Brewing Bavarian Weissbier
Brewing Bavarian Weissbier
Brewing Bavarian Weissbier
This is the english translation of the original Article in brau!magazin Summer 2015.
article details the various methods for influencing the aroma profile. Weissbiers with a
pronounced banana flavor are currently high in demand. These beers are rarely produced by
industrial breweries due to the short shelf life of isoamyl acetate. Due to the open
fermentation at the home brewing scale, bananaflavored beers can be produced without
significant technological adaptations. In addition, the article details various methods (high
gravity, Maltase process, biochemical adjustments) to enforce an enhanced banana flavor.
A few decades back Weißbier was a largely local product of southern Germany. Today it has
become the signature drink of the German Beer Culture. Weissbier is brewed with at least
50% wheat malt and fermented with the characteristic top fermenting yeast cultures that
produce a complex aroma profile tasting of spices and ripe fruits. This style is often
recommended for new home brewers since the cloudy appearance of the beer and the
characteristic taste masks brewing mistakes reasonably well. Weissbier brewed properly is
however not an easy style for home brewing since the many different flavors and aromas
need to be balanced carefully against each other.
After a short summary of the historic development and the prevailing Weissbier styles this
article details the possibilities for influencing the aroma and flavor profile of the beer as well
as briefly outlining the underlying biochemical background for aroma and flavor generation.
The Beginnings
The oldest evidence for Weissbier in Germany dates back about 2800 to 3000 years. Most
likely these beers had little in common with present day Weissbier which evolved about 500
years ago. Towards the end of the 15th century bottom fermenting beers dominated in
Bavaria. These beers were dark (brown/ braunes beer) and due to the lower temperature
bottom fermentation had a longer shelf life as the top fermenting beer brewed previously. At
about the same time a new beer style of top fermenting, lightly colored and refreshing beers
arrived in Bavaria, presumably from Bohemia. These beers were called white beers (weisses
Bier) and would today likely be called lightly colored beers (Helles). The light color was
achieved by using a lightly kilned malt. Initially the white beers were not associated with a
particular grain type and different grain types were used depending on availability and price.
Most likely due to local brewing regulations barley was the dominant grain in the malt bill.
The result of this was that some of these early “white beers” contained no wheat at all. While
wheat beers (Weizen Bier) were well known at the time the name Weissbier originates from
the color of the beer rather than the grain bill (Weizen vs. Weissen). The terms "Wheat beer"
(Weizenbier) and "White beer" (Weissbier) therefore described the same thing at the end of
the 15th century.
Things changed however with the appearance of Duke Wilhelm IV who introduced the so
called Reinheitsgebot ("Purity Law") in 1516. The Reinheitsgebot only allowed barley for the
brewing of beer. Only 30 years later his son then Duke Albrecht V. allowed the exact
opposite; he gave the privilege of brewing with wheat to the Degenberger family who
belonged to the nobility. Only five years later he even prohibited the brewing of brown beers 2/17
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in the summer months but allowed the Degenberger family to brew with wheat throughout
the summer. This policy not only filled the government coffers but also allowed to tie the
influential Degenberger family closer to the ruling Wittelsbacher family. In 1567 Albrecht V.
went even further and granted the Degenbergers the wish for having the monopoly for
brewing with wheat in Bavaria. The official reasoning was that this would reduce overall
wheat consumption. Reinstating the by that time 50 year old, wheatexcluding
Reinheitsgebot (purity law) can also be interpreted as an indication that the decree was not
widely respected at the time and may only have been implemented for a short period of time.
According to historians, with the proceeds of the Weissbier monopoly the ruling
Wittelsbachers could consolidate their budgets and pay for the defense of their property
during the Thirty Years' War. During the most profitable time of the Weissbier monopoly it
is assumed that it generated one third of the total income of the state budget. At that time
almost every village had a Weissbier brewery from which the Wittelsbachers benefited
financially. 3/17
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Two hundred years later the popularity of Weissbier went in decline. Even though in 1761 the
Weissbier monopoly was reaffirmed it could not stop the gradual decline of this beer style.
The Weissbier breweries became less profitable and were additionally hampered by the fact
that they were only allowed to brew the now more and more unpopular Weissbier.
