Adepts of The Arcane
Adepts of The Arcane
Adepts of The Arcane
Writing: John Polojac (Armageddon Girl, The Aspirant, Carmody the Rebel, Cold Comfort, Deadworks, The Magister,
Midnight Edition, Nether, Prime-Mortal, Sweet Synn, Adventure Hooks), Johnathan Wright (Radian), David Solon
Phillips (Troll, Sidebars), Jeremy Forbing (Additional Material, Revisions, Sidebars)
Game Mechanics: Sean Holland, Jeremy Forbing, Michael Todd, David Solon Phillips
Editing: Jeremy Forbing
Layout & Interior Colors: Michael Todd
Artwork: Butch Mapa (Armageddon Girl, The Aspirant, Carmody the Rebel, Cold Comfort, The Magister, Midnight
Edition, Nether, Prime-Mortal, Sweet Synn), Jeff Parker (Radian), Chris Wiler (Troll), Kevin Mathis (Deadworks)
Cover Colors: Zaki Hasnain (
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, the M&M Superlink logo, and Green Ronin are trademarks of Green Ronin
Publishing and are used with permission.
Designation of Open Game Content: All stat blocks and templates and game mechanics.
Designation of Product Identity: The entire text, all artwork, images, infiniverse and origin-in-a-box with the exception of the
open content designated above.
Adepts of the Arcane is ™ and © 2006 Michael Todd. Reference to other copyrighted material in now way constitutes a challenge to the respective
copyright holders of that material. Radian is © 2006 Johnathan Wright and is used with permission. Troll is © 2006 David Solon Phillips and is
used with permission. The Bride and The Patriarch are © 2006 Jeremy Forbing and are used with permission. Big Finger Games and the Big Finger
Games logo are trademarks owned by Michael Todd. All Right Reserved. All artwork is © 2006 the respective artists. Some artwork from the
Image Portfolio series. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Permission granted to print for personal use only.
INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 3 MIDNIGHT EDITION ............................................. 42
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ................................................. 3 PERSONALITY ....................................................................44
WHAT IS THE INFINIVERSE? ............................................... 3 APPEARANCE.....................................................................44
CAMPAIGN SPECIFICS......................................................... 4 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................44
ARMAGEDDON GIRL.............................................. 5 IN GAME ..............................................................................45
STORY POINT ........................................................................ 8 THE SECRET OF THE CAMERA.........................................45
PERSONALITY ..................................................................... 8 ENDGAME...........................................................................46
APPEARANCE ...................................................................... 8 NETHER................................................................. 47
POWERS AND TACTICS .................................................... 9 PERSONALITY ....................................................................49
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ................................................................ 9 APPEARANCE.....................................................................49
IN GAME ..............................................................................10 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................49
KID APOCALYPSE ...............................................................10 THE RED MONK ..................................................................50
ENDGAME...........................................................................11 IN GAME ..............................................................................50
THE ASPIRANT ..................................................... 11 ENDGAME...........................................................................51
PERSONALITY ....................................................................12 THE PRIME-MORTAL ........................................... 52
APPEARANCE.....................................................................13 PERSONALITY ....................................................................56
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................14 APPEARANCE.....................................................................57
IN GAME ..............................................................................14 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................57
ENDGAME...........................................................................16 BATRACHIAN HYBRIDS.....................................................57
CARMODY THE REBEL.......................................... 16 IN GAME ..............................................................................58
PERSONALITY ....................................................................19 END GAME..........................................................................59
APPEARANCE.....................................................................19 RADIAN................................................................. 59
POWERS AND TACTICS ..................................................20 STORY POINT .....................................................................62
IN GAME ..............................................................................20 PERSONALITY ....................................................................62
STORY POINT ......................................................................20 APPEARANCE.....................................................................63
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................21 THE LANTERN .....................................................................63
ENDGAME...........................................................................22 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................63
COLD COMFORT................................................... 22 IN GAME ..............................................................................64
PERSONALITY ....................................................................25 CORRUPTION OF THE LANTERN ....................................64
