Vsat SkyEdge II Access VSAT Dec 2009

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High performance multi-purpose VSAT


• High performance - 6Mbps inbound and
135Mbps outbound

A T s
• High availability and efficiency with DVB-S2
ACM and ICM adaptive inbound

• Embedded VoIP Compression, QoS, and TCP,

HTTP, acceleration

• Field upgradeable with two expansion slots

• Standards-based VSAT: DVB-S2 and DVB-RCS

with enhanced functionality

Multi-Purpose Modular VSAT RCS based turbo coding. ICM provides 3 dimensions
SkyEdge II Access is a modular, two way VSAT of inbound adaptivity: Adaptive uplink power control;
Adaptive symbol rate, coding and modulation. These
enabling broadband IP access, and multicasting to one
combine to ensure higher availability even in rain fade
or many business or rural locations. This VSAT is ideal conditions with a maximum dynamic range of up to
for extremely fast throughput for rapid access to the 23dB. Mesh traffic shares the same inbound bandwidth
Web, VoIP, enterprise connectivity and multimedia and all adaptivity features.
applications. Add on Voice ports simplify connection
Above and beyond compliance to the standards, SkyEdge
to local phones and an optional Mesh card provides
II Access provides embedded IP, IPv6, TCP/HTTP/VPN
efficient one-hop communications
acceleration, routing capabilities, encryption, VLAN, VRF,
end-to-end QoS, tiered services and SLA support. There
Enhanced Capabilities is no need for external boxes or installation of software
SkyEdge II Access provides superior bandwidth efficiency on the customer’s PC.
and high availability through the use of DVB-S2 ACM
(Adaptive Modulation and Coding) for the outbound Maximum VSAT Flexibility
paths as well as QPSK/8PSK/16APSK/32APSK SkyEdge II Access is modular and enables expansion
Modulation and LDPC coding. of VSAT capabilities as the need arises. A variety of
optional plug-in expansion cards such as telephony
The SkyEdge II Access ICM inbound performance ports, or Mesh, can be added in the two expansion slots.
can provide over 6Mb/sec per VSAT, on adaptive There is no need for external boxes and all expansion
and dynamic channels. High bandwidth efficiency is ports can be easily managed, fully controlled and
supported with QPSK/8PSK modulation and DVB- updated over the air, remotely from the NMS.
Technical Specifications
Outbound Carrier
Standard DVB-S/DVB-S2
Carrier rate 256Ksps - 45Msps (in 1Ksps steps)
Modulation QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK
Coding Viterbi & Reed Solomon (DVB-S) or LDPC & BCH (DVB-S2)
FEC rate (DVB-S) 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
FEC rate (DVB-S2) 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
Inbound Carrier
Channel Rates 128Ksps-2.56Msps
Access Scheme MF-TDMA DVB-RCS based
Bit rate Up to 6.1Mbps
Modulation QPSK, 8PSK
Coding (RCS Based) Turbo coding FEC 1/2; 2/3; 3/4; 4/5; 6/7
Outdoor Unit
Antenna size (typical) Ka-Band & Ku-Band: 0.55 m to 1.2 m C-Band: 1.8 m
Operating Temperature -40º to +60º C
Humidity Up to 100%
Linear Transmitter ODU Ku or Ext Ku: 2W-20W. C or Ext C: 4W-20W. Ka-Band: 1W-2W
LNB Standard TVRO type
Indoor Unit
RF Input/Output Two F connectors, 75 “?” female
Data Interface 4 x Ethernet 10/100BaseT
Expansion slots and modules 2 slots. 2-slot mesh card, Up to 2 x 2 port FXS card (up to 4 FXS ports)
Operating Voltage 100-240V AC or 10-59V DC
Security AES-128 encryption
IP Features
Enhanced IP features Multi VRF & VLAN, IPv6, RIP, IRDP, DHCP, NAT/PAT, IGMP, IP prioritization, ACL
DiffServ, IPSec
Other Features Bandwidth on Demand, TCP & HTTP acceleration, Multi-Level QoS
Mechanical / Environmental Conditions
Size 305x250x70 mm
Weight 1.74 Kg (without expansion modules)
Operating Temperature -5º to +50º C (optional -40º to +60º C)
Storage Temperature -40º to +70º C
Relative Humidity Up to 90%

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The Gilat logo and SkyEdge are trademarks of Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. or its subsidiaries. This brochure is being provided for informational purposes only. The details contained in this document, including
product and feature specifications, are subject to change without notice and shall not bind Gilat to a specific product or set of features related thereto. DVB is a registered trademark of the DVB Project.

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