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Submitted by


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Computer Engineering

SAL College of Engineering


Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

May, 2024
SAL Education
SAL College of Engineering
Opp. Science City, Sola-Bhadaj
Road,Ahmedabad -380060, Gujarat


This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled

Agriculture Online Shopping has been carried out by Dhimant Soni

201130107048 under my guidance in fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Computer Engineering, 8 Semester of Gujarat Technological

University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2023-24.

Prof. Twinkle Patel Prof. Vijaysinh Jade

Internal Guide Head Of Department
SAL Engineering and Technical Institute
Opp. Science City, Sola-Bhadaj
Road,Ahmedabad -380060, Gujarat


I hereby declare that the Internship project report submitted along with the Project

entitled <Agriculture Online Shopping> submitted in fulfillment for the

degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering to Gujarat

Technological University, Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of original project

work carried out by me at VNurture Technologies under the supervision of

Mrs. Bela Rathod, and that no part of this report has been directly copied from

any students’ reports or taken from any other source, without providing due


Name of Student Sign of Student

Dhimant Soni

The completion of any project brings with it a sense of satisfaction, but it is never complete

without thanking those individuals who made it possible and whose constant support has

crowned our efforts with triumph. One cannot even imagine the power of the force that

guides us all and neither can we succeed without acknowledging it.

I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Vijaysinh Jadeja, Head of the Department of

Computer Engineering, SAL College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, for encouraging and

inspiring me to carry out the project. I would also like to thank my internal guide, Prof.

Twinkle Patel for her expert guidance, encouragement and valuable suggestions at every

step of the project. I would also like to thank all the staff members of the institute for

providing me with the required facilities and support towards the completion of the project.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my external guide, Mrs. Bela Rathod of

VNurture Technologies, for mentoring me in the entire internship and providing me with

the required resources and guidance during the course of the project.

Thank You.


This internship offers a comprehensive hands-on experience in Python Django

web development at VNurture Technologies. The intern will work alongside
seasoned developers to create dynamic web applications, from concept to
deployment. The program covers a wide range of topics including database
integration, user authentication, and front-end design using Django's powerful
features. Through practical projects and mentorship, interns will gain
valuable insights into software development best practices and industry
standards. By the end of the internship, participants will have a strong
foundation in Python Django development, equipping them to contribute
effectively to future web projects. The intern will have the opportunity to
contribute to the development of “Zee InfoTech," an innovative web platform
designed to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing among tech

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Fig 3.1 Incremental Model Diagram.......................................................................14

Fig 3.2 Developmental Stages Diagram .................................................................15

Fig 3.3 Gannt chart .................................................................................................19

Fig 5.1 Admin Use Case Diagram...........................................................................28

Fig 5.2 Activity Diagram 1......................................................................................29

Fig 5.3 Activity Diagram 2......................................................................................29

Fig 5.4 Sequence Diagram ......................................................................................30

Fig 5.5 ER Diagram ................................................................................................30

Fig 5.6 Home Page 1 ...............................................................................................31

Fig 5.7 Home Page 2 ...............................................................................................31

Fig 5.8 Feedback Page ............................................................................................32

Fig 5.9 Sign In Page ................................................................................................32

Fig 5.10 Registration Page ......................................................................................33

Fig 5.11 About US Page ..........................................................................................33

Fig 5.12 Product Page .............................................................................................34

Fig 5.13 Add To Cart Page ......................................................................................34

Fig 8.1 Surprise Visit Photograph ...........................................................................39

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Table 3.1 Summary Table ..................................................................................................20

Table 5.1 User Database Table ..........................................................................................28

Table 5.2 Admin Database Table .......................................................................................28

Table 7.1 Test Cases Table .................................................................................................38

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1. SDLC – Software Development Lifecycle

2. HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language
3. CSS- Cascading Style Sheets
4. SQL- Structured Query Language
5. ER- Entity Relationship
6. JS- JavaScript
7. Int- Integer
8. Str- String
9. VS- Visual Studio

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Abstract ................................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................iii
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................iv
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................v
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................vi
Chapter 1 Overview of the Company ..................................................................................1
1. History ........................................................................................................................1
2. Different Products/Scope Of Work ............................................................................1
3. Capacity Of Company ................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Overview of different processes in the company ................................................3
1. Details of work carried out in each department ..........................................................3
2. Technical Specifications of Major Equipment used in each department ...................4
3. Schematic Layout for manufacturing end product.....................................................4
4. Stages Of Productions ................................................................................................6
Chapter 3 Introduction to Internship Report ........................................................................7
1. Internship Summary ...................................................................................................7
2. Purpose .......................................................................................................................8
3. Objective ....................................................................................................................9
4. Scope ..........................................................................................................................9
5. Technology and Literature Review .............................................................................9
5.1. Technology Review ...........................................................................................9
5.2. Justification of Technology .............................................................................12
6. Internship Planning....................................................................................................13
6.1. Project Development Approach and Justification ..........................................13
6.2. Internship Effort Time and Cost Estimation ...................................................16
6.3. Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................................18
6.4. Group Dependencies .......................................................................................19

7. Internship Scheduling ................................................................................................19

Chapter 4 System Analysis .....................................................................................................21
1. Study of Current System ....................................................................................21
2. Weaknesses of current system ............................................................................21
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3. Requirements of new System .............................................................................21

