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Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3;

Management and Orchestration;
Interface and Information Model Specification
for Multi-Site Connectivity Services


The present document has been produced and approved by the Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) ETSI Industry
Specification Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.
2 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)


configuration, management, MANO, network, NFV,

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3 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Intellectual Property Rights ..............................................................................................................................11
Modal verbs terminology..................................................................................................................................11
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................12
2 References ..............................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Informative references ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations .....................................................................................13
3.1 Terms................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Overview of interfaces and information elements for multi-site connectivity services .........................14
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Concepts of multi-site connectivity management............................................................................................. 15
4.3 Multi-site connectivity network framework and resources .............................................................................. 15
4.4 Multi-site connectivity network framework and relationship to Network Service ........................................... 17
4.5 Relation to other NFV Group Specifications.................................................................................................... 17
5 Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................18
5.1 Introduction and conventions ........................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.2 Conventions ................................................................................................................................................ 18
5.2 WIM interface requirements............................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Interface requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.1 MSCS Management interface requirements ............................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Capacity Management interface requirements ............................................................................................ 19
5.3.3 Fault Management interface requirements .................................................................................................. 20
5.3.4 Performance Management interface requirements...................................................................................... 20
6 Interfaces exposed by WIM ...................................................................................................................21
6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 MSCS Management Interface .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.2.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.2.2 Create MSCS operation .............................................................................................................................. 21 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 21 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 22 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 22 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 Query MSCS operation............................................................................................................................... 22 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 22 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 23 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 23
6.2.4 Update MSCS operation ............................................................................................................................. 23 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 23 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 23 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 24 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.5 Terminate MSCS operation ........................................................................................................................ 24 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 24 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 24 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 25 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.6 Subscribe operation..................................................................................................................................... 25 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 25

4 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 25 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 25 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.7 Notify operation .......................................................................................................................................... 26 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 26
6.2.8 Query Subscription Info operation.............................................................................................................. 26 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 26 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 26 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.9 Terminate Subscription operation ............................................................................................................... 27 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 27 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 27 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.10 Create MSCS Reservation operation .......................................................................................................... 27 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 27 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 28 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 28
6.2.11 Query MSCS Reservation operation ........................................................................................................... 28 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 28 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 28 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 29 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 29
6.2.12 Update MSCS Reservation operation ......................................................................................................... 29 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 29 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 30 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 30
6.2.13 Terminate MSCS Reservation operation .................................................................................................... 30 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 30 Input Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 31 Output Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 31 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 Capacity Management interface ....................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.3.2 Query Capacity operation ........................................................................................................................... 32 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 32 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 32 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 33 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.3 Create Capacity Threshold operation.......................................................................................................... 33 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 33 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 34 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.4 Delete Capacity Thresholds operation ........................................................................................................ 34 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 34 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 34 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 34 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.5 Query Capacity Threshold operation .......................................................................................................... 35 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 35 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 35 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 35
6.3.6 Query Topology Information operation ...................................................................................................... 35 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 35 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 35 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 36 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 36

5 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.3.7 Query Node Information operation ............................................................................................................. 36 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 36 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 36 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 37 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 37
6.3.8 Query Link Information operation .............................................................................................................. 37 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 37 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 37 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 37 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 38
6.3.9 Query Network Edge Point Information operation ..................................................................................... 38 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 38 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 38 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 38 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 38
6.3.10 Subscribe operation..................................................................................................................................... 39 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 39 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 39 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3.11 Notify operation .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 39
6.3.12 Terminate Subscription operation ............................................................................................................... 40 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 40 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 40 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 40 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.13 Query Subscription Info operation.............................................................................................................. 40 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 40 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 40 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 41 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 41
6.4 Fault Management interface ............................................................................................................................. 41
6.4.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.4.2 Subscribe operation..................................................................................................................................... 41 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 41 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 42 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 42 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 42
6.4.3 Notify operation .......................................................................................................................................... 42 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 42
6.4.4 Terminate Subscription operation ............................................................................................................... 43 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 43 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 43 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 43 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 43
6.4.5 Query Subscription Info operation.............................................................................................................. 43 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 43 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 43 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 44 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 44
6.4.6 Get Alarm List operation ............................................................................................................................ 44 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 44 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 44 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 44
6.4.7 Acknowledge Alarms operation ................................................................................................................. 45 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 45 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 45 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 45
6.5 Performance Management interface ................................................................................................................. 45

6 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.5.1 Description.................................................................................................................................................. 45
6.5.2 Create PM Job operation............................................................................................................................. 46 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 46 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 46 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 47 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 47
6.5.3 Delete PM Jobs operation ........................................................................................................................... 47 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 47 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 48 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 48 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 48
6.5.4 Query PM Job operation ............................................................................................................................. 48 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 48 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 48 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 49
6.5.5 Create Threshold operation ......................................................................................................................... 49 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 49 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 49 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 49 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 49
6.5.6 Delete Thresholds operation ....................................................................................................................... 50 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 50 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 50 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 50
6.5.7 Query Threshold operation ......................................................................................................................... 50 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 50 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 51 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 51
6.5.8 Subscribe operation..................................................................................................................................... 51 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 51 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 51 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 51 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 52
6.5.9 Notify operation .......................................................................................................................................... 52 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 52
6.5.10 Terminate Subscription operation ............................................................................................................... 52 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 52 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 52 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 52 Operation results ................................................................................................................................... 52
6.5.11 Query Subscription Info operation.............................................................................................................. 53 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 53 Input parameters .................................................................................................................................... 53 Output parameters ................................................................................................................................. 53
7 Interfaces consumed by WIM ................................................................................................................53
8 Information elements exchanged............................................................................................................53
8.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
8.2 Information elements and notifications related to MSCS Management ........................................................... 53
8.2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 53
8.2.2 Information elements related to MSCS ....................................................................................................... 54 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 54 MscsData Information element ............................................................................................................. 54 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 54 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 54 MscsEndpointData information element ............................................................................................... 54 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 54 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 54

