Challenges in Management of Pediatric.4
Challenges in Management of Pediatric.4
Challenges in Management of Pediatric.4
Department of Pediatric Introduction: Neck and thoracic trauma in children pose unforeseen challenges
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Surgery, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences,
requiring variable management strategies. Here, we describe some unusual cases.
Departments of 1Trauma Patients and Methods: Pediatric cases of unusual neck and thoracic trauma
Surgery and 2Intensive and prospectively managed from April 2012 to March 2014 at a Level 1 trauma center
Critical Care, JPN Trauma were studied for management strategies, outcome, and follow‑up.
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Centre, All India Institute Results: Six children with a median age of 5.5 (range 2–10) years were
of Medical Sciences, managed. Mechanism of injury was road traffic accident, fall from height and
New Delhi, India
other accidental injury in 2, 3 and 1 patient respectively. The presentation was
respiratory distress and quadriplegia, exposed heart, penetrating injury in neck,
dysphagia and dyspnea, and swelling over the chest wall in 1, 1, 1, 2 and 1 cases
respectively. Injuries included lung laceration, open chest wall, vascular injury of
the neck, tracheoesophageal fistula (2), and chest wall posttraumatic pyomyositis.
One patient had a flare of miliary tuberculosis. Immediate management included
chest wall repair; neck exploration and repair, esophagostomy, gastroesophageal
stapling, and feeding jejunostomy (followed by gastric pull‑up 8 months later).
Chest tube insertion and total parenteral nutrition was required in one each. 2 and
4 patients required tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation. The patient with
gastric pull‑up developed a stricture of the esophagogastric anastomosis that was
revised at 26‑month follow‑up. At follow‑up of 40–61 months, five patients are
well. One patient with penetrating neck injury suffered from blindness due to
massive hemorrhage from the vascular injury in the neck and brain ischemia with
only peripheral vision recovery.
Conclusion: Successful management of neck and chest wall trauma requires
timely appropriate decisions with a team effort.
10 © 2017 Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow
Sharma, et al.: Pediatric thoracic trauma
further management of life‑threatening pediatric neck The presentation is depicted in Table 1. The mechanism
and thoracic trauma requires a multi‑team approach of injury was road traffic accident; fall from height
and has many lessons to learn for the pediatric surgeon. during playing, and accidental injury by metal splinter
Although each case requires individualized care, we misfired by a goldsmith while sleeping in 2, 3 and
have compiled our experience in managing some unusual 1 patients respectively. The type of injuries, management
cases involving neck and thorax to form a compendium, strategies adopted, and complications encountered are
including discussion of relevant literature.
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esophagostomy closed completely in 2‑month time, but patients [Table 1]. Operative interventions (1–3) were
the patient learnt to spit out his secretions by mouth. At required in five patients. The patient with vascular
8‑months follow‑up, the computed tomography (CT) scan injury of the neck developed hydrocephalus, for which a
showed a tracheoesophageal defect that was confirmed ventriculoperitoneal shunt was put. He later had posterior
on bronchoscopy as a defect of 4 cm [Figure 1a]. He cerebral venous ischemic infarct as a later complication
developed bradycardia on the operating table when due to massive hemorrhage from the vascular injury in
posted for a gastric pull‑up due to which the surgery the neck and brain ischemia, leading to blindness. He
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was postponed. On further investigation, no cause could had a peripheral vision recovery at 3‑month follow‑up.
be found, and it was hypothesized that the distended The other five patients are well. Hence, at a follow‑up
cervical esophageal pouch had produced bradycardia of 40–61 months, all 6 patients are alive.
due to compression on the vagus nerve. The distended
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a c
Figure 1: (a) A computerized tomography scan of the chest showing a
wide traumatic tracheoesophageal defect. (b) Stomach mobilized and Figure 2: (a) Open chest wall showing a beating heart. (b) Computed
pulled up to replace the esophagus and an esophagogastric anastomosis tomography scan done during the postoperative period. (c) Subcutaneous
done in the neck (insert) tissue and skin were closed as a delayed primary closure
wall of the internal jugular vein and during surgery regularly monitored with echocardiography to assess the
had travelled to the brachiocephalic vein due to the heart function. He did not respond to prolonged higher
negative venous pressure. It was very difficult to retrieve antibiotics but responded on initiation of antitubercular
the metallic piece from the pool of blood on the table. treatment.
The child had required massive blood transfusion, and Less than 15% of cases of thoracic trauma in children
the subsequent complications were hemorrhagic shock, require thoracotomy. None of the cases described here
and coagulopathy. While the cause of mortality in
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suspicion for further evaluation. A chest X-ray may with abscess formation.[16] Predisposing factors for
reveal mediastinal widening with or without an air‑fluid pyomyositis include immunodeficiency, trauma, injection
level, subcutaneous emphysema, and a pleural fluid drug use, concurrent infection, and malnutrition.
collection. A lateral skiagram of the neck may reveal air
Mechanical ventilation in children after chest trauma
in the prevertebral fascial planes in cervical esophageal
requires a balance between sufficient ventilation and
perforation. On suspicion of an esophageal perforation,
the avoidance of barotrauma to the inflamed lung
a water‑soluble contrast study should be performed.
