16.mandal Etal 2019 Geothermics AtriTarabalo
16.mandal Etal 2019 Geothermics AtriTarabalo
16.mandal Etal 2019 Geothermics AtriTarabalo
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/geothermics
Keywords: An integrated geophysical study consisting of magnetic, very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic and electrical
Hot springs resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys has been carried out in the vicinity of hot springs at Atri and Tarabalo in
Fractured zone central Odisha, India. The study aims to delineate near-surface structural settings of these regions (e.g., faults,
Magnetic fracture network etc.) that controls the flow of geothermal fluids. Processed magnetic data shows distinct low
anomaly as well as high-low transition zone near the hot springs and high anomaly away from the hot springs of
Resistivity tomography
both the regions. VLF current density sections along the selected profiles reveal existence of conductive fractures
near to the hot springs of both the areas. Resistivity study in both the areas advocates three layered subsurface
configurations: low resistive (< 80 Ohm.m) top layer, moderate resistive middle layer, and high resistive
basement (> 700 Ohm.m). Coincidence of low magnetic anomalies, and low resistivity (or high current density)
values at same location indicate the existence of alteration/fracture zones. Resistivity models at Tarabalo depict
a low resistive (∼75-100 Ohm.m) dipping faulted/fractured zone extending beyond a depth of 80 m. VLF depth
sections and reduced to pole magnetic anomaly maps also reveal high current density and low magnetic sig-
natures, respectively in this zone. This fracture zone is extending about 600 m in EW direction with the marshy
area at the center and may have acted as a conduit for the warm water movement from depth to surface.
Indication of faulted/fractured zones around the Atri hot spring are also there but the inferences are not as
conclusive as that of Tarabalo area due to the nearby power line hindrances. Thus, the study provides a cost
effective approach to delineate near surface fracture zones as well as helps to understand the thermal fluid flow
mechanism of the hot springs.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Mandal).
Received 1 May 2018; Received in revised form 13 July 2018; Accepted 22 August 2018
0375-6505/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Ghats Belt. Present study areas at Atri and Tarabalo are also situated in and weathered lateritic terrain in some parts (Mukhopadhyay, 2017).
this region and the subsurface knowledge related to geothermal activity Those fractures may act as a good feed of fluid to the hot springs, which
of these two areas is very limited. Most of the previous studies in these can be inferred by magnetic and electromagnetic/electrical studies.
areas were carried out by Geological Survey of India (GSI) and were Therefore, an integrated geophysical study using magnetic, VLF and
related to surface investigation only. Baranwal and Sharma (2006) have resistivity methods was employed to characterize and map the shallow
reported presence of subsurface fault at Tarabalo through magnetic, subsurface features (e.g., faults, fractures, alteration zones) of the re-
VLF and resistivity sounding survey. However, resistivity sounding was gion.
done at some discrete locations, thus, the lateral continuity of the fault
as well as depth structure was not conclusive. Beside this, the Atri area
is devoid of any geophysical investigation. Geochemical and geological 3.1. Magnetic
study over Atri and Tarabalo area also suggest that the springs are as-
sociated with faults that transect the NNE-SSW trending Eastern Ghats In the present study, GSM 19 T Proton Magnetometer was deployed
Belt (Chandrasekharam and Chandrasekhar, 2010). However, the depth to acquire magnetic data from 388 and 537 observations around Atri
and lateral extent of these faults are not known, yet. In this regard, and Tarabalo hot spring regions, respectively. These magnetic surveys
geophysical surveys can play an important as well as cost effective role were carried out along several NS and ES profiles with varying lengths
to delineate the detailed subsurface features, thereby, can provide sig- and station spacing of 10 m (Fig. 2a and b). The acquired magnetic data
nificant input in understanding the thermal fluid flow mechanism of was first corrected for the diurnal variation and the total magnetic field
these regions (e.g., Thanassoulas and Xanthopoulos, 1991; Drahor and (TMF) variation in Atri and Tarabalo was found to be 44,768–44,612
Berge, 2006; Vargemezis, 2014). Thus, an integrated geophysical and 44,949–44,579 nT, respectively. The data were then subjected to
survey using Magnetic, VLF electromagnetic and 2D electrical re- International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) correction and pre-
sistivity tomography (ERT) method has been carried out in the vicinity sented as residual contour maps using minimum curvature gridding
of the hot springs at Atri and Tarabalo villages in central Odisha, India. technique in geosoft software (Fig. 3a and b). Bipolar nature of mag-
The primary objective of the study is to delineate the detailed near- netic field causes distortion in the location and shape of magnetic
surface structural settings of these regions (e.g., faults and fractures anomalies at low geomagnetic latitude (Baranov, 1957; Roest and
network etc.) that control the flow of geothermal fluids, thereby, to Pilkington, 1993) (e.g., Atri: Inclination = 29.47°, Declination =
infer about the source of the geothermal energy. −0.43°; Tarablo: Inclination = 29.57°, Declination = −0.42°). These
