Gfsec 2022 Progress Report
Gfsec 2022 Progress Report
Gfsec 2022 Progress Report
20 December 2022
20 December 2022
This report has been prepared by the OECD Facilitator. This document, as well as any data
and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any
territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any
territory, city or area. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility
of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to
the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank
under the terms of international law.
Acknowledgements: This summary report was funded through the financial contributions of
GFSEC members.
Table of contents
Executive summary........................................................................................ 4
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 5
2. The global steel market situation .............................................................. 7
2.1. Global steel markets under significant pressure .................................... 7
2.2. Global excess steel capacity has increased .......................................... 10
2.3. Capacity trends in GFSEC member and non-member economies ...... 11
2.4. Steel decarbonisation progress in the context of excess capacity........ 17
3. The unique position of the GFSEC as a multilateral forum to tackle
steel excess capacity ..................................................................................... 19
3.1. Why do we need a multilateral forum on steel excess capacity? ........ 19
3.2. GFSEC members adopted several initiatives to achieve their main
objectives .................................................................................................... 20
4. Concluding remarks ................................................................................ 28
Annex A. Berlin principles and policy recommendations (2017) ............ 29
Figure 1. GFSEC members account for most of the world’s steel imports 11
Figure 2. Growth in capacity since 2016: active GFSEC members and other jurisdictions 13
Figure 3. New capacity projects (MMT) between 2022 and 2025 17
Table 1. Crude steelmaking capacity in GFSEC member economies and other jurisdictions:
2014-2021 14
Box 1. Macroeconomic conditions have deteriorated rapidly. 8
Box 2. Significant capacity growth, especially in Asia 16
Box 3. Six principles that guided the development of policy solutions to reduce excess
capacity 29
Box 4. Policy recommendations 30
Executive summary
The steel industry provides essential inputs for modern economies to function and creates millions
of jobs throughout the steel supply chain. However, the global economic slowdown, geopolitical
tensions, high energy prices, and other factors are now leading to a sharp downturn in steel markets.
Excess capacity is now increasing globally, negatively impacting the health of the industry and its
ability to enable economic growth and prosperity. Excess capacity affects steel prices and steel
companies’ profitability, slows the needed green transition, and creates trade tensions around the
world. Moreover, it can force efficient steel plants to close and lay-off workers in the process.
To resolve the global excess capacity problem and to preserve the long-term viability of the industry,
the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity (GSFEC), created in 2016 under the auspices of the
G20, aims to enhance communication, information sharing and co-operation among members, and
to take effective steps to address the challenge of excess capacity.
A main achievement of the Forum was the agreement by all 33 founding members on six guiding
principles and specific policy recommendations, agreed to in Berlin in 2017, for governments to
reduce excess capacity and to contribute to a more stable and sustainable steel sector. The
transparency, co-operation and voluntary implementation of the Berlin principles and policy
recommendations contributed to capacity reductions and led to improvements in global steel market
conditions. In addition, the GSFEC attracts strong support from steel industry associations, which
have informed the debate and supported the process over the years.
This report outlines progress made by the GFSEC, underscoring the relevance of its work for
GSFEC members and stakeholders, and highlights key developments currently taking place in the
steel industry. Subsequently, it elaborates on the different work streams that took place in 2022. First
of all, the information sharing exercise highlighted the impact that excess capacity has on members’
steel sector and their consequent policy responses. The summary document on the information
sharing exercise emphasised a pressing need for the continuous sharing of information on capacity
figures and policies that tackle excess capacity. Next, the report on steel decarbonisation and excess
capacity points out that excess capacity is currently hindering a smooth and green transition of the
steel sector. Insufficient progress made in the steel sector will hamper countries’ trajectories to meet
the Paris Agreement objectives. Finally, the report refers to the main conclusions of the stakeholder
event on connecting the dots regarding steel decarbonisation. During this event, multiple
stakeholders voiced the negative impact of excess capacity on their business activities, ranging from
contributing to business uncertainty, creating barriers to investments as well as increasing trade
GFSEC members maintain a strong interest to continue the multilateral dialogue on tackling steel
excess capacity, as well as adhering to their corresponding commitments pursuant to the Berlin
principles and policy recommendations. The GFSEC welcomes co-operation with steel-producing
economies from around the world to foster better conditions for their steel industries and
stakeholders. To facilitate these discussions, the report includes a section on the importance of
reaching out to non-actively participating jurisdictions.
