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Adepts of The Arcane

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Requires the Mutants & Masterminds RPG by Green Ronin Publishing For Use.

Writing: John Polojac (Armageddon Girl, The Aspirant, Carmody the Rebel, Cold Comfort, Deadworks, The Magister,
Midnight Edition, Nether, Prime-Mortal, Sweet Synn, Adventure Hooks), Johnathan Wright (Radian), David Solon
Phillips (Troll, Sidebars), Jeremy Forbing (Additional Material, Revisions, Sidebars)
Game Mechanics: Sean Holland, Jeremy Forbing, Michael Todd, David Solon Phillips
Editing: Jeremy Forbing
Layout & Interior Colors: Michael Todd
Artwork: Butch Mapa (Armageddon Girl, The Aspirant, Carmody the Rebel, Cold Comfort, The Magister, Midnight
Edition, Nether, Prime-Mortal, Sweet Synn), Jeff Parker (Radian), Chris Wiler (Troll), Kevin Mathis (Deadworks)
Cover Colors: Zaki Hasnain (http://skylinegt.deviantart.com)

Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo, and Green Ronin are trademarks of Green Ronin
Publishing and are used with permission.
Designation of Open Game Content: All stat blocks and templates and game mechanics.
Designation of Product Identity: The entire text, all artwork, images, infiniverse and origin-in-a-box with the exception of the
open content designated above.

Adepts of the Arcane is ™ and © 2006 Michael Todd. Reference to other copyrighted material in now way constitutes a challenge to the respective
copyright holders of that material. Radian is © 2006 Johnathan Wright and is used with permission. Troll is © 2006 David Solon Phillips and is
used with permission. The Bride and The Patriarch are © 2006 Jeremy Forbing and are used with permission. Big Finger Games and the Big Finger
Games logo are trademarks owned by Michael Todd. All Right Reserved. All artwork is © 2006 the respective artists. Some artwork from the
Image Portfolio series. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Permission granted to print for personal use only.
INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 3 MIDNIGHT EDITION ............................................. 42
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ................................................. 3 PERSONALITY ....................................................................44
WHAT IS THE INFINIVERSE? ............................................... 3 APPEARANCE.....................................................................44
CAMPAIGN SPECIFICS......................................................... 4 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................44
ARMAGEDDON GIRL.............................................. 5 IN GAME ..............................................................................45
STORY POINT ........................................................................ 8 THE SECRET OF THE CAMERA.........................................45
PERSONALITY ..................................................................... 8 ENDGAME...........................................................................46
APPEARANCE ...................................................................... 8 NETHER................................................................. 47
POWERS AND TACTICS .................................................... 9 PERSONALITY ....................................................................49
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ................................................................ 9 APPEARANCE.....................................................................49
IN GAME ..............................................................................10 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................49
KID APOCALYPSE ...............................................................10 THE RED MONK ..................................................................50
ENDGAME...........................................................................11 IN GAME ..............................................................................50
THE ASPIRANT ..................................................... 11 ENDGAME...........................................................................51
PERSONALITY ....................................................................12 THE PRIME-MORTAL ........................................... 52
APPEARANCE.....................................................................13 PERSONALITY ....................................................................56
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................14 APPEARANCE.....................................................................57
IN GAME ..............................................................................14 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................57
ENDGAME...........................................................................16 BATRACHIAN HYBRIDS.....................................................57
CARMODY THE REBEL.......................................... 16 IN GAME ..............................................................................58
PERSONALITY ....................................................................19 END GAME..........................................................................59
APPEARANCE.....................................................................19 RADIAN................................................................. 59
POWERS AND TACTICS ..................................................20 STORY POINT .....................................................................62
IN GAME ..............................................................................20 PERSONALITY ....................................................................62
STORY POINT ......................................................................20 APPEARANCE.....................................................................63
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................21 THE LANTERN .....................................................................63
ENDGAME...........................................................................22 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................63
COLD COMFORT................................................... 22 IN GAME ..............................................................................64
PERSONALITY ....................................................................25 CORRUPTION OF THE LANTERN ....................................64
APPEARANCE.....................................................................25 DRAWBACK: MANIA ..........................................................64
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................26 ENDGAME...........................................................................65
IN GAME ..............................................................................26 SWEET SYNN ........................................................ 65
THE BRIDE............................................................................27 PERSONALITY ....................................................................68
ENDGAME...........................................................................28 ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................68
DEADWORKS........................................................ 28 APPEARANCE.....................................................................68
PERSONALITY ....................................................................29 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................68
APPEARANCE.....................................................................30 IN GAME ..............................................................................69
POWERS & TACTICS .........................................................31 ENDGAME...........................................................................70
IN GAME ..............................................................................31 TROLL ................................................................... 70
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................31 PERSONALITY ....................................................................72
THE CONSPIRACY ..............................................................32 APPEARANCE.....................................................................72
ENDGAME...........................................................................33 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................73
THE MAGISTER ..................................................... 33 IN GAME ..............................................................................73
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................36 ENDGAME...........................................................................74
PERSONALITY ....................................................................37 ADVENTURE HOOKS............................................ 74
APPEARANCE.....................................................................37 MAYDECEMBER ROMANCE, PART I.........................74
THE TESTS OF THE MAGISTER.........................................38 MAYDECEMBER ROMANCE, PART II .......................75
THE TESTS OF THE MAGISTER, CONT’D .......................39 TIME IS RUNNING OUT..................................................76
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................40 GLOSSARY ............................................................ 76
IN GAME ..............................................................................40 THE PATRIARCH..................................................................78
ENDGAME...........................................................................42 THE PATRIARCH, CONT’D.................................................79

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

Long before there were superhumans from
alien worlds, grim avengers of the night, and
atomic-born monsters, there was magic. Heroes
wielded magic swords, wizards cast dread
spells, and mystical monsters haunted primeval
forests. Before the fantastic was explained away
with superscience, atomic power, and alien
technology, it was always the purview of magic. Simply put, the Infiniverse is Big Finger
Though our modern myths, our superheroes, Games’ own superhero universe. Our goal
often have their origins rooted in “comic book” with this book is to not only start laying the
science there are still many characters populating groundwork for the Infiniverse setting, but
the universes of the large comic companies that more importantly, to show you some of the
draw their powers from magic. This commingling great characters that occupy that universe.
of the two paradigms is readily accepted due to Make no mistake, the characters in this book
the ancient tradition of magic permeating our are written to be as readily adaptable to your
stories and myths. own campaign as possible. If they are taken as
Magic is no less interesting in a roleplaying is, these characters provide some insight into
game setting. Characters with magical powers this new setting, but they can also be easily
and origins often find themselves contending incorporated into any superhero campaign.
with an entirely different class of villain and
traveling to bizarre locales that “normal”
superheroes would never find themselves in. and game stats, you’ll find a variety of sidebars
The characters presented in Adepts of the throughout that are designed to give you more
Arcane are designed to bring that element of opportunities to incorporate the characters and
magic to your campaign. They can serve simply concepts presented in Adepts of the Arcane into
as antagonists that will introduce mysticism and your own game. You’ll find the sidebars under
magic into your game just by their presence in it. headers such as Origin-In-A-Box™ and Story
Or they can serve as enemies and archenemies Point. The purpose of these sidebars is explained
for the magical heroes that may already exist below.
in your game. Whatever the case, the twelve The Origin-In-A-Box™ sidebar offers ideas for a
characters presented in this book are sure to unique origin for a new hero. These ideas often
serve to initiate your heroes into the greater stem from events in each character’s background
mysteries of the magical and the unearthly. and will thus give the hero an innate connection
to the villain or ally as well as the campaign’s
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK history. This can give rise to many adventure
Adepts of the Arcane features a variety of villains, opportunities and will often give the hero a
anti-heroes and possible allies for use with the nemesis or rogue’s gallery to contend with.
M&M system. Each character has a complete The Story Point sidebar offers suggestions
history and a couple of adventure hooks that on incorporating a character’s background
make it easy to put them to use immediately. and history into your campaign. It provides
Besides their obvious use as antagonists for opportunities for the heroes to take part in or
your heroes, characters in this book can serve witness a critical point in the character’s history.
as samples of different villainous archetypes or This allows for a more organic approach to
can be used as the basis for creating a character introducing the character and can allow heroes
with similar abilities. However you choose to to participate in the events that led the character
use them, feel free to modify the characters to become the villain or anti-hero that they are
in this book in any way you see fit. In addition today.
to the characters’ backgrounds, vital statistics You’ll notice a slight difference in the way the

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

You should feel free to replace any heroes or organizations mentioned in this book with preexisting
analogs from your own setting. For example, the Magister serves as the archetypal ultimate sorcerer
who safeguards our world from the myriad dangers that lie outside our dimension. If you already have
a similar character in your own campaign you can simply replace the Magister. If you want to use the
characters and organizations presented in this book as is, then you can find more information on them in
the glossary on page 76.

characters’ backgrounds are structured. Beyond in a superhero paradigm so mysterious deaths,

the usual entries for the character’s history, resurrections, and rebirths are usually just around
personality, appearance, and powers and tactics, the corner, or on the next page. You should never
you’ll also find sections entitled In Game and feel pinned down by any of the ideas in this book;
Endgame. The purpose of these sections is you can adapt, alter, and reinterpret any of these
described below. concepts or characters.
The In Game section will provide you with Finally, Adepts of the Arcane provides a brief
suggestions on how to use the character in look into the growing Infiniverse setting. This
your campaign. It will also give you a series of superhero universe will be expanded, explored
adventure hooks that can be used to create and advanced with each new release in this new
scenarios involving the character’s activities. M&M Superlink line from Big Finger Games.
The In Game section will also usually give you So, if you’re ready… gaze deep into your
some idea of the character’s current plans or preferred oracular or scrying medium and
likely responses to the PCs interference in their prepare to encounter the Adepts of the Arcane!
Since villains and some flawed heroes or
vigilantes often meet their end as the result
of their own hubris or misguided goals we
have provided a section called Endgame. It
has been noted that comic book heroes don’t
conform to world-wide cultural monomyth
Joseph Campbell and others have written about,
because most superheroes never complete
their journey; their story never reaches an end.
Instead they often adhere to the more simplified
American monomyth of the outsider who solves
the problems that have upset society’s peaceful
status quo only to disappear back into obscurity,
or in the superhero’s case, to disappear back
into a secret identity. Since villain’s need not
adhere to the structure of any heroic myth,
we have provided the characters in this book
with a sort of villainous monomyth – an origin,
villainous capers to play out in your campaign
and, ultimately, an Endgame. Each Endgame will
differ, some provide redemption or a resolution
to the troubles that have inspired the character’s
villainy, while others provide a violent end, a
“just desserts” for the villain whose fate is one
of self-destruction. Of course, we’re operating

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

upon the same mystic flame that changed Jimmy and
ARMAGEDDON GIRL Annabelle. This allowed him to transform into Captain 5
Annabelle Watson’s life has traced a long road, from Astounding Junior! By 1942, the three were known
the depths of misery to the heights of heroism and worldwide as the Astounding Trio. Their fearless,
back again, leading finally to the mouth of madness. fantastic exploits captured the imagination of people
Annabelle’s parents were murdered under mysterious around the world. Their generosity, kindness, and
circumstances, and she spent much of her early years youthful idealism gave hope to many in a turbulent,
in an orphanage. Her early years were sad and lonely, war-torn time.
but all that changed dramatically one day when she Annabelle lived a fairytale existence for the next
was thirteen. That day she learned that she had a ten years; her life consisted of a never-ending series
long lost brother, Jimmy Watson. She also discovered of amazing adventures. Along with her brothers, she
her brother was the heroic Captain Astounding, the brought the worst villains to justice and experienced
World’s Most Magnificent Man. He could change into breathtaking miracles no regular person would ever
this fantastic figure just by shouting out “Astound understand. She shared many of her exploits with
Me” while holding his magic amulet—a gold disc that her brothers, but accomplished all sorts of incredible
was emblazoned with the image of a golden flame feats on her own as well. She and the others were
on one side and four strange letters in an unknown sometimes aided by the ancient wizard Ibrahim,
language on the other. Annabelle had inherited an whom they could call upon by traveling to top of the
exact duplicate of Jimmy’s amulet from her deceased Mountain of Eternal Flame.
parents, dropped off at the orphanage one day by a These wonderful exploits ended in 1953. Dr.
mysterious stranger, though she had never known Darkheart, the sinister criminal mastermind they
the significance it held. had beaten time and time again, finally succeeded
Shortly after discovering her family’s secret, her in putting an end to the Astounding Trio. This time,
brother was kidnapped by the malevolent Dr. Devon when he captured the kids in their secret identities,
Darkheart, one of Captain Astounding’s oldest foes. tying them up and gagging them, he didn’t shove
Annabelle trailed the villain back to his hideout, them into some complicated deathtrap and then
and saw her brother through a window, bound and make an untimely exit, leaving them unguarded
gagged, unable to utter his magic phrase. She shouted and able to escape once more. He simply shot each
out the words “Astound Me!” in desperation and was one in the head with his .45 caliber revolver. Jimmy
instantly enveloped in and Flynn died instantly.
mystic white flame. She VITAL STATS: ARMAGEDDON GIRL Annabelle was rendered
x comatose, and would
was transformed into the
World’s Most Magnificent Quote: “I’ll tear this rotten world apart! I’ll bring have bled to death if the
Maiden—Annabelle now this whole miserable city down around your ears! police hadn’t arrived in
had all of the powers Everyone will pay for what they did to my life!” time.
of Captain Astounding! Real Name: Annabelle Watson When Annabelle woke
After making short work Aliases: Annabelle Astounding up in a hospital bed six
of Dr. Darkheart and his Occupation: Unwitting agent of the Prime- months later, she was
henchmen, she and her Mortal partially paralyzed. She
brother took a quick Legal Status: United States citizen later recovered to a
flight around the globe to Identity: Secret degree, but the bullet
introduce the world to its’ Marital Status: Widow caused irreparable nerve
newest heroine, Annabelle Known Relatives: Jimmy Watson (brother, damage. She was left
Astounding. deceased), Flynn Goodman (cousin, adopted with a permanent limp,
Later that same year, brother, deceased) a bad stutter, and short-
while on an adventure Affiliation: None term memory loss. Dr.
in England, the siblings Base of Operations: Mobile Darkheart had vanished,
met Flynn Goodman, Height: 5’ 8” (5’ 4” in her mortal form) making good his escape
another orphan and, Weight: 150 lbs. (105 lbs. In her mortal form) before the police arrived
they soon discovered, a Hair: Gray and wherever he had
distant cousin. Jimmy and Eyes: Black (brown in her mortal form) gone, he had taken the
Annabelle adopted Flynn Distinguishing Marks: Wild, unkempt hair and magic amulets with him.
as their stepbrother, and weathered face Sadly, the Astounding
he too proved able to call Trio was all too swiftly

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

forgotten by most of the country, as in 1953 most son, and was never prouder than when he joined
6 costumed heroes were being called to testify before the military at age eighteen. Her happiness turned
the House Committee on Un-American Activities, to ashes when James died in the abortive rescue
many suspected of Communist sympathies. America mission ordered by President Carter during the Iran
did not seem to have a place for super-heroic Hostage Crisis. The only source of joy in Annabelle’s
champions anymore. life died in a foreign desert, and Middle Eastern ter-
In the aftermath of this devastating tragedy, things rorists responsible for his death were never even
got even worse for Annabelle. She had a great deal of punished. Even the United States government had
trouble coping with the loss of her family, her health, let her down.
and her powers. Earning a living was not easy for a Annabelle went to pieces, falling into a
disabled young woman with no family in the deep depression. After she missed a few
1950s. She finally found work as in the stockroom mortgage payments on her house, the
of a department store, making barely enough to bank foreclosed and evicted. She
survive. went to the bank and begged them
Eventually, she married Martin Davidson, for another chance, finally crying
an older, widowed floor manager for the out that she had once been a great
store. Money was often tight and the couple heroine, that she had saved that
had their share of quarrels, but they also very bank from being robbed
soon had a son, James, named once, thirty-five years ago.
after her late brother Jimmy, and Bewildered by her crazed
for a time they were happy to- ranting, they tossed her
gether. But Martin, a chain out on the street. An-
smoker, succumbed to nabelle was soon
lung cancer only ten living in a trailer
park, drinking far
too much and
subsisting on dis-
ability payments and
food stamps, occasionally
begging strangers for change.
On one cold night when An-
nabelle fell asleep praying for
nothing more than a merciful
death, she had a dream. She
did not remember much, but
she recalled that she was visit-
ed by a glorious being, whose

years af-
ter their son
was born.
As a crippled,
single mother, An-
nabelle and her son
quickly descended
into the ranks of the
working poor. There
was little work available
of might
to her, and what govern-
re m i n d e d
ment aid they received
her of the
barely let them scrape by
wizard Ibrahim.
month-to-month. Still, she was
The man claimed
content to have a healthy, good

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

to be a spirit of justice, and said that Annabelle had
been chosen for a special destiny. She was to be an
agent of divine justice on Earth, and she would regain ARMAGEDDON GIRL PL 14
all that she had lost. But she had to agree to mete out
justice mercilessly against all who had wronged her, STR +1/+16 12/42 INT +1 12
to unleash the fullness of her wrath against the evil
ones who had murdered her loved ones, taken her DEX +0/+6 10/22 WIS +1 12
powers and ruined her life. She had to swear she
would never hold back as she had done while a mem- CON +0/+10 10/30 CHA +0/+5 10/20
ber of the Astounding Trio. She would be an agent of
judgment, the harbinger of Armageddon on Earth,
but she had to agree of her own free will.
Annabelle remembers agreeing enthusiastically, +22 +10 +6 +3
and being told she would receive a visit the next
day from a heavenly messenger. She awoke the next skills
morning, uncertain whether to believe in her dream. Acrobatics 5 (+11), Bluff 2 (+7), Diplomacy 1 (+6),
Then there was a knock on the door. A man handed Intimidate 16 (+21), Knowledge (history) 1 (+2),
her a box, smiled wordlessly, and departed. She Medicine 2 (+3), Notice 6 (+7), Profession (retail) 4
opened the box and found two things: a business (+5), Sense Motive 1 (+2), Stealth 2 (+8)
card and a black medallion which, despite its color,
had to be her long lost amulet! feats
She placed the amulet around her neck, whispered All-out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Blind-
a heartfelt prayer that this wasn’t just a dream, and Fight, Chokehold, Improved Grab, Move-by
cried out “Astound Me!” She was suddenly consumed Action, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown Attack 2
in an eruption of black fire. The ground beneath
her trailer had cracked open, spitting out the gout powers
of unnatural flame, and the flimsy walls of what Blast 12 (“Black Fire”, Power Feats: Indirect; Extras:
had once been her home were blasted apart. She Penetrating), Enhanced Strength 30, Enhanced
emerged from the black inferno reborn, her body Dexterity 12, Enhanced Constitution 20,
once again surging with superhuman strength and Enhanced Charisma 10, Enhanced Feats 3
vitality, her weaknesses and infirmities burned away (Diehard, Rage 2), Flight 6, Immunity 9 (life
by the flames. Gone were her filthy street clothes support), Mind Shield 8 (Flaws: Not Usable
and cast-off shoes, replaced by the radiant raiment Against Emotion Affecting Powers), Protection
of the World’s Most Magnificent Maiden, Annabelle 12 (Extras: Impervious), Super-Senses 3
Astounding! (Direction Sense, Low-Light Vision, Ultra-Hearing),
In her hands she held the box with the business Super-Strength 4
card, still intact. She flew off towards the address,
trailing the black smoke of the conflagration in her drawbacks
wake. The dream had been true, and she would Normal Identity (Uncommon), Power Loss (all
become an agent of judgment. She would bring powers, with loss of amulet, Uncommon)
justice to the foreign terrorists responsible for her
son’s death, the government that failed to punish his combat
killers, the petty bureaucrats that forced her to live Attack +10, +12 (melee), Grapple +32, Damage
in squalor, the bankers that turned her out onto the +16 (unarmed), +12 (blast), Defense +6,
street, the selfish young people who scorned an old Knockback –17, Initiative +6
woman begging for change. Surely this address was
her first opportunity to prove herself to the spirits of totals
justice who had chosen her. Abilities 6 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 11 +
The name on the business card was Vernon Derleth, Powers 164 + Combat 32 + Saves 2 - Drawbacks
a wealthy scientist and philanthropist whose home 16 = 220 PP
and offices were in the lush penthouse of a building
he owned. She flew in through an open window and
found herself in a lavish parlor, standing before a dressed in a fine silk robe, a glass of port in his hand.
bald, withered old man sitting in a plush easy chair, Annabelle knew him immediately, for she could

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

thirst for revenge, the Prime-Mortal felt an emotion
8 STORY POINT x which, in any other being, would have been called
Darkheart’s murder can become an event in your pride.
campaign if you establish the former villain as In the years since, Armageddon Girl has embarked
a prominent NPC in your game. After the war, on a one-woman war against the world. She has
Darkheart did indeed turn away from his life toppled government buildings, razed banks, ravaged
of crime and sought to redeem himself. Now, army bases, terrorized upscale shopping districts, and
operating under the alias of Vernon Derleth, he destroyed the headquarters of several major tobacco
is an elderly philanthropist and is a benefactor to companies. Armageddon Girl has caused several
various superheroes and superteams. He could international incidents in her indiscriminate assaults
even be the PCs’ benefactor, having supplied against “terrorists” in Iran, killing hundreds of troops
them with funds or resources for the construction and causing billions in property damage. Always,
of their headquarters or other crime-fighting she has vanquished the scores of superheroes who
equipment. His death and the discovery of his have sought to end her hate-fueled rampage. She is
true identity and violent past will come as quite currently one of the Top 10 most wanted superhuman
a shock. For now, the exact motive behind his menaces on the planet.
murder and the identity of his killer must remain
a mystery. PERSONALITY
Annabelle Watson has been warped by decades of
never have forgotten the evil in those eyes. It was Dr. alcoholism, bitterness, poverty, and tragedy. She has
Darkheart, the man who had murdered her family only contempt for a world that showed her nothing
and ruined her life. but cruel indifference and disappointment. Though
Dr. Darkheart recognized Annabelle as well. The she tells herself that she is simply tearing down a
old man pleaded with her, told her he had repented, rotten, corrupt society, she is actually just lashing out
found God, and given millions to charity, and that he to assuage her own pain. She holds special contempt
thought of her slain brothers every day. Annabelle for the new generation of superheroes who fight
realized Dr, Darkheart was sincere, that he genuinely against her, telling them that they have no respect for
regretted the pain he had caused her. She made him a hero who was fought for justice before they were
scream for hours before granting him the release of born.
death. Despite her madness, Armageddon Girl retains
Standing over the ruined remains of the old man’s some vestiges of her old morality. She will never
body, Annabelle understood now the harsh nature intentionally harm children, the disabled, or the
of the retribution she had been chosen to wreak elderly. She will also not destroy synagogues,
upon the world. No longer would she be Annabelle churches or the like and will stay her hand against
Astounding, but an agent of God’s righteous anger, religious figures, though her anti-Islamic hatreds
the harbinger of a long-overdue apocalypse. From have caused her to consider Muslim mosques and
now on, she would be Armageddon Girl. clerics fair game. She still will not break her word, steal
As she streaked off into the sky to continue her new from the poor, attack a helpless opponent, or commit
mission, Annabelle’s true patron watched happily. any act which could be called cowardly. Despite
The Prime-Mortal remembered suggesting the her ongoing campaign of destruction, she believes
murder of the Astounding Trio to Devon Darkheart herself to be an agent of higher powers and conducts
years before, and his disappointment when the man herself with what she thinks of as dignity and honor.
had been unable to bear the guilt and crumbled into Armageddon Girl’s mind is slightly clouded, and she
a simpering morality rather than becoming a greater honestly doesn’t seem to realize the full extent of
force for evil (see page 52 for more on the Prime- the pain and carnage her actions inflict. Whether
Mortal). It had actually taken the Eternal Corrupter this is due to some action on the part of the Prime-
some time to recover the amulets which the former Mortal or the result of her decades of alcoholism and
villain had sold to wealthy occultists all those years depression is not known.
before, hidden as they were by the Magister’s spells
of concealment. Though he had only managed to
find two of the three, he knew now that those two APPEARANCE
would be enough to help him bring untold suffering In her mind’s eye, Armageddon Girl is still a tall, lithe
to the world. As Armageddon Girl flew towards Iran, young woman with flowing honey-blonde hair,
her very limbs shaking with the fury of her terrible twinkling chocolate-brown eyes, and rosy apple

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

cheeks. She is convinced the Prime-Mortal has
restored her to her prime, that in her superpowered ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX x 9
form she is again beautiful, appearing no older than a During their travels around the world, both Jimmy
youthful forty. In reality, she looks almost the same in Watson and Flynn Goodman enjoyed the company
A-Girl’s body as she does in Annabelle’s, still showing of many a young lady. You are the grandson or
the ravages of age, poverty, and alcoholism. Though granddaughter of one of the two young men
her body is stronger and straighter, her worn-looking who were once part of the Astounding Trio. Your
face reflects every minute of her rough 78 years. legacy was only recently revealed to you, when you
Her hair is a silver-white, wild and unkempt, her received, from an anonymous benefactor, Jimmy
hands are spider-veined and spindly, and her teeth Watson’s long missing magic amulet. There was a
are broken and yellow. Her eyes are angry pools of simple note with the amulet, it read: “This amulet is
the deepest black, a reflection of the rage she feels your birthright, with it comes a legacy of adventure
within. Armageddon Girl is not totally physically and heroism. Use it with a measure of wisdom, and
identical to the mortal Annabelle; her super-powered a measure of selflessness.” The words were already
form is several inches taller and considerably more on your lips, as if you had known them all along,
muscular, with longer hair and sharper features (a DC “Astound Me!”
25 Notice check would alert a careful observer to the This origin provides a character with a heroic
resemblance between the women). As mentioned lineage and potential for many adventures as
above, Annabelle’s mental perceptions are somewhat he or she rediscovers the Astounding legacy
warped, preventing her from seeing that her aged and all the wonder and adventure it entails.
condition carries over when she changes into A- The question remains however, who returned
Girl. For his part, the Prime-Mortal finds the sight the missing amulet, and why? Perhaps it was
of a wrinkled crone besting the world’s greatest some benevolent entity or god, opposed to the
champions on a routine basis to be perversely Prime-Mortal, trying to restore the balance. Or it
amusing. Ironically, she still wears the cheerful colors may have been the amulet’s original creator, the
she first donned as a light-hearted teenage super- Magister, working as always to ensure the safety
heroine. Her costume consists of a blue-and-yellow of mankind.
body stocking emblazoned with twin silver lightning
bolt emblems, topped off with a gold tiara and bright Astounding Legacy, Template
red boots. Device 30 (hard to lose; “Astounding Amulet”)
Astounding Amulet: Blast 10 (“Mystic Flame”,
POWERS AND TACTICS Power Feats: Homing 4, Ricochet, Split Attack;
Armageddon Girl is immensely strong and fast, nearly Extras: Linked to Disintegrate, Penetrating),
impervious to harm, and able to fly at fantastic speeds. Disintegrate 6 (“Mystic Flame”, Power Feats:
She can also call forth jagged great gouts of black Homing 4, Ricochet, Split Attack; Extras: Linked
flame that burst through the ground to strike at her to Blast), Immunity 9 (life support), Protection
enemies by shouting “Astound Me!” This is the same 10 (Extras: Impervious), Super-Strength 10,
effect that causes her transformation from Annabelle Enhanced Strength 10, Super-Speed 4 (Power
to Armageddon Girl, but her supernatural reflexes Feats: Rapid-Attack, Alternate Power – Flight 10),
allow her to use it without risking being caught in Enhanced Feats (Quick Change 2, Precise Shot 2)
the center of the blast herself and experiencing an Drawbacks: Normal Identity (Major,
unwanted transformation. Uncommon)
In combat, Armageddon Girl uses little in the way Cost: 117 PP
of complex tactics. She usually begins a battle by
Note that these powers differ greatly from Annabelle’s.
unleashing a torrent of mystic flame against her foes She now uses a corrupted version of her original
and then simply flies at her opponents at top speed, amulet, and her powers have altered accordingly.
pounding away at anyone left standing with her
invulnerable fists until they fall. She rants maniacally
the whole time, shouting that her fantastic deeds with other supervillains, as she still sees herself as
were forgotten and horrible injustices were done to pure and righteous. Annabelle is so focused on her
her. Armageddon Girl exists to wreak destruction; inner feelings of anger, guilt, and shame that she is
she never really has any clear plan or goal in mind unlikely to respond to any attempts at reason.
besides leveling her chosen target. She rarely works

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

article details how the once prosperous district has
10 Armageddon Girl can be used anytime you need to
been in decline for years, beset by poverty, crime
and drug abuse. The neighborhood now consists of
shake things up. Her ideas of revenge can take her
little more than low-income housing and run-down
nearly anywhere in the world, and when she arrives
businesses. Worst of all, the Astounding Family
at her destination it’s never long before she begins a
museum, founded in honor of the heroic family by
rampage of destruction and death. Her presence can
a grateful city in the 1940s, has been forced to close
serve to inject some action during a lull in the game,
as the city government finally cut off all funding.
or as a continuing reminder of her growing menace
Attendance had been in decline for years, and the
as one of the Top 10 most wanted supervillains on
museum had become little more than a shabby, one-
the planet.
man operation. Enraged by the disrespect shown to
There are two ways to introduce this character into
the Astounding Trio’s memory, A-Girl embarks on
your game. You can make her part of the campaign’s
a campaign of terror against the city officials who
recent history, establishing that she has already
voted to close the museum. She trashes their cars,
become one of the greatest superpowered menaces
demolishes their homes, and even smashes her way
on the planet, meaning the PCs have heard about her
into City Hall and threatens to bring the entire city
exploits “off-panel.” The other approach is to have her
down around their ears unless funding is restored.
rise to prominence occur during your campaign. The
City officials can’t give in to blackmail of this kind,
heroes would hear about her on the news, through
so federal and state authorities are called in to deal
contacts or fellow heroes, or could even attend the
with the situation. When they prove insufficient, the
funeral of one of her superhuman victims. In short,
city calls upon the heroes to protect them from the
the shadow of the growing threat Armageddon Girl
wrath of the scorned ex-heroine. This can be a good
represents would loom over the heroes for a time,
introduction to Armageddon Girl and her past as
presaging the inevitable day when they finally meet
Annabelle Astounding. By placing the museum in the
this living engine of destruction. More ideas for
heroes’ city it can serve to illustrate the Astounding
incorporating A-Girl into your game follow:
Trio’s forgotten—but nonetheless impressive—
legacy, since the museum had even escaped the
KID APOCALYPSE x heroes’ notice.
Kid Apocalypse (PL 8/ Sidekick Rank 27)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12 Kid Apocalypse: After a particularly nasty encounter
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+6), Notice 4 (+4), Stealth with the U.S. Military, A-Girl goes to ground and
4 (+6) hides out in a condemned building. It is there that
Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Dodge Focus 6 she meets a young runaway (perhaps a relative of
Powers: Blast 8 (“Black Fire”, Power Feats: one of the PCs). As Armageddon Girl espouses her
Indirect; Extras: Penetrating), Flight 6, Nullify 8 “worldview”, the troubled adolescent is attracted to
(all powers, Extras: Nullifying Field), Protection 8 A-Girl’s particular brand of nihilism. It is during this
(Extras: Impervious), time that the Prime-Mortal, in his guise as a “spirit of
Combat: Attack +8, Grapple +8, Damage +0 justice,” appears before the runaway girl and presents
(unarmed), +8 (blast), Defense +8, Knockback –8, her with a corrupted version of Flynn Goldman’s
Initiative +2 old amulet. The girl becomes Kid Apocalypse,
Saving Throws: Toughness +8, Fortitude +4, A-Girl’s sidekick and partner in destruction. The
Reflex +6, Will +4 heroes are faced with the dilemma of rescuing the
Drawbacks: Normal Identity (Uncommon), young girl from the corrupting influence exerted by
Power Loss (all powers, with loss of amulet, Armageddon Girl and the Prime-Mortal.
Totals: Abilities 6 + Skills 3 (12 ranks) + Feats 7 Not Quite Armageddon, But Close: The Prime-
+ Powers 77 + Combat 32 + Saves 12 - Drawbacks Mortal has grown a tad impatient. While human
5 = 132 PP beings continue to war amongst themselves over
meaningless differences, despoil the planet through
pollution, and commit acts of genocide, they have yet
Show Some Respect: Casually perusing a news to really embrace the destructive potential of nuclear
magazine, Armageddon Girl comes across a story weapons and after such a promising start at the end
about her old neighborhood, where she and her of World War II. While the Prime-Mortal has no interest
brother had many of their early adventures. The in ushering in worldwide nuclear apocalypse—at

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

least not yet—he now wants to indulge in a bit of them to intercept Armageddon Girl, but can they
radioactive fire and ruin. He has decided India and defeat one of the most formidable villains on the 11
Pakistan are ripe for a dirty little nuclear exchange. planet while preventing an atomic bomb blast at the
The two countries have been teetering on the brink of same time?
war for years, and both can afford to lose a few million
inhabitants each. And who better suited for stirring ENDGAME
up a conflict than Armageddon Girl, his favorite (and Armageddon Girl stands as evidence of the
most powerful) corrupted heroine? corruptibility of a superhero. Her spirit was poisoned
The Prime-Mortal once again appears before by the pitfalls of everyday life, and the Prime-Mortal
Armageddon Girl in the guise of the spirit of justice. did little more than return her fantastic powers to her
Interrupting her in the middle of a rampage in Great and bid her to use them to express the hate already
Britain, tearing down one of the country’s oldest present within her.
banks because it had recently bought out the U.S. When the heroes have overcome impossible
bank that had once evicted her (making it guilty odds and averted some world-threatening crisis,
by association), the Prime-Mortal explained that Armageddon Girl may show up to tip the scales. It
he had come because her assault against Iran had may be that during one of these crisis points that
failed to deliver justice to those responsible for her always seem to threaten the planet, Armageddon
son’s death. In fact, the leaders of the Iranian group Girl will finally meet her end trying to bring about the
that seized American hostages had been expelled destruction and death that her master craves.
from their home country and were now in Pakistan, If instead, A-Girl should ever find redemption or
a Muslim nation purported to be an ally of the U.S., have a moment of clarity when she realizes what she
but that actually served as a refuge for all manner of has become, she will use all of her power against the
terrorists. The mystery man went on to say that the one true and palpable evil that exists in her life, the
people she wanted were being harbored in the city Prime-Mortal. She would no doubt meet her end in
of Kashmir, but that even he was unable to pinpoint such a conflict, but might do enough damage to the
their exact location. But everyone in the city was entity and his schemes that some lasting good may
guilty of harboring the terrorists, so Armageddon Girl indeed result from her sacrifice.
must find some way to punish them all. The Prime-
Mortal is misleading Annabelle in numerous ways,
but she does not follow world events enough to see
through his deception, and the Eternal Corrupter is
The Aspirant’s first clear memory is awakening, naked
an extremely convincing liar. and shivering, in the middle of a blasted, blazing
Armageddon Girl is now on her way to Pakistan field, encircled by flickering silver-white flames. A
bearing a relatively low-yield nuclear warhead, no voice then came rustling through the burning rushes,
more than a few kilotons, but more than sufficient speaking to him from somewhere beyond the plain.
to obliterate the city. She plans to detonate the “Do not be afraid”, the voice said, “You are in no danger.
device in the skies above Kashmir. The Prime-Mortal You know this. These flames cannot consume you. You
knows that the Pakistani government will surely hold may command them as you wish. You have been
India responsible for the bombing of Kashmir and selected to wield the Living Flame, the Cold-Fire, one
retaliate accordingly, launching their own nukes, of the most elder sources of eldritch energy”. The voice
and precipitating a brief but devastating exchange was calming to him, reassuring him even as the circle
that will cause millions of deaths before the matter of fire closed upon him. “You are a champion now.
is sorted out. The past is unimportant, while the future is now yours
The PCs have been called in by both the US and to claim. This power is your birthright. Use it to achieve
Russian governments. Armageddon Girl has liberated your destiny.” He knew the unseen voice was speaking
the nuclear weapon from an obscure Russian military the truth; he had nothing to fear from the flames,
silo, trashing several army units, a squad of fighter for he was their master. With a motion of his hand
planes, and one superhuman operative in the he called the flames to him, drawing them into his
process. Both American and Russian surveillance body. For a moment there was indescribable pain, as
systems have her heading to the India-Pakistani if he were being stabbed by a thousand spears made
border, but all attempts to warn the neighboring of ice, and he fell writhing to the ground, but he
governments of her approach have been futile (the endured the pain and pressed forward, determined
Prime-Mortal’s handiwork). The U.S. equips the PCs to prove worthy of the power he had been given.
with an experimental plane fast enough to allow