distortions in magnetic anomalies have been removed by applying re-
2. Geological settings duced-to-pole (RTP) transformation in geosoft software (Fig. 4a and b).
The RTP produces a magnetic map that more directly represents the
The study area lies in the central region of the Eastern Ghats Mobile geology of the study region by bringing the anomaly vertically above
Belt and is comprised of high grade metamorphic gneisses, i.e., khon- the anomalous body (Baranov, 1957; Roest and Pilkington, 1993; Pal
dalites (garnet–sillimanite gneisses), charnockites (hypersthene bearing et al., 2016, 2017).
granites) and porphyritic gneisses enclosing NW-SE trending Mahanadi
rift basin (Chandrasekharam and Chandrasekhar, 2010) (Fig. 1). In
some parts, megacrystic gneisses and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses are 3.2. Very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM)
found in association with metasedimentary rocks. Chetty (2010) sug-
gests that high grade gneisses are formed due to partial melting of the A T-VLF instrument (manufactured by Iris instruments) was used to
metasedimentary rocks, which are marked by the parallel alignment of acquire VLF electromagnetic data. The instrument was operated in tilt
the metasedimentary rocks with the foliation of host gneisses. Forma- angle mode to get the in phase (real) and out of phase (imaginary)
tion of these megacrystic gneisses and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses are components of the vertical magnetic field with respect to the horizontal
due to intrusion of melts during the hydrothermal phase followed by one. Depending on the local strike direction and accessibility, the
magmatization of metasedimentary rocks (Chetty, 2014). In some re- measurements were performed along selected EW (A1 & A2 at Atri
gions, like that of Rengali, isolated Dykes are seen, which suggests a (Fig. 2a)) and NS (T1 & T9 at Tarabalo (Fig. 2b)) profiles with 10 m
major tectonothermal event around 0.8Ga (Chetty, 2014). The region station interval. Measurements along EW profiles were carried out at a
near to Atri also shows weathered lateritic terrain (Fig. 1). frequency of 17.1 kHz corresponding to the transmitter at Moscow
The thermal spring at Atri (20°12′24.28″N, 85°30′47.91″E) is lo- (UMS) (T-VLF User’s manual, 2006) located in a northerly direction
cated in the eastern part of Khurdha district of Odisha and hot water is (i.e., along the NS strike direction of Atri) from the study area. Further,
discharged from a single spout (Fig. 2a). At Tarabalo (20°15′4.68″N, along NS profiles the data were acquired at a frequency of 22.3 kHz
85°19′15.57″E) (located in the northern part of Nayagarh district of using the transmitter in Australia (NWC) (T-VLF User’s manual, 2006)
Odisha), several spouts are distributed over a marshy area (Fig. 2b). The located in an easterly direction (i.e., along the EW strike direction of
surface temperature of the thermal springs ranges from 55 to 60 °C Tarabalo) from the study area.
