Aglity HSE Plan 22 Sep 2017

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For The

Onslow Marine Supply Base (OMSB)

‘Be Safe, Stay Safe’

Safety and Response Management Plan Page No. Page 2 of 25

Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

Revision Approvals

Name Signature Date

Prepared Alan Chapman 20/09/2017

Checked Leonie Makin 21/09/2017

Approved Christina Sobieralski 21/09/2017

Document Control

Document History and Version Control

Revision Date Author - Role Approved Change Description

1 11/09/17 Christina Sobieralski Document Created

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Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

1.0 CONTEXT.............................................................................................................................................................5

2.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................................5

3.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................................5

4.0 REGISTER OF CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................6

4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES...............................................................................................................................................7
5.0 EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS/CHEMICALS.....................................................................................................11

6.0 HAZARD ASSESSMENT/HAZARD MANAGEMENT TOOLS......................................................................11

6.1 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................................................11
6.2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION (HAZID) RISK REGISTER ..........................................................................................12
6.3 WORK METHOD STATEMENT (WMS) ...............................................................................................................12
6.4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS (JHA) ...........................................................................................................................12
6.5 STOP WORK AUTHORITY (SWA) ......................................................................................................................13
6.6 MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE................................................................................................................................13
6.7 HAZARD CARDS (HAZARD INTERVENTION AND REPORTING)..............................................................................13
6.8 STEP BACK 5 X 5...............................................................................................................................................13
6.9 PEOPLE BASED SAFETY ..............................................................................................................................13
7.0 SAFE WORK PRACTICES ................................................................................................................................14
7.1 MARINE SAFETY ...............................................................................................................................................14
7.2 TRANSPORT SAFETY .........................................................................................................................................15
1.1.1 CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY POLICY STATEMENT .......................................................................16

8.0 SAFETY AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................17

9.0 WORK PERMIT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................17

10.0 PLANNING & COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................17

11.0 EMPLOYEE TRAINING/COMPETENCE .......................................................................................................18

11.1 TRAINING NEEDS ..............................................................................................................................................18
11.2 TRAINING MATRIX ............................................................................................................................................18
11.3 VERIFICATION OF COMPETENCY (VOC).............................................................................................................18
11.4 SITE INDUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................19
11.5 ELECTED HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE TRAINING .............................................................................19
12.0 SAFETY INSPECTION PROGRAMS ...............................................................................................................19

13.0 AUDIT & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ...............................................................................................................19

14.0 REPORTING ......................................................................................................................................................19

14.1 INCIDENT NOTIFICATION PROCESS ....................................................................................................................20
14.2 INCIDENT CAUSAL ANALYSIS METHOD (ICAM) .................................................................................................21
15.0 ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................................21

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15.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENTS ...............................................................................................................21

15.2 FAUNA AND FLORA INTERACTION......................................................................................................................22
15.3 RECYCLING AND EFFICIENT USE/ WASTE MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................22
15.4 WASTE WATER RECYCLING ..............................................................................................................................22
15.5 RUBBISH/GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION / DISPOSAL........................................................................................22
16.0 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................22

17.0 MEDICAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................22

17.1 MEDICAL SERVICES ...........................................................................................................................................23
18.0 SAFETY MEETINGS .........................................................................................................................................23

19.0 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................24

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AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

Agility Project Logistics (Agility) has been awarded a 10-year Operator Deed to manage the
Onslow Marine Supply Base (OMSB). OMSB is a multi-user facility owned by the state
government under the auspices of the Department of Transport and as such falls outside the
control of the Pilbara Port Authority. The Minister for Transport has granted a lease to Onslow
Marine Supply Base Pty Ltd whom is the developer of the facility that Agility will operate.

The facility comprises 26,000sqm of hard stand land along with a ~200m hard backed wharf and
two 18m LCT ramps.

This HSE Management Plan (HSEMP) shall be applied OMSB.

The HSEMP is applicable to all personnel working for, or on behalf of, Agility including any
associated subcontractors.

Agility’s Vision
Is to BE SAFE and STAY SAFE with an aim of staying incident and injury free
Agility’s Core Program –is “Be Safe, Stay Safe”
It has 4 main sections in its HSE Strategic Plan which are: -

 Safety Leadership
 Talking Safety
 Hazard Identification
 Management System

The purpose of this HSEMP plan is to describe the health, safety and environmental requirements
and processes that will be implemented to effectively manage HSE related risks and to achieve the
Agility goal of safe and Incident and Injury Free (IIF) operations. The Plan aims to support the
effective management of Operational Excellence whilst executing the scope of work.

The Plan provides direction for Management and Supervision with regard to HSE systems and
process as described in the scope of work that must be implemented and maintained.

This Plan will apply to the activities planned to be carried out at the OMSB site at Lot 13 Beadon
Creek Rd, Onslow, Western Australia. Activities generally include the receipt of goods via the road
network, staging them ready for loading on vessels that will be moored alongside or located at the
LCT ramps.