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

After several agonizing minutes, or perhaps hours, robberies, and was pursued by both the police
12 the pain was gone, and he stood upright, serene and and his former teammates. Yet when the vengeful
victorious. He had conquered the flames, conquered Armageddon Girl and the brutish Troll started a
his fear, and now he would go forth and conquer slugfest (he had hunted down A-girl in hopes of
his future. He knew that many challenges lay ahead cashing in on the enormous bounty on her head) in
of him, for he was certain that grand feats would the city’s downtown shopping district, the Aspirant
need to be accomplished before his true destiny was was first on the scene. He battled courageously to
revealed. Finding his nudity unbecoming, he called contain the two rampaging villains until a host of
upon the mystic flames to fashion suitable raiment; other heroes and a National Guard battalion arrived,
he then strode from the field and made his way to the and sustained terrible injuries as a result of the battle.
interstate, walking nearly one hundred miles to the A grateful city government dropped all charges
nearest major city, Chicago. against him.
Since that night he went about forging a new Since then, the Aspirant has continued to act as both
existence. He first became a superhero almost by hero and villain. He is one of the most unpredictable
accident; when he first entered the city he wandered paranormals currently active. He has relocated several
into the seamier district, where a homeless, amnesiac times since he first showed up in Chicago, moving
stranger would not be out of place. After a few days between cities and states seemingly at random. The
of aimless wandering, where he observed numerous Aspirant has been a hero in Atlanta, a villain in Kansas
drug deals, shakedowns, and violent altercations, he City, and both in New York. So far he hasn’t been able
was moved to believe that it was his obligation to to settle down in any one role or location.
clean up his new home – that this would be a proper In reality, nearly everything that the Aspirant
use of his power. Dubbing himself the Aspirant (for he believes about his past is false; the memory of his
aspired to greatness), he waged a minor war against “origin” is no more than a fabrication. The Aspirant is
the district’s criminal elements. The Aspirant achieved not even really human – he is actually a creation of
some fame as the neighborhood protector. the Magister, Earth’s Archadept Arcane. The Magister
Using a portion of the funds he seized from drug hopes to literally build a successor capable of one day
lords, he established a civilian identity as Malcolm assuming his cosmic duties. To this end he constructed
Magnus, a dealer in occult books, curios, and a sort of occult android, a thing combining aspects
oddities. He was eventually invited into the ranks of of a clone, golem, and homunculus. The Magister
the city’s superheroes, serving with one of Chicago’s imparted a measure of his own life essence into
preeminent superteams. But after awhile, Malcolm this construct, granting the being free will and self-
began to feel too restrained by the code of ethics awareness, as well as the potential to achieve great
heroes were supposed to mystic power. He then
abide by; he began acting VITAL STATS: THE ASPIRANT x set his creation loose
more like an anti-hero or in the world, to gauge
Quote: “I am destined to achieve greatness …
vigilante. Even this role the success or failure of
proved too restricting, as his efforts. The Magister
Real Name: Malcolm Magnus
Malcolm soon found he continues to carefully
Aliases: None
had almost an obsessive observe the results of
Occupation: Collector of occult paraphernalia
need to seek out and his handiwork; while the
Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S. wanted for
acquire mystical artifacts, Aspirant’s checkered
suspicion of attempted murder, assault and
through extortion and career thus far has been
theft if necessary. Soon, a bit disappointing, but
Identity: Secret
several ancient Egyptian his creation is only a few
Marital Status: Single
and Sumerian relics were years old and still displays
Known Relatives: None
stolen from Chicago promise…
Affiliation: None
museums such as the Art
Base of Operations: Mobile
Institute and the Field PERSONALITY
Height: 6’2”
Museum, and all the The Aspirant is gifted with
Weight: 210 lbs.
evidence pointed to the ambition and intellect,
Hair: Bald
Aspirant as the number but often becomes
Eyes: Gray
one suspect.
Distinguishing Marks: Eyes that smolder with frustrated because he
The Aspirant was soon has so far been unable
silver-white flames when he feels emotion
wanted for a string of

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

to find a clear purpose. He adopted the persona seeks for clues as to his history. He is also almost ir-
of a costumed adventurer because of the power rationally romantic, and over the years has become 13
and respect commanded by such super-beings in almost instantly infatuated with various women, usu-
the modern world. The Aspirant hopes that he will ally those he perceived as being unusually powerful
discover his true destiny among his peers. While or unique in some way.
he has yet to enjoy any spectacular successes as a
lawman, vigilante, or outright criminal, the Aspirant APPEARANCE
still hopes that he will discover his true destiny The Aspirant appears to be a good-looking
among his superpowered peers. young man no more than thirty years of age.
He is basically decent and moral, but is given He has gray eyes and coffee-colored skin. He
to sudden fits of anger and selfish behavior. is a bit over six feet in height. He has
The Magister attempted to create the the broad shoulders and barrel chest
Aspirant with a strong sense of right of a weight lifter and the easy grace of a
and wrong while at the same time natural athlete.
endowing him with the ambition The Magister created the Aspirant in
and ego a worthy successor to the the image of his firstborn son Absalom,
Magister’s role would need, but whom he sired with his one true love
was only partially successful in Cassilda centuries ago, years before he
fusing these qualities into a sta- assumed the role of Archadept Ar-
ble mentality. As a result, the cane. Sadly, Absalom succumbed
Aspirant is confused about to pneumonia when he was
his ethical choices, only twelve years old, while
and vacillates his father was away on a sea
between voyage. The Magister also
heroism designed the Aspirant with
and vil- some noticeably non-hu-
lainy. He man attributes to further
has so far separate him from the
been un- “common people” around
able to fully him. The Aspirant has no
commit to body hair, his resting
either, some- pulse rate (45 beats per
times even minute) and body tem-
changing sides perature (78° Fahrenheit)
in the midst of a battle! are well below human norms,
The Aspirant is constantly and whenever his emotions
searching for the opportunity flare his eyes smolder with sparks
he needs to establish himself as of silver-white flame. Because of
a major player in the superhuman these physical differences, the
community, to realize the future he Aspirant wears bulky clothes and
imagines for himself as a grand figure mirrored sun-
on the world stage. He is almost instinc- glasses when
tively drawn to other mystical beings and in his “Malcolm
objects, always hoping to discover some Magnus” iden-
means to tap into them and gain even tity. As the
greater arcane might. Despite the admo- Aspirant, he
nition of the “voice” that he heard that makes no ef-
night in the field that the past was not fort to con-
important, the Aspirant has never been ceal the fire
able to rid himself of the curiosity he that flashes in
feels about his origins, and furtively his eyes, de-
pending upon
its brilliance

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

THE ASPIRANT PL 12 As stated above, the Aspirant commands a form of
mystic energy known as the “The Living Flame”, or
“The Cold-Fire”. It is an energy he can mentally shape
STR +4 18 INT +7 24 into solid forms, creating nearly any object he can

DEX +4 18 WIS +4 18 imagine, from battering rams to swords to walls. The

Aspirant actually travels about by forming a bridge

CON +6 22 CHA +4 18 of cold-flame beneath him. The cold-flame can both

disrupt and repair living tissue, allowing the Aspirant
to wield it as a weapon or employ it as a tool of
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will healing.
+10/+6* +9 +7 +10 In addition to wielding mystical fire, the Aspirant
*flat-footed possesses slightly superhuman physical abilities
– his strength, reflexes, and resistance to harm have
skills all been enhanced beyond mortal limits. He also has
Bluff 4 (+8), Diplomacy 8 (+12), Disguise 2 (+6), the innate power to detect sources of magic, even
Gather Information 2 (+6), Intimidate 4 (+8), living creatures endowed with mystical might. This is
Investigate 2 (+9), Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 beyond his control; he is almost instinctively drawn
(+15), Knowledge (streetwise) 2 (+9), Notice 8 to concentrations of arcane power anywhere within
(+12), Sense Motive 4 (+8), Stealth 4 (+8) a ten-mile radius. His remaining senses, though
quite keen, fall within the normal human ranges. As
feats a magical construct, the Aspirant is invulnerable to
Defensive Roll 4, Diehard, Eidetic Memory, many forms of injury. He does not age, he is immune
Endurance, Improved Initiative, Precise Shot, to cold, disease, and poison, and while blows, bullets,
Trance and the like can hurt him, such wounds impair him
much less than they would a normal man. He does
powers need breathable air, food, water, and rest, but long-
Immunity 10 (life support, aging), Super- term deprivation will merely cause his artificial
Movement 2 (Air-Walking), Super-Senses 7 body will enter an inert, comatose state, which he
(Magical Awareness [Acute, Extended 3, Radius, will awaken from as soon as livable conditions are
Ranged]), Cold Fire (dynamic array): Blast 12; restored.
Create Objects 11 (cold fire constructs; Power
Feats: Precise, Stationary); Healing 12; Strike 8
(cold fire weapon; Power Feats: Mighty; Extras:
The Aspirant can serve as a mysterious figure that
alternately aids and opposes the heroes. His lust for
esoteric secrets and arcane items can involve him
in any adventure that has a mystical bent. While his
Attack +12, Grapple +16, Damage +4 (unarmed),
desire to “be somebody” can motivate him to take
+12 (blast), +12 (strike), Defense +8, +4 (flat-
part in the sort of world-threatening conflicts that
footed), Knockback –5, Initiative +8
superheroes often finds themselves embroiled in.
It is highly unlikely that the Aspirant will be found
working as a henchman or in league with a group of
Abilities 58 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 6 +
villains, unless he’s been duped or tempted with the
Powers 51 + Combat 32 + Saves 20 = 178 PP
promise of some powerful magical device. He could
most often serve as a “spoiler”—a morally confused
to disguise his facial features. He usually eschews a interloper with strange personal motivations. Ideas
costume in favor of more utilitarian clothing; a tight- for adventures involving the Aspirant follow:
fitting black shirt and pants, with sturdy boots. Lately,
he’s been developing a taste for robes and cloaks, Change of Heart: A brilliant but crazed occultist,
and has on occasion donned some of the artifacts intent on exacting vengeance against all his real and
he’s pilfered over the last couple of years. When he imagined enemies, crafts a golem and sets it loose
uses his powers, fiery mystic sigils appear about his to wreak havoc on the heroes’ city. When the PCs
fingertips. respond to the threat they discover this in no common

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

construct they face; this golem is empowered by the engaging the services of a private investigator, he
Cosmic Heart, a mystic gemstone set deep in the decides to find the answers he’s looking for himself. 15
arcane android’s chest. The Cosmic Heart acts like Working from the few clues he has available (his
a mystic battery, soaking up magical energies from apparent age and racial make-up, the part of the
the very fabric of reality. The golem can use these country he first remembers appearing in, the nature
energies to manifest an almost limitless number of of his powers) the Aspirant began his investigation.
super-powers, but lacking much imagination, the After several months of research, he finally came
construct simply emulates the abilities of those across what he was looking for – a thirty year old
around it, adapting to whatever opponents it is faced mystery that seems to explain everything. Three
with (use the Ultimate Mimic archetype from M&M, decades ago the infant son of two midwestern
page 224, using a Mimic rank of X if necessary). superheroes was kidnapped, and despite a multi-state
While the heroes fight valiantly to put an end to the police and FBI dragnet, the child was never found. No
creature’s rampage, they simply seem overmatched suspect was ever identified in the kidnapping; none
by the thing’s naked might. But just as the struggle of the few supervillains the pair had clashed with
seems to be turning against them, two new figures were ever implicated in the crime. The two heroes
arrive to battle alongside the heroes: The Aspirant had no real archenemies to speak of, as most of the
and Radian, both of who heard the reports about villains they had fought were strictly small time. The
a monster tearing up the downtown area. The parents were Trey “Crossfire” Masters, a pyrokinetic
combined might of the city’s defenders proves just black mutant, and Alicia “Princess Paragon” Littlejohn,
enough to bring the creature down. a white heroine who derived super-strength and
But as soon as the golem falls, the power-hungry invulnerability from the Paragon Stone, a mystic
side of the Aspirant’s nature takes hold and he uses gem. Sadly, the couple proved unable to cope with
his powers to tear the Cosmic Heart from the now this tragedy, and their marriage ended a few years
inanimate creature’s chest, desperate to possess later. Ten years later, Crossfire was badly injured in
the vast energies contained within. Once it is in his a battle with Cauldron, a minor league superhero.
grasp, the Aspirant is able to instinctively tap into The shape-shifting criminal known as Imposter
the gemstone to increase his superhuman abilities. had framed Cauldron for a string of robberies, and
He then turns his newly enhanced abilities against Crossfire tried to bring him in. In the resulting fight,
Radian. Taking the hero by surprise, he quickly Crossfire sustained serious brain damage, and has
wrests away Radian’s enchanted lantern and claims languished in a coma ever since. Princess Paragon
the artifact for his own, making him even more continued in the superhero game until the early
formidable. He then exults in his moment of ultimate 1980s, when her powers began failing (the Paragon
triumph, proclaiming that his greatness is finally Stone had only a finite reserve of energy). The
at hand and bursting into maniacal laughter. He Aspirant became convinced that he had identified his
appears to be literally drunk with power. parents. Everything fit – the right racial background,
While the Aspirant isn’t about to set out on a plausible mix of powers, right age and geographic
campaign of terror, the heroes can hardly stand back location, even an undoubtedly traumatic childhood
to allow someone as unstable as the Aspirant access that probably led to his amnesia and mood swings.
to so much raw power. Even if he shifts back into his It was a lock!
heroic persona, it will only be a matter of time before The heroes are alerted to all this when they are
he uses the Cosmic Heart and the Lantern to do approached by a frightened Alicia Littlejohn; the now
something criminal or foolish. The PCs will have to middle-aged ex-heroine explains that two weeks
wrest the mystic artifacts from the Aspirant before he earlier the Aspirant showed up on her doorstep,
can do any serious damage to himself or others. insisting that he was her long-lost son. She tried to
dissuade him, explaining that there was no way they
Meet the Parents: After yet another of his many could be sure of that until he took a DNA test, that
failed attempts to achieve greatness, the Aspirant has his physical features and powers only superficially
mulled matters over and decided that perhaps he resembled those of either her or her former
has to finally find out the truth behind his past before husband, and so forth. The truth of the matter, as she
he can move forward. Maybe his lack of knowledge eventually admits, Ms. Littlejohn knows the Aspirant
about his origins has been holding him back from couldn’t possibly be her son. The child she had was
fulfilling his potential. He decides to get serious not fathered by the African American Crossfire, but
about uncovering his origins, starting with tracking by Adam Leonard, an assistant DA with whom she
down his parents. Not comfortable with the idea of was having an affair. Her little boy was white, not

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

biracial. The couple kept this out of the press, but time has elapsed since his battle with Cauldron and is
16 it was one of the factors in their later divorce. She intent on finishing what he began. He burned his way
considered simply telling the Aspirant this, but held out of the hospital and made his way back to his old
back because he became so agitated when she tried apartment building, salvaging one of his old costumes
to argue against him. She is aware of his reputation from a trunk hidden in the basement. He is literally
for irrational behavior. Alicia is now remarried and has hot on the Aspirant’s trail, sensing this will lead him
two daughters living at home, twenty-year-old Lynn to his old foe. When he sees Alicia on the scene he will
and fourteen-year-old Lauren, and is afraid of saying attack her too – in his current state he sees her as just
anything that might set off the Aspirant’s temper. someone else who betrayed and hurt him. Ironically,
She instead told him she simply isn’t interested in the Aspirant will try to prevent any harm from coming
pursuing matters further, out of concern for her to Alicia Littlejohn, as he still thinks she is his mother.
current family, and hoped that would be the end of The PCs will have their hands full trying to calm the
things. situation and preventing serious harm from coming
Unfortunately, the Aspirant has taken to stalking to any of the people involved.
her. She has spotted him in her neighborhood several
times, watching her from a distance then vanishing ENDGAME
as soon as she noticed. Yesterday, she received a The Aspirant’s ultimate fate will probably be more
letter from him (no return address) stating that he in the hands of the Magister than in those of the
was going to prove himself a good son by taking Aspirant. If the Aspirant is able to distinguish himself
vengeance on Cauldron, the man who crippled his and develop a balanced and humane personality, the
father, her ex-husband Crossfire. Guilt-stricken after Magister will consider him as a candidate to assume
what happened to Crossfire, the armored Cauldron, the role of Archadept Arcane. If the Aspirant continues
a.k.a. Luther Tompkins, retired as a superhero, trained on his path of unpredictable behavior and situational
as an occupational therapist, and spent years working ethics, then the Magister may consider terminating
to help other people who had been left disabled by his creation’s existence. Whatever the case, by the
violence. He’s now in his sixties and semi-retired. He time the decision is made, the Aspirant may have
hasn’t put on the powered armor that he wore in his mastered enough of his abilities and accrued enough
heroic identity in years. Alicia has his address – Luther magical artifacts that he may be able to usurp the role
has written to her many times over the years, begging of Archadept Arcane, a role he is instinctively drawn
her forgiveness for what he did to Crossfire, offering to. And should the Magister move to destroy his
her advice on which hospitals and treatments might creation he may find the instincts he instilled in him,
offer hope. Though she has never been able to truly the unconscious desire to amass magical power, may
forgive him for what he did, she doesn’t want to see have transformed the Aspirant into a fitting opponent
him hurt or killed, especially not because of a lie she for his creator.
has been living with for so long. She’s prepared to tell
Aspirant the truth, but fears his reaction. She begs the
heroes to accompany her in intercepting the Aspirant
before he can reach Cauldron. As she expects that the
Sorcerers and mad seers on a thousand worlds
situation may turn violent she wears her old Paragon whisper tales of the Vrane, that proud race of warriors
Stone necklace under her clothing, though she does whose legions once strode victoriously across many
not dress in costume. planes of existence.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that The Vrane owed their invincibility to the near
the Aspirant visited his supposed father Crossfire in limitless vitality of their home plane of Koth, which all
the nursing home where the man has been cared for Vrane could draw upon for nigh-limitless strength and
the last fifteen years, promising the older man that endurance. Koth was home to the paradeity known as
he would make everything right. He tried using the Vraboath, the Wellspring of Worlds. Vraboath—a vast
Cold-Fire to heal Crossfire’s injuries, but seemingly cauldron of roiling, fecund life energies—had birthed
failed. He left more determined than ever to avenge several sub-planes and nascent universes. The Vrane
himself on Cauldron. Unbeknownst to the Aspirant, venerated Vraboath as their source of strength
Crossfire came out of his catatonic state shortly and dedicated their conquests to the Wellspring of
after his visit. Somehow the Aspirant’s mystic flames Worlds, though Vraboath gave no acknowledgement
had a delayed effect, reviving him and sparking his to its followers; perhaps, such an entity could not
powers. Unfortunately, the newly awakened Crossfire even perceive their existence. Overlords of a vast
is mentally unbalanced; he has no idea how much

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

dimensional empire, the Vrane drew wealth and Frimbule-Yon, but the grueling world took its toll
power from the myriad civilizations they reduced on Ornellia. She died suffering, and on the day of 17
to fiefdoms and the entire species they ruthlessly her death Carmody swore an oath to avenge her by
enslaved. destroying the hated enemy who had brought the
Even those who knew the source of the Vrane’s Vrane to such dire straits: the Magister.
power could not defeat them. To destroy the Vrane’s After the loss of his mother, Carmody wandered
connection to Vraboath would have destroyed Koth far across the plane of Frimbule-Yon, and despite
itself, releasing the Wellspring’s energies into the (or perhaps, because of ) his race’s infamy, he made
greater multiverse and unleashing an explosion a fortune as a sell-sword, fighting in the endless wars
of furious, unchecked evolution that would throw that plagued the wintry realm in the years following
countless worlds into chaos. Ultimately, however, the the Fall of the Vrane. He was in great demand not
majesty of the Vrane Empire was ended when the only for his prowess but his charismatic leadership
race came up against the human sorcerer known as and strategic acumen.
the Magister, Earth’s Archadept Arcane. A chance encounter with an elderly Vrane sorcerer
Despite his might and skill, the Magister proved gave Carmody the opportunity he had been looking
as impotent in the face of such power as any other for—to leave Frimbule-Yon behind and make his way
opponent of the Vrane, until he hit upon the strategy to the Vrane homeworld of Koth. The older Vrane
of poisoning that power at the source. He placed a had been a member of the Order of Planar Magi, an
mystical corruption within the Wellspring of Worlds, occult fraternity whose members had used magic
a taint designed to spread throughout the Vrane race to transport high-ranking Vrane military officials
each time a warrior called on the power of Vraboath. between dimensions during their inspection tours
It worked only too well. Before they could complete and multi-dimensional wars. The mage trained
their invasion, waves of apathy, hedonism, and young Carmody in the ways of sorcery and gave him
self-indulgence overtook nearly all of the Vrane. many enchanted talismans and other trinkets to aid
Their warriors grew fat and soft, their conquered him. Eventually, Carmody completed his training,
races revolted, and the empire collapsed amid the and he immediately left the frozen world to which his
righteous fury of billions of slaves. So piteously was mother had been exiled. His new skills allowed him to
the civilization brought low that the Magister himself, open the portals to Koth, which the Vrane had closed
seeing the devastation his actions had wrought, was in their retreat from Frimbule-Yon.
moved by their plight. He took the Vrane as his Shortly after appearing on Koth, Carmody began an
charges, protecting them from the vengeance of their evangelical crusade, attempting to rouse the Vrane
former subjects and doing his best to rehabilitate from their stupor and lead them back to greatness.
their violent culture. He was dubbed Carmody the Rebel and gathered a
Carmody is one of small but intensely loyal
the few Vrane who was following, mostly young
spared the effects of the VITAL STATS: CARMODY THE REBEL x warriors who had never
corrupted Wellspring. Quote: “I will never rest until I have fulfilled my been initiated into the
His mother was Ornellia blood-oath and slain the enemy of my people.” mysteries of Vraboath.
the Forsaken, member Real Name: Carmody The speed of Carmody’s
of a small sect that did Aliases: None rise was matched only by
not worship the power Occupation: Rebel leader his sudden fall, as agents
of Vraboath but instead Legal Status: None of the Magister quickly
venerated ancestral spirits. Identity: Public got wind of the rebellion
Ornellia raised Carmody Marital Status: Single and crushed it utterly.
in religious exile on the Known Relatives: Ornellia (mother, deceased) His followers were
winter-world of Frimbule- Affiliation: None arrested, the temple he
Yon, and taught him the Base of Operations: Mobile had established was
Vrane virtues of ambition, Height: 5’2” destroyed, and Carmody
courage, and stoicism Weight: 260 lbs. was forced to flee under
along with the rites and Hair: Blond the threat of execution.
rituals of her faith. He grew Eyes: Gray Rather than returning to
up strong in both mind Distinguishing Marks: Cobalt-blue skin, metallic Frimbule-Yon, however,
and body, toughened by gray eyes Carmody stormed the
the fierce wilderness of gates of the High Hall,

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

the seat of the puppet regime the Magister had left the Carmody’s new belief system. They are no longer
18 in his stead to rehabilitate the Vrane. Fighting his way called the Disciples of Völund, but merely the Disci-
to the inner chambers of the Regent, the Magister’s ples; though their name does not reflect it, everyone
proxy ruler, he found another portal, this one leading knows exactly whose disciples they have become.
to the Magister’s homeworld of Earth. He entered The combination of Carmody’s discipline, martial
without hesitation, relishing the thought of bringing skills and sorcerous knowledge allowed the Disciples
this war directly to the hated sorcerer’s doorstep. to drive out the pushers, pimps, and other undesir-
At this point, destiny took a strange turn. On Earth, able elements from their neighborhoods and effec-
an inner-city gang of neo-Nazis called the Disciples tively take control of several city blocks.
of Völund had begun mixing Odinist rituals with their The police, whose visits to
white supremacist rhetoric. Using a book of spells this dangerous
written by members of Germany’s Thule society, area were al-
they accidentally ways irregular
completed and sporadic,
a ritual that now barely pa-
called out to trol the Disciples’
one of the petty turf at all, and usu-
magical talismans ally turn a blind
Carmody carried, interfering eye to
with the portal’s magic and the
causing the plane-tossed
Vrane to appear before them.
The awed neo-pagan gang
began to
worship the
Carmody, and
he used their
veneration to gang’s criminal enterprises.
make him- Carmody now walks openly
self the in his territory, displaying his
gang’s blue skin and grey eyes for ev-
leader. He eryone to see. In a world where
stripped the superhumans and costumed
Disciples of adventurers openly exist, Carmody’s existence is ac-
their back- cepted, though no one knows he is from another
wards white world. The locals see him as their very own super-
supremacist heroic Robin Hood, and many urban myths purport
beliefs and to tell Carmody’s “secret origin.” Grateful for the in-
made them a creased safety of their neighborhoods, residents are
force to be reck- generally protective of Carmody and his Disciples,
oned with in though a few are beginning to chafe at the rather
their neighbor- iron-fisted manner in which Carmody rules his “fief-
hood, which was dom” in the inner city.
one of the poor- Carmody has taken a human woman named Anita
est and toughest Vasquez, a single mother whose younger brother is a
parts of the city. He Disciple, as his “consort.” While Carmody tells himself
encouraged their na- that his relationship with Anita is only a matter of
ture worship and other ele- convenience, the reality is that his feelings for her are
ments of their neopaganism, genuine and go beyond mere lust or possessiveness.
which bore some resemblance Carmody sees reflections of his mother’s bravery
to his own religion. The Disciples and strength of character in Anita, and would
now accept members of any sooner die than see her come to harm.
race, so long as they embrace

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

The Magister is in fact wholly aware of Carmody’s
activities and presence on Earth and even partially
orchestrated his introduction to Anita. He believes the CARMODY THE REBEL PL 10
idealistic warrior might actually be a good candidate
to eventually assume the office of Archadept STR +5 20 INT +0 10
Arcane—unless the young rebel forces the Magister
to slay him first… DEX +4 18 WIS +1 12


Carmody has sworn to slay the Magister or perish in
the attempt. His hatred for the Archadept Arcane is TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will
exceeded only by his shame over the lowly state to
+10/+5* +7 +7 +7
which his people have fallen. He believes that if he *without armor
succeeds in his mission, there may be hope for his
race. He hopes the Vrane will be so inspired by his skills
triumph that they’ll find the will to break free from Acrobatics 8 (+12), Bluff 4 (+8), Craft (artistic) 2 (+2),
the effects of the Magister’s curse and take up arms Diplomacy 2 (+6), Intimidate 6 (+10), Knowledge
as valiant conquerors once more. (arcane lore) 10 (+10), Notice 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+8),
Survival 2 (+3)
Carmody adheres to the Vrane code of honor, which
prohibits lying, stealing (booty taken as a result of feats
conquest is not considered stealing), oath-breaking, Ambidexterity, Artificer, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Dodge
or committing acts of torture. Carmody has no Focus 2, Elusive Target, Improved Initiative, Inspire,
compunctions about attacking by surprise, taking Minions 5 (ten 30 PP minions), Move-by Action, Power
advantage of an opponent’s weakness, or killing Attack, Takedown Attack
enemies who have already been defeated, though
he will accept a foe’s honorable surrender. He has powers
all the instincts of a seasoned military leader and Device 2 (easy to lose; “Magic Weapons”), Device 2
will use any means at his disposal, whether magical (hard to lose; “Vrane Armor”), Immunity 2 (disease,
cold), Leaping 2, Magic 7, Vrane Spirit-Channeling
or mundane, to secure victory. He exhibits all the
(array): Boost 10 (ability scores; Flaws: Personal); Blast
customary arrogance of his species, holding himself 5 (sonic; Extras: Area – Cone, Penetrating); Emotion
superior to humans and other sentient races. Control 10 (Extras: Area – Burst, Aura, Selective Attack;
Carmody sees the humans of his neighborhood as Flaws: Fear only, Touch – Range); Regeneration 20
subjects of his dominion and therefore entitled to (Bruised 3, Unconscious 3, Injured 4, Staggered 4,
his protection from outside threats. Also, he does Disabled 6)
sometimes develop a grudging respect for human
beings that distinguish themselves through bravery devices
and valor in battle, considering them something like Magic Weapons (array): Heart-Biter: Strike 6 (Power
honorary Vrane. Such valiant humans are worthy of Feats: Mighty); Spell-Splitter: Strike 4 (Power Feats:
Mighty; Extras: Penetrating); Vrane Armor: Protection
being considered allies or respected enemies, but no
5 (Extras: Impervious)
human could ever be truly equal to Carmody and his
kin. combat
Attack +7, +9 (melee), Grapple +12, Damage +5
APPEARANCE (unarmed), +11 (Heart-Biter), +9 (Spell-Splitter), +5
Carmody the Rebel is squat and stocky, his physique (blast), Defense +10, +4 (flat-footed), Knockback –7,
blocky and muscular, and in this he resembles the Initiative +8
old warriors of the Vrane. Like all his people, he has
cobalt-blue skin, and metallic gray eyes. His long,
Power Loss (must gesture or speak to use magic;
golden-blond hair is tied back in a ponytail, a hairstyle Uncommon), Vulnerable (to fire/heat; Uncommon,
traditional to his religious sect. Despite his alien Minor)
features and short stature, Carmody’s appearance is
still human enough to be considered ruggedly good- totals
looking. Since coming to Earth, Carmody usually Abilities 38 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers
55 + Combat 30 + Saves 10 - Drawbacks 2 = 160 PP

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Carmody’s background and the background of the Vrane could be woven more directly into your campaign
by making the proposed Vrane invasion of Earth an in-game reality. This invasion could even serve as
a suitable beginning for a new campaign and a means of drawing your heroes together into a team.
Interdimensional gates open all over the globe and disgorge legions of superpowered Vrane warriors. The
heroes (and possibly villains) of the Earth engage in devastating battles in every major city in the world.
After the PCs fight the first of these battles and are regrouping and healing their wounds, the Magister
appears to them. Using powerful precognitive magicks, the Archadept Arcane shows the assembled
heroes the inevitable result of the Vrane invasion—a world enslaved, humanity toiling to serve the Earth’s
new masters, and in the background vast graveyards dedicated to the Vrane’s honored enemies, with a
few gravestones bearing some familiar names… The Magister has a desperate plan: he knows the source
of the Vrane’s exceptional powers and believes it represents their only weakness. He will transport a small
group of heroes to the Vrane’s home dimension of Koth where they will steal into the massive underground
temple that houses the entity known as Vraboath, Wellspring of Worlds. The heroes will have to afford the
Magister enough time to work the lengthy ritual that will poison the Wellspring. Meanwhile, the temple’s
guardians attack and one of the Vrane legions rushes back to their home dimension when they learn of
the plan. If these elements are worked into your campaign then the PCs will also earn Carmody’s enmity,
making them nearly as hated in the young Vrane’s eyes as the Magister himself.

dresses like an average denizen of his neighborhood, for inclusion in a street-level campaign as a powerful
and is often attired in a tight-fitting t-shirt, jeans. antagonist. He can serve as an occasional ally against
When he knows he will be entering battle, he is the more dangerous criminal elements in the city, but
adorned in the traditional fluted titanium armor of a can just as easily be contentious and belligerent if the
Vrane warrior. heroes enter his little “fiefdom” unbidden.
In many superhero campaigns, Carmody’s presence
POWERS AND TACTICS in the campaign city may be tolerated, since he has
Carmody practices the mystic art of spirit channeling, done some good in his adopted neighborhood. He
taught to him by his mother. He usually calls upon the has rid the Disciples of their neo-Nazi tendencies
souls of his revered ancestors to enhance his strength, and helped rehabilitate some of the neighborhood’s
speed, and reflexes, but can perform a number of worst drug addicts. The heroes may simply see him
other astonishing feats, such as emitting a war cry as one of the city’s more colorful figures, giving him
capable of shattering stone, recovering quickly from little thought outside of their occasional encounters
deadly wounds, or surrounding himself with an aura with him. That will of course change if any of
of dread that unnerves his foes. Carmody’s plans come to fruition, or if he comes into
Carmody is a formidable hand-to-hand fighter, but direct conflict with the Magister. A few more specific
is not quite as skilled as he believes. He relies as much ideas for incorporating Carmody into your game are
on his natural agility and tenacity as he does any real detailed below:
talent for melee combat, wielding an axe in one hand
and a sword in the other. The runes etched upon his Gang Warfare: An organized crime syndicate
weapons, Heart-Biter and Spell-Splitter, guide the decides to move in on the neighborhoods held by the
sword straight to the hearts of his foes and the axe Disciples. Underestimating their opposition, they are
to cut through magical barriers. He is certain that pushed back hard by the street gang, losing several
when he finally confronts the Magister in combat, of their soldiers. Even worse, Carmody personally
he will have no problem delivering a killing blow. delivers a sound thrashing to the syndicate boss’s
Carmody has one physical weakness: the long years son, leaving the young man permanently scarred. In
he spent in the chilling environment of Frimbule-Yon retaliation, the crime lord hires a team of superhuman
left him inured to cold but vulnerable to heat and mercenaries to take down the Disciples and bring
flame. Carmody’s blood runs cold, as does his thirst him Carmody’s head. Carmody recruits a couple of
for vengeance. street-level supervillains in turn, and the gang war
is joined.
The mayhem escalates, the body count rises, and
IN GAME the public clamors for the city government to bring
Carmody’s status as a gang leader makes him ideal

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

the situation under control. When conventional law
enforcement proves unable to do so, the mayor ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX x 21
appeals to the PCs. Will they treat both sides like You are a peaceful Vrane who always detested the
the criminals they are, or will they aid Carmody in war-like nature of your people. You have gone out
defending the neighborhood? Will they intervene into the cosmos to do what good you can, in order
directly, or attempt to negotiate with the two sides to repay the debt of oppression and war that your
and avoid further bloodshed? Whatever their choices, people owe. You hope to serve as an example of
Carmody’s interactions with the PCs will be less the great good that the Vrane race could do in the
dependent on which side that they choose than how multiverse. You have settled in one of the dimensions
“honorably” they conduct themselves. that the Vrane never got around to conquering,
the home dimension of the being that ultimately
The Test: To test the young Vrane’s abilities, the brought a stop to the Vrane’s war-like ways, the
Magister has used unwitting agents to spread a Magister. This dimension is a troubled one, but has a
rumor through the occult underground that one of small population of superpowered individuals that
Carmody’s weak magical trinkets is in fact a legendary will make your presence there not too alarming.
mystical amulet that gives the wearer the ability of This origin can make for a simple way to tie
dimensional travel. The Crimson Covenant, a group a character into the greater working of the
of evil mystics, has many members who covet such a multiverse. The character can be created with
magical artifact. The Covenant’s members undertake some knowledge of dimensional travel or he
a simple plan to gain the amulet. First, they give or she may know little beyond the core of the
magical talismans to a voodoo-oriented rival gang former Vrane Empire. Whatever the case, the
of the Disciples and prompt a feud between the hero’s unique nature may attract the attention of
two gangs. This gang attacks Carmody and his various mystical factions on Earth or may raise the
Disciples, and though they are quickly defeated due ire of the denizens of dimensions that were once
to Carmody’s inhuman power and magical prowess, under the yoke of the Vrane. This can provide
the incident triggers a series of brutal reprisals. Amid ample opportunity to pit the character against
the violence, one of the most powerful Covenant forces seeking to exploit or harm the character, all
sorcerers, Maxwell Mardrake, sends his servant, the the while the hero seeks to redeem the reputation
infamous underworld harrier known as the Huntsman of his kind in the eyes of the cosmos.
(see Sons of the Gun, page 19), to recover the artifact.
When an informant reveals the true reason for all Vrane, Template
the violence, will the heroes attempt to stop the Abilities: Strength +8, Dexterity +6, Constitution
Huntsman, help Carmody, or will they discover +8
Carmody does not possess the coveted artifact and Feats: Dodge Focus 2, Elusive Target, Improved
persuade the Covenant to stop its attack? Initiative, Power Attack
Powers: Leaping 2, Vrane Spirit-Channeling
The Lady or the Prize: An occult adept kidnaps the (array): Boost 10 (ability scores; Flaws: Personal);
loved ones of one or more of the PCs. The madman Blast 5 (sonic; Extras: Area – Cone, Penetrating);
does something terrible yet reversible to his victims, Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area – Burst, Aura,
perhaps aging them to senescence, banishing them Selective Attack; Flaws: Fear only, Touch – Range);
to a forlorn dimension like Frimbule-Yon, or turning Regeneration 20 (Bruised 3, Unconscious 3,
them to stone. His messages promise the heroes he Injured 4, Staggered 4, Disabled 6)
will restore the victims to normal, so long as they Cost: 52 PP
cooperate. He wants the heroes to retrieve a tome
of mystic knowledge from the lair of a legendary see the mission through to a successful conclusion.
villain. While the villain has not been seen in years, he But when the party reaches its objective, he realizes
left several animated guardians, traps, and wards to that the secrets contained in the book could be
protect the tome. Retrieving it from the lair will be no invaluable in bringing down the Magister. Suddenly
small feat. As the sinister magician has no wish to risk he must weigh his quest to destroy his enemy against
his own skin, he has selected the heroes for the task. the life of the woman he cares for. Will he betray the
Accompanying the PCs will be Carmody, who was heroes and attempt to abscond with the tome for his
chosen by the sorcerer for his unique blend of magical own purposes? Or has he come to value love over
and martial skills. Since Carmody’s girlfriend Anita is vengeance?
among those kidnapped, he will do his utmost to

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

they attempted and her mother, who had taken to
22 Sooner or later, Carmody and the Magister seem
drinking, sometimes spoke of a curse on the family.
Nelly attributed the family curse to her great
destined to meet in battle. The entire point of the
grandfather, who had cheated a man named
alien’s presence on Earth is to destroy the Archadept
Southern Greeley out of his life’s savings in a card
Arcane. After that, his plan is to somehow free Koth
game. Greeley had supposedly laid a curse upon
from the corruption of Vraboath and lead his people
her great-grandfather down to the sixth generation.
into a glorious new age.
If this was true, the curse would already have been
But when Anita becomes pregnant with Carmody’s
passed down to Nelly and her daughters, and would
child, suddenly his loyalties are divided. Is he loyal to
be passed on in turn to any children her daughters
the world that rejected him and his mother for being
bore as well. It was hard not to believe that the curse
different, or the world that has made him a leader
was genuine. In just one year, Nelly was badly beaten
of men and given him a family? While Carmody is
by a drunk at the bar where she worked part-time,
unlikely to abandon his quest for vengeance on the
her six-year-old daughter Norma was bitten on the
Magister, the idea of raising a child on the apathetic,
face by another trailer park resident’s pit bull, scarring
accursed world of Koth is not so palatable. The fact
the girl, and nine-year-old Donna-Jean was struck by
that a Vrane can sire a child with an Earth woman
a car, breaking the girl’s leg in three places. They were
means that humans are not so different or inferior as
cut off from food stamps for three months when their
he thought—just culturally primitive and in need of
caseworker lost their files. Someone broke into their
guidance. Carmody may delay his vengeance until
trailer home a few days before Christmas and stole
after his child is born, perhaps even putting it off
the girls’ meager presents. Only twelve-year-old Mo
for years to prevent reprisals against his new family.
seemed to get through without anything especially
Or he might choose to try and destroy the Magister
bad happening. Mo was a special girl, tough and
soon, but then remain on Earth with Anita and their
resilient, resourceful beyond her years. She always
child, helping his subjects
found a way to make the
to transform their own VITAL STATS: COLD COMFORT x best of a situation, and she
world, one block at a time.
Quote: “It’s little more’n cold comfort puttin’ shouldered much of the
an end to a filthy shadow-thing like you. But I ain’t responsibility of caring for

COLD particular, I’ll take what comfort I can git.”

