Bitsat Paper 2

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Question No: 1
A solid conducting sphere having a charge us surrounded by an uncharged concentric conducting
hollow spherical shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of the solid sphere and that
of the outer surface of the hollow shell be V. if the shell is now given a charge the new
potential difference between the same two surface is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 2
The magnetic field between the plate of a capacitor when is given by
d) Zero
a) b) c)

Question No: 3
The torque on a bar magnet due to the earth’ magnetic field is maximum when the axis of the
magnet is
a) Perpendicular to the field of the earth
b) Parallel of the vertical component of the earth’s field
c) At an angle of with respect - direction
d) Along the North-South ( - ) direction
Question No: 4
An iron bar of length l and having cross section A is heated from 0° to 100° C. If the bar is held so
that it is not permitted to expand or bend, the force that developed is
a) directly proportional to the length of the bar
b) inversely proportional to the length of the bar
c) independent of the length of the bar
d) inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the bar
Question No: 5
The angle of contact between liquid and solid does not depend upon
a) the nature of the liquid and solid
b) the angle of inclination to the solid liquid surface
c) the medium which exists below the free surface of the liquid
d) the cleanness and freshness of the two surface in contact
Question No: 6
In mode, the input characteristics of a transistor is the variation of
a) against at constant b) against at constant
c) against d) against
Question No: 7
The ratio of areas within the electron orbits for the first excited state to the ground state for
hydrogen atom is
a) 16 : 1 b) 18 : 1 c) 4 : 1 d) 2 : 1
Question No: 8
The ionisation energy of 10 time ionised sodium atom is for best BITSAT resources

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a) b) c) d) 13.6

Question No: 9
-ray will travel minimum distance in
a) Air b) Iron c) Wood d) Water
Question No: 10
The figure shows a double slit experiment where and are the slits. The path lengths and
are and respectively, where is a whole number and is the wavelength. Taking the
central fringe as zero, what is formed at

a) First bright b) First dark c) Second bright d) Second dark

Question No: 11
If there had been one eye of the man, then
a) Image of the object would have been inverted
b) Visible region would have decreased
c) Image would have not been seen three dimensional
d) (b) and (c) both
Question No: 12
Which one of the following curves represents the variation of impedance with frequency in
series circuit

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 13
What about Gauss theorem is not incorrect?
a) It can be derived by using Coulomb’s law
b) It is valid for conservative field, obeys inverse square root law
c) Gauss theorem is not applicable in gravitation
d) Both (a) and (b)
Question No: 14
Find magnetic field at for best BITSAT resources

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d) Zero
a) b) c)

Question No: 15
An electric kettle takes current at How much time will it take to boil of water
from room temperature The temperature of boiling water is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 16
Resistance of a given wire is obtained by measuring the current flowing in it and the voltage
difference applied across it. If the percentage errors in the measurement of the current and the
voltage difference are each, then error in the value of resistance of the wire is
a) b) Zero c) d)
Question No: 17
A network of six identical capacitors, each of value , is made as shown in the figure.

The equivalent capacitance between the points is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 18
Beats are produced by frequencies . The duration of time between two successive
maximum or minima is equal to

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 19
Which one of the following equations does not represent SHM, displacement and t = time.
Parameters a, b and c are the constants of motion?
a) b)
c) d)
Question No: 20
Two points are located at a distance of and from the source of oscillation. The period of
oscillation is and the velocity of the wave is What is the phase difference
between the oscillations of two points

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 21 for best BITSAT resources

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A solid whose volume does not change with temperature floats in liquid. For two different
temperatures , the fractions of volume of solid remain submerged. What is the
coefficient of volume expansion of liquid?

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 22
One mole of an ideal gas at an initial temperature of T kelvin does 6R joules of work adiabatically. If
the ratio of specific heats of this gas at constant pressure and at constant volume is 5/3, the final
temperature of gas will be
a) (T+2.4) K b) (T-2.4) K c) (T+4) K d) (T-4) K
Question No: 23
A satellite revolves around the earth in an elliptical orbit. Its speed
a) Is the same at all points in the orbit
b) Is greatest when it is closest to the earth
c) Is greatest when it is farthest from the earth
d) Goes on increasing or decreasing continuously depending upon the mass of the satellite
Question No: 24
A particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum , if the frequency of
particles motion is doubled and its KE is halved, the angular momentum becomes
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 25
An engine pumps water continuously through a hole. Speed with which water passes through the
hole nozzle is and is the mass per unit length of the water jet as it leaves the nozzle. Find the
rate at which kinetic energy is being imparted to the water