7 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) MscsProfile information element .......................................................................................................... 55 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Mscs Information element..................................................................................................................... 56 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 56 Msnc information element .................................................................................................................... 56 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 56 MsncProfile information element.......................................................................................................... 57 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 57 MscsEndpointInfo information element................................................................................................ 58 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 58 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 58
8.2.3 Information elements related to MSCS Reservation ................................................................................... 59 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 59 MscsReservationData information element .......................................................................................... 59 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 59 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 59 ReservedMscs information element ...................................................................................................... 59 Description ...................................................................................................................................... 59 Attributes ......................................................................................................................................... 59
8.2.4 MscsChangeNotification ............................................................................................................................ 60 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 60 Trigger conditions ................................................................................................................................. 60 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 60
8.2.5 MscsReservationChangeNotification ......................................................................................................... 61 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 61 Trigger conditions ................................................................................................................................. 61 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 61
8.3 Information elements and notifications related to capacity and topology management ................................... 62
8.3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 62
8.3.2 CapacityInfo information element .............................................................................................................. 62 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 62 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 62
8.3.3 CapacityValueEntry information element .................................................................................................. 63 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 63 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 63
8.3.4 TimePeriodInformation information element ............................................................................................. 63 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 63 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 63
8.3.5 NetworkCapacityThreshold information element ....................................................................................... 64 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 64 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 64
8.3.6 NetworkCapacityChangeNotification ......................................................................................................... 64 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 64 Trigger Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 64 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 64
8.3.7 NetworkInfo information element .............................................................................................................. 65 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 65 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 66
8.3.8 TopologyInfo information element ............................................................................................................. 66 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 66 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 66
8.3.9 NodeInfo information element.................................................................................................................... 67 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 67 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 67
8.3.10 LinkInfo information element ..................................................................................................................... 67 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 67 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 68
8.3.11 NetworkEdgePointInfo information element .............................................................................................. 68

8 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Description ............................................................................................................................................ 68 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 68
8.3.12 ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo information element ............................................................................. 68 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 68 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 69
8.3.13 TopologyChangeNotification ..................................................................................................................... 69 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 69 Trigger Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 69 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 69
8.4 Information elements and notifications related to Fault management .............................................................. 70
8.4.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 70
8.4.2 Alarm information element ......................................................................................................................... 70 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 70 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 70
8.4.3 AlarmNotification ....................................................................................................................................... 72 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Trigger conditions ................................................................................................................................. 72 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 72
8.4.4 AlarmClearedNotification .......................................................................................................................... 72 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Trigger conditions ................................................................................................................................. 72 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 72
8.4.5 AlarmListRebuiltNotification ..................................................................................................................... 73 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 73 Trigger conditions ................................................................................................................................. 73 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 73
8.5 Information elements and notifications related to Performance Management ................................................. 73
8.5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 73
8.5.2 ObjectSelection information element.......................................................................................................... 73 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 73 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 73
8.5.3 PmJob information element ........................................................................................................................ 74 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 74 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 74
8.5.4 Threshold information element ................................................................................................................... 75 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 75 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 75
8.5.5 PerformanceReport information element .................................................................................................... 75 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 75 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 75
8.5.6 PerformanceReportEntry information element ........................................................................................... 76 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 76 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 76
8.5.7 PerformanceValueEntry information element ............................................................................................ 76 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 76 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 76
8.5.8 PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification .......................................................................................... 77 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 77 Trigger Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 77 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 77
8.5.9 ThresholdCrossedNotification .................................................................................................................... 77 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 77 Trigger Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 77 Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 77

Annex A (informative): Terminology mapping ...................................................................................79

A.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................79
A.2 ACTN terminology ................................................................................................................................79
A.2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
A.2.2 Mapping between IFA 032 and ACTN terminology ........................................................................................ 79
A.2.2.1 Mapping of concepts................................................................................................................................... 79

9 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

A.2.2.2 Description of IETF ACTN concepts ......................................................................................................... 80

Annex B (normative): Performance and capacity metrics and measurements ..............................82

B.1 Metrics and performance measurements ................................................................................................82
B.1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
B.1.2 Measured object type definitions...................................................................................................................... 82
B.1.2.1 Mscs object type ......................................................................................................................................... 82
B.1.2.2 Msnc object type ......................................................................................................................................... 82
B.1.3 Performance measurements .............................................................................................................................. 82
B.1.3.1 MSCS measurements .................................................................................................................................. 82
B. Number of incoming packets ................................................................................................................ 82
B. Number of outgoing packets ................................................................................................................. 83
B. Number of incoming bytes .................................................................................................................... 83
B. Number of outgoing bytes ..................................................................................................................... 84
B. Maximum one-way delay ...................................................................................................................... 84
B. Minimum one-way delay ...................................................................................................................... 84
B. Mean one-way delay ............................................................................................................................. 85
B. Maximum one-way delay variation....................................................................................................... 85
B. Minimum one-way delay variation ....................................................................................................... 86
B. Mean one-way delay variation .............................................................................................................. 86
B. Packet loss rate ...................................................................................................................................... 86
B. Packet collision rate .............................................................................................................................. 87
B. Number of incoming broadcast packets ................................................................................................ 87
B. Number of outgoing broadcast packets ................................................................................................. 87
B.1.3.2 MSNC measurements ................................................................................................................................. 88
B. Number of incoming packets ................................................................................................................ 88
B. Number of outgoing packets ................................................................................................................. 88
B. Number of incoming bytes .................................................................................................................... 89
B. Number of outgoing bytes ..................................................................................................................... 89
B. Maximum one-way delay ...................................................................................................................... 89
B. Minimum one-way delay ...................................................................................................................... 90
B. Mean one-way delay ............................................................................................................................. 90
B. Maximum one-way delay variation....................................................................................................... 90
B. Minimum one-way delay variation ....................................................................................................... 91
B. Mean one-way delay variation .............................................................................................................. 91
B. Packet loss rate ...................................................................................................................................... 92
B. Packet collision rate .............................................................................................................................. 92
B. Number of incoming broadcast packets ................................................................................................ 92
B. Number of outgoing broadcast packets ................................................................................................. 93
B.2 Metrics and capacity measurements .......................................................................................................93
B.2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 93
B.2.2 Measured object type definitions...................................................................................................................... 93
B.2.2.1 Network object type .................................................................................................................................... 93
B.2.2.2 Topology object type .................................................................................................................................. 94
B.2.2.3 Node object type ......................................................................................................................................... 94
B.2.2.4 Link object type .......................................................................................................................................... 94
B.2.3 Capacity measurements .................................................................................................................................... 94
B.2.3.1 Network measurements............................................................................................................................... 94
B. Bandwidth ............................................................................................................................................. 94
B. Number of logical networks .................................................................................................................. 95
B.2.3.2 Topology measurements ............................................................................................................................. 95
B. Number of circuits (tunnels) ................................................................................................................. 95
B. Number of routing areas........................................................................................................................ 95
B. Number of routing peers ....................................................................................................................... 95
B. Number of edge nodes per routing area ................................................................................................ 96
B.2.3.3 Node measurements .................................................................................................................................... 96
B. Number of logical forwarding entries ................................................................................................... 96
B. Number of routing peers of a node........................................................................................................ 96
B. Number of bidirectional forwarding detection sessions ........................................................................ 96
B. Number of link aggregation group members......................................................................................... 97
B. Forwarding load .................................................................................................................................... 97

