Good Karma JU Course Notes With Questions

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Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Day 1: Understanding People and Their Struggles

Initial Assessment

Like a doctor's checkup: The first step in mental health is like

going to the doctor – we gather information. We ask about
feelings, thoughts, daily life, and history.
Finding the right help: This assessment tells us what kind of
support a person needs – is it talk therapy, maybe medication,
or a combination?

Biopsychosocial Formulation
The whole picture: Not just about your mind! This looks at
THREE things:
Biology: Your body, genes, and health. Sometimes medical
issues can affect how we feel.
Psychology: Your thoughts, feelings, and how you learned to
cope over time.
Definition of hallucinations:
Social: Your perception-like experiences without
relationships, family, external
where you live – all
• Common in schizophrenia, things
auditory impact our
hallucinations mental
being prevalent well-being.
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences

Attachment Styles
Early bonds matter! How we were cared for as babies shapes
how we connect with others our whole lives.
Secure: Felt safe, loved, leads to healthy adult relationships.
Anxious: Worried about love, might cling or fear
Avoidant: Uncomfortable with closeness, may push people
**extra away.
Can change: Understanding our style helps us form better

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

When care is missing: Very young children who weren't cared
• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
for properly
cenesthetic hallucinations may
include a burning struggle
sensation to form
in the brain, a pushingbonds.
sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions
Signs: Don't seek comfort, seem emotionally closed-off, may may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.have angry outbursts.

Examples: burning sensation
Needs special help: RAD in the brain, pushingneeds
sensation in blood vesselsto build trust and
healthy ways to relate.
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Cluster A Personality Disorders

Odd or eccentric: These patterns cause difficulty relating
to others.
Paranoid: Deep distrust, always think people are out
to get them.
Schizoid: Detached, loners, little interest in social
Schizotypal: Odd beliefs, unusual thinking, discomfort
with closeness.

Cluster B Personality Disorders

Dramatic, emotional, erratic: Behavior is impulsive,
relationships are stormy.
Antisocial: Breaks rules, disregards others' rights,
Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences
can without external stimuli
be manipulative.
• Common inBorderline:
schizophrenia, withFear ofhallucinations
auditory abandonment, unstable mood,
being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
intense relationships.
Histrionic: Craves attention, overly emotional,
Narcissistic: Grandiose, needs admiration, lacks

Cluster C Personality Disorders

**extra Anxious or fearful: These patterns often involve feeling
out of control.
Avoidant: Fears criticism, avoids social situations due
to feeling inadequate.
Dependent: Needs excessive reassurance, clings to
• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded fearsofbeing
sensations alone.
altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing
Perfectionist, obsessed sensation in with
the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.
orderliness, overly controlling.
Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.
Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma


1) Does the initial assessment include a safety assessment?

2) What are the 3 symptoms to focus on?

3) What is the importance of Family History>

4) What are the 3 components of biopsychosocial ?

5) In the psychological part do we include personality traits

and defence mechanisms?
Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli

6) What is the difference between schizoid and avoidant
Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normalPD?
in religious experiences

7) Schizotypal PD is considered a precursor for what


8) Which PD’s core symptom is fear of abandonment?

9) Which disorder has the most acting out?


10) What is the toughest PD to treat?

11) Which PD is linked to addiction?

• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Day 2: Mood Fluctuations and Mental Health

Mood Disorders

More than just feeling down: These involve long periods

of extreme mood that make everyday life hard.

Two main types:

Depressive disorders: Persistent sadness,
hopelessness, loss of interest.

Bipolar disorders: Swings between very high moods

(mania) and depressive lows.

Bipolar Disorders
Manic episodes: Intense energy, grand plans, less need
Definition of hallucinations: perception-like
for sleep,experiences
reckless without external stimuli
• Common Depressive episodes:
in schizophrenia, with Same as
auditory hallucinations beingother depression –
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious
sadness, fatigue, experiences

Different types:
Bipolar I: Full manic episodes
Bipolar II: Less intense highs, still has depressive lows.
Cyclothymic: Milder mood swings, doesn't meet full
criteria for either.
Depressive Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder: Intense, lasting sadness
interfering with life.

Persistent Depressive Disorder/ Dysthymia: Lower-

• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenestheticgrade, but
hallucinations long-lasting
include (years)
a burning sensation depressed
in the brain, mood.
a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded Others:
sensations in bodily things like premenstrual cycle,
Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
medications, or health problems.
Jadavpur University x Good Karma


12) What are the 2 phases of Bipolar disorder?

13) Which phase has euphoria/ anger and impulsivity?

14) What high is more intense Bipolar I or Bipolar II?

15) What symptoms (1 out of 2) are MANDATORY

for diagnosing MDD?

Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli

16) How many days does hypomania last (Bipolar II)?
• Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
17) How many days does a depressive disorder last for

18) What is difference between feeling low and Depressive


19) How long does Persistent Depressive Disorder

**extra or Dysthymia typically last for ?

• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Day 3: Worrying leading to Anxiety

Worry, but amplified: Everyone gets anxious sometimes, but

anxiety disorders are excessive fear and worry that get in the
way of life.

Different flavors:
Separation Anxiety: Extreme fear of being apart from
loved ones, common in kids but happens in adults too.

Selective Mutism: Can't speak in certain situations, even

though they have the ability.
Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli

• Common Specific Phobia:

in schizophrenia, Intense
with auditory fear of
hallucinations one
being thing
prevalent – spiders,
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
heights, needles, etc.

Social Anxiety: Overwhelming fear of being judged,

embarrassed, or rejected in social settings.