Consequently, many breweries were closed down. In 1798 the Weissbier monopoly was
abolished. One of the reasons for the decreasing popularity of Weissbier was the improved
brewing technology of brown beer which increasingly matched the quality of Weissbier. As a
result, brown beer became more fashionable. With the elimination of summer brewing
restrictions for brown beer and the introduction of the Linde refrigerator in the 1870ies the
Weissbier demand bottomed out. At the same time the bottom fermenting Pilsner style beer
started its ascent to become the most popular beer style.
Only a handful of the presently existing Weissbeer breweries survived the lack of demand in
the 18th and 19th century. Investigating the company histories of nowadays well known
Weissbier breweries it is evident that even those breweries adapted by producing bottom
fermenting beer for prolonged periods of time. Often the only wheat beer on offer were
filtered Kristallweizen (bright Weissbier / crystal Weissbier) which was matching consumer
expectation of highly filtrated and bright beers. The renaissance of the typical cloudy
Weissbier began in the middle of the 1960ies. This development can partly be attributed to
the increasing interest in locally produced, traditional foodstuff but is also credited to
Erdinger Weißbräu who used nationwide advertising campaigns to popularize and distribute
Weissbier in Germany.
2. Weissbier Styles
The body of the beer is characterized by a rounded fullness. This is achieved by the increased
viscosity, the foam stabilizing properties and the colloidal stability resulting from the wheat
malt as well as the relatively high carbonization of up to 8 g/l CO2. Due to the relatively low
pH and the wellperceptible carbonic acid, especially light colored wheat beers appear fresh 4/17
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and sparkly. This perception is additionally supported by the high apparent attenuation
above 80%. A pronounced hop bitterness is untypical for the style. Phenolic acids can
however create a tart – smoky sensory impression.
The subcategories of Weissbier are determined by the use of colored malts and the original
gravity. The following table lists some of the more common styles.
Base Light wheat malt, Pilsner / 4080% dark malt (dark Light wheat malt, Pilsner / 4080% dark malt (dark
Malts Vienna, Munich (<30%) wheat malt, Munich malt), Vienna, Munich (<30%) wheat malt, Munich malt),
Pilsener malt Pilsener malt
Speciality 310% light Cara Melanoidin malt <5% light Cara malt Melanoidin malt
Malts malt (<10%) <2% dark Cara malt (<5%)
<2% dark Cara malt Dark Cara malt Dark Cara malt
<0,5% roasted malt (120 EBC, 510%) (120 EBC, 15%)
Very dark Cara Very dark Cara malt
malt (120300 (120300 EBC,
EBC, <5%) <4%)
Kristallweizen: Has a similar grain bill to the light colored Weissbier and about 20% more
IBUs to accentuate the fresh and sparkly character. The beers are filtered and/or fined by
means of gelatine and silica sol in combination with a neutral, wellsedimenting conditioning
yeast such as Fermentis CBC1.
3. Brewing Weissbier
The characteristic taste of the Weissbier is dominated by the esters and phenols. Most
important is the compound isoamyl acetate known for its banana flavor and 4Vinylguajacol
(4VG) as well as to a lesser degree 4Vinylphenol (4VP) that are responsible for the spicy,
clove flavor. These compounds are synthesized by the yeast and their abundance can be
partly controlled the grain bill and the temperature rest schedule. The following table list the
factors that can direct the Weissbier taste towards more a banana or a more clove like flavor.
As explained below it is not recommended to completely push the beer in one or the other
direction using all the possible adjustment factors. 5/17
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Grain Bill >66% wheat mat 5070% wheat mat <50% wheat mat Less clove predecessor chemical
enzymes at mash in
temperature of 40°C. Release of
ferulic acid and protein
degradation at this temperature
reduce the banana flavours.
Rest Schedule (55°C protein rest: 5 45°C rest: 15 min 45°C rest: 2025 min With low temperature
10 min) (55°C protein rest: (55°C protein rest: mash in a specific
63°C maltose rest: 30 5 min) 5 min) protein rest is often
45 min 63°C maltose rest: 30 63°C maltose rest: 30 not necessary as the
72°C saccharification 45 min 45 min proteolysis through
rest: 30 min 72°C saccharification 72°C saccharification the protection of the
rest: 30 min rest: 30 min
enzymes happens
whileheating up to the
maltose rest.
