5 Pid
5 Pid
5 Pid
(PID Controller)
To carry out a dynamic simulation system controlled with a derivative controller on Scilab
Software Package
Scilab 6.1
Practical Procedure
The procedure consists of monitoring the control system response for various Reset values –
from high to low. For each Reset value, the control system is given a step change in setpoint
and allowed to reach a steady state. This is followed by a reverse step change to the original
setpoint. The steps to be followed are as follows:
1. Enter the required unique label for the log file to be created on the data acquisition software.
2. Configure the UDC1000 PID controller as follows:
PB: Set a reasonable PB value that gives sufficient offset, so that offset elimination can be
Rate: 0 (No derivative action)
Bias (Manual Reset): Doesn’t matter
SP: Required value Reset: Choose a large value to start with, say 1 or 2 min.
3. Put the controller in Auto mode and let the temperature reach steady state.
4. Give a step change in setpoint, around 5 – 10 0C. Observe the control system response
until a new steady state is reached.
5. Repeat 4 by changing the setpoint back to the original value.
6. Change reset and repeat the up-down setpoint change procedure. Repeat this for a total of
4-5 reset values, from high to very low.
Derivative is the third term within the PID. In mathematical terms the word derivative
is defined as the slope of a curve. Seen in the context of strip chart data derivative
represents, the rate of change in error - the difference between the Process Variable (PV)
and Set Point (SP), like the proportional and integral terms within a PID controller, the
derivative term seeks to correct for error. Valuable as the third term can be in maintaining
effective control, experience suggests that appropriate uses of derivative are not entirely
The simulated control system consists of a ‘third order’ process controlled using a PID
Model Elements
2. Simulation Parameters
b. Input constant – 1
c. Summation Parameters – [+1;-1]
d. PID Parameters – P = 10, I = 30, D = -0.0001 - -0.01
Block diagram of the simulated control system
Results at Kc = 10 & Pi = 30
D Value Graph
Comments At this value, the oscillations remain constant, decay ratio 1, overshoot remains constant
Comments We observe that the oscillations start to increase, indicating that the system is becomingmore
Parameters obtained at D = -0.001
Set Pt. Offset Overshoot Decay R Rise Time
1 0.683 0.683 1.067 0.469
2 1.387 0.6935 1.074 0.483
3 2.061 0.687 1.085 0.484
4 2.762 0.6905 1.080 0.478
Overshoot Rise Offset
Kc increases Increases Slight Increases
Ti increases Decreases Increases Large Increase
Set pt. increases Decreases Slight Increases
(keeping Ti constant) decrease