4. Feasibility Study .................................................................................................22
4.1. System’s contribution to the overall objectives of organization.................23
4.2. System’s feasibility with cost and time constraints ...................................23
4.3. System’s integration with other systems already in place ..........................24
5. Features of the proposed system.........................................................................24
6. Main modules and processes of proposed system..............................................26
7. Selection of hardware and software ...................................................................26
Chapter 5 System Analysis .....................................................................................................27
1. System Design and Methodology .......................................................................27
1.1. Algorithm for method of operation .............................................................28
2. Interface Design .................................................................................................31
2.1. Sample of forms and interface ...................................................................31
Chapter 6 Implementation ......................................................................................................35
1. Implementation Environment .............................................................................35
2. Process/ Module Specification ...........................................................................35
3. Results/Outcome ................................................................................................36
Chapter 7 Testing ....................................................................................................................37
1. Testing Plan and Strategy ...................................................................................37
2. Test result and analysis ......................................................................................37
2.1. Test cases ...................................................................................................37

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Discussion...................................................................................39

1. Overall analysis of internship viabilities ............................................................39

2. Photograph and Date of Surprise Visit by Mentor .............................................39
3. Problems encountered and possible solutions....................................................40
4. Summary of internship and Report .....................................................................40

5. Limitations and Future Enhancements ...............................................................40

5.1. Limitations ..................................................................................................40

5.2. Future work/ Future Enhancements ...........................................................41
References ...................................................................................................................................42

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319741 Overview of the Company



Established in 2015, Vnurture is primarily focused on Software Development and IT

Industry Readiness program, primarily in the domains of Blockchain, Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning/ Deep Learning, IoT, Cloud Technologies, Data Analytics
with Python/R, Mobile and Web technologies and tools like Power BI, Tableau and
advanced Excel.

We have partnered with Corporates and premier education organizations across India/
Globally to complement their requirements to elevate overall skill level of the aspirant
graduates, professionals or college Professors to upgrade their skill level. Our headquarter
is in Ahmedabad, India.

We also serve our clients for custom services with Blockchain smart contract development,
private blockchain deployment on Hyperledger (Fabric and Composer) along with Mobile/
Web development for building complete business/enterprise solutions.


VNurture has worked on many products, some are listed below:
• Landfill recycling object identification using Tensor-flow - Machine Learning model
created to differentiate between different types of waste materials
• Green Pill - Website designed for renewable energy
• Toxic Gas Analyzer - An app designed to alert when toxicity of air increases

VNurture Technologies offers many technology to work on. Some of them are:
• Python and Framework (Django / Flask)
• Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)
• Internet of Things (IoT) based Industrial projects
• Blockchain - Smart Contracts
• Hyperledger - Chaincode

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• Power BI
• Android and Advance Android (Kotlin or JAVA)
• Flutter (Cross Platform Development)
• Exclusive Web, Graphics and Mobile Designing


VNurture Technologies established in 2015. It believes in working with less but highly
qualified and experienced developers. With a team of 20+ developers, they follow standard
software development process. They are well known for on-time delivery of high quality
and secure products.

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319741 Overview of the Process




There are different departments in the company: Project management, Technical

Management, Software Development, Web Development, App Development and Testing.

Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such
as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment.
Initially, the project scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the
project are determined. Following this step, the durations for the various tasks necessary to
completethe work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure.

Project planning is often used to organize different areas of a project, including project
plans,workloads and the management of teams and individuals.

Project Management System has six major modules of Admin, Manage Application, Test
Management, Process Management, Manage Comment, Reports. We analyzed the overall
complexity of each of these modules and it was found that the project will require
approximately 12 weeks to get completed, so we planned accordingly.

Web and app developers work on different project definitions to build a fully working
model. Testing department is in charge of testing the working of different elements and
functionalities in the project built by developers and provide feedback status to developers
pointing out errors if any.

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319741 Overview of the Process



• Minimum screen resolution : 1024*768
• Processor minimum : 500MHz Intel Core i5 workstation or equivalent.
• Memory minimum : 512mb recommended :2gb
• Disk space : 850 MB of free disk space recommended: 1gb

Software: -
• Front End Tool :- HTML, CSS Bootstrap5, JavaScript
• Back End Tool :- Python
• Frame work :-Django
• Database :- SQLite
• Code Editor/ IDE:- VS



Project Scheduling is the culmination of a planning activity that is primary component of

software project management. When combined with estimation methods and risk analysis,
scheduling establishes a road map for the project management.

Scheduling begins with the process composition. The characteristics of the project are used
to adapt an appropriate task set for the work to be done. The task network is used to
compute the critical project path, a time line chart and a variety of project information.
When creating a software project schedule, the planner begins with a set of tasks. If
automated tools are used, the work breakdown is input as a task network or task outline.
Effort, duration, and start date are then input for each task. In addition, tasks may be
assigned to specific individuals. As a consequence of this input, a timeline chart, also
called a Gantt chart is generating. A Timeline Chart can be developed for the entire project.
Timeline Charts depicta part of a software project schedule

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319741 Overview of the Process

The incremental build model is a method of software development where the model is
designed, implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the
product is finished. It involves both development and maintenance. The product is defined
as finished when it satisfies all of its requirements. This model combines the elements of
thewaterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.

Iterative and Incremental development is a combination of both iterative design or iterative

method and incremental build model for development. "During software development,
more than one iteration of the software development cycle may be in progress at the same
time." and "This process may be described as an "evolutionary acquisition" or "incremental

In incremental model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. During each
iteration, the development module goes through the requirements, design, implementation
and testing phases. Each subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous
release. The process continues till the complete system is ready as per the requirement.