10 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. CPU load ............................................................................................................................................... 97

B. Memory load ......................................................................................................................................... 97
B.2.3.4 Link measurements ..................................................................................................................................... 98
B. Bandwidth ............................................................................................................................................. 98

Annex C (normative): Security and Regulatory Concerns...............................................................99

C.1 Risk analysis and assessment .................................................................................................................99
Annex D (informative): Change History ............................................................................................101
History ............................................................................................................................................................102

11 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

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This Group Specification (GS) has been produced by ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) Network Functions
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Modal verbs terminology

In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
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12 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

1 Scope
The present document specifies the interfaces for management of multi-site connectivity services. The services are
produced by a WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM). The present document also describes the operations and the
information elements that are exchanged over these interfaces.

2 References

2.1 Normative references

References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at

NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.

The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.

[1] ETSI GS NFV-IFA 010: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; Management and
Orchestration; Functional requirements specification".

[2] ETSI GS NFV-SEC 012 (V3.1.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; Security;
System architecture specification for execution of sensitive NFV components".

[3] Recommendation ITU-T X.733: "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -

Systems Management: Alarm reporting function".

2.2 Informative references

References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.

The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.

[i.1] ETSI GS NFV 003: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Terminology for Main Concepts in

[i.2] ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Management and

[i.3] ETSI GR NFV-IFA 022: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; Management and
Orchestration; Report on Management and Connectivity for Multi-Site Services".

[i.4] IETF RFC 8453: "Framework for Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN)".

NOTE: Available at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8453.

[i.5] IETF RFC 8454: "Information Model for Abstraction and Control of TE Networks (ACTN)".

NOTE: Available at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8454.

13 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

[i.6] ETSI GS NFV-SEC 006 (V1.1.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Security Guide;
Report on Security Aspects and Regulatory Concerns".

[i.7] ETSI GS NFV-SEC 014 (V3.1.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; NFV
Security; Security Specification for MANO Components and Reference Points".

[i.8] ETSI GS NFV-IFA 031 (V3.2.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3;
Management and Orchestration; Requirements and interfaces specification for management of

[i.9] ETSI GS NFV-IFA 005 (V3.2.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3;
Management and Orchestration; Or-Vi reference point - Interface and Information Model

[i.10] ISO/IEC 9646-7: "Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Conformance

testing methodology and framework -- Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements".

3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations

3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in ETSI GS NFV 003 [i.1] and the following apply:

NOTE: A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in
ETSI GS NFV 003 [i.1].

Multi-Site Connectivity Service (MSCS): connectivity service abstracting the details of information regarding the
connections between two or more NFVI-PoP (site) network endpoints

Multi-Site Network Connection (MSNC): provisioned multi-site network connectivity enabling the data forwarding
between two or more network edge points

NOTE: In the present document, the network edge points represent the ingress/egress ports of the network(s) in
between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

Multi-Site Network Service (MSNS): network service whose constituent Network Functions/Network Services are
deployed in more than one site

site: NFVI Point of Presence (NFVI-PoP), as defined in ETSI GS NFV 003 [i.1]

3.2 Symbols

3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in ETSI GS NFV 003 [i.1] and the following apply:

NOTE: An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same
abbreviation, if any, in ETSI GS NFV 003 [i.1].

MSCS Multi-Site Connectivity Service

MSNC Multi-Site Network Connection

14 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

4 Overview of interfaces and information elements for

multi-site connectivity services

4.1 Introduction
This clause provides an overview of interfaces and information elements exposed or consumed by the WIM.

Clause 5.2 of ETSI GR NFV-IFA 022 [i.3] introduces the concept of multi-site service spanning a Wide Area Network

Figure 4.1-1 illustrates an example of such multi-site service, composed of 2 VNFs, each one located in a different
NFVI-PoP. The NS VL connecting those 2 VNFs is made of a virtual network in each NFVI-PoP and a Multi-Site
Connectivity Service (MSCS) provided by the WIM that enables connecting virtualised network resources in each
NFVI-PoP to create an overall multi-site Virtual Link.

Figure 4.1-1: Connectivity example for enabling Network Service

As mentioned in ETSI GR NFV-IFA 022 [i.3], clause 5.4.3 of ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 [i.2] introduces the concept of
WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM) which is typically used to establish connectivity between endpoints in different
NFVI-PoPs. Clause 5.6 of ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 [i.2] shows a "hybrid network environment example illustrating
the goal of NFV to have fully programmatic open interfaces for service and Resource Orchestration within and across
NFVI-PoPs". It further describes establishing an end-to-end connectivity across virtualised networks in the NFVI-PoPs
and the WAN, under the control of the NFVI-PoP's VIMs and WAN's WIMs.

The WIM offers the following interfaces:

• MSCS Management interface.

• Capacity Management interface.

• Fault Management interface.

• Performance Management interface.

The information elements exchanged via the interfaces above are part of the present document and are described in
subsequent clauses.

15 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

4.2 Concepts of multi-site connectivity management

The present document specifies interfaces offered by the WIM that enable a consumer (e.g. an NFVO) to request the
establishment of network connectivity in between different endpoints at different NFVI-PoPs.

For the establishment of the network connectivity, the WIM may rely on network controllers that handle the fulfilment
of the connectivity at a lower level, potentially making use of different network technologies and protocols. The WIM
offers to the consumers an abstraction of such network connectivity to ease the provisioning and monitoring of it.