Real Name: Maureen “Mo” Dickinson
her younger siblings.
One day a special visitor

Aliases: Mary Dixon, Molly Dixon, Molly Dee. came into their drab
Occupation: Monster-Hunter. Various occupa- lives – a man named
Maureen “Mo” Dickinson tions in past including bouncer, martial arts in- Mr. Alabaster. The man
was born forty-seven structor, and gangland enforcer/leg-breaker. showed up at the door of
years ago in Baton Rouge, Legal Status: American citizen with criminal their trailer one summer
Louisiana. She has been record. Not currently wanted by police. day and told them he
waging a personal war Identity: Secret has sensed their “special
against the supernatural Marital Status: Single need” for his services; he
for the past twenty-two Known Relatives: Nelly (mother, deceased), claimed to be a traveling
years. Mo’s hatred for all Norma (sister, deceased), Donna-Jean (sister, mystic, one of an order
things magic really began deceased), Tanya Culp (maiden name Dickinson, that went about helping
when she was twelve. By older sister by father’s previous marriage), one those suffering unjustly
that time a drunk driver nephew and two nieces. No known contact in from curses, apparitions,
had already killed her last fifteen years. haunts, and the like. He
father and her mother Affiliation: None knew their lives were
had lost one of her arms Base of Operations: Mobile being made miserable by
in an industrial accident. Age: 47 such a curse. Mr. Alabaster
Her mother, Nelly, her Eye Color: Pale Blue made a few minor
younger sisters, and she Hair Color: Grey with blond streaks. demonstrations of his
lived a hardscrabble, Height: 6’0” power to prove what he
hand-to-mouth life in a Weight: 170 lbs. told them was true. Mo’s
run-down Kentucky trailer Distinguishing Marks: Missing two fingers, mother accepted the man
park. Bad luck seemed to walks with a limp into their meager home,
dog them no matter what and told him all she knew

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

of Greeley and the curse the wronged man had lain she was told and offered everything she had to give.
upon the Dickinson bloodline. This would prove a horrible mistake. 23
Mr. Alabaster took this all in stride, assuring the fam- The spirit summoned was not that of Southern
ily that this was a minor task for one such as him, so Greeley – it was that of a Misery Demon, a creature
long as her mother was willing to pay the necessary that had been feeding off the misery of the trailer
price. He would summon Greeley’s spirit to Earth, park, spreading ill fortune and sickness among the
force him to become corporeal, and then Maureen’s beleaguered residents. Mr. Alabaster had gotten
mother would offer to repay the man for her great everything wrong. The family legend of Southern
grandfather’s wrongdoing. Mr. Alabaster e x - Greeley had been just that, a legend. The demon was
plained that she would have to offer all too real. The foul thing chortled and danced about
him all she had to give, all Nelly could wickedly. It agreed to take everything Nelly had to
lay claim to. Nelly initially balked, that offer, including her life and soul, and those of the
would leave the family homeless, but little girls. Mo heard anguished screams, saw a terri-
Mr. Alabaster persuaded her by fied Mr. Alabaster bolt from the door of their trailer,
telling Nelly that the curse and raced back to her home. She watched in horror as
would then be over and the the demon’s caress caused her mother and sisters to
family could start again burst into flames. The same fate would have befallen
fresh, without such ter- her but for the words her mother screamed with her
rible luck at every dying breath “I disown you,
turn. Nelly agreed. Maureen! I disown
Mo’s mother told own! You don’t
her and her sis- belong to me!”
ters that the fam- The demon
ily would be go- turned and
ing through hard stared at
times again, but young Mo
that this time with hungry,
everything would leering eyes,
turn out eager to
all right, feed on one
it would
all get bet-
ter. Mo however
didn’t trust the stranger, and
she made herself scarce
that night, walking about
the outskirts of the trailer
park lot, while her mother
and sisters stayed inside.
Later that evening the
self-proclaimed “hex-
breaker” performed the
incantation and invoked
the spirit; Nelly
did as

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

that it no longer had a claim on the girl. With a howl of
cold comfort PL 10 frustration, the demon vanished, leaving nothing but
the stench of sulfur and three piles of ash and charred
bones behind.
STR +4 18 INT +2 14 Little Maureen’s childhood came to an end on that
night. From that time forward she became consumed
DEX +4 18 WIS +2 14 with hatred – hatred for the filthy beast that had
claimed her mother and sisters, for the lying man
CON +4 18 CHA +1 12 who had claimed he could help them, even for the
superstitious belief in the “family curse” that had
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will ruined all their lives. She vowed to put an end to such
things, to track down and destroy everything that was
+8/+4* +8 +6 +5 unnatural in the world, all the creatures of the occult
*without vest and all those who trafficked in magic.
skills Maureen escaped from the institution where she
Acrobatics 4 (+8), Bluff 6 (+11), Climb 4 (+6), Craft was placed after her mother’s death. She had spent
(mechanical) 4 (+5), Diplomacy 2 (+3), Disable Device eighteen months in the institution’s rusty, mildewed
4 (+6), Disguise 4 (+6), Drive 1 (+5), Gather Information gym, grimly building up her body. She then hitched
8 (+9), Intimidate 6 (+7), Investigate 4 (+6), Knowledge her way to Lexington, the nearest big city. She
(arcane lore) 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) learned to survive on the streets using her natural
4 (+6), Language 6 (Native English, Crow, German, strength and size to become the leader of a girl-gang
French, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese), Medicine 3 (+5), in the city’s worst neighborhood. She led them on
Notice 8 (+10), Search 6 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+10),
raids against local pushers and thieves, and saved
Stealth 8 (+12), Survival 4 (+6), Swim 2 (+4)
every stolen dime while her “gang sisters” blew their
feats shares on boys and good times. When Lexington got
Defensive Attack, Diehard, Dodge Focus 4, Elusive too hot, she took off again for another city further up
Target, Endurance, Equipment 3, Fearless, Improved north, and then another after that, always repeating
Aim, Improved Block, Improved Initiative, Master Plan, the same pattern. She did anything she needed to
Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Sneak Attack, do, both to survive and to get the money she knew
Well-Informed. she needed. Whenever she could, she took classes in
martial arts, and bought (or stole) books on the occult.
powers Her growing reputation soon made her an in demand
Device 2 (easy to lose; Judgment: Strike 3 [Power
bodyguard and underworld enforcer wherever she
Feats: Accurate, Mighty; Extras: Penetrating]), Nemesis
5 (Flaws: Usable on Occult Enemies Only), Mind went. She did a lot of things she was not proud of,
Shield 2 but she never took on a job that meant hurting
innocent people. Maureen proved very capable in
equipment her role, despite her penchant for violence she was
Crossbow Gun (+3, 19-20, piercing, 40 ft., medium), never arrested, let alone convicted of any crime. But
Knives, Tactical Vest she hated every minute that she spent working for
drawbacks When she had enough money she began traveling
Disability (hard of hearing, limp, missing fingers and the world, seeking out forgotten tribes in South
teeth, Uncommon, Minor)
America, ancient masters in hidden Asian monasteries,
combat and hi-tech mercenaries in Africa. She was willing to
Attack +11, +13 (Judgment), Grapple +15, Damage +4 pay or serve anyone who could train in the lethal arts.
(unarmed), Damage +7 (Judgment), Defense +12, +4 She sought out remote churches, forgotten libraries,
(flat-footed), Knockback –4, Initiative +8 and third world villages in the middle of nowhere.
She learned everything she could about the shadow
totals world, the habits of occult creatures, and mastered
Abilities 32 + Skills 26 (104 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers every skill she needed to carry out her self-appointed
43 + Combat 30 + Saves 9 - Drawbacks 1 = 160 PP mission.
At twenty-five Maureen finally felt she was ready for
more innocent soul, then the monster twisted its face her first mission. She tracked down Mr. Alabaster, the
and spat stinking ichors onto the floor, as it realized man responsible for calling forth the demon that had

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

burned her family alive that night. She found him in to see it through to the bitter end. Cold Comfort
New Mexico, presiding over a minor mystic cabal. He is constantly on the move, traveling from city to 25
now called himself Aloysius of the Order of the White city. She often makes her residence in trailer parks,
Handed, claiming to represent some secret sect of tenement buildings, and other “low rent” districts
witches. Maureen trailed the man back to a slightly that are unlikely to have much police oversight. She
run-down mansion on the outskirts of town where he despises muggers, drug pushers, pimps and the like
now resided. She easily broke into the house, slipping only slightly less than she does demons, ghouls, and
past both the mystic wards and conventional security other fiends. She’s sent more than one piece of low life
systems. Maureen stole into his bedroom, where scum to the hospital or the morgue (Maureen never
the former Mr. Alabaster lay slumbering, a bottle of bothers to check which they end up in). Her survival
fine wine sitting empty on the floor, a crystal goblet methods have not changed, and she routinely steals
beside it, and a magical tome sitting open upon the from petty criminals and other lowlifes to finance
night stand next to the bed. She took the goblet from her crusade. Her most fervent desire is to someday
the floor and smashed it across the magician’s face. destroy the misery demon that took her family away,
The man awoke with a start, screaming in pain and freeing their souls.
spitting out blood. He attempted to rise, only to find
Maureen’s hand on his chest and a blade at his throat. APPEARANCE
“Remember me, sugar-pie? Remember my ma and Cold Comfort is six feet tall, lithe yet muscular, with
sisters back in Kentucky? You made real mess outta barely an ounce of body fat on her frame. She has
things back then, huh? Well, killin’ you is gonna be handsome, angular features, and pale blue eyes. Her
nothin’ more’n cold comfort, but I guess it’ll have to face is dominated by a prominent nose and strong
do.” With that she drew her knife across the pathetic jaw. Maureen is striking, but not beautiful. Her age
magician’s throat. She stalked out of the room, the is revealed by the hard lines about her eyes and
sounds of the sorcerer’s gurgling death sweet music mouth, and her shock of close-cropped gray hair. A
to her ears. Maureen gained a measure of vengeance lifetime spent battling the forces of the supernatural
for the death of her family that night, just enough to has taken a toll on her body; she has a bad limp (her
whet her appetite. She knew she would never rest so left knee was crushed by a golem during a mission in
long as things like the demon that had claimed her Prague), is missing two fingers on her left hand (bitten
mother and sisters walked the Earth. And men like off by a Brazilian were-jaguar), and is hard of hearing
Alabaster who would truck with the same kind of (partially deafened during an assassination attempt
supernatural forces were just as bad. She had a lot of against a thunder-mage). Accordingly, when out in
work ahead of her. the field she sports a prosthetic device on her hand,
a knee brace, and a hearing aid. She bears more than
PERSONALITY a few scars, and though most are long faded, she has
Maureen, now calling herself Cold Comfort, was born taken to wearing heavy makeup to cover those on
into a tough life and her existence has never gotten her face. She wears a dental plate to conceal several
any easier. She is a rough, hard-edged woman and has broken and missing teeth.
little in the way of formal education or social graces, As Cold Comfort she is outfitted in a tight fitting,
but she is by no means stupid. She may be “book lightly padded black body suit, over which she wears
dumb” but she is street smart. Maureen speaks with a military issue flak jacket. The flak jacket is modified
a distinct Mid-Southern rural accent. Her language is to hold her weapons – mostly stakes, silver spikes,
rough and crude, peppered with vulgarities, though and throwing knives. Various pockets and pouches in
she prefers action to words anyway. Cold Comfort her uniform hold other items useful against demons,
has nothing but hate for everyone and everything the undead and other practitioners of magic, such as
supernatural and she makes no distinction between garlic, vials of holy water, and a salt (useful against
“good” and “evil” when it comes to the occult. In her voodoo-spawned zombies). She wears a leather and
eyes even those who use magic to help others are chainmail neck collar for additional protection against
tainted, unclean, and evil. If she believes a magic- vampires and the like. A small cross of blessed silver
wielding individual can still be “saved”, she will at hangs from her neck – the bottom end is pointed,
first only seek to strip away the person’s supernatural and it can be used as a dagger. Her crossbow-gun and
abilities – if that fails, she will show no further mercy. quiver hang from her belt, while a wicked looking
Despite the toll her private war against the occult blade (forged from cold iron and consecrated with
has taken on her mind and body she is determined blessed names) is strapped to her right thigh. She’s

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

nicknamed the blade “Judgment” and has claimed like her poor dead family. Chances are the only
26 the head of more than one supernatural foe with it. time she’ll encounter the heroes is when their goals
intersect or they find themselves in contention due
POWERS AND TACTICS to misunderstanding or subterfuge. Maureen had
Maureen has no actual superpowers, but she is in no plans of giving up her crusade anytime soon, and
remarkable physical condition despite her advancing she may cross the heroes’ path at any time and at
age and multiple injuries. She is more than a match any place in the world. Adventure ideas that could
for most hand-to-hand fighters half her age. In help incorporate Cold Comfort into your campaign
addition to her martial arts skills, Cold Comfort is an follow:
expert in the use of blades, crossbows, and throwing
knives. She has mastered various esoteric martial arts Nothing is Black and White: The poorer sections
styles devised specifically to deal with the denizens of the city are being terrorized by a super-strong
of the supernatural world, techniques that allow her psychopath the newspapers have dubbed the
to go toe-to-toe with creatures such as vampires and Lummox. He is a hulking mass of muscle that
were-wolves. Her single-minded focus on her mission seemingly appears out of nowhere to strike and
(read: fanaticism) allows her to push herself past the then fades back into the shadows. The Lummox is
point of human exhaustion and endure pain that believed responsible for a series of brutal attacks
would otherwise incapacitate a human being. that have left three dead and fifteen hospitalized,
She knows the strengths and weaknesses of dozens some of whom are in critical condition. The Lummox
of supernatural creatures, and usually has the right primarily targets women, particularly prostitutes and
equipment on her person to deal with nearly any one drug addicts, though he has attacked men as well,
of them – everything from salt packets to holy water. and one of those killed was a female police officer.
Though she despises using magic, Cold Comfort has As they begin their search, the heroes are contacted
learned a few rituals related to exorcism, warding by an out of town hero known as the Bride. The Bride
against the undead, and dispelling the effects of a costume fits her name, as she keeps her features
magician’s spells. Given the right materials and a little hidden behind a white veil and silver-trimmed
time, she can banish a ghost, trap a lycanthrope in cloak, heightening the air of mystery that seems to
beast form, or force a demon from a host body. follow her everywhere. She explains the Lummox is a
Cold Comfort is aware that for all of her drive and Jekyll and Hyde type, a puny, emotionally repressed
training, she is a still a normal human being going chemist named Lee Bishop who uses a sinister serum
up against beings that are far more than her match to transform into a brutish creature and act out his
physically. Of necessity, she has become increasingly aggressions. The Bride clashed with the Lummox
sly and cunning as she grows older and her injuries two years ago, and with the help of Cold Comfort,
continue to mount. She carefully scouts out her another female vigilante, she managed to chase the
targets, learning as much as possible before making a monster out of New Orleans. Unfortunately she was
move against them. She always makes sure to choose not successful in tracking the Lummox down until
the proper weapons for the mission at hand. Cold now, when the attacks began in the PCs’ hometown.
Comfort will use any dirty trick or underhanded tactic She offers her assistance in capturing the creature. If
necessary to gain an advantage against her inhuman the PCs are cautious and decide to first look into the
prey. She avoids getting into open confrontations Bride’s story, everything checks out.
with the monsters she hunts, preferring to stalk her As the heroes’ pursuit of the Lummox plays out,
targets and then strike them by surprise when they the Bride proves to be a dedicated and resourceful
are vulnerable or distracted. If a target does not go ally, relentless in her pursuit and well-versed in
down after one or two attacks, she will retreat and urban combat tactics, not to mention possessed of
regroup, returning at a later date to finish what she superhuman strength, speed, stamina and senses.
started. She is superlatively skilled at sneaking about, She carries an enchanted knife which seems to cut
staging ambushes, and using “hit and run” tactics through anything and return to her hand when
against her foes. thrown, and she uses it skillfully. She also exhibits
some unusual behavior; she never eats or drinks
anything, never removes her heavy robes even if
IN GAME the weather is good, and does her best to keep to
Cold Comfort is a single-minded woman with the shadows. She is notably more active and vital
an unrelenting goal—to rid the world of the at night. If questioned, she explains that an ancient
supernatural and occult forces that prey on people curse placed on her by an enemy causes strong light

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

to weaken her powers. The investigation leads to one
of the city’s seedier sections, finally taking the heroes THE BRIDE x 27
to a crumbling, abandoned tenement building. When The Bride, PL 10
they reach the building’s entrance they find the body Str 22, Dex 18, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 20
of Lee Bishop laying across the front steps, his throat Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+14), Bluff 8 (+13),
cut. Someone has already put an end to his threat. Diplomacy 12 (+17), Disguise (+5), Escape Artist
Suddenly, a tall, leather-clad figure steps out from (+4), Gather Info 6 (+11), Handle Animal (+5),
the doorway and hurls a glass vial at the Bride. The Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (arcane lore) 8
vial shatters and splashes the Bride with some sort (+9), Notice 8 (+11), Search 6 (+7), Sense Motive 4
of liquid, immediately causing the flesh underneath (+7), Stealth 8 (+12)
her costume to smoke and sizzle. The woman trains Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Specialization
a crossbow on the Bride, the weapon’s laser sights 3 (Enchanted Gypsy Throwing Knife), Animal
targeting her heart. She throws a pair of photographs Empathy, Fascinate (Diplomacy), Fearless,
to the ground next to her. The photos depict the Improved Pin, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Power
bloody, mutilated bodies of two young women. Attack, Precise Shot 2, Rage 1, Sneak Attack 2,
“Didja think I forgot about what happened two years Startle
ago, you bloodsucking witch? Think again.” Powers: Animal Control 8 (Extras: Area;
Cold Comfort accuses the Bride of killing the two Flaws: Limited to bats, rats, and wolves),
women in the photographs. She explains that when Drain Constitution 1 (blood drain), Device 7
she and the Bride teamed up against the Lummox (“Enchanted Gypsy Throwing Knife”, hard to lose),
they came across two of the monstrous villain’s Immunity 30 (Fortitude saves), Insubstantial
victims in an alleyway after days of trying to run the 2 (gaseous), Protection 7 (Extras: Impervious;
monster down. Both women were badly beaten and Flaws: Limited against blessed, silver, or magical
bleeding from multiple wounds, but still alive. The weapons), Regeneration 5 (Resurrection, not
Bride told Cold Comfort to continue the chase while when staked or beheaded; Source: blood), Super-
she got help for the women. But both were DOA at Movement 1 (wall-crawling)
the emergency room, expiring from massive blood Devices: Enchanted Gypsy Throwing Knife (array):
loss. The Bride claimed they were simply too badly Blast 10 (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial,
hurt to save, but Cold Comfort knew better. She’d Homing 2, Split Attack; Extras: Penetrating), Strike
seen people with worse injuries survive. She did 10 (Power Feats: Accurate 2, Affects Insubstantial,
some digging of her own and found out that both Split Attack, Extras: Penetrating, Vampiric),
women had terrible neck wounds – wounds that Combat: Attack +5, +8 (Enchanted Knife,
weren’t there when she came across them in the Thrown), +10 (Enchanted Knife, Melee) Defense
alley. She put two and two together and deduced the +17, +13 (flat-footed), Initiative +4
truth: the Bride is a vampire. Cold Comfort had other Saves: Toughness +7 (+7 flat-footed, +0 against
matters that kept her busy for a while, but she always blessed, silver, or magical weapons), Fortitude -,
settles matters eventually. Cold Comfort has taken Reflex +8, Will +7
care of the Lummox and now she’s ready to put an Drawbacks: Weakness (dependence on blood,
end to the Bride. Common, Minor), Weakness (holy symbols, dazed
Once confronted, the Bride falls to her knees and for one round by losing an opposed Charisma
breaks down crying. She confesses that she is indeed check, Common, Moderate), Weakness (sunlight,
a vampire, and was once in the mental thrall of the minor, per round, destroyed after 10 rounds)
vampire lord known as the Wallachian, but protests Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 20 (80 ranks) +
that she is not evil, swearing that until that terrible Feats 17 + Powers 98 + Combat 24 + Saves 20
night in New Orleans she had not taken a human – Drawbacks 13 = 194 PP
life since the Second World War. She fights her curse
everyday, but had dedicated her undead existence works... She begs for forgiveness. But Cold Comfort is
to saving lives instead. Yes, she did feed on the in no mood to show mercy.
two injured women, but she never intended to kill The Bride may have to answer for her crimes, but
them. She was so exhausted from the battle and the does she deserve the brutal death that Cold Comfort
chase… there was so much blood in the alleyway, intends for her? If the PCs use mental powers or
everywhere… she knows she lost control, and she other means to confirm the Bride’s story, they find
regrets her actions everyday, but it was one terrible no evidence that she is lying; she has a bona fide
moment of weakness in half a century of good reputation as a hero, and is not a suspect in any other

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

crimes. If the PCs prevent her from destroying the If Sadus escapes then she’ll stay on his trail until she
28 Bride, Cold Comfort will retreat rather than getting catches him or dies in the process.
into a protracted fight and risk capture, but will
later return to make one last attempt at taking out
the Bride. She will likely stage her attempt if and
when the heroes have handed the vampire over to
Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union, Anatoly
the proper authorities (whoever that may be in the Andropov was a high-ranking agent of the Null
campaign). Directorate and a talented practitioner of the occult
sciences, being particularly skilled at necromancy.
ENDGAME His Null Directorate superiors were well aware of his
After searching for years, Maureen has finally come mystical proclivities and Anatoly was considered an
across what she has been looking for since she was important paranormal asset in the superhuman arms
a child; the spell that will allow her to rescue the race that existed between the Eastern Bloc nations and
spirits of her mother and sisters. This incantation will the West. He was assigned as an intelligence liaison to
allow her to call up Sadus, the misery demon that one of the Soviets’ official government super teams,
claimed her family’s souls over thirty-five years ago. the United Federalist Front, and given the codename
If performed properly the magic rite will summon the Deadworks, though he never served on the frontlines
thing to her and prevent it from fleeing back to the with the team. His status as a superhuman was highly
Underworld, and force the demon to fight her one on classified to enhance his continued usefulness as a
one. From everything Maureen has read, slaying the covert agent. Still, Anatoly’s necromantic skills were
demon will free all the souls unjustly imprisoned by the unofficial reason that the Soviet superheroes
the creature or his servants, allowing them to go on Iron Curtain and the Proletarian Protector were seen
to their final reward. again and again after their reported deaths in the
Unfortunately, when Cold Comfort performs the rit- Afghanistan conflict. Of course, neither was observed
ual an unexpected visitor to speak nor make public
shows up –the shade of appearances alone.
Mr. Alabaster. The ghostly
VITAL STATS: DEADWORKS x Anatoly’s other passion
apparition sabotages the Quote: “This body I currently wear is only was conspiracy theory.
protective wards involved a means to a greater end, comrade. Your He was consumed with
in containing the gateway forthcoming demise is another such means.” investigating and tracking
that the spell opens up, Real Name: Anatoly Andropov down the kernels of
resulting in not only Sadus Aliases: None truth behind all sorts of
but also dozens of other Occupation: Former KGB operative turned mysterious rumors and
demons escaping from undead zealot paranoid tales. As his
the portal. Cold Comfort Legal Status: Officially dead investigations progressed,
manages to narrowly es- Dual Identity: Existence not publicly known however, Anatoly came
cape but can do nothing Marital Status: Divorced prior to death to believe that a world-
to prevent the creatures Known Relatives: Ex-wife Nathalie, brothers spanning conspiracy did
from going out to ravage Anton and Gregori, sister Eva, several nieces and exist—one that involved
the city. The heroes will nephews a handful of powerful
have their hands full as Affiliation: None mystics who basically
they attempt to save their Base of Operations: Mobile orchestrated all major
city and corral the de- Age: 53 (Effectively ageless) world events. This group,
mons, while Cold Comfort Eye Color: Variable (appears brown in his own variously referred to as
continues her pursuit of ghostly form) the “Red Council” or the
Sadus, determined to fin- Hair Color: Variable (appears brown in his own “Nine Old Men” in the
ish her mission and save ghostly form) texts Anatoly could track
her family’s souls. Height: Variable (appears 6’4” in his own ghostly down, were seemingly
If Cold Comfort is suc- form). responsible for many
cessful in slaying Sadus, Weight: Variable (appears thin in his own ghostly of the ills that plagued
she may consider hanging form) mankind, as they kept
up her crossbow and tak- Distinguishing Marks: Bodies possessed their hold on power
ing a much-deserved rest. inevitably begin to show signs of deterioration through oppression, wars,
and disasters.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

Anatoly grew determined to shatter this conspiracy, weakened and his spirit form began to fade from
bring down this cabal, and give humanity back the earthly existence. Fortunately, in his new state he 29
keys to their own destiny. He drew up grand plans for could now sense imminent death, allowing him to
the conspiracy’s overthrow. Anatoly knew he would locate soon-to-be available bodies with relative ease.
have to be careful—undoubtedly there were many Deadworks now walks the Earth in nearly any form or
agents of the conspiracy serving in the KGB and body he chooses.
the Null Directorate. Still, he had many intelligence Ironically, Anatoly’s assassination had nothing to
contacts around the world, and surely there were do with his discovery of the “conspiracy,” though he
some to be trusted. Furthermore, as Deadworks fervently believes it did. In fact it was just a snafu,
he had access to top secret information on a case of misunderstood orders that came
many of the world’s paranormals and super- down during the confusion following
humans.. He would contact a select worthy the breakdown of the USSR. Anatoly was
few, tell them what he knew, and enlist their not even targeted for his pro-Gorbachev
aid in his cause. But Anatoly would never get views, which were controversial among
the chance. his fellow agents. It was all just an
Anatoly was murdered shortly following unfortunate mistake. Deadworks is
the failed coup that attempted unlikely to believe this unless
to unseat Russia’s then-Premier confronted with compelling
Mikhail Gorbachev and install evidence, but even he is, it
a hard-line pro-communist will not change his plans.
government. His death came His mission in life was to
the day after the Soviet Union unravel the mystery of the
was dissolved and Boris Yeltsin Nine Old Men, and now it
assumed control. Anatoly is his mission in death.
was shot from long range
when he stepped outside PERSONALITY
his apartment to retrieve the Anatoly was a consum-
morning newspaper. For anyone mate player in the Cold
else this would have been the end, but War between the United
not for Anatoly. The combination of his States and the USSR for
occult power and sheer will—and his nearly three decades. De-
obsession with the riddle of the Nine spite his service as a Null
Old Men—allowed his spirit to live Directorate agent he was
on past his body’s demise. Anatoly never a true Communist,
Andropov had been assassinated, much less a Stalinist, and he
but Deadworks lived on. provided his services more out
In some ways, Anatoly’s of a sense of adventure and a
“condition” has proven to be an nationalist loyalty to Mother
advantage—he now operates Russia than Marxist ideology.
unseen and unimpeded by Anatoly was always cunning,
physical frailties. He found that if efficient, and ruthless, but
he needed a corporeal shell, he retained a sense of honor. He
could possess the bodies of the respected worthy opponents
recently departed, provided the on the “other side,” kept any
bodies were mostly intact. Victims c i - vilian casualties
of brain trauma and heart attacks incurred on his mis-
were ideal for this purpose, and sions to a minimum,
were plentiful in the emergency and generally tried to act
rooms of Eastern European like a decent human being.
hospitals. This proved to be a This is what eventually led him
necessity, not a mere convenience, as to support the reformers, such
Anatoly soon realized that unless he as Gorbachev and Yeltsin, over
regularly spent time in a corporeal the hardliners. It is also what moti-
body, his link to the material world

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

vates him to go after the cabal he believes is respon-
DEADWORKS PL 8 sible for so much of the evil in the world, including his
own murder.
Since his death, Anatoly has become obsessed with
STR - - INT +6 22 exposing the world-wide conspiracy to a point of near-
fanaticism and, for the most part, it is this obsession
DEX +3 16 WIS +4 18 that anchors him to the material word. If he were to
give up his mission—or else solve the mystery and
CON - - CHA +4 18 bring down the conspiracy—he would most likely
pass on to whatever afterlife might await him. As time
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will goes by, Deadworks is increasingly desperate in his
attempt to expose the “Red Council” and increasingly
+6 - +8 +15 detached from humanity. He has begun to commit
acts that he would never have considered when he
skills was alive, taking innocent people as hostages, taking
Bluff 12 (+16), Computers 2 (+8), Craft (chemical) 8 (+14), risky actions that endanger many civilians, and so on.
Diplomacy 8 (+12), Disable Device 2 (+8), Disguise 4 (+8), How far Anatoly will travel down this road remains to
Drive 2 (+5), Escape Artist 2 (+5), Gather Information 12 be seen, but his behavior is erratic at best and near
(+16), Intimidate 4 (+8), Knowledge (arcane lore) 12 (+18), psychotic at worst.
Knowledge (current events) 4 (+10), Knowledge (physical
Deadworks’ activities generally involve borrowing
sciences) 4 (+10), Knowledge (theology and philosophy)
8 (+14), Language 12 (Native Russian, Arabic, Bulgarian, convenient bodies, gathering information on
Chinese - Cantonese, Chinese - Mandarin, English, French, the world-wide plot he believes is going on all
German, Latin, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian), around him, and occasionally committing acts of
Medicine 2 (+6), Notice 8 (+12), Profession (spy) 8 (+12), assassination, extortion, or theft, targeting those
Search 8 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+12), Stealth 6 (+9) he believes are agents of the conspiracy. He also
sometimes contacts superheroes or government
feats officials and attempt to persuade them to join his
Artificer, Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Equipment
crusade. He takes their refusal as evidence of their
2, Fearless, Improved Aim, Precise Shot, Quick Draw,
Ritualist, Set-Up, Sneak Attack, Well-Informed complicity with his enemies.