The key to successful use of an iterative software development life-cycle is rigorous

validation of requirements, and verification & testing of each version of the software
against those requirements within each cycle of the model. As the software evolves through
successive cycles, tests have to be repeated and extended to verify each version of the

Like other SDLC models, Iterative and incremental development has some specific
applications in the software industry. This model is most often used in the following

• Requirements of the complete system are clearly defined and understood.

• Major requirements must be defined; however, some functionalities or requested
enhancements may evolve with time.

• There is a time to the market constraint.


Gujarat Technological University 5 SAL Engineering and Technical Institute

319741 Overview of the Process

Project Management System has six major modules of Admin, Manage Application, Test
Management, Process Management, Manage Comment, Reports. We analyzed the overall
complexity of each of these modules and it was found that the project will require
approximately 14 weeks completing, so we planned accordingly.

We decided to follow the SDLC i.e. Software Development Life Cycle while planning
various phases of our project. This method consists of following activities:

• Determination of system requirements

• System Analysis
• Design of system
• Development of software
• System Testing
• Implementation and Evaluation

There are some high-risk features and goals which may change in the future.

• Integration and Testing: All the units developed in the implementation phase are
integrated into a system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system is
tested for any faults and failures.

• Deployment of system: Once the functional and nonfunctional testing is done, the
product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.

• Maintenance: There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those
issues patches are released. Also, to enhance the product some better versions are
released.Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment.

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319741 Introduction to Internship



The 12 weeks internship under VNuture Technologies included extensive training in Python
field along with its implementation in the project modules assigned to me. The project
‘Agriculture Online Shopping’ is a web application that

In the first 7-8 weeks, I understood the fundamentals of Python language and performed
various coding tasks on different concepts like loops, loop statements, operators, functions,
lists, tuples, arrays, OOP concepts, random modules, etc.

In the following weeks, I understood the working of Django framework, Database SQLite
working , how to connect web application to the database, etc. I also learnt about the basics
of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, how to make a responsive design and other topics
tofacilitate my understanding of entire front-end and back-end development.

Finally, I implemented these concepts to develop the project, according to roles and
responsibilities assigned to me. Next, were the days of testing and evaluation to make sure
that the web application was smooth, gave accurate results, and was overall efficient.

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Shopping for agriculture products online serves several purposes:

• Convenience: Online shopping allows farmers and agricultural professionals to

conveniently browse and purchase a wide range of agricultural supplies from the
comfort of their homes or offices. It eliminates the need for traveling to physical stores,
saving time and effort.

• Access to a Wide Range of Products: Online electronic stores offer a vast selection of
products, including laptops, mobile phones, and more. Users can easily explore different
brands, compare prices, and find products that may not be readily available locally.

• Product Information and Reviews: Online platforms provide detailed product

descriptions, specifications, and customer reviews, enabling farmers to make informed
purchasing decisions. They can learn about the features, benefits, and recommended
usage of various agricultural products, helping them choose the most suitable options for
their specific needs.

• Competitive Pricing: Online agricultural stores often offer competitive pricing due to
reduced overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar retailers. Farmers can compare
prices across different platforms, take advantage of discounts and promotions, and
potentially save money on their purchases.

• Time Savings: Online shopping eliminates the need to visit multiple physical stores to
find specific electronic products. Users can quickly search for and order what they need,
saving valuable time that can be better utilized for other activities.

• Doorstep Delivery: One of the significant advantages of online agriculture shopping is

the convenience of doorstep delivery. Farmers can have their purchases shipped directly
to their farms, reducing the need for transportation and allowing them to focus on their
farming operations.

• Accessibility: Online shopping provides accessibility to agricultural products for

farmers in remote or rural areas who may have limited access to physical stores. They
can overcome geographical barriers and access a wide range of products through online

• Productivity and Efficiency: By shopping online, farmers can streamline their

procurement processes and improve efficiency. They can quickly reorder frequently
used items, set up recurring deliveries for essential supplies, and keep track of their
purchasesfor record-keeping purposes.

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319741 Introduction to Internship


Industrial training is as important as theoretical knowledge, considering the rapidly

changing technologies in the field of computer and information technology. The objective
of the internship was to gain practical experience through in-depth training in the field of
Php, and using the knowledge and exposure gained to develop an application that has a
positive socialimpact.


The scope of the proposed system:

• Users can share the products that they experienced in a particular Company
or Brand and report anonymously.

• Users can see the various products of one plant.

• Users can sell their product.

• Users also buy fresh and healthy products.

• The web application also provides legal resources and information to educate farmers.

The future scope of the web application includes buy and sell products and online payment
method also.


5.1. Technology Review


PHP is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic

semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and
dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as
for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. PHP's
simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of

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319741 Introduction to Internship

program maintenance. PHP supports modules and packages, which encourages program
modularity and code reuse. The PHP interpreter and the extensive VS. Often,
programmers fall in love with PHP because of the increased productivity it provides.
Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast.
Debugging PHP programs is easy: a bug or bad input will never cause a segmentation
fault. Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an exception. When the
program doesn't catch the exception, the interpreter prints a stack trace. A source level
debugger allows inspection of local and global variables, evaluation of arbitrary
expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code a line at a time, and so on.
The debugger is written in PHP itself, testifying to PHP's introspective power. On the other
hand, often the quickest way to debug a program is to add a few print statements to the
source: the fast edit-test- debug cycle makes this simple approach very effective.