APPEARANCE.....................................................................25 DRAWBACK: MANIA ..........................................................64
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................26 ENDGAME...........................................................................65
IN GAME ..............................................................................26 SWEET SYNN ........................................................ 65
THE BRIDE............................................................................27 PERSONALITY ....................................................................68
ENDGAME...........................................................................28 ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................68
DEADWORKS........................................................ 28 APPEARANCE.....................................................................68
PERSONALITY ....................................................................29 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................68
APPEARANCE.....................................................................30 IN GAME ..............................................................................69
POWERS & TACTICS .........................................................31 ENDGAME...........................................................................70
IN GAME ..............................................................................31 TROLL ................................................................... 70
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................31 PERSONALITY ....................................................................72
THE CONSPIRACY ..............................................................32 APPEARANCE.....................................................................72
ENDGAME...........................................................................33 POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................73
THE MAGISTER ..................................................... 33 IN GAME ..............................................................................73
ORIGIN-IN-A-BOX ..............................................................36 ENDGAME...........................................................................74
PERSONALITY ....................................................................37 ADVENTURE HOOKS............................................ 74
APPEARANCE.....................................................................37 MAYDECEMBER ROMANCE, PART I.........................74
THE TESTS OF THE MAGISTER.........................................38 MAYDECEMBER ROMANCE, PART II .......................75
THE TESTS OF THE MAGISTER, CONT’D .......................39 TIME IS RUNNING OUT..................................................76
POWERS AND TACTICS...................................................40 GLOSSARY ............................................................ 76
IN GAME ..............................................................................40 THE PATRIARCH..................................................................78
ENDGAME...........................................................................42 THE PATRIARCH, CONT’D.................................................79
years af-
ter their son
was born.
As a crippled,
single mother, An-
nabelle and her son
quickly descended
into the ranks of the
working poor. There
was little work available
of might
to her, and what govern-
re m i n d e d
ment aid they received
her of the
barely let them scrape by
wizard Ibrahim.
month-to-month. Still, she was
The man claimed
content to have a healthy, good
dresses like an average denizen of his neighborhood, for inclusion in a street-level campaign as a powerful
and is often attired in a tight-fitting t-shirt, jeans. antagonist. He can serve as an occasional ally against
When he knows he will be entering battle, he is the more dangerous criminal elements in the city, but
adorned in the traditional fluted titanium armor of a can just as easily be contentious and belligerent if the
Vrane warrior. heroes enter his little “fiefdom” unbidden.
In many superhero campaigns, Carmody’s presence
POWERS AND TACTICS in the campaign city may be tolerated, since he has
Carmody practices the mystic art of spirit channeling, done some good in his adopted neighborhood. He
taught to him by his mother. He usually calls upon the has rid the Disciples of their neo-Nazi tendencies
souls of his revered ancestors to enhance his strength, and helped rehabilitate some of the neighborhood’s
speed, and reflexes, but can perform a number of worst drug addicts. The heroes may simply see him
other astonishing feats, such as emitting a war cry as one of the city’s more colorful figures, giving him
capable of shattering stone, recovering quickly from little thought outside of their occasional encounters
deadly wounds, or surrounding himself with an aura with him. That will of course change if any of
of dread that unnerves his foes. Carmody’s plans come to fruition, or if he comes into
Carmody is a formidable hand-to-hand fighter, but direct conflict with the Magister. A few more specific
is not quite as skilled as he believes. He relies as much ideas for incorporating Carmody into your game are
on his natural agility and tenacity as he does any real detailed below:
talent for melee combat, wielding an axe in one hand
and a sword in the other. The runes etched upon his Gang Warfare: An organized crime syndicate
weapons, Heart-Biter and Spell-Splitter, guide the decides to move in on the neighborhoods held by the
sword straight to the hearts of his foes and the axe Disciples. Underestimating their opposition, they are
to cut through magical barriers. He is certain that pushed back hard by the street gang, losing several
when he finally confronts the Magister in combat, of their soldiers. Even worse, Carmody personally
he will have no problem delivering a killing blow. delivers a sound thrashing to the syndicate boss’s
Carmody has one physical weakness: the long years son, leaving the young man permanently scarred. In
he spent in the chilling environment of Frimbule-Yon retaliation, the crime lord hires a team of superhuman
left him inured to cold but vulnerable to heat and mercenaries to take down the Disciples and bring
flame. Carmody’s blood runs cold, as does his thirst him Carmody’s head. Carmody recruits a couple of
for vengeance. street-level supervillains in turn, and the gang war
is joined.
