Indusctrial Buying Behavior
Indusctrial Buying Behavior
Indusctrial Buying Behavior
3. **Supplier search:** The organization then searches for suppliers that can
meet its specifications.
Here are some of the factors that influence industrial buying behavior:
* **The urgency of the purchase:** The urgency of the purchase can also
affect the buying process. A purchase that is needed immediately will
require a faster and more informal buying process than a purchase that can
be made at a later date.
* **The risk involved in the purchase:** The risk involved in the purchase
can also affect the buying process. A purchase that is considered to be risky,
such as a new technology, will require a more thorough and careful buying
process than a purchase that is considered to be less risky.
* **The buyer's personality:** The buyer's personality can also affect the
buying process. Some buyers are more risk-averse than others, and some
buyers are more decisive than others.