Financial Procedure
Financial Procedure
Financial Procedure
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motion is that the Bill be returned. On the adoption of may be introduced in either House and it does not require
this motion, a Money Bill is returned to Lok Sabha with the recommendation of the President for its introduction.
the message that Rajya Sabha has no recommendations It cannot, however, be passed by either House unless
to make to the House in regard to the Bill or with the the President has recommended to that House the
message intimating to Lok Sabha the amendments so consideration thereof. But not being a Money Bill, Rajya
recommended, as the case may be. Lok Sabha, under Sabha has full power to reject or amend such a Bill as
article 109, has the option to accept or reject all or any in the case of ordinary Bills.
of the recommendations made by Rajya Sabha. The
The Budget
Bill, however, has to be returned within a period of
fourteen days from the date of its receipt by Rajya Sabha, The President, in respect of every financial year
otherwise it is deemed to have been passed by both causes to be laid before both Houses of Parliament an
Houses at the expiration of the said period in the form in ‘‘Annual Financial Statement’’ or a statement of the
which it was passed by Lok Sabha. estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government
of India, which is known as the Budget. The Budget is
Financial Bills
presented in two parts, viz., the Railway Budget
Financial Bills, other than Money Bills, are covered pertaining to Railway Finance and the General Budget
under article 117. They may be divided into two relating to the financial position of the Government of
categories, viz., those which make provision for any of India excluding Railways.
the matters which come within the definition of a Money
The Railway Budget is presented by the Railway
Bill but do not consist solely of these matters; and those
Minister sometime in the third week of February. By
which, if enacted, and brought into operation, would
convention, the General Budget is presented to Lok
involve expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India.
Sabha by the Finance Minister on the last working day
Bills of the former category come under clause (1), and
of February of each year. A copy of the respective
Bills of the latter category under clause (3) of article
Budgets is simultaneously laid on the Table of Rajya
117. A Financial Bill coming under the purview of clause
(1) can be introduced only in Lok Sabha and it requires
the recommendation of the President for its introduction. The Chairman, Rajya Sabha appoints the day and
A Financial Bill coming under the purview of clause (3) time for general discussion on the Budget in Rajya
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Sabha. Rajya Sabha is at liberty to discuss the Budget which are to be taken up for discussion are
as a whole or any question of principle involved therein, recommended by the Business Advisory Committee.
but no motion is moved nor the Budget is submitted to The discussion on the working of these Ministries is
the vote of Rajya Sabha. governed by rules which apply to the short duration
discussion except the time limit of two and half hour.
The relative position of the two Houses with regard to
Generally, a day is devoted to the discussion on a
the discussion on the Railway and the General Budgets
Ministry. This practice does not find place in the Rules
once became the subject matter for discussion in Rajya
of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Rajya Sabha
Sabha. One of the members of Rajya Sabha, during a
but has been in vogue since 1970.
discussion, referred to the exception taken by a member
of Lok Sabha to the discussion of the Railway and As soon as the Grants have been made by Lok
General Budgets by Rajya Sabha first. The Chairman, Sabha, a Bill is introduced there to provide for the
Rajya Sabha at the time said: appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of India of all
moneys required to meet the Grants made by the House
...the constitutional position is quite clear. There
and the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund
is no superiority or inferiority in anything. We are two
of India. This Bill, after it is passed by Lok Sabha is
different Houses; we have prescribed functions to
transmitted to Rajya Sabha as Appropriation Bill and is
perform. There is no question of any House being
certified by the Speaker as a Money Bill. In Rajya Sabha
superior to other House. That point is incontrovertible.
the Bill is discussed and is returned to Lok Sabha.
The Finance Minister has a general right of reply at Similarly, the Finance Bill which is introduced in Lok
the end of the discussion on the General Budget. The Sabha immediately after the presentation of the Budget
Demands for Grants are presented to Lok Sabha along by the Minister of Finance is passed by Lok Sabha and
with the Budget Statement. Thereafter, the two Houses transmitted to Rajya Sabha after the passing of the
adjourn for a fixed period to enable the Department- Appropriation Bill. It is also certified as a Money Bill.
related Parliamentary Standing Committees to consider Rajya Sabha has power to recommend amendments in
the Demands for Grants of the respective Ministries/ the Finance Bill. However, it is for Lok Sabha to accept
Departments coming within their purview. When the or reject the recommendations. More than one Finance
Houses reassemble, Rajya Sabha holds discussion on Bill may, however, be introduced during a financial year.
the functioning of some of the ministries. The Ministries
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Though the powers of Rajya Sabha are limited in the
financial field, yet it has a fairly adequate share in shaping
the financial affairs of the country. Even in regard to a
Money Bill it can recommend amendments, a power
not possessed by the House of Lords in Britain. It may
be of interest to note that in Income Tax Bill, 1961, Rajya
Sabha did recommend a number of amendments of
substantial character, all of which were agreed to by
Lok Sabha.
Assent of the President
When a Money Bill is passed by both Houses, the
Lok Sabha Secretariat obtains the assent of the