Immunity 30 (Fortitude save), Insubstantial 4 To those capable of perceiving Anatoly’s ghostly form,
(affected by magic; Extras: Linked to Invisibility; he appears as a gaunt but otherwise utterly ordinary
Flaws: Permanent), Invisibility 1 (Extras: Linked to looking man, with thinning brown hair and brown
Insubstantial; Flaws: Permanent), Magic 6, Possession
eyes, dressed in casual clothes – a gray sweater and
4 (Flaws: Only Usable On Recently Dead Bodies),
Super-Senses 7 (Infravision, Detect Impending Death brown slacks (the clothes he was wearing when he
[Acute, Ranged], Detect Spirits [Acute, Ranged]), was assassinated). The un-living bodies he possesses
Animate Objects 1 (Power Feats: Progression 4; Extras: vary wildly in appearance; Anatoly has worn the flesh
Horde, Flaws: Corpses only) of everyone from flabby middle-aged bureaucrats
to muscular gym rats to world-weary prostitutes.
EQUIPMENT His “borrowed” bodies all tend to become rather
Deadworks can draw upon caches of KGB and Null gruesome looking after a time, as even Anatoly’s
Directorate equipment left from the Cold War for occult skills cannot completely halt the process of
minor items as needed. decay. Besides, Deadworks is rarely careful about
how he treats his “vessels,” and makes little attempt
Attack +5, Grapple (by body’s strength +5), Damage to treat any wounds or serious injuries the bodies
(unarmed by body’s strength), Defense +8, Knockback sustain in the course of his field work. Once a body
–3, Initiative +3 becomes too badly damaged, he simply abandons
it for another. He does have one distinguishing
totals characteristic: a fondness for vintage trench coats,
Abilities 34 + Skills 34 (136 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers either black or dark brown, a holdover from his
91 + Combat 26 + Saves 22 = 209 PP time with the Null Directorate. As he has a strong
preference for operating in cold, rainy weather, this

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

fashion quirk serves a practical purpose as well.
POWERS & TACTICS You were a member of the UFF during the years prior
As a disembodied spirit, Deadworks is invulnerable to to the Soviet Union’s collapse. You were trained by
most forms of conventional harm, can pass through Deadworks decades ago, but now that he is a ghost
barriers like locked doors and walls with ease, and you have been assigned to eliminate him. You were
has no need for food, rest, or sleep. However he also outfitted with top of the line training, equipment
cannot smell, taste, touch or move anything while in and Bio-Psi implants to complete this task. It is
this state—to do so he must possess the body of a possible that you have been dispatched on this
recently deceased human being. mission due to the quiet influence of the Nine Old
Deadworks can also use his necromancy to animate Men, perhaps without your knowledge.
corpses without possessing them. These essentially This origin serves to introduce a hero with a
act as mindless zombies, though Anatoly can control specific task to perform in the campaign—a
their actions so long as he is within sight of them, task that may bring the hero’s goals in line with
or even give them a few simple commands (“Attack those of the other heroes, at least for a time.
anyone who comes through that door”, etc.). When Whether or not the hero continues to pursue
not being controlled, these zombies will simply his or her mission after discovering Deadwork’s
wander around purposelessly, attacking anyone who secret agenda will be up the player. Whatever the
they bump into or who comes too close. Unlike movie case, the hero could also become involved in the
zombies, they have no need to eat human flesh, and conspiracy of the Nine Old Men (if they do indeed
they cannot spread their undead state by biting or exists), or in the rivalries, secret conflicts, and
clawing living beings. espionage that still exists between the remnant
Deadworks retains much of the occult knowledge powers of the Cold War.
he had while alive, though he no longer wields the
same level of magic. He is still adept at brewing up UFF Special Agent, Template
assorted drugs, poisons, and potions—everything Skills: Acrobatics 5, Climb 4, Computers 4,
from deadly toxins to truth serums to vapors that Gather Info 6, Investigate 6, Arcane Lore 6, Notice
cause temporary bouts of rapid aging. He can also 4, Stealth 4
work various incantations and rituals, so long as he Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus (Ranged) 2,
has access to the proper materials. In addition to his Diehard, Favored Opponent (Undead), Improved
occult abilities, Anatoly still has all the skills he was Critical (blast)
taught during his long career in the KGB and the Null Powers: Enhanced Dexterity 6, Regeneration
Directorate. He is a skilled code-breaker, interrogator, 9 (Injured 3, Staggered 3, Disabled 3), Device
marksman, and spy. He was trained in basic martial 4 (“Ether Carbine”; easy to lose) Blast 9 (Power
arts like all agents, but never really became proficient Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Improved Range),
at hand-to-hand combat. If he has to get up close Super-Senses 1 (Spirit Awareness)
and personal he will attempt to take a target by Cost: 44 PP
surprise—a club to the back of the head, a garrote
slipped about an unsuspecting victim’s neck, or the are found in strange, seemingly random places
like. As he is constantly changing host bodies it is (hotel rooms, the waterfront, public transportation,
relatively easy for him to take his targets unawares, etc.). Perhaps a pattern emerges in the investigation,
especially as the bodies he assumes tend to be mostly which leads the heroes to Deadworks’ trail. Perhaps
non-threatening civilian types. When alive, Anatoly the Heroes encounter Deadworks in the body of
had access to all sorts of classified information on the someone they know to be dead. In either case the
superhumans of the United States and other Western heroes will have to face that they are literally hunting
powers, including secret identities and origins, so a ghost. Other adventure ideas follow below:
Deadworks could easily exploit this knowledge to
gain leverage over heroes. Close to Home: A character close to the heroes
(a police officer, government official, or reporter,
IN GAME perhaps) becomes even more helpful and friendly
An easy way to introduce Deadworks into a campaign than usual, but also more inquisitive. If questioned
setting is to have the heroes investigate a rash of about the change in attitude, the character explains
morgue robberies where the bodies disappear and that he or she has decided to become involved in

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

efforts of his wife, who is secretly a potent witch.
32 THE CONSPIRACY x But, neither has any connection to any sort of greater
Whether or not there actually is a vast conspiracy conspiracy.
of sinister mystics is up to the individual GM. If
none exist in the campaign, Deadworks will grow Old Heroes Never Die…Or Fade Away: Deadworks
ever more dangerous as his inability to “prove” the has discovered the existence of a clandestine U.S.
existence of the cabal takes him over the edge. agency conducting high-level research into the
If such a group does operate in the campaign supernatural, codenamed The Department. This
world, even if it is slightly different than what agency, responsible for developing responses to
Anatoly imagines, then Deadworks may actually superhuman threats against national security, has
be cast as a hero of sorts. Whether the rumors are recently captured all the resources of a major league
true or not, some theorists have stated the “Red supervillain, a scientist and sorcerer who recently
Council” is veiled reference to an actual cabal of tried and failed to achieve apotheosis and ascend
mystic called the Crimson Covenant, though few to godhood. These resources include the ruins of a
believe these powerful sorcerers have quite the massive dimension spanning vehicle, a host of alien
level of control over the real world that many biological material, and the remnants of the sinister
have ascribed to the Nine Old Men. machine that was instrumental in the villain’s scheme,
a bizarre device capable of transforming human
doing work that means something, that actually beings in strange and unpredictable ways. The arch-
makes the world a better place, and really getting villain’s plans were disrupted by the brave actions of
behind the heroes’ efforts seems like the best way to a veteran super team. These stalwarts defeated the
do so. would-be demigod in his own extra-dimensional
Unbeknownst to the PCs, the character died of a realm, putting an end to the menace he posed. Sadly,
heart attack a few days ago and was subsequently these heroes were all killed when the plane-spanning
possessed by Deadworks. Deadworks uses his new ship dropped out of Infraspace and crashed in the
host body to get closer to the heroes, gathering Mojave Desert.
information about their strengths and weaknesses. Federal authorities moved in quickly to secure the
When he ascertains to his satisfaction that the scene and hush up the actual details about what
heroes can be trusted, that they are not part of the had happened. The public story is that the heroes
“conspiracy,” he reveals the truth to them—the host perished while stopping an extraterrestrial invasion
body was beginning to show obvious signs of decay force, and that the invaders’“starship” was completely
anyway). Deadworks goes into enthusiastic detail destroyed, along with all its crew. The government
about the world-wide plot he is trying to put an end actually saved a great deal of the technology and
to. He explains that he is there to enlist them in his life-forms they pulled from the wreckage. They
mission. He wants their help because he has learned have begun shipping various parts of their salvage
that an up and coming young senator is working for to various Department sites across the country for
the Red Council, secretly fomenting chaos and strife study. The primary site is located in the PCs’ home
between nations. His research shows that this figure city. It poses as a simple branch of a local university, a
has used magic to obtain his position, clouding the training ground for post-doctoral students.
minds of voters, and may eventually work his way Deadworks believes that The Department is actually
into the Presidency. He needs the PCs’ aid in taking a front for the conspiracy, that the U.S. officials who
the senator out permanently. sanctioned the program all have ties to the cabal,
Deadworks first tries to use persuasion to sway though some are unaware of whom they are really
the heroes, going on about the dire consequences serving (whether this is true or not is of course up
of allowing a servant of the Red Council to go on to the GM). Deadworks has no intention of allowing
acquiring political influence and prestige. When the cabal access to the immense occult resources
and if the PCs refuse to participate in assassination, represented by the government’s find. Knowing that
Deadworks turns to blackmail and coercion, time is of the essence, he decides to mount an all-out
threatening to harm the PCs’ friends and family assault against the Department research center. He
members. The heroes will have to protect their loved is determined to destroy the alien artifacts and any
ones while working to uncover whether any of what knowledge the agency may have already gleaned
Deadworks told them is true. In fact, the senator from them. He normally employs more subtle
was elected with the help of magic, but he had no measures but feels that a drastic problem requires a
knowledge of it—his campaign was helped by the drastic solution.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

When the heroes respond to reports of an all-out Deadworks may actually be cast as a hero of sorts.
superhuman siege against a college laboratory Whether the rumors are true or not, some theorists 33
building, they will be confronted with the unexpected have stated the “Red Council” is veiled reference to an
scene of battlesuit-clad government troops battling actual cabal of mystic called the Crimson Covenant,
a half-dozen animated mangled corpses dressed though few believe these powerful sorcerers have
in colorful costumes. Even more startling, these quite the level of control over the real world that
ambulatory cadavers appear to be the recently many have ascribed to the Nine Old Men.
deceased heroes who were reported to have valiantly
perished protecting the world from an alien army!
Worse, these gruesome revenants still seem capable
of rudimentary thought and speech, alternately
Ibrahim, who would one day become the Magister, was
mocking the PCs or begging to be put out of their born in Venice, Italy in 1265, the son of a rugged North
misery. The reanimated heroes are more “alive” than African sailor turned innkeeper and a beautiful Italian
Deadworks’ usual zombies because of a strange after- seamstress. A child prodigy, by early adolescence he
effect of their time in Infraspace. Deadworks himself spoke several languages, and achieved renown across
is present at the scene, directing his minions. He alsoEurope as a philosopher, scientist, athlete, fencer,
possesses the bodies of fallen government agents, and horseman. At age seventeen he set off to sea,
causing havoc in the ranks of the troops. The scene is becoming first a famed explorer and later a wealthy
pure pandemonium. merchant and financier. He was sought out for his
patronage by bankers, would-be explorers, scholars,
ENDGAME and even nobles. In Egypt, he became known as “al-
If Deadworks does expose the Nine Old Men and bring Alim,” Arabic for “the Wise,” and this nickname spread
them down, or mortally into other languages.
injure their organization, VITAL STATS: MAGISTER x In every nation on the
he may simply fade away Quote: “Attending to these matters is growing Mediterranean, there
to whatever reward awaits increasingly tiresome…but I suppose someone were legends of Ibrahim
him. But if Deadworks must shoulder such cosmic responsibilities.” the Wise.
never proves his Real Name: Ibrahim al-Alim But while others attrib-
conspiracy theory he will Aliases: The Magister has used numerous other uted Ibrahim’s rise to his
linger forever, damned to identies during his centuries long career. ambition, intellect, and a
investigate for all eternity. Occupation: Archadept Arcane, sorcerous bit of good luck, a select
He will remain unable to protector of the Earth dimension. few knew the true secret
leave this world because Legal Status: None on Earth. Effectively the of his success. Ibrahim
of his unfinished business, ruler of several extradimensional realms. the Wise was an accom-
and somewhere, perhaps, Dual Identity: The Magister has made rare plished sorcerer. He made
nine old men are sharing appearances acting as a “super-hero,” but few liberal, but subtle, use of
a laugh at the ghost’s humans know of his true role as the Archadept the mysteries open to him
expense. Arcane. to ensure the success of
Whether or not there Marital Status: Current widower; several wives, his endeavors, but he was
actually is a vast conspiracy ex-wives, consorts, and paramours among not merely some venal,
of sinister mystics is up to several planes and worlds; multiple generations power-lusting enchanter.
the individual GM. If none of offspring. While he freely used his
exist in the campaign, Affiliation: None. arts to enrich himself,
Deadworks will grow ever Base of Operations: Multiversal. he did much good for
more dangerous as his Age: 740+ years old, effectively immortal. others as well, surrepti-
inability to “prove” the Eye Color: Black. tiously ensuring good
existence of the cabal Hair Color: Black (receding). crops, healthy children,
takes him over the edge. Height: 6’1” and long life for those
If such a group does Weight: 265 lbs. around him. A Muslim
operate in the campaign Distinguishing Marks: Several visibly false teeth by birth and inclination,
world, even if it is slightly (fashioned from precious metals such as gold, he promoted the cause
different than what platinum, and electrum); shaved head, long, of religious tolerance,
Anatoly imagines, then elaborately braided beard. particularly for the Jew-
ish community present in

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Venice. He attained even greater fame when a ballad Prime-Mortal (see page 52 for details on the Prime-
34 was written recounting his rescue of the beautiful Mortal). The Order was now responsible for selecting
Spanish noblewoman, the Lady Cassilda de Belcadiz, a replacement for the Archadept Arcane and they
from bloodthirsty pirates. He fell in love with Cassilda had chosen Ibrahim. He had ambition, power, intel-
and married her, putting an end to his long years of lect, and restraint, but more importantly possessed
intemperate carousing and womanizing. the requisite degrees of ego, altruism, and pragma-
Eventually, Ibrahim’s prominence brought him to tism needed for the position, the icy resolve needed
the attention of the so-called Order Without End, an to dispatch the worst threats and the conscience to
assemblage of the most formidable mystics on the temper the might he would command with compas-
mortal plane. They summoned Ibrahim to appear be- sion. His skills as a trader and politician would give
fore them—an invitation he was almost as reluctant him a special insight, the wisdom to know when
to accept as he was afraid to decline. As a sorcerer, to fight and when to bargain, and
Ibrahim had been aware of the Order’s his worldliness made him unlikely
existence for some time, but had never to withdraw from mortal affairs as
directly encountered them, as his predecessors had.
they dealt with matters far re- When the Order revealed to
moved from Ibrahim’s Ibrahim how many powerful
sphere. dimensional entities were even now
In their court plotting to capitalize on the death
beyond the of the previous Archadept Arcane
boundar- by invading our world, he saw little
ies of time choice but
and space, to accept
the Order the Order
that Earth’s
p r o t e c t o r,
its Archadept
Arcane, had been
murdered, betrayed
by his apprentice
Faustus at
the behest of
an unearthly
the Without
E n d ’s
he had
no desire to
accept such
how could he decline and
allow some lesser individual
to face the challenges that
lay ahead? Ibrahim
agreed to become
the new Archadept

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

By ancient tradition, the would-be Archadept was
faced with a series of four epic trials. Ibrahim bested
Lilith the Mother of All Monsters in a riddle contest, the magister PL 15
successfully answering questions that had not been
posed for a thousand years. He tracked down every STR +1 12 INT +7 24
stray demon that poor, doomed Pandora had foolishly
loosed and conjured them back into the fabled box DEX +2 14 WIS +9 28
that had once contained them, ensuring they would
not be free for thousands years more. He stalked CON +5 20 CHA +5 20
down the Ghul Lord, the Lord of the Dead, master
of the undead scourge that plagued the Middle East,
dispelling the pestilence this entity had spread to the
Holy Land. Finally, beneath the mountain where the +14/10*/+5** +12 +9 +17
great fallen titan Prometheus lay entombed, Ibrahim *flat-footed, **without force field
captured the essence of elemental fire. He then used skills
the flame to forge a magical blade that would be Acrobatics 4 (+6), Bluff 4 (+9), Concentrate 8 (+17), Craft (chemical)
used by numerous renowned warriors throughout 8 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+17), Disguise 8 (+13), Gather Information
12 (+17), Knowledge (arcane lore) 20 (+27), Knowledge (current
the centuries, under many different names. events) 4 (+11), Knowledge (earth sciences) 8 (+15), Knowledge
When Ibrahim finally accomplished all the given (history) 12 (+19), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+11), Knowledge
tasks he was rewarded with the mantle of the (physical sciences) 4 (+11), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 8
(+15), Medicine 8 (+17), Notice 8 (+17), Perform (all nine specialties)
Magister, Archadept of the Arcane. Ibrahim could 4 in each (+9), Profession (Archadept Arcane) 8 (+15), Ride 4 (+6),
now draw upon the eldritch knowledge of any Search 8 (+15), Sense Motive 8 (+17), Stealth 4 (+6)
member of the Order. He was granted access to
vast mystical resources, the accumulated occult feats
Artificer, Assessment, Benefit (status), Defensive Roll 4, Eidetic
learning and arcane treasures of the ages. He was Memory, Fearless, Improved Initiative 2, Inspire, Jack-of-all-Trades,
able to traverse the planes at will, stepping across Leadership, Master Plan, Precise Shot, Quick Change 2, Quick Draw,
Ritualist, Second Chance (mind controlled), Well-Informed
boundaries both demonic and divine. He was now
equipped to face the myriad supernatural menaces powers
that regularly threatened the mortal realm—threats Comprehend 4 (languages), Device 2 (“Elfin Boots”), Device
that few human beings would ever realize existed. 5 (“Invictus Amulet”), Device 5 (“Scimitar of the Desert Sun”),
Immunity 1 (aging), Mind Shield 8, Super-Senses 8 (Detect Magic
In the time since assuming the role, the Magister [Acute, Extended, Ranged], Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Low-
has met these evils with unsurpassed courage and Light Vision, Time Sense), Sorcery (dynamic array): Magic 18; Blast
wisdom, saving humanity from cosmic destruction a 18; Astral Form 6 (Power Feats: Dimensional 3); Communication
15 (magical sendings; Power Feats: Dimensional 3, Selective, Subtle;
dozen times over and secretly engineering the origins Extras: Area); Confuse 15 (Extras: Area – Burst, Selective Attack);
of various mystic champions. He halted a curse-war Deflect 12 (all ranged attacks; Extras: Range); Healing 11 (Power
between the lich Koschei the Deathless and the hag- Feats: Persistent, Regrowth; Extras: Energizing); Mental Blast 9;
Paralyze 8 (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial; Extras: Area – Burst,
witch Baba Yaga that would have ravaged half the Range, Selective Attack; Flaws: Slow); Telekinesis 11 (Power Feats:
world if left unchecked. He has thwarted the world- Precise; Extras: Damaging); Teleport 13 (Power Feats: Change
Direction, Change Velocity, Dimensional 3, Easy, Progression 4)
conquering machinations of the vampire known
as the Wallachian time after time. In the guise of a devices
Templar mystic, he bestowed the Promethean blade Elfin Boots: Speed 4, Super-Movement 3 (Air Walking, Sure-Footed,
to the original White Knight. And he has continually Water Walking), Invictus Amulet: Force Field 5 (Extras: Impervious),
Immunity 9 (life support), Sensory Shield 3 (all senses), Scimitar
defended the world’s sea-coasts from a cult of sea- of the Desert Sun (array): Strike 8 (Power Feats: Mighty; Extras:
dwelling hybrids determined to summon degenerate Penetrating); Dazzle 8 (visual; Extras: Area - Cone)
gods to devastate the cities of man. drawbacks
But all these successes are not without a price. Power Loss (must gesture to use sorcery; Uncommon)
When the Magister prevented the omnipotent Prime-
Mortal from infecting all of Europe with a mind-virus combat
Attack +12, Grapple +13, Damage +1 (unarmed), +9 (scimitar),
that would have corrupted all language, the so- Defense +16, +14 (flat-footed), Knockback –7, Initiative +10
called Plague of Babel, the Prime-Mortal’s retaliation
was terrible and cruel. In disguise, the Prime-Mortal totals
convinced Ibrahim’s wife Cassilda to accept a “love Abilities 58 + Skills 50 (200 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 122 + Combat
charm” that would keep her husband true to her in 56 + Saves 26 = 335 PP

his many travels for as long as she lived. But Cassilda

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

the Magister returned from business in another
36 ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX x dimension just in time to hold his wife as she died.
You wield the Promethean blade. Over the centuries, As the body of the only woman he had ever loved
the weapon has been used to save countless lives and crumbled to dust in his arms, the Magister swore
destroy the foulest threats. It is the sword that slew a terrible oath to destroy the Prime-Mortal or die
the Ice Dragon of Murmansk, faced down an army trying. So far he has not kept this oath, for though
of clockwork giants who terrorized Renaissance the Archadept Arcane and the Eternal Corrupter have
Spain, and struck the critical blow against the time- clashed many times in the centuries since, the entity
devouring Chronophage. From the original White has proven too powerful for even the Magister to
Knight, last survivor of the Knights Templar, and destroy.
down through the ages to the 21st century, a long- Some observers have traced the Archadept Arcane’s
line of heroes have been empowered by this amazing more ruthless actions to this time, saying that some
artifact—a long line leading to you. For whatever part of his compassion died with his beloved wife.
reason, the Magister (perhaps in disguise or via his Others argue the Magister’s absolutely willingness to
agents) chose you to be the new bearer of the blade, do whatever it takes for the greater good of humanity
but how you use it is up to you. Perhaps you are a must have been why he was chosen. Whatever
new White Knight, or perhaps you have chosen an the truth, certainly the demands of his office have
entirely different crime-fighting persona; whatever forced the Magister to commit acts that most who
your preferences, the blade allows you to transform consider themselves heroes would never approve
into your super-heroic self instantaneously, and of. He helped place Golgotha, the current ruler of
that is the least of its miraculous powers. It cuts the Grand Court of Hell, upon the diabolic throne,
through anything, heightens your reflexes to the assisting the usurper in overthrowing the far more
point where you can parry machine gun bullets and terrible archfiend Ixion, in exchange for a pact that
strike unerringly against your foes, and even grants bars demonic forces for invading earth in numbers
the power of flight. The flames of truth surround for a thousand years. He has brokered cosmic treaties
the blade, allowing you to burn away evil, and that have resulted in entire races being delivered into
the crackling whispers of the flames translate any slavery. He slew the ten year-old daughter of a African
spoken language you hear. Even ghosts and beings tribal wise woman who was destined to become the
from beyond our dimension are not immune to the most formidable evil sorceress to walk the world in
blade’s purifying flame. eons, and his never forgotten the poor girl’s face. He
This origin serves to provide a hero with a great kidnapped an infant troll from his parents and used
magical item with a rich legacy. The character eldritch means to augment the whelp’s troll-born
need not be privy to this legacy, but such an strength and endurance, foreseeing that the brute
important and storied item (at least in mystical would one day prove instrumental in turning back an
circles) will no doubt garner the attention of those onslaught by the eerie Eldren, a race of dark fey for
who covet it and give the hero an important role whom all trolls bear an inborn hatred (see the entry
to play in the threats that menace mankind. on Troll, page 70).
The Magister has even acted as warlord, personally
Promethean Blade Wielder, Template conquering a number of small other-dimensional
Powers: Device 17 (“Promethean Blade”; realms that would have otherwise posed a danger
hard to lose). Promethean Blade: Comprehend to mankind. After subjugating their peoples, he
3 (languages), Deflect 10 (all ranged; Extras: adopts the role of benevolent tyrant, setting up
Ranged, Reflection), Enhanced Feats 4 (Attack puppet governments and introducing what he sees
Specialization [sword] 2, Quick Change 2), as necessary changes in cultures. Ibrahim carried
Protection 10, Strike 10 (Power Feats: Affects this process a bit too far with the Vrane, a race of
Insubstantial, Incurable, Thrown, Alternate Power implacable warriors once feared across a multitude
[Fire Control 10 (Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial, of worlds, earned him the enmity of the young Vrane
Incurable)], Alternate Power [Flight 12 (Power warrior known as Carmody the Rebel (see the entry
Feats: Progression)]; Extras: Penetrating) on Carmody the Rebel, page 16), who has sworn to
Cost: 68 PP avenge his people on the Magister. Despite these and
other regrets, Ibrahim remains the same pragmatic
man he was when he ascended to the office of
did not live long. The charm, a black crystal hourglass,
Archadept Arcane. He does not let sentimentality
caused her to age decades in a matter of days, and
prevent him from taking any action necessary to

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

defend Earth’s dimension from the horrors outside. wives and lovers during his centuries-long lifetime,
The Magister actions in the past century have none have shown the mystic potential necessary to 37
been characteristically pivotal in human destiny, serve as Archadept Arcane (though he loved them
and have often brought him into contact with all nonetheless), and Earth’s other mystics have yet
Earth’s superhuman champions. In 1939, one of to display the unique personality traits the position
the Magister’s oldest friends, an immortal hero and requires. He even created an apprentice through
kabbalist known as the Patriarch who had used his magic, though the results were disappointing.
superhuman powers to defend the Earth secretly Ibrahim alone must be responsible for the selection
since the time of the Old Testament, chose to reveal of a replacement, as the Order Without End is no
himself to the world, acting openly as one of the first more—their name ultimately proved ironic, as the
superheroes. But by the end of 1940, the Patriarch council’s remaining members were destroyed in the
had been mysteriously abducted, somehow rendered struggle against the Chronophage. He knows he
unable to speak the secret name of God that granted must choose carefully, for the safety of all humanity
him superhuman strength and abilities. In addition, depends on his judgment. Ironically, the leading
all his descendants, who had that secret name contender so far is his sworn nemesis Carmody the
written in the nucleotides of their genetic codes, Rebel. But he has not given up on Earth’s mystic
were slowly exterminated by mysterious assassins, heroes just yet…
possibly agents of the Prime-Mortal. He found the
last three descendants, all children orphaned by the PERSONALITY
assassinations of their parents, and granted them The Magister is a paradox. He is aloof, brilliant,
three amulets he had crafted from a mystery metal compassionate, magnanimous, pragmatic, and
he had found in the Patriarch’s other-dimensional ruthless. He tries to be kind and merciful, but only
library. Though the Magister was neither able to solve so long as these qualities do not interfere with the
the mystery of the Patriarch’s disappearance nor performance of his duties. He is egotistical and
determine who was killing his descendants, these self-indulgent, but never to the detriment of his
orphans used the amulets to become the super- responsibilities. He is beyond fear and intimidation,
heroic Astounding Trio (for more on the destinies even when facing down entities with near god-
of the Patriarch’s descendants, see the entry on like power. When dealing with those beneath him,
Armageddon Girl, page 5). which includes just about everyone, he is curt but
Most recently the Magister brought together the not condescending, though he has little patience
heroes of several worlds to put an end to the threat of for explaining his actions to others. Who else
the Chronophage, a vast entity from Beyond, said to could understand the tremendous burden he has
be the corrupted spirit of the dead god Chronos. This shouldered for so long? The Magister is becoming
creature devoured time, eradicating seconds, years, a bit short tempered as his yearning for retirement
and entire epochs in its depredations, throwing the grows. Ibrahim’s impatience with the duties of his
chronology of the universe into tumult. The Magister office is becoming clear to his confidantes and
lent the Promethean Blade to a brave heroine, who servants, all of whom hope he can find a suitable
used it to strike a crucial blow against the entity successor, and soon.
that allowed the Magister to and his allies to banish
it. With the Chronophage trapped in an empty
dimension, the Magister and a host of other mystical APPEARANCE
heroes worked to repair the timeline, though even The Magister is a bald, dusky-skinned man of
they could not completely restore all that was lost. middle years. He is tall and broad-shouldered, and
Amazingly, the nature of this event prevented all but though he maintains his physical prowess, a small
a few from remembering it ever occurred. paunch betrays something of his age. He maintains
Recently, Ibrahim has begun to feel anxious and a resplendent wardrobe, and is usually draped in
weary, less the ageless Archadept Arcane and more beautiful azure, emerald, or crimson robes made
a weary old warrior. He thinks that if he were able to of the finest silks and embroidered with threads of
relinquish his duties as the Magister to another, he gold and silver. Upon his hands, he wears gauntlets
could devote all his energies to researching a way forged from gleaming adamantine ore, enabling him
destroy the Prime-Mortal, saving countless lives and to deliver thunderous blows. His feet are shod in tan
fulfilling the blood oath he swore seven centuries leather boots around which are fitted slim bands of
ago. Thus, he has begun searching for a successor. elfin-steel, and this enchanted footwear allows him
Though he has sired numerous children by various to stride effortlessly upon the most treacherous

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

The mantle of the Archadept Arcane is the highest calling any sorcerer in our dimension could possibly
reach. As a result, the tests a candidate for the position must pass are truly epic in scope, and will become
the stuff of legend for others in the occult community. The Magister is not only feared because he is the
Archadept Arcane, but because he outwitted Lilith, resealed Pandora’s Box, faced down the Ghul Lord, and
forged the Promethean Blade. This is the candidate’s chance to establish a reputation early on and ensure
the future cooperation of Earth’s magicians.
Because the Magister is eager to shed his mantle, and has seen the power and resourcefulness of the su-
perhuman champions who now walk the Earth many times in the last part of his career, he has re-written
the rules slightly. Many of the Magister’s god-like predecessors were members of a “pantheon,” an assem-
blage of similarly powerful and heroic champions, but none were permitted to employ the aid of these
allies when they took the tests. For the first time, a candidate for the mantle of Archadept Arcane will be
permitted to bring his or her “pantheon” along for the tests. If the candidate is a PC, this means the other
PCs may accompany him or her. Even if the candidate is an NPC, if he or she is an ally of the PCs, they may
be the allies who assist in completing these epic tasks.
The Magister’s tests are as follows:

• The candidate must obtain the tears of the Thunderbird Totem; a powerful spirit trapped in Omaha,
Nebraska, U.S. The grid of telephone poles and power-lines that criss-crosses America is in fact a large
glyph masterminded by occultists hiding within the U.S. government. The giant occult pattern drawn
by the wires strung across North America keeps the Thunderbird Totem, a powerful spirit summoned
into earthly form by a multi-tribal council of desperate Native American shamans that included
descendants of the legendary Coyote Sand, trapped beneath Offutt Air Force Base, where the phone
lines form a nexus. The Thunderbird Totem would’ve psychically empowered a massive Native
American uprising against the U.S. government, but the precognitive occultists successfully captured
the spirit the moment it was summoned. To contact the spirit, one must conduct powerful rituals in
the caverns far beneath the Air Force Base, causing the trapped spirit to become visible. One must
approach the caverns carefully, as Offutt AFB is the headquarters of United States Strategic Command
(formerly Strategic Air Command), one of the most heavily patrolled and secured military installations
in the world. Once in the caverns, if the candidate performs the proper tribal rituals, the spirit appears
as a magnificent falcon-like bird of gigantic proportions, trapped face-up in a large cavern, its wings
and beak wrapped in phone-cables and barbed wire. This proud spirit endures its indignity with
patience, hoping for freedom that can only come from another gathering of tribal shamans, just like
when it was first summoned to Earth. For now, through respectful supplication, kindness, and helping
in some small way to ease the Thunderbird Totem’s suffering—perhaps covering the barbs of the wire
with some magically conjured material, to keep them from stabbing into the spirit’s tortured skin—
the candidate must obtain the Thunderbird Totem’s permission to collect his tears. Once permission
is granted, collecting the tears will be easy, as the Thunderbird Totem has been weeping ever since it
was imprisoned. Using the tears, the candidate must use other alchemical and magical techniques to
create a magical bottle of war-paint which will never run dry, and choose a descendant of one of the
shamans who originally summoned the Thunderbird Totem to wear it. The magical war-paint will turn
the chosen descendant into a superhuman champion who is destined to help save the Earth from
disaster many times in the 21st Century.

• The candidate must obtain the Talbain Codex, an ancient book of spells containing an incantation
which would instantaneously cure or destroy every werewolf on Earth. The Codex is kept in the Tran-
sylvanian castle of the Wallachian, the most powerful vampire in existence. Source of Bram Stoker’s
vampire stories and many other legends of the undead, the Wallachian is a brilliant tactician and vet-
eran of a thousand battles, and stealing his property will be extremely difficult. In addition to his own
magical defenses and army of inhuman guardians, the Wallachian is allied with many werewolves,
who would take drastic action to prevent the Codex from being stolen.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

• The candidate must attend a meeting of the leading ministers of the Celestial Bureaucracy, the cabinet
of the August Personage in Jade. These ancient, godlike spirits rule the metaphysical realms of Asia,
planning the destiny of that part of the world via a complex litany of protocols which much be re-
spected by any who would have a voice in their affairs. Easily angered by impoliteness or improper be-
havior, the members of this auspicious assemblage are among the most powerful beings in the Earth
dimension, and their meeting provides a test of the candidate’s ability to conduct business without
resorting to confrontation and negotiate with beings much more powerful than he or she can imag-
ine. The candidate’s purpose at the meeting is to talk the Celestial Bureaucracy out sending a comet
to strike an upcoming environmental conference in Osaka, Japan. The world leaders at this meeting
have failed, in the Bureaucracy’s view, to respect the ancient forces of nature. Climate changes result-
ing from are pollution are decreasing the build-up of snow and ice in the Himalayas with every passing
year, and Himalayan snow-melt is the source of water for hundreds of millions of Asians. Responsible
legislation would combat this problem, but most nations have responded slowly or unsatisfactorily.
To risk drought conditions for such large populations is an unconscionable mistake as the August
Personage in Jade sees it, not to mention those members of his cabinet who spent millions of years
crafting the plate tectonics that created those mountains in order to slake the thirst of future genera-
tion. Therefore, the Celestial Bureaucracy has withdrawn the Mandate of Heaven from the Chinese
government and other world leaders for failing in their custodianship of the Bureaucracy’s protector-
ate. They feel that it would be best to annihilate the current crop of world leaders, forcing their nations
to choose new ones. The comet they are crafting for the job is small, but the resulting impact would
wipe out a large portion of Japan and create massive tsunami that would devastate cities across East
Asia and the West Coast of the Americas—a fitting punishment for these nations who have failed to
honor the Bureaucracy and the laws of nature they helped to write. And the planned loss of life from
the impact is many times smaller than the one they believe continued global warming will create. The
would-be Archadept Arcane must carefully navigate the intricacies of the Bureaucracy’s protocols and
plead the case for humanity in order to save many thousands of lives.

• The candidate must destroy the ancient Phoenician god Dagon. Not truly a deity, the god is in fact an
inhuman monster whose only remaining worshippers are amphibious cultists who live in scattered
communities across the world’s seacoasts. The massive creature is immortal, impervious to conven-
tional and even nuclear weapons, and sleeps for long stretches in caverns deep beneath the ocean
floor, uninterested in the affairs of man. Nevertheless, his cultists are constantly attempting rituals
which will empower their monstrous god to destroy human civilization, paving the way for the hy-
brids to spread their own beliefs and accursed bloodline across the devastated nations of the world.
Dagon’s indestructibility even in the face of magic poses a problem, but an enterprising candidate will
find a way to end this threat permanently. One possibility is the Patriarch, an ancient kabbalist and
friend of the Magister who has been imprisoned in a secret location for most of the last century. The
Patriarch was alive in the time of David and Goliath, and when the Philistines made plans to unleash
their amphibious god upon the nation of Israel, the Patriarch researched the secrets of the foul deity
and discovered a series of marks and sigils that can repel Dagon or even rob him of his immortality.
However, the Patriarch’s ill-fated decision to act openly as a superhero led to his disappearance, and
wherever he is, he cannot speak the secret word that grants him superhuman abilities. If the candidate
can find the Patriarch and free him, not only will the means of destroying Dagon be recovered, but
also the would-be Archadept Arcane would gain a powerful ally against Dagon and other threats to

land, the roughest waters, or even the clouds in sky. fingers, more concealed in the folds of his robe. A
Around his neck is a brooch that shields his person magnificent scimitar capable of slashing through
from many types of harmful spells. Various minor steel is secured to his person by a silk sash.
magical baubles and talismans adorn his person, The Magister may take on nearly any form he wishes.
a few hanging from his belt or worn openly on his If circumstances call for him to travel incognito, he

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

has crafted a plethora of illusory appearances. He Another factor is the Magister’s search for a
40 tends to assume a guise consistent with whatever replacement. His current candidates are not ready,
preconceived notions those who see him might have but if one of the PCs is a mystically oriented hero, that
of a “wise old wizard.” He reveals his true form only to character may be someone the Magister grooms as
those who earn his friendship and respect. the next Archadept Arcane. This is a mixed blessing,
as the Magister takes an interest in the PC’s welfare
POWERS AND TACTICS but begins using direct or indirect means put him
Simply put, the Magister is the most powerful or her in increasingly difficult situations, in order to
sorcerer the heroes are ever likely to encounter. test the new candidate’s suitability. This can result in
His skills are overshadowed only by divine avatars, many strange adventures, which seem to occur as the
demon princes, and omnipotent entities such as result of highly unlikely coincidences.
the Prime-Mortal. The Magister is a master of nearly Even if the PCs don’t fit the bill themselves, the
every school of magic, and has access to any number Magister could enlist them to aid in his search,
of arcane artifacts. His skills as an administrator, perhaps investigating other occult heroes or even
diplomat, researcher, and strategist are almost helping sorcerous villains to find redemption and
unparalleled. He has an incredible intellect, honed by become suitable apprentices. Some more specific
investigating the greatest mysteries of the ages, and adventure hooks involving the Magister are detailed
a will strengthened by decades of fighting conflicts below:
beyond the ken of mankind.
The Magister rarely becomes involved in personal Lives in the Balance: Some time ago, a megaloma-
confrontations. He instead dispatches minions, niacal sorcerer attempted to gain ultimate power
manipulates enemies against one another, or calls on by transferring all his imperfections to others via an
those in his debt to deal with most threats. A newer ancient artifact. Those unfortunates who received his
tactic is enlisting the aid of costumed heroes, who imperfections were all strong-willed ordinary people
seem to need little more to motivate them except his who had unused potential in the mystic arts, and all
assurances that humanity is danger. Earth’s greatest were saddled with permanent mental or physical dis-
heroes know the Magister and trust his words. The abilities. By the time the villain was stopped and ap-
Archadept Arcane values and respects that trust, but parently destroyed, over a six innocent people had al-
is not above abusing it in times of need. ready been affected. Sadly, no remedy was found for
the effects of the artifact, so the victims simply had to
cope with their new situations as best they could.
IN GAME What no one suspected was that the transformation
The Magister’s best function in most campaigns is as
process also imparted a small fraction of the villain’s
a source of adventures. Increasingly over the years,
power to each of the victims. The residual power
he has come to rely on agents to maintain the safety
attracted the attention of the Prime-Mortal. He
of the Earth dimension rather than acting himself.
collected the anger, shame, and hate of those
There are few temporal matters that demand such
maimed by the madman, and used them to create an
direct attention, and besides, he has so many affairs
astral construct he called the Id Reaper. It wasn’t long
to manage he can’t too much time on any single
before it was strong enough to physically manifest in
problem. He is known among the crime-fighting
the real world. Driven by instinct, the thing has begun
community as a fellow hero and the world’s foremost
attacking anyone attracts the anger of one or more of
authority on the occult, though no one knows the
the six former victims. This has included not only the
true lengths he has gone to in his quest to safeguard
henchmen and minions of the mad sorcerer, but also
humanity. The Magister is likely to contact heroes
ordinary people that have disappointed, spurned,
and recruit them to defeat interdimensional menaces
or otherwise upset the six. As the Id Reaper grows
and supernatural threats. For many heroes, saving
stronger it becomes more violent and dangerous,
the world is a rare and important event; for the
but the disabilities of the six people it is connected to
Magister protecting Earth from cataclysmic peril is a
begin to fade. Though they did not willingly summon
never-ending task, and he delegates all lower priority
the thing, they all share vivid dreams about the Id
dangers to third-parties so he can focus on the most
Reaper, and at some level all six are aware of the beast
important. Occasionally, with truly dire threats such
and what it is doing.
as the Chronophage, even the Magister’s own powers
As the PCs are alerted to a series of baffling attacks
are not enough, and he will personally lead a task
by a monster that can vanish without a trace, the
force of heroes to save the day.
Magister appears to them. He explains the nature

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

of the Id Reaper and presents them with a bauble rose’s petals bloom. The younger Magister will sense
that will allow them to track its movements across the shift in the girl’s destiny and will realize the heroes 41
the ether, predicting where it will strike net. He also were being truthful.
informs them that the only way to dispel the beast for
good is to convince the six people it is feeding from Hold the Line: Determined to end the threat of the
to consciously renounce the thing, putting aside their Prime-Mortal once and for all, the Magister recently
desire for revenge. Unfortunately this will mean their traveled along the Span of Worlds until he reached
disabilities will return. the Universal Nexus, which touches on all other
The Magister could easily resolve the matter, but he spheres. There, the Magister was able to contact
senses the hand of the Prime-Mortal and hopes to entities from the farthest reaches of the multiverse,
lure him out of hiding. Besides, he wishes to test the cosmic beings normally beyond even his ability to
heroes a bit, to see if they might be worthy allies in summon. There he made a pact with the Ultimate
the future. This provides him with a means of seeing Lawbringer, an avatar of absolute order. The Ultimate
the extent of their might and their intellect, as well Lawbringer is the bane of all things of Chaos, a foe
as their compassion. If the heroes convince each of that even the Prime-Mortal could never defeat. The
the six to sever their connection to the Id Reaper, Magister agreed to serve as a host body, as the avatar
the thing is destroyed forever. The Magister will then could not otherwise manifest in the relatively flimsy
appear before each of the victims and offer some reality of the Earth realm.
insight or assistance to help them overcome their Unfortunately, when the Magister returns on Earth,
tragic situations. the psyche of the Ultimate Lawbringer is so disgusted
and appalled by the noise, filth, and disorder of the
Turning Back Time: The Magister discovers a means earthly realm that it immediately seizes control of the
of undoing a past act that he always deeply regretted. Magister’s body and sets about remaking the world
Three hundred years ago he was forced to murder a into a planet of unchanging harmony. This means the
ten-year-old girl in Africa, a girl who was destined to end of free will, creativity, and spontaneity, changing
wreak untold havoc when she grew to adulthood. the world into a pristine but joyless place. The
He has recently uncovered a spell that would have Lawbringer still intends to keep it’s bargain with the
allowed him to rewrite the girl’s destiny, transforming Magister by destroying the Prime Mortal, but it will do
the girl’s vast mystic potential into nearly boundless so only after it has perfected the world. The Magister
creative energy instead. But this does little good now. is resisting the creature with all his considerable will,
Even the Archadept Arcane cannot resurrect the long preventing the Lawbringer from unleashing it’s own
dead, yet perhaps he can prevent that death before powers, limiting it to the Arch-Adept’s own magical
it happens. might. Still, this is enough to begin altering the world
The Magister appears before the player characters until the Avatar of Order can fully emerge.
and tells them that he requires their aid in saving The heroes are summoned by the New Order, a
an innocent life. He somberly recounts the tale of group of sorcerers recently formed to reestablish
his dark deed, leaving nothing out, with real shame Earth’s mystic defenses. They are aware of all that
and pain evident in his eyes. He states that he has transpired with the Magister, and are taking
cannot himself travel back in time to confront his measures to undo the binding ritual that links him
younger self—this could cause a temporal paradox to the Lawbringer. They are close to their goal, but
that could disrupt the timeline. Instead he asks the need the heroes to buy them some time. The heroes
heroes to make the journey instead. He warns them are charged with delaying the Magister until they
that his past counterpart will not believe their tale. can complete their spell. Afterward, the effects of the
The younger Magister will assume they are trying Lawbringer will be erased.
to deceive him and will respond accordingly. But In this scenario the heroes are not expected to
the heroes should be strong enough to defeat the defeat the Magister, just keep him busy. It may even
less experienced version of the Archadept Arcane. be more dramatic and heroic if the New Order’s spell
If the PCs agree to the mission, he opens a portal to takes effect just as the last of the PCs is about to be
the nation of Kenya as it was three centuries ago. He vanquished. Any damage the PCs took is undone
presents the heroes with a pouch containing a single along with the rest of the Lawbringer’s changes,
seed. The heroes must give the girl the seed and tell and even the dead are resurrected. So powerful is
her to plant it in the soil of her village. When she does the New Order’s spell that no one but they and the
so, a rose will rise from the seed and bloom within PCs will even remember the Lawbringer’s attempt to
seconds, and the girl’s future will be remade as the rewrite reality.