Panic Disorder: Sudden attacks of terror, heart pounding,

feeling like you're dying or going crazy.
Agoraphobia: Fear of places or situations where escape is
hard ( crowds, open spaces), can be crippling.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Constant, "free-

floating" worry about all sorts of things.
Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma


20) What is the ONLY childhood specific anxiety disorder?

21) What are 3 types of Reactive Attachment Disorder?

Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli

22) What are symptoms of a Panic Attack?
• Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
23) What is agoraphobia?

24) What is the most common anxiety disorder?

25) What are the 3 symptoms of that disorder?


• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRD)

Intrusive thoughts get stuck: Obsessions are recurring,
unwanted thoughts or images that cause great distress.
The need for rituals: Compulsions are behaviors you feel
driven to do over and over to try and reduce anxiety
(handwashing, checking, ordering).
Beyond just being neat: OCRDs can take over someone's
life with time-consuming rituals.

Some related ones:

Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Preoccupation with
imagined flaws in appearance.

Definition of hallucinations:
Hoarding perception-like
Disorder: experiences
Extreme withoutdifficulty
external stimuli
getting rid of
• possessions,
Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinationseven trash.
being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences

Trichotillomania: Hair pulling.

Excoriation Disorder: Skin picking.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Brains wired differently: ASD is about differences in
**extra brain development, not a mental illness.

Key areas:
Social Communication: May struggle with social cues,
understanding others' emotions, or making friends
• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic Restricted Interests/Repetitive
hallucinations include Behaviors:
a burning sensation in the brain, Intense
a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.
focus on certain topics, strong routines, sensory
Unfounded sensations in bodily organs. sensitivities.
Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma


26) What are obsessions?

27) What is a compulsion when someone has

Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli

• Common in schizophrenia,
28) What with auditory
is Body hallucinations
Dysmorphic being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
What Doctors usually find
body dysmorphic disorder in patient?

29) What is the difference between Trichotillomania and


30) What are the 3 components of

**extra Autism Spectrum Disorder?

• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Day 4: When Reality Gets Distorted

Psychotic Disorders

Losing touch: These involve a break from reality in some

way. It's NOT about being strange or odd, it's about a
disruption in how someone perceives the world.

Key Features:
Hallucinations: Seeing, hearing, or sensing things that
others don't. This can be voices, visions, smells, etc.
Delusions: Fixed, false beliefs that can't be changed
even with evidence. These can be bizarre (aliens
implanted a chip) or more daily-life focused (my
spouse is cheating).
Definition of hallucinations: Spectrum
perception-like experiences without Disorders
external stimuli
Schizophrenia: A serious, complex disorder. Along with
• Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
hallucinations/delusions, it includes:
Disorganized thinking: Speech may be hard to follow,
jumping from topic to topic.
Negative symptoms: Flattened emotions, less
motivation, trouble with daily life.

Others on the spectrum:

Schizotypal (Personality) Disorder: Some odd beliefs,
discomfort with closeness, but milder than
schizophrenia. People with this are usually in touch
with reality.
Delusional Disorder: Strong, specific delusions but
otherwise functioning normally.
• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic Psychotic
hallucinations include aDisorder: Short-lived
burning sensation in the brain, a break with reality,
pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions
often triggered by major stress or trauma. may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs. Disorder: Like schizophrenia, but
Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
lasts less than 6 months.
Jadavpur University x Good Karma

Schizoaffective Disorder: Think of it as a hybrid:

It has features of BOTH psychosis (hallucinations,
delusions) AND a mood disorder (like depression or

Other Causes to Know:

Substance/Medication-Induced: Some drugs, medicines,
or withdrawal from them can cause temporary
Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition:
Certain illnesses (brain tumors, infections) can
sometimes cause hallucinations or delusions.

Catatonia: A disorder of movement – it might look like:

Definition of hallucinations: perception-like experiences without external stimuli
Unresponsiveness, staring blankly
• Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent

Odd postures held for a long time
Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
Agitation, purposeless movement
Catatonia can be its own thing, or a symptom of other
mental or medical illnesses.

Key Points
Psychosis can be part of several conditions: It's not just
one diagnosis.
Not always scary: Some hallucinations may be
comforting, delusions can be positive. It's about how
they impact a person's life and if they need help.
Don't be afraid to ask questions! Mental health is
complex, there's no shame in seeking more info.
• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
Stigma is harmful: These are real illnesses, not character
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation
flaws. People in the bone marrow.compassion
deserve Bodily distortions may
andalso occur.
Unfounded sensationshope: With treatment, many people manage
in bodily organs.
Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels
symptoms and live fulfilling lives, even with serious
Jadavpur University x Good Karma


31) What is psychosis?

32) What is schizophrenia?

33) Which mood disorder is the

fastest way to psychosis?

34) Are uppers

Definition of hallucinations: perception-like orwithout
experiences downer drugs
external stimuli
more responsible for psychosis?
• Common in schizophrenia, with auditory hallucinations being prevalent
• Cultural context: Hallucinations may be normal in religious experiences
35) How many days for each:
a) Brief Psychotic Disorder
b) Schizophreniform
c) Schizophrenia

36) Which movement disorder is considered

psychotic behaviour?

37) Can OCD lead to hoarding and psychosis?

• Cenesthetic hallucinations are unfounded sensations of altered states in bodily organs. Examples of
cenesthetic hallucinations include a burning sensation in the brain, a pushing sensation in the blood
vessels, and a cutting sensation in the bone marrow. Bodily distortions may also occur.

Unfounded sensations in bodily organs.

Examples: burning sensation in the brain, pushing sensation in blood vessels

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