(Chandrasekharam and Chandrasekhar, 2010). Lateritic uplands, allu-
vial plains & hilly terrain are the major physiographic units seen in the
vicinity of these regions. Khondalite, charnokite (Precambrian), upper 3.3. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
gondwana semi-consolidated rocks (Mesozoic) and alluvium (Qua-
ternary) are the predominant geological formations of these region The 2D electrical resistivity method or ERT is popularly used to
(Central Ground Water Board, Govt. Of India, 2013a, 2013b). Based on quickly map shallow subsurface altered/fractured zone based on re-
the major drainage pattern, the local strike direction at Atri and Tar- sistivity contrast in the subsurface (Metwaly and AlFouzan, 2013). In
abalo can be inferred as NS and EW, respectively. the present study, ERT survey was carried out using an automated 72
electrode switching system (IRIS Syscal R1 plus) along various profiles
3. Geophysical surveys over the two study areas with 10-meter electrode spacing and using
Wenner-Schlumberger array. Data were acquired along seven profiles
Previous studies (Kundu et al., 2002; Baranwal and Sharma, 2006) (A1 to A5, A7 and A8) at around Atri and eight profiles (T1–T8) at
and existing geological evidences (Chandrasekharam and around Tarabalo hot spring regions (Fig. 2a and b). The profile lengths
Chandrasekhar, 2010) suggest that most of the study area comprised of were restricted to either 470 m or 710 m using 48 or 72 electrodes,
fractured Precambrian rocks overlaid by thick quaternary sediments respectively, based on the availability of space along the spread.
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 1. Regional geological set up (rock types and fault network) of the study area (Digitised after Chandrasekharam and Chandrasekhar, 2010; Chaudhuri, 2010; and
Sharma, 2009).
In Atri region, total magnetic field anomaly map shows few high- Apparent current density (J) is computed using the in phase (real)
low anomaly patches at the middle along with a broad EW trending VLF anomalies by application of digital linear filtering approach
high anomaly zone towards north-east and a similar EW trending low (Karous and Hjelt, 1983) and the current density pseudo-sections are
anomaly zone towards south (Fig. 3a). EW trending broad high mag- presented in Fig. 5a–d. High current density corresponds to conductive
netic anomaly towards the northern part, broad EW trending low zone (possibly altered/fractured zones) and low current density corre-
anomaly in the south and few low anomaly patches at the middle are spond to resistive zones.
also observed in Tarabalo area (Fig. 3b). Hot springs are located mostly At Atri, the profiles A1 and A2 (towards north of A1) traverse from
on the low anomaly patch or adjacent to the high-low transition zones West to East (Fig. 2a) and depict conductive zones at 200 m,
(Atri, Fig. 3a; and Tarabalo, Fig. 3b). RTP maps of both the regions (i.e., 300–400 m, 550–800 m (at A1, Fig. 5a), and at 475–525 m (at A2,
Atri and Tarabalo), deciphered several localized magnetic low anomaly Fig. 5b) locations along the profiles, respectively. Conductive zone at
patches (AL1-AL4, Fig. 4a; and TL1-TL5, Fig. 4b) within a broad low ∼200 m along A1 may be due to the water body exists beside the
anomaly zone around the hot springs of the respective area. NW-SE profile (see Fig. 2a and 5a). All these conducting zones are extending
(between AL2 and AH3, Fig. 4a) and NS (between AH3 and AH4, beyond ∼100 m depth (Fig. 5a and b). Along A1 and A2 a high con-
Fig. 4a) trending sharp high to low transition zones are observed ad- ductive zone is also observed at the end of these profiles (Fig. 5a and b)
jacent to the north of Atri hot spring (Fig. 4a). Similar transition zones correlating with the high to low NS trending magnetic transition zone
are also observed adjacent to Tarabalo hot springs along NE-SW (AA') (Fig. 4a). The surface locations of the conductive zones at 300–400 m
and NW-SE (BB') direction (Fig. 4b). The surface locations of the hot and 550–800 m locations along A1 (Fig. 5a) reveal good correlation
springs are also coinciding with low magnetic anomaly patches, e.g., with the high-low transition zone between AH2 and AL3, and broad low
AL4 at Atri and TL2, TL4 at Tarabalo (Fig. 4a and b). Oxidation and zone between AL3 to AH3 of the magnetic anomaly map (Fig. 4a), re-
hydration at varying temperatures might have caused these transition spectively. The conductive zone at 475–525 m along A2 (Fig. 5b) also
zones as well as low magnetic signatures by the process of oxidation of matches with the low magnetic anomaly at AL2 (Fig. 4a).
