Save The Soul of Our Environment

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The Earth is our environment to protect and the garden to tend to, Pope Francis said. Now that
we are living in a world full of destructions, our environment had extremely suffered and if truth be
told, the real problem is not always a natural phenomenon but also us, people. Because of our
ignorance and abusive attitude towards our nature, we are not aware that our mother Earth is slowly
dying. Environmental issues are very rampant nowadays all over the world but still, other people tend
to destroy our planet the way they want. What we need right now is to become aware of our
wrongdoings and inhumane acts, the more we destroy our environment, the more our life will lead to
danger because our nature sustains our basic needs, the air, water, land, and trees. Truly,
environmental crisis’ affects our eco-system massively. So what can we do? We should take action
about these issues. We should protect our environment at all costs. Remember that our Mother Earth
is the only place where people meet, share a common interest, and our only home. Let us go green,
let us save our planet, our home. There is no Planet B.
It is indeed important to take care of our environment and it is one of our main responsibilities
as a human. Protecting our nature means that we can continue to live on this planet with safe and
healthy ecosystems. We should safeguard it not just for living animals, but also for plants and trees
that give us oxygen, which we need to breathe. Humans should be the light that shines through the
darkness in the lives of those who are suffering, we should protect our mother Earth in a way that we
people are not the only one who benefits but also others such as our animals both inland and water
and our plants because they also have a life here above. Humans are diminishing many of the Earth's
resources, with terrible consequences for many people around the world. Therefore, we need to save
the lives of many living organisms, and so, the soul of our nature.
If we protect our environment, we value humanity and it would be an act of serving our
obligations as a steward of God’s creation. The way we protect our nature reflects exactly who we
are, remind yourself that a good person will be concerned about the environment. This also benefits
not just the current generation, but also future generations. This planet will be passed to future
generations as a gift.
As we all know, climate change and global warming also deplete our mother Earth, the use of
carbon dioxide increases the risk of climate change so let us, therefore, reduce carbon dioxide in our
surroundings. Deforestation and illegal logging contribute to this climate crisis. With that being said,
let us always protect our trees. After all, if we will plant and save more trees, we can breathe fresher
air, we can promote a green community, we can save forests, we can sustain oxygen, and we can
reduce carbon footprints.
Along with that, protecting our environment has a lot of beautiful impacts on living things
especially to us, humans. The sun supplies light for the plants, hence the environment is important in
establishing a good food chain. If we fail to maintain a good nature, we could not have quality
watersheds and sources of groundwater in the future. Know that ten people can benefit from a single
tree in a forest by providing them the oxygen they need. If the earth would become a body system,
trees will serve as lungs, and people will serve as the heart. Through trees and other natural
resources, we can produce foods and medicines. In addition, our creativity is sparked by
environmental conservation. We can also assure that we could have economic stability since the
environment provides livelihoods and employment for many. It increases the tourism industry as well.
After all, going green serves as a reminder to appreciate nature's beauty.
Now is the time for a change, let us awaken our minds to discover what our environment
needs and to see the beauty in it. We should not be blindfolded by what’s happening on our planet.
We will suffer a lot if we will continue to destroy it and if we will not take a step. So, as stewards of
God’s creation, let us encourage good change. Know that a single individual can make a difference
because change always begins with a single person's deeds. We will all gain if we all do our part and
we would be able to re-establish a healthy relationship with nature as a result of this. So, let us
always choose humankind and always believe that our mother Earth is our only home. Be part of the
solution not of pollution. Change begins with you. So together in spirit, let us instill in our mids what
Mother Teresa said, yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come, we have only today, so let us
begin. Save lives, save the future, save our home, save mother Earth!

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