The mayhem escalates, the body count rises, and
IN GAME the public clamors for the city government to bring
Carmody’s status as a gang leader makes him ideal
Aliases: Mary Dixon, Molly Dixon, Molly Dee. came into their drab
Occupation: Monster-Hunter. Various occupa- lives – a man named
Maureen “Mo” Dickinson tions in past including bouncer, martial arts in- Mr. Alabaster. The man
was born forty-seven structor, and gangland enforcer/leg-breaker. showed up at the door of
years ago in Baton Rouge, Legal Status: American citizen with criminal their trailer one summer
Louisiana. She has been record. Not currently wanted by police. day and told them he
waging a personal war Identity: Secret has sensed their “special
against the supernatural Marital Status: Single need” for his services; he
for the past twenty-two Known Relatives: Nelly (mother, deceased), claimed to be a traveling
years. Mo’s hatred for all Norma (sister, deceased), Donna-Jean (sister, mystic, one of an order
things magic really began deceased), Tanya Culp (maiden name Dickinson, that went about helping
when she was twelve. By older sister by father’s previous marriage), one those suffering unjustly
that time a drunk driver nephew and two nieces. No known contact in from curses, apparitions,
had already killed her last fifteen years. haunts, and the like. He
father and her mother Affiliation: None knew their lives were
had lost one of her arms Base of Operations: Mobile being made miserable by
in an industrial accident. Age: 47 such a curse. Mr. Alabaster
Her mother, Nelly, her Eye Color: Pale Blue made a few minor
younger sisters, and she Hair Color: Grey with blond streaks. demonstrations of his
lived a hardscrabble, Height: 6’0” power to prove what he
hand-to-mouth life in a Weight: 170 lbs. told them was true. Mo’s
run-down Kentucky trailer Distinguishing Marks: Missing two fingers, mother accepted the man
park. Bad luck seemed to walks with a limp into their meager home,
dog them no matter what and told him all she knew
Immunity 30 (Fortitude save), Insubstantial 4 To those capable of perceiving Anatoly’s ghostly form,
(affected by magic; Extras: Linked to Invisibility; he appears as a gaunt but otherwise utterly ordinary
Flaws: Permanent), Invisibility 1 (Extras: Linked to looking man, with thinning brown hair and brown
Insubstantial; Flaws: Permanent), Magic 6, Possession
eyes, dressed in casual clothes – a gray sweater and
4 (Flaws: Only Usable On Recently Dead Bodies),
Super-Senses 7 (Infravision, Detect Impending Death brown slacks (the clothes he was wearing when he
[Acute, Ranged], Detect Spirits [Acute, Ranged]), was assassinated). The un-living bodies he possesses
Animate Objects 1 (Power Feats: Progression 4; Extras: vary wildly in appearance; Anatoly has worn the flesh
Horde, Flaws: Corpses only) of everyone from flabby middle-aged bureaucrats
to muscular gym rats to world-weary prostitutes.
EQUIPMENT His “borrowed” bodies all tend to become rather
Deadworks can draw upon caches of KGB and Null gruesome looking after a time, as even Anatoly’s
Directorate equipment left from the Cold War for occult skills cannot completely halt the process of
minor items as needed. decay. Besides, Deadworks is rarely careful about
how he treats his “vessels,” and makes little attempt
Attack +5, Grapple (by body’s strength +5), Damage to treat any wounds or serious injuries the bodies
(unarmed by body’s strength), Defense +8, Knockback sustain in the course of his field work. Once a body
–3, Initiative +3 becomes too badly damaged, he simply abandons
it for another. He does have one distinguishing
totals characteristic: a fondness for vintage trench coats,
Abilities 34 + Skills 34 (136 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers either black or dark brown, a holdover from his
91 + Combat 26 + Saves 22 = 209 PP time with the Null Directorate. As he has a strong
preference for operating in cold, rainy weather, this
• The candidate must obtain the tears of the Thunderbird Totem; a powerful spirit trapped in Omaha,
Nebraska, U.S. The grid of telephone poles and power-lines that criss-crosses America is in fact a large
glyph masterminded by occultists hiding within the U.S. government. The giant occult pattern drawn
by the wires strung across North America keeps the Thunderbird Totem, a powerful spirit summoned
into earthly form by a multi-tribal council of desperate Native American shamans that included
descendants of the legendary Coyote Sand, trapped beneath Offutt Air Force Base, where the phone
lines form a nexus. The Thunderbird Totem would’ve psychically empowered a massive Native
American uprising against the U.S. government, but the precognitive occultists successfully captured
the spirit the moment it was summoned. To contact the spirit, one must conduct powerful rituals in
the caverns far beneath the Air Force Base, causing the trapped spirit to become visible. One must
approach the caverns carefully, as Offutt AFB is the headquarters of United States Strategic Command