magnetite to hematite (Henkel and Guzman, 1977). Thus, the magnetic At Tarabalo, both the profiles T1 and T9 (towards east of T1) tra-
study indicates the possible existence of subsurface fractures around the verse from south to north (Fig. 2b) and depict alternate bands of re-
low magnetic zones near to the hot springs that feeds the hot water. sistive and conductive structures (Fig. 5c and d). Profile T1 mostly
Based on local geology, the magnetic highs in Atri (AH1-AH4, Fig. 4a) passes through the low magnetic zone (see Fig. 4b). The surface loca-
may be inferred as lateritic land, where as in Tarabalo (TH1-TH3, tion of the conductive zones as observed ∼100 m, between
Fig. 4b) may be inferred as high grade metamorphosed rocks, which are ∼200–400 m, ∼550 m and ∼700 m locations along T1 (around 200 m
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 2. Study area maps showing the geophysical survey locations, (a) Atri, (b) Tarabalo.
west of T9) correlate with the relative high-low transitions zones of constrained Gauss-Newton least squares method. The Root Mean
magnetic map (compare Figs. 5c and 4 b). Profile T9 is passing through Squared (RMS) errors of these inverse models were ranges between
the marshy area (see Fig. 2b). The conductive zone between 75–175 m 0.93–1.66 % and 0.98–1.59% for the profiles at Atri and Tarabalo re-
location of T9 is correlating with the southern contact of marshy area gion, respectively.
(see Figs. 2b and 5 d) as well as low magnetic anomaly patch TL4 and The resistivity sections as produced after the inverse modeling are
surface location of hot spring 1 (see Figs. 2b, 4 b and 5 d). Similarly, the shown in Fig. 6a,b according to the actual length of the profiles of Atri
conductive zone ∼325 m along T9 represent the northern contact of the and Tarabalo, respectively. In both the regions, the modeled resistivity
marshy area (see Fig. 2b and 5d). variations can broadly be categorized into three horizontal layers as
Coincidence of the surface locations of these conductive zones in the follows:
VLF current density sections with the magnetic low anomaly zones of
Atri and Tarabalo areas strongly indicate the existence of subsurface 1 Low resistive layer: It is the top most layer of both the regions and
fracture/alteration zones near the hot springs of these regions. resistivity of this layer ranges between ∼5–80 Ohm.m. It mostly
comprised of highly porous alluvial sediments and weathered
granite. Consolidation of alluvial soil with increasing depth results
4.3. Resistivity in decrease in porosity and water content which in turn increases
resistivity. Thus, a gradual increase in resistivity is observed with
The observed apparent resistivity data were inverted and inter- depth. On an average the thickness of this layer is varying form
preted using the rapid two-dimensional (2D) resistivity inversion al- 30–50 m at places along the profiles of both regions. This layer can
gorithm RES2DINV, a software package for determining the subsurface be collectively called as weathered or fractured formation (Kundu
resistivity model (Loke and Barker, 1996; Loke, 1998). The inversion et al., 2002).
technique used by the programme is based on the smoothness
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 3. Total field magnetic anomaly maps of the study area, (a) Atri, and (b) Tarabalo.
2 Moderate resistive layer: This layer lies below the first layer and resistivity values > 700 Ohm.m.
resistivity value ranges between ∼80–700 Ohm.m. This zone may
be comprised of coarse grained sediments of the Quaternary de- In Atri region, the high resistive basement layer depicted with
posits. Due to compaction, resistivity may have increased with dipping structure from the central part of profiles A1 and A4 and to-
depth. Along some profiles the low resistive fracture zone is con- wards the hot spring (Figs. 6a and 7 ). This also coincides with high
tinuing through this layer and beyond the maximum depth of in- conductive zone along VLF profile A1 (at 550–800 m, Fig. 5a). These
vestigation (e.g., A1 and A4 at Atri, Fig. 6a; and T1-T4, T8 at Tar- strongly suggest the existence of a subsurface fracture/alteration zone
abalo, Fig. 6b). adjacent to the Atri hot spring region.