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Excluded scope

Should any area be sub-leased for activities that fall outside those listed above shall work under
the lessee’s Safety Management System that shall be reviewed and approved by Agility prior to
granting a sub-lease. If at any times a sub-lessee traverses or access’s an Agility controlled area,
this Plan will take precedence.

General Requirements

Agility and subcontract groups are responsible for compliance with all policies, procedures,
practices and laws applicable to the assigned duties and responsibilities.

Agility shall be fully responsible for the safety of its personnel on the base and other parties
involved with Agility.

Agility shall initiate and maintain all reasonable precautions, establish, implement and maintain
programs in order to conform to this document and, as a minimum, comply with all applicable laws,
authority decrees and other federal, state and international requirements.

Agility shall erect and maintain safeguards, (including safety barriers), for the protection of the
public and to enable personnel to perform their work in such a manner that they are not exposed to
hazards. Agility shall manage all reasonably foreseeable hazards created by the performance of
the work.

In keeping with this understanding, Agility shall:

 Undertake risk assessments of all activities and manage identified risks as far as
reasonably practicable and always consistent with the hierarchy of control.
 Provide all appropriate measures necessary to maintain proper workplace and personal
hygiene, and ensure safety of persons and property:
 Maintain a high standard of housekeeping and manage the workplace to provide safe
access and egress.

Ensure that requirements under the Chain of Responsibility for Transport operations are complied
with and comprehensive procedures implemented with Agility to cover compliance and safety
requirements on the road and during loading of vehicles at Agility premises.


Agility Contacts:

Christina Group HSE 0401223000 [email protected]

Sobieralski Manager

Alan Chapman Base Manager 0418664658 [email protected]

Leonie Makin HSE Advisor 0422771975 [email protected]
TBA Yard Supervisor

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4.1 Responsibilities

 Formally approving the policy

 Formally approving the Agility HSE Management System and subsequent reviews of the
HSE System.
 Provide leadership in relation to implementation of the HSE Management System
 Ensuring Workplace health and safety performance of all Agility Workplaces is included as
an agenda item at relevant Board meetings.
 Formally approving the allocation of resources to enable the implementation of the Agility
HSE Management System.

Group HSE Manager Australasia

 Provide professional knowledge and expertise in the support of environmental health and
safety programs.
 Provide direction and support to HSE Managers throughout the business.
 Establish, support and maintain a behavioral based safety culture, i.e. ‘Be Safe, Stay Safe’.
 Utilise a systematic approach to ensure compliance with all local and national health and
safety laws and regulations that apply to Agility’s operations.
 Plan and deliver a proactive program that includes; -
- the elimination or control of workplace hazards,
- promotion of safe work systems,
- accident prevention and investigation, and
- health and safety education and promotion.
 Develop policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines
(Codes of Practice).
 Ensure Agility is kept up-to-date in relation to changes in legislation, regulations and codes
of practice.
 Ensure consistent approach and application of HSE systems and procedures.
 Interface with Projects and Operations Management, Sales, Clients, and relevant
government agencies.
 Provide advice and support to Agility line management.
 Develop, implement, maintain and monitor Location Specific HSE plans to ensure Agility
provides safe systems of work in support of its current and future operations.
 Prepare monthly, quarterly and yearly reports on Agility’s safety performance.
 Recommend annual HSE performance goals and targets.
 Review and analyze HSE performance and make relevant recommendations to Agility’s
Executive Committee.
 Adopt and practice a mind-set of continually seeking to improve our safety culture and
 Assist HSE Managers and/or line managers in ensuring Agility selects and utilises
subcontractors who embrace and practice safe systems of work.
 Assist HSE Managers and Line Managers in ongoing monitoring of subcontractors’ safety
 Work with HSE Managers and Subcontractors to ensure that safety objectives between
Agility and Subcontractors are aligned and meeting our expectations.
 Participate in tender submissions and/or oversight participation of HSE Managers in tender
 Where appropriate, liaise directly with clients or potential client representatives in relation
to HSE.

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 Lead and/or participate in HSE audits.

 With the HSE team, design and deliver training for all levels of workers.
 Oversight workers compensation and injury management / rehabilitation.
 Oversee and manage Drug and Alcohol policies and application.
 Lead and/or oversee accident investigations.
 Develop and implement accident investigation, data analysis, and recurrence prevention
programs and procedures.
 Lead and manage any major incident response.

Base Manager

The Base Manager has the overall responsibility to ensure that HSE plans are implemented using
prescribed processes, procedures and safe work practices and to ensure supervisors and workers
reporting to them are aware of Agility HSE expectations.
This includes:
 Championing the Incident/Injury free (IIF) program at all levels within the organisation and
provide leadership for all HSE initiatives.
 The promotion of a project culture where HSE has prevailing status of equal importance to
other business imperatives.
 Familiarity with the requirements of the base HSE MS and ensure their implementation by
all Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers.
 Ensuring that all base activities under their control are subject to hazard and risk analysis
studies by competent personnel for each stage of the project development.