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 26
A heavy uniform chain lies on horizontal table top. If the coefficient of friction between the chain
and the table surface is 0.25, then the maximum fraction of the length of the chain that can hang
over one edge of the table is
a) 20% b) 25% c) 35% d) 15%
Question No: 27
The kinetic energy of a body is 4 joule and its moment of inertia is . Angular momentum is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 28
The 'relation between 'tangential or linear acceleration and angular acceleration of a body moving
in circle is given by

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 29
It was calculated that a shell when fired from a gun with a certain velocity and at an angle of
elevation rad should strike a given target. In actual practice, it was found that a hill just
prevented the trajectory. At what angle of elevation should the gun be to hit the target?

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 30 for best BITSAT resources

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Three balls are thrown from a height with equal speed upwards, downwards and
horizontally respectively. What is the relation among speeds with which they hit the
a) b) c) d) for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 1
The order of reaction, with respect to one of the reacting component Y, is zero. In implies that
a) The reaction is going on at a constant rate.
b) The rate of reaction does not very with temperature.
c) The reaction rate is independent of the concentration of Y.
d) The rate of formation of the activated complex is zero.
Question No: 2
During hydrogenation of oil the catalyst commonly used is:
a) b) Ni c) Fe d)
Question No: 3
When ammonium chloride is heated with NaOH, a gas is evolved, which has
a) Pungent odour b) Smell of rotten eggs c) Smell of ammonia d) No smell
Question No: 4
Which of the following oxide does not form acidic aqueous solution?
a) N2O3 b) NO2 c) N2O5 d) NO
Question No: 5
A metal reacts with to give a compound on heating at high temperature
gives back on reacting with gives a gas turns solution blue on
passing through it. can be
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 6
Following compounds are given:
(i) (ii)

Which of the above compound(s), on being warmed with iodine solution and NaOH, will give
a) (i),(iii) and (iv) b) Only (ii) c) (i), (ii) and (iii) d) (i) and (ii)
Question No: 7
The hydrochlorides of amines form double salt with:
a) b) c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
Question No: 8
Choose the correct statement
a) Saccharin is 650 times sweeter than sugar b) Aspartame is 550 times sweeter than sugar
c) Sucralose is 160 times sweeter than sugar d) Alitame is 2000 times sweeter than sugar
Question No: 9
Mammal’s fats are hydrolysed to relase fatty acids by
a) Amylase b) Lactase c) Lipase d) Insulin
Question No: 10
Thermosets are:
a) Cross-linked polymers
b) Don’t melt or soften on heating for best BITSAT resources

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c) Cross-linking is usually developed at the time of moulding where they harden reversibly
d) All of the above
Question No: 11
A compound alloy of gold and crystallises in a cubic lattice in which the gold atoms occupy the
lattice points at the corners of a cube and the copper atoms occupy the centres of each of the cube
faces. What is the empirical formula of this compound?
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 12

The structure of compound is

a) b)

c) | d) |

Question No: 13
Germinated Barley (an enzyme) is a source of enzyme:
a) Zymase b) Diastase c) Maltase d) Invertase
Question No: 14
Softening of lead means:
a) Conversion of lead into
b) Conversion of lead into
c) Removal of metallic impurities from lead
d) Washing lead with followed by dilute alkali solution
Question No: 15
Which of the following impurities present in colloidal solution cannot be remove by electrodialysis?
a) Sodium chloride b) Potassium sulphate c) Urea d) Calcium chloride
Question No: 16
What quantity of ammonium sulphate is necessary for the production of gas sufficient to
neutralize a solution containing 292 g of
a) 272 g b) 403 g c) 528 g d) 1056 g
Question No: 17
Dipping iron article into a strongly alkaline solution of sodium phosphate
a) Does not affect the article b) Forms on the surface
c) Forms iron phosphate film d) Forms ferric hydroxide
Question No: 18
For an ideal binary liquid solution with which relation between (mole fraction of in
liquid phase) and (mole fraction of in vapour phase) is correct, and are mole fraction
of in liquid and vapour phase respectively :
b) for best BITSAT resources