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

came more out of jaded boredom than anything else.
42 The Magister is tired. He has fought relentlessly to
Then everything fell apart.
Alex may have been immensely talented, but he
defend humanity for 700 years and he is ready to
was also arrogant and indolent. He enjoyed the
do something else with his time. As time passes, he
wealth and fame that came with being a big-name
becomes more and more aggressive in helping his
reporter, but he never really cared for the hard work
possible replacements grow into the sorcerers he
that went along with the job. Eventually Alex was
needs them to be, enlisting them into increasingly
caught fabricating quotes and plagiarizing the work
complex scenarios designed to destined them or
of others. He was fired in disgrace, washed up as a
force them to mature at an accelerated pace.
legitimate journalist. Under different circumstances
When and if he finally chooses a successor, the
Alex might have issued a mea culpa, then written
candidate will be tested, just as he was. By tradition,
a tell-all memoir to cash in handsomely on his
a would-be Archadept Arcane must face four epic
notoriety. But by this time Alex was deep into an
trials, and Magister has spent years determining what
expensive drug habit. Besides, he lacked the moral
these quests would be (see Sidebar: The Tests of the
center to admit his actions had been wrong. He had
Magister for details.
just been doing what he needed to get ahead, and he
If the Magister finds someone who can pass the
was just unlucky enough to get caught.
tests, he will happily pass on the mantle of the
After a few months in career freefall, Alex found
Archadept Arcane to the new candidate. As soon
work as a freelancer, writing for several slightly sleazy
as he believes he has left his successor in a good
entertainment tabloids. It was a good match for him.
position to safeguard the Earth without his advice or
Alex was still a superlative investigative reporter,
assistance, Ibrahim will devote himself completely to
and his infamy and complete lack of ethics made
finding a permanent means of destroying the Prime-
him ideal for the job of making actors, politicians,
Mortal, and fulfilling the oath he made all those
and sports stars look bad through concocted “facts,”
centuries before.
slanted stories, and out-of-context photos. Alex even
took up his old interest
just so he could garner

Quote: “<electronically distorted voice> Hello. his own photos of the
This is the Midnight Edition. Not feeling quite celebrities he covered
Once upon a time, yourself, tonight, are you? I’m responsible instead of having to buy
Alexander Lane was on for that, I’m afraid. A whole new image for them from the paparazzi.
the road to respectability. you, don’t you think? Oh, you don’t like what Digging up dirt for the
He was a hotshot UCLA you see in the mirror? Well everything can be tabloids never quire paid
corrected…for the right price.”
journalism student who enough, however, to
Real Name: Alexander Lane
landed a contract with a finance Alex’s lifestyle.
Aliases: None
major L.A. newspaper even He still expected five-
Occupation: Extortionist/tabloid reporter
before graduation. Alex’s
Legal Status: United States citizen with star restaurants, the best
good looks, charm, and
misdemeanor criminal record for drug dance clubs, high-priced
intelligence soon marked call girls, and the finest
him as a rising media alcohol and drugs. So Alex
Identity: Secret
star. He was making good took on a second career,
Marital Status: Single
money, meeting all the
Known Relatives: Parents (Robert, Madeline), moonlighting as a low-
right people, and going level drug dealer, selling
sisters (Elaine, Robin)
to all the right clubs with amphetamines, cocaine,
Affiliation: None
all the right women. In his ecstasy and the like to his
Base of Operations: Hollywood
spare time he indulged in club scene acquaintances.
Eye Color: Blue
his hobbies—taking sexy This “sideline” would
Hair Color: Black
photographs of beautiful soon led to an end for
Height: 6’ 0
women and reading Alex’s career as a toiling
Weight: 145 lbs.
everything he could lay his
Distinguishing Marks: Often displays behavior tabloid reporter, and
hands on about the occult,
consistent with abuse of amphetamines or gave rise to the Midnight
neopaganism, voodoo Edition, blackmailer
and the like. Both hobbies and extortionist

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

extraordinaire. strange phenomenon. After about an hour had
One of Alex’s regular customers, a would-be passed, he heard a whirring sound and turned to 43
screenwriter named Jackie Noir, had fallen behind on watch as the antique camera spit out a picture.
his cocaine bill. Alex was about to cut him off when Turning his head back to the woman beside him,
Jackie made him an offer. A few years ago Jackie he was stunned to find that his date now actually
had inherited a box of antique bric-a-brac from his was fifty-something, a flabby middle-aged woman
uncle Cyrus. The family stories had it that his uncle ridiculously attired in gaudy makeup and ill-fitting
had been a masked mystery-man in the 1950s, some clothes.
kind of occult detective or something like that, and Even in his intoxicated state Alex realized what
Jackie knew Alex was interested in black magic and had to have happened. The story Jackie had told
voodoo and that sort of thing. He asked if they could him about the objects in the box had been true, the
make a trade, a little coke for the box. Alex figured girl’s transformation was proof of that! The picture he
Jackie’s story was probably a con-job, but was he had taken had changed the woman physically, aged
was intrigued enough, and just high enough that her thirty years in an instant, changing her to match
evening, to agree to the trade. the image in the photo. Curious about what would
When a date later that night ended early, with the happen, Alex then burned the picture. She regained
young woman passed out in his bed after a frenzy her youthful appearance rather than spontaneously
of drug use and other debaucheries, Alex was bored combusting, which was a bit of a disappointment
enough to check out Jackie’s box. Rummaging to Jackie, but only for a moment. Alex quickly
through various occult paraphernalia—black
candles, crystal balls and the like—he came across
an old fashioned camera and an assortment of
lenses. The camera had an ornate, almost baroque
appearance, adorned with numerous buttons
and switches, and inscribed with what looked like
Egyptian hieroglyphics. All the lenses were oddly
tinted. Peering at his apartment through
the camera’s eye he noticed something
truly strange: the twenty-something
blonde girl passed out on his bed
now appeared to be a heavy-set,
jowly woman in her fifties. When
he looked at her again without
the camera, she was young and
attractive, but through the camera
she was aged and out of shape.
Intrigued, Alex tried snapping realized what he had
a picture, but nothing stumbled upon, and
seemed to happen. that his ship had finally
Frustrated, he started come in. He rudely
pushing buttons, awakened the young lady
but quickly bored and ushered her out of
of this and lay the apartment, so he
down to could start making
consider plans.
t h i s Within no time,
he was putting his

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

camera to what seemed to be the most logical
midnight edition PL 5 use: transforming rich attractive people into rich
ugly ones, than blackmailing them to change them
back. Leaving his tabloid job behind, Alex now takes
STR -1 8 INT +1 12 embarrassing pictures only he sees, creating his own
chronicle of human frailty—the Midnight Edition.
DEX +1 13 WIS -1 8
+0 10 +2 14 PERSONALITY
CON CHA Alex is a textbook sociopath. He knows the difference
between right and wrong, but believes the rules don’t
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will apply to a man of his ambition, intelligence, and style.
+2 +3 +1 -1 Everything he does is justified in his own mind. He’s
selfish, shallow, and materialistic, with few interests
beyond drugs, money, sex and occasional the occult.
skills He has no qualms about lying or betraying anyone to
Bluff 8 (+10), Climb 2 (+1), Computer 1 (+2), Craft serve his own interests.
(artistic) 4 (+5), Diplomacy 2 (+4), Disable Device
4 (+5), Disguise 2 (+4), Gather Information 8 (+10),
Investigate 8 (+9), Knowledge (current events) 1 (+2), APPEARANCE
Language 1 (Native English, Spanish), Notice 7 (+6), Midnight Edition is 28 years-old, about six feet
Profession (tabloid reporter) 4 (+5), Search 4 (+5), tall, whippet-thin and pale. He keeps his black hair
Sleight of Hand 2 (+3), Stealth 6 (+8) slicked back and his bloodshot, deep blue eyes
behind designer sunglasses. Alex is actually rather
feats handsome, but over the years his face has gained
Artificer, Contacts, Equipment 2, Dodge Focus 2, that hard look cokeheads tend to pick up, and a
Improved Defense, Ritualist
sort of weaselly, untrustworthy expression set off
powers by his constantly shifting gaze. He always seems to
Device 6 (“Magic Camera”), Sorcery (array): Confuse be in motion, face and body twitching restlessly.
3 (Extras: Area – Explosion), Illusion 3 (visual and He wears expensive, trendy clothing, usually casual
auditory; Extras: Action; Flaws: Phantasms), ESP 6 designer label pants, Italian-leather wingtip shoes,
(visual; Flaws: Medium – cameras) and custom-tailored suit jackets, all complimented
with bright silk shirts and flashy ties. Whenever Alex is
Devices “working” he will be clutching the magic camera and
Magic Camera (array): Transform 7 (different aspects his latest-model laptop. Alex is increasingly paranoid
of humanity, Extras: Duration – Continuous; Flaws: about either of these being taken away from him, the
Action – Full Action); Dazzle 7 (visual, magic; Extras:
former for obvious reasons, and the latter because it
Area – Cone; Flaws: Range – Touch); Super-Senses 4
(X-Ray Vision, blocked by magical wards or silver) is loaded with incriminating information, and never
leaves either unattended, hiding them and locking
equipment them away whenever he is not using them.
Camera, Cell Phone, Laptop, Video Camera, Binoculars,
The Midnight Edition’s MO is simple. He stalks
drawbacks celebrities—Hollywood types exclusively now—
Power Loss (must gesture to use sorcery; Uncommon)
maintaining his cover as a freelance tabloid reporter
combat by occasionally filing stories on a mud-raking
Attack +2, Grapple +1, Damage -1 (unarmed), +2 (hold- website. He snaps several candid photos with a
out pistol), Defense +4, +1 (flat-footed), Knockback -1, regular camera to pass himself off as an ordinary
Initiative +1 snoop, then surreptitiously sneaks in one or two
“special” pictures. He then tails his chosen target
totals until he is sure the mark is alone and likely to remain
Abilities 4 + Skills 16 (64 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 28 + indoors. Then he develops the magic picture, causing
Combat 8 + Saves 5 - Drawbacks 1 = 68 PP
the individual in the photograph to undergo an
unflattering transformation. After allowing himself
a few moments to savor the thought of his victim’s

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

embarrassment and despair, he places a phone call,
introducing himself as the Midnight Edition, the THE SECRET OF THE CAMERA x 45
“photographic artist” behind the victim’s unfortunate Unknown to him, the Midnight Edition’s magic
change. He then informs the victim that unless her camera operates on the same arcane principles
or she wishes the change to become public, and as Radian’s legendary lantern (see page 59). The
permanent, a generous ransom will be forthcoming. Tinkerer, an archvillain active in the 30’s and 40’s,
Alex has also occasionally used the camera to who was among the then-heroic Lighthouse
improve the looks of a few select “girlfriends,” Keeper’s most persistent enemies, created the
upgrading them to near-supermodel status in return camera. The super-villain was once able to
for certain favors such as drugs, sex, or a percentage temporarily overcome the Lighthouse Keeper and
of their future earnings. He ensures their silence by briefly study the lantern, using what he learned to
demonstrating his ability to strip away their good design and build the camera. The camera also
looks forever if they compromise him in any way. He carries a watered down version of the lantern’s
knows he could make a mint simply by shopping his curse, which partially explains Alex’s increasing
services out to the rich and famous, by keeping the anxiety and paranoia. The camera came into the
Hollywood elite perpetually youthful and attractive, possession of the occult detective Cyrus Noir,
but Midnight Edition is too paranoid that someone who passed it on to his nephew, Jackie, who in
would take his plaything away, and besides, he turn traded it to Alex Lane.
has a genuine mean streak. Alex Lane enjoys the
humiliation he dishes out to the high and mighty.
confrontation with the authorities. Despite adopting
The Midnight Edition has no other real superpowers
a colorful nom de guerre, Alex does not fancy himself
and little skill in hand-to-hand combat. His abilities
a supervillain. His only goal is to get rich quietly
stem from two sources: the enchanted camera and
through choice blackmail. He works carefully to cover
his own minor magical skills. He has learned he can
his tracks, adventurers with superhuman abilities
vary the transformations caused by the camera by
might have an edge tracking him down, but his
switching the arrangement of the lenses, making
paranoia insures they will not do so unnoticed.
a target older, fatter, thinner, younger, or whatever
Once the heroes begin to close in on the Midnight
cosmetic change seems most devastating. Certain
Edition, things can get a lot uglier. If he finds his
buttons also activate other features, such as the X-
activities drawing unwanted attention from the
ray setting that allows him to take pictures through
police—or worse yet, superheroes—he will first
solid walls, or the flash button that generates near-
attempt to dig up dirt on them, hoping to “persuade”
blinding light. Formerly only a dilettante in the dark
them to back off. Finding all the mistakes of one’s
arts, the power evidenced by the camera spurred
super-heroic career in an envelope on the porch—or
him to become a more serious student of the arcane
worse, on the Internet—can give even the most
world. While still little more than a novice, he has
powerful champions pause. Failing to discourage
mastered a few simple tricks of illusion, misdirection,
pursuers with his preferred tactics, Alex he will
and prestidigitation. He has also learned to tap into
employ hired muscle—super-powered muscle
some of the other mystic artifacts he found in the
if necessary. For example, Alex has provided the
box, allowing him to cast minor curses and perform
inhuman Troll with enough free drugs and women in
a few simple divination spells. He uses the latter to
recent months to earn a favor or two (see the entry on
better select his future targets. The Midnight Edition
Troll, page 70).
still possesses considerable detective skills, and is an
expert in reconnaissance and beating surveillance
A Surprise Twist in the Storyline: The Midnight
systems. Alex is careful when selecting his victims,
Edition’s latest victim is an up-and-coming film
making sure they are more likely to pay off and then
actress named Veronica Mason, a runway model
move on than they are to seek retribution.
whose sudden popularity has led to million-dollar
contracts for both movies and cosmetics commercials.
IN GAME Smelling a big payday, Midnight Edition has engaged
Usually, the Midnight Edition should inspire in his usual MO, changing her from tall and slender to
adventures of investigation, cat-and-mouse games short and dumpy, and then demanding a fat ransom
between the heroes and the shadowy blackmailer. He to restore her looks.
is not much of a threat for a group of crime-fighters in Her handlers were more than willing to fork over
direct combat, and has no heart for any sort of open the cash Midnight Edition asked for, but Veronica has

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

stubbornly refused to pay, unwilling to cooperate bodyguards in the entryway. Terrified, the Midnight
46 with blackmail. She wants to call the police, but Edition suddenly remembered that he’d been
her agent and entourage have so far talked her out meaning to visit Miami and caught the first flight out
of this. Instead, her agent contacts the heroes and of town. He is frantically trying to decide whether
explains the situation. Obviously, this transformation to burn the picture or keep it as leverage in case
is the work of some kind of super-human, so the someone comes after him.
agent feels that the heroes are better qualified to What no one knew was that the most powerful
handle this matter than police. Besides, the LAPD of Earth’s vampires, the Wallachian, had taken an
aren’t very good about keeping things out of the aesthetic interest in Miss West’s physical beauty and
media. If further motivation is needed, the agent will decided to make her one of his brides. He had been
offer a large sum of money, either for the PCs’ own visiting her often for the past few months, feeding on
use or as a donation to their favorite charity. He can her blood and preparing her to become one of the
also guarantee them some excellent press if they undead. The night Alex took Lucy’s picture was the
handle the matter quietly. same night the Wallachian had intended to transform
The twist is Veronica Mason herself. Born Vera her into a vampire. When the vampire lord arrived,
Meriwether, she was pushed into modeling by an and found Lucy a withered, rail-thin hag, he went into
overzealous stage-mother but never liked making a blood-crazed frenzy, destroying the interior of the
a living by her looks. The transition to acting was house and slaughtering her security personnel. Some
welcome as a more meaningful way to express sorcerer had dared to curse a woman he claimed as
herself, but in the film world she is still treated like a his own!
commodity, and only gets helpless ingénue roles in Since that night, dozens of persons related to the
soul-deadening big-budget hack-jobs. Now that her occult—from actual sorcerers to astrologers and
appearance is changed, she feels she can start over fake gypsy palm readers—have been attacked and
with a new life, maybe seeking some more fulfilling drained of blood. The Wallachian has spirited Lucy
film work or retiring from the business altogether. Her away to a sanctuary in Mexico, while his vampiric
agent, manager, accountant, and the other members servants tear through every person in L.A. who
of her entourage have other ideas of course; they could have some knowledge of the mystic arts. Little
want the gravy train to keep running. But Veronica suspecting a paparazzo with a magic camera, these
will do all she can to prevent any ransom from being servants are less concerned with investigation than
paid, and to interfere with the PCs attempts to find they are with the wholesale bloodshed, believing
the perpetrator behind her change. She will prove that killing every occultist in the area will intimidate
to be surprisingly persistent and resourceful in her the foolish magician who cursed their master’s bride
efforts to thwart the heroes’ investigation. into revealing himself or reversing the curse. Given
the number of New Age aficionados in L.A. and the
The Wrong Night: When he chose beautiful cover- vampires’ loose definition of who is an occultist, the
model Lucy West as his next victim, the Midnight PCs must intervene to prevent many, many more
Edition thought this one would be a slam-dunk. Lucy murders. Will they track down Midnight Edition, seek
often spent long hours alone at night at her home, a to confront the Wallachian directly, or find some other
converted lighthouse just up the coast from L.A. The solution?
local paparazzi knew she usually spent the first hours
after sundown standing alone on her balcony, staring ENDGAME
wistfully out towards the sea. Taking the picture was Midnight Edition’s scheme works way more often
easy, and when Alex developed his photo of the than it fails, but occasionally it does fail, because the
once buxom model as a skinny, emaciated wreck, he victim won’t play along. Depending on if and how the
decided to ask for even more money than usual. hooks above come into play, Alex has basically been
But Lucy didn’t pick up the phone when he called lucky so far. If he’s really smart, now that he’s made his
with his blackmail demand, even though Alex called pot of money, he’ll quit.
more times than he would normally dare. When he When he doesn’t quit, it will most likely be because
went back to her home to snoop from a distance, he he has developed extravagant new lifestyle demands
looked through her windows and saw the interior of or put himself in debt to dangerous people. Sooner
the house completely destroyed, as though a raging or later, one of his victims will be the significant other
animal had torn it apart. Investigating further, he of a powerful hero or villain—they tend to date a
found her front door broken into splinters and the lot of famous models or actresses—or worse yet,
house itself empty, except for a pile of Lucy’s dead

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

the secret identity of someone powerful. Despite Blade in hand, she ran faster than ever before, racing
his cleverness and desire to keep a low-profile, the to the center of the Chronophage’s vast being and 47
focused application of real superhuman resources striking the critical blow that allowed the Magister
to the Midnight Edition’s operation is likely to put and other heroes to drive the creature out of reality.
him out of business quickly, or leave him in the Yet in the resulting conflagration, she was apparently
involuntary employ of someone much more ruthless disintegrated by blasts of temporal energy. The
than himself. Magister recovered the mystic sword he had lent her,
but Atalanta was lost.
The next thing Nina remembers is appearing in the
NETHER middle of a busy shopping mall during the holiday
Twenty years ago, Nina Kazantzakis was Atalanta, a season. She was disoriented and began screaming
little-known super-heroine. A blood descendant of and shouting out to passersby, desperate to find
the legendary Greek athlete Atalanta, Nina was able out what had happened. When mall security guards
to wield an ancient relic that she dubbed the “Speed tried to apprehend her for accosting customers she
Scepter,” an enchanted caduceus-staff said to belong tried to flee. She expected to take off at super-speed,
to the mythological Greek god Hermes. With the but found that she could run no faster than a normal
scepter in hand she could defy the normal dictates human being. Panicking at her lack of speed, she
of distance and time, allowing her to seemingly run threw up her hands to ward the guards off. Suddenly,
and move many times faster than any normal human she found herself facing three children stumbling
being. about in baggy clothes. The security guards had
Unfortunately, while her powers were considerable, suddenly grown decades younger.
Atalanta never made much of an impact as a Making good her escape, Nina eventually made her
superhero. She showed little creativity in using her way to her home-city. Once there, she was shocked to
powers, had no real flair for combat, and even wore find that nearly two decades had passed. She realized
a rather drab, lackluster costume. The rest of her life she had somehow been displaced in time, but she was
seemed to have stalled out as well. While her work still alive, and if this was the sacrifice she had to make
as a nurse allowed her to help people in addition to to save the world, then so be it. She began trying
paying the bills, she had been refused admittance to to contact anyone she could think of from her past
medical school several times. None of her romantic to try and get her bearings, first her old super-hero
relationships ever quite worked out, she had few friends, then her siblings, her parents, ex-boyfriends,
close friends and even her dog kept running away. anyone at all she could think of. The response was
The one time where always the same—no one
Atalanta really made a VITAL STATS: NETHER x remembered her at all.
difference was when a Quote: “You’re out of time – but then again, so Frantically she began
vast other-dimensional am I.” searching for an
entity called the Real Name: Nina Kazantzakis answer about what had
Chronophage entered Aliases: Formerly Atalanta happened. Why did no
the universe and began Occupation: Mercenary one recognize her? Even
devouring time itself, Legal Status: None after so many years, she
splintering the timeline. Dual Identity: Secret. No record currently exists should not have been
When assembling heroes of Nina Kazantzakis completely forgotten.
to help defeat this threat, Marital Status: Single She’d saved the world,
the Magister (see page Known Relatives: None in current time-line after all. She poured
33) recruited Atalanta Affiliation: None over newspaper and
specifically, as her scepter Base of Operations: Mobile magazines stories about
gave her some immunity Age: 33 the crisis she had helped
to the Chronophage’s Eye Color: Brown avert and there was
time-devouring powers. Hair Color: Black no mention of her. She
At a crucial point, the Height: 5’2” then checked telephone
Magister gave Atalanta a Weight: 120 lbs. directories, computer
powerful artifact, a mystic Distinguishing Marks: Tends to gain and lose library databases, even
sword of flame, and told weight frequently, fluctuating by up to twenty her old high-school
her to strike the very pounds at any given time yearbooks, but there was
heart of the Chronophage. nothing. She had been

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

erased from time. slower, or even run in reverse. She found opportunities
48 In this new reality Atalanta had never existed, and to practice her new abilities several times on the
neither had Nina Kazantzakis. She was a complete streets, when others tried to rob or assault her. All
stranger even to those who had once been her who tried lived to regret it.
closest friends, and even her own memories of her At first, Nina merely used her new powers to get out
life were hazy, dream-like, as if her prior life had never off the shelter and secure living arrangements, but
been real at all. But worst of all was the fact that her then she began to grow embittered. She stewed in
one great triumph, saving the entire universe from the disappointment, pain and regret engendered by
destruction, was completely forgotten. Everyone her fate until it all sent her over the edge into nihilistic
believed her part had instead by played by several anger and despair. She had become a nothing, a zero,
other heroes. The public seemed to have only a but that didn’t mean her life was over, and she decid-
dim recollection of the Chronophage anyway, as if ed to make every minute of her rebooted life count.
somehow everyone’s memories had been clouded. Heroism had brought her nothing but misery, so she
Those she tried to convince otherwise thought she chose to focus on helping herself instead of helping
was a madwoman. She had sacrificed everything others.
that makes a human being who they are, and no one Nina
would ever remember or care. d e -
For months Nina struggled to survive on the streets cided
with no friends, no money, and no her new
resources. She slept in shelters and path to
in the streets. The magic of her happiness
scepter was completely gone. would be paved
Only after long months did Nina with money and ex-
come to understand that she cess.
had gained powers of She began offering her
her own. The incident services as a super-powered
at the mall had been enforcer to the criminal under-
no fluke—she world, willing to take on nearly any
could now job, big or small. A minor demon-
partially stration of her newfound time-pow-
manipulate ers was all it took to convince most
t i m e , potential employers of her worth. Under
making her new name, Nether, Nina proved quite
t i m e effective, aging her assigned targets to the
flow point of debilitation or regressing them to early
faster, childhood. Within a few months she had no short-
age of work. Since then, she has effectively
ended the careers of at least three super-
heroes and, as a special job, left two
double-crossing super-villains out
of synch with normal time. She
quickly established a reputa-
tion among the underworld
set as an efficient, profes-
sional gun-

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

for-hire who never allows any personal motives or
vendettas to interfere with business.
One such employer, the arms dealer known simply as NETHER PL 13
Merchant, compensated her with an Ambient Energy
Rifle, a powerful high-tech weapon that has made her STR +1 12 INT +1 12
even more deadly and effective. Today, Nether lives in
the lap of luxury, her indulgent lifestyle maintained DEX +4 18 WIS +1 12
by the high fees she demands for her services. But
in her quiet moments, she is not sure whether she is CON +3 16 CHA +1 12
proud or sad that she is far more successful as a villain
for hire than she ever was as a heroine.

PERSONALITY +7/+3* +6 +10 +7

*without armor
Depressed and disillusioned, the Nether has only
hazy memories of her old life, but she distinctly skills
remembers that despite her best efforts, she never Acrobatics 2 (+6), Bluff 4 (+5), Diplomacy 4
felt that she was appreciated or respected by her (+5), Gather Information 6 (+7), Investigate 3
peers—and now she has been completely forgotten (+4), Knowledge (history) 1 (+2), Knowledge
by even her former friends and family members. (streetwise) 4 (+5), Notice 8 (+9), Search 4 (+5),
She retains only shreds of her former moral code, Sense Motive 4 (+5), Stealth 8 (+12)
believing nothing she does ultimately matters.
Everything can be wiped out in the blink of an eye, feats
so why try to make a difference in the world? Better Defensive Attack, Diehard, Dodge Focus 5,
simply to indulge your own impulses and enjoy Elusive Target, Equipment 2, Improved Defense,
existence while it lasts. Her sensibilities will not allow Improved Initiative 2, Instant Up, Precise Shot
her to commit murder or participate in real atrocities,
but otherwise she will work for nearly anyone who powers
can pay her considerable price, from drug-cartel Device 7 (“Ambient Energy Rifle”), Device
kingpins to criminal masterminds. She would only 2 (“Speed Scepter”), Transform 12 (“Time
draw the line at doing business with those who are Manipulation”, anything; Extras: Duration
truly depraved: mass murderers, psychopaths, or – Continuous; Flaws: Cannot Destroy or Eliminate
sexual predators. She actually prefers to go after a Living Being from Time)
other criminals, usually out of control super villains
or rogue gang lords that someone wants disposed of, Devices
but employers are a lot more likely to send her after Ambient Energy Rifle: Improved Aim, Nemesis
heroes. Nether is resigned to this, and figures this is 4, Speed Scepter (array): Concealment 8 (all
simply the hand that fate has dealt her. visual, all auditory, all olfactory; Flaws: Blending);
Super-Senses 8 (Temporal Awareness,
APPEARANCE Extended 3 [normal sight], Precognition [Flaws:
Nether is a short (5’2”), well-built Greek-American Uncontrolled], Time Sense)
woman with shoulder length black hair and brown
eyes. She is moderately attractive, but generally wears equipment
an angry, brooding expression, smiling only in smug Cell Phone, Laptop, Binoculars, Camo Clothing,
satisfaction when she has disposed of a target. She GPS Receiver, Tactical vest
dresses in garb appropriate for whatever target she’s
going up against, whether that means camouflage combat
gear or Kevlar body armor. The Speed Scepter and Attack +12, Grapple +13, Damage +1 (unarmed),
Ambient Energy Rifle are never far from her grasp. Defense +14, +5 (flat-footed), Knockback –3,
Initiative +12
Nether can manipulate temporal energies to a Abilities 22 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 14 +
limited extent, allowing her to control the flow of Powers 99 + Combat 44 + Saves 13 = 188 PP
time around other people and objects. Her powers

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

The Ambient Energy Rifle can project a wide
50 THE RED MONK x selection of energy forms, everything from muscle-
Red Monk (PL 15) weakening enervator beams to chilling hell-frost rays.
Str 18, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10 The weapon is semi-sentient and can automatically
Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+16), Concentration 10 recalibrate itself to the proper setting to deal with any
(+12), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Intimidate 10 (+10), single target. The rifle never needs to be recharged.
Notice 8 (+10), Search 6 (+6), Sense Motive 8 As its name implies, it soaks up residual energies from
(+10), Stealth 10 (+16) its surroundings continuously. It can, however, be
Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, neutralized by certain darkness effects and energy-
Assessment, Blind-Fight, Chokehold, Critical suppressing powers. At any given time, Nether may
Strike, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 10, Elusive also be armed with more conventional weapons
Target, Grappling Finesse, Improved Defense, and equipment or even other magical devices; her
Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved occupation gives her access to all sorts of unusual
Grapple, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Sunder, resources.
Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Power
Attack, Prone Fighting, Redirect, Stunning Attack, IN GAME
Takedown Attack 2, Trance, Uncanny Dodge Due to her general lack of moral qualms and
Powers: Strike 14 (“Dim Mak”, Power Feats: willingness to work for all but the most loathsome
Incurable; Extras: Linked to Paralyze, Penetrating), villains, Nether can serve a variety of functions in
Paralyze 14 (Power Feats: Incurable; Extras: Linked your game. She could be contracted to take out
to Strike; Flaws: Only Usable with Strike) one or more of the PCs by a frightened or vengeful
Combat: Attack +16, Grapple +20, Damage +4 opponent, hired to protect a wealthy crime-boss, or
(unarmed), +14 (strike), Defense +14, Knockback sent to deal with a powerful public official or popular
–6, Initiative +14 media personality. She tends to work alone, but this
Saving Throws: Toughness +13, +3 (flat-footed), is not a hard and fast rule, and she would be of great
Fortitude +8, Reflex +13, Will +14 tactical value on any super-villain team. She prefers
Totals: Abilities 31 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats to take out criminals, so the heroes might even find
37 + Powers 72 + Combat 58 + Saves 16 = 232 PP her an inadvertent ally on some missions, but unless
they work hard to befriend her, she will not let past
can cause a target to rapidly age, grow younger, shift associations stop her from doing what it takes to
outside of normal time, or cease moving through time complete a mission.
altogether, putting the target in permanent stasis.
These effects normally last until Nether chooses to Red Monk Is Back: A small-time crime boss named
reverse them, though other means to negate her Andrea Andolini hired Nether to put a few of her
temporal distortions may certainly exist (whether rivals out of commission, then stiffed Nether on
arcane or super-scientific is up to the GM). Nether the agreed fee, attempting to set her up instead
cannot yet precisely control her powers—their exact by tipping off a group of heroes to her activities.
effect on a living being is always a bit unpredictable. Nether escaped the trap and swore that Andolini
So far, however, Nether has never aged anyone to would pay for her betrayal. To that end, Nether has
death nor has she caused a target to regress into non- issued an ultimatum: Andolini will either pony up
existence. Whether she can use her powers against ten million dollars in protection money or Nether
living beings in such a lethal fashion is still unknown. will release a villain known as Red Monk from the
Against unliving targets she has exhibited more temporal stasis she put him in months ago back. Red
control, using her rapid-aging powers to crumble Monk, so-named for blood-red hood he wore, was
stone walls and rust weapons into uselessness. once a much-feared super-assassin, a martial artist
A bit of magic still resides in the magical staff Nether of inhuman ability who carved out a small criminal
used as Atalanta. While holding the former Speed empire through sheer brutality and fear. Red Monk
Scepter, Nether can extend her perceptions across was so murderous and violent that the other crime
great distances, ignoring any intervening barriers, lords of the day agreed to hire Nether to remove him
and even receive cryptic glimpses of the near-future. from the picture.
She can also use the staff to bend the fabric of space- Andolini, in a tenuous spot in those days as one the
time around herself, masking her presence from Mafia’s few female bosses, acted as the go-between
others. for the syndicates, contacting Nether on their behalf

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

to arrange the hit. In return, she was rewarded with else her old role and letting her garner glory and
much of Red Monk’s old territory to run as her own adulation while Nina’s own heroic deeds are forever 51
after he was taken out of commission. She knows forgotten. Nether determines to put a permanent
that once awakened, Red Monk’s first priority will end to the upstart’s career. Atalanta narrowly avoids
be reclaiming everything that was formerly his, and Nether’s time-warping touch on several occasions,
Andolini also knows she has no chance of surviving but the villain stalks her relentlessly. Unable to shake
the carnage Red Monk will unleash. Nether realizes her pursuer even after a cross-country run, she turns
that Red Monk will eventually come after her too, but up on the PCs’ doorstep, exhausted and pleading for
she feels confidant that she’ll be able to deal with aid. Can they prevent her from ending up back in
him—after all, she dealt with him once already. diapers or as a resident in a retirement community?
Andolini doesn’t have ten million dollars on hand, What Nether is not aware of is that this new
so in desperation she goes to the PCs, begging for Atalanta is actually an alternate version of herself.
their help. Andolini explains that unless the heroes In the rebuilt timeline, her parents met and married
stop Nether from releasing Red Monk, she’s as good about a decade later than they had in the original,
as dead. She’s willing to cop to some of her lesser but they still had a daughter whom they named
crimes and do prison time in exchange for the PCs’ Nina Kazantzakis, a genetic double for Nether. This
help, but knows Red Monk will come for her even if version of Nina Kazantzakis received her powers
the PCs put her behind bars. Andolini doesn’t know when she befriended an extra-dimensional alien
where Red Monk’s inert body is, only that Nether who was briefly stranded in the Earth continuum.
said she had it stashed someplace secure. If the PCs The planar traveler rewarded her with the Medallion
fail to track down Nether in time to prevent her from of Momentum, a device which allows the wearer
reviving him, they have to contend with Red Monk to control kinetic energy and inertia. Despite the
as well, and will find him to be a very formidable foe ten year age difference, Nether will recognize her
indeed (see sidebar). Red Monk retained a degree of younger “sibling” if Atalanta is ever unmasked (she
awareness even in stasis, and his thoughts were of wears a hood and domino mask to conceal her
nothing but exacting cold-blooded revenge on those features). Her reaction to Atalanta’s true identity is up
responsible for his imprisonment. He will initially to the GM. If positive, it could be a big step in Nether’s
attempt simply to escape and get his bearings, but Endgame scenario (see below).
will eventually go after Andolini, Nether, the other
crime lords, and any heroes unfortunate enough to ENDGAME
get in his way. Despite her great bitterness and self-serving
philosophy, Nina always wanted to be a hero. Her
Atalanta Redux: A new heroine makes her debut streak of failures in that regard ended in one great
in the heroes’ hometown: Atalanta, the Mistress of triumph, but when that triumph was erased from
Momentum! Though barely out of her teens, Atalanta time, along with the rest of her life, it all just became
displays amazing control and creativity, using her too painful. That pain is what keeps her from using
super-speed in all sorts of clever ways. She quickly her powers in the name of good, and it is a desire
establishes her reputation, putting away several to suppress that pain which has led her to bury it
experienced super-villains within weeks of her first beneath selfish pleasure.
appearance. Unbeknownst to anyone, even Atalanta, The problem is Nina is not really a hedonist. She
she has had some help along the way. Nether has has never had a taste for drugs or excessive drinking.
been surreptitiously assisting her young namesake, She likes nice things, and has a gorgeous home and
helping her to take down the villains while allowing expensive clothes, but really doesn’t need much more
Atalanta to take all the credit. Nether doesn’t really than that. Money and the luxuries that it can buy will
know why she’s helping her successor. Maybe never truly erase the pain. The only time she really
it’s because she always wanted Atalanta to be a forgets the torment of it all is when she in pursuit of
respected name among superheroes, maybe out of an enemy, and she takes job after job, feeling most
foolish sentimentality, or maybe a bit of both. alive when taking down criminals—in short, Nina still
Unfortunately, sentimentality turns to envy and wants to be a hero.
anger when Atalanta II receives an offer to join a However, she is so tied up in her own bitterness
renowned national super-team, a group that rejected that she cannot admit this to herself. Her selfishness
Nether when she was still Atalanta in the original is really a way of punishing the universe for what
timeline. Nether starts to see the new Atalanta as just it has done to her. She can’t or won’t confront the
another way the universe taunts her, giving someone