Health, Safety, Environmental Manager

 Promoting the active participation and involvement of all personnel in the Safety Program.
 The provision, implementation and measurement of an effective HSE MS
 Ensuring satisfactory performance of all site groups associated with the base in achieving
the HSE MS Objectives and Targets.
 The effective and consistent screening of contractors prior to and post award with
reference to HSE Management capabilities.
 Establishing and maintain an audit program, which measures the effectiveness of the HSE
MS for both the base and its Contractors.
 The provision of status reports to Base Management on all aspects of HSE MS

HSE Advisor

This function is maintained by the HSE Manager until an Advisor is appointed

 Organise, participate in and oversee preparation of HSE policy and procedure
 Assist businesses within Agility to implement the HSE management system on an ongoing
 Provide support to HSE Committees and senior management to help them understand
HSE legal responsibilities and resolve HSE issues.
 Disseminate information relating to changes in HSE legislation to staff throughout Agility
who require this to fulfil their role.
 Schedule periodic audits of the HSE management system to verify that it is being complied
with and is proving effective in managing HSE risk.

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 Schedule periodic HSE legislative compliance audits to confirm that businesses within
Agility are operating in compliance with HSE legislation.

Chain of Responsibility Manager

Within Agility, Transport Managers in each division have been duly appointed as the “chain of
Responsibility” Manager for each business unit.

These Managers can be found on the company CoR Policy Procedures Manual, which provides
organisational charts, functions of CoR managers in reviewing and auditing 3rd party carriers and
ensuring compliances with CoR operations within Agility workplace. The CoR Policy Manual
provides a signed statement of the function of all parts from Board members through to shop floor
packers and loaders in CoR It identifies all of the employees and contractors of Agility and their
training needs, VoC requirements and work requirements. The CoR manager trained to
competency standard TLIF4049 Comply with Chain of Responsibility is Scott Madigan, National
Transport Manager.

Yard Supervisor

 Accountable for the implementation of and compliance with the Agility HSEMP
 Induct workers and contractors in their HSE responsibilities when they first commence work
at the site.
 Supervise safe work practices within area of responsibility.
 Take responsibility for implementation of HSE policy and procedures, and compliance with
HSE legislation, within area of responsibility.
 Monitor and report on HSE performance within area of responsibility.
 Visibly show commitment to HSE through participation in formal and informal discussions,
workplace investigations and hazard inspections.
 Investigate all accidents/incidents within area of responsibility.
 Ensure liaison and consultation with workers, particularly on any workplace changes which
have a HSE component.
 Initiate actions to improve HSE within area of responsibility.
 Actively monitor the workplace to determine the presence of hazards and take appropriate
action to rectify any hazards found.
 Facilitate rehabilitation of injured workers, particularly within area of responsibility

Team Leaders

This function will be undertaken by the Yard Supervisor until a team leader is appointed
 Verifying that personnel are trained and competent to perform the delegated work safely
 Perform and record a daily inspection of the workplace under their control to ensure work
practices and process meet the base HSE MS requirements.
 Actively promote participation and involvement of all personnel to support a project culture
where HSE has prevailing status, coach and mentor behavior change
 Participating in incident investigations and communicate outcome to personnel
 Conducting pre-shift Meetings and Tool Box Meetings
 Verifying risk assessments WMS and JHA’s are in place, current and specific to the work
being conducted prior to commencing any work.
 To review and approve all documentation including Permits To Work

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General Service Officers (GSO)

 Read and comply with all requirements outlined in the OMSB Health Safety Management
 Comply with all HSE policies and procedures.
 Work safely and do not place at risk the health and safety of other workers or visitors.
 Look out for, and report, hazards in the workplace.
 Encourage fellow workers to implement safe work practices.
 Look after and use personal protective equipment and other safety equipment as required.
 Keep the workplace in a clean tidy state, for example to minimise slip and trip hazards.
 Cooperate with internal and external HSE audits and provide information as requested.
 Agility workers undertaking deliveries or pick-ups at other than Agility work places are to
ensure they comply with the health and safety requirements of the site being visited,
including complying with local induction procedures where applicable.
 Workers are to ensure that they follow safe systems of work, and should they believe a
workplace they are visiting is not safe and/or safe systems of work are not being applied,
they should cease their activity, speak to the Client Manager to voice their concerns, and
immediately ring their Agility Manager.

First Aid Officers/First Aiders

First aid will only be dispensed or administered by a suitably trained person/s. First Aid Officers are
responsible for:
 Maintaining first aid facilities ensuring they are accessible, clean and contain the required
 Treating injured persons to the limit of their training, and not beyond that training.
 Arranging for emergency services where there is a risk to life or long-term wellbeing.
 Arranging for medical treatment as required, including transportation to a doctor or hospital
as necessary.