At higher mash in
depending on the grain
bill and the malt
analysis a protein rest
may be advisable.
Long saccharification
rests help to develop
the characteristic
fullness of wheat beers
through the formation
of glycol proteins. 6/17
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this rest.
The impact on the banana
flavor is discussed
controversially. Analytically low
Yeast W175, Gutmann, W68 W68, Wyeast 3638, W68, W175, Schneider Determining factor. Most
Pitch Rate 38 Mio./ml 38 Mio./ml 38 Mio./ml The pitch in not a suitable
parameter for home brewers to
influence the banana flavor.
Secondary 3 weeks @ 20°C Traditional: 3 weeks @ 20°C Isoamyl acetate and 4VG are
Fermentation 1 week @ 20°C increased during warmer
2 weeks @ 10°C secondary fermentation. 7/17
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The phenolic compounds 4VG and 4VP have a pleasant spicy /clove like flavor when present
in the right concentrations. At too high concentrations the taste can become medical / hard
or rough. The normal 4VG concentration in Weissbier ranges from 0,5 to 3,5 mg/l. The odor
threshold for 4VG in Weissbier is about 0,8 to 1mg/l. Concentrations above 2 mg/l are
perceived strongly.
The promotion of the clove flavor is achieved through sufficiently long cytolysis at an
enzymatic optimum temperature of 45 °C. At this temperature the ferulic acid is released
from arabinoxylane (ferulic acid rest). This reaction has a high optimal pH range above a
normal mash pH. For this reason, rather than increasing the mash pH, a longer rest is
chosen. PH adjustments of the mash are typically undertaken after the ferulic acid rest.
Typical rest times that promote glove flavor are in the order of 10 25 min. This can lead to
4VG concentrations of 1,5 to 2,5 mg/l. A low mash in temperature combined with a slow
heating rate through the ferulic acid rest temperature range can already produce perceptible
clove flavours above 1mg/l [Her05].
The resulting ferulic acid is mainly converted to 4VG by the POF+ (phenolic offflavor)
yeasts, while approximately 5% are converted to 4VG during the boiling of the wort. The
ferulic acid does not convert completely and the relative abundance of phenolic acids are
dependent on the specific yeast. The W175 yeast can for example produce 20 to 50% more
4VG. For this reason, the mash schedule needs to be adjusted to the particular yeast used
during the fermentation.
Advice: High percentage of barley, mash in at 37°C and rest for 20 min at 45 °C.
Open nonpressurized fermentation in combination with a suitable yeast like the classic W68
can already produce a sufficiently strong banana flavor. High OG or HighGravity wort can
promote the banana flavor further. Higher mash in temperature reduces the clove flavor
significantly and additionally promotes the banana flavor.
The combined effect of fermentation temperature, aeration and pitch rate adjustments are
more difficult to predict. While higher fermentation temperatures increase the amount of
produced esters they also increase fusel alcohols and other byproducts. Therefore, the
sensory outcome is not always positive. It is best to start the fermentation at 1718°C and let
it rise freely during the fermentation. Some isoamyl acetate is lost to the air during the
primary fermentation. Temperatures above 21°C increase the amount of isoamyl acetate
during the secondary fermentation. 8/17
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Tinkering with the pitch rate or the aeration to force a banana flavor should be considered as
a last resort treatment. While there can be obviously too little isoamyl acetate there can also
be too much of it. In addition, some aromas like ethyl acetate in concentrations above
45mg/l mask the banana flavor and have a much higher shelf life in the resulting beer. If a
Weissbier tastes fruity for a prolonged period of time but does not develop a banana flavor it
does not automatically indicate a lack of isoamyl acetate. The desired banana flavor simply
could have been masked by other flavors. To date there is no conclusive scientific evidence
that a change of the pitch rate (normal: 5 mio. /ml) or the aeration forces a banana flavor. It
is therefore advised to aim for a healthy, normal fermentation and to change the other
parameters to influence banana character of the beer.
Advice: High percentage of wheat, W68 yeast with 45 mio. /ml pitching rate.
Pitch at 18°C, let temperature rise freely. After primary fermentation move to
secondary and ferment warm for 23 weeks.