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d) and cannot be corelated

Question No: 19
Name the metal which is extracted on the basis of following reactions,

a) Nickel b) Silver c) Copper d) Mercury
Question No: 20
The compound

Have its IUPAC name as

a) Octa dec-9-enoic acid b) Oleic acid
c) Ethyl hexadic-9-enoic acid d) All of these
Question No: 21
Which of the following compounds cannot be prepared singly by the Wurtz reaction?
a) b) c) d) All can be prepared
Question No: 22
In the following reactions,

the major products ( ) and ( ) are respectively :


b) for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 23
Hybridisation of oxygen in diethyl ether is
a) Sp b) c) d)
Question No: 24
Sodium chloride is soluble in water but not in benzene because
a) b)
c) d)

Question No: 25
Chlorine atom differs from chloride ion in the number of:
a) Protons b) Neutrons c) Electrons d) Protons and electrons
Question No: 26
What is the normality of a solution to be used as an oxidant in acid medium, which contain
15.8 g of the compound in 100 mL of solution? Mol. wt. of is 158 :
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 27
Slope and intercepts of the plots log 10 are given respectively by :

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 28
In a calorimeter, the temperature of the calorimeter increases by 6.12 K, the heat capacity of the
system is 1.23 kJ/g deg. What is the molar heat of decomposition for
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 29
If is doped with mol % , then the concentration of cation vacancies will be
a) mol % b) mol % c) mol % d) mol %
Question No: 30
In an atom two electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits of radii and The ratio of
the time taken by them to complete one revolution is:
a) b) c) d) for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 1
In the following question, which character when placed at the sign of interrogation (?) shall
complete the given pattern.

(a) 28 (b) 36
(c) 81 (d) 49
Question No: 2
Following are the conditions for selecting manager-HR. in an organisation
(i). Be atleast 30 yr and not more than 35 yr as on 1st march, 2012
(ii). Have secured atleast 60% marks in graduation in any discipline
(iii). Have secured atleast 65% marks in the post-graduation degree/diploma in personnel management/HR.,
the case is to be referred to GM-HR.
(iv). Have post qualification work experience of atleast five years in the personnel/HR. department of an
(v). Have secured atleast 50% marks in the selection process
However, in the case of a candidate who satisfies all the above condition except
(a) (ii) above but has secured atleast 55% marks in graduation in any discipline and atleast 70% marks in
post-graduation degree/diploma in personnel management/HR., the case is to be referred to GM-HR.
(b) (iv) above but has post qualification work experience of atleast four years out of which atleast two years
as deputy manager-HR. the case is to be referred to president-HR
In the question below is given details of one candidate. You have to take one of the following course of
actions based on the information provided and the conditions and sub-conditions given above and mark the
number of that course of action as your answer. You are not be assume anything other than the information
provided in the question. All these cases are given to you as on 1st march, 2012
Sweta has been working in the personnel department of an organisation for the past 7 yr after completing
her post-graduate diploma in personnel management with 70% marks. She was born on 5th July, 1979. She
has secured 65% marks in graduation and 50% marks in the selection process.
(a) The candidate is not be selected
(b) The data provided are not adequate to take a decision
(c) The case is to be referred to president-HR.
(d) The case is to be selected.
Question No: 3
Mohan travelled westward 5kms., turned left and travelled 3kms., turned right and travelled 9kms.
He then travelled north 3kms. How far he is from he the starting point?
(a) 5kms (b) 3kms
(c) 6kms (d) 14kms
Question No: 4
A girl was born on September 6, 1970 which happened to be a Sunday. Her birthday would have fallen again
on Sunday in
(a) 1975 (b) 1977
(c) 1981 (d) 1982
Question No: 5
The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at the intervals of 88 min of the correct time. How
much does the clock gain or lose in a day? for best BITSAT resources

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(a) 368 min (loss) (b) 368 min (gain)

(c) 369 min (loss) (d) 369 min (gain)