 Comply with all Agility HSE policies and procedures

 Work safely and do not place at risk the health and safety of other workers or visitors.
 Look out for, and report, hazards in the workplace.
 Encourage fellow workers to implement safe work practices.
 Look after and use personal protective equipment and other safety equipment as required.
 Keep the workplace in a clean tidy state, for example to minimise slip and trip hazards.


 Only enter Agility operational areas when accompanied by an Agility employee.

 Ask questions if safety signage and instructions are not clearly understood.
 Maintain an awareness of personal safety and report any identified hazards.

Health, Safety and Security (HSS) Committee

Agility acknowledges that the HSS Committee has the responsibility to monitor the HSS program at
their workplace and coordinate with base management and other staff. This Committee shall
discuss Health and Safety issues relevant to the base and any unresolved site Health and Safety
issues that require elevation to base management.

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HSS Committees shall be elected and will comprise as a minimum:

• Yard Supervisor or delegate

• Elected Employee H&S representative(s);
• HSE Manager or delegate

Election of Workplace Representatives

Workplace personnel shall elect workplace H&S representatives. The Base Management in
accordance with the relevant Western Australian statutory requirements shall administer the
elections. Workplace Health and Safety Representatives shall attend accredited training in
accordance with legislative requirements and receive further training as required to improve their
skills and knowledge.

A variety of Material Handling Equipment (MHE) is required to safely undertake Agility’s operations.
This MHE needs to meet a range of criteria, which includes but is not limited to:
• serviced and undergoes checks prior to every use
• be of sound construction and meet all relevant industry and regulatory standards
• be properly maintained and in good working order at the commencement of the operations

Agility will manage hazardous materials, which includes regulated Hazardous Substances and
Dangerous Goods (DGs), in order to protect the health and safety of all personnel, contractors and
visitors; protect the environment; and to comply with relevant statutory requirements.

Agility shall reduce to As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP), those risks associated with
hazardous materials used at the workplace.

All hazardous materials used within the Operations Areas are managed with the following:
• Hazardous Materials Register
• Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

All chemicals are accompanied by an SDS and chemical quantity to be noted for storage.
The Register is reviewed every six months or when a new chemical needs to be added or removed
from the Register

Appendix 1: Chemical Holdings Register


Hazard analysis shall be conducted for all work tasks performed at all facilities to ensure hazards
are identified, appropriately mitigated and constantly reviewed through the planning and
implementation stages of work.

6.1 General
In order to manage the hazards during the scope of work, Agility and any subcontractors shall
utilise the following hazard identification, risk assessment and control processes:
• HAZID Risk Register
• Work Method Statements
• Job Hazard Analysis
• Hazard Cards

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• Stepback 5*5
• People Based Safety

6.2 Hazard Identification (HAZID) Risk Register

The HAZID Risk Register records details of all the risks identified for the Agility scope of work.
Risks associated with activities and strategies and are identified then graded in terms of likelihood
of occurring and seriousness of impact.

As a formal document, the analysis contained in a risk register will be used to document and
improve workplace practices, mitigate risk, provide a safer and healthier workplace. The register
can also be used to notify senior managers of emerging risk exposures that warrant immediate

Involving workers and contractors in the process of compiling a risk register will encourage a high
level of ownership of, and commitment to, processes and activities.

6.3 Work Method Statement (WMS)

Agility shall develop Work Method Statements (WMS’) for all major work activities described in the
HAZID to assist in ensuring the identifying, assessing, controlling and mitigating risks associate
with the scope of work.

WMS’ shall:
• Be specific to the work being done with relation to the activity
• Break the work down into clearly defined tasks/work methodology
• Identify potential safety, environmental, health hazards associated with each task and
define appropriate mitigation
• Identify activities, roles, responsibilities and authorities assigned to individuals included in
the scope
• Be developed by competent personnel and knowledgeable in the work
• Define any PPE, emergency response, special protective clothing, training and competency
and other equipment required as mitigations
• Describe any relevant standards (Contractor or Industry) which may be applicable to the job
• Be approved by an appropriate nominated person qualified to approve a Safe Work Method

6.4 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

A company risk matrix is used to determine the inherent and residual risk ratings when undertaking
a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). A JHA will be developed for all activities with a risk rating greater
than low.