Laravel is a free and open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and
intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–
controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony. Some of the features of
Laravel are a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager,
different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in application
deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar. The source
code of Laravel is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the terms of MIT License.

History of Laravel

Taylor Otwell created Laravel as an attempt to provide a more advanced alternative to

the CodeIgniter framework, which did not provide certain features such as built-in
support for user authentication and authorization. Laravel's first beta release was made
available on June 9, 2011, followed by the Laravel 1 release later in the same month.
Laravel 1 included built-in support for authentication, localisation, models, views,
sessions, routing and other mechanisms, but lacked support for controllers that
prevented it from being a true MVC framework.[1]
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Laravel 2 was released in September 2011, bringing various improvements from the
author and community. Major new features included the support for controllers, which
made Laravel 2 a fully MVC-compliant framework, built-in support for the inversion of
control (IoC) principle, and a templating system called Blade. As a downside, support
forthird-party packages was removed in Laravel 2.

Laravel 3 was released in February 2012 with a set of new features including
the cmd command-line interface (CLI) named Artisan, built-in support for more
database management systems, database migrations as a form of version control for
database layouts, support for handling events, and a packaging system called Bundles.
An increase of Laravel's userbase and popularity lined up with the release of Laravel 3.
[1]Current − Laravel is now an open source project with contributors across the

Laracon is the official Laravel conference centered around the Laravel framework,
covering its development, uses, and related general software development topics.
Laracon has taken place in the United States, Europe and online in the past.[49]
[50] Typically, the conference happens in the United States and Europe every year. 2017
was the first year a Laracon was held as an online event only. 2018 was the first year a
Laracon was held in Australia. Each year the conference has a different variety of
sponsors and organizers, but Laravel, Laravel News and UserScape are usually the
primary organizers.

While the numerous Laracon conferences are officially run, a number of other
conferences are run under the name of Laravel Live. Currently, there are yearly held
Laravel Live UK and Laravel Live India conferences.[51][52] While these are not
officiallyrun, they have the permission of Taylor Otwell to use the name Laravel.


mySQL is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database that doesn’t

require a separate server process and allows accessing the database using a nonstandard
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319741 Introduction to Internship
variant of the SQL query language. Some applications can use mySQL for internal data
storage. It’s also possible to prototype an application using mySQL and then port the
code to a larger database such as PostgreSQL or Oracle.

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The mySQL3 module was written by Gerhard Häring. It provides an SQL interface
compliantwith the DB-API 2.0 specification described by PEP 249, and requires mySQL
3.7.15 or newer.

As described before, mySQL supports only a limited set of types natively. To use other
PHP types with mySQL, you must adapt them to one of the mySQL3 module’s
supportedtypes for mySQL: one of NoneType, int, float, str, bytes.

There are two ways to enable the mySQL3 module to adapt a custom PHP type to one
ofthe supported ones.

• Letting your object adapt itself

• Registering an adapter callable

3.5.2 Justification Of Technology

A web framework is a collection of modular tools that abstracts away much of the
difficulty–and repetition–inherent in web development. For example, most websites
need the same basic functionality: the ability to connect to a database, set URL routes,
displaycontent on a page, handle security properly, and so on. Rather than recreate all of
this fromscratch, programmers over the years have created web frameworks in all the
major programming languages: Laravel and Flask in PHP, Rails in Ruby, and Express in
JavaScript among many, many others.

Laravel inherited PHP’s “batteries-included” approach and includes out-of-the box

support for common tasks in web development, including:

• User authentication
• Testing
• Database models, forms, URL routes, and templates
• Admin interface
• Security and performance upgrades
• Support for multiple database backends

This approach allows web developers to focus on what makes a web application unique
rather than reinventing the wheel every time for standard, secure web application

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• Internship planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of

schedulessuch as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the

• Initially, the project scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the
project are determined. Following this step, the durations for the various tasksnecessary
to complete the work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure.

• Internship planning is often used to organize different areas of a project, including

projectplans, workloads and the management of teams and individuals.

• After completion of initial training, different modules were assigned to us individually

which we had to work on, under the guidance or our industry mentor andinternal guide.

• Different modules include: Front-end development, Back-end development, Research

work of collecting data and setting assessment forms, implementing data science
librarieslike Pandas and Matplotlib, Testing.

6.1. Project Development Approach and Justification

Planning before any activity is very much important. And if it is planned nicely, then
success is guaranteed.

Project Management System has six major modules of Admin, Manage Application, Test
Management, Process Management, Manage Comment, Reports. We analyzed the
overallcomplexity of each of these modules and it was found that the project will require
approximately 14 weeks completing, so we planned accordingly.

We decided to follow the SDLC i.e. Software Development Life Cycle while planning
various phases of our project. This method consists of following activities:

• Determination of system requirements

• System Analysis
• Design of system
• Development of software
• System Testing

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• Implementation and Evaluation

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319741 Introduction to Internship

The incremental build model is a method of software development where the model is
designed, implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until
the product is finished. It involves both development and maintenance. The product is
defined as finished when it satisfies all of its requirements. This model combines the
elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping.
Following is the pictorial representation of Iterative and Incremental model:

Fig 3.1 Incremental Model

Iterative and Incremental development is a combination of both iterative design or

iterative method and incremental build model for development. "During software
development, more than one iteration of the software development cycle may be in
progress at the same time." and "This process may be described as an "evolutionary
acquisition" or "incrementalbuild" approach."