(formerly Strategic Air Command), one of the most heavily patrolled and secured military installations
in the world. Once in the caverns, if the candidate performs the proper tribal rituals, the spirit appears
as a magnificent falcon-like bird of gigantic proportions, trapped face-up in a large cavern, its wings
and beak wrapped in phone-cables and barbed wire. This proud spirit endures its indignity with
patience, hoping for freedom that can only come from another gathering of tribal shamans, just like
when it was first summoned to Earth. For now, through respectful supplication, kindness, and helping
in some small way to ease the Thunderbird Totem’s suffering—perhaps covering the barbs of the wire
with some magically conjured material, to keep them from stabbing into the spirit’s tortured skin—
the candidate must obtain the Thunderbird Totem’s permission to collect his tears. Once permission
is granted, collecting the tears will be easy, as the Thunderbird Totem has been weeping ever since it
was imprisoned. Using the tears, the candidate must use other alchemical and magical techniques to
create a magical bottle of war-paint which will never run dry, and choose a descendant of one of the
shamans who originally summoned the Thunderbird Totem to wear it. The magical war-paint will turn
the chosen descendant into a superhuman champion who is destined to help save the Earth from
disaster many times in the 21st Century.
• The candidate must obtain the Talbain Codex, an ancient book of spells containing an incantation
which would instantaneously cure or destroy every werewolf on Earth. The Codex is kept in the Tran-
sylvanian castle of the Wallachian, the most powerful vampire in existence. Source of Bram Stoker’s
vampire stories and many other legends of the undead, the Wallachian is a brilliant tactician and vet-
eran of a thousand battles, and stealing his property will be extremely difficult. In addition to his own
magical defenses and army of inhuman guardians, the Wallachian is allied with many werewolves,
who would take drastic action to prevent the Codex from being stolen.
• The candidate must destroy the ancient Phoenician god Dagon. Not truly a deity, the god is in fact an
inhuman monster whose only remaining worshippers are amphibious cultists who live in scattered
communities across the world’s seacoasts. The massive creature is immortal, impervious to conven-
tional and even nuclear weapons, and sleeps for long stretches in caverns deep beneath the ocean
floor, uninterested in the affairs of man. Nevertheless, his cultists are constantly attempting rituals
which will empower their monstrous god to destroy human civilization, paving the way for the hy-
brids to spread their own beliefs and accursed bloodline across the devastated nations of the world.
Dagon’s indestructibility even in the face of magic poses a problem, but an enterprising candidate will
find a way to end this threat permanently. One possibility is the Patriarch, an ancient kabbalist and
friend of the Magister who has been imprisoned in a secret location for most of the last century. The
Patriarch was alive in the time of David and Goliath, and when the Philistines made plans to unleash
their amphibious god upon the nation of Israel, the Patriarch researched the secrets of the foul deity
and discovered a series of marks and sigils that can repel Dagon or even rob him of his immortality.
However, the Patriarch’s ill-fated decision to act openly as a superhero led to his disappearance, and
wherever he is, he cannot speak the secret word that grants him superhuman abilities. If the candidate
can find the Patriarch and free him, not only will the means of destroying Dagon be recovered, but
also the would-be Archadept Arcane would gain a powerful ally against Dagon and other threats to
land, the roughest waters, or even the clouds in sky. fingers, more concealed in the folds of his robe. A
Around his neck is a brooch that shields his person magnificent scimitar capable of slashing through
from many types of harmful spells. Various minor steel is secured to his person by a silk sash.
magical baubles and talismans adorn his person, The Magister may take on nearly any form he wishes.
a few hanging from his belt or worn openly on his If circumstances call for him to travel incognito, he
Quote: “<electronically distorted voice> Hello. his own photos of the
This is the Midnight Edition. Not feeling quite celebrities he covered
Once upon a time, yourself, tonight, are you? I’m responsible instead of having to buy
Alexander Lane was on for that, I’m afraid. A whole new image for them from the paparazzi.
the road to respectability. you, don’t you think? Oh, you don’t like what Digging up dirt for the
He was a hotshot UCLA you see in the mirror? Well everything can be tabloids never quire paid
corrected…for the right price.”
journalism student who enough, however, to
Real Name: Alexander Lane
landed a contract with a finance Alex’s lifestyle.
