A Shortest Path Problem in An
A Shortest Path Problem in An
A Shortest Path Problem in An
who used an overall existence ranking index to assign route choice behavior in transportation systems. This
di erent types of status (optimistic, pessimistic or method provided intuitive and promising results.
neutral person) to drivers [1], and Okada and Soper In comparison to those mentioned above, the
(2000) who introduced an order relation between fuzzy present study demonstrates a fuzzy de nition of PTT
numbers based on the concept of a fuzzy minimum [2]. by developing the route choice process using a shortest
In another paper, Okada (2004) considered interactiv- path algorithm. The algorithm utilizes a labeling
ity among fuzzy numbers assigned to arc length by procedure in an urban transportation network with
de ning a new comparison index [3]. Blue et al. (2002) perceived fuzzy travel time. The proposed FSPA is
formulated several standard graph-theoretic problems de ned in such a way that it can easily be used in fuzzy
(shortest path and minimum cut) for fuzzy graphs assignment algorithms. The criterion used in this paper
using a uni ed approach that is distinguished by its to compare link travel times as fuzzy numbers is more
uniform application of guiding principles, such as the consistent with the actual route choice process.
construction of membership grades via the ranking In the next section, the method of formulating
of fuzzy numbers etc. [4]. Chuang and Kang (2005) a PTT using fuzzy sets is described. After that,
assigned a fuzzy set with a triangular membership func- a route choice decision-making process is presented
tion to each arc length and proposed a new algorithm followed by the FSPA. The results for a real network
to deal with the fuzzy shortest problem [5]. They are shown in the subsequent section and the conclusions
also proposed a heuristic procedure to nd the Fuzzy are presented in the last section.
Shortest Path Length (FSPL), among all possible paths
in a network, based on the idea that a crisp (non-fuzzy) PTT DEFINITION AND CONCEPTS
number is a minimum if, and only if, any other number
is larger than or equal to it. They then proposed a Generally, there are two kinds of uncertainty. The rst
way to measure the degree of similarity between the type of uncertainty is derived from the imprecision that
FSPL and each fuzzy path length. The path with is inherent in taking measurements or surveys, which
the highest degree of similarity was chosen as the can be a ected by unpredicted events (e.g. an acci-
shortest path. Moazeni (2006) de ned an order relation dents or weather conditions) or demand uctuations.
between fuzzy quantities with nite support [6]. Ji The second type is linked with human perception.
et al. (2007) considered di erent decision criteria to According to the work of Zadeh [13,14], probability
specify the shortest path in a fuzzy environment and to theory is very useful for dealing with the uncertainty
solve the model using hybrid intelligent methods. The inherent in measurements; however, it is not very
hybrid intelligent methods included a combination of useful for dealing with the uncertainty associated with
simulations and a genetic algorithm [7]. Hernandes et human perceptions. The former involves crisp sets,
al. (2007) proposed an iterative algorithm that uses a while the latter involves fuzzy sets [15]. Because PTT
generic ranking index for comparing the fuzzy numbers uncertainty is derived from human perceptions, it is
involved in the problem, in such a way that each time more useful to use fuzzy concepts when considering the
the decision-maker wants to solve a concrete problem, uncertainty in drivers' deductions for PTT.
(s)he can choose (or propose) the ranking index that Although many researchers have attempted to
best suits that problem [8]. determine travel time uncertainty using fuzzy concepts,
Some studies have used fuzzy theory in route no distinct process has been applied to fuzzy trac
choice contexts to address behavioral characteristics. assignment models to build and de ne Membership
The most important studies are by the following au- Functions (MF) [16]. In fact, the de nition of a
thors: Teodorovic and Kikuchi who proposed [9] an ap- MF in existing fuzzy models is not well-constructed.
proximate reasoning model used for trac assignment Generally, a triangular MF is used for the PTT to
between two alternative routes on a highway network; simplify the computation process. The triangular MF
Murat and Uludag [10] who compared a fuzzy logic has three speci cation parameters: the MF center, the
model with a linear regression model to show how right limit, and the left limit. The PTT MF center
the application of fuzzy logic to de ning link travel denotes the most common travel time of a link. The
times increases route choice accuracy; and Binetti and right limit is associated with the highest possible travel
De Mitri [11] who used fuzzy numbers to represent time. The left limit is associated with the minimum
the imprecision in path costs for a road network. possible travel time. Typically, the computed travel
Additionally, Binetti and De Mitri utilized the method time of a link based on its assigned volume is assumed
of successive averages to generate user equilibrium to be the center of the PTT MF for that link.