In incremental model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. During each
iteration, the development module goes through the requirements, design,
implementationand testing phases. Each subsequent release of the module adds function
to the previous release. The process continues till the complete system is ready as per

The key to successful use of an iterative software development life-cycle is rigorous

validation of requirements, and verification & testing of each version of the software
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against those requirements within each cycle of the model. As the software evolves

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throughsuccessive cycles, tests have to be repeated and extended to verify each version
of the software
Like other SDLC models, Iterative and incremental development has some specific
applications in the software industry. This model is most often used in the following

• Requirements of the complete system are clearly defined and understood.

• Major requirements must be defined; however, some functionalities or requested

enhancements may evolve with time.
• There is a time to the market constraint.

• A new technology is being used and is being learns by the development team while
working on the project.

Resources with needed skill set are not available and are planned to be used on contract
basis for specific iterations. There are some high-risk features and goals which may
change in the future.

• Integration and Testing: All the units developed in the implementation phase are
integrated into a system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system
istested for any faults and failures.

• Deployment of system: Once the functional and nonfunctional testing is done, the
product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.

• Maintenance: There are some issues which come up in the client environment. Tofix
those issues patches are released. Also, to enhance the product some better versions
are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer

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Fig 3.2 Development Stages

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6.2. Internship Effort, Time And Cost Estimation

Effort Estimation:
Each company determines the output it expects from its team members. Let us call the
average output of a team member per man-hour as the unit output. Assume that one has
to deliver an end-to-end login module's functionality for an application. The time spent
on the login functionality should include the corresponding time required for gathering
the requirements, doing a requirement analysis, architecture inputs, form design, object/
class design, implementing the business rules, data validation and storage, framework
(i.e., code for login module's constants, enumerations, utilities), testing, debugging,
deployment up to user acceptance, etc.

Now, the estimator has to figure out how many man-hours it would take to complete the
login module, keeping all these factors in mind. The sequence of work and
dependencies should be considered as they do cause delays in completion. For example,
form design should be done first (all the way up to acceptance by the customer), then
object design (up to acceptance by the architect), followed by coding (for business rules,
calculations, and data validations), internal testing, and user acceptance testing. A wise
estimator wouldalways take support from other people to understand the scope of work to
do a given task.

Cost Estimation:

The COCOMO Model

• Like all estimation models for software, the COCOMO models require sizing

• Three different sizing options are available as part of the model hierarchy: object
points,function points, and lines of source code.

• Like function points, the object point is indirect software that is computed using
countsof the number of:

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Screens (at the user interface),
Reports,Components likely to be required to build the application.

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• Once complexity is determined, the number of screens, reports, and components

areweighted according to Table above.

• The object point count is then determined by multiplying the original number of
objectinstances by the weighting factor in table above and summing to obtain a
totalobject point count.

• Once complexity is determined, the number of screens, reports, and components

areweighted according to Table above.

• The object point count is then determined by multiplying the original number of
objectinstances by the weighting factor in table above and summing to obtain a
totalobject point count.

• When component-based development or general software reuse is to be applied,

thepercent of reuse (%reuse) is estimated and the object point count is adjusted:

NOP = (object points) X [(100 - %reuse) / 100].

Where NOP is defined as new object points. To derive an estimate of effort based on
thecomputed NOP value, a “productivity rate” must be derived.

PROD=NOP / person-month

For different levels of developer experience and development environment

maturity. Once the productivity rate has been determined, an estimate of project
effort can be derived as Estimated effort = NOP/PROD.

There are three types of software project: Organic, semi-detached and embedded
project.Cost required to develop project=effort*rs/month

• Effort Estimation (E):

In Organic=2.4 (KLOC) PM
1.12 1.20
In semidetached=3.0(KLOC) PM In Embedded=3.6(KLOC) PM
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• Duration Estimation (D):

In Organic=2.5(effort) months
0.35 0.32
In semidetached=2.5(effort) months In Embedded=2.5((effort) months

• Person Estimation:

Advantages of COCOMO:
• COCOMO is factual and easy to interpret.
• One can clearly understand how it works.
• Accounts for various factors that affect cost of the project.
• Works on historical data and hence is more predictable and accurate.

• COCOMO model ignores requirements and all documentation.

• It ignores customer skills, cooperation, knowledge and other parameters.

• It oversimplifies the impact of safety/security aspects.

• It ignores hardware issues.

• It ignores personnel turnover levels.It is dependent on the amount of time spent in

6.3. Roles And Responsibilities

• Fulfill tasks given by supervisors.

• Attend meetings and take minutes
• Conduct research work for the implementation of project
• Backend development
• Front-end development
• Data visualization module using Pandas and Plotly library.

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319741 Introduction to Internship

6.4. Group Dependencies

The project that I was assigned under, is titled ‘Agriculture Online Shopping’. The
modules where I had to work on included : implementing data science modules which
included data visualization, matplotlib libraries, pandas library, etc.


• Project Scheduling is the culmination of a planning activity that is primary

componentofsoftware project management.

• When combined with estimation methods and risk analysis, scheduling, establishes
aroadmap for the project management.

• Scheduling begins with the process composition. The characteristics of the project
areusedto adapt an appropriate task set for the work to be done.

• The task network is used to compute the critical project path, a time line chart and a
variety of project information.

