This document contains flight booking information for travel from Gassim, Saudi Arabia to Cairo, Egypt and return. It includes details of two one-way flights on EgypAir with the outbound flight departing Gassim on June 5th and returning from Cairo on July 6th. The booking reference number and ticket information is also provided.
This document contains flight booking information for travel from Gassim, Saudi Arabia to Cairo, Egypt and return. It includes details of two one-way flights on EgypAir with the outbound flight departing Gassim on June 5th and returning from Cairo on July 6th. The booking reference number and ticket information is also provided.
This document contains flight booking information for travel from Gassim, Saudi Arabia to Cairo, Egypt and return. It includes details of two one-way flights on EgypAir with the outbound flight departing Gassim on June 5th and returning from Cairo on July 6th. The booking reference number and ticket information is also provided.
This document contains flight booking information for travel from Gassim, Saudi Arabia to Cairo, Egypt and return. It includes details of two one-way flights on EgypAir with the outbound flight departing Gassim on June 5th and returning from Cairo on July 6th. The booking reference number and ticket information is also provided.