1. Introduction
1. The situation in global steel markets has deteriorated, with the budding
recovery that started in 2021 from the COVID-related recession of 2020
quickly reversing course in early 2022. The war in Ukraine, energy and
commodity price increases, the impacts of inflation and monetary
tightening on consumer and business spending on steel-intensive goods,
as well as growing economic uncertainties across a number of
economies are contributing to a significant downturn in global steel
demand. At the same time, disruptions to the availability of steelmaking
raw material supplies, in addition to surging energy costs, are depressing
production and profitability prospects for steel companies in many
2. With the gap between global steel capacity and demand now expected
to have surged to 550 million tonnes in 2022, from 475 million tonnes
in 2021, oversupply pressures are already emerging on international
markets as “too much capacity chases too little demand”. The problem
is being exacerbated by the estimated 29.5 million tonnes of net new
steelmaking capacity that came on stream in 2022. The result of these
oversupply pressures are seen in the sharp decline of steel prices
observed during 2022.
5. This progress report intends to inform the public about the global steel
market situation, particularly as it relates to excess capacity, and to
provide an update of the Forum’s activities during 2022. The next
section overviews the pressures facing global steel markets and presents
global steelmaking capacity trends based on the work of the GFSEC.
Section 3 illustrate the value that the GFSEC has brought to its members
since 2016. It also highlights the results of the information sharing and
10. With global steel excess capacity not yet fully addressed, and the
downturn in steel demand potentially accelerating as a result of a
worsening global macroeconomic environment, there is a significant
risk that economic weakness may trigger a crisis for the steel industry
in the near term. Indeed, similarities can be drawn between the current
phase and the crisis of 2015/16. At that time, steelmaking capacity had
been expanding rapidly for a number of years, driven mostly by China.
In 2014, following several years of positive steel demand growth, global
steel consumption began to stagnate, before falling by 3.1% in 2015.
Source: OECD (2022), OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2022 Issue 2, No.
112, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Source: World Bank 2023. Global Economic Prospects, January 2023.
Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1586/978-1-4648-1906-3.
12. With domestic markets saturated with steel, the incentive is to export
the surplus to foreign markets where prices may be higher. This, in turn,
can lead to a proliferation of trade-restrictive measures to shield
domestic producers, often leading to a diversion of steel shipments
towards third markets. As a result, steel prices fall worldwide,
profitability starts to deteriorate everywhere, trade actions escalate, and
the process culminates into a steel crisis.
13. When reaching this point, structural adjustment is necessary to break the
pattern. If markets worked properly, consistently loss-making,
inefficient plants would exit and excess capacity would diminish.
However, some governments intervene, either with further subsidisation
and/or market protecting measures, for various reasons such as
maintaining tax revenues, limiting the social impacts of closures, or for
strategic reasons related to maintaining a large or growing steel
production base. Even companies operating under market-based
conditions may keep on investing in anticipation of future demand
growth; such over-optimistic expectations have been prevalent during
many steel crises in the past.
14. The result, ultimately, is that much inefficient excess capacity is kept in
place, prolonging the financial hardships facing steel producers around
the world, and limiting their ability to invest in necessary maintenance
and efficiency improvements, research and development for better
innovation outcomes, and, importantly in the current context, to invest
in new technologies to lower carbon emissions from the production
17. Economies that do not participate in the GFSEC often experience the
opposite capacity trends. In 2022, capacity in China is slightly above the
level of 2019, when it left the GFSEC, and appears to now be stabilising
at a level of 1.15 billion tonnes (i.e. 47% of the world total). India and
several Southeast Asian economies are installing capacity at a very rapid
pace, often using technologies that are carbon intensive.
