ummarization-Information should
S f inancial statements and other
be aggregated in accordance with the mandated reports. Internally,
user’s needs. management receives
Feedback-is a form of output that is stewardship information from
sent back to the system as a source of various responsibility reports.
data. 2. To support management
Feedback may be internal or external decision making. The
and is used to initiate or alter a information system supplies
process. managers with the information
Internal feedback-from this they need to carry out their
information will initiate decision-making
the inventory ordering process to responsibilities.
replenish the inventories. Similarly, 3. To support the firm’s
external feedback-about the level of day-to-day operations. The
uncollected customer accounts can be information system provides
used to adjust the organization’s information to operations
credit-granting policies. personnel to assist them in the
Information System Objectives- efficient and effective discharge
Each organization must tailor its of their daily tasks
information system to the needs of its
users. Therefore, specific information e conclude this section with a
system objectives may differ from brief discussion of how
firm to firm. organizations obtain information
systems. Usually, they do so in two
hree fundamental objectives are,
T ways:
however, common to all systems:
1. To support the stewardship ( 1) they develop customized systems
function of management. from scratch through in-house
Stewardship refers to systems development activities, and
management’s responsibility to (2) they purchase preprogrammed
properly manage the resources commercial systems from software
of the firm. The information vendors. Larger organizations with
system provides information unique and frequently
about resource utilization to changing needs engage in in-house
external users via traditional development. The formal process by