Two types of managed objects are exposed by the WIM concerning network connectivity:

• Multi-Site Connectivity Service (MSCS).

• Multi-Site Network Connection (MSNC).

A MSNC represents the provisioned connectivity enabling the data forwarding between two or more network edge
points of the network(s) in between different NFVI-PoPs. MSNCs can be established via diverse network protocols and
at different network layers.

A MSCS abstracts the details of network connectivity that is realized by one or more MSNCs. At the same time, the
MSCS represents the service agreement in between the consumer and the producer (the WIM) for the required
connectivity to be established to connect a set of endpoints.

The following interactions are enabled via the specified interfaces in the present document (not an exhaustive list):

• A consumer can request the creation of a MSCS. The MSCS is fulfilled by the WIM via one or more MSNCs.

• A consumer can retrieve information about a MSCS and the MSNCs that fulfil such a MSCS.

• A consumer can retrieve information about the endpoints among which network connectivity can be provided.

• A consumer can request updating a MSCS, e.g. adding new MSCS endpoints, removing or updating existing
MSCS endpoints or modifying the MSCS profile.

• A consumer can monitor a MSCS and receive performance and fault monitoring information about the
MSNCs that have been provisioned as part of the MSCS.

The MSCS and MSNC are the managed objects by the WIM, which are referred otherwise as "virtualised network
resources" in the functional requirements for management of connectivity of Multi-Site services in clauses 6.18 and
11.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 010 [1].

4.3 Multi-site connectivity network framework and resources

The provisioning and lifecycle of MSCSs is supported by the resources of the network(s) interconnecting the different
sites. Figure 4.3-1 illustrates an example of a network interconnecting a single domain multi-site environment and the
concepts and type of resources supporting the creation of connectivity.

16 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Figure 4.3-1: Multi-site connectivity network framework and concepts

The resources involved in enabling the multi-site connectivity are:

1) Network node

These are the nodes (physical or virtual) enabling the forwarding of data. A node can be internal to the WAN or at the
edge of a WAN, exposing network edge points of connectivity for the NFVI-PoPs.

EXAMPLE 1: An example of an internal node is a "Provider" (P) router, and an example of edge node is
"Provider Edge" (PE) router.

2) Network link

The network links interconnect and represent the adjacency in between the network nodes of the WAN, and in between
the edge network nodes of the WAN and the endpoint nodes in the NFVI-PoP, such as the NFVI-PoP network gateway.

3) Network edge point

The network edge points represent the ingress/egress ports of the (WAN) network(s) in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).
These ports are part of the network edge nodes.

4) Connectivity service endpoint

The connectivity service endpoint is associated to a termination point of the NFVI-PoP (site), which in can be used as
an endpoint of the connectivity fulfilled by the MSCS.

The connectivity service endpoint also represents the User Network Interface (UNI) between the NFVI-PoP and the
external network that interconnects the multiple sites. In this sense, the connectivity service endpoint represents the
shared context information of the network edge link (a.k.a, access link) connecting the NFVI-PoP and the external
network (refer also to the VIM's managed object ConnectivityServiceEndpoint defined in clause 8.10.4 of ETSI
GS NFV-IFA 005 [i.9]).

EXAMPLE 2: An example of a node providing ports/interfaces as connectivity service endpoint is a "Customer

Edge" (CE) router.

5) Network topology

The network topology is a representation of interconnectivity of a particular set of network resources described in terms
of network nodes and network links, wherein the forwarding of data among the particular set of network resources is

17 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

A multi-site WAN network has a 1:N relationship with network topology, i.e. one or more network topologies can be
represented on top of the network node and link resources. Figure 4.3-1 illustrates an example with two network
topologies represented over the WAN.

4.4 Multi-site connectivity network framework and relationship

to Network Service
The provisioning and lifecycle of MSCSs is supported by the resources of the WAN interconnecting the different sites.
In turn, the MSCS(s) are part of the "resources" forming the NS Virtual Link(s), as also introduced in clause 4.1.
Figure 4.4-1 illustrates the relationship between the multi-site connectivity network resources and the multi-site NS.

Figure 4.4-1: Multi-site connectivity network framework and relationship to Network Service

In the example of figure 4.4-1, the two VNF instances, vCPE and vAPL, have corresponding CP instances to connect to
the NS Virtual Link. The CP instances are realized via network interface resources from the NFVI-PoP and attached to
the link ports exposed on virtual network resources also from the NFVI-PoP. The NS Virtual Link is realized with the
virtualised network resources from the NFVI-PoPs and the MSCS on the WAN. The MSCS is established in between
two connectivity service endpoints, each one associated to ports/interfaces on the corresponding NFVI-PoP network

4.5 Relation to other NFV Group Specifications

The present document is referencing information from the following NFV Group Specifications and Group Reports:

• Management and Orchestration - Report on Management and Connectivity for Multi-Site Services ETSI
GR NFV-IFA 022 [i.3]:

- ETSI GR NFV-IFA 022 [i.3] provides use cases and recommendations related to multi-site services over

• Management and Orchestration - Functional requirements specification ETSI GS NFV-IFA 010 [1]:

- Interfaces exposed and consumed by the WIM are based on the functional requirements specified in
ETSI GS NFV-IFA 010 [1] for the WIM FB.

18 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

5 Requirements

5.1 Introduction and conventions

5.1.1 Overview
This clause defines or references requirements applicable to interfaces exposed by the WIM.

5.1.2 Conventions
The following notations, defined in ISO/IEC 9646-7 [i.10], are used for the qualifier column of interface information

• M mandatory - the capability is required to be supported.

• O optional - the capability may be supported or not.

• N/A not applicable - in the given context, it is impossible to use the capability.

• CM conditional mandatory - the capability is required to be supported and is conditional on the support of
some condition. This condition shall be specified in the Description column.

• CO conditional optional - the capability may be supported or not and is conditional on the support of some
condition. This condition shall be specified in the Description column.

The following notation is used for parameters that represent identifiers, and for attributes that represent identifiers in
information elements and notifications:

• If parameters are referring to an identifier of an actual object, their type is "Identifier".

• If an object (information element or notification) contains an attribute that identifies the object, the type of that
attribute is "Identifier" and the description states that the attribute is the identifier of that particular notification
or information element.