Question No: 6
(A) M is N’s brother; (B) K is M’s Sister; (C) P is O’s brother : (D) O is N’s daughter. Who is uncle of
(a) N (b) K
(c) O (d) M
Question No: 7
Which of the following diagrams represents the correct relationship between books, novels and dictionaries?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Question No: 8
Which one of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship between apple, banana and mango?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Question No: 9
Fill in the blanks and find the correct answer.
31__4__2__1 = 30
(a) × , ÷ , × (b) −,+,÷ (c) + , − , × (d) −,+,+
Question No: 10
Find the missing number :
21 17 13
12 19 19
9 14 17
24 22 ?
(a) 12 (b) 15
(c) 18 (d) 20
Question No: 11
Find the word from the given alternatives which bears exactly same relationship to the third, as the first two
‘Horse’ is related to ‘Hoof’ in the same way as ‘Eagle’ is related to
(a) Claw (b) Clutch
(c) Leg (d) Foot
Question No: 12
Complete the series by replacing the “?”
462, 420, 380, “?”, 306
(a) 322 (b) 332
(c) 342 (d) 352
Question No: 13
In the following question given below, there is a number series with one term missing shown by ‘?’.
The term is given as one of the alternatives among four numbers given below it. Find the missing
(11, 13), ?, (23, 29), (31, 37), (41, 43)
(a) (13, 17) (b) (19, 21) (c) (17, 19) (d) (13, 18) for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 14
If in a certain code language, ‘O’ as ‘E’, ‘A’ as ‘C’, ‘M’ as ‘T’, ‘S’ as ‘O’, ‘N’ as ‘P’, ‘E’ as ‘M’, ‘I’ as ‘A’, ‘P’ as
‘N’ and ‘C’ as ‘N’, then how will ‘COMPANIES’ be written in that language?
Question No: 15
If in a certain code language ‘PEAK’ is coded as ‘3512’ and ‘DINE’ is coded as ‘6895’, then how will ‘KIND’
be coded in that language?
(a) 2396 (b) 2986
(c) 2896 (d) 2596
Question No: 16
Which of the words will come fourth if arranged according to the English Dictionary?
(a) Elect (b) Electric
(c) Elector (d) Elastic
Question No: 17
If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the first, the fourth, the seventh and the eleventh
letters of the word ‘SUPER FLUOUS’, what will be the first letter of that word? If no such word can
be made, give ‘X’ as the answer and if more than one word can be made, give ‘M’ as the answer.
(a) L (b) S
(c) O (d) X
Question No: 18
In the following question, certain pairs of words are given, out of which the words in all pairs except one,
bear a certain common relationship. Choose the odd pair.
(a) Stamp : Letter (b) Ticket : Train
(c) Ink : Pen (d) Car : Engine
Question No: 19
Find the odd one out.
(a) Geography (b) Physics
(c) Chemistry (d) Zoology
Question No: 20
Find the word from the given alternatives which bears exactly same relationship to the third, as the first two
‘Gram’ is related to ‘Mass’ in the same way as ‘Centimetre’ is related to
(a) Area (b) Volume
(c) Length (d) Sound for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 1
Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No
(a) The whole block of flats (b) including two shops were
(c) destroyed in fire (d) No error
Question No: 2
In the question below, a part of the sentence is in bold. Choose the correct alternative. In case no
improvement is needed your answer is (d)
Journalism and medicine would be two of his career options.
(a) No Improvement (b) could be
(c) will be (d) might be
Question No: 3
In the following question, the sentences have been given in Active/Passive Voice. From the given
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice
The hammer hit the nail on its head.
(a) Hitting of the nail was done by the hammer (b) On its head the nail has had been hit by the
on its head. hammer.
(c) Hammering the head of the nail was done. (d) The nail was hit by the hammer on its head.
Question No: 4
Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.
When will you hand ______ your assignment?
(a) in (b) back
(c) down (d) into
Question No: 5
In the question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word.
Select the synonym of theorize.
(a) measure (b) prove
(c) speculate (d) calculate
Question No: 6
In the question, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
(a) composed (b) tidy
(c) confident (d) jovial
Question No: 7
In the question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given
An animal which lives by preying on other animals
(a) aggressor (b) attacker
(c) terminator (d) predator
Question No: 8
In the question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the
alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase given in bold.
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(a) in close relationship (b) non-cooperative

(c) critical (d) on bad terms
Question No: 9
In the question, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt/correctly spelt. Find that mis-
spelt/correctly spelt word.
(a) emerjency (b) delegate
(c) mandatory (d) appreciate
Question No: 10
In the question,the passage is split into four parts and named A, B, C and D. These four parts are not
given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is
(A) with reluctance
(B) of his kindly
(C) and faithful Persian friend
(D) he accepted the invitation
(a) ADBC (b) CBAD
(c) BADC (d) DBAC for best BITSAT resources