• When creating a software project schedule, the planner begins with a set of tasks. If
automated tools are used, the work breakdown is input as a task network or task
outline. Effort, duration, and start date are then input for each task. In addition, tasks
may be assigned to specific individuals.

• As a consequence of this input, a timeline chart, also called a Gantt chart is

generating.A Timeline Chart can be developed for the entire project. Timeline Charts
depict a part ofa software project schedule

Fig 3.3 Gannt Chart

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Table 3.1 Summary Table

Week 1 Understood the basics of PHP and completed different tasksgiven on operators,
loopsloop control statements, etc.

Week 2 Understood string slicing, string manipulation and formattingand completed

differentasks given on it.

Week 3 Different tasks on arrays, array indices, functions, call by valueand reference,
Lambdfunction, Filter, Map and Reduce function.

Week 4 Practice examples on list, list slicing and tuples and differentsorting algorithms.

Week 5 Fundamentals of OOP, file handling and exception handling andtasks on these topics.

Week 6 A variety of tasks on random module and RegEx module.

Week 7 Learnt about mySQL database in detail and how to connect it toweb application

Week 8 Learnt about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and responsivedesign in detail.

Week 9 Installed and understood Laravel framework and its working.Research and study
concept of NLP and its uses.
Week 10 Develop a prototype of the actual project.

Week 11 Learnt data science modules and worked on projectdevelopment.

Week 12 Testing, Evaluation and Report Making.

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319741 System Analysis



The current system relies on the feature, where users can share their unfortunate
experienceson a platform that resembles other social media platforms. This way, people can
be aware about that area’s surroundings. However, there is usually no map provided to help
users efficiently notice what crimes occur in what areas. Moreover, the anonymity feature
is usually absent that leads to loss of integrity and privacy of the victims and often leads to
women not talking about it at all dueto insensitive remarks and opinions that they
receivein return.


• Weak management
• Failing to secure privacy and integrity of users
• Poor user experience
• Static system
• No proper legal resources for educational purposes

Limited language options No proper assessment forms for women suffering from trauma/
PTSD/ anxiety.


• Better front-end management

• Better back-end management
• Using data science libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib
• Trying to decrease error issues during runtime.
• An assessment option to check symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, trauma, etc.

A feature where users can anonymously post their experiences A map feature that enables
easier access and helps users notice what crimesoccurred in what areas.

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When a new project is proposed, it normally goes through feasibility assessment.

Feasibility study is carried out to determine whether the proposed system is possible to
develop with available resources and what should be the cost consideration. Facts
considered in the feasibility analysis were.

• Technical Feasibility
• Economic Feasibility
• Behavioral Feasibility

Technical Feasibility deals with the hardware as well as software requirements. Technology
is not a constraint to type system development. We have to find out whether the necessary
technology, the proposed equipment’s have the capacity to hold the data, which is used in
the project, should be checked to carry out this technical feasibility.

The technical feasibility issues usually raised during the feasibility stage of investigation
includes these

• This software is running in windows 2000 Operating System, which can be easily
• The hardware required is Pentium based server.The system can be expanded.

This feasibility study present tangible and intangible benefits from the prefect by
comparing the development and operational cost. The technique of cost benefit analysis is
often used asa basis for assessing economic feasibility. This system needs some more initial
investment than the existing system, but it can be justifiable that it will improve quality of

Thus feasibility study should center along the following points:

• Improvement resulting over the existing method in terms of accuracy, timeliness.

• Cost comparison
• Estimate on the life expectancy of the hardware
• Overall objective

Our project is economically feasible. It does not require much cost to be involved in the
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overall process. The overall objectives are in easing out the requirement processes.

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Behaviour Feasibility analysis involves how it will work when it is installed and the
assessment of managerial environment in which it is implemented. People are inherently
resistant to change and computers have been known to facilitate change. The new
proposed system is very much useful to the useful to the users and there for it will accept
broad audience from around the world.

Schedule Feasibility mainly timelines/deadlines is analyzed for proposed project which

includes how many times teams will take to complete final project which has a great
impacton the organization as purpose of project may fail if it can’t be completed on time.

Economic Feasibility is a system that can be developed and that will be used if installed
must still be a good investment for the organization. Financial benefits must equal or
exceedthe costs. The financial and economic issues raised are as under:

No extra cost is incurred for developing the system.

No extra cost for the modification or addition of software and hardware will require in
case of future expansion of the current system. The company will be at profit if they
implement this system because of the cost of implementation is nominal as compared to the
profit theywill be earning in terms of efficiency.

4.1. Does The System Contribute To The Overall Objectives Of The Organization?

The proposed system effectively contributes to the objectives of the organisation, which
isto use technology to bring meaningful change in the society. The new system is
developedusing PHP, Laravel framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and data science modules
like Pandas andMatplotlib

4.2. Can The System Be Implemented Using The Current Technology And Within
The Given Cost And Schedule Constraint?

The system can be implemented using PHP-Laravel framework and data science modules
within the cost limits and time constraints.

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4.3. Can The System Be Integrated With Other Systems Which Are Already In
Yes, the system can be integrated with other existing systems, depending on the specific
requirements and compatibility of the systems involved. Integration can be achieved
through various methods such as APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), data
synchronization,messaging protocols, or custom integration solutions.

The feasibility of integration depends on factors such as the compatibility of data formats,
programming languages, and the availability of appropriate interfaces or connectors. It's
important to note that integration efforts may require technical expertise and development
work to ensure smooth communication and interoperability between systems.