Aliases: None
major L.A. newspaper even He still expected five-
Occupation: Extortionist/tabloid reporter
before graduation. Alex’s
Legal Status: United States citizen with star restaurants, the best
good looks, charm, and
misdemeanor criminal record for drug dance clubs, high-priced
intelligence soon marked call girls, and the finest
him as a rising media alcohol and drugs. So Alex
Identity: Secret
star. He was making good took on a second career,
Marital Status: Single
money, meeting all the
Known Relatives: Parents (Robert, Madeline), moonlighting as a low-
right people, and going level drug dealer, selling
sisters (Elaine, Robin)
to all the right clubs with amphetamines, cocaine,
Affiliation: None
all the right women. In his ecstasy and the like to his
Base of Operations: Hollywood
spare time he indulged in club scene acquaintances.
Eye Color: Blue
his hobbies—taking sexy This “sideline” would
Hair Color: Black
photographs of beautiful soon led to an end for
Height: 6’ 0
women and reading Alex’s career as a toiling
Weight: 145 lbs.
everything he could lay his
Distinguishing Marks: Often displays behavior tabloid reporter, and
hands on about the occult,
consistent with abuse of amphetamines or gave rise to the Midnight
neopaganism, voodoo Edition, blackmailer
and the like. Both hobbies and extortionist
gave up hope that his day would come again. In or adorned with a small cluster of buttons declaring
out of costume, he is still addicted to the rush of his support of various social causes, grass-roots
being just at the edge of disaster. Now he is also organizations, and controversial leaders.
addicted to the rush of the Lantern itself, and would
sooner kill than part with it. POWERS AND TACTICS
Most of the Lantern’s powers emanate from its main
APPEARANCE lens, the source of a strange mystical light. It can
Charlie Masters is an African-American male in his control light and project it as hard light, which can
late thirties who keeps himself in excellent physical bear the wielder aloft or protect him with a force
condition. When out of costume, he dresses simply, field. The light also pierces all falsehoods and can
but prefers suits when performing. He has a winsome even shine through any material, except iron. It can
and easy smile, but since he received the Lantern the be shone on text in a foreign language, or even on
intensity of his gaze makes people uncomfortable. someone speaking such a tongue, and that language
Whether in street clothes or formal attire, he is always will be understood by anyone within range so long as
“*” Joseph Siegel is the Patriarch’s normal identity (as per the drawback). Though he possesses the power Magic at 15 ranks
in this form, currently he does not remember that he has this power. He will not recall these abilities unless his memories are
recovered telepathically or the Flaming Golem is destroyed. Without his magic, Joseph Siegel is effectively PL 3.
Obscurium: A strange super-metal that many The Underworld: A catchall phrase used by mystics
scientists believe isn’t native to Earth. It can be and other enlightened individuals to describe the
found in few places in the world, and is most honeycomb of dimensions and planes of existence
prevalent in California’s Santa Obscura where it was that are home to the dark and evil beings of the
first discovered and from whence it gets its name. multiverse. There are dimensions in the Underworld
In recent years industries have sprung up in Santa that resemble, and may in fact be, the hell described
Obscura that specialize in the location and extraction in the Judeo-Christian beliefs. Sorcerers, wizards and
of Obscurium and greater quantities of the metal are magicians have long been able to strike bargains
being produced than ever before. The metal is known with beings from the underworld (which is typically
for it extreme strength when made into the right the only way these beings can gain entry to our
alloy, and its conductive and malleable properties dimension) to bring them into our world to do their
when used in advanced scientific applications, like bidding.
those being researched at Advent Labs.
82 The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by Dave Arneson and
E. Gary Gygax.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David
Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison,
Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author: Steve Kenson.
Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Skip Williams.
Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackinstosh, Jesse Scoble.
Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Adepts of the Arcane Copyright 2006, Michael Todd; Authors: John Polojac, David Solon Phillips, Jeremy Forbing, and Johnathan Wright.