ows in a simple network. The model yielded realistic To de ne the left and right limits of the MFs
results. Finally, Arslan and Khisty [12] presented a in this work, a method is proposed that re ects the
heuristic way of handling fuzzy perceptions and used trac state of each link. Basically, this method
the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to explain assumes that the volume of each link varies from day
A Shortest Path Problem in an Urban Transportation Net 287
to day. This variation causes di erences in travel time PTT MF for path K is calculated as follows:
and consequently users have a set of travel times in
mind. The PTT is modeled using fuzzy numbers. The X X
assumption of variable volumes for each link is not t~K = ta [(1 l )xa ]; ta (xa );
a2 K a2 K
unique for this study, as it is also used in probabilistic
trac assignment, where link volume is a random !
variable [17]. The method assumes that the volume of ta [(1 + r )xa ] ; (1)
each link varies between a lower and an upper bound a2 K
that are (1 l ) and (1 + r ) times the most observed
volume (i.e. the volume assigned to the link within where:
the assignment steps), respectively ( l and r are two t~: PTT for route k,
numbers specify a lower and upper bound for link ta [xa ]: Link a travel time as a function of link a
volume, respectively). As shown in Figure 1, the PTT trac volume
is assumed to have a triangular membership function. xa : Link a trac volume,
The left and right limits of the PTT MF correspond to l, r: Coecients of the observed trac volume
the travel times of the lower and upper bounds of the specifying the trac volume lower and
volume, respectively. As mentioned earlier, the travel upper bounds, respectively.
time for the most observed volume is the center of the
PTT MF. Hence, knowing ( l ), ( r ) and the volume The advantage of constructing the MF in this manner
assigned to the link, the PTT MF can be constructed. is that it takes the degree of saturation of a link
The PTT triangular membership function parameters, into consideration as an important factor in path
t~, are the left, center and right limits of the PTT assignment. Two links with the same fuzzy travel time
membership function and are denoted as tl , tc , tr , center will not have equal right and left limits when
respectively. Function t[x] calculates the link travel their degrees of saturation di er. Because the fuzzy
time as a function of the link trac volume shown by x. travel time center is the same as the travel time for
The speci cation parameters of the triangular MF the UE, it means that this method of MF construction
(i.e. the left, center and right limits shown in Figure 1) incorporates the e ect of congestion in route choice,
are highly dependent on the problem at hand. These unlike the UE algorithm. Then, one may ask the
parameters can be calculated by comparing the results question: \What is the relationship between congestion
of the trac assignment used in the PTT MF, shown and the value of the right and left limit?" In order to
in Figure 1, to the volume of the observed links. A answer this question, two links with the same travel
computational procedure for the estimation of is time and di erent degrees of saturation were analyzed.
suggested in the PTT application section using a real It is assumed that link travel time follows the Bureau
network assignment algorithm. However, a PTT MF Public Roads (BPR) function. The general form of the
can also be determined through use of questionnaires BPR function is:
that ask drivers for their PTT for a speci c link, but x
in this paper, no PTT data are available. t(x) = t0 1 + ; (2)
The PTT MF for each path is computed using the C
fuzzy summation of the PTT MFs for all links. One of where x = link volume, C = link capacity, t0 = free-
the advantages of triangular MFs over other types of ow link travel time, and t(x) = nal travel time.