To integrate the system with other existing systems, you would typically need to analyze
the requirements, evaluate compatibility, identify the necessary integration points, and
develop or configure the required connectors or interfaces. It's advisable to consult with a
software developer or an integration specialist who can help assess the specific systems and
provide guidance on the integration process.


• User Registration and Authentication: Allow users to create accounts and authenticate
themselves to access the system. This feature ensures secure access and personalization
of services.

• Product Catalog: Provide a comprehensive catalog of agricultural products, including

seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, farming equipment, livestock, etc. Each product should
havedetails such as name, description, price, availability, and images.

• Search and Filters: Implement a search functionality to help users quickly find specific
products. Additionally, enable users to apply filters based on categories, brands, price
range, and other relevant attributes.

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• Product Reviews and Ratings: Allow users to rate and review products they have
purchased. This feature helps other users make informed decisions and builds trust in

• Shopping Cart: Enable users to add products to their virtual shopping carts and manage
the quantities of each item. Users should be able to view their cart, modify the contents,
and proceed to the checkout process.

• Secure Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate a secure payment gateway to facilitate

online transactions. This should include support for popular payment methods, such as
credit cards, debit cards, and online banking.

• Order Tracking: Provide a tracking mechanism for users to monitor the status of their
orders. Users should receive updates regarding order confirmation, shipping, and delivery.

• Wishlists: Allow users to create wishlists of products they are interested in but not
ready to purchase immediately. Users can add or remove items from their wishlist and
refer to it later for making purchase decisions.

• Discounts and Promotions: Implement a system to offer discounts, promotional deals,

andcoupon codes to users. This encourages customer loyalty and increases sales.

• Notifications: Send notifications to users regarding important updates, such as order

status changes, new product arrivals, or special offers. Notifications can be delivered
viaemail or through in-app messaging.

• User Dashboard: Provide a personalized user dashboard where users can manage their
profile information, view order history, track shipments, and access other relevant

• Admin Panel: Develop an administrative panel to manage the system. The admin
should have the ability to add/update/delete products, manage user accounts, handle
orders, andgenerate reports.

• Responsive Design: Ensure that the system is responsive and optimized for various
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devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This allows users to
accessthe platform from anywhere, enhancing user experience and convenience.

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The web application has different modules like:

• User Sign-in module

• shopping different plats seeds.
• Make your own review and share.
• Visualization based results.
• Recommended resources to read more about legal procedures.
• About us section


Hardware: -
• Minimum screen resolution: 1024*768
• Processor minimum: 500mhz Intel Core i5 workstation or equivalent.
• Memory minimum :512mb recommended :2gb
• Disk space :850 MB of free disk space recommended: 1gb

Software: -
• Front End Tool: - HTML, CSS Bootstrap4
• Back End Tool: - PHP 3.8
• Frame work: Laravel Frame work 3.1
• Database - mySQL3

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Administrator Login :

In the login form the Administrator enters the username and password. The system verifies
the Administrator and grants access. Verify the username and password that is given by the
administrator. If the username and password matches, the system grants access to the

Reporting incident anonymously :

User can anonymously share their experiences without giving their personal details, to
helpother User. This procedure can be carried out by simply fill the feedback form.

Admin reports to the user :

admin have the option to share the time and date of the purchase or sell done. This feature
helps to predict the frequency of customer or user.

User Login :
The users will have create an account with their respective details, to login if theywish to
share their experience.

Know the ordered details and shipment :

Users can know about realtime order from the database byselecting the track my order.

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Table 5.1 User Database Table

Column Name Data type Size Constrain

User Id Int 11 Primary key
Name Varchar 30 Not null
Password Varchar 15 Not null
Email Id Varchar 30 Not null

Table 5.2 Admin Database Table

Column Name Data type Size Constrain

Login Int 10 Primary key

Password Varchar 15 Not null

Process And Structure Designs

Fig 5.1 Admin Use Case Diagram

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Fig 5.2 Activity Diagram 1

Fig 5.3 Activity Diagram 2

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Fig 5.4 Sequence Diagram

Fig 5.5 ER Diagram

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2.1. Sample of Forms and Interface

Here are some snapshots of the interface and different user modules of our application.

Home Page:

Fig 5.6 Home Page 1

Fig 5.7 Home Page 2

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Feedback Page

Fig 5.8 Feedback Page


Fig 5.9 Sign-in Page

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Registration Page

Fig 5.10 Registration Page

About Us page

Fig 5.11 About Us page

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Product Page

Fig 5.12 Product Page

Add To Cart Page

Fig 5.13 Cart Page

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319741 Implementation



Implementation environment consisted of PHP with Laravel. Laravel framework is a free,

open-source web framework written in the PHP programming language. A “web framework”
is software that abstracts away many of the common challenges related to building a website,
such as connecting to a database, handling security, user accounts, and so on. These days
most developers rely on web frameworks rather than trying to build a website truly from
scratch. Laravel in particular was first released in 2005 and has been in continuous
development since then. Today, it is one of the most popular web frameworks available, used
by the largest websites in the world–Instagram, Pinterest, Bitbucket, Disqus–but also flexible
enough to be a good choice for early-stage startups and prototyping personal projects.

This book is regularly updated and features the latest versions of both Laravel and PHP. It
also uses Pipenv for managing PHP packages and virtual environments, though using Pip
works fine as well. Throughout we’ll be using modern best practices from the Laravel, PHP,
and web development communities including the thorough use of testing.