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A well‑contained leak can be managed with careful parenchyma.[17] An elective tracheostomy was done
observation, successful negotiation of a nasogastric in two patients to support the lung toilet while on
tube if feasible under guidance, keeping the patient ventilator. Tracheostomy in a child is a concern and
nothing by mouth, broad‑spectrum antibiotics, and total requires weighing the risks versus the merits.[18,19] With
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parenteral nutrition. A chest tube may be inserted if sophisticated, patient‑friendly tracheostomy tubes, the
there is thoracic collection. This may be progressed to use may be extended to selected children in whom
drip in feeds after 2 weeks. The contrast study may be prolonged ventilatory support more than 2 weeks is
repeated after 3 weeks to check for the healing. anticipated.
If the leak is not contained, the site of perforation It has been reported that regardless of the mechanism
dictates further management. If the patient is stable of thoracic trauma, 15%–25% of children with thoracic
and the defect is less than 3 cm, the esophagus may injury do not survive, depending on the severity of the
be explored. The upper‑ and mid‑esophagus are best drainage of patients to the level of hospital.[20,21] The
approached through the right side of the chest, whereas mortality is around 5% for isolated thoracic trauma and
the lower third of the esophagus and the esophagogastric increases with concomitant injuries, up to 20%–25%
junction are best approached through the left side of with abdominal, 30%–35% with head injuries, and 40%
the chest. Some pleural or intercostal muscle covering with combined head, thorax, and abdominal injury.[20,21]
should accompany debridement and primary repair. Wide The mortality in thoracic injuries depends on the organ
drainage of both the mediastinum and pleural space is involved. Peclet et al. reported that injuries to the heart
mandatory. Video‑assisted thoracoscopic drainage for or great vessels had the highest mortality rate (75%),
esophageal perforation with mediastinitis in children has followed by hemothorax (53%), lung laceration (43%),
been shown to be feasible and effective.[14] and rib fracture (42%).[20]
In unstable patients, in the presence of inflammation
and infection, extensive injury, large tracheoesophageal Conclusion
communication more than 3 cm and in cases with About 75% of pediatric chest injuries worldwide are
life‑threatening tracheoesophageal injury as in one case caused by motor vehicle accidents, with the remainder
described here, a diversion procedure in the form of attributable to motorcycle‑related trauma, falls, and
cervical esophagostomy in emergency is lifesaving. This bicycle accidents. These are thus preventable injuries.
may be followed by eventual esophageal replacement. Awareness on preventive aspects would help to prevent
a potential cause of morbidity and mortality.
The case described here has a residual piece of
esophagus attached to the posterior wall of the trachea There can be a varied presentation of life‑threatening
and is in regular follow‑up to see for any complication. neck and chest wall trauma in children. Successful
The gastroesophageal junction had opened up as management requires repeated evaluation and timely
demonstrated during the surgery for gastric pull‑up. The appropriate decisions. The surgical options should
gastroesophageal junction has now been disconnected be considered appropriately without haste. The
completely as high as possible through the abdomen. life‑threatening cases described here were adequately
He et al. described successful surgical management managed and survived. Even cases with a delayed
of 3 cases including a 6‑year‑old child with huge diagnosis and complications can be managed successfully
posttraumatic tracheoesophageal fistula (>5 cm in with a goal‑directed multidisciplinary team effort. All
length) with esophagus segment in situ as replacement pediatric surgeons should adopt the ATLS principles
of the posterior membranous wall of the trachea.[15] religiously in the initial assessment and management of
traumatic cases to prevent immediate mortality and limit
One of the cases had a posttraumatic pyomyositis
that presented as a soft‑tissue swelling over the chest
wall. Pyomyositis is a purulent infection of skeletal Financial support and sponsorship
muscle that arises from hematogenous spread, usually Nil.
Conflicts of interest 11. Lau VK, Viano DC. Influence of impact velocity and chest
compression on experimental pulmonary injury severity in
There are no conflicts of interest. rabbits. J Trauma 1981;21:1022‑8.
12. Grant WJ, Meyers RL, Jaffe RL, Johnson DG. Tracheobronchial
References injuries after blunt chest trauma in children – Hidden pathology.
1. Pauzé DR, Pauzé DK. Emergency management of blunt chest J Pediatr Surg 1998;33:1707‑11.
trauma in children: An evidence‑based approach. Pediatr Emerg 13. Glazer ES, Meyerson SL. Delayed presentation and treatment
Med Pract 2013;10:1‑22. of tracheobronchial injuries due to blunt trauma. J Surg Educ
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