The JHA Process shall ensure:

• A register is in use and maintained for all JHAs
• Personnel performing JHAs have received training and are competent to perform their role
• Appropriate subject matter experts are included in the development of the JHA
• Hazard identification techniques are utilized to identify location and task specific hazards.
Identification of appropriate mitigation steps to reduce or eliminate the potential for injury,
environmental incident or property damage
• All task hazards are risk rated using the approved risk assessment matrix
• Appropriate level of approval to commence tasks based on risk
• JHA to include any associated permit to work (PTW) details
• JHAs shall be reviewed and updated as appropriate (including change in hazards or work

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• The Hazards Analysis is accessible and reviewed by everyone at the work location affected
by the work
• The Hazards Analysis is signed by all individuals involved in the task

6.5 Stop Work Authority (SWA)

All personnel, whether they be direct employees of Agility, sub-contractors or visitors, shall be
empowered with the right, responsibility and authority to stop work when observing an unsafe
condition or act that could result in harm to people, property or the environment.

6.6 Management of Change

All changes to plant, equipment, process or procedure, whether planned, sudden or gradual, shall
be reviewed for potential HSE hazards prior to their implementation.

The change management process aims to ensure the following:

• Changes are identified and recognized.
• Careful consideration is given to managing the risks associated with any change.
• Due diligence is demonstrated in the risk management of change.
• A reduction in the number of unsatisfactory or unnecessary changes.
• Involvement of the right people in the change process.
• Statutory requirements are met.
Requests for changes are reviewed and approved by Management to ensure that all modifications
are systematically analysed and implemented in a manner that does not present an unacceptable
HSE risk.

6.7 Hazard Cards (Hazard Intervention and Reporting)

Hazard intervention is an effective means of reducing workplace injuries and incidents. Agility’s
‘Looking After Your Mates’ hazard and intervention reporting card is the process whereby the
workforce can record all workplace hazards. Details include:
• Unsafe Act v Unsafe Condition
• Intervention Yes or No
• Corrective actions Agreed/Proposed
• Supervisors/Managers Action
A hazard register is in place to record all hazards and action taken. Details to be discussed at site
safety meetings.

6.8 Step Back 5 x 5

The Step Back 5 x 5 processes provide the last opportunity to identify abnormal situations or when
changes to normal operations occur which may increase the hazards associated with the task
which has been mapped out in a JHA.

It helps to promote a hazard management culture through continual self-monitoring of the job site
and work activity.

A Step Back 5 x 5 is required for all tasks and also used when the uncontrolled risk level for the
task has been rated as ‘low’. If the Uncontrolled risk level is greater than Low, a JHA shall be
prepared to identify and assess the hazard(s).


Agility’s Safety Observation Card allows all workers and visitors to identify and report safety
concerns through behavioral observations:

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• Positive observations
• Unsafe Condition
• Unsafe Act
The area or condition of the observation by basic categories:
• Manual Handling
• Electrical
• Housekeeping
• Tools
• Plant Equipment
• Working Conditions
• Chemical
• Other
A minimum of one Observation per week is required for all employees. All cards are numerically
identified and registered after completion and sent to Management on a weekly basis to review
observations and any improvement opportunities. Feedback is provided to the workforce as

Agility’s workplace program “Be Safe Stay Safe” is a behavioral based program in which genuine
care and concern exists for the well-being of each other and the environment.

BSSS strives to achieve a workplace free from incidents and injuries, and represents a
commitment to every worker going home safely and to protect the environment in which we


Safe Work Practices will be controlled by a set of written instructions that identifies the health and
safety issues that may arise from the jobs and tasks that make up a system of work.

A safe working procedure will be written when:

• designing a new job or task
• changing a job or task
• introducing new equipment or substances
• reviewing a procedure when problems have been identified, e.g. from an accident or
incident investigation

The safe working procedure will identify:

• the supervisor for the task or job and the workers who will undertake the task
• the tasks that are to be undertaken that pose risks
• the equipment and substances that are used in these tasks
• the control measures that have been built into these tasks
• any training or qualification needed to undertake the task
• the personal protective equipment to be worn
• action to be undertaken to address safety issues that may arise while undertaking the task

7.1 Marine Safety

Agility will ensure that all legislation will be adhered to in relation to the marine safety requirements.
Agility will address any and all of the safety incidents that occur during the operations and report to
the relevant authorities

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7.2 Transport Safety

Agility has comprehensive chain of responsibility procedures implemented across its businesses.
Its linehaul operations are at higher risk, and must comply with comprehensive procedures to
ensure its trucks and operators are in compliance mass and dimensions; speed; fatigue and load
restraint/ load securing operations.

The road safety requirements include the development of procedures and journey management
plans and emergency management arrangements.

Any 3rd Party carriers will be pre-assessed and reviewed prior to their adoption by Agility and chain
of responsibility requirements will be audited periodically by Agility CoR managers as is their duty
outlined in CoR policy and procedures manual.

Within Agility, Transport Managers in each division have been duly appointed as the “chain of
Responsibility” Manager for each business unit. These can be found on the company CoR Policy
Procedures Manual, which provides organisational charts, functions of CoR managers in reviewing
and auditing 3rd party carriers and ensuring compliances with CoR operations within Agility

The CoR Policy Manual provides a signed statement of the function of all parts from Board
members through to shop floor packers and loaders in CoR. It identifies all of the employees and
contractors of Agility and their training needs, VoC requirements and work requirements. The CoR
manager trained to competency standard TLIF4049. Comply with Chain of Responsibility is Alan
Chapman – Base Manager OMSB.