The coding standard is the well-defined and standard style of coding. With the help of the
coding standards any person can go into any code and figure out what’s going on and new
people can get up to speed quickly. Some coding standard ways of doing several things
suchas the way variables are to be named, the code is to be laid out, the comments are to be
described, the work of function are to be carried out. This section describes the coding
standards, which we have used in the program.

Different roles and responsibilities were assigned to us, by our mentor. There are several
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319741 Implementation
categories of modules: Research work, setting assessment questions, Front-end development,

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Back-end development, Data science libraries implementation, testing, evaluation and


Different modules include:

• Register and Sign-in

• Forgot Password
• Categories of Products
• Feedback Form
• About US page


They will also see the product page where products will be visible.

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319741 Testing



A test plan is the cornerstone of a successful testing implementation. The testing plan
represents the overall approach to the test. In many ways, the test plan serves as a
summary of the test activities that will be performed. It shows how the tests will be
organized, and outlines all of the tester’s needs that must be met in order to properly carry
out the test. The goal of test planning is to establish the list of tasks that, if performed,
will identify all of the requirements that have not been met in the software. There are many
standards that can be used for developing test plans. Early in the deployment planning
phase, the testing effort, and identifies the methodology that your team will use to conduct

It also identifies the hardware, software, and tools required for testing and the features and
functions that will be tested. A well-rounded test plan notes any risk factors that jeopardize
testing and includes a testing schedule. So, we can say that Test Planning details the
activities,dependencies and effort required to conducting the system test.


Test analysis involves execution and implementation of the software with test data and
examining the outputs of the software and its operational behavior to check that it is
performing as required. Defect Testing is intended to find inconsistencies between a
program and its specification. These inconsistencies are usually due to program faults or

2.1. Test Cases

A test case is a document, which has a set of test data, preconditions, expected results
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319741 Testing
andpost conditions, developed for a particular test scenario in order to verify compliance
against a specific requirement.

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319741 Testing

Test Case acts as the starting point for the test execution, and after applying a set of
inputvalues; the application has a definitive outcome and leaves the system at some end
pointor also known as execution post condition.
Testing was done by us under the guidance of our mentors. If an error occurred, we
were supposed to note it down and make changes that would reflect positively on the

Table 7.1 Test Cases Table

Sr. No. Test Case Status

1 To check if functionalities of Home page is working properly Pass

2 To check if ‘about us’ page is showing proper information Pass

3 To check if different tabs redirects to the payment page Pass

4 Test for database connection if the data gets correctly entered Pass

5 Test of different API calls Pass

6 Test for form Validation Pass

7 Test for accurate depiction of result in visual representation Fail

8 Re-evaluation for accurate dynamic graph result Pass

9 Test for working of product module Pass

10 Test for correct redirection of track order page Pass

11 Test to check for proper working of feedback Page Pass

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319741 Conclusion and Discussion




During the course of the internship, I successfully implemented the concepts that I learnt
in PHP Laravel and data science. Under the guidance and suggestions of our external and
internal guide, I implemented the modules assigned to me (back-end development,
databaseconnection, research work, data visualization using Pandas and plotly library).

The working model of the project/web application will undergo some changes.


(DATE: 17/04/2023)

Fig 8.1 Surprise Visit Photograph

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319741 Conclusion and Discussion


During the development and testing phase, some problems were encountered that included
error in code, technical difficulties, inaccuracy of data, inaccurate redirection, problem
while connecting Laravel framework to mySQL database, problem during implementing
Matplotlib and Pandas library.

The solutions were given soon by our mentors who guided us throughout this project and
enabled us to create a fully working model of a web application.


The 12-week internship at SilwerWing Technologies included extensive training in the field
of PHP, followed by learning Laravel framework. Performing various tasks and real-life
examples on different topics and modules gave us confidence to implement all themodules
into a real web application. Learning about data science, its scope and implementing
Pandas library and Matplotlib made the project smoother, efficient and user- friendly,
therebyfulfilling the objectives of the internship.

The project was divided into different modules. The roles and responsibilities were
assigned to us under the guidance of our mentors. The SDLC model used was,
incrementaland iterative model. Project planning and scheduling was done specifically
considering the academic curriculum. The modules assigned to me were: Backend
development, research work for collecting data, connecting database with Laravel and
helping in data visualization.These responsibilities were followed by testing and evaluation.


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319741 Conclusion and Discussion
5.1. Limitations
• Infrastructural Barriers

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319741 Conclusion and Discussion

• Currently, the system can only perform assessment based on the research data
thathasbeen gathered.
• The project is currently accessible in web application form only.
• Appropriate internet connection is required to access the web application.
• It is required that users are self-aware to examine their symptoms for PTSD, or
anykind oftrauma or abuse, to get required help.

5.2. Future Work/Future Enhancement

• In future, we plan to expand the dataset, to cater to a wide spectrum of users.
• The web application shall also be made available in app form so that it is
accessibletodifferent classes of people.
• We also plan to add a section where users can connect to get door to door sell of
• We plan to implement an additional functionality of f resh plants.
We also plan to enhance the impact of the web application by adding a feedback page
where people can share their experiences and connect to similar people who have
experienced ourproducts. This initiative helps our current users understand that they are not
getting bad products at all.

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319741 References


Laravel for Beginners: Build websites with PHP and Laravel by William

PHP Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data, book by Jake

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