10 1016@j Jksuci 2020 06 001
10 1016@j Jksuci 2020 06 001
10 1016@j Jksuci 2020 06 001
Adnan Alrabea
PII: S1319-1578(20)30389-X
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2020.06.001
Reference: JKSUCI 797
Please cite this article as: Alrabea, A., A Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signing Dynamic Auditing In Cloud
Computing, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences (2020), doi: https://doi.org/
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Adnan Alrabea
Cloud Computing is an alternative to conventional IT Outsourcing. As a result, cloud computing migration
between organizations is rapidly growing. The adoption of this technology brings many positive aspects,
but prescribes various risks and concerns. An organization that officially provides its cloud computing
services to external providers and implies that its IT functions and process are outsourced to third-party
providers of BPO services.For the purposes of privacy-making public audit processes in dynamic cloud
data storage, a modified Boneh-Lynn-Shachame Dynamic Auditing (MBLSSDA) algorithm is suggested.
The proposed algorithm executes an audit process for many users on the basis of a batch audit
simultaneously and effectively in order to enable Third Party Auditing. This paper integrates the
homomorphic authenticator in an algorithm of dynamic signing audit by random marking in terms of the
privacy conserving public auditing process.
Cloud Computing is an alternative to conventional IT Outsourcing. As a result, cloud computing migration
between organizations is rapidly growing. The adoption of this technology brings many positive aspects,
but prescribes various risks and concerns. An organization that officially provides its cloud computing
services to external providers and implies that its IT functions and process are outsourced to third-party
providers of BPO services.For the purposes of privacy-making public audit processes in dynamic cloud
data storage, a modified Boneh-Lynn-Shachame Dynamic Auditing (MBLSSDA) algorithm is suggested.
The proposed algorithm executes an audit process for many users on the basis of a batch audit
simultaneously and effectively in order to enable Third Party Auditing. This paper integrates the
homomorphic authenticator in an algorithm of dynamic signing audit by random marking in terms of the
privacy conserving public auditing process.
Cloud storage system can give a flexible on-demand data storage service to the cloud user at anytime and
anywhere [1]. However, the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) owned the user data physically as well as
virtually. In this cloud environment, the cloud data are not controlled by the cloud user. Instead cloud
auditors manage the cloud data. But this process doesn’t ensure the data integrity which means
unauthorized cloud user can alter the data without owner’s knowledge. The individual belong to a group
can alter the data of other members in the same group.
Thus to avoid these kinds of issues this work proposed a Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signing Dynamic
Auditing (MBLSSDA) algorithm for privacy-preserving public auditing process in dynamic storage in
cloud. To enable the Third Party Auditing (TPA) simultaneously and efficiently,auditing process for single
users as well as batch auditing for multiple users is efficiently done in this proposed work. Additionally,
this work implements the Rijndael algorithm forgenerating an encryption key by data owner at the time
of group user requesting the data owner to access the data. This process is done based on the algorithm
SHA-512 for creating the hash key which is used by TPA for checking the integrity of cloud data and one
of the added advantages of this proposed work is one-time password verification scheme.
This work integrates an authenticator with random marking approach in terms of privacy-preserving public
auditing process using Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signing Dynamic Auditing (MBLSSDA)
algorithm. A linear combination of sampled blocks in cloud service answer is masked with randomly
generated Pseudo-Random Function (PRF). In the random making, the Third Parity Auditor (TPA) no
longer as need the user data to build a correct group and therefore cannot originate the data content of the
user [13][14] .A public auditing scheme basically contains four different algorithms such as VerifyProof,
GenProof, SigGen, KeyGen which runs according to the user implantation setup.
The data owner uses SigGen to produce authentication metadata, which may contain MAC signatures or
related auditing material (T.Vijayalakshmi et al., 2014), (Mehmet SabırKiraz et. al., 2015), (Jachak K.B et
al., 2012). GenProof is run by the cloud service to assert data storage accuracy, while the TPA applies
VerifyProof to verify cloud service code proof.This proposed work adapts a batch auditing scheme
usingRijndael algorithm.
