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Q. 3. Explain in detail the Random Forest algorithm in tree.

Also mention rationale for Random

Forest and its advantages & disadvantages (5 Marks)

Q. 3. Explain in detail the Cross validation approach in tree. Also mention rationale for cross
validation and its advantages & disadvantages (5 Marks)

Q. 2 a) What are shrinkage methods in Linear regression? Explain the scenario when these methods
are applicable. (4 Marks) Q. 2 b) Explain two shrinkage methods with their advantages &
disadvantages. (6 Marks)

Q. 3. Explain the rationale for using Cross validation as well as random forest algorithm. Explain
advantages & disadvantages of these methods. Which method will you choose in which situation? (5

**Q. 3. Random Forest Algorithm:**


Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that constructs a multitude of decision trees during
training and outputs the mode of the classes (classification) or the mean prediction (regression) of
the individual trees.


- **Diversity and Reduction of Overfitting:** By constructing multiple decision trees and averaging
or voting on the results, Random Forest mitigates overfitting and provides a more robust model.


1. **High Accuracy:** Random Forest generally produces accurate and stable predictions.

2. **Handles Missing Values:** It can handle missing values and maintain accuracy.

3. **Feature Importance:** Provides a measure of feature importance.


1. **Complexity:** The algorithm can be computationally expensive and complex.

2. **Less Interpretability:** Interpreting the model can be challenging due to the multitude of trees.


**Q. 3. Cross-Validation Approach:**


Cross-validation is a resampling technique used to evaluate machine learning models by dividing a

dataset into subsets and using one or more subsets for training and the complementary subset(s) for


- **Performance Estimation:** Cross-validation provides a more accurate estimate of a model's

performance by using multiple train-test splits, reducing the impact of the specific data split on
model evaluation.


1. **Reduces Overfitting:** It helps in assessing how well the model will generalize to an
independent dataset.

2. **Optimal Parameter Tuning:** Useful for hyperparameter tuning.


1. **Computational Cost:** Can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets.

2. **Data Partitioning Concerns:** The performance can be sensitive to how the data is partitioned.


**Q. 2a. Shrinkage Methods in Linear Regression:**


Shrinkage methods in linear regression involve introducing a penalty term to the linear regression
objective function, discouraging overly complex models.

*Applicability Scenario:*

- **When Multicollinearity Exists:** Shrinkage methods are beneficial when multicollinearity (high
correlation between predictor variables) is present in the dataset.

**Q. 2b. Two Shrinkage Methods with Advantages & Disadvantages:**

1. **Lasso Regression (L1 Regularization):**

- *Advantages:*

- **Variable Selection:** Lasso can induce sparsity by driving some coefficients to exactly zero,
performing variable selection.

- **Robust to Outliers:** Lasso is robust in the presence of outliers.

- *Disadvantages:*

- **Unstable for High-Dimensional Data:** Lasso may not perform well when the number of
predictors is much larger than the number of observations.

2. **Ridge Regression (L2 Regularization):**

- *Advantages:*

- **Handles Multicollinearity:** Ridge regression is effective in the presence of multicollinearity.

- **Stable for High-Dimensional Data:** More stable for datasets with a high number of

- *Disadvantages:*

- **Does Not Perform Variable Selection:** Ridge does not perform variable selection, keeping all
variables in the model.


**Q. 3. Rationale for Using Cross-Validation and Random Forest:**


- **Cross-Validation:** Ensures robust model evaluation, especially when data is limited, and helps
in selecting the best model hyperparameters.

- **Random Forest:** Provides an ensemble model that addresses overfitting, handles complex
relationships, and offers feature importance measures.
*Advantages & Disadvantages:*

- Refer to the explanations given for each method in the respective sections above.

*Choosing the Method in Different Situations:*

- **Cross-Validation:** When robust model evaluation and hyperparameter tuning are essential.

- **Random Forest:** When dealing with complex datasets, handling non-linearity, and obtaining
feature importance insights are crucial.

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