality (when some of the criteria have been fulfilled; [+]), to poor
quality (when few or no criteria are fulfilled; [-]). The review and scoring was based
2. 5. Statistical analysis
To calculate the meta-analytical prevalence, only studies that reported new data were
included. When several studies used the same data but at different times (i.e., data
from clinical databases across years), only the newest point prevalence data was
describing period prevalence were included and the mean year of the studied period
was used as a moderator for the analysis. For studies that spanned several years, the
total number of cases (trans men, trans women) were divided by the number of years
covered by the study in order to calculate the prevalence per year. Any missing
The primary data of the epidemiological studies were extracted as raw numbers. An
aggregate effect size, weighted by sample size, was computed to provide an overall
effect size across the studies. Homogeneity among studies was computed using the Q
statistic and the I2 statistic. A significant Q statistic suggests that the distribution of
effect size around the mean is greater than would be predicted from sampling error
effects models were fitted if there was heterogeneity. Risk ratios and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs) were calculated. The relative weighted contribution of each study was
3. Results
Most of the studies published were from Europe (18; 85.7%): five from Sweden (17, 22,
35, 36, 37)
, three from the Netherlands(18, 38, 39), three from the United Kingdom(40, 41, 42),
two from Germany(13, 43) and one each from Spain(44), Belgium(45), Serbia(46),
Ireland(47), and Poland(48). There was only one study from the United States of
America (USA), which was also the oldest(16), only one from Singapore(23), and only
one from Australia(49). Most of the studies from the same country, such as the Dutch
and the Swedish studies, used the same data but at different periods therefore
covering different years. Other studies from the same country focused on different
areas, regions or counties within the country, such as East and West Germany, and
Northern Ireland, Scotland or England (three from the United Kingdom). The study
Employing the NICE rating system described above, there were four studies that were
scored as (-). This was because they were particularly old studies reporting
primary care(42)). They were also rated as (-) if the information regarding how
individuals could access the gender clinic and whether the clinic covered a specific
geographical area was unclear(48). Six studies scored (+) as although methodologically
strong, the information was gathered from third parties (courts or government(28, 43),
(+*)(17, 46). The rest of the studies scored (++) as they were methodologically strong
identity clinic. Most of the studies were from the same countries, such as the
All of the 21 studies selected for the systematic review defined the population studied
retrospectively from gender identity clinics. The clinics covered the whole of their
country, such as Catalonya in Spain(44). The studies used the ICD(1), DSM(2,3) or
The reviewed studies provided reliable data and identified a population of transsexual
gender identity clinic (who fulfilled diagnostic criteria), four studies described
individuals who were treated with cross-sex hormones who fulfilled the diagnosis,
five studies described individuals who had or were referred for sex reassignment
surgery (SRS) and five studies collected information regarding the possible number of
most studies were able to provide the estimate of the number of transsexual
individuals, trans men and trans women from the age of 15 years.
individuals in their study and gave information about the population that the clinic or
studied area covered. The American study(16) provided only an approximation of trans
information for analysis. As explained above, studies using the same database, but at
different time periods were removed for this analysis and only the most recent ones
selected. Therefore out of the 20 studies, 12 provided enough new data on prevalence.
Those studies provided point prevalence as they reported the number of transsexual
individuals at the point when the study took place by reporting the number of
individuals since the clinic opened or records began. The prevalence of trans
individuals. The largest population studied was in West Germany with nearly 35
million individuals included(43). There was a similar group of natal males and females
within the overall general population with 30,651,864 males and 31,689,246 females.
The 12 studies identified a total of 4355 trans individuals. The largest number of trans
individuals were identified in the German study that looked at gender identity clinics
in specific areas of Germany, with a total of 1773 trans individuals(13). However, this
study did not provide the highest prevalence of transsexual individuals per 100,000
people. Rather, this was reported in the Singaporean study (23.60 Singapore-born
trans individuals per 100,000 people(23). This study may underestimate the total
number of trans individuals in Singapore, as it only includes those who go for sex-
unexpectedly, more recent studies found higher prevalence rates than older studies.
