Critical + Creative Global Citizen
Problem So
lver Communicator
The Bayless Portrait of a Graduate has the opportunity to market Bayless’ core values
to students. For this reason, it must develop a strategy to market those values. Bayless
can capitalize on its strengths as a district in its marketing, and reach better outcomes.
B.O.N.D – Building Our Next Generation With Drawings
•Parents prefer private schools because they have more individualized education &
smaller classes
•Bayless is a small school (only 549 high school students)
•Student teacher ratio is 17:1
•Bayless has a dedicated team who puts lots of effort into a great school page &
an active social media
•Bayless has all the hallmarks of a private school without the cost!
Benefits of a Mentorship
• From mentoring younger students, the mentors get personal fulfillment and the
ability to expand their network across grade levels. Mentors additionally get to
experience a leadership position firsthand a make a direct impact in their
community. These mentors can learn to be collaborative communicators through
working with others, and learn about themselves in the process.
• By receiving complementary mentorship through a school-issued program, students
can have a hero tailor their education to their specific situation. Students can also
foster a close relationship with an older student and gain a role model. Mentors can
help students develop confidence, and a heightened institutional knowledge.
• Bayless can benefit through a mentorship program by facilitating personal and
academic growth in students throughout the district. A mentorship program
additionally can facilitate an inclusive environment throughout the district and
promote student well-being.
• Bayless parents’ interest lie in the strength of its community. Parents have students
who are both mentors and mentees. Moreover, parents want the best for the
school district in which they send their current and potentially future children. They
want to enjoy seeing the rise of their students and their successes.
Elementary: Middle:
•Mentorship Program: upperclassmen will read and •Tutoring Programs: upperclassmen will help students
spend time with young kids to form bonds and act as with reading, writing, math, etc. to form bonds & help
good role models for the new generation students succeed in school
•When upperclassmen visit the emphasis will be on •Cool to be Successful: upperclassmen will emphasize
positive character traits. This will build the vision of the importance of success. Change the narrative that
who a student should be, what traits they should be it is somehow ‘bad’ to do well in school, and redefine
working towards. In elementary school foundations being cool as being a good student
are more important than goals like college or grades. •Paving the Way: upperclassmen will discuss specific
•Open Communication: the students will discuss their actionable items that middle schoolers can take,
experience, their diverse backgrounds such as extracurricular activities, study habits, etc.
Thank You