EXAMPLE: Identifier "resourceId" of the "NetworkSubnet information element" has type "Identifier" and
description "Identifier of this NetworkSubnet information element".

5.2 WIM interface requirements

Table 5.2-1 specifies requirements applicable to the interfaces exposed by the WIM.

Table 5.2-1: WIM interface requirements

Number Functional requirement description

WimIf.001 The WIM shall provide a MSCS Management interface.
WimIf.002 The WIM shall provide a Capacity Management interface.
WimIf.003 The WIM shall provide a Fault Management interface.
WimIf.004 The WIM shall provide a Performance Management interface.

19 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

5.3 Interface requirements

5.3.1 MSCS Management interface requirements
Table 5.3.1-1 specifies requirements applicable to the MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM.

Table 5.3.1-1: MSCS Management interface requirements

Numbering Functional requirements description

WimIf.Csm.001 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support requesting the creation of a
WimIf.Csm.002 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support querying information about
WimIf.Csm.003 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support updating a MSCS.
WimIf.Csm.004 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support deleting a MSCS.
WimIf.Csm.005 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support providing state change
notifications about MSCSs.
WimIf.Csm.006 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support creating MSCS reservations.
WimIf.Csm.007 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support querying information about
MSCS reservations.
WimIf.Csm.008 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support updating MSCS reservations.
WimIf.Csm.009 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support terminating MSCS
WimIf.Csm.010 The MSCS Management interface produced by the WIM shall support notification of changes related
to the MSCS reservation.

5.3.2 Capacity Management interface requirements

Table 5.3.2-1 specifies requirements applicable to the Capacity Management interface produced by the WIM.

Table 5.3.2-1: Capacity Management interface requirements

Numbering Functional requirements description

WimIf.Cm.001 The Capacity Management interface produced by the WIM shall support querying the capacity, in
terms of:
• the amount of available resources (of a certain type and characteristics); and
• the total amount of resources (of a certain type and characteristics) based on input filter
WimIf.Cm.002 The Capacity Management interface produced by the WIM shall support notifications to the
consumer of changes in the available and total capacity.
WimIf.Cm.003 The Capacity Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the query of information
about topology (logical topologies, network nodes, links) within the WAN managed by the WIM.
WimIf.Cm.004 The Capacity Management interface produced by the WIM shall support querying information about
network edge points offered by the WAN and associated connectivity service endpoints.

20 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

5.3.3 Fault Management interface requirements

Table 5.3.3-1 specifies requirements applicable to the Fault Management interface produced by the WIM.

Table 5.3.3-1: Fault Management interface requirements

Numbering Functional requirements description

WimIf.Fm.001 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable collecting fault information about
WimIf.Fm.002 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall support providing alarm notifications
related to faults on MSCSs.
WimIf.Fm.003 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall support providing notification when
there is a change in alarm information on MSCSs.
WimIf.Fm.004 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the sending of notification when
an alarm has been created.
WimIf.Fm.005 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the sending of notification when
an alarm has been cleared.
WimIf.Fm.006 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall allow unambiguous identification of the
WimIf.Fm.007 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM shall allow unambiguous identification of the
MSCS causing the alarm.
WimIf.Fm.008 The Fault Management interface produced by the WIM point shall allow unambiguous identification
of the alarm cause.

5.3.4 Performance Management interface requirements

Table 5.3.4-1 specifies requirements applicable to the Performance Management interface produced by the WIM.

Table 5.3.4-1: Performance Management interface requirements

Numbering Functional requirements description

WimIf.Pm.001 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable controlling the collection
and reporting of performance information for MSCS(s) and MSNC(s).
WimIf.Pm.002 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the capability to notify
the availability of performance information.
WimIf.Pm.003 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall expose the type of network
resources for which the WIM collects the performance information in the WAN domain.
WimIf.Pm.004 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall expose the type of performance
information that the WIM can collect for the monitored MSCS(s) and MSNC(s).
WimIf.Pm.005 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable creating a PM job
specifying the type of resource(s) and performance information that are required.
WimIf.Pm.006 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable creating a PM job
specifying the granularity for collection and reporting of performance information from specified
MSCS(s) and MSNC(s).
WimIf.Pm.007 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable deleting a PM job.
WimIf.Pm.008 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable issuing notifications of
data availability for a PM job.
WimIf.Pm.009 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support PM jobs for periodic
collection of performance information (bounded or unbounded).
WimIf.Pm.010 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the grouping of
measurements. See note.
WimIf.Pm.011 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the setting of threshold
conditions on the performance information collected by the VIM for specified MSCS(s) and
WimIf.Pm.012 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the deletion of
threshold conditions on the performance information collected by the WIM for specified MSCS(s)
and MSNC(s).
WimIf.Pm.013 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support the capability to notify
about a threshold defined for a specified metric of a MSCS or MSNC being crossed.
WimIf.Pm.014 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall enable issuing notifications
related to threshold crossing.
WimIf.Pm.015 The Performance Management interface produced by the WIM shall support querying the list of
active PM jobs and defined threshold conditions by the consumer entity that created them.

21 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Numbering Functional requirements description

NOTE: The measurement group does not imply any modification/aggregation of performance measurements data and
may be viewed as an alias for a pre-defined list of measurements.

6 Interfaces exposed by WIM

6.1 Introduction
Clause 5.8.2 of ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 [i.2] introduces the producer-consumer paradigm, "Interfaces represent a
published contract offered by a producer functional block, exposing externally the functions produced. They can be
consumed by any other consumer functional block that is authenticated and authorized to access and consume the
functions offered".

For all the interfaces in this clause, the producer exposing the interfaces is the WIM.

6.2 MSCS Management Interface

6.2.1 Description
This interface allows an authorized consumer to perform operations related to MSCS. The following operations are
defined for this interface:

• Create MSCS.

• Query MSCS.

• Update MSCS.

• Terminate MSCS.

• Subscribe.

• Notify.

• Query Subscription Info.

• Terminate Subscription.

• Create MSCS Reservation.

• Query MSCS Reservation.

• Update MSCS Reservation.

• Terminate MSCS Reservation.