Only 0.6% of the annually produced wheat in Germany is used for malting. The remainder is
used for animal feedstock and direct human consumption. Breeding of wheat varieties that
are particularly suitable for brewing is therefore not very economical and rare. The wheat
varieties currently bred and planted for animal feedstock and human consumption have very
high protein and gluten contents. This wheat is largely unsuitable for malting even though
the maltsters can partly adjust the malting processes to partly account for high protein
content and high viscosity. For this reason maltsters prefer wheat batches that due to
climatic or local soil conditions do not fulfill the high protein requirements for animal
feedstock and direct human consumption [Nar12]. One can therefore argue that wheat used
for brewing is an otherwise rejected product. 9/17
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Despite the fact that the character of a wheat beer is largely determined by the yeast, the
wheat malt contributes some brewing technological peculiarities. Due to the much larger
spread in brewing relevant parameters compared to barley it is advisable to investigate the
malt analysis of the wheat malt carefully. On average the differences between barley and
wheat malt are summarized in the table below.
*The amount of ferulic acid in wheat malt varies significantly and can approach the level of barley malts.
Wheat beers tolerate a relatively large range in water profiles. Generally, residual alkalinities
up to 10°dH are of no concern. The resulting higher mash pH should however be taken into
account during the brewing process. The reasons for high tolerance of water profiles are:
Wheat beer yeasts generate a high pH drop during the fermentation resulting in a
satisfactory beer pH even if the wort pH was unfavorable high.
Since wheat does not have husks the increased solution of polyphenols caused by a
high mash pH is restricted to the barley.
Due to the style typical low hopping the increased hop utilization with increased
pH, especially of less desirable compounds, does not create significant problems.
The higher cloudiness and reduced brightness as a result of higher pH is tolerable
for this beer style. Higher turbidity of the post boil wort results however in lower
contents of esters in the beer.
High salt contents can reduce the desired soft taste of the beer. Therefore, it is advisable to
desalinate the water rather than using brewing salts to increase the mineral content.
Considering the aforementioned reasons, a mash or wort acidification is normally not
carried out. It has been observed that an acidified mash results in lower quality estery
aromas [Her05]. Wort acidification 10 minutes before the end of boil can increase the
phenolic and fresh character of the beer, according to Drexler (Weißbierbrauerei Schneider
Even though the brewing process tolerates a large range of residual alkalinities they should
be taken into account. Possibilities to counteract the high residual alkalinities without water
treatment are:
With increased wort pH several chemical reactions including the Maillard reactions are
enhanced. Maillard reactions can create nutty, bread like flavors as well as adding significant
coloration. This fact can be exploited to create an individual and characteristic Weissbier
style simply by adjusting the boiling times and without resorting to darker malts. Since the
conversion and evaporation of DMS (corn flavor) is increased for higher wort pH’s a 60
minute boil is normally sufficient. For a nuttier flavor some commercial breweries use boil
times of 2 hours and more. In summary the water can be moderately adjusted, the brewing 11/17
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process can be adjusted to the water or a structured yet chaotic approach can be used and as
such the water “challenge” offers sufficient scope for individual variation.
4.3. Hops
The main purpose of hop in Weissbier is for preservation purposes. For this reason, it is rare
that a German wheat beer has more than 15 IBU. A hop forward bitterness would mark the
fruity esters and the spicy phenols. Care has to be taken with hard brewing waters as hop
utilization increases disproportionally with wort pH. Suitable hops are the traditional land
races (Tettnang, Hallertau) as well as the recently introduced high quality dual purpose
varieties such as Saphir, Huell Melon, Mandarina Bavaria and Hallertau Blanc.
Aroma hopping 10 to 15 minutes before the end of boil can be carried out using the
aforementioned dual purpose varieties. This will introduce a slightly hoppy initial taste
together with a fuller body for the beer. Very late aroma hopping or dry hopping is not
typical for Bavarian wheat beer as it masks the typical aromas of the yeast. For purposely
hop aromatic wheat beers the new varieties of Huell Melon, Hallertauer Blanc, Mandarina
Bavaria or the hop mixture „Fantasia“ are particularly interesting since their fruity/ flowery
taste profile suits the typical wheat beer aromas very well.