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

truth about herself unless outside circumstances
52 intervene. THE PRIME-MORTAL
One possibility is the PCs. Comic books are full of This Prime-Mortal’s origins begin countless eons
villains or anti-heroes who end up befriending a team ago, in a tiny plane of existence, one much smaller
of heroes and joining them, and this is a possibility than our own universe yet still unimaginably vast.
for Nether, though it would be a long and difficult Three cosmic beings, each an omnipotent deity by
process. The heroes would, first and foremost, have mortal standards, had emerged from the energies
to earn Nina’s trust to the point where she tells them of this plane; the two elder, more potent presences
her story, and they would have to prove to Nina that viewed their younger “sibling” with a degree of
they believe her. When a group of heroes recognizes disdain and contempt. After billions of years, the
that Atalanta really did save the world from the elders began to create life in an attempt to ease their
Chronophage all those years ago, Nina is thrilled— eternal boredom, bringing into being a series of odd
finally someone understands what she sacrificed, worlds and populating these spheres with strange,
what she accomplished. But that is only the first step. baroque life-forms. After creating them, however,
The second is that the heroes must demonstrate the two elders found themselves uncertain what
their respect and supportiveness to Nina. They must the point had been. Did they want these creatures
comprehend—and help Nina to comprehend—that to grow more intelligent, to perhaps worship them,
she is much better at fighting the good fight now or did they just want to observe them without any
than she was before, because she has actually further interaction? Would mortal life provide any
become very adept at taking down super-villains. new insights into their own tired existences, or
Only if she truly believes that she’ll be good at super- merely a distraction from their apathetic, endless
heroism this time around will Nina attempt it, using omnipotence? They had created sentient beings, but
her time powers as part of a crime-fighting team. they didn’t know what to do with them.
Another possibility is the Magister. Of all the When the life-forms became intelligent, seeking to
people in the world, explore and understand
only he remembers VITAL STATS: THE PRIME-MORTAL x the worlds around them,
Atalanta’s brave sacrifice,
Quote: “Ah, the human race. So noble in potential, so their awakened minds
but he believes she was hopeful in spirit, so woefully corruptible in nature. attracted the attention of
destroyed in her attack on If you didn’t exist, I would have to invent you, just the third entity. From the
the Chronophage. Nether’s for the pleasure of destroying you again.” depths of the plane, where
bizarre status as a woman Real Name: None it roiled in a purposeless,
out of time keeps even Aliases: The Eternal Corrupter, Ahriman, the hibernation-like existence,
the Magister’s powerful Black Pharoah, the Crawling Chaos, Apollyon, the the youngest of the
divinations from detecting Nightmare Thing From Beyond, the Black Man, beings was called to these
her presence in the the Haunter of the Dark, the Thing in the Yellow new entities like a moth to
reassembled time-line. If Mask a flame. Life had emerged
he knew she were alive, he Occupation: Corrupter of men, sower of chaos, in many forms across the
would be willing to devote embodiment of evil worlds the elder beings
a small amount of his Legal Status: None had created, and the most
precious time to helping Dual Identity: Existence not publicly known populated of these worlds
her in repayment for her Marital Status: None soon received a visit from
bravery, perhaps restoring Known Relatives: None the third most powerful
other heroes memories Affiliation: None force in their universe.
of Atalanta and setting Base of Operations: Mobile (occasionally the The third entity
the record straight about pocket dimension Alar, the Woeful City) could see and hear
who it was who struck the Age: Incalculable everything that this
critical blow against the Eye Color: Variable world’s beings thought,
Chronophage. In any case, Hair Color: Variable felt or experienced. It
the recognition in the Height: Variable knew their triumphs and
crime-fighting community, Weight: Variable downfalls, their cruelties
which the Magister can Distinguishing Marks: Presence makes domestic and compassions, and
provide, would also help and wild animals uneasy. Small insects and plants their constant search
Nina rediscover the hero die upon touching the Prime-Mortal for knowledge and the
within. meaning of their own

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

existence. It took a long moment to savor it all, their maker, and could not be made to feel anything
millennia by our reckoning, and then, in sudden rush about life beyond their creator’s own existential apa- 53
of what can only be described as joy, destroyed that thy. As a result, they were too loathsome and hateful
world. Nothing in the third entity’s existence had of the worlds they inhabited to make their extermina-
ever been so satisfying as to experience all these tion anything more than a chore.
crude beings’ attempts to make sense of their lives, The entity would have remained trapped by this
and then to suddenly end every one of those lives for dilemma forever if not for the actions of a certain
no reason at all. For the first time in all eternity, one of alien species in our universe. Dwelling near the star
the entities had found something to be—for lack of a Aldeberan, their dimensional explanations were just
better word—funny. beginning to bear fruit. In a great experiment which
It took the other entities many ages to realize that drew upon all of their civilizations resources, they
they cared. By that time, the third entity had enjoyed punched through the walls between dimensions and
the destruction of many such worlds. Each time, the reached the entity’s own desolate plane. Thank- ful-
entity took more time with its pursuits, sometimes ly, they could only keep
millions of years, enjoying the destruction more and the portal
more. When the elder entities told their sibling to
stop, the third entity was confused for a picosecond,
then realized it was tired of the others. The third
entity tried to destroy them, unsure if
such a thing could be done. It turned
out that, in their omnipotence,
any one of the entities could
have destroyed the others
at any time, simply by
wishing it. The third
entity was merely the between worlds
first to realize this fact. Its open for a fraction of second,
elders now destroyed, but that brief open-
the entity was free ing was long
to further perfect enough for a tiny
annihilating fraction of
life in more the entity
and more to reach
enjoyable o u r
ways. o w n
A billion years uni-
later, having verse.
destroyed all T h e
life in its plane, piece of
the entity tried the entity
to think of that slipped
new entertain- through was a
ments. It created relatively negligible
life of its own, but fragment, a mere
somehow could not sliver of the all-pow-
create creatures that erful entity that had
felt and yearned despoiled its own plane.
and sought Nevertheless, it was omnipo-
meaning tent by our standards and immedi-
the way ately attained an independent
the first existence. Within seconds of
ones had. becoming self-aware, this
The created sliver-entity destroyed the
beings reflected

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

planet on which the experiment had taken place. It
the prime-mortal PL 20 soon regretted failing to savor the destruction prop-
erly, but in the echoes of its victims’ last thoughts it
had heard cause for new hope: this species controlled
STR +10 30 INT +5 20 an interplanetary empire, and were spread across
multiple worlds. Having never destroyed such a wide-
DEX +3 16 WIS +7 24 spread life-form before, the entity gleefully set about
observing its new prey. It experimented with new
CON +10 30 CHA +5 20 techniques, manipulating the species into assisting
with their own destruction, and within 10,000 years
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will had reduced them to a handful of survivors whom it
sought to destroy one by one.
+20 +20 +8 +17 But a wily sorcerer-scientist of this species managed
to find a way to fight back. This sorcerer recreated
skills the dimensional experimented that had brought
Concentration 10 (+17), Diplomacy 20 (+25), the sliver-entity into this universe, yet managed to
Intimidate 20 (+25), Knowledge (arcane lore) 20 (+25), make this second dimensional rift only work one
Notice 16 (+23), Sense Motive 10 (+17). way: things could pass from our universe into that
one, but not vice-versa. As soon as the portal began
feats to open, the sliver-entity felt a pull, as its energies
All-out Attack, Blind-Fight, Fast Overrun, Fearsome naturally moved to reunite with its original “parent”
Presence 3, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative 2, being. For the first time in its existence, the sliver-
Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Prone Fighting,
entity felt fear, becoming terrified at the prospect of
Takedown Attack 2.
returning to a plane where it would never again know
powers the joy of exterminating independent sentient life. It
Astral Form 17 (Power Feats: Dimensional), instinctively fled, dissipating itself into sub-atomic
Comprehend 5 (languages, plants), Immunity 9 particles and launching itself across the universe at
(life support), Mind Shield 20 (Extras: Linked to nearly the speed of light.
Confuse), Confuse 10 (Extras: Action – Reaction; In this dissipated state, the sliver-entity was like a
Flaws: Only Usable Against the User of a Mental handful of dust tossed to the winds, with no planned
Power that Fails to Penetrate Mind Shield), Mind destination, its trajectory subject to even the weakest
Reading 8, Morph 8 (humanoids; +40 to Disguise; of occult forces. Many of these insubstantial motes
Flaws: Only Usable on Possessed Bodies), Nauseate had reached the vicinity of our own solar system
16, Nemesis 12, Possession 20 (Extras: Retains when they felt another pull, this one a call to the
Powers with Physical Effects; Flaws: Target Must planet Earth.
be Willing), Protection 10 (Extras: Impervious), In the Paleolithic Age, when mankind had just
Regeneration 16 (Unconscious 3, Disabled completed its evolution into what we think of as
7, Ability Damage 6; Power Feats: Persistent, modern man, a tribe known as the Tcho existed on
Regrowth), Summon 6 (“Batrachian Hybrids”; a vast plateau near the Himalayas. A shaman of the
Power Feats: Progression 4; Extras: Fanatical, Horde),
Tcho had been exiled from the tribe for crimes against
Super-Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement,
his own people, and he used his crude understanding
Power Feats: Progression 8), Super-Senses 7 (Detect
of the mystic arts to seek vengeance, summoning a
Magic [Ranged, Extended], Divine Awareness, Low-
Light Vision, Scent, Ultravision), Super-Strength
demon into his own flesh. The shaman believed that
10, Telepathy 10 (Power Feats: Selective; Extras: once the demon had possessed him, it would use his
Area – Burst), Movement (array): Flight 5; Speed 5; body to destroy the tribe, and all would die fearing
Swimming 7 the shaman and bitterly regretting his banishment.
But the shaman had not only summoned a far more
combat powerful demon than he had intended, but had
Attack +15, Grapple +35, Damage +10 (unarmed), accidentally called the sliver-entity into his body as
Defense +15, Knockback –18, Initiative +11 well.
Never having truly inhabited flesh before, those
totals pieces of the entity that had entered the shaman
Abilities 80 + Skills 24 (96 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers knew instinctively that they were safe there, and
545 + Combat 60 + Saves 25 = 747 PP
the reawakened sliver-entity summoned the other

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

particles of itself to this new home. However, it match the entity’s power. While theoretically mortal
had possessed the shaman at the same time as itself, the entity was the most powerful mortal that 55
the demon—the powerful Archduke of Hell called could possibly exist in this reality. The Prime-Mortal
Apollyon—and there was brief struggle for control. had been born into the world of man.
Brief because the entity took a few moments to even The Prime-Mortal used its assimilated memories to
realize that a struggle was taking place, and that do what the shaman’s pride prevented him from doing,
control of this new body’s nervous system was at making peace with the Tcho elders and rejoining the
stake. When it recognized what was happening, the tribe. The Prime-Mortal was loyal to the Tcho and
not-yet complete entity simply replaced the missing made great contributions to their lives, wanting to
pieces of itself with the energies of Apollyon, ending experience all the best things their existence could
the conflict and effectively making the demon a part offer and make their lives that much sweeter before
of itself. This was another new experience, as the taking it all away. It began to think of itself as a “he,”
entity had often destroyed other beings, but never immersing himself in the human experience so he
consumed them in this way, and it found its new part- could fully appreciated what he obliterated. After a
demonic consciousness nearly as interesting as its decade, the Prime-Mortal manipulated the Tcho into
new body. For days it lay there, experiencing actual a series of bloody tribal wars that destroyed their way
sensory input and finite consciousness as it never of life and inflicted terrible suffering on those around
truly had before, not bothering to move, and then them. In the end, he even let some live, reshaping the
it noticed that there were was another, far weaker bodies of the cruelest survivors and allowing them
consciousness in the body also. to breed, creating his own tribe of fallen inhuman
The shaman’s soul had slept within the body all warriors who served him for generations—it is said a
that time, and when the sliver-entity realized this handful of their descendants serve him to this day.
it consumed this too into itself. The human soul, The human race has been all the Prime-Mortal
while lacking in power, was even more fascinating could have hoped for and more. At times he has
than the demon. Humans were unique in the sliver- perpetrated some of the worst horrors in human
entity’s experience; this creature had been willing history, while at other times humans have pleasantly
to lose control its own body just to hurt others of its astonished him by inventing even greater atrocities
species. This potential for self-destruction and hatred without any help at all. The Prime-Mortal has led
was unparalleled among the previous species the wise, benevolent kings down the path of tyranny,
sliver-entity had exterminated. What could be more brought pestilence and plague to lay nations low,
enjoyable than inciting these hopeful, yearning, and and caused whole cultures to collapse.
innately compassionate life-forms into following their Shortly after the destruction of the Tcho, the Prime-
own instinct to destroy themselves and those around Mortal spent some centuries in a nearby pocket
them? Nothing could bring him greater happiness; dimension, reshaping his fragile human body into a
the entity was practically in love with the human race, vast and powerful tentacled horror that instinctively
for nothing else could suffer so exquisitely. defends itself even when the Prime-Mortal’s soul is
Even greater sources of joy now came to the entity’s not present in it. Usually, the Prime-Mortal travels
attention. In consuming the demon and the human, our world as a disembodied spirit, possessing and
it had linked itself to them inextricably; it no longer reshaping new bodies when necessary to facilitate
possessed mere consciousness, but also a soul. The greater and more painful acts of destruction upon
entity was both stronger and weaker than it had human beings.
been, for it had gained true independence from its Each new era of history offers him new
godlike other-dimensional parent, but now had a opportunities. He helped engineer the destruction
theoretically finite existence. It could die. of fabled Atlantis, advised the bastard Mordred in
While its sheer power made the entity’s destruction breaking the Round Table and bringing about the
unlikely, the idea of actual mortality made the entity’s fall of Camelot, continually coaxed the leaders of
understanding of its victims’ fears all the more real. Europe into murderous Crusades, inspired Genghis
Destroying life has been only an idle game before, to Khan to set back Middle Eastern learning and culture
fill the empty hours of immortality, but now that game centuries by destroying the ancient Persian cities
had real stakes. The possibility of an ending to this of Rey and Tus, shepherded the Wallachian called
existence made it even sweeter, yet the entity still had the Impaler on the path to genocide and even
all the advantage over its prey, as the understanding greater horrors, and all the while managed to blame
of this universe’s cosmology gained from the demon everything on the Gypsies, Jews or another group of
made it clear that no other physical being could ever outsiders. And every century gets better.

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Only one human being has ever really been an profound joy. The Prime-Mortal convinces brilliant
56 obstacle to the Prime-Mortal’s plans, and that scientists not to share their miraculous inventions
human was repaid with a terrible vengeance. After with the common man, instills paranoia that makes
being thwarted by the Magister in his attempt to people and their governments distrust even the most
throw civilization into turmoil by corrupting the very forthright superhuman champions, and empowers
concept of language, the Prime-Mortal took revenge small-time criminals to distract powerful heroes
by slaying Cassilda, an aristocratic Spanish beauty from intervening in humanitarian disasters. But his
who was the only woman the Arch-Adept ever truly most delicious acts of cruelty are convincing would-
loved. The Prime-Mortal posed as an elderly traveling be heroes to fight, destroy one another, or harm
peddler, a dealer in charms and potions. He then friends and family members. Certain rare heroes
befriended Cassilda while her beloved was away in manage to resist the Prime-Mortal’s manipulations,
another dimension, listening to her loneliness and and he resents this bitterly, occasionally destroying
longings while encouraging her insecurities. Finally those heroes outright. More often, however, he turns
he gave her a tiny hourglass carved from black crystal, their allies and loved ones against them or helps
claiming it was a charm that would ensure that her a hated villain to gain an edge. Always, he keeps a
lover would remain true to her for the rest of her life; low profile, just in case one or more of the deities
this proved perversely true, as the cursed hourglass the humans pray to turn out to be real. Though
aged the woman to senescence in days. The Magister ageless, the Prime-Mortal is mortal, after all, and
returned just in time to embrace his now venerable while this makes his game far more pleasurable, he
wife one last time before she perished, collapsing has no intention of letting the game end any time
into dust. That day, the Magister swore an oath to soon. He therefore avoids religious buildings and so-
destroy the Prime-Mortal at all costs, but though called “holy ground,” so as not to evoke the ire of any
the two have come into conflict many times over the gods or other higher beings; in all his eons of life, the
years, the Magister has never figured out a way to Prime-Mortal has never once fought a fair fight, and
destroy this omnipotent foe. he certainly doesn’t intend to start now.
The 20th Century turned out to be Prime-Mortal’s
most fruitful era. The Prime-Mortal was one of the first PERSONALITY
the sense the potential of fatherless boy in Germany, Evil beyond human comprehension, the Eternal
and he did nothing more than help shield the boy’s Corruptor exists to spread despair, betrayal, misery,
existence from the visions of the world’s oracles, and ultimately destruction. Wherever the Prime-
preventing any attempts to intervene in the youth’s Mortal walks, animals sicken and plants wither in his
destiny. Later, as Germany’s armies marched across path. The soil he treads on grows barren, unable to
Europe, the Prime-Mortal watched with pride from support life. The Prime-Mortal works constantly to
Japan, where he was prompting terrible atrocities in tempt others into depravity and evil, transforming
the occupation of China. As always, the human race friends into bitter enemies, pitting brother against
was exceeding his expectations. Then, something brother, turning mothers against their own children.
happened that no one had foreseen: masked heroes In the modern day, the Prime-Mortal especially
began to emerge. The Prime-Mortal had considered delights in bringing down heroes, turning them to
those who had existed before World War II mere the side of darkness. Acting through a mortal agent,
aberrations, but when these heroes proved to be a the mysterious “Fixer,” the Prime-Mortal transformed
force in world events, the Prime-Mortal turned his the ex-heroine Annabelle Astounding into the
attentions to them. That few heroes ever actually murderous Armageddon Girl and bequeathed a
made any real difference in aiding the Allies was in cursed magic lantern to an earnest young hero
large part due to the Prime-Mortal’s manipulations, named Radian.
and he can also take credit for the fact that so many of The Prime-Mortal often acts a sort of obscene genie,
their careers ended not long after the war. When more gleefully fulfilling the grandest of desires, but granting
masked heroes emerged in the 60’s, the Prime-Mortal with each wish a host of horrible consequences. The
narrowed his focus, and since that time devotes most Prime-Mortal is always willing to strike a deal, but any
of his energies to corrupting superhumans and other contract entered into with the fiend will soon prove
masked champions. to be no bargain at all for the one who struck it. The
Never before have so many humans with such Prime-Mortal likes to boast that he has never had
noble intentions possessed so much power and to coerce anyone into accepting one of his offers:
potential to truly change their world. Corrupting human anger, greed, and stupidity are more than
that potential has been the Prime-Mortal’s most

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

sufficient to assure a steady stream of clients.
Ironically, the vile essence the Prime-Mortal BATRACHIAN HYBRIDS x 57
absorbed from the demon prince Apollyon thousands What follows are stats for the creatures that the
of years ago actually makes him less prone to acts of Prime-Mortal can summon. These are also the
wholesale slaughter and devastation. The streak of same creatures that dwell in Alar, the Woeful City.
sadism he acquired greatly increased his preference They can also be found near the world’s seacoasts
for the slow, agonizing death of the human spirit where they worship their sleeping god Dagon
over the relatively quick demise of mortal flesh. This and terrorize anyone unfortunate enough to
is fortunate, as otherwise it is likely The Nightmare stumble across their isolated communities.
Thing From Beyond would have already destroyed
the world, if not our entire universe, despite the best Batrachian Hybrid (PL 5/ Minion Rank 6)
efforts of the Magister and the other mystic Powers Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
of Good. Consequently, the perverted wishes the Feats: All-Out Attack, Environmental Adaptation
creature grants never result in the immediate demise (aquatic), Rage, Trance
of the wisher, but instead lead the individual down a Skills: Notice 4 (+5), Sense Motive 4 (+5)
path of abasement and self-destruction. Powers: Immunity 3 (cold, drowning, pressure;
Likewise, the Prime-Mortal’s schemes might result Power Feats: Innate), Obscure 4 (visual; Flaws:
in the deaths of thousands or even millions, but not Only Usable Underwater), Protection 2, Super-
actual worldwide apocalypse; while he does plan Senses 1 (low-light vision; Power Feats: Innate),
to destroy the world at some future date, he plans Super-Strength 2, Strike 2 (Power Feats: Innate,
on exacting every drop of suffering he can before Mighty), Swimming 3 (Power Feats: Innate)
doing so. Besides, humanity seems to be doing a fine Combat: Attack +5, Grapple +10, Damage +3
job of bringing about its’ own end. While the end of (unarmed), +5 (strike), Defense +5, Knockback –2,
the Cold War and the much-decreased probability Initiative +3
of a nuclear holocaust greatly disappointed to him, Savings Throws: Toughness +5, Fortitude +6,
Prime-Mortal sees fine possibilities in the emerging Reflex +6, Will +3
sciences of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, Totals: Abilities 16 + Skills 2 (8 ranks) + Feats 4 +
and nanotechnology. With the resurgence of religious Powers 24 + Combat 20 + Saves 8 = 74 PP
fundamentalism and intolerance—evils that even
the Prime-Mortal thought had played themselves
out—and the resulting acts of terrorism and war, of his reshaped original body, which he keeps in a
the Eternal Corruptor has high hopes for the current pocket dimension known as Alar, the Woeful City.
century. While the great human suffering and sheer Over the years, the Prime-Mortal has sculpted that
carnage of the 20th Century may have made it the body’s flesh into a hulking mass of bat-like wings
Prime-Mortal’s favorite, he expects even better things and squamous tentacles protruding unnaturally
from the 21st. from a simian torso and a looming, cyclopean head.
Even when the Prime-Mortal’s soul is elsewhere, that
body’s nervous system will instinctively defend itself,
APPEARANCE trying to stuff intruders into the crooked mouth-like
The Prime-Mortal can cause the bodies he possesses slit the stretches from its throat to its mid-section,
to assume any form, but usually chooses to adopt the and when alone it often consumes one or more of
guise of a male human. This is a mere preference, as its own extremities as a precursor to growing new
the creature is entirely capable of taking on a female ones. The Prime-Mortal is always completely aware
aspect, and has done so many times in the past, when of all sensory input from this body, even when in
it offered him an advantage. The Prime-Mortal does full possession of another. The city surrounding the
not realize it, but he prefers a male human body Prime-Mortal’s body lives up to its name, a horrid
because of a sense identity left over from the shaman sprawl of demented non-Euclidean architecture
whose body he first possessed, since scraps of that inhabited by both a stunted race of batrachian
consciousness are still a part him. Even when outside hybrids and a mysterious (perhaps soulless) tribe of
of a body, the Prime-Mortal can make himself visible human artists and sorcerers.
in his astral form, and has complete control over his
astral appearance as well.
When terror is useful, he will manifest a monstrous POWERS AND TACTICS
semi-humanoid shape similar to the appearance The Prime-Mortal is powerful on a scale that few
mortal beings can even conceive--the Prime-Mortal

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

can twist space and time, manipulate matter and
58 energy, and alter the very laws of nature. The Prime-
The true Prime-Mortal is best treated as a plot
Mortal is ageless and virtually invulnerable. The
device, an entity beyond the greatest efforts of the
Nightmare Thing From Beyond rarely lowers himself
campaign’s heroes to defeat, let alone permanently
to battling mere super-humans.
vanquish. While the power of the Prime-Mortal is
The Prime-Mortal is able to take physical possession
not without restraint, it is for all practical purposes
of a willing human (or other intelligent living being).
limitless within his sphere of influence (betrayal,
He can access all his powers when in the body of
deceit, and corruption). His proper function is as
another, but it takes him time to make a new body
a source of adventures, and some possibilities are
invulnerable, and during this time a new body can be
described below:
harmed by normal means. The Prime-Mortal’s spirit,
however, is unaffected by a body’s death. Heroes that
You Shouldn’t Have Laughed at Me: An underpow-
actually manage to defeat a newly-possessed body
ered loser super-villain, Blue Ice, was determined to
(no easy feat) may gain a false sense of confidence,
finally hit the Big Time. She wanted to make the head-
one that will be quickly dispelled should they ever
lines, get the fear and respect she deserved, make a
face the full might of the Prime-Mortal.
name for herself. Seething over her many defeats,
Those that bravely (or foolishly) attack the Prime-
Blue Ice turned to the dark arts, ready to literally make
Mortal in any form will be casually swatted aside, or
a deal with the Devil to gain what she desired. She
humbled in some manner, providing the monster
ended up contacting the Prime-Mortal instead. The
with a moment of amusement. Those who persist
Prime-Mortal told her she could have all the power
in opposing the Prime-Mortal will find themselves
she would ever need, so long as she was willing to
facing any manner of monstrosities, grotesque
let him possess her body for a little while. As she
horrors the Prime-Mortal can call forth at will. Such
was ready to barter away her eternal soul, the deal
monsters will typically vanish a moment before they
sounded like a sweet one to the villain. Of course, she
deliver the death-blow, dismissed with the slightest
didn’t know what she was agreeing to do.
nod of their master’s head. The Prime-Mortal savors
The formerly rather hapless villain was indeed
humiliation, terror, and torment more than simple
soon making headlines—as the worst spree killer
in history. She murders randomly, tirelessly, and
Killing the monstrous original body the Prime-
endlessly. Exhibiting powers far exceeding her old
Mortal keeps in the Woeful City will have little effect,
minor-league ice controlling abilities, she has plowed
as his spirit is likely to be elsewhere and he can simply
through squadrons of police to get to her intended
return and reform a living version of the slain body at
victims. She is becoming ever more inventive in
a later time. Even if the Prime-Mortal is in his original
inflicting agony and humiliation before allowing her
body, he can simply leave in his astral form before it
victims the mercy of death.
is killed and return to our world to possess another,
When the heroes confront her, the PCs discover that
perhaps simply teleporting the remains of the original
Blue Ice is neither a cold-blooded sadist nor a raving
body remotely from the pocket dimension to another
psychopath. Instead they find a wailing, worn figure,
place where he can resuscitate it. The Magister has
a shell of a woman who begs them to free her from
noted that the Prime-Mortal always keeps his original
the torment she is in, even if that means killing her.
body somewhere safe when he is away, leading him
She appears to be exhausted from lack of sleep and
to speculate that perhaps the Prime-Mortal needs
food, and self-inflicted gashes cover her face and
the body for some reason. It is more likely, however,
body. Despite her pleas however, she fights fiercely
that this is an affectation, another leftover from the
to avoid capture, striking with lethal force. Even while
consciousness of the original shaman.
unleashing blasts of hellfire against the heroes, Blue
The creature does have a few limitations and
Ice begs for their help. She was just a thief before, not
weaknesses. The Prime-Mortal can read minds and
a mass murderer or a depraved sadist, not until she
communicate through thought alone, but cannot
allowed the Prime-Mortal to enter her body. She has
dominate the minds of others. He is repulsed by
been forced to murder and torture dozens, including
displays of genuine kindness and self-sacrifice. He will
all her own friends and even the grandparents who
not directly attack holy places or destroy sanctified
raised her.
objects, as he hesitates to attract the attention of
No matter how the battle goes, the Prime-Mortal
another god or demigod, but he freely commands or
eventually decides that he has had enough fun at
entices his human dupes into doing so.
Blue Ice’s expense and abandons her body, but not

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

before forcing her to inflict crippling injuries on her lead a supervillain team composed of other corrupted
own body. She is dying, but before she expires she heroes who have fallen under the Prime-Mortal’s 59
will describe her ordeal, and explain that she believes influence. The members of this “Damnation Council”
the entity that identified itself as the Prime-Mortal include Armageddon Girl (see page 5), Radian (now
will commit this sort of horrible act again. If the fully corrupted by his cursed lantern, see page 59),
heroes can act quickly enough they could probably and any other suitable candidates from the Game
save the young woman’s life. Master’s own campaign. When the heroes respond
to a group of supervillains attacking a children’s
Corruption: A hero, perhaps even one of the PCs, hospital, they will be surprised to see the fallen hero
is sent into forced retirement by a tragic event that among the opposition.
leaves them disabled, powerless, or otherwise unable Once this threat is defeated, the key to saving the
to continue on as a crime-fighter. Even after forced hero is persuading him or her to destroy the source of
retirement, the character’s fortunes continue to turn these new powers. Once this is done, the influence of
for the worse. The ex-hero’s employment or business the Prime-Mortal will wane and the character’s own
suffers, his or her personal relationships become abilities will begin to resurface.
strained, and other assorted setbacks happen on a
regular basis. Despite the any and all efforts by the ENDGAME
character’s former allies to help, his or her life begins Centuries before the ascendance of the current
to fall apart. Archadept Arcane, there was a member of the ancient
The Prime-Mortal appears before the character as a fraternity of sorcerers called the Order Without End
majestic man in white robes, and explains that he is a who theorized that if, somehow, one could kill the
spirit of justice given the responsibility of maintaining Prime-Mortal’s original body while his spirit was
the balance between good and evil. He states that within it—and somehow prevent his spirit from
the character’s downfall was no mere happenstance; escaping in the moments before death—the Prime-
it was orchestrated by an evil personage. This is true, Mortal would be permanently destroyed. According
of course, since the Prime-Mortal was responsible for to this theory, at the time of death the Prime-Mortal’s
the events that befell the retired hero. spirit would either dissipate, returning its energies to
The Prime-Mortal offers the character a chance the original extradimensional deity that spawned it,
to become a hero again. He supplies the hero or move on to whatever final rest awaits the soul of
with an arcane object, ritual, or magic potion that any other mortal being. The Zimbabwean sorcerer
restores his or her powers (or grants entirely new was destroyed long before he could present this
ones, depending on the Game Master’s wishes). The theory to his fellows, and even the Magister has
abilities granted are initially rather weak but grow not hit upon it. There is some means of destroying
stronger with use. However, they must be frequently the Prime-Mortal—he is “mortal,” after all—but it is
recharged or renewed. But each time the hero does up to the GM to decide
so, his or her personality if this or another method
takes a turn for the worse. VITAL STATS: RADIAN x is the one that will finally
The individual becomes rid humanity of this
Quote: “This time it will be different.”
arrogant, hostile, and omnipotent scourge.
Real Name: Charlie Masters
self-righteous, beginning
Aliases: Formerly known as Blaze
to act as judge, jury, and
Occupation: Musician
eventually executioner
when meting out justice.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States
Identity: Secret
Charlie Masters grew up
Soon, the character’s
Marital Status: Single in Philadelphia, raised
vigilante-style actions
Known Relatives: Ed and Pam Masters (parents) by politically active
will be impossible for to
Affiliation: None, briefly a member of a teenaged parents whose status as
ignore, but megalomania
team of superhumans an interracial couple had
and paranoia make
Base of Operations: Mobile forced them to confront
cause the hero to view
Height: 6’ many of the prejudices
any intervention by
Weight: 190 lbs. and social problems of
teammates as betrayal.
Hair: Black the 20th Century. They
The Prime-Mortal has
Eyes: Brown published a small leftist
been grooming the
Distinguishing Marks: None newspaper, The Guardian,
character to join or even

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

and were very involved in their community and in the assembled heroes, had armed Atalanta with
60 local activism. the Promethean Blade, a sword that burned with
It was in this climate that Charlie developed his a mystic flame. When she plunged the flaming
strong sense of social justice. Charlie’s natural aver- blade into the very center of the Chronophage’s
sion to authority was codified when the FBI con- ectoplasmic anatomy, there was a blast of temporal
ducted numerous investigations into his parent’s ac- energies followed by a coruscating wave of eldritch
tivities. He vowed to protect the “little guy” whenever fire. Atalanta was seemingly disintegrated by the
and wherever he could, but learned all too soon just conflagration (see the entry on Nether, page 47, for
how little the little guy really was in a world of super- her true fate) and Charlie’s limp body flew several
heroes. When the time-devouring entity known as miles and crashed into the rubble of a ruined
the Chrono- building.
p h a g e Charlie awoke days later in a city hospital,
touched his parents and friends at his bedside,
down in and asked what had happened. No one
Philadelphia, seemed to know. In fact, they all gave
it wrought conflicting accounts of the “super-villain”
widespread battle that had occurred days before. He
devastation soon passed out again, and when
that quickly he did, the Magister appeared
escalated into to him in a dream. He told
full-scale car- Charlie that he was one
nage during its of only two people on
battle with a Earth who would ever
cadre of su- accurately remember
per-heroic the details of that
champions. strange battle. After
Yo u n g the explosion, the
Charlie was Magister and his allies
on the streets had successfully banished
that day, trying the Chronophage from
to find shelter for his friends, this reality and repaired the
when he was caught up in the pitched time-line, though they could not
battle. The heroic female speedster, completely restore all that was
Atalanta, was forced to cut loose lost. As a side effect, only a few
with her speed that day in a way would ever remember the battle
she never had before, traveling so had occurred had all, and no one
fast that numerous objects caught would remember it perfectly—
in her wake were pulled with her except the Magister and Charlie.
as she raced into the heart of the Charlie’s presence at the moment
Chronophage. The existence of the of the Chronophage’s fall had left
universe was at stake, so Atalanta him unchanged by the alteration
acted with uncharacteristic of the timeline.
recklessness. She never Further, the
noticed she had not only Magister said,
dragged numerous street he sensed that
signs and park benches Charlie, having
with her in her desperate been at ground
strike, but also a scared, zero of this
skinny young black man unique release
who had been too busy of space-time
helping his friends to seek energies and elemental
shelter for himself. fire, had been affected in
The Magister (see other ways. The Magister
page 33), leader of said little more, except

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

that he sensed the Charlie’s body would fully recover,
and that his strong, independent spirit would guide
him along the strange and winding road of his RADIAN PL 11
After Charlie’s release from the hospital, it didn’t STR +2 14 INT +4 18
take long for him to realize the Magister had spoken
the truth. Something had changed within him. He DEX +3 16 WIS +3 16
seemed to be a living furnace. A roiling, all-consuming
fire raged within him, a fire he could externalize—his CON +2 14 CHA +3 16
fiery rebellion translated from metaphor to reality.
Charlie could generate intense heat from his body,
with no harm to himself. He could project that heat at
range, and even fly on a column of superheated air. +10 +6 +8 +10
He donned a makeshift costume and began looking
after his neighborhood as the street hero “Blaze.” He skills
met many other super-heroic champions during this Acrobatics 4 (+7), Bluff 4 (+7), Diplomacy 8 (+11),
time, and briefly joined a group of other teen heroes, Drive 2 (+5), Gather Information 6 (+9), Intimidate
though he was not a member for long. His natural 2 (+5), Investigate 6 (+10), Knowledge (art) 4 (+8),
hatred of authority led to personality conflicts with Knowledge (behavioral sciences) 4 (+8), Notice 6 (+9),
the team’s leader, who was really nothing more than Perform (wind instruments) 10 (+13), Search 4 (+8),
a more established hero’s sidekick, and Blaze quit the Sense Motive 4 (+7), Stealth 4 (+7)
team in disgust. During this time he also indulged
his second passion, music. He took advantage of his feats
Connected, Power Attack
activist parents’ travels to meet as many of the living
jazz greats as he could, and became an accomplished powers
saxophone player. Device 11 (“The Lantern”; hard to lose)
Between his travels and his super-heroics, Charlie
found high school impossible, and he eventually Devices
dropped out to travel with a group of musicians. The Lantern: Enhanced Feats 2 (Assessment, Quick
Despite never having graduated, he didn’t worry Change), Mind Control 10 (Power Feats: Mental Link),
about his future. Between Blaze’s activities as a crime- Protection 8, Main Lens (array): Blast 12 (Power Feats:
fighter and his own career as musician, Charlie was Affects Insubstantial), Blast 8 (Power Feats: Affects
Insubstantial; Extras: Area – Cone), Comprehend 2
living a life most people could only dream of.
(understand and read any language; Extras: Affects
But just as all memory of the Chronophage’s Others, Area – Cone), Dazzle 8 (visual; Extras: Area
rampage faded over time, so did some of its effects. In - Cone), Environmental Control 5 (light), Flight 7
his early thirties, Charlie began to note a weakening (Power Feats: Progression 3, Extras: Affects Others),
in his powers. Slowly but surely, his abilities grew less Force Field 7 (Extras: Affects Others, Area – Burst),
and less potent, and despite consulting numerous Obscure 12 (visual, blinding light), Super-Senses 4
scientists and mystics he had met in his travels, he (Magical Awareness, Detect Lie, Tracking, X-Ray Vision
was unable to counter the effect. One day, Charlie [can’t see through iron]; Extras: Affects Others, Area
woke up and didn’t have any super-powers at all. – Cone)
He was devastated. He wandered the American
Midwest for some time as a traveling street musician,
Mania (“The Lantern”, Uncommon, Minor)
trying to find his place in the world. Eventually he
decided to pour himself into his music, but couldn’t combat
keep himself from attempts to lend support and Attack +10, Grapple +12, Damage +2 (unarmed), +12
leadership to various humanitarian causes. The urge (blast), +8 (cone blast), Defense +10, Knockback –5,
to be a hero again never subsided. Initiative +3
Then, two years ago, a strange man approached
Charlie, a mysterious figure known only as the Fixer. totals
The Fixer was in possession of a mysterious artifact, Abilities 34 + Skills 17 (68 ranks) + Feats 2 + Powers 75
a magical construct he called the Lantern. The Fixer + Combat 40 + Saves 16 – 1 Drawbacks 0 = 183 PP
understood the basics of its operation, ?its ability to
shed a mystical light and use it for a variety of effects,

