Maximum A Posteriori Decoding For
Maximum A Posteriori Decoding For
Maximum A Posteriori Decoding For
performance will be affected by the shape and size of the At the base station, we evenly divide each video frame
selected filter window, which may destroy the structure of into blocks. Afterwards, we use 2D-DCT transform to com-
the image and the neighborhood information of the space press each block. The DCT coefficients closing to zero will
[10]. In order to further improve the filtering effect, mod- be discarded for limited bandwidth budget. The DCT coef-
ified median filtering algorithms were proposed such as ficients will be reshaped and scaled into a m × 1 normalized
weighted median filtering and switching median filtering vector θ . The original DCT coefficients can be repre-
[11–15]. By exploiting the distinguished features between sented as αθ. α is the amplitude of the pixel block. Since
video/image and noise, the transform domain filtering algo- most part of video energy concentrates in low frequency,
rithms were proposed to divide the signal and noise in the burst interference will reduce the video transmission qual-
transformed domain. According to different transformation ity dramatically. Hence, the scaled DCT coefficients can
used, denoising methods can be classified into frequency be multiplied by a m × m unitary matrix φ to overcome
domain and wavelet domain [16, 17]. The filtering method burst interference and reduce peak-to-average power ratio.
in frequency domain is similar to that in spatial domain. The The video signals are transmitted through a channel with
wavelet domain denoising is first to transform video/image additive white Gaussian noise. The received signal y using
from the spatial domain to wavelet domain, and then try to pseudo-analog modulation can be represented as,
remove the noise in the wavelet domain.
y = αφθ + v (1)
In video/image transmission systems, the above denoising
methods can be used to remove noise effectively. However, where v is a m×1 vector which obeys a zero-mean Gaussian
the decoding model can be further considered to understand distribution with known variance σ02 , and its components are
the features of residual noise in the video/image. Recently, independent and identical.
a pseudo-analog mobile video transmission scheme called With the help of the designed hierarchical Bayesian
KMV-Cast was proposed in [18]. Different from traditional based model and the prior knowledge extraction model, the
video transmission schemes, the KMV-Cast can make full reconstructed DCT coefficients
θ of θ is represented as,
use of the correlated information with cloud support to
→− →T
reconstruct the video at the receiver with higher quality [18, α 2 σ0−2 rφ T v α 2 σ0−2 θi θi (φ T v)
θ = ρθ + + (2)
19]. However, noise in the reconstructed video/image does Cr + 1 (Cr + 1)(Cr + C + 1)
not clearly removed. In this paper, a MAP decoding algo-
rithm will be proposed for KMV-Cast to further remove the where C α 2 σ0−2 and ρ is a scaling factor. The parameters
noise from the reconstructed video/image. r and t are denoted as,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, −(C + 1) − (C + 1)2 + 4Ct
we will take a brief review of the KMV-Cast framework with r= (3)
cloud support. In Section 3, we will focus on further elim-
inating the noise in the reconstructed video/image signals 1
for KMV-Cast scheme. In Section 4, simulation results will t= 1 (4)
(m−1)K 2 4
be demonstrated, compared with other two schemes includ- −1 − (1−K 2 )
ing KMV-Cast [18] and SoftCast [20], in terms of PSNR
→ −
of reconstructed video/image. In Section 5, we will make a where K = ( θ Ti θ) is the correlation coefficient. θi repre-
conclusion of this paper. sents the DCT-coefficients of correlated information stored
in the cloud.
Since the cloud information θi is known at the receiver,
2 Brief review of KMV-Cast scheme we can get the following equation from Eq. 2, that is,
In the scenario of wireless video broadcasting, the digital −
→T T θi θ − ρK
θi (φ v) = (5)
video transmission system has some drawbacks in scalabil- α 2 σ0−2 r α 2 σ0−2
Cr+1 + (Cr+1)(Cr+c+1)
ity and robustness. In order to overcome these flaws and
take full advantage of the large amount of correlated infor- Then, the third item in Eq. 2 can be removed from the
mation stored in the cloud, KMV-Cast was proposed in the decoded signals. However, there is still noise existed in the
previous work [18]. reconstructed video/image.
KMV-Cast was proposed as a knowledge-enhanced wire- Compared with traditional video transmission schemes,
less video transmission scheme based on the pseudo analog the KMV-Cast system connects the large amount of cor-
video transmission technology. It can greatly improve the related information in the cloud to the transmitting signal,
quality of the reconstructed video through making full use which can greatly improve the quality of the reconstructed
of the correlated information. video/image.
320 Mobile Netw Appl (2018) 23:318–325
θ = ρθ + W (9) Next, we will derive the estimation of the residual noise
→T from viewpoint of maximizing the posteriori probability.