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Question No: 1
The chord joining the points where and on the curve is parallel
to the tangent at the point on the curve whose abscissa is
d) None of these
a) b) c)

Question No: 2
The equation has
a) No solution b) Only one solution c) Two solutions d) Three solutions
Question No: 3
The arbitrary constant on which the value of the


Does not depend, is

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 4
If and are the angles of a triangle and

then the triangle is

a) Isosceles b) Equilateral c) Right angled d) None of these

Question No: 5
A function satisfies the equation for all and for
all . If is differentiable at and , then equals
a) b) c) d) None of these
Question No: 6
if and if is differentiable at , then
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 7
The area bounded by the curves
and is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 8
If is equal to
b) 0 d) None of the above
a) c)

Question No: 9 for best BITSAT resources

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If then
d) None of these
a) b) c)

Question No: 10
The value of is
a) 0 b) 3/8 c) 4/3 d)
Question No: 11
A particle moves on the parabola in such a way that its projection on the -axis has a
constant velocity. Then its projection on -axis moves with
a) Constant velocity b) Constant acceleration c) Variable velocity d) Variable acceleration
Question No: 12
Which of the following is incorrect?
c) where commute
Question No: 13
The area bounded by and , where denotes greatest integer function,
a) 1 sq unit b) sq unit c) sq unit d) sq unit
Question No: 14
Observe the following statements
A:Interating factor of is

R: Integrating factor of is
Then, the true statement among the following is
a) A is true, R is false b) A is false, R is true
c) A is true, R is true, d) A is false, R is false
Question No: 15
The solution of the differential equation , is

a) b)
c) d)
Question No: 16
Let be a fixed angle. If and . Then
is obtained from by
Clockwise rotation around the origin through Anti-clockwise rotation around origin through
a) b)
angle angle
Reflection in the line through the origin with Reflection in the line through the origin with
c) d)
slope tan slope tan
Question No: 17
If , then length of is equal to for best BITSAT resources

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a) b) c) d)
Question No: 18
If and are reciprocal system of vectors, then equals

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 19
The equation of the plane passing through the points (0, 1, 2) and and perpendicular to
the plane is
a) b)
c) d)
Question No: 20
The angle between the line and the plane,

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 21
If and are in G.P., then is equal to
Question No: 22
The relation defined on the set of natural numbers as {( ) differs from by 3} is given by
a) {(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), ...} b) {(4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 3), ...}
c) {(1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 9), ...} d) None of the above
Question No: 23
If , then the value of is

a) b)

c) d)

Question No: 24
For lies in the interval

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 25
If then
a) b) c) d) None of these
Question No: 26
Consider the following statements:
Every reflexive relation is symmetric relation
Every anti-symmetric relation is reflexive
Which of the following is/are true? for best BITSAT resources

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a) alone b) alone c) Both and d) Neither nor

Question No: 27

If are theroots of , then the equation whose roots are is

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 28
If where , then the ordered pair ( ) is
a) (9, 10) b) (10, 9) c) (7, 10) d) (10, 7)
Question No: 29
Eight different letters of an alphabet are given. Words of four letters from these are formed. The
number of such words with at least one letter repeated is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 30
The value of
a) 2 b) 0 d) 1

Question No: 31
If are in G.P. and then are in
a) A.P. b) G.P. c) H.P. d) None of these
Question No: 32
The equation of the line passing through the point of intersection of the lines and
and perpendicular to the line , is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 33
Equation of hyperbola passing through origin and whose asymptotes are and
a) b)
c) d)
Question No: 34
The odds against a certain event are 5 :2 and the odds in favour of another independent event are 6
: 5. The probability that at least one of the events will happen, is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 35
The equation of the circle which has a tangent at on it and with the centre
on is
Question No: 36 for best BITSAT resources

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The records of a hospital show that 10% of the cases of a certain disease are fatal. If 6 patients are
suffering from the disease, then the probability that only three will die, is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 37
If a matrix is such that then is equal to
a) b) c) d) None of these
Question No: 38
Given that
, is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 39
If and are two statements, then statement is
a) Tautology b) Contradiction
c) Neither tautology not contradiction d) None of the above
Question No: 40
The AM of is

a) b) c) d) for best BITSAT resources

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