6.2.2 Create MSCS operation Description
This operation allows an authorized consumer to request the creation of a MSCS from the WIM.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

22 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Create MSCS operation

Message Requirement Direction

CreateMscsRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
CreateMscsResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create MSCS operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 0..1 Identifier Identifier of the resource reservation applicable to this MSCS
management operation.
mscsData M 1 MscsData The MSCS data provides information about the particular
MSCS to be created. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create MSCS operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscs M 1 Mscs If MSCS type is created satisfactorily, it shall contain the data
relative to the instantiated MSCS. See clause Operation results

As a result of this operation, the producer (WIM) shall indicate to the consumer whether or not the MSCS was
successfully created. If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error

6.2.3 Query MSCS operation Description
This operation allows querying information about instantiated MSCSs from the WIM.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Query MSCS operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryMscsRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryMscsResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

23 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Query MSCS operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Query filter based on e.g. name, identifier, meta-data
information or status information, expressing the type of
information to be retrieved. It can also be used to specify one
or more MSCSs to be queried by providing their identifiers.
attributeSelector M 0..N String It provides a list of attribute names of MSCS. If present, only
these attributes shall be returned for the MSCS matching the
filter. If absent, the information of the complete MSCS shall be
returned. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query MSCS operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N Mscs Details of the MSCS information available and matching the input
filter. If attributeSelector is present, only the attributes listed in
attributeSelector shall be returned for the selected entities. Operation results

As a result of this operation, the producer (WIM) shall indicate to the consumer whether or not it was possible to
process the query. If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error

6.2.4 Update MSCS operation Description
This operation allows updating the information of an instantiated MSCS, e.g. name and description, as well as
properties of the instantiated MSCS, such as adding/removing MSCS endpoints or changing the MSCS profile.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Update MSCS operation

Message Requirement Direction

UpdateMscsRequest Mandatory Consumer 
UpdateMscsResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

24 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Update MSCS operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

connectivityServiceId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS to be updated.
addMscsEndpoint M 0..N MscsEndpointData Information about the MSCS endpoints to add to
the MSCS.
removeMscsEndpoint M 0..N Identifier Identifier of the MSCS Endpoints to remove from
(Reference to the MSCS.
modifyMscsEndpoint M 0..N MscsEndpointInfo Properties of an existing MSCS endpoint of the
MSCS to change. The mscsEndpointId of the
MscsEndpointInfo to change shall refer to an
existing MSCS endpoint in the MSCS.
modifyMscsProfile M 0..1 MscsProfile New properties of the MSCS profile to change.
mscsName M 0..1 String New human readable name for the MSCS.
mscsDescription M 0..1 String New human readable description for the MSCS.
NOTE: In the multiple input parameters, cardinality zero supports the case of not requesting to update such an attribute. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Update MSCS operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscs M 0..1 Mscs It contains the data relative to the MSCS updated successfully.
See clause Operation results

As a result of this operation, the producer (WIM) shall indicate to the consumer whether or not the MSCS was
successfully updated. If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error

As part of the update, changes in the existing set of MSNC supporting the MSCS can be performed. For instance, a new
MSNC can be created to address changes in the MSCS connectivity profile, due to the addition/removal/update of
MSCS endpoints.

6.2.5 Terminate MSCS operation Description
This operation allows terminating one instantiated MSCS. Table lists the information flow exchanged between
the consumer and the WIM.

Table Terminate MSCS operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateMscsRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
TerminateMscsResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate MSCS operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

connectivityServiceId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS to be terminated.

25 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate MSCS operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

connectivityServiceId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS that is terminated
successfully. Operation results

As a result of this operation, the producer (WIM) shall indicate to the consumer whether or not the MSCS was
successfully terminated. If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error

6.2.6 Subscribe operation Description
This operation enables an authorized consumer to subscribe with a filter in order to receive notifications sent by the
WIM which are related to MSCS changes or MSCS reservation changes. Table lists the information flow
exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Subscribe operation

Message Requirement Direction

SubscribeRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
SubscribeResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Input filter for selecting notifications to subscribe to changes related
to MSCS or MSCS reservation. The filter can be on resource, type
of notification or attribute of the notification. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription realized. Operation results

After successful subscription, the consumer is registered to receive notifications sent by the WIM which are related to
MSCS changes or MSCS reservation changes. The result of the operation shall indicate if the subscription has been
successful or not with a standard success/error result. For a particular subscription, only notifications matching the filter
will be delivered to the consumer.

26 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.2.7 Notify operation Description
This operation distributes notifications to subscribers. It is a one-way operation issued by the WIM that cannot be
invoked as an operation by the consumer. In order to receive notifications, the consumer shall have a subscription.
Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Notify operation

Message Requirement Direction

Notify Mandatory WIM  Consumer
The following notifications can be notified/sent by this operation:

• MscsChangeNotification. See clause 8.2.4.

• MscsReservationChangeNotification. See clause 8.2.5.

6.2.8 Query Subscription Info operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to query information about subscriptions table lists the information flow
exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Subscription Info operation

Message Requirement Direction

QuerySubscriptionInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QuerySubscriptionInfoResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filtering criteria to select one or a set of subscriptions.
See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N Not Specified Information about the subscription(s) matching the
query. See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage.

27 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has queried the internal subscription objects. The result of the operation indicates
if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. For a particular query, information about the
subscriptions to notifications that are matching the filter shall be returned.

6.2.9 Terminate Subscription operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to terminate a particular subscription.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Terminate Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateSubscriptionRequest Mandatory Consumer 
TerminateSubscriptionResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate Subscription operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription to be terminated. Output Parameters

No output parameter. Operation results

After successful termination of a subscription, the identified subscription does not exist anymore, and the consumer will
not receive notifications related to that subscription any longer. The result of the operation shall indicate if the
subscription termination has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.2.10 Create MSCS Reservation operation Description
This operation allows an authorized consumer to request the reservation of MSCS from the WIM.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Create MSCS Reservation operation

Message Requirement Direction

CreateMscsReservationRequest Mandatory Consumer  WIM
CreateMscsReservationResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

28 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Create MSCS Reservation operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsReservation M 1 MscsReserva The properties that characterize the MSCS that needs to
tionData be reserved.
See clause
startTime M 1 DateTime Indicates the earliest time to start the use of the MSCS.
A value of 0 indicates that the MSCS is reserved for
immediate use.
endTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the end time of the MSCS reservation and is
used by the WIM to schedule the reservation. If not
present, the MSCS is reserved for unlimited time.
expiryTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the time the WIM can release the reservation in
case no allocation request against this reservation was
made. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create MSCS Reservation operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationData M 1 ReservedMscs Element containing information about the reserved
See clause Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has created the internal management objects for the MSCS reservation and updated
the information about the MSCS capacity according to the newly reservations. In addition, the WIM shall return to the
consumer information on the newly created reservation plus any additional information about the create reservation
request operation. The WIM may also return intermediate status reports during the reservation process.