Agility uses the iAuditor iPad based CoR management system to ensure our CoR responsibilities
are met. Every movement through the gate will be documented using the system to ensure

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AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017


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Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the last control measure that is to be applied to reduce the
exposure to a hazard. Through risk assessments, JHA and identified in Safe Work Method
Statements, all workers, visitors and contractors will wear and use the PPE appropriate to the task
while delivering the services.

The minimum PPE to be worn in operational areas is:

• Safety helmet
• Safety footwear (Visitors can wear enclosed shoes only)
• Safety glasses (medium level impact) or safety over glasses
• Hand protection
• Long sleeved hi visibility shirt
• Long trousers
Visitors must also wear:
• Yellow safety helmet
• Orange Vest
Other PPE may include:
• Ear Protection
• Respiratory protection


A Permit to Work (PTW) system is a formal written planning and control system used to control
high risk work activities. This ensures that high risk work is carried out in accordance with safe
work practices.

Agility has developed a Base Specific PTW System that specifies the precautions that must be
taken, the procedures to be followed, and the responsibilities assigned to persons controlling work
activity under a Permit to Work.

These procedures apply equally to all Agility and Contractor personnel required to conduct work for
a High Risk Activities and shall be controlled under the PTW System.

Agility has a permit system that covers the following high risk activities;
• Working at Height
• Hot Work
• Heavy Load
• Oversized Loads
• Diving


General Meetings

Health and Safety shall be the first item on the agenda of all meetings and shall also include an
“Safety Moment” which is a discussion or observation on a health, safety or environment related
topic that provides a lesson or promotes incident and injury free behavior. Agility shall ensure that
HSE meetings are minuted with tasks and target dates assigned to responsible personnel who
track and ensure timely close out.

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Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

HSE Notices/Bulletins

Agility shall distribute notices and bulletins and provide dedicated notice boards in offices and
lunch rooms to display policies, notices and bulletins.

Communications Media / Equipment

Agility shall actively promote an HSE BSSS work place through the use of newsletters, posters,
campaigns, presentations etc.

All identified trends and Lessons Learned from incident investigations, submitted hazard
intervention cards, behavior-based safety cards will be presented to personnel utilising the above
means at Pre-start meetings, toolbox talks and other scheduled meetings.

A process for the development and implementation of specific health and safety weekly and
monthly campaigns to support the BSSS culture will also be communicated to personnel.


11.1 Training Needs
• A Training Needs Analysis will be undertaken to identify the appropriate requirements for
personnel. All workers, at all levels, are to receive adequate instruction and training to
enable them to carry out their duties in a safe and efficient manner whilst minimizing
impacts on the environment.
• All workers will be provided with the required competency based skills to improve their
safety and enhance productivity. This includes the initiation of a system of Verification of
Competency (VOC). This shall involve a periodic assessment of existing workers and new
employee to identify gaps in existing skills as per the Training Matrix.
• Assessment within this process will be conducted by experienced staff following specific
Agility requirements. Where competency based training is required, Agility staff will provide
qualified trainers and assessors and training documentation will be stored in a secured
environment either in hard copy or electronic system. Tracking of the training of personnel
will be monitored by population of the training matrix.
• All trainers and assessors conducting competency-based training for and on behalf of
Agility will, as a minimum requirement, be the holder of a Certificate IV in Training and
Assessment and be acting in association with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

11.2 Training Matrix

Agility has developed a Training Matrix that identifies current competencies and training needs
applicable to the Project. The matrix also identifies the employee’s position and training completed.
Each identified gap in the workers list of competencies has a scheduled training date. The matrix is
incorporated in our online Training Management system (TMS).

The competency gap analysis is completed during the employee’s employment assessment with
the training requirement being agreed by Agility and the employee.

11.3 Verification of Competency (VOC)

• Verification of Competency (VOC) will be the responsibility of Agility, who will engage an
Assessor to conduct High Risk License VOCs of the person’s competency prior to

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Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

mobilization to site and where necessary, on site, using the specific equipment they are
going to be operating whilst on site, (such as cranes, EWP, fork lifts).
• In house VOCs are also undertaken by the site Supervisors, for other pieces of equipment.
• Only persons deemed as competent by the assessor will be permitted to operate
equipment on site.

11.4 Site Induction

All workers, contractors, personnel and visitors will attend a site Safety Induction before entering
the work areas on site.

A Site Specific Orientation Form must be completed for each Inductee as proof of attendance.

11.5 Elected Health and Safety Representative Training

Elected Health and Safety Representative training shall be conducted within the first three months
of the election.