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

and he wanted to investigate its potential. In order them. This is Charlie’s second chance, and the sky’s
62 to examine it objectively, he needed someone else the limit; he has bigger fish to fry than bank-robbers
to use it, someone experienced in the unusual, but and mindless robots. Radian intends to change the
who had no powers of his own to conflict with the world.
Lantern’s own abilities. Through unknown sources, Over the past two years Charlie Masters has grown
the Fixer had identified Charlie as a former hero, and into his role as hero and aspires to become a leader.
he offered him the Lantern to use however he liked, Remembering his youthful experiences, with some
as long as he liked. In exchange, Charlie would simply tool-of-the-Man sidekick trying to boss him around,
owe him “a favor.” he has avoided joining any pre-existing teams.
The former hero jumped at the opportunity. Before Instead, he has fostered a number of younger heroes,
the Fixer was even out the door, Charlie was searching including a powerful energy manipulator who’s
for his old costume and thinking up new ways to chosen the name Blaze as a tribute to his mentor’s
reboot his super-heroic career. The name Blaze didn’t former identity. He believes himself well suited to
seem to fit the Lantern’s powers, so he soon came up lead teams and inspire individuals with his honor and
with the name Radiant. But he soon decided Radiant courage.
didn’t seem to roll off the tongue as well as Blaze had, However, those closest to Radian see a darkening
so he shortened it to Radian. Once he had a name, a in this would-be bearer of light. He has grown more
costume, and a basic understanding of the Lantern’s possessive of his artifact, depending upon its powers
powers, he leaped from his bedroom and once again instead of developing his own skills and abilities.
took to the skies. Surely, he felt, this was what he was Having lived without creature comforts in the past,
meant to do. Radian is no longer above using his powers in subtle
Since his re-emergence as Radian, Charlie has ways to ensure his own wealth and prosperity. He
traveled extensively, fighting evil and injustice around doesn’t get along the older generation of heroes,
the world. Police agencies in dozens of countries whose actions he often sees as fascist, and it doesn’t
have found themselves allied with—or working take much to put him at odds with them, even to the
against—the mysterious Radian. Always, he seeks to point of defending certain criminals whom he feels
defend the common man, whether this means aiding are on the path to redemption. His distrust of police
local governments or working against them, or even and government seems to have increased as well,
attempting to overthrow unjust leaders and replace and now borders on paranoia.
In the United States alone, Radian is wanted on
STORY POINT x several counts of aiding and abetting a fugitive,
If you want to incorporate Radian into your assault on a federal officer and even greater crimes,
campaign starting with his time as the street having broken into classified installations and
hero know as Blaze you may want to make use of released details of secret government weapons
the following adventure hook. This will establish programs to the media. Recently he has discovered
Charlie Masters in the ongoing history of your a new attribute of the Lantern, the ability to control
campaign and make his eventual appearance as people’s minds. So far, he has only used its power
Radian all the more interesting. to compel criminals to speak the truth, but he is
The characters hear of a brash young street hero considering using its power to modify their behavior
named Blaze performing violent vigilante work in in more permanent ways.
a poor neighborhood. Police are concerned that Watching all this from afar is the omnipotent
his methods are too extreme and ask the heroes Prime-Mortal (see page 52). It was he who instructed
to investigate. Getting information out of the his agent, the Fixer, to give Radian the Lantern,
citizens is difficult because they all approve of knowing that the taint of an evil sorcerer curses the
what Blaze is doing. device, corrupting anyone who wields it for too long.
When Blaze puts a gangbanger in a coma with He watches as this once incorruptible champion
third-degree burns, the police have had enough of justice becomes an agent of mere chaos, and
and issue a warrant. The citizens rally around the laughs, waiting for the day that Radian will serve him
young vigilante and his violent methods and, willingly, a living weapon against the superheroic
aside from certain brave officers, the only people champions of the 21st Century.
who will help the heroes are the other gang
members. Will the heroes side with lawbreakers PERSONALITY
to enforce the law? Having tasted the thrill of being a hero, Charlie never

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

In the eldritch ages before recorded time, the cruel sorcerer Amon Thok grew weary of binding the minions
of darkness to his service and sought more challenging game—the scions of the light. Thok sought out
the seraphim, mysterious and heavenly spirits of light which some occult scholars would later equate with
the angels of the Old Testament. The powerful wizard bound his first seraph into a sword, another into a
shield, and grew more and more defiant of the seraphim’s power, even binding one into a bed-warmer.
Amon Thok’s frequent challenges to the heavens themselves were finally answered when a powerful
seraph appeared in the form of a bolt of blinding light. The battle laid waste to a continent before Amon
Thok grasped the ephemeral vitae of the divine champion and bound the seraph into a fabulous lantern,
intent on forging it into a terrible beacon whose searing light would burn the civilized nations from the
face of the Earth. But the seraph was not beaten. Though bound for evil purposes, the source of the
power was still bound to goodness and light, and could not be used for such evil. The Lantern manifested
attributes befitting a spirit of light—the ability to tell falsehood from truth, to compel honesty, and to
drive the shadow of evil from the kingdoms of men. Amon Thok was not pleased.
The Lantern languished in the sorcerer’s trophy room for decades as yet another symbol of his power.
But within the Lantern, the seraph was marshaling the last of its strength, calling to a hero whose people
had long suffered under Amon Thok. While the sorcerer was away in the far dimension of Koth, the hero
climbed the walls of his dark tower and claimed the Lantern for his own. The young man became the first
wielder of the Lantern, destroying Amon Thok’s tower and smiting his proud army.
By the time the sorcerer returned, the Lantern-bearing hero had reduced his kingdom to rubble. Amidst
the rubble they fought a terrible battle. But in the end, the seraph’s power and the will of man, working
in concert, were too much for the vile sorcerer. With Amon Thok’s death, the serpah was finally freed. But
as Amon Thok’s soul plunged into hell, the black-hearted mage spat a final curse, not on the hero, but on
the Lantern itself.
Though the seraph was free, great power remained in the Lantern—power now tainted by the will of
Amon Thok. The young hero died of his wounds, and the Lantern was lost for a time. Over the ages, heroes
and villains alike have bent the Lantern to their wills, or have been bent to the Lantern’s will. The last
person to wield the Lantern was the WWII hero called the “Lighthouse Keeper.” After the war, the Lantern’s
curse corrupted the fallen hero’s mind, driving him to greater and greater acts of evil, until the Astounding
Trio (see page 5) confronted him in his lighthouse headquarters. In the course of that superhuman melee,
the Lighthouse Keeper met an accidental death, his lighthouse was toppled, and the Lantern was lost
once again.
Eventually, the Lantern came into the hands of the mysterious meta-human investigator called the
Fixer, who sought insight into the enigmatic relic. He recruited former hero Charlie Masters as the newest
bearer of the Lantern, and has been observing both hero and artifact ever since. Already the idealistic
Masters—now calling himself Radian—has fallen victim to the Lantern’s effects. Whether he has the will
to resist falling into true evil, as the Lighthouse Keeper did, remains to be seen.

gave up hope that his day would come again. In or adorned with a small cluster of buttons declaring
out of costume, he is still addicted to the rush of his support of various social causes, grass-roots
being just at the edge of disaster. Now he is also organizations, and controversial leaders.
addicted to the rush of the Lantern itself, and would
sooner kill than part with it. POWERS AND TACTICS
Most of the Lantern’s powers emanate from its main
APPEARANCE lens, the source of a strange mystical light. It can
Charlie Masters is an African-American male in his control light and project it as hard light, which can
late thirties who keeps himself in excellent physical bear the wielder aloft or protect him with a force
condition. When out of costume, he dresses simply, field. The light also pierces all falsehoods and can
but prefers suits when performing. He has a winsome even shine through any material, except iron. It can
and easy smile, but since he received the Lantern the be shone on text in a foreign language, or even on
intensity of his gaze makes people uncomfortable. someone speaking such a tongue, and that language
Whether in street clothes or formal attire, he is always will be understood by anyone within range so long as

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

The Lantern is a powerful artifact of light, yet You have a powerful attraction to a person,
it has a dark influence on those who wield it place or object that you finds difficult to resist.
over extended periods of time. As shown by the The attraction must be clearly defined when the
Lighthouse Keeper in the mid-20th Century, even weakness is taken. Frequency is based on how
the noblest heart can be turned to evil. often you are become concerned with the object
The corrupting influence of the Lantern is not of your mania. Intensity is based on the severity of
involuntary, like a virus. At some point after the your mania as outlined below.
hero becomes comfortable with the Lantern’s
power, he will be tempted. It almost always • Minor: You are preoccupied thinking about
occurs at a moment of dire need, when a sudden or worrying about the subject of your mania.
infusion of power is needed. At that moment If the subject of your mania is not present,
the Lantern offers a bargain. Power for a price is you suffer a cumulative –2 penalty on all
offered. The hero may take a weakness starting checks for mental actions or powers.
at the lowest intensity on the “Mania” list (see the • Moderate: You cannot stand to be parted with
Sidebar, Drawback: Mania) and put the resulting object of your mania. You suffer a cumulative
PP into immediate use like any other PP. The –1 penalty on all checks for mental actions
points can be used to increase abilities, purchase or powers. Every day you spend away from
feats, skills and powers, or unlock more powers of the subject of your mania, you must make a
the Lantern itself (this is best achieved by adding Will save (DC 20) with failure indicating that
to the “Main Lens” array). The Lantern will then you must make every reasonable effort to be
wait a time before making another such offer. reunited with the source of your mania.
• Major: You feel you must have the object of
it is under the Lantern’s light. The Lantern’s powers do your mania in close proximity to you at all
not stop there. It is also covered in numerous switches times. If the object of your mania is not in
and movable lenses that allow the wielder to create close proximity, you must make a Will save
various other mystical effects. Radian has discovered (DC 25) or suffer a cumulative –1 penalty to
that its light can even overpower the minds of others, all checks, attack rolls, and Defense until you
allowing him to temporarily control anyone who may are reunited with the object of your mania. If
fall under the Lantern’s light. However, these powers the Will save is failed you must make every
come at a terrible price (see the sidebar: Corruption effort to be reunited with the source of your
of the Lantern for details). mania, except for any action that might result
in great harm or death.
Radian can serve in his capacity as hero or villain missions, but they will soon find that he is a bad
in your campaign. As a hero, Radian is a man with team player when not in charge, and his approach
a complicated and idealistic agenda who is slowly to crime fighting differs from their own. His approach
being corrupted by the device that allowed him is holistic: after apprehending a criminal, he will
to resume his superheroic career. In his role as seek to determine what in his background led to
hero, Radian’s methods and approaches can easily his antisocial behavior. He will visit the criminal’s
complicate the PCs’ crime-fighting efforts. He has neighborhood, parents, and so on, all in an effort
little faith in the justice system and will utilize means to diagnose the social problems that led this person
of apprehending criminals and even make attempts to a life of crime. If the heroes see their fight against
at rehabilitation that will cross the line. As a former crime in very black and white terms, they may find
hero whose crossing the line of madness into Radian’s philosophies and willingness to get involved
villainy, Radian would make for an unpredictable and in the community a little discomforting. Radian will
possibly even sympathetic foe. More specific ideas for not hesitate to chastise the heroes for doing too little,
incorporating Radian into your campaign follow: and will likely try to place himself in a position of
leadership within the team.
New Hero in Town: A newly arrived Radian seeks
to bring his own brand of justice to the heroes’ city. Dirty Laundry Day: Videotapes made by local
Radian may accept the heroes’ assistance on a few politicians begin arriving at news stations around

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

the city. On each tape, the politician claims he can apartment building, posing as friendly neighbors.
no longer live with his guilt and comes clean about They have performed ritual after ritual, as instructed 65
every shady backroom deal, campaign fund misuse by their evil master, in an effort to open the conduit
and extramarital affair he’s been involved in. If the that connects Thok and the Lantern. One day, they
heroes investigate, the only common thread they finally succeed.
will find is that each politician is not only seeing a A crack in the Lantern’s surface unexpectedly forms.
therapist, they’re all seeing the same therapist. The Unexplained crimes begin occurring all over the
therapist’s background and credentials won’t hold city as otherwise good people succumb to the dark
up to scrutiny. The therapist is Radian (who not only powers seeping from the Lantern. Radian seeks out
is not a licensed therapist, but never even finished the heroes’ assistance in containing the escaping
high school) operating under an assumed name. He’s energies. Not long after that, the Lantern will split
using the Lantern to mind control the politicians and open as a rift in reality forms. Amon Thok will make
force them into exposing the corruption in the city’s his return to the world and the city will truly be in
government… and if the heroes interfere, they’re the grip of evil. The rift will remain and the heroes
next. will need to find a way to send the powerful sorcerer
back through. But the rift cannot be closed without
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Legacy: The WWII bearer repairing the Lantern. If the heroes lack the ability to
of the Lantern carried the artifact longer than any do this, they will have to seek out another powerful
other wielder. His exposure to it caused physical sorcerer, such as the Magister, while the city is altered
as well as psychological changes. Because of these by Amon Thok’s reality-warping influence.
changes, the curse of the Lantern carried on to the
next generation. His son developed mutant powers ENDGAME
and inherited his father’s obsession with the Lantern. As long as Radian is in possession of The Lantern (and
Calling himself the Darklighter, he has been tracking under its influence), he will continue to become more
Radian for years. When he finally catches up to his and more manic, and his obsession with The Lantern
quarry, his legacy allows him to wrest control of the will deepen. If allowed to continue on this course,
Lantern from Radian. With the Lantern’s grip on him Radian will eventually play into the Prime-Mortal’s
complete, the Darklighter embarks on a destructive hands. He will unlock enough of the Lantern’s powers
rampage as his madness reaches full bloom. Radian’s to attempt to take “control” of what he sees as an
own obsession with the Lantern may be brought to irredeemably corrupt and flawed society and light
light, as it becomes apparent he is more concerned the way into a gentler, peaceful new age. Of course
with reclaiming the Lantern itself than helping any this will never work, as human nature cannot be
victims of the ensuing changed overnight, and
VITAL STATS: SWEET SYNN x Radian’s ultimate attempt
to correct society’s ills
Back in Black: Amon Thok Quote: “Allow me to show you how much will only breed the sort of
has searched for a means pleasure one can have by simply putting aside all mayhem and tragedy that
of escape ever since falling your foolish inhibitions.” the Prime-Mortal craves.
into the Underworld. As Real Name: Synn’agrasta
the Lantern still holds Aliases: Cynthia Smith, Synndi Shannon
some lingering trace of
Amon Thok, only it can
Occupation: Model, actress, formerly a slave
Legal Status: American Citizen with no criminal SWEET
serve as a vehicle for his
return to the world. Now
record, fugitive of Vhaal
Identity: Public SYNN
that the Lantern is in use Marital Status: Single In the lower dimensional
again, Thok has been Known Relatives: Grue-G’rog (father) depths there lay an
able to reach through it Affiliation: None infernal dimension known
and take control of some Base of Operations: Mobile as Vhaal, a backwater hell
impressionable minds in Height: 5’10 that was even beneath
the Lantern’s vicinity. A Weight: 130 the notice of the entities
small cult has formed as Hair: Brown that ruled that corner of
the result of this influence. Eyes: Varies the Underworld. As far
This cult has been living Distinguishing Marks: Strikingly beautiful as hells go, Vhaal was of
in Charlie Masters’s little consequence. Its

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

demonic denizens skirmished over petty insults, and conveyances carried even more people at fantastic
66 the lost souls that were deposited there were of too speeds.
little consequence to warrant true damnation. The The three beings were heroes from the Earth realm,
stinking air was not filled with the tortured screams the Astounding Trio, and they were on a mission to
of the damned, but with the endless, incoherent obtain a strange potion from
murmuring of wayward spirits. The brutish, demonic Synn’s father, a cruel and pow-
natives of Vhaal labored endlessly to provide tribute erful warlock. When they
to the more powerful entities in the higher realms obtained what they
of the Underworld. They mined what little diabolic had come for, the
ore that could be found in the barren landscape and three heroes
used that ore to manufacture arms for the fiendish clasped hands
armies that waged constant war across the myriad and uttered the
Underworld dimensions. mystic phrase
For the Vhaalian known as Synn’agrasta, a lowly that gave them
demon-slave, the torment of this place their mag-
was made all the worse, because nificent
she was saddled with the curse of powers. A
imagination. Each night she suffered torrent of
through dreams of a better life. She mystic
dreamed of the Machiavellian flame
intrigues of a royal court, or
the wicked debaucheries of
a torrid romance. Her dreams
and her daydreams made her
crushing day-to-day existence
all the more unbearable. Sadly,
Synn’agrasta knew that such
hopes only made her own world
all the more unbearable.
But when Synn’agrasta saw a
portal open and three strange
beings step into Vhaal from
the world’s beyond, she
discovered her dreams
were real. She caught a
glimpse of the wonderful
world on the other side
of the portal. A world
filled with towering
edifices of gleaming
glass and smooth
stone. She saw throngs
of people walking across
stone-ribboned streets
as smoke-belching

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

burned a hole between dimensions and the
group stepped through to their home dimension.
Synn’agrasta again saw her dreams made real, and SWEET SYNN PL 8
decided to follow them. The Astounding Trio arrived
in their native realm, unaware that the bedraggled STR +5 20 INT +2 14
semi-demon was only a split second behind them.
That split second proved to be a crucial one. Due DEX +5 20 WIS +4 12
to the vagaries of dimensional travel, Synn’agrasta
arrived on Earth nearly fifty years after the Astounding CON +6 22 CHA +10 30
Trio, and she found herself not in the gleaming city of
the 1940s but in a filthy back alley of Santa Obscura.
Despite being deposited in one of the most squalid
sections of the city, Synn’agrasta saw her new +9 +9 +8 +1
surrounding as breathtakingly beautiful. The smoggy
air tasted like the sweetest nectar compared to the skills
choking stench of Vhaal, and the cracked asphalt Bluff 12 (+22), Diplomacy 12 (+22), Disguise 3
beneath her feet was opulent compared to the muck (+13/+33), Drive 1 (+6), Gather Information 4
and offal she was accustomed to trudging through. (+14), Language 3 (Native - Demonic, English,
Using the limited shape-shifting abilities common French Spanish), Notice 5 (+6), Sense Motive 8
to all the natives of Vhaal, Synn’agrasta assumed (+9), Stealth 8 (+13)
a human appearance and concealed her demonic
aspects. She ventured into this strange new world and feats
her first encounter with the natives was not friendly Attractive 2, Benefit (status), Connected, Distract,
one; two drunken thugs assaulted her. She tore into Fascinate (Diplomacy), Inspire, Minions 6 (ten 45
them like a wild animal and left the two battered PP minions)
and unconscious. Synn’agrasta emerged from the
encounter with serviceable, albeit ill-fitting, clothing powers
and the two men’s valuables. Feeling powerful for the Immunity 6 (aging, disease, poison, need for
first time in her life, she left the dingy alleyway and sleep, environmental cold and heat, Power
entered the wider world. Feats: Innate), Mental Transform 5 (“demonic
Over time, Synn’agrasta learned the language and pheromones “, Power Feats: Innate, Extras:
customs of her new home. During this time she came Alternate Save – Fortitude, Area – Explosion,
to the startling realization that while her demonic Duration – Continuous; Flaws: Sense-Dependent
form may have been small and homely by infernal – Smell), Morph 4 (humanoid, +20 to Disguise,
standards, her new found human guise qualified her Power Feats: Innate), Regeneration 5 (Bruised 1,
as one of the most beautiful women on Earth. The Unconscious 1, Injured 1, Staggered 1, Disabled
people around her could barely conceal their lust 1, Power Feats: Innate, Regrowth)
for her. Furthermore, there was some factor in the
Earth’s environment that magnified her charm and combat
sex appeal. She found that even complete strangers Attack +4, Grapple +9, Damage +5 (unarmed),
would accede to any request she made. Defense +10, Knockback –4, Initiative +6
Synn’agrasta adopted the name Cynthia Smith
and secured employment as the hostess of a trendy totals
L.A. eatery. Before long she was “discovered” by Abilities 58 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 13 +
a prestigious modeling agency that gave her a Powers 33 + Combat 28 + Saves 9 = 155 PP
generous contract and the stage name of Synndi
Shannon. Before long she was one of the most
sought after models in the world, and she was enough to fuel ticket sales.
strutting the runways of London, New York, Paris and These days Synndi Shannon has become a media
Milan. Mainstream fame followed as she appeared personality whose noted more for her hard-partying
on magazine covers, in television commercials, ways, string of famous boyfriends, and globe-trotting
and on billboards. Two year later she made her first antics than she is for her modeling work or film
appearance on the silver screen. Despite her limited roles. After British tabloids coined the shortened
acting ability, her beauty and raw sex appeal was moniker “Synn” in their headlines, Synndi has taken

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

those who work for her, she is ruthless to those who
68 ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX x oppose her.
You were born a miserable hatchling in the muck Another element of Synn’s personality is her deep-
and mire of the Underworld dimension known as seated vanity and pride. This is due in part to her
Vhaal. You were exposed to the riotous mystical demonic nature and also in part to her long history of
forces that presaged the Astounding Trio’s arrival humiliation on Vhaal. She is a case study in cognitive
on Vhaal. Being a magical creature, this violent dissonance. Not only can she not accept rejection, she
infusion of positive energies at such a formative will not. If she has an interest in a particular individual
stage set into motion changes that would forever she will presume that that person is completely
alter your destiny. Attracter to this new source of smitten with her. If that person resists her charms,
“nourishment”, you managed to scuttle through she will resort to slander, dirty tricks, blackmail and
the muck and leap through the Trio’s portal just as outright violence to get her revenge. Revenge for an
it closed. You were trapped in Infraspace, the void affront that she will not fully admit even occurred,
between dimensions, for what seemed both like not even to herself.
an eternity and a mere moment. Eventually, you
appeared on Earth, fully grown, in the same dirty APPEARANCE
alleyway where your brood-sister, Synn’agrasta, Synn is an extraordinarily beautiful woman. She is tall
had arrived in several years earlier. You have little and lithe, with waist-length auburn hair and flawless
memory of Vhaal and only a vague memory of your copper-colored skin. She has utterly exquisite bone
“sister”. structure, almost-golden eyes, and full, scarlet-red
This origin is useful for creating a character with lips. She is the personification of the term exotic
a demonic nature, who still has great potential beauty. In her natural state, Sweet Synn has short,
for heroism. This origin will give a character stunted horns, a scaly tinge to her skin, a curly,
the shape-shifting powers inherent to his kind pig-like tail, and hairy, cloven hooves. Though she
and also extra abilities that can be attributed was considered ugly and misshapen in her native
to his exposure to the energies conjured by the dimension, aside from her demonic characteristics
Astounding Trio. This exposure to “good magic” her face and form would be considered nearly perfect
gives the character an intrinsic sense of good and by human standards.
evil that he or she might not otherwise possess.

Vhaalian Mutant, Template POWERS AND TACTICS

Feats: Improved Initiative As stated, Sweet Synn is inhumanly attractive and
Powers: Adaptation 5 (Extras: Reaction), charismatic. Even those few that might not be
Comprehend 1 (languages), Immunity 1 swayed by her beauty alone usually find themselves
(vhaalian pheromones), Enhanced Strength 7, drawn by her voice, her scent, and her aura.
Enhanced Dexterity 7, Enhanced Constitution Her demonic pheromones allow her to exert an
7, Morph 4 (humanoid, +20 to Disguise) unearthly influence over ordinary people, making
Cost: 83 PP them susceptible to her commands. Unfortunately
the effects of her demonic pheromones linger even
after she has moved on, causing her former friends
to referring to herself by this shortened version of her and lovers, those with whom she had grown bored
name. She is also set to release a new fragrance called with and broken off contact, to suffer bouts of wild
“Sweet Synn” that plays on her new nickname. mood swings, depression, manic behavior and even
violence. These unfortunate individuals may spend
PERSONALITY weeks, months, or even years trying to recapture
Despite her fiendish nature, Sweet Synn is almost the sensation of pure pleasure they felt when they
naïve; she holds no malice whatsoever towards any were with her. This may lead them to all manner
other living thing. She far prefers the world of man of dangerous, self-destructive actions, including
to the hellish realm where she was whelped and various forms of drug addiction, thrill seeking and
raised. She simply wishes to exult in her newfound pathological jealousy.
freedom, revel in the chaos of the earthly plane, and Due to her demonic heritage, Synn possesses
enjoy the best this world has to offer. While she can slightly superhuman strength, speed, and vitality. She
be quite generous, donating freely to charities and can rapidly heal from nearly any injury and suffers no
causes that strike her fancy, and lavishly rewarding long-lasting harm from her substance abuse and

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

hard-partying lifestyle. Barring a violent death, undisguised in front of hundreds of people without
Synn can expect to live for centuries. Despite her arousing suspicion. She doesn’t really care about any 69
abilities, Synn would be hard-pressed in a fight with of the social issues involved; to Synn the event is just
a superhuman. As a rule she tends to avoid physical another excuse to party, get her picture taken, and
confrontations, and depends on her contingent of bask in the attention of other rich, important, and
bodyguards and over-protective lovers to protect beautiful people. Unfortunately, several supervillains
her from overzealous paparazzi and stalkers. Besides, are at the bash as well. Some were invited by Synn
Synn’s ability to seduce almost anyone usually (“just to stir things up a bit”) and are just there for
precludes the necessity for violence. a good time, while a few others are crashing the
party for their own reasons. For example, Nether
IN GAME (see page 47) is there to scout out one of her future
Sweet Synn can occupy the rather unique role in your targets, and maybe make some connections in the
campaign of nonstop party girl. She can be found process and Troll (see page 70) showed up simply to
almost anywhere in the world. Her desires to keep the ogle all the gorgeous supermodels, especially Synn.
media at arm’s length (mainly to protect her secrets) Given the explosive mix of alcohol, personalities, and
and her career both keep her moving from city to city. superpowers, the party could erupt into mayhem
Synn surrounds herself with fellow hedonists and at any time. The heroes may be present because
leaves chaos in her wake. Her demonic nature makes they were invited, or were brought in as additional
her a danger to those around her. Not only does she security by concerned local officials or maybe they
wreak emotional havoc by disrupting friendships, are there because they believe in the charity. Synn’s
marriages and the like but her demonic essence pheromones could even lead to villains fighting
awakens destructive passions in the men and women villains and heroes fighting heroes. Whatever the
she takes on as intimates. These unfortunates come case, it’s sure to be a hell of a party.
to share her unbridled lust for pleasure, but they lack
her inhuman endurance, and their fragile human Seduction of a Hero: Synn is shooting her latest big-
bodies often end up paying a terrible price. budget movie on location in the heroes’ hometown.
If the heroes do anything to disrupt her lifestyle When the police receive what they believe to be
she will use her charms and her influence over the a credible tip that Synn has been targeted for
people around her to make sure the heroes pay for kidnapping by a notorious supervillain, the heroes
their affront. If she believes someone has discovered are asked to help guard the film set. The kidnapping
that she is more than she seems, she will first attempt threat either proves to be unfounded or the
to seduce her way out of the situation, but if this fails, supervillain is defeated. In either case, Sweet Synn
she will use bribery, intimidation, threats, and finally becomes romantically interested in one of the heroes.
outright violence, resorting to torture or murder to The character can be male or female, human, mutant,
keep her secret. A few ways to incorporate Synn into or alien. Synn may even choose to lavish her affections
your campaign follow: on a hero normally not considered particularly comely
or attractive, as she is more interested in having new
Girls Night Out: Synn is staging a gala fundraiser, experiences than in conventional notions of beauty.
a celebration of the “diversity of women”. The event Synn’s supernatural charms are hard to resist, and
will raise money for charities that aid abused and any character that succumbs will eventually begin
underprivileged women, however, Synn is only displaying the negative effects. When she inevitably
holding the fundraiser on the advice of her manager. abandons the hero and returns to Hollywood, the PC’s
He believes it will help Synn’s image by showing she behavior will grow worse as the character desperately
cares about social causes and might not be as shallow attempts to regain the feelings of euphoria Synn’s
as she appears. To reinforce this, Synn’s manager has pheromones provided by engaging in erratic and
invited notable female entertainers, athletes, and unstable behavior. The character may also go a step
superheroes, including a few who do not fit the further by stalking the elusive Synn. Eventually the
traditional supermodel mold. The event consists of a hero’s friends and allies will be forced to intervene
fashion show followed by a lavish party. Synn will host in the situation. This may prompt them to begin
the event and at one point she will actually appear in investigating the capricious starlet. What is it about
her true semi-demonic form onstage, passing it off her that nearly drove a responsible, upstanding hero
as part of “a sexy little devil” costume she is wearing. crazy with lust and what can they do to cure their
She is delighted to have the chance to strut around friend of the obsession? If the hero does not fall for
Synn’s enticements, she will be furious. She’ll make

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

all sorts of nasty comments to the media, circulate time in the limelight may eventually draw unwanted
70 unflattering stories about the hero, and basically attention. Powerful people in mystical circles may
do her worst to ruin any the character’s career and become aware of Synn’s true nature and desire her
reputation. After a few weeks or months of this, she as a concubine or as the needed component in some
will forget her malicious fixation and move on. She arcane ritual. Whatever the case, even though Synn
may even send a note of apology and an expensive could endure her volatile lifestyle for centuries, she is
gift to make up for her spiteful misdeeds. simply riding too high for it to be sustainable.
Should she fall out of favor or otherwise be forced
Sinful Scents: A wildly successful new perfume line to keep a low profile, Synn will discover another facet
hits the market, “Sweet Synn by Synndi Shannon”. of her demonic nature—a desire to be worshiped
The ad campaign claims that the products were and a propensity for making infernal pacts. She will
formulated to mimic the scent of Synn, the “most cultivate and acquire a large following of worshipers.
desired woman in the world”, and is guaranteed to A very literal cult will spring up around her, composed
heighten any woman’s sex appeal. The products of people who live and die by her word. This will be
are being test released in the heroes’ city before an a completely new experience for her and she will
anticipated national release. Unfortunately, the claims discover one of life’s sweetest nectars—power. This
made in the ads are not mere hype. The perfume was could lead her to establish an infernal religion on
designed by a brilliant biochemist, Professor Deanna Earth or could instill in her the desire to return to her
Stout, who partially duplicated the alluring, infernal native dimension of Vhaal as its queen.
essence of Sweet Synn’s pheromones. The scents
are intoxicating as well as enticing. Women who
regularly use the products become increasingly bold TROLL
and sexually aggressive, to the point of danger. Soon Short version—Troll is a large, ugly, nearly
the city is flooded with reports of previously normal invulnerable, and functionally amoral individual who
college students, businesswomen, housewives, and works as muscle in the criminal underworld of cities
grandmothers seemingly overtaken by an outbreak around the world.
of unbridled (and unhinged) passion. Sweet Synn Long version—Troll is a unique specimen, a being
will attempt to lay the entire blame for the fiasco who possesses resistance to harm on par with that
on the biochemist, denying any knowledge of the of some of the world’s most powerful superhumans,
researcher’s methods and yet evidences no interests
even fabricating evidence VITAL STATS: TROLL x or ambitions beyond eat-
against Professor Stout.
Quote: “So lemme git this straight; You been ing, drinking, gambling,
The professor herself
waitin’ a thousand life times ta git this thing partaking of drugs, hav-
does not suspect Synn back, and if I rips it off for ya, yer powers ing sex and committing
is a demon, though she will be unmatched and you’ll finally take over violence.
believes the woman may the world? Ok. Whatever floats yer boat hot- The creature called
be a low-level mutant. shot. Ya got my money?” Troll is widely believed
Real Name: Francisco “Frank” Birch to be a mutant, no
ENDGAME Aliases: None different from the scores
Synn has no reason to put Occupation: Thug of other unexplained
a stop to her hedonistic Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with a long criminal superhumans that have
ways. She will continue to record emerged with the advent
party and will continue to Identity: Public of the atomic age, and
leave jilted and obsessed Marital Status: Single Troll himself, never
lovers in her wake. Young Known Relatives: None having known his parents,
heiresses, stars and pop Affiliation: None accepts this as the truth.
idols who come into Base of Operations: Santa Obscura In reality, Troll lives up
contact with her will Height: 7’ to his name: he is, quite
embark on destructive Weight: 450 lbs. simply, a troll, a not-quite-
binges that will end with Hair: None mythical horror from the
a much-publicized trip Eyes: Black depths of Scandinavian
to rehab or perhaps even Distinguishing Marks: Gray skin, tusk-like fangs, folklore brought to 21st
a lethal overdose. Synn’s no body hair century life as an immortal

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

underworld thug. Hall.
Troll’s story begins in Los Franciscos, California, in With his natural size and strength, Frank soon ran 71
the winter of 1962. A group of truant children found Los Franciscos County Juvenile Hall. By age fifteen,
a gray-skinned infant abandoned underneath the his powers were increasing at such a frightening
Los Franciscos-side of Birchville Bridge. The children’s rate that the inmates and guards were all afraid of
parents summoned local police, who conducted the Frank, as neither batons nor guns could harm him.
infant Troll to a hospital for treatment. There, doctors They were relieved when Frank also realized that the
examined the child – left exposed to the elements bars, gates and walls could no longer hold him, and
for days without food or parental care during a harsh therefore concluded that he didn’t need to be there
winter – and pronounced him, amazingly, to be a anymore. Frank broke out and escaped north to the
perfectly healthy (but not exactly human) child. It crime-ridden metropolis of Santa Obscura, where he
was surmised that the child’s apparent deformity quickly found a place in the criminal underground.
was the reason for his abandonment. After weeks Troll quickly made a name for himself as thug, en-
of searching determined that his parents forcer and muscle for hire. He has aged very slowly,
could not be located, Troll was if at all, since adolescence, living the life of a mob
placed in an orphanage and lieutenant and mercenary in Santa Obscura
given the name Francisco ever since his arrival thirty years ago, and
“Frank” Birch, after the bridge still shows no signs of slowing down.
under which he was found. Over the years, he’s worked all
As the boy grew, his natu- over the world, taking jobs
ral traits became more from petty crime boss-
apparent. He was es and world-class
rather large for his diabolical master-
age, not to mention minds alike. Now
having gray rocklike he’s an urban leg-
skin and the abil- end on both sides
ity to lift small cars. of the law, re-
The natural temper spected among
he (unknowingly) in- the criminal
herited from his troll element and
lineage at first simply feared by
got him into trouble, police ev-
but soon led to a life erywhere.
of fighting, stealing, van- The U.S.
dalism, turmoil and delin- G ove
o ve r n m e n t
quency. He was in and out holds Troll
of group-homes, foster- responsible for billions of dollars
care and orphanages until in disaster relief. Recently, he
the age of nine, when he destroyed twenty-nine police
badly mauled a priest at vehicles while leading the
a Catholic boys’ home FBI on a seven-state car
(though it was never chase, during which he
fully explained stole no less than ten
why the priest vehicles in every state.
was in the Boys In jewelry alone he’s
Dormitory at stolen enough over
3am). Young the years to be a
Frank was multi-billionaire,
quickly re- if he hadn’t
manded to blown every
Los Fran- cent of it
ciscos on women,
County controlled
Juvenile substances,

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Santa Obscura Bridge.
TROLL PL 15 In a dank cavern, somewhere in Scandinavia, two
trolls are very, very proud.