18. With the gap between global steel capacity and demand now expected
to have risen to 550 million tonnes in 2022, from 475 million tonnes in
2021, oversupply pressures are already emerging on international
markets as “too much capacity chases too little demand”. The problem
is being exacerbated as 29.5 million tonnes of net new steelmaking
capacity comes on stream in 2022, mainly in the Middle East but some
also in other regions. The result of these oversupply pressures are seen
in the sharp decline of steel prices observed during 2022.
19. Depending on the extent of the global economic slowdown in 2023, and
possible recession, global steel consumption could perform worse than
expected, with a possible contraction as in 2015. Indeed, indicators of
underlying steel demand based on the so-called “steel weighted
industrial production” index are pointing to demand sluggishness in
2022-23 nearly as weak as that observed during 2015-16.2 The sharp
steel demand slowdown and/or potential contraction, combined with
sustained capacity growth over the next few years (see Box 2), would
lead to a significant increase in the gap between global steel capacity
and demand, raising questions about the possibility of another excess
capacity crisis similar to what the industry suffered in 2015/16.
20. For active members of the GFSEC, which together account for 58.2%
of global steel imports (Figure 1), the implications of a potential and
significant increase in excess capacity over the next year or two would
be felt mainly through the trade channel. Such a scenario could entail an
eventual glut of steel searching for demand in international markets,
trade disturbances, lower steel prices, employment losses, and weaker
profitability for the important steel sectors of GFSEC members, which
are already facing adjustment challenges to meet, e.g., climate change
goals and remain viable. In such a scenario, countries may be expected
to resort to trade actions in the form of countervailing duty, anti-
dumping and/or safeguard actions. While these measures will aim in
many instances to redress unfair trade, the market may remain
fundamentally distorted if corrective actions on excess capacity are not
Figure 1. GFSEC members account for most of the world’s steel imports
Figure 2. Growth in capacity since 2016: active GFSEC members and other
Ind. 2016=100
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Source: Information sharing exercise in 2022 for active GFSEC members, and
OECD figures for other jurisdictions. For the latest OECD figures, see
2022.pdf .
820,310 817,360 814,955 810,491 809,213 809,580 -10,730 -1.3%
(active members)
European Union, of
213,659 212,104 211,692 209,192 206,592 206,612 -7,047 -3.3%
Slovak Republic 5,520 4,860 4,860 4,860 4,860 4,860 -660 -12.0%
United States 120,624 120,624 120,184 119,934 121,374 127,217 6,593 5.5%
Russian Federation 85,755 85,855 85,395 86,897 87,207 87,707 1,952 2.3%
South Africa 9,530 9,746 9,906 9,906 8,566 8,566** -964 -10.1%
Rest of the world 259,468 272,168 283,218 293,438 301,638 306,628 47,160 18.2%
Grand total 2,412,202 2,399,055 2,375,677 2,410,324 2,418,591 2,429,480 17,278 0.7%
Notes: * The European Union’s figure refers to the total capacity of all the European
Union Member States. ** Based on OECD data indicating no additions or closures
in 2021. Please note that the capacity data for GFSEC members in this table come
from submissions by the members in the context of the GFSEC information sharing
exercise. The capacity data for non-participating G20 economies are the latest
OECD steelmaking capacity figures (as of December 2022) based on the OECD’s
plant-level database.
Sources: GFSEC information sharing 2022 and OECD figures for other jurisdictions
(for the latest OECD figures, see
Iron and Steel with a completion date set for 2024. Such large projects
raise concerns about the lack of demand to meet such supply
expansions. For these reasons, it will be important for the GFSEC to
continue efforts to engage with countries that have left the Forum, as
well as others, to ensure a more viable long-run future for the steel
In the Middle East, there are a large number of new capacity projects taking place in Iran,
and several planned in Saudi Arabia and Oman.