If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error information.

6.2.11 Query MSCS Reservation operation Description
This operation allows querying information about reserved MSCS that the consumer has access to.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Query MSCS Reservation operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryMscsReservationRequest Mandatory Consumer  WIM
QueryMscsReservationResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

29 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Query MSCS Reservation operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryReservationFilter M 1 Filter Query filter based on e.g. layer protocol or reservation
It can also be used to specify one or more reservations
to be queried by providing their identifiers.
attributeSelector M 0..N String It provides a list of attributes names of ReservedMscs.
If present, only these attributes are returned for the
reserved MSCS matching the filter. If absent, the
complete information of the reserved MSCS is returned. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query MSCS Reservation operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N ReservedMscs Element containing information about the reserved MSCS
matching the input filter. If attributeSelector is present, only
the attributes listed in attributeSelector are returned for the
selected entities. The cardinality can be 0 if no matching
reservation exists.
See clause Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has queried the internal management objects for the MSCS reservations. The result
of the query shall indicate with a standard success/error result if the query has been processed correctly. For a particular
query, information about the MSCS reservations that the consumer has access to and that are matching the filter shall be

6.2.12 Update MSCS Reservation operation Description
This operation allows updating MSCS reservations, such as the timing schedule (start, end and expiry time),
adding/removing MSCS endpoints to the reserved set or changing the MSCS profile of the reserved MSCS.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Update MSCS Reservation operation

Message Requirement Direction

UpdateMscsReservationRequest Mandatory Consumer  WIM
UpdateMscsReservationResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

30 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Update MSCS Reservation operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the existing reservation to be updated.
addEndpoint M 0..N Identifier Identifier of the connectivity service endpoints to be
(Reference added to the reserved MSCS.
removeEndpoint M 0..N Identifier Identifier of the connectivity service endpoint to remove
(Reference from the reserved MSCS.
modifyMscsProfile M 0..1 MscsProfile New properties of the MSCS profile to change for the
reserved MSCS.
startTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the earliest time to start the use of the MSCS.
If not present, the original setting will not be changed. If
present and the time value is 0, the MSCS is reserved
for immediate use.
endTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the end time of the reservation (when the
issuer of the request expects that the MSCS will no
longer be needed) and used by the WIM to schedule
the reservation. If not present, the MSCS is reserved for
unlimited usage time.
expiryTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the time the WIM can release the reservation
in case no allocation request against this reservation
was made. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Update MSCS Reservation operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationData M 1 ReservedMscs Element containing information about the
updated reserved MSCS.
See clause Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has updated the internal management objects for the MSCS reservation and
updated the information about the MSCS capacity according to the updated reserved capacity. In addition, the WIM
shall return to the consumer information on the updated reservation plus any additional information about the update
request operation.

If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error information.

6.2.13 Terminate MSCS Reservation operation Description
This operation allows an authorized consumer to request the termination of MSCS reservations.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

31 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Terminate MSCS Reservation operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateMscsReservationRequest Mandatory Consumer  WIM
TerminateMscsReservationResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input Parameters

The parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate MSCS Reservation operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 1...N Identifier Identifier(s) of the MSCS reservation(s) to be
terminated. Output Parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate MSCS Reservation operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 1..N Identifier Identifier(s) of the MSCS reservation(s)
successfully terminated. Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has terminated the MSCS reservations and removed the internal management
objects for those reservations and updated the information about the MSCS capacity according to the terminated
reservations. In addition, the WIM shall return to the consumer information on the terminated reservations plus any
additional information about the terminate request operation.

If the operation was not successful, the WIM shall return to the consumer appropriate error information.

6.3 Capacity Management interface

6.3.1 Description
This interface allows providing to the Consumer information about the resources capacity (e.g. bandwidth, virtual
network identifiers, etc.), topology, and network edge points of the network in between different NFVI-PoPs. As such,
the interface offers operations to the Consumer to get information about the network edge points for the MSCS
endpoints of the NFVI-PoPs (from the perspective of the WAN). It also provides information about the consumed and
available capacity on the underlying network resources supporting the establishment of the MSCSs. The WIM, as
producer of the interface, shall support the capacity measurements specified in clause B.2.

The interface also provides the necessary operations to handle the management of subscriptions to notifications, and the
issuing of such notifications carrying information about changes in the capacity and/or topology.

The following operations are defined for this interface which will be consumed by the Consumer:

• Query Capacity operation.

• Create Capacity Threshold operation.

• Query Topology Information operation.

• Query Node Information operation.

32 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

• Query Link Information operation.

• Query Network Edge Point Information operation.

• Subscribe operation.

• Notify operation.

• Terminate Subscription operation.

• Query Subscription Information operation.

6.3.2 Query Capacity operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to retrieve information about the capacity of the network in between the
NFVI-PoPs. Such information can then be used for capacity and network connectivity planning.

The operation allows retrieval of information about the available, allocated, reserved and total capacity of the network
resources managed by the WIM.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Capacity operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryCapacityRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
QueryCapacityResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Capacity operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter to select the capacity information. It can
be a single identifier, multiple identifiers or a
wildcard. The filter shall support queries that
filter by different resource criteria:
• all network;
• all network topologies, or a specific
• by network node; and
• by network links.
attributeSelector M 0..N String Provides a list of attribute names. If present,
only these attributes (i.e. available, total,
reserved and/or allocated capacity) shall be
returned for the capacity information. If absent,
the complete information about capacity shall
be returned.
timePeriod M 0..1 TimePeriodInformation The time interval for which capacity is queried.
When omitted, an interval starting "now" shall
be used. The time interval can be specified
since reservation of MSCSs can be made for a
specified time interval.