The character of the Weissbier is determined by the yeast. The typical Weissbier yeast strain
belongs to the POF+ yeasts which in comparison to other ale yeasts produces significantly
more phenolic acid (4Vinylguajacol (clove flavours)) and isoamyl acetate (banana, pear
flavor). The classically used W68 strain produces a balanced profile of 4Vinylguajacol and
isoamyl acetate. The W175 strain produces more 4Vinylguajacol and isoamyl acetate as well
as ethyl acetate which masks the banana and clove flavors at high concentrations. This can
lead to a diffuse fruity taste profile. Too high ester concentrations can also produce solvent
/medicinal like taste.
Recently there has been some progress in the availability of Weissbier dry yeasts. The origin
of the dry yeast strain is however often not clear and the yeast manufactures often use
mutations of original strains in addition to strains that broadly resemble Weissbier strains.
Weihenstephan 68 12/17
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Weihenstephan 175
More phenolic
Increased production ethyl butyrate (pineapple)
Very low flocculation
Mix of Weissbier strain with neutral ale strains to produce low amounts of esters
and phenols
Style guide: Crossover between Weissbier and American Wheat, dark Weissbier,
Dry yeast
Danstar Munich Classic: Strain Doemens 479. Has been introduced successfully in
many Weissbier breweries.
Mauribrew Weiss: Classis Bavarian Weissbier displaying well balanced clove and
banana flavours. Slight tendency to produce sulfuric notes.
Mangrove Jack’s Bavarian Wheat: Balanced Weissbier with subtle banana and
rather low clove flavours
Fermentis Safbrew WB06: Mixed results
Danstar Munich Wheat: Mixed results 13/17
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Weissbier produced via decoction mashing did however show better head retention and
higher stability of the turbidity. Additional information regarding the mashing method can
be found here: (Auswahl eines Maischverfahrens unter „Infusion vs. Dekoktion — der aktu
elle Stand“ // in German only)
High gravity wort disproportionally favors the formation of esters during fermentation. By
fermenting wort with an OG of 1.061 to 1.063 and then diluting it post primary fermentation
to 1.0481.055 with softened water one can achieve higher ester concentrations. These
concentrations could not have been achieved using wort in the 1.0481.055 range.
In 2005 Herrmann [Her05] presented an elegant way to enhance the ester production in
Weissbier. He could show that by pushing the wort sugar proportions towards 40% glucose
and 60% maltose the production of isoamyl acetate is significantly increased. The underlying
reason for this is not entirely clear. It is currently being proposed that the stress point for the
yeast caused by the forced conversion from glucose to maltose metabolism is delayed. The
later the yeast reaches this stress point the more substrate for the production of esters has
already been provided from the wort. At the same time, it is being discussed that glucose
presence favors the activity of the esterproducing enzymes. An additional explanation being
discussed is that at the time of the aforementioned delayed glucose deficit all oxygen (which
reduces ester production) has already been consumed.
Herrmann developed his method mainly for the brewing industry and their large conical
fermentation vessels where ester production is typically reduced. Nevertheless, the method
can be used with some adaptations by home brewers. The proportionally higher production
of isoamyl acetate compared to ethyl acetate and the suppression of “greenbeer taste” by the
reduction of acetaldehyde can produce a Weissbier with a lasting banana flavor that can be
drunk after minimal lagering /conditioning time. Since 4VG is much more resistant to
ageing than isoamyl acetate the beer will attain a more classical Weissbier taste with
increased lagering /shelf time. Weissbier produced without the low temperature mashin
rests will often show a rather neutral taste after a few weeks in storage. 14/17
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The maltase process draws its name from an additional rest at 45°C which is the optimum temperature for the maltase
enzyme. This enzyme splits the double sugar maltose into two glucose molecules. The substrate for this reaction is the maltose
which is produced during the maltose rest above 60°C. At this temperature any maltase enzyme would have already been
destroyed. For this reason an additional step is necessary where the temperature is reduced to 45°C and fresh, enzymatic malt
is added. The additional process step can increase the entire mashing schedule to over 3 hours. As discussed above, open
fermentation can already produce enough banana flavor and the addition of a maltase process could produce too many
masking compounds leading to an overall negative sensory result. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile trying out this process if one
is set to produce a strongly bananaflavored Weissbier.
