Drama in The Marriage of Figaro
Drama in The Marriage of Figaro
Drama in The Marriage of Figaro
The second subject commences, in the dominant key of A major, and the music
has reduced to only the second violin and viola. After one bar, the tension
begins to build as first violins join, creating a counter melody and construct
stuttered, fearful dotted rhythms (along with the previous instruments). Oboes
quietly flourish with a descending major sequence followed by flutes imitating
the same flourish in harmony, this implies that the paralysing sense of agitation
has returned and that an even more significant build up is soon to occur. This
theme repeats again and is then contrasted with another tutti moment on beat 3
of bar 75.
Bars 75-81 have conflicting, alternate dynamics (‘f’ and ‘p’) building a jolted,
disjunct feel. Punctual tutti moments every other bar are connected with a short
arpeggio sequence and take the music through E minor and D minor, falling
stepwise until the dominant. This falling motion could be suggestive of a loss of
control of nervousness. A rising sequence played by woodwind (at bar 81) adds
to the tension before another stepwise repeated sequence emerges. It’s use of an
appoggiatura not only contributes to the developing strain but links the music
back to the beginning by suggesting mystery and possibly looming doom.
Bassoons play a comical countermelody (at bar 101), in their higher register
with staccato.
The codetta (ending the exposition) is gentle and fully major, finally creating
peace and serenity for the listener. It is yet again in the dominant key of A
major and is established by pedal notes. A roll on the timpani highlights
rhythmic displacement (at bar 133) before an impressive declining scalic
melody brings the music back to the tonic of D major.
The recapitulation (at bar 139) is exactly the same as the first and second
subject with some slight changes. For example, at bar 161 a string section
suggests E minor (accidentals) for 3 bars before resolving to the dominant, with
the flute and oboe playing a descending sequence, similar to material in the
second subject.