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Infectious uveitis accounts for majority of the cases of uveitis in developing countries. It also
Website: encompasses an array of various microorganisms and their clinical presentations. Some of these
www.meajo.org infectious uveitic entities are familiar, while others are newly emerging in the global ophthalmic world.
Many of these entities are also a major cause of morbidity and mortality, and appropriate, timely
management is required to save not the eye, but life of the patient. This review highlights the ocular
manifestations of various infectious uveitic entities, relevant to the ophthalmologist.
Acute retinal necrosis, dengue, infectious uveitis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis
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Ocular Toxocariasis
Figure 1: Fundus photograph of left eye showing active chorioretinitis of ocular
toxoplasmosis at edge of a healed scar Ocular toxocariasis is caused by Toxocara canis or less
frequently by Toxocara cati. Transmission to humans
increased intraocular pressure (IOP). [12] Atypical occurs by ingestion of embryonated eggs or larvae.
presentations such as retinal vasculitis, neuroretinitis, After ingestion, the larvae migrate through the intestinal
vitritis, iritis, and papillitis may also be seen. Ocular wall, reach the bloodstream, and thus reach to various
toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised individuals organs (i.e., eye) where they induce an inflammatory
causes a severe, fulminant disease often with central reaction.[20]
nervous system involvement, which carries a poor
prognosis and may be rapidly fatal if untreated. Ocular toxocariasis is an important cause of childhood
visual morbidity. Typically, it affects one eye only,
Diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis is almost always bilateral cases being <40%.[21] Anterior segment clinical
clinical.[13] An acute T. gondii infection can be demonstrated findings may vary. The most common presentation is a
by detection of specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) or IgA posterior pole granuloma, a focal, whitish subretinal or
antibodies, or both, in the blood.[14] IgM usually appears intraretinal inflammatory mass usually <1‑disc diameter
in the 1st week after infection, peaks at 1 month, and with or without pigmentation, with varying degree
disappears after 9 months. The demonstration of local of overlying vitreous haze. Peripheral granulomas
synthesis of specific antibodies is a valuable diagnostic present with varying degree of pigmentary changes
tool in ocular toxoplasmosis. Intraocular production of and surrounding membranes [Figure 2]. Sometimes, the
antibody can be calculated by the Goldmann–Witmer inflammation can be diffuse leading to snow banking.
coefficient.[15] Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and These granulomas can be connected with the optic nerve
recently, real‑time PCR have been utilized as a rapid head or posterior pole by a fibrocellular band which
and sensitive technique for the diagnosis of ocular can lead to tractional or combined retinal detachment.
toxoplasmosis. The use of intraocular antibody titer Nematode endophthalmitis is a severe manifestation
along with PCR yields higher sensitivity.[16] with diffuse inflammation which may even lead to
phthisis or panophthalmitis. Other rare manifestations
The most common treatment for ocular toxoplasmosis include optic neuritis, diffuse chorioretinitis or diffuse
consists of pyrimethamine‑sulfadiazine combination and unilateral subacute neuroretinitis, and motile subretinal
corticosteroids. This therapy consists of an initial dose of larvae.[22] The characteristic feature of ocular toxocariasis
75–100 mg of pyrimethamine daily for 2 days, followed is intraocular migration of the granuloma, continuous or
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The diagnosis of syphilitic posterior uveitis requires lymph node aspirates, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), blood,
high index of suspicion. Dark‑field microscopy involves vitreous aspirate, etc. [26] Serological testing can be
direct visualization of T. pallidum by examining exudates divided into two groups: nontreponemal tests, which
from tissue specimens with compound microscope detect nonspecific treponemal antibody (e.g., venereal
with a dark field condenser. Using specific gene target diseases research laboratory test, rapid plasma reagin
primers and probes, PCR has been reported to detect test), and treponemal tests, which detect specific
T. pallidum genomes from ulcerative lesion swabs, treponemal antibody (e.g., T. pallidum hemagglutination
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assay and fluorescent treponemal antibody‑absorbed).[14] As with other forms of extrapulmonary TB, a primary
Nontreponemal tests are nonspecific and may yield false pulmonary focus is usually not found in ocular TB.[28]
positive results due to cross‑reactivity. They are usually
used as screening tests for syphilis and can be used Ocular TB has a plethora of clinical presentations.[28] A
to monitor disease activity and efficacy of treatment. brief summary of common ocular involvement in TB is
Treponemal tests use recombinant treponemal antigens highlighted in Table 3.
and unlike nontreponemal tests cannot be used to assess
disease activity and treatment outcome. These tests are The definitive diagnosis includes isolation of
primarily used to confirm the diagnosis of syphilis in a Mycobacterium tuberculosis from ocular sample, which
patient with reactive nontreponemal tests. They are more is not feasible in most of the time. Diagnosis of ocular
specific and have lower incidence of false positivity. TB in common clinical practice includes tuberculin skin
sensitivity test (TST), interferon‑gamma release assay,
The United States Center for Disease Control and and radiological evidence of pulmonary involvement
Prevention (CDC) recommends performing a lumbar with the help of X‑ray chest or high‑resolution
puncture to evaluate for neurosyphilis in all individuals computerized tomography (chest).
with ocular syphilis.[27] Furthermore, all patients with
primary and secondary syphilis should be tested for For definitive diagnosis, PCR for M. tuberculosis from
HIV infections, and in areas with high prevalence of aqueous or vitreous tap can be done. Now, the sensitivity
HIV, such patients should be retested for HIV infection and specificity have been improved using real‑time
in 3 months if first HIV test was negative. PCR and nested PCR. Histopathological evaluation for
caseating granuloma can be advised in case of enucleated
Parenteral penicillin G is the drug of choice for specimen or from retinal biopsy specimen if obtained in
treating all stages of syphilis. Syphilis is treated cases of unclear diagnosis with above tests.