One can see from Eq. 8 that θi W constructs a hyper-
plane for W . For the sake of visualization, we use a three- We first plot the probability density function of W obtained
dimensional diagram to demonstrate it as shown in Fig. 1. from experiment as shown in Fig. 2.
∂ is the plane constructed by θi T W = T and θ is the red
straight line going through the plane ∂.
θ intersects with the
plane ∂ at the point P1 whose coordinate can be represented
T − θi θ
P1 = θ + θ( ) (10)
θi θ
The projection point of θ on the plane ∂ is P2 whose
coordinate can be represented as,
→ −
P2 = θ + θi T (T − θi T θ) (11)
We draw a cone with θ as the conical tip and ρθ as
the edge. Thus, the cross part of the cone on the plane
∂ is a √circle whose center is P2 and radius is R where
R = ρ 1 − K 2 . We assume that the intersection between
the line P1 P2 and the circle is O. From Fig. 1, one can see
that the vector W is a point on the circle. For the purpose of Fig. 2 The probability density function of residual noise
Mobile Netw Appl (2018) 23:318–325 321
From Fig. 2, one can conclude that the residual noise where μ is the mean value if we only consider θ as random
W obeys normal distribution. Thus, it is a additive white variable in the joint Gaussian distribution. p(θ, W ) can be
Gaussian noise in the decoded video/image. represented as,
According to Fig. 1, the equation of the circle can be ⎡ ⎤
defined by combining the equation of the plane ∂ with the ρ(Cr+1)2 −1 (θ − ρ(Cr+1)
⎢ (θ − Cr 2
θ̂ )T Cr 2
θ̂) ⎥
spherical equation as, −⎣ ⎦
2 4
(Cr+1)2 (2θ̂ T θ̂ +τ )
− ρ (Cr+1) θ̂ T θ̂ +
⎧− p(θ, W ) ∝ e C 2r4 Cr 2
⎪ →T
⎪ θi W = T (21)
→ →T T
− −
→ −
→T −
⎪ W − θ + θi (T − θi θ) W − θ + θi (T − θi θ) θ θ
⎪ Acccording to [18], we have −1 = Ir − (r+1)r j j
, and
⎩ = ρ 2 (1−K 2 )
substitute it into Eq. 21. p(θ, W ) can be further represented
(14) as,
θT θ
From Eq. 14, we can get, − θ T Ir θ − 2ρ(Cr+1)2 +τ1
p(θ, W ) ∝ e Cr
W W = 2θ W + ρ + T − ρ K + ( θi T
T T 2
θ)2 2 2 2
where τ1 can be denoted as follows,
θ − 2( θi T
θ)T (15)
→ −
→ 2ρK(Cr + 1)2 θi θ K2
where τ +ρ2 T 2 − ρ 2 K 2 + ( θi T θT
θ)2 − θ − 2( θi T
θ)T . τ1 = − −
Cr 3 r(r + 1)
Thus, Eq. 15 can be rewritten as, −
→ T −
→− →T
2ρK(Cr + 1)2 θi (rI + θi θi ) θ
W T W = 2
θT W + τ (16) Cr 3 (r + 1)
(Cr + 1)2 (2θT
θ + τ)
Equation 15 is the relationship between W and θ . Fur- + 2
thermore, both θ and W obey Gaussian distribution.
Obviously, we need to find the θ that makes the posteri-
θ ∼ N(0, ) ori probability density P (θ, W ) maximum. Thus, the goal
Cr 2 function can be represented as,
W ∼ N(0, ) (17)
(Cr + 1)2
2ρ(Cr + 1)2 θT θ
Max − τ1 (24)
Since θ and W are independent to each other, the joint Cr 2
probability density of them can be represented as:
If we substitute Eq. 9 into Eq. 24, the goal function can
WT W be rewritten as:
Cr 2
p(θ, W ) ∝ e (Cr+1)2 e−θ
T −1 θ
⎛ ⎞ Min θT W (25)
−⎝ +θ T −1 θ ⎠
Cr 2
=e (Cr+1)2 (18) subject to,
If we substitute Eq. 16 into Eq. 18, Eq. 18 can be θi W = T
rewritten as, W T W = 2θT W + τ
⎛ ⎞
Using the Lagrange multiplier method, we can obtain,
θT θ θT
−⎝θ T −1 θ − + θ +τ ⎠
Cr 2 Cr 2
p(θ, W ) ∝ e (Cr+1)2 (Cr+1)2
F (θ , W ) = θ W + β1 θi W − T
−1 θ − 2ρ(Cr+1) θT
2 θ T θ (Cr+1)2 (2 θ +τ )
− θT
Cr 2
Cr 2
=e (19) +β2 W T W − 2 θT W + τ (27)
From Eq. 19, we can get the mean of the Gaussian distribu- where β1 and β2 are two parameters in the Lagrange
tion, multiplier method. W can be further simplified as,
ρ ρ(Cr + 1)2 −
θ= θ (20) θ + β1 θi
Cr 2 Cr 2 W =
θ− (28)
(Cr+1)2 2β2
322 Mobile Netw Appl (2018) 23:318–325
→T 2
1 θT θ − ( θi
β2 = ± (30)
2 T −
→T 2
θ θ + τ − ( θi θ − T )
According to Eq. 28, Eq. 29 and Eq. 30, the final esti-
mation value of θg of transmitted signal can be represented
Fig. 3 The reference frame(# 10)
θ + β1 θi
ρθg = From Figs. 5–8, one can see that the proposed decoding
2β2 algorithm performs the best among these schemes.