(non-linear) fuzzy numbers is that there is a closed form Suppose links \a" and \b" have equal travel times
for the summation of these numbers. For example, the (ta = tb ) and that Xb < Xa (where Xi is the degree of
saturation for link \i"), then, according to Equation 2
the following equations can be constructed:
" # " #
xa xb
t0a 1+ = t0b 1+ : (3)
Ca Cb
Substituting Xa = xa and Xb = xb into Equation 3
Ca Cb
t0b t0a = t0a : :(Xa ) t0b : :(Xb ): (4)
If t0a < t0b , then according to Equation 4:
Figure 1. PTT MF shape and parameters. t0b t0a = t0a : :(Xa ) t0b : :(Xb ) > 0: (5)
288 H. Ramazani, Y. Shafahi and S.E. Seyedabrishami
If the left side of Equation 5 is multiplied by a positive Prade de ned four indices:
number (1 + r ) (> 0),
I1 (M ) = Poss (M N );
t0b t0a < (1 + r) bt0a : :(Xa ) t0b : :(Xb )c; (6) I2 (M ) = Poss (M < N );
as follows:
> if x nL
( 1;N [ = nn nxL if nL < x < n (12)
0 if x n
0 if x < mL
M (x < m) = x mL (13)
m mL if mL < x < m
Index I2 is computed as follows: Figure 5a. Two equivalent fuzzy numbers based on index
I2 .
n mL
I2 ( M ) = : (14)
(m + n) (mL + nL )
Similar to the above computation, the values of index
I3 for \M " and \N " are determined as follows:
nR m
I3 ( M ) = : (15)
( m + nR )
R (m + n)
It is assumed that when the indices for the two fuzzy
numbers \M " and \N " are equal, \M " and \N " are
also equivalent. For example, if I2 (M ) = I2 (N ), then
based on the value of index I2 , \M " is as preferable as Figure 5b. Two equivalent fuzzy numbers based on index
\N ". For two fuzzy numbers, \M " and \N ", we also I3 .
have [19] the following:
I2 (M ) + I2 (N ) = 1; sides of the MFs for four fuzzy numbers A, B , C ,
and D. Despite their di ering right limits, these fuzzy
I3 (M ) + I3 (N ) = 1: (16) numbers are considered equal based on I3 , because the
cross point of the right hand sides of these MFs is the
Thus, we can say that if \M " and \N " are equivalent, same and equal to 0.5.
then: However, the expected travel time (MF center)
and the travel time uncertainty (the MF right limit)
I2 (M ) = I2 (N ) = 0:5; increase and decrease, respectively, as one examines the
and: MFs for \A" to \D" sequentially. It is obvious that I3
simultaneously takes into consideration the expected
I3 (M ) = I3 (N ) = 0:5: travel time and uncertainty in the risk-averse situation
when comparing two fuzzy numbers.
Based on the index de nitions, if the left side cross- The computational view of two equivalent fuzzy
point of \M " and \N " is equal to 0.5, then the two numbers based on I3 is as follows.
numbers are also equivalent by index I2 . A similar Using Equations 15 and 16, we can compute
deduction for the right cross-point of \M " with \N " is I3 (N ):
true for index I3 . Figure 5 shows the MFs of \M " and
\N " for the two situations.
So far, I3 has been selected for the comparison
of fuzzy numbers, the numerical value of I3 has been
computed for a general case, and it was shown that this
index takes the degree of saturation in route choice into
consideration when expected travel times of the routes
are equal. The rest of this section describes how I3
a ects the PTTs of several parallel paths where both
the degree of saturation and expected travel time of the
routes are di erent. To accurately identify how index
I3 is used to compare di erent MFs, an example is
presented. Consider Figure 6, which shows the right Figure 6. Four equivalent fuzzy numbers based on I3 .
A Shortest Path Problem in an Urban Transportation Net 291
nR m Set:
I3 (N ) = 1 I3 (M ) = 1
(mR + nR ) (m + n)
d~(v) = 1; l(v) = s; 8v 6= s:
mR n
= R : (17) Step 2- Update S , S and d~(v):
(m + nR ) (m + n)
Two given fuzzy numbers \M " and \N " are equivalent, 2-1- d~(v) = minfd~(v); d~(zi ) + ~(zi v)g
if I3 (M ) = I3 (N ), therefore, the following holds: 8v 2 S \ neighbor(zi ):
nR m
I3 (M ) = I3 (N ) , R If:
(m + nR ) (m + n)
d~(v) = d~(zi ) + ~(zi v);
mR n
= R R
(m + n ) (m + n)
, nR + n = mR + m:
(18) then:
Similar to the above reasoning, we can also say, based l(v) = zi :
on I3 , that \N " is less than \M " if and only if nR + n <
mR + m. 2-2- Find zi+1 such that:
minfd~(v)g = d~(zi+1 ):
(FSPA) 2-3- S = S [ fzi+1 g, S = S fzi+1 g.