Agility has implemented an internal Health and Safety Workplace Inspection regime to verify their
work places and work practices are in compliance with legislative and Project Health, Safety and
Security requirements. Agility Site Safety Advisors, in conjunction with Agility Supervisors, will
conduct health and safety inspections monthly to identify hazards associated with all work being
delivered at the OMSB

Records of the inspections and lists of corrective actions and close-outs are to be kept.


Agility shall audit and review on an ongoing basis to determine the effectiveness of the Work
Health and Safety management system. The objective of the audits is to assist with the continual
improvement of the management systems.

Agility shall participate in Health, Safety and Security Audits including attendance of senior
management at kick-off and close out meetings. Audits shall be conducted every twelve months or
as defined by Agility.

Agility will follow their own incident reporting process as per Procedure 8.11 Incident Reporting,
Investigations and Corrective Action.

All incidents and near misses will be reported in the agreed timeframes and investigated to the
agreed standards.

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Version: 1
AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

14.1 Incident Notification Process

Agility’s incident notification process is outlined in the following flow chart:

Incident/Dangerous Provide First Aid by trained first

Occurrence aider. Take 5.

If medical treatment is required,

1. supervisor/ leading hand to
Employee accompany the person to the
Initiate first aid or seek medical Onslow Hospital
assistance where required

Employee/ Yes 3.
Manager Local Manager to contact Group OHS Manager
Secure incident area as Chris Sobieralski on 0401223000
necessary To discuss if Notification criteria is met.(If no
response call HR Operations Manager- Rebecca
Piscioneri). Ensure that the site is preserved and
3. hazard taped or rope around site. Group HSE
Does State or National Manager or GM HR will contact Inspector and
regulator (WorkSafe) need to Notify verbally and in writing if required.
be notified?

Base Manager (with
assistance of HSE Manager)
Complete Incident Report Form.
Agility legal counsel notified by Corporate
5. office.
General Manager (with (Follow advise as to conducting own
assistance of OHS Manager) investigation)
Conduct Incident investigation
and separately interview relevant

6. 7.
For Incident Reportable to Base Manager
WorkCover and any Lost Time; Submit incident investigation ICAM to
Medical Treatment and L2 and OHS Manager who documents follow up
L3 incidents (potential to cause actions on site based OHSEQ Actions
death); an ICAM investigation is Register for Base Manager to follow up
conducted by General and monitor close out.
Manager/Base Manager and
reviewed with Group OHS
Manager prior to completion

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Incident Classification
All incidents and near misses will be classified as outlined below:
a) Fatality – work related incident resulting in the death of one or more employees
b) LTI (Lost Time Injury) also known as a Lost Work Day Case (LWDC) – work related
incident resulting in the absence of an employee for one or more days following the
incident (remember – a LWDC starts when the employee misses his/her next scheduled
work shift as a result of the injury).
c) Restricted Work Day(Case) (RWD) – work related incident resulting in an employee being
placed on “light duty”, modified or restricted-work for one or more days following the
incident (remember – a RWD starts when the employee begins light duty on his/her next
scheduled work shift).
d) Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) – work related incident resulting in an employee receiving
diagnosis, medication or on-going therapy from a professional medical provider following
the incident. (Remember – a one-time visit to a care clinic for observation or first aid
treatment is not considered a MTI).
e) First Aid – Any one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts,
burns, splinters and so forth, which do not ordinarily require medical care by a doctor, even
if provided by a doctor or registered medical personnel. Diagnostic medical treatment is
considered first aid.
f) A Near Miss is when an actual incident has occurred and no injury, property/asset
damaged or harm to the company’s reputation resulted. Some examples of a Near Miss
include a Dropped Object, Slips, Trips and Falls, a Secondary Containment Spill, a Near
Vehicle Collision etc. There are 3 Levels of Near Miss Classifications.
• Level 1 is an incident that could have resulted in a minor injury, light vehicle
damage or a reversible environmental spill which can easily be cleaned up.
• Level 2 is an incident that is could result in an Lost Time Injury or recordable injury,
it could have resulted in major and serious motor vehicle crashes, or environmental
DG spills over 160kg, but are reversible and minor.
• Level 3 is an incident which could have resulted in a fatality, permanent disability
or multiple recordable injuries or could have caused catastrophic motor vehicle
injuries, or permanent environmental damage, includes DG spills over 8000kg.

14.2 Incident Causal Analysis Method (ICAM)

Incident Causal Analysis Method (ICAM) is a method of determining the underlying reasons for an
incident. Agility uses the ICAM method as part of its incident investigation process.

Incident investigation corrective actions will be formulated using the SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Accountable, Relevant, Timely) methodology and tracked using the corrective action tracking
process. All actions will be closed by their agreed due date. Any expected slippage on the closure
of the action will be communicated to the Group HSSE Manager at least 7 days prior to the due

15.1 Environmental Risk Assessments
Agility is to ensure that an environmental risk assessment is undertaken on relevant activities
conducted by all operations to identify any aspects of those activities that may have an impact on
the environment. The site HAZID identifies all environmental risks associated with both sites.

