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L7 4 Exam Qu NT

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Moose are animals that eat grass. Figure 1 shows a moose.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows a food chain.

Figure 2

Grass Moose Wolves

(a) Name the secondary consumer shown in Figure 2.


(b) Figure 3 shows how the moose population and wolf population have changed in
one area.

This is a predator-prey cycle.

Figure 3

In 2004 the line on Figure 3 for wolves is above the line for moose.

How does Figure 3 show that there are more moose than wolves in 2004?


(c) Suggest why the moose population decreased between 2002 and 2004.

Use information from Figure 3.



(d) The number of wolves is one biotic factor that could affect the size of the moose

Give two other biotic factors that could affect the size of the moose population.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(e) Moose have distinct characteristics such as antlers.

Describe how moose may have evolved to have large antlers.










(Total 10 marks)
Organisms have adaptations that enable them to survive in extreme conditions.

(a) The photograph shows an arctic fox.

This fox lives in the arctic, where it is very cold.

Suggest two ways in which the arctic fox is adapted for life in very cold conditions.
Explain how each adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.

Adaptation 1 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.




Adaptation 2 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.



(b) The photograph shows an antelope that lives in a sandy desert.

The antelope is prey to large cats such as cheetah.

Suggest two adaptations that help this antelope to avoid being killed by predators.
Explain how each adaptation helps the antelope to avoid being killed by predators.

Adaptation 1 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the antelope to avoid being killed by predators.




Adaptation 2 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the antelope to avoid being killed by predators.



(Total 8 marks)
Organisms have adaptations that enable them to survive in extreme conditions.

(a) The photograph shows an arctic fox.

By Algkalv (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

This fox lives in the Arctic, where it is very cold.

Suggest two ways in which the arctic fox is adapted for life in very cold conditions.

Explain how each adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.

Adaptation 1 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.




Adaptation 2 ________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the arctic fox to survive in very cold conditions.



(b) The photograph shows an antelope that lives in a sandy desert.

By Sun417 at zh.wikipedia [Public domain],

from Wikimedia Commons

The antelope is prey to large cats such as cheetahs.

Suggest one adaptation that helps this antelope avoid being killed by predators.

Explain how this adaptation helps the antelope avoid being killed by predators.

Adaptation __________________________________________________________


How this adaptation helps the antelope avoid being killed by predators.



(Total 6 marks)
Seals are adapted for life in the sea. Use information from the drawings to answer the
questions. This drawing shows seal X.

(a) Give two ways in which seal X is adapted for swimming.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(b) This drawing shows seal Y, drawn to the same scale as seal X.

Seal Y lives in much colder seas than seal X.

Explain one way in which seal Y is adapted for surviving in cold seas.




(Total 4 marks)

The photograph shows a musk ox.

Photograph supplied by iStockphoto/Thinkstock

The musk ox lives in the Arctic. An adult musk ox is 2.5 m long and 1.4 m high at the
shoulder. Adults usually have a mass of about 400 kg.

Use this information and information from the photograph to explain two ways in which a
musk ox is adapted for survival in the Arctic.

(a) (i) Adaptation 1 ____________________________________________________


(ii) How this adaptation helps the musk ox to survive in the Arctic.



(b) (i) Adaptation 2 ___________________________________________________


(ii) How this adaptation helps the musk ox to survive in the Arctic.


(Total 4 marks)
Mark schemes

(a) wolves

(b) moose and wolves are on different scales


(c) wolf population has increased so more moose are eaten

do not accept there are more wolves than moose

(d) any two from:

• (other) predators
allow correct examples
allow ‘humans hunting moose’
• (new) pathogens
allow diseases
• competition

(e) any four from:

• variation (within species) of antler size

allow description relating to antlers
• (caused by) different genes
• as a result of sexual reproduction / process of meiosis / mutation
• (phenotype) most suited to environment most likely to survive and breed
ignore natural selection unqualified
• genes for large antlers (more likely to be) passed on to next generation

reference to mate selection

gaining territory
competition for mates
avoiding predation

(a) 1 mark for each adaptation and 1 mark for its correct linked advantage

• long / thick hair / fur (1)

for insulation (1)
allow keeps warm

• small ears (1)

for reduced heat loss (1)
• small feet (1)
for reduced heat loss (1)
ignore wide feet
ignore prevent sinking

• white fur / coat (1)

for camouflage / poor emitter (1)

• small SA/V ratio (1)

reduces heat loss (1)

• thick layer of fat (1)

insulates / keeps warm (1)
max 4

(b) 1 mark for each adaptation and 1 mark for its correct linked advantage

• horns (1)
for defence (1)

• long legs (1)

for speed / escape / vision (1)

• light colour (1)

for camouflage (1)
allow pattern

• eyes on side of head (1)

for wider field of vision (1)

• hooves (1)
for speed / escape (1)

• large ears (1)

to hear predators better (1)
max 4

(a) 1 mark for each adaptation and 1 mark for its correct linked advantage

• long / thick hair / fur (1) for insulation (1)

allow keeps warm

• small ears (1) for reduced heat loss (1)

• small feet (1) for reduced heat loss (1)

ignore wide feet
ignore prevent sinking

• white fur / coat (1) for camouflage / poor emitter (1)

• small SA/V ratio (1) reduces heat loss (1)

• thick layer of fat (1) insulates / keeps warm (1)

Max 4

(b) 1 mark for an adaptation and 1 mark for its correct linked advantage
• horns (1) for defence (1)

• long legs (1) for speed / escape / vision (1)

• light colour (1) for camouflage (1)

allow pattern

• eyes on side of head (1) for wider field of vision (1)

• hooves (1) for speed / escape (1)

• large ears (1) to hear predators better (1)

Max 2

(a) any two from:

• streamlined / smooth
allow description eg long and thin ignore slimy / oily skin
unless qualified

• flippers
allow fins or webbed feet

• flattened / long / large / powerful tail

tail must be qualified to gain credit

(b) 1 mark for each adaptation and 1

mark for its correct linked
correct advantage mark can be awarded if adaptation is
attempted but not awarded the mark


fat / blubber (1)

ignore skin / fur

insulates (1)
allow keeps warm


large mass to area ratio or small area to mass ratio (1)

ignore large body unqualified
allow volume for mass

heat loss reduced (1)

ignore keeps warm

1 mark for each adaptation and 1 mark for its correct linked advantage
fur / long hair / thick coat (1)

for insulation / reduces heat loss (1)

allow keeps warm for insulation point

large body / large mass / small (1) SA:V ratio

ignore layer of fat

retains heat / loses less heat (1)

ignore keeps warm

short legs (1)

reject short (height) / small (height)

reduces surface area / heat loss (1)

ignore keeps warm for this point

small ears (1)

reduces surface area / heat loss (1)

ignore keeps warm for this point

horns (1)

defence (1)

large shoulders (1)

to move through snow (1)


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