3 High Resistive Layer: The basement of Precambrian crystalline rock A prominent localized steeply dipping low resistive zone with re-
types like (Khodalites and Charnokites) is depicted at depth ranges sistivity ranges from 75 to 100 Ohm.m is observed in the central part of
between ∼50–70 m at places along the profiles of both regions with the resistivity model along profiles T1, T2, T3, T4 and T8 of Tarabalo
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 4. Reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic anomaly maps of the study area. (a) Atri, and (b) Tarabalo. AL and AH represent the low and high magnetic patches at Atri.
TL and TH represents the low and high magnetic patches at Tarabalo. The VLF profiles along A1, A2 of Atri and T1, T9 of Tarabalo are marked as grey coloured lines.
region (Figs. 6b and 8 ). This zone also coincides with low magnetic might have given rise to the conducive path to feed the hot springs of
patches at TL1-TL4 (Fig. 4b) and high conductive zones along VLF the Tarabalo region from deeper level.
profile T1 (around 200–400 m, ∼550 m and ∼700 m locations) and T9
(between 75–175 m and ∼325 m locations) (Fig. 5c and d). This zone is 5. Discussion
elongated in EW direction from profile T2 (west most) to T4 (east most)
covering a length ∼600 m and with NS width of ∼200 m. However, the The existing geological evidences suggest that the present study
NS width of this low resistive zone is decreasing with depth and ex- area is affiliated to high grade metamorphosed Precambrian rocks
tending beyond ∼80 m depth (Figs. 6b and 8). Thus, the study has (Chetty, 2010) of Eastern Ghats Belt (i.e., khondalites, charnockites),
delineated a fracture zone extending to deeper depth (beyond 80 m) which are covered by thick Quaternary sediments and lateritic terrain
with EW strike. It can be inferred from the study that this fracture zones at places (Kundu et al., 2002; Chandrasekharam and Chandrasekhar,
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 5. Current density sections (lower panel) as computed from the VLF real anomaly (upper panel), (a) along profile A1, (b) along profile A2 of Atri region; and (c)
along profile T1, (d) along profile T9 of Tarabalo region.
2010). Khondalite is a typical metamorphosed rock, which is an the ground water is caused by the seepage of water through ultramafic
amalgamation of Fe, Mg, Na and K (Ghosh et al., 2015). Charnockites and gneissic rocks (Manikandan et al., 2012). Therefore, high fluoride
comprises of minerals like orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, amphibole content in the present study area may also be attributed to the seepage
and ilmenite-magnetite (Frost and Frost, 2008; Rajesh and Santosh, of ground water through the highly fractured/altered zones (as iden-
2012). Laterite is sedimentary rock formed by chemical weathering of tified in the present study) of charnockite and khandolite group of rocks
the rock formation in the area by ground water flow with the removal at depth (below the thick sediments).
of Si, Ca, Mg, K, and Na oxides, while retaining the alumina and iron Apart from the low magnetic zones, sharp high to low magnetic
oxides, which exhibits a high magnetic susceptibility of the rock anomaly transitions zones are also observed adjacent to the hot springs
(Russel, 1889; Narayanaswami, 1992). The magnetic highs away from of both the regions (Fig. 4a and b). These contact zones also coincide
the hot springs of both the regions may be due to the high iron content with the high current density zones and low resistive zones of 2D VLF
of these country rocks that are overlaid by thick quaternary sediments current density sections (along A1 & A2 and T1 & T9, Fig. 5a and b,
(Fig. 4a and b). However, the low magnetic signatures near to the hot respectively) and resistivity models (along A1 & A2 and T1, Fig. 6a and
springs might have caused by the oxidation and hydration of these b), respectively. These observations strongly suggest the existence of a
country rocks at varying temperatures. Due to oxidation and hydration, subsurface fracture/alteration zone adjacent to the hot springs of both
the iron rich rock gets weathered and loses its magnetic susceptibility the regions. At Tarabalo, all the resistivity profiles near to hot spring
by the process of oxidation of magnetite to hematite (Henkel and (within 300 m radius from the hot springs) (i.e., T1, T2, T3, T4 and T8,
Guzman, 1977). Thus, give rise to low magnetic anomaly zones around Fig. 8) show a low resistivity fracture zone (with resistivity ∼75-100
the hot springs. The present integrated geophysical investigation has Ohm.m) and extending beyond a depth of 80 m. This is in accordance
also delineated high conductive (i.e., low resistive) zones near to these with the findings of Baranwal and Sharma (2006) at Tarabalo area.