Home brewers can significantly simplify the maltase process by mashing in at 45°C adding
about one third of the extract or 20% of the grain bill in the form of readily available malt
The amount of acetylCoA is closely linked to yeast growth. As long as the yeast cells
encounter favorable growth conditions, they require acetylCoA for the buildup of biomass.
Consequently, acetylCoA does not act as a substrate for ester formation. This model 15/17
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provided a valid explanation why measures to reduce yeast growth, such as low levels of
aeration or FAN would lead to increased amounts of esters. However, this model could not
explain why excess CO2 pressure would reduce ester levels, despite having been shown to
slow down yeast growth.
Also, results indicating the amount of higher alcohols would act as a limiting factor for
ester formation were not entirely unequivocal. Whilst some results indicated that an addition
of isoamyl alcohol would lead to strongly increased amounts of isoamyl acetate, it is not
entirely clear why other factors that would lead to higher amounts of higher alcohols, such as
high levels of oxygen or increased convection during fermentation would lead to lower ester
Therefore, more recent research efforts have focused more strongly on alcohol acyl
transferase activity (Fig. 3). Besides individual genetic factors of yeast strains, their
activation and, thus, ester synthesis is controlled through a complex reaction on many other
factors, such as carbohydrates, oxygen, nitrogen and other nutrients [Ver03]. Some of these
factors shall be looked at more closely below.
Pitching Rate
Pitching rate seems to have a similar effect as aeration. Increased pitching rates increase
ester contents, and so do extremely low pitching rates of <0.5M/ml (which cannot be
recommended for practical purposes). The impact on isoamyl acetate seems to be more
complex, however, and sometimes increased total ester contents coincided with reduced
levels of isoamyl acetate. This may have a particularly strong impact as the predominant
ethyl acetate can have a masking effect on isoamyl acetate. A possible explanation may be the
delayed onset of higher alcohol synthesis, including isoamyl alcohol as precursor for isoamyl
acetate. These results are supported by practical observations, that very fast Weissbier
fermentations of less than 72 hours exhibit low ester contents [Sch13]. 16/17
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As the yeast produces isoamyl alcohol from the amino acid leucin, the leucin ratio as part of
the entire amino acid content is a decisive factor for the production of isoamyl alcohol, and,
thus, isoamyl acetate. This ratio is already a fixed feature of the employed wheat strain and
cannot be influenced in the brewhouse. The leucin content may vary strongly with the wheat
strain, however, and the brewer may hit a "lucky punch" when purchasing the "right" batch
of wheat malt. As analyses are not routinely being carried out, it might be worthwhile to
stockpile higher amounts of one particular batch in order to adapt one's process.
The results referring to total FAN are somewhat controversial. On the one hand, additional
FAN acts as substrate for ester synthesis, on the other hand, increased FAN levels have been
shown to lead to decreased levels of isoamyl acetate. As such, one may assume that higher
levels of proteolytic modification with the purpose of more "banana" should not be targeted
in the malthouse. This concurs with the general recommendation of higher mashin
temperatures (>55°C) for more bananaflavoured wheat beers.
[Her05] Entstehung und Beeinflussung qualitätsbestimmender Aromastoffe bei der Herstellung von
Weißbier. Herrmann, M., Dissertation, TUM, 2015
[Nar12] Die Bierbrauerei: Band 1: Die Technologie der Malzbereitung. Narziss, L., WileyVCH, 2012
[Nar09] Band 2: Die Technologie der Würzebereitung. Narziss, L., WileyVCH, 2010
[Nit91] Investigations into Optimizing Wheat Beer Quality. F. Nitzsche, Brauwelt, Band 32, 1991
[Pla05] Influence of glucose and oxygen on the pro duction of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate by a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain during alco ho lic fermentation. C. Plata, J.C. Mauricio, C. Millán and J.M.
Ortega, World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol. 21, 115 – 121, 2005
[Ver03] FlavorActive Esters: Adding Fruitiness to Beer. Verstrepen, K.J. et al., Journal of Bioscience and
Bioengineering, Vol. 96, No. 2, 110118, 2003
[Sch13] Aromaprofile ausgewählter WeizenbierHefestämme. Schneiderbanger, H. et al, Brauwelt, Nr. 10,
S. 267270, 2013
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