according to the CDC guidelines. According to the CDC
recommendations, ocular syphilis warrants treatment Gupta et al. have proposed a classification of intraocular
like neurosyphilis even if the CSF study is normal. The TB[34] [Table 4]. The classification scheme is based on
standard regime of treatment is intravenous (IV) aqueous clinical signs, ocular and systemic investigations, and
crystalline penicillin G 18–24 million units/day for response to antitubercular therapy (ATT) over a period
10–14 days. Another recommended regimen is procaine of 4–6 weeks.
penicillin G 2.4 million units intramuscular (IM) once
daily plus probenecid 500 mg orally four times a day, ATT should be used in the presence of strong clinical
both for 10–14 days.[27] In patients with penicillin allergy suspicion and strongly positive TST (>15 mm). The
ceftriaxone 2 g daily either IM or IV for 10–14 days is a schedule is same as for other extrapulmonary TB therapy
good alternative. with four drug regimens of isoniazid, ethambutol,
rifampicin, and pyrazinamide for even 12–18 months.
Ocular Tuberculosis ATT decreases the antigen load; thus, the severity of
hypersensitivity reaction. ATT is combined with oral
Ocular tuberculosis (TB) is thought to be caused by steroids or immunosuppressive therapy in a tapering
either direct invasion of the eye by tubercle bacilli or dose over 6–12 weeks. ATT has been shown to reduce
a hypersensitivity response to the tubercular antigen. the recurrence rate of uveitis.
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Cytomegalovirus Retinitis
CMV is a ubiquitous double‑stranded DNA virus and
is transmitted through placental transfer, breastfeeding,
saliva, sexual contact, blood transfusions, and organ or
bone marrow transplants.
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Patient can present with nodular episcleritis, diffuse Table 5: Ocular manifestations of few common
scleritis, or episcleritis which is an immune reaction. emerging infectious entities
This diffuse variety usually has associated iridocyclitis Clinical entity Clinical manifestations
and keratitis. Other findings include iris pearls, ocular Dengue Subconjunctival hemorrhage
hypotony, diffuse choroiditis, focal retinal pigment Iritis, iridocyclitis
epithelial alterations. Diagnosis is clinical with PCR or Intermediate uveitis
histopathology having a supportive role. Management Maculopathy, foveolitis
Retinal vascular occlusions
is basically with multidrug therapy, with corticosteroids
Retinitis, chorioretinitis, neuroretinitis
and cycloplegics. Clofazimine 100 mg TDS is also helpful.
Chikungunya Conjunctivitis
Emerging Infections
With tremendous advancements in the field of
Anterior uveitis
microbiological diagnostics, various newer infectious
Retinitis, choroiditis, neuroretinitis
agents have been detected worldwide in the last few
Exudative retinal detachment
decades. Salient clinical manifestations of few common
emerging infectious uveitic entities are enlisted in
West Nile virus Choroiditis, chorioretinitis
Table 5.
Optic neuritis
Dengue virus is a mosquito‑borne single‑positive
Rift‑valley fever Macular/paramacular retinitis
stranded RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae. Dengue Retinal hemorrhage
fever is an important cause of morbidity and mortality Vitritis
in humans. Common ocular manifestations of dengue Disc edema
virus include focal chorioretinitis with macular edema, Rickettsioses Retinitis with vitritis
foveolitis, and periphlebitis. In addition, patients can Retinal vasculitis
have vitritis, anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, and Optic disc edema
uncommonly, optic neuritis or papillitis.[41] Foveolitis has Optic neuritis
been described as discrete, well‑defined, yellow‑orange
subretinal lesions with striae in the fovea. Diagnosis is
done by history, clinical examination, and supportive
evidence of dengue fever by serology. Most patients
improve spontaneously though some may require
corticosteroid therapy. Usually, patients retain a central
visual scotoma. Chikungunya virus, an alphavirus of the
family Togaviridae with a single‑stranded RNA genome,
can present with conjunctivitis, nongranulomatous
anterior uveitis, as well as granulomatous uveitis, keratitis
with dendritic lesions.[42] Posterior segment involvement
can manifest as retinitis, choroiditis, neuroretinitis,
and optic neuritis. Retinitis in chikungunya retinitis
usually involves posterior pole and may present with
minimal vitritis, retinal hemorrhages, retinal edema, and
associated retinal vessel involvement with cotton wool
spots [Figure 5]. West Nile virus is prevalent in Africa,
Europe, Australia, and Asia. It usually presents with a Figure 5: Montage photograph of a case acute retinal necrosis. Note the area of
confluent necrotizing retinitis
bilateral or rarely unilateral multifocal chorioretinitis
with vitritis. The distribution of chorioretinal lesions is
usually in linear arrays or scattered. Other manifestations usually bilateral and ocular symptoms start 2–3 weeks
include occlusive retinal vasculitis and optic neuritis.[43,44] after constitutional symptoms. Diagnosis is clinical
In both chikungunya and West Nile virus, diagnosis with typical inoculation papule, supported by positive
is clinical with supporting evidence by ELISA.[45] Both ELISA or immunofluorescent assay for B. henselae. Many
of them have a self‑limiting course with usually good physicians elect not to treat mild to moderate systemic cat
visual recovery. Supportive treatment is given with scratch disease in the immunocompetent host. However,
oral and topical steroids. Cat scratch disease caused by in more severe disease, a 10–14‑day course of doxycycline,
Bartonella henselae usually presents with neuroretinitis, erythromycin, trimethoprim‑sulfamethoxazole, rifampin,
multifocal choroiditis, or vasculitis.[46] Condition is or IM gentamicin is often administered.
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