In Southeast Asia, heavy investment activity is taking place in Malaysia, Indonesia and
Viet Nam, much of it driven by Chinese investments (e.g. Delong Steel – Dexin, Moralawi
Industrial Park and Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park). Some of these investments
may be coupled with broader government plans, such as the Belt and Road Initiative. Such
an investment model could lead to further carbon-intensive capacity growth in Southeast
In South Asia, there are many projects in India, and many underway in Pakistan. China
also continues to build capacity and its steel inventory despite its problematic overcapacity,
calling for further efforts to address the situation. Moreover, most of ongoing steelmaking
projects in China are carbon (coal) intensive.
13.1 mmt
Source: OECD
32. In order to understand the magnitude and the impact of the global excess
capacity situation, having access to reliable data remains paramount.
Consequently, it will be of interest for the GFSEC members to continue
monitoring the progress the steel sector is making to decarbonise its
value chain.
33. A first step in that process has been taken by the Facilitator in 2022. Its
report on ‘assessing steel decarbonisation progress’ 4 maps different
indicators to keep record of the state of play on steel decarbonisation.
These indicators cover various dimensions, such as capacity,
production, technologies, industrial projects, trade or policy aspects.
The first results indicate that the steel sector is not yet on track to meet
the targets of the Paris Agreement. There is for instance a mismatch
between corporate commitments and country-level pledges. As of end-
2021, companies with net-zero targets accounted for 30% of global steel
production, but additional commitments are needed. Indeed, beyond
these pledges, near zero emission steel production has not yet taken off
sufficiently. While there is potential to ramp up steel decarbonisation
efforts through the use of new technologies, the report shows that the
level of industrial maturity remains fairly low. This would require
countries and companies to significantly scale up their decarbonisation
technologies by 2050. Further policy guidance will be quintessential to
provide for the right framework conditions that are needed to facilitate
the green transition.
34. However, countries cannot tackle the excess capacity situation and
climate change individually. Both relate to truly global challenges,
which call for a global response. Therefore, collaboration among
countries, as well as between public and private stakeholders, will be
pivotal to foster synergies and accelerate progress towards a net-zero
35. The GFSEC is the world’s unique multilateral forum to deal with steel
excess capacity. The current section starts with reiterating the rationale
for establishing the GFSEC, followed by the membership evolutions
since its inauguration. This introduction will be followed by an
overview of some of the GFSEC’s main achievements since its
inception, as well the key activities in the year 2022. These key activities
of the GFSEC in 2022 include: (1) the information sharing and review
process; (2) outreach to non-participating jurisdictions; (3) exploring the
nexus between steel excess capacity and decarbonisation; as well as (4)
the September 2022 GSFEC Stakeholder event on ‘contributing to an
open and inclusive dialogue on steel decarbonisation’.
36. The subsequent sections will illustrate the value that the GFSEC has
brought to its members since 2016. Its main achievements highlight the
GFSEC’s steady and continuous relevance to facilitate a multilateral
discussion on levelling the playing field in the international steel
markets. The GFSEC’s objectives and significant progress since 2016
need to be interpreted against the changing global economic context,
which has been referenced in the previous section.
37. The steel industry fulfils an important function in the global economy,
as it serves as an essential input for various sectors, including
construction and infrastructure, automotive, as well as machinery and
equipment. Without this material, transport and infrastructure networks
would not work, renewable and other energy generation systems would
fail, and hospitals and other buildings could not be built. Furthermore,
the steel sector provides significant employment, both directly and
indirectly through the steel supply chain. The industry decarbonisation
pathway will also play a significant role in helping to meet climate
change ambitions. Numerous policies play an important role in the
sector, including in the areas of trade, investment, environment and
38. In 2015, one year before the establishment of the Global Forum on Steel
Excess Capacity (GFSEC), 5 global steelmaking capacity exceeded
demand for steel by 793 million tonnes, which represented roughly half
of the steel use in 2015. Excess capacity has undermined competition
and resulted in trade tensions. The steel crisis following the economic
downturn led governments at the multilateral level to address the
industry’s challenges. In 2016, the GFSEC was created to tackle the
problem, under the auspices of the G20. Considerable shifts have
occurred over the past twenty years, with production shares declining
among many GFSEC economies. The participation by and support of
large emerging markets, which co-founded the Forum, was seen as an
39. The mandate of the GFSEC, under its Terms of Reference, has been
twofold: 1) to enhance communication, information sharing and co-
operation among members, and 2) to take effective steps to address the
challenge of excess capacity. The subsequent paragraphs elaborate on
some of the GFSEC’s main intermediate achievements to fulfil these
objectives and highlight the Global Forum’s relevance.