The proposed FSPA is similar to the Dijkstra algo- Step 3- If i = n 1 stop, else i = i + 1 and go to
rithm, which uses a labeling procedure [20]. The FSPA step 2.
is capable of nding the shortest path in an urban
transportation network, in which the PTT is a fuzzy Note: The function min computes the minimum of the
number assigned to each link. fuzzy numbers according to index I3 .
The FSPA uses the I3 index described in the
previous section to compare parallel link PTTs and to There are two points that need to be made about
choose the shortest path. First, it is necessary to de ne this algorithm if we intend to use it to nd the solution
the FSPA parameters: for a network with fuzzy travel time. First, all links
coming to a labeled node, except for the shortest, will
V = the set of all nodes, be ignored in future steps. For example, take the
S= the set of labeled nodes, sample network shown in Figure 7 in which node \A"
S = the set of unlabeled nodes, is a labeled node, and assume that link \1" travel time
~(zv) = the fuzzy length (fuzzy travel is less than link \2" travel time.
time) of link (z; v), Using the conventional Dijkstra algorithm, which
~ has a deterministic travel time for each link, we might
d(v) = the fuzzy length from the origin to claim that link \2" is ignored until the end of the
the node v (current node), algorithm because we can easily show that the shortest
l (v ) = the node before v in the shortest path from origin \O" to destination \D" does not
path from the origin (previous contain link \2". This characteristic should also hold
node), true for routes with a fuzzy travel time and a triangular
i= algorithm step counter, MF to ensure that the labeling algorithm gives the
T= the tree Graph from s, best path between each origin and destination. Sec-
s= the origin, ond, the proposed FSPA similar to those from other
zi = (i + 1)th labeled node, references [1,17] assumes that users include a shared
neighbor(zi ) = the set of nodes that connect to link's travel time in the total travel time of a path when
node zi with only one link.
The algorithm is as follows:
Step 1- Initialization:
d~(s) = (0; 0; 0); S = fsg;
S = V fS g; z0 = s; i = 0: Figure 7. Routes from origin \O" to destination \D".
292 H. Ramazani, Y. Shafahi and S.E. Seyedabrishami
Now, Equation 19 can be proven using the result from Proof of FSPA Truth
the lemma above.
To show that the FSPA outcome is correct, we need
to prove that d~(zi+1 ) is the shortest path with a fuzzy
Lemma 2 travel time from s to zi+1 . The induction method and
If \A", \B " and \C " are three fuzzy numbers with a contradiction are used to prove the algorithm. In the
triangular MF, then the following relation is true for rst step of the FSPA, the shortest path between s
index I3 : and s (which is zero) is obtained. Now, suppose in
A B , A + C B + C: (25) a middle step that the length of the shortest path
from s to all nodes, available from V S, has been
Proof obtained and that zi+1 is a node labeled at the i + 1
(a) A B ) A + C B + C step. The contradiction hypothesis shows that the
minimum perceived travel time is not equal to the
The fuzzy numbers are shown as: one obtained for the zi+1 node at the i + 1 step. In
other words, in the true shortest path from the origin
A = (aL ; a; aR ); B = (bL ; b; bR ); to zi+1 there is a node, say v, which has not yet
C = (cL ; c; cR ): been labeled. The mathematical translation of the
contradiction hypothesis is below:
It is known that:
bR a N bd~(v) + ~(vzi+1 ) d~(zi+1 )c > 0:5: (32)
N (A B ) = 0:5: (26)
(a + bR )
R (a + b)
Because a link travel time cannot be negative, we can
It should be shown that: write:
N (A + C B + C )
N [(0; 0; 0) ~(vzi+1 )] 0:5:
(bR + cR ) (a + c)
(aR + bR +2cR ) (a + b +2c)
0:5: (27) Using the Lemma 2 result, we can write:
Rewriting Equation 26 yields: N bd~(v) d~(v) + ~(vzi+1 )c 0:5: (33)
bR a
N (A B ) = R R 0:5 The contradiction hypothesis and Equation 33 result
(a + b ) (a + b) in:
) (bR a) 0:5 N bd~(v) d~(zi+1 )c > 0:5: (34)
[(aR + bR ) (a + b)]: (28) On the other hand, because zi+1 has been labeled
If we add the value (cR c) to both sides of before v:
Equation 28, we obtain: N bd~(zi+1 ) d~(v)c > 0:5: (35)
(bR a) + (cR c) 0:5
The two last equations (Equations 34 and 35) are in
b (aR + bR ) (a + b)c + (cR c) ) (29) clear contradiction, so the contradiction hypothesis is
) (bR + cR ) (a + c) 0:5
b(aR + bR + 2cR ) (a + b + 2c)c ) NETWORK
The FSPA was applied to trac assignment on a real-
R R world large-scale transportation network in Mashhad,
) (aR +(bbR ++ 2ccR)) ((aa++cb) + 2c) 0:5: (31) one of the largest cities in Iran. Mashhad city is divided
into 141 trac zones and it has a street network with
(b) A + C B + C ) A B . 935 nodes, 2538 links and 7157 origin-destination pairs
with non-zero observed demand. An origin-destination
Because all of the above relationships are re- survey was conducted through at-home interviewing.
