Spe 98827
Spe 98827
Spe 98827
SPE 98827
Reservoir volume (STOIIP) was generated for each of Characterization-Recent Advances, AAPG
the realizations simulated. However, the volumes from Memoir 71, p. 321-332.
the “most likely” model (which compared favourably
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held in Denver, Colorado, 5-8 September
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12. Knox, P. R., Barton, M. D.:” Predicting 13. Chike, I., Egbele, E., Ukaonu, C. and
Interwell Heterogeneity in Fluvial-Deltaic Onyekonwu, M. O..: “Congenital reservoir
Reservoirs: Effects of Progressive rock characterization of weak hydraulic
Architecture Variation Through a Depositional properties” paper SPE 88968, presented at the
Cycle from Outcrop and Subsurface Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Observations, 1999, in Schatzinger, R. and held in Abuja, Nigeria 2-4 August 2004.
Jordan, J., eds., Reservoir Characterization-
Recent Advances, AAPG Memoir 71, p. 57-72