40. Next, an update is provided on the work that has been conducted in 2022
to further contribute to the GFSEC’s objectives.
49. During the two rounds of information sharing in 2022, GFSEC members
exchanged information and reviewed developments on steelmaking
capacity in their economies. Members also discussed capacity
developments taking place economies that are not members of the
GFSEC (see Table 1 in Section 2 of this report for the detailed results
of the data exchange on capacity).
50. In 2021, the aggregate capacity of active GFSEC members stood at an
estimated 809.6 mmt, with four members experiencing increases in
capacity that were partially offset by declines or stable capacity in the
other member economies. Since 2016, active GFSEC members have
taken out almost 11 mmt of capacity from the market, and, by adhering
to the Berlin principles and policy recommendations, many are
contributing to greater market balance during difficult years of global
steel excess capacity. See Section 2 of this report for further highlights
about capacity developments in GFSEC member and non-member
63. China is by far the largest producer of crude steel globally and is
responsible for slightly more than half of the world’s production. Like
India, the vast majority of steel plants in China are fairly young.10 In
2020, the province of Hebei on its own accounted for 13 percent of
global steel production. The Chinese steel production decreased
significantly in 2021 and is expected to stay flat for the rest of 2022. 11
However, Chinese announcements in 2022 to support new infrastructure
spending might increase the Chinese domestic steel production in 2023
and beyond.12 Several Chinese steel producers pledged to decarbonise
their activities, in line with the Chinese government targets of reaching
carbon neutrality by 2060, and are starting to implement greener forms
of steel production. This might provide an opportunity for GFSEC
members and China to collaborate.
64. GFSEC members are closely following the capacity and investment
developments that are being observed in the ASEAN region, as
articulated in the GFSEC Ministerial Report of 2021. The South-East
Asian Steel Association (SEAISI) for instance points out that 90 mmt
of steel capacity expansions have been announced for the region by
2026. Most of the planned investments will occur via the blast-
furnace/basic oxygen furnace route.13
65. There may be several reasons for ASEAN countries to expand their
production of crude steel. However, there seem to be important
differences to observe within the ASEAN region as regards the impact
of (announced) capacity expansions. Indonesia introduced a large
infrastructure programme in 2019.14 According to the Indonesian Iron
and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), its steel consumption is
consequently projected to rise to 22.7 mmt in 2024, 40 percent and 38
percent of which can be accounted for by the infrastructure and
construction sector respectively.15 Indonesia has been expanding steel
capacity over the years to satisfy this domestic demand. Some of the
newly installed steel plants in Indonesia received funding from Chinese
investors under the Belt and Road Initiative. 16 Malaysia acts as a
medium-sized steel producing nation. Nonetheless, SEAISI announced
that around 30 mmt of new steel capacity will be added to the country’s
production figures. The vast majority of this production expansion is
projected to commence in 2024.17 Thailand does not seem to plan any
significant steel capacity expansions in the following years. As one of
the world’s biggest importers of steel, its domestic steel industry has
been impacted by dumping practices from third nations. Finally, it is
noted that Viet Nam is considering to draft a strategy to develop its steel
industry by 2030, with a vision to 2050.18 Viet Nam upholds its decision
to support domestic demand, which is to a large extent driven by
government-led infrastructure programmes as well as an expanding
manufacturing base. GFSEC members continue to engage with ASEAN
and the respective steel federations in the region to assess the impact of
capacity developments in the region on other nations within the ASEAN
bloc, as well as on third nations.
67. With direct emissions accounting for more than a quarter of total
industrial emissions, the steel sector is of critical importance for
achieving the Paris Agreement’s climate goals. While the mission of
decarbonising steel is an urgent and compelling one, it remains a
challenging task to accomplish.