Key validation for
registration and User Profile
email id verification
email id Interface
(First Time)
File Search
File Upload and
User Login
Split Sub
blocks OTP generation and
Encrypt the send mail
spited files
Stored in to Multi
Cloud Server OTP
Decryption and
Data Base
Secure Data
User 1
User 2 Cloud
Account Detail
User n
uploading Request
Private and DB
public data
Revocation Admin
SigGen Algorithm
Verify Algorithm
//Verify the signature with public key
Data: public key v ∈ G2,signature σ ∈ G1,message M ∈ {0,1}*
Result: boolean value
h ←H(M) ∈ G1
Return Test ((g^2,v,h,σ)
During this auditing processas shown in Figure 5, each and every group user are authenticated by using
one-time password approach and this password generated by using a SHA-512 algorithm.
The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) was developed by according to Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS 180) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1993 [11][12]. SHA is
worked based on the hash function MD4. SHA-1 is also stated in RFC 3174.
After generating the OTP it should be sent to the cloud user by using a gateway operation to the user mail
or mobile. Here, the URL is used for this process as a library and command line tool for transferring data
across it.
1.curl_init(): It is utilized to initialize a session.
2.curl_setopt(): Set a possibility for the URL transfer.
3.curl_exec():Perform a cURL session.
4.curl_close():Close a cURL session and set free all the cloud resources.
CSP File F
User Personal
TPA information
User Admin
Figure.5 Proposed Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Based Cloud Auditing
Following procedure shows the overall process of proposed Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Based
cloud auditing with Rijndael algorithm based data integrity checking process[17].
Step 2: Cloud user register and after enter the OTP to login. If the user want to access a file, initially
user send the request to server for authorization of file.
Step 3: Cloud server block the user or accepts request or itdepends on user validation. After accept
the request, server sends the encryption key to the users mobile or mail. Rijandael algorithm is used
for generating the Encryption key which is used for security purpose.
Step 4: Entering the encryption key user can modify or update the file and upload the file to the cloud
server again. A new hash value is generated after the file is uploaded.
Step 5: Now, the Third Party Administrator login and batch auditby comparing changed file hash
value and original file, if the hash valuesobtained is same, then file is not altered otherwise it is
altered by User.
Step 6: After this process cloud admin do login and will send the list of files that have been altered
over the SMS or mail to the cloud user.
Step 7: The cloud user will review the tempered files and will discard the change made by user or
overwrite the original file.
Figure.6 Key
Generation Time of
Figure 7shows that the signature generation time is comparative to the block size. since the master
user required to create secret keys for each and every group user during the catch auditing process
Authentication Signature
Generation Time (sec)
60 Authentication
Generation Time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Block
Figure.7 Authentication Signature Generation Time ofMBLSSDA-RIJNDAEL Algorithm
Figure 8 shows the comparison results of proposed Modified Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Signing Dynamic
Auditing (MBLSSDA) with Rijndael algorithm and ELGAMAL digital signature scheme with Merkle B-
tree (Nayana.S.R et al., 2013) in terms of user verification time.
User Verification Time (Sec)
20 tree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File Size (Block Number)
From the results it indicates that, although ELGAMAL-Merkle B-tree scheme has very high User
verification time when compared with the proposed work. This is because ELGAMAL-Merkle B-tree
scheme needs a number of multiplication operations and exponentiation operations on Group
number during the batch auditing process for challenging blocks.
This paper presents MBLSSDA algorithm for privacy-preserving public auditing process in term of
dynamic cloud data storage. It enables the TPA to perform efficient auditing process for multiple
users as well as doing in the batch auditing for multiple users. Additionally, this work implements
the Rijndael algorithm to generate encryption key by data owner and at the time of other group user
requesting the data owner to access the data.
This process is done based on the SHA-512 algorithm for creating the hash key which is used for TPA
to check the integrity of cloud data and one of the added advantages of this proposed work is one-
time password verification scheme. At last, the TPA verifies the data integrity. The result proves that
by comparing single auditing with batch auditing process, the later one performs better and it
enhances the whole system performance
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