As an example, the recent Swedish study found a prevalence of 16.67 per 100,000(17).
= 99.6%; Q value=3314.7) therefore the random effect was selected. This indicates a
All studies identified a higher prevalence of trans women compared to trans men,
with the exception of the study by Godlewski(48) with a score of (-). Prevalence rates
As one of the studies did not report the number of female or male individuals in the
population studied, this study was removed from subsequent analysis(43). Therefore,
0.000068 (95% CI= 0.00004 – 0.00010) of trans women was found. Heterogeneity
was high (I² = 99.0%; Q value=1070.35) therefore random effect was selected. This
Most studies reported a smaller number of trans men when compared to trans women.
Prevalence rates varied from 0.25(16) to 6.64 per 100,000(17). The trans women to trans
men ratios varied from 6.1 trans women to every one trans men (6:1)(49) to 1 to 1
0.000026 (95% CI= 0.000017 – 0.00004) was found. Heterogeneity was also high (I²
= 97.7%; Q value=435.1). This indicates a prevalence of trans men of 2.6 per 100,000
trans women to trans men was found to be 2.6 trans women for every trans man
For the time series analysis 17 studies that provided period prevalence data at
different time points were included. Most of the studies provided data from a period
of time between 4 and 10 years. In order to undertake time series analysis a regression
analysis was undertaken with date as a moderator variable. The date selected was
calculated as the mean of the numbers of years of the study period. Time series
p < 0.001), trans women (z = 22.13, p < 0.001), and trans men (z = 8.00, p < 0.001)
suggesting a higher prevalence of transsexual individuals, trans women and trans men
4. Discussion
This is the first study that has aimed to critically review and meta-analytically
having enough data and using similar diagnostic criteria suitable for a critical review,
studies in this area have investigated the prevalence rates of HIV in this
population(51,52,53) and very few have investigated the number of trans people in the
This study showed that there has been a clear increase in the prevalence of individuals
diagnosed with transsexualism over time, with newer studies reporting statistically
significant higher rates than older studies. Countries using the same database over the
100,000, with the meta-analytical prevalence of trans women being higher (6.8 in
100,000) than that of trans men (2.6 in 100,000). Although the sex ratio has moved
closer to 1:1, using the meta-analytical prevalence, the trans women to trans men ratio
The increase in prevalence over the years is likely due to several factors: the increased
visibility of trans people in the media, which likely contributes to at least a partial
individuals(15). With regards to the latter, most of the studies investigating social
attitudes to gender and sexual diversity have primarily explored peoples’ attitudes
towards gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) individuals. The 2012 edition of the
to transgender people in European countries for the first time. The most tolerant
trans people was larger than for LGB people in all European countries. In six
European countries the majority of people report to feel comfortable with a trans
Kingdom and the Netherlands(15). This report is the first to specifically explore
Recent reports indicate that the number of individuals with gender dysphoria who
attend clinical services for an assessment has increased substantially over the years in
self-diagnose as suffering from gender dysphoria(19). Although this review did not
include studies of people who self-diagnose, such studies are important as they may
indicate the level of future demand for clinical services. For example Kuyper and
Wijsen(19) found that 4.6% of natal men and 3.2% of natal women in their Dutch
other sex as with sex assigned at birth) and 1.1% of the natal men and 0.8% of the
other sex as with sex assigned at birth). It remains unknown how many of their
sample will seek assessment and treatment via a gender identity clinic service.
Many trans individuals require clinical services as they wish to have cross-sex
hormone treatment and surgery to alleviate their gender dysphoria. However, some
feel that only one of these treatment modalities is necessary for them, whilst others
may decide to not take cross-sex hormones or undergo any operations(56, 57).
feelings into their gender role assigned at birth and do not feel the need to feminize or
masculinize their body; for those changes in social gender role and expression can be
The complex care pathway of trans individuals, makes the organization of service
delivery difficult to plan ahead. The prevalence of people requiring assessment and
the largest studies in this meta-analysis identified their participants via applications
for SRS(21) , the overall prevalence rate is likely to be higher than the one reported in
this meta-analysis.