68. On the 21st of September 2022, the OECD facilitated the GFSEC’s
stakeholder event on steel decarbonisation. The objective of the event
was to bring together, and “connect the dots” between the different
initiatives that are promoting, supporting and implementing
decarbonised steelmaking practices, together with steel industry
associations and steel policymakers from GFSEC member countries.
69. The event highlighted that there are two particular fields where steel
decarbonisation efforts are increasing, but where further coordination
will be crucial:
4. Concluding remarks
70. Since its initiation, the GFSEC has acted as a unique venue to take
multilateral and collective action to address the problem of global
excess capacity in the steel sector and tackle the government policies
and measures that contribute to it. In 2017, the GFSEC reached an
important milestone with the adoption of the Berlin Principles. These
six key principles lay out the policy solutions that the GFSEC members
commit to in order to reduce excess capacity (see Annex A).
71. The unique set of tools developed by the Forum can help countries limit
excessive build-up of capacity that overshoots demand, thereby
contributing to more stable global steel market conditions. This also
helps alleviate trade disturbances and trade tensions involving steel
products. The Forum also shares good practices on ways to promote
leaner, cleaner, more innovative and competitive steel industries, based
on the mutual experiences of steel industry stakeholders from around
the world.
Box 3. Six principles that guided the development of policy solutions to reduce
excess capacity
1. Steel excess capacity is a global issue which requires attention in a global format
with broad participation of economies and effective policy solutions to enhance the
market function and reduce steel excess capacity. To support these, Forum members
may set and publish goals, if appropriate.
2. In order to ensure that the steel market operates under market principles,
governments and government-related entities should refrain from providing market-
distorting subsidies and other types of support measures to steel producers. These
include subsidies and other government support measures that sustain uneconomic
steel plants, encourage investment in new steelmaking capacity which otherwise
would not be built, facilitate exports of steel products, or otherwise distort
competition by contributing to excess capacity.
3. Irrespective of ownership all enterprises acting in the steel market (whether
privately-owned or directly or indirectly owned, fully or in part, by their
governments or by government-related entities) should not receive directly or
indirectly subsidies or other type of support that distort competition by contributing
to excess capacity, and should follow the same regulations with economic
implications and rules, including bankruptcy procedures. A level playing field
should be ensured among steel enterprises of all types of ownership. Global Forum
members should also continue to fight protectionism including all unfair trade
practices while recognising the role of legitimate trade defence instruments in this
4. Open and competitive markets and a market-driven approach to resource allocation
based on the competitive positions of steel enterprises should be the driving forces
of the steel sector. New investment, production and trade flows should reflect
market-based supply and demand conditions.
5. Wherever excess capacity exists, governments have a role in advancing policies that
facilitate the restructuring of the steel industry while minimizing the social costs to
workers and communities. Governments should ensure conditions exist for market
based adjustment, by facilitating the exit of consistently loss-making firms,
“zombie” firms, obsolete capacity facilities and firms not meeting environmental,
quality and safety standards. This would lead to a net reduction of capacity.
6. Recognizing that collective policy solutions and transparency are vital for market-
based responses by the industry to changing conditions in the steel market,
governments should on a reciprocal basis increase transparency through regular
information sharing, analysis, review, assessment and discussion as well as regular
exchanges about data and concrete policy solutions, among the members of the
Global Forum. Governments should ensure that any relevant information on
steelmaking capacity developments; supply and demand conditions as well as
policy responses including support measures by governments and government-
related entities is available on an on-going basis. Members should exchange
information on the nature and extent of export credit agency support for new steel
projects. The Global Forum will report to the G20 and to interested OECD countries
being member of the Global Forum on progress.