versible, the inverse argument is simply proven. Data were gathered from 4% of the households and
The proof is illustrated in Figure 10. validated through the observation of several screen lines
Finally, we should prove that the proposed FSPA in the study area. The trac volume for 118 links was
truly nds the shortest path. recorded as part of the data gathering e ort [21].
294 H. Ramazani, Y. Shafahi and S.E. Seyedabrishami
The FSPA was implemented in a computer pro- the assigned volumes. The assignment algorithm used
gram using C++ language and run on a computer the FSPA for di erent values ranging from 0 to 2.6.
with a Pentium 4, 1.80GHz Central Processing Unit For = 0, the assignment algorithm is the same as
(CPU) PU and 512 megabytes (MB) of computer RAM the traditional incremental assignment algorithm used
memory. The shortest paths between all nodes in by Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. As Figure 11
the Mashhad network were identi ed in less than one indicates, as the value increases, the average MSE
minute. decreases. The average MSE continues to decrease until
The link volumes were computed using an incre- = 2:0. To minimize the MSE, = 2:0 is optimal,
mental assignment algorithm. For each step of the therefore, it is used to de ne the membership functions
incremental assignment, the FSPA was used to nd the for the Mashhad network link travel times. The travel
shortest paths. Then, the results were compared with time, for example link \a", will be shown using the
the observed volume of the links. Figure 11 illustrates following three parameters:
the accuracy of the assignment results compared to the
observations using an increasing value. t~a = (tl = t0a ; tc = ta (xa ); tr = ta [3 xa ]);
The average Mean Square Error (MSE), which is
used to compare the assignment results of the FSPA, where t~a , t0a , ta (xa ) are the PTT, free ow travel
using an increasing value, was computed using the time, and travel time function for link \a", respectively.
following equation: Because is greater than 1 and the left boundary
cannot be a negative number, it is assumed that the
(OVi EVi )2 free ow travel time is equivalent to the minimum lower
Average MSE = i=1
; bound for the link travel time. The upper bound of the
n travel time is equal to the link travel time when the link
volume is three times its observed volume.
where: To assess the applicability of the FSPA to trac
OVi = observed volume of link \i", assignment, the results of the assignment using an
EVi = estimated volume of link \i", incremental method with the FSPA are compared to
n= number of links. the results of the UE assignment, as well as to a
stochastic loading method, called Dial's assignment
In this comparison, the volumes of 118 available ob- algorithm. Three graphs, shown in Figure 12, were
served links of the Mashhad network were compared to used to compare the three assignment algorithms. The
X -axis of these graphs corresponds to the estimated
assigned volume and the Y -axis corresponds to the ob-
served volumes. A trend line passes through the points,
and the R2 value, as well as the trend line equation,
is included in the gures. As R2 approaches 1, the
accuracy of the estimated volume compared to the ob-
served volume increases. It is expected that the trend
line coecient and constant will approach 1 and 0,
respectively. The trend line equation formed using the
assigned volumes from the FSPA through incremental
assignment algorithm has a better t to the theoretical
Figure 11. Average Mean Square Error (MSE) for values than the other two trend line equations. As
di erent values in FSPA. shown in Figure 12, the volumes assigned using the
A Shortest Path Problem in an Urban Transportation Net 295
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Shafahi, Y. \Trac assignment model and Mashhad Application in Transportation.
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