The main strength of this paper is the fact that this is the first study that summarizes
and critically assesses all the available data in the subject of trans epidemiology
taking into consideration the weight of the study in the analysis, in order to avoid
biased results based on large studies. While studies have become methodologically
stronger over the years, this review and meta-analysis is limited by the available data.
Europe, and the results may be related to the level of tolerance of society, the
healthcare system available, legislation regarding the rights of trans people and the
academic interest in the area of trans healthcare. This is clearly reflected by the large
Netherlands. There are a limited number of reports regarding trans individuals from
developing countries(60, 61, 62, 63). This may simply indicate that while trans individuals
Alternatively, for some countries it may indicate that there are no clinical services
available and that trans individuals in these areas need to suppress their real self, the
consequence of which may be the development of mental health problems(64, 65, 66).
The study is limited by the high heterogeneity of the included studies, which is not
surprising as there are clear differences between the methodology of the studies
included in the review. This is reflected in the great variation of prevalence data from
heterogeneity between the studies in our analysis but recognize that this does not
eliminate the fact that heterogeneity was present. In spite of the limitations of this
meta-analytical study, and the majority of the prevalence studies reviewed, the
existing data should be considered as a starting point. The field would benefit from
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Category Criteria
Model study Statistics for each study Event rate and 95% CI
Event Lower Upper
rate limit limit Z-Value p-Value
Hoenig & Kenna 1974 0.000030 0.000022 0.000039 -72.978449 0.000000
Ross et al 1981 0.000042 0.000036 0.000048 -145.805211 0.000000
O'Gorman 1982 0.000029 0.000019 0.000044 -47.947147 0.000000
Tsoi et al 1988 0.000350 0.000315 0.000389 -147.330866 0.000000
Van Kesteren et al 1996 0.000121 0.000113 0.000130 -243.491123 0.000000
Wilson et al 1999 0.000078 0.000066 0.000093 -106.547824 0.000000
Gomez Gil et al 2006 0.000055 0.000046 0.000065 -112.230595 0.000000
De Cuypere et al 2007 0.000078 0.000069 0.000087 -161.694523 0.000000
Vujovic et al 2008 0.000022 0.000018 0.000028 -90.222401 0.000000
Dhejne et al 2014 0.000116 0.000105 0.000127 -187.715946 0.000000
Judge et al 2014 0.000098 0.000084 0.000115 -116.323709 0.000000
-0.25 -0.13 0.00 0.13 0.25
Table 4
Wålinder(20) ** 1971 1967-1970 Sweden >15 Referrals to gender clinic 27 0.45 0.44 0.44 1 to 1
Hoenig & Kenna(34)*(**) 1974 1958-68 England and wales >15 Referrals to gender clinic 66 1.92 2.94 0.92 3.2 to 1
Questionnaire to all
psychiatrist in Australia via
Ross et al * (**) 1981 1979-1981 Australia >15 the journal 272 2.40 4.16 0.66 6.1 to 1
O'Gorman(35)* (**) 1982 1968-1982 N-Ireland >15 Referrals to Gender clinic 28 1.92 2.85 1 2.8 to 1
alive in
Tsoi et al(21)* (**) 1988 1986 Singapore >15 Sex reassignment surgery 458 23.60 35.2 12 3 to 1
Patients register in GP
practice, via questionnaires, I
selected those taking
Wilson et al(36)* (**) 1999 1998 Scotland >15 hormones or post operative 160 4.79 7.82 1.92 4 to 1
Vujovic et al(40)* (**) 2008 1987-2006 Serbia >18 Referral to gender Clinic 147 2.25 2.23 2.27 1 to 1