Source: Report of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity approved on 30
November 2017 in Berlin
e) Government targets
Steel excess capacity is a global issue which requires attention in a global format
with broad participation of economies. To support these, Global Forum members
may set and publish goals, as appropriate, to reduce excess capacity through legal
and market methods. Capacity reduction targets should be accompanied by actions
to eliminate policies that contribute to excess capacity, such as market-distorting
subsidies and other types of support by government or government-related entities
The criteria for capacity reductions should, irrespective of ownership, simulate the
process of market selection with consistently loss making or non-environmentally
compliant firms being forced to exit the market. Ex post assessments of whether
this is the case should be undertaken.
Government objectives to increase capacity should not be accompanied by market-
distorting subsidies or other types of support by government or government-related
entities that contribute to excess capacity, including input support to steel
Government targets should take into consideration demand conditions.
pricing and practices, and take note of guidelines agreed among some members
and on-going international negotiations. This will minimise the subsidisation
associated with export credits, and thus avoid supporting the creation of additional
steelmaking capacity.
h) Enhance transparency
Members should regularly update the information on sectoral trends (incl. capacity
developments and production) and policy measures.
The Global Forum should regularly analyse, review, assess and discuss how the
provided information aligns with the agreed principles.
i) Continue the process of the Global Forum
The Global Forum will meet at least three times per year to further discuss, assess
and review this information, to ask questions and provide answers and share best
practices thereon. The Argentinian G20 presidency foresees to hold 3 meetings in
As the priority for 2018, the Global Forum members should swiftly and fully apply
the agreed principles and recommendations.
In the first half of 2018, members of the Global Forum will share information on
the steps taken to eliminate market-distorting subsidies and other types of support
by governments and related entities, as well as tangible and swift policy action for
their removal.
The Global Forum should share best practices of steel industry adjustment and
exchange experiences on new sources of steel demand.
The Global Forum will report on the process and concrete results in addressing
excess capacity to G20 and to interested OECD countries being member of the
Global Forum.
See World Steel Association press release at:
The indicator of real steel demand has been calculated using the output
(real value added) of steel using sectors (construction, metal goods,
mechanical machinery, domestic appliances, electrical engineering,
automotive, and other transport) weighted by their share in demand. The
forecasts for sectoral output are from Oxford Economics, released in August
2022. Unlike measures of apparent steel consumption, this indicator reflects
real underlying demand for steel as required by the steel-using industries
without taking into account the net increase in consumer and merchant
inventories of steel.
The publication can be found on the GFSEC official website,
More information about the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity can
be found on its website:
The Economic Times (8 July 2022),
Press Information Bureau of India, National Hydrogen Mission (21 March
doc202232127201.pdf; Indian Prime Minister’s Office (15 August 2021),; Indian Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy (9 February 2021),
IEA (2020), Iron and steel technology roadmap,
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (14 February
IEA (2020), An energy sector roadmap to carbon neutrality in China,
32e822a80f77/AnenergysectorroadmaptocarbonneutralityinChina.pdf, 14
and 33.
World Steel Association (2022), Short range outlook April 2022,
Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing a Package of
Policies and Measures for Solidly Stabilizing the Economy, No. 12 [2022]
of the State Council,
05/31/content_5693159.htm; Notice on Promoting Policy-Based
Development Finance to Support Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure
Asia Times (13 January 2022),
ICLG (11 January 2021),
steel-plant-attracts-bank-of-china-investment; South China Morning Post
(26 July 2022),
what-are-main; S. Dharma Negara and L. Suryadinata (ISEAS), Indonesia
and China’s Belt and Road Initiatives: perspectives, issues and prospects,
Trends in Southeast Asia, 2018,
SEAISI (25 July 2022),
Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (10 May 2022),
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Conditions to be found at
This report, as well as any data and any map included herein, are without
prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation
of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city
or area.
Note by Türkiye
The information in the documents with reference to “Cyprus” relates to the
southern part of the Island. There is no single authority representing both
Turkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Türkiye recognizes the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Until a lasting and equitable
solution is found within the context of the United Nations, Türkiye shall
preserve its position concerning the “Cyprus issue”.
Note by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the
European Union
The Republic of Cyprus is recognised by all members of the United Nations
with the exception of Türkiye. The information in the documents relates to
the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of