hot springs in the 2D VLF current density sections as well as resistivity However, compared to their discrete resistivity sounding approach, the
models. Therefore, coincidence of low magnetic anomaly and high present resistivity imaging (electrical resistivity tomography) has more
conductive (or low resistive) signatures at the surface near to the hot convincingly delineated the EW strike length (∼600 m), NS width
springs of both regions strongly suggest the existence of altered/frac- (∼200 m), and vertical extension (> 80 m) of this fracture zone. It can
tured zone in the vicinity of hot springs. be inferred from the present study that this fracture zone is providing a
Detail geochemical studies at Atri and Tarabalo (Kundu et al., 2002; conducive pathway to feed the hot spring from deep water reservoir at
Zimik et al., 2017) suggest the existence of significant amount of Tarabalo. On the other hand, present study is the only geophysical at-
fluoride in the ground water system around the hot springs. Higher tempt to understand the subsurface configuration of the Atri hot spring
fluoride concentration in ground water may arise due to the dissolution region and has also delineated subsurface fractured / altered zones (like
of fluoride ions from fluorine bearing minerals in sedimentary as well as Tarabalo) around the nearby region of the hot spring. However, the
ultramafic rocks (Wedepohl, 1978; Sengupta et al., 2012). In southern geophysical survey was not possible within a region of ∼100 m radius
India (Krishnagiri District of Tamilnadu), the high fluoride contents in around the Atri hot spring location due to the presences of buildings
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 6. 2D resistivity inverse models, (a) along profiles A1 to A5, A7 and A8 of Atri region, and (b) along profiles T1 to T8 of Tarabalo region.
and power lines. As a result, the continuity of these fractured / altered low resistivity zones in the 2D subsurface current density and resistivity
zones through the Atri hot spring is not conclusive. models strongly indicate the presence of subsurface fracture zones
The past studies in these regions were mostly limited to few geo- around the hot springs of Atri and Tarabalo area. The 2D electrical
chemical and only one documented shallow subsurface geophysical resistivity tomography (ERT) has effectively delineated the depth and
interpretation (at Tarabalo only). However, the present integrated later extent (∼600 m EW strike length) of the fracture zone that pass
geophysical investigation in the both the regions gives a clear under- through the hot springs of Tarabalo. This fracture zone is extending
standing of the altered/fractured zones acting as conduit for hot water beyond ∼80 m depth but its width (NS extent) is decreasing away from
circulation. Inverse models of the ERT data as well as 2D current den- the marshy area. Therefore, possibility of deep heat source cannot be
sity sections of VLF data have effectively delineated the depth extent of nullified at Tarabalo. Existence of such an elongated and broad fracture
these fractured zone as beyond 80 m. As the region does not lie on any zone passing through the Atri hot spring could not be established as the
plate boundary or volcanic zone, therefore, it is inferred that the heat area ∼100 m radius about Atri hot spring location was inaccessible for
source is not associated with recent magmatic intrusions but may be geophysical survey. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hot spring at
due to the presence of hot rock at a greater depth. Atri is may be localized and feeded by a single localized fracture
channel whereas at Tarabolo a network of several fractures are there.
This has produced the marshy area consisting of several springs as
6. Conclusions observed over Tarabalo area.
A. Mandal et al. Geothermics 77 (2019) 24–33
Fig. 7. 2D resistivity inverse models along profiles A1 to A5, A7 and A8 of Atri region overlaid by magnetic contours. Depicted the gradual decreasing trend of
subsurface resistivity and a magnetic low (15–30 nT) towards the Atri hot spring (region between profiles A4 and A1).
Fig. 8. 2D resistivity inverse models along profiles T1 to T8 of Tarabalo region overlaid by magnetic contours. A low resistive EW channel passing through the
marshy area (Fig. 2b) with low magnetic zone is depicted in the subsurface of the region between profiles T2 -T4 and marked with a grey line.
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