How To Get Your Prayers Answered, 0892742151
How To Get Your Prayers Answered, 0892742151
How To Get Your Prayers Answered, 0892742151
Norvel Hayes
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Unless otherwise indicated,
all Scripture quotations are taken from
the King James Version of the Bible.
09 08 07 06 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Be Sincere
Because He looks on the motives of
your heart, you have to approach Him in
the right way. You have to be sincere.
Jesus said, . . . out of the abundance of the
heart the mouth speake th (Matt. 12:34).
When you start talking, Jesus will know
right away the condition of your heart.
Many times, Jesus doesn’t like the way
we pray.
You may say, “But I’m humble when
I pray. Sometimes when I pray, I even
get on my knees and cry.”
That doesn’t make a ny difference.
Jesus still won’t answer your prayer if you
pray wrong.
Norvel Hayes
Norvel Hayes is a successful
businessman, internationally
renowned Bible teacher, and
founder of several Christian
ministries in the U.S. and
Brother Hayes founded N e w
Life Bible College, located in Cleveland, Tennessee,
in 1977. New Life Bible Church grew out of the Bible
school’s chapel services. The Bible School offers a
two-year diploma and off-campus correspondence
courses. Among it’s many other out-reaches, the
church ministers God’s Word and hot meals daily to
the poor through the Ne w Life Soup K it che n.
Brother Hayes is also the founder and president of
New Life Maternity Home, a ministry dedicated to
the spiritual, physical and financial need of young
girls during pregnancy; Campus Challenge, an evan-
gelistic outreach that distributes Christian litera-
ture on college campuses across America; S t r e e t
R e a c h , a ministry dedicated to runaway teens
located in Daytona Beach, Florida; and Children’s
Home, an orphanage home and education center
located in India.
Known internationally for his dynamic exposition of
the Word of God, Brother Hayes spends most of his
time teaching and ministering God’s deliverance and
healing power in churches, college classrooms, con-
ventions and seminars around the world.
For a complete list of tapes and books
by Norvel Hayes, write:
Norvel Hayes • P. O. Box 1379 • Cleveland, TN 37311
Books by Norvel Hayes
Don’t Let the Devil Steal Your Destiny
How to Live and Not Die
The Blessing of Obedience
The Chosen Fast
Confession Brings Possession
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Misguided Faith
The Number One Way To Fight the Devil
What To Do for Healing
P. O. Box 35035 • Tulsa, OK 74153
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