Despite the cunning he displays while planning or
DEX +2 14 WIS +1 13 performing a job, in Troll’s everyday life he is incurious
and illiterate, interested in little more than personal
CON +6 23 CHA +1 13 gratification. He enjoys eating, drinking, gambling,
drugs, sex and violence. He also enjoys gangster
TOUGHNESS FORTITUDE reflex will movies and loud, angry music of all kinds. Troll
regularly takes as much time choosing the music he
+15 +6 +5 +3 will listen to in the car during a job as he does picking
weapons and crew.
skills Even with his poor education, Troll is a sly and clever
Bluff 3 (+4), Climb (+8), Computers 2 (+3), Craft adversary. Although easily enraged when things
(mechanical) 5 (+6), Craft (electronic) 5 (+6), don’t go his way (due to his inhuman heritage), Troll
Disable Device 4 (+5), Drive 8 (+10), Gather keeps his cool during most of his violent escapades,
Information 4 (+5), Intimidate 6 (+7), Streetwise 7 for the simple reason that there are very few things
(+8), Notice 6 (+7), Search 3 (+4), Sense Motive 4 in existence that can keep him from getting his way.
(+5), Stealth 3 (+5) He obviously has no qualms about stealing, killing,
blowing things up and otherwise causing general
feats mayhem; in fact he enjoys those things. When he’s
Assessment, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Chokehold, “working,” Troll prefers the direct approach (i.e.
Diehard, Fearless, Fearsome Presence, Improved busting in, crushing all those who oppose him,
Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, taking what he wants and leaving). Thus, few suspect
Improved Pin, Improved Sunder, Improved Throw, Troll’s penchant for acting subtly when the situation
Inventor, Takedown Attack 2, Weapon Break requires it. Whatever his tactics, Troll will clearly do
anything to achieve his self-centered goals, and is
powers known for stealing police cars, shooting any living
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves; Power Feats: thing in his path, “shopping” for vehicles at crowded
Innate), Protection 9 (Power Feats: Innate; Extras: intersections, and taking hostages.
Impervious), Regeneration 31 (Recovery Bonus Whenever Troll does too many “easy” jobs in a
3, Bruised 3, Unconscious 3, Injured 6, Staggered row, he finds himself spoiling for a fight, and begins
6, Disabled 4, Ability Damage 6; Power Feats: committing even more unnecessarily egregious acts of
Innate, Persistent, Regrowth), Strike 10 (Power destruction solely to attract SWAT teams and the like.
Feats: Innate, Mighty), Super-Senses 2 (Low- He genuinely takes pleasure in violence and property
Light Vision, Scent; Power Feats: Innate), Super- destruction, and often triumphs solely because of his
Strength 6 (Power Feats: Innate) sheer determination to wreak more bloody havoc
than his opponents. Troll will use anything and
combat everything as a weapon, from sub-machine guns to
Attack +8, +12 (melee), Grapple +28, Damage +8 hurled cars. On some of his more daring missions he
(unarmed), +18 (strike), Defense +8, Knockback has escaped by seeking danger: escaping into burning
–12, Initiative +6 buildings, jumping motorcycles off of rooftops, diving
out of moving helicopters, attacking police and
totals military just for their weapons (or vehicles, or both),
Abilities 41 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 19 + or any number of things that could be viewed as
Powers 112 + Combat 32 + Saves 5 = 224 PP insane— if it weren’t for the fact that such acts don’t
really endanger him at all.

temporary housing, and hastily destroyed cars. The

only wealth he maintains is a fortune in gold he
Troll is 7 ft. tall, weighs 450 pounds and has gray,
keeps hidden, for reasons even Troll himself does not
lumpy skin that resembles a cross between a
understand, in an underwater grotto beneath the

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

rhinoceros’ hide and granite. He has inhumanly large mix it up and will go all-out in his effort to fight with
teeth, jutting tusk-like fangs, thick black nails and no the heroes. He is, however, looking for a brawl – not 73
body hair. Other magical creatures or scholars of the a fight to the death – and so will not go for the kill
arcane would undoubtedly recognize him as a troll. (unless one of the characters really pisses him off ),
instead he will attempt to incapacitate the heroes. If
POWERS AND TACTICS Troll is tearing the PCs apart, as he is about to deliver
Trolls are real and the Troll is one of them. Like other a debilitating blow to one of the heroes he will simply
trolls he possesses immense strength, durability and pass out. If Troll is badly hurt or getting beaten badly
endurance. In combat he is generally straight-forward he will try to escape back to whatever he is currently
but if he feels that a direct approach would be unwise calling home (or where ever he can hide).
he will display ruthless cunning (i.e. employing If Troll is seriously wounded he will run, giving his
ambush tactics, playing possum, retreating long regeneration time to do its work before turning to
enough for his regeneration to heal him, etc.). If fight again. If the fight goes on too long Troll may start
cornered he will attack with reckless abandon: to sober up and become impressed with the heroes’
kicking, biting, punching and smashing until he endurance. If suitably impressed, he may invite some
either wins or is forced to retreat. Troll is a product or all of the PCs to join him in his revelry. Do the
of both his genetics and environment, making him players join him in an attempt to stop the violence
the dirtiest of street brawlers. He is well known for (at least for now) or do they reject his offer and risk
using large objects (such as dump trucks, immense further enraging a Troll who is now developing a
statues or fast food franchises) as projectiles or melee hangover? This can be a fun one-shot combat to
weapons and will pretty much do anything to get the break up a slow section of another scenario.
job done. Troll is also an experienced professional
criminal and has the skills to hotwire vehicles, I Swear it was Here a Minute Ago: If the PCs leave
sabotage complex devices, bypass security systems, their transportation (battle van, motorcycles, etc.)
get information through underworld sources and parked in the city while they go off to do some
the like. Troll’s combination of power, expertise and investigating or the like, Troll will happen along and
instinct make him a formidable opponent. boost it. Troll will take the vehicle on a joyride through
town. This can result in some particularly bad PR if the
vehicle is recognizable. After his little joyride, he’ll hit
IN GAME every chop shop in town trying to unload it. If the
Lacking the complicated goals and ambitions of
vehicle is a recognizable one, the chop shops won’t
most super-villains, Troll is suited to the role of the
touch it. They’ll tell Troll it’s just too hot. If Troll can’t
villain’s bodyguard or henchman. He can also be
unload the vehicle, he’ll try and ransom it back to the
used to fill out the ranks of a team of villains or in his
heroes for some exorbitant amount of money.
capacity as a super-powered street thug. Troll is also
useful for interjecting some action into a slow part
Cry Terror! Cry Troll!: Dr. Anton Criswell of Advent
of the adventure due to his capacity for quick and
Labs has long been trying to find gene therapy
unprovoked violence. Here are some ideas for using
solutions to unwanted mutations. The debate
Troll in your game:
surrounding the ethical implications of his research
has caused Criswell to leave Advent and seek funding
A Night on the Town: After a series of successful
in the private sector. Various anti-superhuman
jobs, Troll has been living it up. He’s been drinking
interests have given him the funds needed to continue
constantly for the past few days and has managed
his research in his private lab. While Criswell’s goals
to get himself blitzkrieg drunk. Needless to say,
are to help people who have developed unwanted
Troll is an angry drunk, so he’s out on the town and
mutations, the anti-superhuman interests that
looking for trouble. The heroes are alerted to Troll’s
support him would rather see his research eventually
drunken rampage by the police, or hearing about it
applied to all super-humans. These interests arrange
on the nightly news, or simply by hearing the noise
for Troll to be drugged, captured and delivered to
of cars and trucks being tossed to and fro, vehicles
Criswell’s lab. Criswell refuses to experiment on Troll.
and buildings being smashed apart, street lights
His benefactors eventually convince him that Troll is
and power lines crashing to the ground, sirens,
exactly the sort of candidate that would benefit from
explosions, gunfire, alarms, screams, and so forth.
Criswell’s research – a career criminal who could only
Troll is looking to draw out some superheroes for a
be “rehabilitated” by the loss of his powers. Criswell
brawl (and, of course, the PCs oblige). Troll likes to
reluctantly agrees.

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Criswell might’ve actually been able to rob Troll Give Troll twelve ranks of Growth and the extras
74 of his powers, if Troll were a mutant. Troll is not a Groundstrike and Shockwave for his Super-Strength
mutant, however, but an actual Troll, a creature from and set him loose. The serum will burn out of his
ancient myth. The serum does quite the opposite; system at a dramatically appropriate moment. He will
Troll undergoes immediate and violent mutation. then revert to his normal stature and decry his own
He literally explodes out of his restraints. Criswell is dumb luck.
thrown clear, but the lab is demolished. A groggy and
slightly irritated Troll now stands in the lab wreckage ENDGAME
at his new height of fifty feet. Criswell flees the scene Since Troll does not really age or get sick, violence is
and heads towards the heroes. He explains the really the only way he can die. But Troll is in a very
whole situation, bemoans the terrible mistakes he’s violent line of work, so if Troll does it will probably
made and pleads with the heroes to stop Troll before be at the hands of the law, probably super-heroes.
anyone gets hurt. Meanwhile, Troll has regained his If he doesn’t die, it is possible that his troll parents,
senses and is more than a little amused with his for whom he was abducted as an infant, will one day
current state. “This is more like it,” he thinks and starts come to collect their wayward son someday. Since
heading for downtown. trolls become larger and more powerful with age,
Troll will do what he’s always wanted to do – stomp and they are both more than a millennium old, it will
the crap out of the city as if it were a bad miniature be hard for Troll to resist or for any heroes to stop
of Tokyo from a Godzilla flick. He’s not quite Godzilla- them. But that is only a future possibility. For now
sized, but he’ll do his best between fits of the giggles. Troll will continue his life as a professional criminal
Troll will topple some smaller structures, climb some and gangster until something better comes along.
or the larger buildings, fling some cars around and rip Good luck stopping him.
the “T” off the Advent Labs building to hang it around
his neck as an enormous piece of “bling.”

ADVENTURE HOOKS fantasizing about how much easier it will be to attain

The following hooks can be used to develop sce-
narios that utilize the characters and organizations his grand destiny with such a mate at his side!
presented in this book. You can flesh out these ideas Armageddon Girl has actually responded positively
as needed. to the Aspirant’s courtship; something about him
seems to calm her simmering rage, while stirring her
more sensitive emotions. While she is a little baffled
by some of his compliments – his references to her
The Aspirant (see his entry on page 11) has developed
“mature beauty” are at odds with her youthful self-
a romantic fixation on Armageddon Girl. Truth to tell,
image – she simply chalks that up to the Aspirant’s
the unstable hero/villain has had feelings for her ever
often-grandiose manner of speaking, he likes to
since their first encounter, when he intervened in a
make everything sound dramatic and extraordinary.
battle between her and Troll to prevent them from
And who knows, perhaps he can sense that she does
completely wrecking downtown Chicago. Despite
have the experience and wisdom of a much older
her aged appearance, the Aspirant sees her as a
woman, maybe he even appreciates that. Perhaps
magnetic, sexy woman. He professes his love and tells
when the time is right she will even share the secret
her that she is a “woman of enormous bearing and
of her Annabelle identity with him, once she is sure
power” with the “mature beauty of a warrior-matron”.
he really loves her.
In reality, the Aspirant is unconsciously attracted to
The two have begun actively dating, doing normal,
the arcane aura that surrounds her – Armageddon
ordinary activities that couples engage in, such
Girl still faintly radiates some of the old magic that
as watching DVDs of old movies in the Aspirant’s
the Magister (see his entry on page 33) used to
apartment, taking walks in the park, and eating out at
create her original amulet, the one that turned
family restaurants. Both dress in civilian clothes while
her into Annabelle Astounding. This unknown, yet
doing so, though Armageddon Girl does not actually
strangely familiar, vibration is what really triggered
transform back to her mortal identity. They act just
the Aspirant’s romantic interest…that and A-Girl’s
like any other normal couple, as Malcolm Magnus
undeniable raw power. The Aspirant is already

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

and Annabelle Watson. This is what ultimately leads actually hurt A-Girl, he’ll lose his cool and cut loose
to problems. against them with everything he’s got. Regardless 75
While A-Girl’s appearance has improved of what else happens, unless the heroes succeed in
considerably since she began dating the Aspirant, she capturing/defeating her, A-Girl will eventually calm
has gone to a day salon, bought some fashionable down, take a few verbal shots at her boyfriend for not
new clothes, and had her hair professionally styled, “being man enough” to defend her honor, and then
she still looks like a seventy-something woman dating fly off in a huff.
a good-looking man of barely thirty. As noted above, As far as she is concerned, their relationship is over,
Annabelle Watson is under the delusion that when but the Aspirant will continue to pursue her.
she changes into Armageddon Girl she becomes
decades younger and far more attractive, that as MAY-DECEMBER ROMANCE, PART II
A-Girl she truly is a beautiful warrior-matron. At first Still fixated on Armageddon Girl, the Aspirant tries to
she brushes off the odd looks and occasional remarks win her back after the violent quarrel in the restaurant
the couple receive when they go out together, but that led to their break-up. Not having much in
eventually they begin to bother her. Sure, she may the way of real experience with relationships, the
look a few years older than Malcolm, he’s barely thirty Aspirant attempts to buy his way back into her heart,
after all, but so what? They still make a handsome sending her expensive gifts and buying newspaper
couple, and it’s not as if she was actually going and billboard ads that proclaim his love for her.
out with him as Annabelle, after all – she’d never When he begins to run out of money, he decides to
embarrass him like that. What are they sniggering so start a new career as a super-bounty hunter, going
much at? Why are they being so rude? Can’t they see after supervillains for whom reward money is being
that SHE IS BECOMING ANGRY? offered for their capture. Highly motivated in this
One evening it becomes too much for her to take. endeavor, the Aspirant proves surprisingly effective
While dining together at a posh local eatery, the chic in the role, putting a score of wanted paranormal
customers begin snickering, pointing, and making criminals behind bars within a matter of weeks. His
easily overheard insults about the mismatched activities begin receiving a lot of positive media
couple. She does not take kindly to the comments, coverage, with reporters speculating that he has
and she also is not mollified by the Aspirant’s finally put his questionable past behind him. Pleased
assurances that he loves her no matter what she looks by the attention, the Aspirant even begins donating
like; she does not take that as a compliment. Finally, half of the reward money to various charities.
after overhearing one too many “robbing the cradle, Everything goes sour when the city museum is
aren’t you grandma” and “how much is he charging robbed of a new arrival, the helmet of Captain Quick
you for the evening” remarks, the increasingly riled – a World War II hero who claimed to have received
Annabelle loses her temper and begins trashing the his speed from the Greek god Hermes. Captain Quick
place, tearing the booths out of the walls, shattering was killed fighting alongside the American army
all the windows, and tossing around the staff and when they pushed into Germany, and his helmet
patrons like rag dolls. When the police arrive, they was only recently unearthed in a farmer’s field. The
receive the same treatment, ending up unconscious robbery fits the Aspirant’s old M.O., and the clues at
and in a heap on the pavement outside. When the PCs the crime scene are consistent with the Aspirant’s
make it to the scene they see the Aspirant grappling cold-flame powers. The Aspirant proclaims his
with an elderly woman in the rubble-strewn interior innocence, but soon he is once again a fugitive, and is
of the nearly demolished restaurant, apparently sought in connection with the burglary.
assaulting an unfortunate senior citizen. Given the In fact, the Aspirant did not rob the museum; the theft
Aspirant’s history of erratic behavior the PCs may well was the work of a couple of little-known supervillains,
make the assumption, that he has gone completely identical female twins who call themselves Blue and
around the bend and act accordingly. If the heroes Grey. Blue has flame powers, and Grey is a telekinetic.
then attack the Aspirant, Armageddon Girl will at They robbed the museum on behalf of a wealthy
first continue busting up the restaurant, but after a private collector. When the Aspirant discovers the
couple of rounds she forgets about all that and sides identities of those responsible for his public disgrace,
with her boyfriend against the PCs. If the heroes he sets out to track them down and punish them. Can
recognize Armageddon Girl despite her civilian garb the heroes stop him from exacting vengeance on Blue
and try to take her down instead, the Aspirant will do and Grey and help him clear his name before he again
his best to stay out of the fray, trying instead to “talk crosses the line? For an added twist, Armageddon
down” his girlfriend to end the fight, but if the PCs

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Girl volunteers to help the heroes find the Aspirant have even begun to open up, releasing cavemen,
76 and prove his innocence – she feels guilty about how dinosaurs, and androids from the 25th century. This
she’s been treating her boyfriend, and wants to set will only cease once the effects of the camera are
things right. But do the PCs want a violent, unstable reversed. As the pair continues their crime wave
powerhouse working alongside them? the situation continues to worsen, as time begins to
break down all over the city. The heroes must quell
TIME IS RUNNING OUT the chaos and panic caused by this at the same time
Two formerly notorious supervillains, Lady Lethal they chase down Lethal and Wrath.
and Captain Wrath, have come to Midnight Edition All this increasingly alarms Midnight Edition – he
(see his entry on page 42) seeking help. Once the doesn’t care at all about people being hurt or killed
brother and sister duo were up-and-comers in the of course, but what if the situation leads back to him?
supervillain ranks, but they crossed too many lines He has tried to undo things by burning the photos of
too often, bucking the big name syndicates time Wrath and Lethal as he usually would, but this didn’t
and again. Eventually their tactics brought retaliation work. He is going to have to use the camera to change
from the established crime bosses. Nether was the pair back to “normal”. This means he’s going to
contracted to put an end to their antics, which she have to confront them, exposing himself to danger
did quite handily. Both became victims of the time- and possibly unwanted attention. Accordingly, he
warping power of her touch. Captain Wraith is now calls in a favor, and has Troll accompany him on
a prematurely aged shell of the dashing, handsome this mission. Troll is happy to oblige, as Midnight
rogue he once was, while Lady Lethal is now a skinny, Edition has hooked him up with drugs and women
perpetually gawky girl in her early teens, her femme plenty of times, and besides it might be fun. Troll
fatale days long over. The two were turned into living is there to provide cover and deal with any super
examples of what happens to those who move do-gooders that pop up. Donning a black ski mask
against the “big boys”. Eventually, however, they heard and leather gloves to conceal his identity, Midnight
about the rumors of the extortionist who used a very Edition and Troll climb into his Jaguar and head to
special camera to blackmail the rich and fabulous the city, listening to his police scanner, determined to
– a camera that could alter age and appearance. find Lethal and Wrath before any heroes do. To help
Using their remaining connections and dwindling make sure any superheroes are otherwise occupied,
fortunes, they tracked down the truth behind the Midnight Edition also begins using his camera to
rumors and arranged a clandestine meeting with transform people at random. The PCs have to deal
Midnight Edition. Neither had any intention of trying with a city gone mad as well as the super-villains!
to steal the camera, they simply offered Alex a tidy Use the Costumed Adventurer and the Weapons
sum to undo the effects of Nether’s touch. Figuring Master archetypes (see M&M, pages 18 & 23),
easy money never hurt, he did just that, and soon the respectively, to represent Captain Wrath and Lethal
two were back in peak physical condition, ready and Lady, adjusting their power levels as necessary to
eager to go on a major tear through the city. give the PCs a good fight. The temporal disruption
The problem is that the camera’s effects on Lethal should be treated as plot device, allowing the GM to
and Wrath have mingled with the residue of the unleash any time-related trouble desired. Midnight
earlier temporal magic, causing time to become very Edition will also gleefully use the camera to transform
unstable in the vicinity of the pair. Wherever they go any heroes that come into range of his lens, so long
time is behaving unpredictably, people and objects as he doesn’t have to expose himself to any danger
around them are suddenly aging, regressing through in doing so.
time, running backwards, and so on. Temporal rifts

GLOSSARY Advent Labs: A superscience think tank and

In the following section you will find brief descriptions
of some of the various characters and organizations longtime government contractor, Advent Labs is
that populate the Infiniverse. This should serve to the largest holder of scientific patents in the world.
define some of the references made in the preceding Thomas Hugo Strange, a wealthy philanthropist
character descriptions. and scientist who believed technology should serve
to better humanity’s way of life, founded Advent

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

Labs in the late 1940s. Strange operated in the early years, they have made efforts to secretly become
1940s as a crimefighter and man of adventure under more and more autonomous and now siphon much 77
the name Professor Strange. He used a serum of his of their funding from the unaccountable budget of
own creation called Alosun, a distillate of sun atoms the Pentagon.
that gave him superhuman strength, the ability to
fly, and invulnerability. Strange left Advent Labs The Fixer: The man known only as The Fixer is a
to the care of its board of directors in the 1950s to mysterious superhuman who’s known for having
pursue more important matters with his superheroic shady dealings with both superhumans and
contemporaries. Since then, Advent Labs has become supervillains. The Fixer usually approaches someone
a worldwide leader in scientific research. Their history who’s having trouble in their heroic or villainous career
of working with superhumans has given Advent with an offer of some kind, or an exchange of favors.
Labs close ties to the superhuman community. He is considered to be the greatest problem solver
They are well-respected and have a reputation for and lateral thinker in the world. The Fixer possesses
confidentiality among superheroes, something that a four-lobed brain that allows him to perform various
has put them at odds with federal and local law mental tasks simultaneously. He is also noted for his
enforcement agencies in the past. However, no one eidetic memory, and supernumerary abilities. The
can question their altruistic and peaceful aims. Fixer has a mysterious arrangement with the Prime-
Mortal, with the Fixer occasionally acting as a go-
The Crimson Covenant: Founded in 1932, The between, presenting unfortunate heroes or villains
Crimson Covenant is an esoteric order of wealthy with the Prime-Mortal’s dubious gifts. That any
and hedonistic sorcerers formed by members of the human being would act as the agent of such an evil
Thule Society. The Covenant was originally formed entity is incomprehensible to those few heroes aware
as a secret cabal within the Thule Society, but its of this strange relationship.
founders were discovered and expelled. They fled to
England where they had been in contact with rogue Infraspace: Simply put, Infraspace is the crawlspace
members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. between dimensions. While most dimensional
It was in London that the Crimson Covenant made travelers perceive Infraspace as little more than a
their home, drawing their members from the Golden membrane or barrier between realities, it is possible
Dawn and other mystical societies. Their membership to become trapped in Infraspace. While it may
was composed entirely of wealthy men and women appear to be an almost infinitesimal gap, once inside
who sought out the corrupting knowledge and dark travelers discover it to be a limitless void. This void
arts that were forbidden in their former orders. In knows no physical or mystical laws and travelers
the following years, the Covenant became primarily who end up there usually find themselves trapped.
concerned with conquering death. They have Mystics and sorcerers over the ages have reported
discovered numerous necromantic magics and encounters with vast unearthly entities in the
have created necrotechnological devices that have depths of Infraspace. Recently, wayward dimension
allowed many of them to unnaturally prolong their hoppers have reported being led back to their home
lives or even live beyond the grave. In recent years, dimensions by mysterious beings wielding mystic
the leaders of the Covenant have been in contact torches, lighting their way through the impenetrable
with entities from Beyond, and they now seek to void.
bring an end to life on Earth by merging this plane of
existence with the Underworld. Once accomplished, The New Order: The successors to the Order Without
the entities have promised to make the members of End, the New Order is composed of contemporary
the Covenant the rulers of the resulting dimension sorcerers and mystics who have stepped forward to
that will exist forever between life and death. form a council that watches over the Earthly plane
and seek to protect it from any arcane threats.
The Department: Founded after World War II, The
Department is a secret U.S. government agency Null Directorate: A sister agency to the Soviet
responsible for developing responses to superhuman Union’s KGB, the Null Directorate was a top secret
threats against national security. They research ways Soviet Cold War agency – an offshoot of the KGB
to give agents superhuman abilities and they also that was dedicated to the research and application
recruit and train superhumans. The Department is of superscience and superhuman agents. It was
also responsible for training the members of the founded after KGB agents acquired the extensive
Superhuman Presidential Protection Team. Over the journals and papers of the famed inventor Nikola

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

This mysterious kabbalist and magician is said to have lived since
the time of the Old Testament. Once a mortal Israelite known as
Joseph (though whether he is in fact any of the persons named
Joseph mentioned in the Bible is unknown), the Patriarch excelled
in kabbalism and alchemy to such a great degree that he granted
himself immortality. At some point, he discovered an ancient word
of power said to be the secret name of God, and scribed this word
mystically upon his very soul. By speaking the word aloud, he
would summon mystic flames that would transform him
into a superhuman being. At some point he began
spending most of his time in a pocket dimension,
studying the metaphysical nature of the universe,
but many times returned to defend his people
and humanity in general from supernatural
threats. He is known to have defeated the
Philistine god Dagon during the time of David,
and to have many times foiled the schemes
of the undead monster known as the Ghul
Lord. During the Renaissance, he became a
close friend of the Magister, and despite their
religious differences they remain each other’s
closest allies for centuries. In 1939, inspired by the
“masked avengers” who had emerged in America,
the Patriarch chose to reveal himself to the world,
acting openly as one of the first superheroes. But in 1940, earthbound cultists
and sorcerers in service of an extradimensional evil had completed a centuries-
old scheme to defeat the Patriarch. Using blasphemous arcane secrets, they
ascribed names to two separate elements of the Patriarch’s divinely infused
being, separating his physical body from his occult knowledge and power. They
inscribed one name upon a golem of clay, wreathing it in fire that does not burn
and granting it the supernatural powers of the Patriarch’s mystic flame. The cultists
erased all knowledge of the other name, even from themselves, in the hopes of
preventing the Patriarch from ever reclaiming his power.
At the same time, the cultists gained the assistance of the inhuman Prime-
Mortal, whose agents aided the cultists in assassinating all of the Patriarch’s living
descendants. Each of the Patriarch’s descendants had his word of power written in
nucleotides across the DNA of every cell in their bodies, and killing them was part of a powerful ritual that would’ve
summoned the extradimensional being they worship to the Earth dimension. However, the Magister managed
to save the last three descendants, all orphaned children, and gave them magical amulets made from a strange
metal he found in the Patriarch’s pocket dimension. These amulets bore powerful cloaking spells that prevented
the assassins from finding the children. Using the amulets, the children were able to call upon the Mystic Flame
themselves to become the Astounding Trio.
Today, the Patriarch lives under the name Joseph Siegel, and believes himself to be an adventurous archaeologist
specializing in ancient Jewish mysticism. He has no idea that he has supernatural powers, and believes he does
not age due to drinking from a mystical fountain he found in Ethiopia—he keeps his agelessness a secret to avoid
unwanted attention. Until recently, he was hard at work on a study attempting to prove that the inhabitants of Japan
are descendants of a lost tribe of Israel, but last year he lost his funding, and the recent death of his beloved wife
has left him in a state of despair. He has fallen into obesity and alcoholism. The same spells that robbed him of his
memories also left Joseph with an innate distrust of sorcery, and as a result he will work hard to avoid any contact
with magicians. But his own knowledge of magic is locked away in the back of his mind, and his word of power is
scrawled across his aura. A powerful telepath could help Joseph unearth his hidden memories.
But the cultists watch Joseph, desiring to keep him alive and ignorant. For purposes of their summoning ritual,
Joseph must be killed last, after all his descendants are dead, and then their infernal master can manifest itself on
Earth. If they suspect costumed heroes or other interlopers are attempting to awaken Joseph to the truth, they will
send the Flaming Golem to destroy them. If the Golem were destroyed, Joseph would regain his memories and
power, and seek a terrible vengeance against those who had murdered his descendants.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

The Patriarch (PL 15)
Str 12/40, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 40, Wis 28, Cha 20
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Bluff 8 (+13), Concentration 8 (+17), Craft (artistic) 4 (+15), Diplomacy 8 (+13), Disable
Device 4 (+19), Disguise 4 (+9), Drive 4 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+9), Intimidate 12 (+17), Knowledge (arcane lore)
4 (+19), Knowledge (history) 4 (+19), Knowledge (tactics) 4 (+19), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 4 (+19),
Profession (Kabbalist) 4 (+13), Search 4 (+19), Sense Motive 4 (+13), Sleight of Hand 4 (+5), Survival 4 (+13),
Feats: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Assessment, Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Improved Aim,
Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Pin, Improved Sunder,
Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Jack-of-All-Trades, Precise Shot 2, Quick Change 2, Ritualist, Set-Up, Takedown
Attack 2, Trance
Powers: Blast 15 (“Mystic Flame”; Power Feats: Affects Incorporeal, Homing 4, Precise, Reversible, Ricochet, Split
Attack; Extras: Linked to Disintegrate, Penetrating), Disintegrate 15 (“Mystic Flame”; Power Feats: Affects Incorporeal,
Homing 4, Precise, Reversible, Ricochet, Split Attack; Extras: Linked to Blast), Enhanced Strength 28, Immunity
10 (aging, life support), Protection 13 (Extras: Impervious), Super-Speed 8 (Power Feats: Rapid Attack, Alternate
Power - Flight 20), Super-Strength 15, Magic 15 (Power Feats: Fog of Forgetfulness, Light of Truth, Alternate Power
- Dimensional Pocket 15, Alternate Power - Drain 6 [all traits], Alternate Power - Healing 14 [Power Feats: Persistent,
Regrowth], Alternate Power - Super-Movement 15 [Air Walking 2, Dimensional Movement 3, Permeate 3, Sure-
Footed 4, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2], Alternate Power – Transform 5 [anything into anything])
Combat: Attack +11, Grapple +41, Damage +15 (unarmed), Defense +10, Knockback –14, Initiative +9
Saving Throws: Toughness +15, Fortitude +13, Reflex +12, Will +20
Drawbacks: Normal Identity
Totals: Abilities 66 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 323 + Combat 42 + Saves 33 – Drawbacks 3 = 513
The Flaming Golem (PL 15)
Str 12/40, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 28, Cha -
Feats: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative 2,
Improved Pin, Improved Sunder, Improved Throw, Takedown Attack 2
Powers: Blast 15 (“Mystic Flame”; Power Feats: Affects Incorporeal, Homing 4, Precise, Reversible, Ricochet, Split
Attack; Extras: Linked to Disintegrate, Penetrating), Disintegrate 15 (“Mystic Flame”; Power Feats: Affects Incorporeal,
Homing 4, Precise, Reversible, Ricochet, Split Attack; Extras: Linked to Blast), Enhanced Strength 28, Immunity 40
(aging, fortitude saves, life support), Protection 13 (Extras: Impervious), Super-Strength 15
Combat: Attack +11, Grapple +41, Damage +15 (unarmed), Defense +10, Knockback –14, Initiative +9
Savings Throws: Toughness +15, Fortitude -, Reflex +12, Will +20
Totals: Abilities -8 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 275 + Combat 42 + Saves 24 = 345 PP
Joseph Siegel* (PL 3/10)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 20
Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Bluff 8 (+13), Concentration 8 (+15), Craft (artistic) 4 (+11), Diplomacy 8 (+13), Disable
Device 4 (+11), Disguise 4 (+9), Drive 4 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+9), Intimidate 12 (+17), Knowledge (arcane lore)
4 (+11), Knowledge (history) 4 (+11), Knowledge (tactics) 4 (+11), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 4 (+11),
Profession (Kabbalist) 4 (+11), Search 4 (+11), Sense Motive 4 (+11), Sleight of Hand 4 (+5), Survival 4 (+11)
Feats: Artificer, Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Improved Aim, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Jack-of-All-
Trades, Precise Shot 2, Quick Change 2, Ritualist, Set-Up, Trance
Powers: Immunity 1 (aging), Magic 15 (Power Feats: Fog of Forgetfulness, Light of Truth, Alternate Power -
Dimensional Pocket 15, Alternate Power - Drain 6 [all traits], Alternate Power - Healing 14 [Power Feats: Persistent,
Regrowth], Alternate Power - Super-Movement 15 [Air Walking 2, Dimensional Movement 3, Permeate 3, Sure-
Footed 4, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2], Alternate Power – Transform 5 [anything into anything])
Combat: Attack +5, Grapple +6, Damage +1 (unarmed), Defense +5, Knockback -1, Initiative +1
Saving Throws: Toughness +2, Fortitude +7, Reflex +6, Will +12
Drawbacks: Normal Identity
Totals: Abilities 46 + Skills 25 (100 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 40 + Combat 20 + Saves 15 – Drawbacks 3 = 158 PP

“*” Joseph Siegel is the Patriarch’s normal identity (as per the drawback). Though he possesses the power Magic at 15 ranks
in this form, currently he does not remember that he has this power. He will not recall these abilities unless his memories are
recovered telepathically or the Flaming Golem is destroyed. Without his magic, Joseph Siegel is effectively PL 3.

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane

Tesla after his death in 1943. The Directorate was also The Order Without End: The Order was originally
80 responsible for the procurement and development an assemblage of the most formidable mystics on
of alien technology, much of which was recovered the mortal plane. Over the centuries they worked to
from crash sites around the Soviet Union, the most of protect Earth from arcane and mystical threats, but
important find having already been recovered by the their primary purpose was to chose, from amongst
military decades earlier after the Tunguska event of the Earth’s collection of sorcerers and magicians,
1908. Dedicated to the security of the USSR, the Null the best candidate for the role of Earth’s Archadept
Directorate dealt mainly in research and development, Arcane. Their last choice, the wizard Ibrahim, served
but was also had espionage, counter-intelligence, and in good stead for centuries and during those years
paramilitary branches. They had research facilities, the Order did little more than serve as advisors the
agents (both mundane and superhuman), spy-nests, Archadept Arcane. The last surviving members of
and underground networks all over the globe, which the Order perished fighting the entity from Beyond
brought them into conflict with espionage and known as the Chronophage.
security agencies of numerous other countries. After
the fall of the USSR, the Null Directorate found itself Santa Obscura: A medium-sized city in California’s
on shaky ground. With its funding cut, the Directorate central valley, Santa Obscura is notable for its high
sought out other sources of income, which involved crime rate and being one of the only places in the
selling technology, weapons and intelligence secrets world where the rare super-metal Obscurium can be
of the Cold War. They also became involved in found. In recent years studies have Santa Obscura to
manufacturing weapons and narcotics, using the now have a higher rate of reported superhumans among
unfettered Russian mob to handle the distribution. adolescents and young adults than anywhere in the
As the Directorate’s networks of agents became United States.
more fragmented as they were shut down or suffered
huge cuts in their budgets, many departments and Thule Society: In the real world, the Thule Society
cells went rogue and were in some cases absorbed was a German occultist and völkisch group founded
into criminal organizations such as F.R.A.M.E. Despite in Munich in 1918. They are notable for sponsoring
this, Null Directorate survived and is rebuilding its the German Worker’s Party, which Hitler later
strength. It now operates as a semi-autonomous transformed into the Nazi Party. However, Hitler later
shadow agency that acts in supposed concern for suppressed the Thule Society in order to avoid the
the current Russian government and other allied embarrassment of his party being associated with
provinces, but in reality is more concerned with an occultist organization. In the Infiniverse, however,
self-preservation and the expansion of its power beyond their political leaning and anti-Semitic
base. Null Directorate programs are responsible for rhetoric, the Thule Society at its core was a collection
developing Tesla’s theories on power broadcasting. of magicians and sorcerers. While they left the public
A technology that gave rise to the Electroportation eye during Hitler’s rise to power, they remained in
belt and the Lightning Gun, both employed by Null existence as a secret cabal of wizards who answered
Directorate operative, Agent Zero. Tesla’s designs only to their Nazi leaders. They opposed the heroic
for an atomic robot also formed the basis for the mystics and magicians of the Allied forces throughout
Snegurochka project. the Second World War.

Obscurium: A strange super-metal that many The Underworld: A catchall phrase used by mystics
scientists believe isn’t native to Earth. It can be and other enlightened individuals to describe the
found in few places in the world, and is most honeycomb of dimensions and planes of existence
prevalent in California’s Santa Obscura where it was that are home to the dark and evil beings of the
first discovered and from whence it gets its name. multiverse. There are dimensions in the Underworld
In recent years industries have sprung up in Santa that resemble, and may in fact be, the hell described
Obscura that specialize in the location and extraction in the Judeo-Christian beliefs. Sorcerers, wizards and
of Obscurium and greater quantities of the metal are magicians have long been able to strike bargains
being produced than ever before. The metal is known with beings from the underworld (which is typically
for it extreme strength when made into the right the only way these beings can gain entry to our
alloy, and its conductive and malleable properties dimension) to bring them into our world to do their
when used in advanced scientific applications, like bidding.
those being researched at Advent Labs.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

The Wallachian: The Wallachian is the chosen title
of an extremely old and powerful vampire from the 81
Carpathian Mountains that claims to be the Voivod of
Wallachia. His true name is unknown, though many
theories abound. During WWII, the Wallachian was
allied with Nazi Germany and played a vital role in
many of the Third Reich’s super-soldier programs.
He was defeated by the allied super-spy, the Blue
Phantom, and has only recently reemerged after
decades of inactivity. (You’ll be able to see more of
The Wallachian in the upcoming BFG release entitled
Mansion of the Macabre)

BIG FINGER GAMES adepts of the arcane


82 The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by Dave Arneson and
E. Gary Gygax.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David
Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison,
Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author: Steve Kenson.

Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Skip Williams.

Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackinstosh, Jesse Scoble.

Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

Adepts of the Arcane Copyright 2006, Michael Todd; Authors: John Polojac, David Solon Phillips, Jeremy Forbing, and Johnathan Wright.

adepts of the arcane BIG FINGER GAMES

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