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15.2 Fauna and Flora Interaction

Due to the location of Agility operations, Agility personnel may be exposed to instances of contact
with native or non-native fauna and flora. The Yard Supervisor shall ensure that adequate controls
are in place.

Fauna shall not be captured, fed, harmed or disturbed and flora shall not be gathered. In the event
that an Agility employee, contractor or visitor requires the removal of fauna or flora, pest controllers
must be used at all times.

15.3 Recycling and Efficient Use/ Waste Management

Waste management/ minimization programs shall be implemented to achieve continual reduction
in waste/ best practice, based on recycling facilities available.

Waste streams, for recycling/ reuse consideration include cardboards, paper, plastics, aluminum
cans, scrap metal, tyres, batteries, computers, printer cartridges, 200litre drums, mobile phones
and pallets/ wood.

Agility shall implement waste control standard operating procedures specific to site requirements.
All workers are required to actively participate in recycling programs.

Agility will ensure the environmentally acceptable handling, storage and treatment of waste
in accordance with all legislative requirements.

15.4 Waste Water Recycling

Wash Bay plant and equipment has been designed to be environmentally efficient. The collection
system is a closed loop with waste water being captured, filtered and reused. Tests have
demonstrated that 85% of water being captured and recycled with the remaining 15% being carried
away on the item washed or lost due to the atomizing process and carried away in the atmosphere.

15.5 Rubbish/General Waste Collection / Disposal

All waste is removed by a fully licensed collection provider and disposed of in facilities licensed to
accept the waste.


Agility will manage all emergencies as defined in the OMSB Health Safety Environment
Management Plan, Emergency Response Plan, Security Management Plan, Traffic & Dust
Management Plan.


Fitness for Duty

Agility has implemented a Fitness for Duty Program.

Agility’s program addresses the following issues:

• Defining the acceptable level of fitness for personnel based on work duties, work
environment (heat/remoteness), personal health/fitness, pre-existing medical conditions;
• Use of drugs including prescription, pharmaceutical or illegal;

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AGPL-OMSB-HSE-PLN-001 Issued: 21/09/2017

• Alcohol consumption.

The Fitness for Duty Program is further described in Agility Drug and Alcohol Policy, AGILAA-

Medical and Physical Assessment

All personnel permanently employed within Agility operations shall undertake a Medical and
Physical Assessment and be deemed suitably fit for duties unless otherwise detailed in Industrial

Agility shall ensure that each person’s Medical and Physical Assessment is performed within a
period not exceeding 28 days prior to mobilisation. Industrial Hygiene monitoring of personnel will
be implemented if a requirement for specific assessment is determined via risk assessment of the
related activity or significant exposure to related workplace hazards becomes evident.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

All personnel employed within Agility operations, including contractors and visitors shall participate
in Agility’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Program. (with the exception of Australian Government
personnel who are exempt)

Heat Stress Management

Agility shall ensure that all its personnel are educated in the risks of over exposure to strong
sunlight and instructed to wear, and be provided with, appropriate clothing, including additional
personal protective equipment and sunscreen. Agility shall instruct its personnel on the correct fluid
intake to avoid dehydration and minimise the risk of heat stroke.

Manual Handling/Ergonomics

Agility shall implement an in house awareness program to train all personnel in the prevention of
musculoskeletal injuries.

17.1 Medical Services

All workplace injuries are handled by Agility approved medical provider.


Safety Meetings

Agility will conduct regular communication forums, as outlined in the table below, to promote
cultural change and manage the cultural issues associated with safety. The ultimate goal is the
establishment of Continuous Improvements in Safety, thereby significantly reducing incidents and

The Pre-shift communication forums process creates a positive Safety climate; improves work
habits; increases line-management accountability for Safety; and generates greater team
involvement (which builds stronger employee commitment to Safety). This combination results in
dramatic improvements in the Safety performance of the entire project.

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Meeting Type Frequency Participants Record

Contract Meetings As Required Base Manager Minutes of Meeting
with Subcontractors
Safety Meeting Monthly or as required Base Manager, Minutes of Meeting
Yard Supervisor,
HSE Advisor
Pre-Start Meeting Daily All Personnel Minutes of Meeting
Operational Meetings As required Base Manager, Verbal
Yard Supervisor,
HSE Advisor


All Agility team members employed within operations supporting the Scope of Work will be subject
to Agility’s Disciplinary Procedure.

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Product Name

Vendor /




MSDS Available
Appendix 1 – Chemical Holding Register

Issue Date



Dangerous Good


Goods Class
MSDS Information

Flammable Liquid

Packing group

Subsidiary Risk(s)



Risk Rating

Safe Work Procedure

(SWP) Requirement
SWP is not required


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