Webster, Noah (1758-1843) 1943

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Current Science Association

Webster, Noah (1758–1843)

Source: Current Science, Vol. 12, No. 5 (MAY 1943), p. 165
Published by: Current Science Association
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May '1943] Science Notes and News 165

Webster, Noah (1758-1843) Tweddell, Ralph Hart (1843-1895)

"NTOAH WEBSTER, the American lexico
grapher, was born at West Hartford, "DALPH HART TWEDDELL, a British engi
16th October 1758. Having taken his degree ■" neer, was born at South Shields, 25th
at Yale in 1778 and after spending about fifteen May. 1843. Even during his apprenticeship he
years in the legal profession, he found his took out a patent for a portable hydraulic
vocation in the publication of the American apparatus to fix the ends of boiler tubes. The
spelling book of which more than 15,000,000 success of this led him to employ hydraulic
copies were sold in his life-time. He collabo power in boiler construction. In 1865, he in
rated with Benjamin Franklin in spelling vented a hydraulic riveting machine, which
reform. After trying journalism for about a reduced the cost to one-seventh of hand-work.
decade, he found a substantial income by pub In 1871, he invented the portable riveter. This
lishing the well-known series of books Ele process came to be used all the world over
ments of useful knoivledge. for riveting bridges and ships.
Webster was versatile and covered a vast In 1874, Tweddell's system was adopted in
field of knowledge. His Brief history of epide French shipbuilding yards. He contributed
mic and pestilential diseases (2 vols.) (1799) several papers on the use of hydraulic pressure
and his Experiments respecting dew (1809) and earned a gold medal from the Society of
were pioneer books in science in America. It Arts. In 1890 he was awarded a Bessemer
is also claimed that Webster's work as statisti premium for the paper Application of water
cian and climatologist foreshadowed the cen pressure to machine tools and appliances.
sus and weather bureaus of later times.
Webster's many-sided publishing activity
Tweddell died at Meopham Court, 3rd Sep
tember 1895.
proved an admirable preparation for lexico
graphy. He worked at his famous dictionary University Library,
for twenty-five years and brought out the first
edition in 2 vols, in 1828 under the title An Madras, S. R. Ranganathan
S. R. Ranganathan
American dictionary of the English language. May 4, 1943.
Webster died at Amherst, 28th May 1843.


Animal Husbandry Wing Meeting.—The fifth cattle diseases, etc., in India were made. These
Animal Husbandry Wing Meeting of the Board measures when taken in conjunction with better
of Agriculture was held in the last week of feeding and breeding programmes, should
November in New Delhi. The main subject prove very useful. With a view to make the
discussed was measures to be taken to secure veterinary education more uniform through
betterment of the large cattle population with out the country and useful to the cattle indus
a view to increase their produce required for try of the country, a comprehensive curricu
human nutrition. The Conference took the lum was suggested.
view that by offering the producers increased In his opening remarks, the Hon'ble Membe
price and an assured market, it will be possible for Education, Health and Lands, suggest
to secure increased output of milk and ghee, that the Conference should draw out an ob
An increase in price can to a certain extent jective practical programme of work which
satisfy the demand by drawing upon distant may be taken up by the country during the
rural areas but considering the fact that a next five years. This appeal has met with the
shortage of foodstuffs for cattle exists, possi- response it deserved. A sixty-point programm
bilities in this direction will be rather limited, has been drawn up and if a concentrated effort
The ' fact that "India suffers from an excess is made to put it in practice much good ought
of the animal population" was realised at the to result. One can only wish that this had
meeting and also that elimination of these ani- come five years earlier. It will be too much
mais "would confer a real benefit". However to hope that this stupendous work can be
in view of the present public sentiments no seriously taken up by the State during the
effective remedy could be found for this present emergency. It may, however, be con
major problem. sidered a charter for post-war reconstruction.
At the various sub-committees valuable This meeting of animal husbandry workers
practical suggestions regarding the control of has given to the country a large amount

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