Ann 2023-2023
Ann 2023-2023
Ann 2023-2023
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e) You have been hired as the data scientist in the meteorological department. Your
first assignment involves the use of neural networks for time series prediction
specifically weather forecasting. Explain the techniques that you would apply for
this task and justify why (4 marks)
a) Distance metrics play a significant role in neural network problems in determining
the similarity and diversity of sample sets. Using appropriate examples, explain
each of the following distance methods
i. Euclidean distance (2 marks)
ii. Jaccard index (2 marks)
iii. Hamming distance (2 marks)
b) Self-organizing maps are widely used in clustering problems of neural networks.
Explain how the Kohonen self-organizing map works (4 marks)
c) You have been hired in a Big Data company involved in prediction of traffic
patterns. Explain the techniques that you would apply for this task and justify why
(5 marks)
d) Compare and contrast an artificial neural network and the biological neuron
(5 marks)
a) Using an illustration, explain the key components of a simple neural network
(4 marks)
b) A network topology is the arrangement of a network along with its nodes and
connecting line. Explain two main categories of network topology (4 marks)
c) ART network is a vector classifiers which accepts an input vector and classifies it,
with respect to vector classification explain three operations of ART (6 marks)
d) Differentiate between auto associative memory and hetero associative memory
(4 marks)
e) Boltzmann machine is an asymmetric coupled random feedback binary unit
neural network, which includes a visible layer and multiple hidden
layers. Explain two importance of Boltzmann Machine (2 marks)
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a) Artificial neural networks differs with biological neural networks because of the
few characteristics. Explain three characteristic that defines neural networks
(6 marks)
b) With a clear structure interpret the following function as used in artificial neural
Yin=x1.w1+x2.w2+x3.w3…xn.wn (5 marks)
c) Biological neural networks is a series of interconnected neurons whose activation
defines a recognizable linear pathway. Explain the function of the following
a. Dendrites (2 marks)
b. Axon (2 marks)
c. Soma (2 marks)
d) Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a
computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require
human intelligence and discernment. Explain three branches of artificial
Intelligence (3 marks)
a) What is Multi-layer feed forward networks? What is the importance of hidden
and output layers in it? (7 marks)
b) A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a type of artificial neural network which
uses sequential data or time series data. With an aid of a diagram explain fully
recurrent network and Jordan network (6 marks)
c) Suppose that a credit card company decided to deploy a new system for
assessing credit worthiness of its customers. The new system is using a feed-
forward neural network with a supervised learning algorithm. Suggest what the
bank should have before the system can be used? Discuss problems associated
with this requirement (5 marks)
d) Explain the following terms (2 marks)
a. Neurons
b. Perception
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