→T 2
θ −( θi
θ) −
→−→T − → −
→− →T In order to optimize the PSNR of the reconstructed
θ+ −
→T 2 θi θi θ − θi T − θi θi θ video/image, SoftCast distributes the transmission power
θ +τ −( θi
θ −T )
= according to the power allocation scheme. Different from
→T 2
θ −( θi
θ) SoftCast, KMV-Cast scheme uses correlated information
→T 2
in the cloud to assist the transmission and reconstruction
θ θ +τ −( θi θ −T )
(31) of video sequence. However, one can see from the Eq. 2
that the residual noise is not completely eliminated in the
From Eq. 31, one can see that the final decoded video/image original KMV-Cast. Therefore, this paper further eliminates
signal is different from the estimated signal in the original the residual noise for the KMV-Cast system by removing
KMV-Cast scheme. In order to improve the quality of the the noise with MAP decoding. Next, the simulation results
reconstructed video/image, the proposed MAP decoding will be analyzed under two conditions: some pixel blocks
should be added on the basis of the KMV-Cast system at are transmitted and all pixel blocks are transmitted, respec-
the receiver to remove the residual noise. tively.
In order to verify the correctness of the proposed algo-
rithm, simulation results will be shown in the next Section. 1) Only several original DCT coefficients are transmit-
ted, which corresponds strong correlation between the
transmitted video/image and information in the cloud.
4 Performance analysis From Figs. 5–6, one can see that in the case of high
channel SNR (10 dB), the proposed algorithm has
This Section will analyze the performance of different about 0.5 dB, and 6.5 dB gains in terms of PSNR,
schemes using the standard test video sequence “Carphone”. compared with the traditional KMV-Cast and SoftCast,
The transmitted video sequence has a resolution of 176 ×
144 and 8-level pixel depth (i.e., the pixel value ranges
from 0 to 255). We assume that both the transmitter and
receiver only have the 10th video frame of Carphone shown
in Fig. 3, which is considered as the reference frame. The
180th frame of Carphone is considered as the original frame
which will be transmitted, as shown in Fig. 4. Both the
reference frame and the transmitted frame will be evenly
divided into 8 × 8 pixel blocks (totally 22 × 18 = 396) as
{ θj |j = 1, 2, · · ·, 396}.
The performance of three schemes are compared includ-
ing the proposed decoding algorithm for KMV-Cast, the
original KMV-Cast [18], and SoftCast [20]. We make com-
parisons from the point of visual effect and PSNR respec-
tively. Simulation results are shown in Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Fig. 4 The original frame (# 180)
Mobile Netw Appl (2018) 23:318–325 323
Fig. 5 Reconstructed video quality comparisons (some blocks transmitted): channel SNR: 10 dB: a The proposed algorithm (39.43 dB); b
KMV-Cast (38.97 dB); c SoftCast (32.90 dB)
Fig. 6 Reconstructed video quality comparisons (some blocks transmitted): channel SNR: − 10 dB: a The proposed algorithm (28.86 dB); b
KMV-Cast (28.76 dB); c SoftCast (16.59 dB)
Fig. 7 Reconstructed video quality comparisons (all blocks transmitted): channel SNR: 10 dB: a The proposed algorithm (39.50 dB); b KMV-Cast
(38.91 dB); c SoftCast (32.90 dB)
Fig. 8 Reconstructed video quality comparisons (all blocks transmitted): channel SNR: − 10 dB: a The proposed algorithm (29.34 dB); b
KMV-Cast (23.79 dB); c SoftCast (16.59 dB)
324 Mobile Netw Appl (2018) 23:318–325
5 Conclusions
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