33 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Capacity operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

capacityInfo M 1..N CapacityInfo The capacity information according to the input request. The
information items correspond to those specified in the
CapacityInfo. Operation results

In case of success, the WIM has queried the capacity information for the various types of resources according to the
input filter. If attributeSelector is present, only the sub-counter values of the capacityValue in the CapacityValueEntry
listed in attributeSelector shall be returned for the filtered capacity information. The result of the query shall indicate
with a standard success/error result if the query has been processed correctly.

6.3.3 Create Capacity Threshold operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to create a threshold and specify threshold levels on the capacity of the network
resources managed by the WIM. Notifications will be generated when crossed. Table lists the information
flow exchange between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Create Capacity Threshold operation

Message Requirement Direction

CreateCapacityThresholdRequest Mandatory Consumer 
CreateCapacityThresholdResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create Capacity Threshold operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

objectInstanceId M 1..N Identifier (Reference to NetworkInfo, Identifiers of the measured network
TopologyInfo, NodeInfo, LinkInfo) resource object instance for which
the threshold will be defined.
thresholdType M 1 Enum Defines the type of threshold. The
list of possible values is left for the
protocol design stage and shall
minimally include: single/multi
valued threshold, static/dynamic
threshold, and template-based
• SIMPLE: single-valued
static threshold
• Etc.
thresholdDetails M 1 Not specified Details of the threshold: value to be
crossed, direction in which it is
crossed, details on the notification
to be generated, etc.

34 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create Threshold operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the created threshold. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. The thresholdId
shall only be returned when the operation has been successful.

6.3.4 Delete Capacity Thresholds operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to delete one or more existing threshold(s) managed by the WIM about capacity

NOTE: It is up to the protocol design stage to determine whether this operation should be modelled as a "bulk"
operation that allows deleting multiple Thresholds in one request, or as a series of requests that delete one
Threshold at a time.

Table lists the information flow exchange between the NFV-MANO functional entity and the Consumer.

Table Delete Capacity Thresholds operation

Message Requirement Direction

DeleteCapacityThresholdsRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
DeleteCapacityThresholdsResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete Capacity Thresholds operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the thresholds to be deleted. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete Capacity Thresholds operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

deletedThresholdId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the thresholds that have been deleted
successfully. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

35 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.3.5 Query Capacity Threshold operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to query the details of one or more existing capacity thresholds on the WIM.
Table lists the information flow exchange between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Capacity Threshold operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryCapacityThresholdRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryCapacityThresholdResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Capacity Threshold operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter defining the thresholds on which the query applies. It can be
a single identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Capacity Threshold operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdDetails M 0..N NetworkCapacityThreshold Details of thresholds matching the input
filter. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.3.6 Query Topology Information operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to query information about the one or more topologies of the network in between
the NFVI-PoPs. Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Topology Information operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryTopologyInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryTopologyInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

36 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Query Topology Information operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter to select the topology information. It can be a single
identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. The filter shall also
support queries that apply to all topologies, or a particular
attributeSelector M 0..N String Provides a list of attribute names. If present, only these
attributes shall be returned for the topology information. If
absent, the complete information of the topology shall be
returned. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Topology Information operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

topologyInfo M 1..N TopologyInfo The information items about the topology that are returned.
The information items correspond to those specified in the
TopologyInfo. Operation results

In case of success, the topology information shall be returned. In case of failure, appropriate error information shall be
returned. If attributeSelector is present, only the attributes of TopologyInfo listed in attributeSelector shall be returned
for the filtered topology information.

6.3.7 Query Node Information operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to query information about a node participating in a topology of the network in
between the NFVI-PoPs. Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Node Information operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryNodeInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryNodeInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Node Information operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter to select the node information. It can be a single
identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. The filter shall also
support queries that apply to all network nodes, or a particular
attributeSelector M 0..N String Provides a list of attribute names. If present, only these
attributes shall be returned for the node information. If absent,
the complete information of the node shall be returned.

37 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Node Information operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

nodeInfo M 1..N NodeInfo The information items about the node that are returned. The
information items correspond to those specified in the NodeInfo. Operation results

In case of success, the topology information shall be returned. In case of failure, appropriate error information shall be
returned. If attributeSelector is present, only the attributes of NodeInfo listed in attributeSelector shall be returned for
the filtered node information.

6.3.8 Query Link Information operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to query information about a link participating in a topology of the network in
between the NFVI-PoPs. Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Link Information operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryLinkInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryLinkInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Link Information operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter to select the node information. It can be a single
identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. The filter shall also
support queries that apply to all network links, or a particular
attributeSelector M 0..N String Provides a list of attribute names. If present, only these
attributes shall be returned for the link information. If absent,
the complete information of the link shall be returned. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Link Information operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

linkInfo M 1..N LinkInfo The information items about the link that are returned. The
information items correspond to those specified in the LinkInfo.

38 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Operation results

In case of success, the topology information shall be returned. In case of failure, appropriate error information shall be
returned. If attributeSelector is present, only the attributes of LinkInfo listed in attributeSelector shall be returned for the
link information.

6.3.9 Query Network Edge Point Information operation Description
This operation enables a Consumer to query information about network edge points of the network between the
NFVI-PoPs. Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Network Edge Point Information operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryNetworkEdgePointInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryNetworkEdgePointInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Network Edge Point Information operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter to select the node information. It can be a single
identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. The filter shall also
support queries that apply to all node edge points, or a
particular one.
attributeSelector M 0..N String Provides a list of attribute names. If present, only these
attributes shall be returned for the link information. If absent,
the complete information of the link shall be returned. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Edge Point Information operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

edgePointInfo M 1..N NetworkEdgePointInfo The information items about the edge point that
are returned. The information items correspond to
those specified in the NetworkEdgePointInfo. Operation results

In case of success, the topology information shall be returned. In case of failure, appropriate error information shall be
returned. If attributeSelector is present, only the attributes of NetworkEdgePointInfo listed in attributeSelector shall be
returned for the filtered edge point information.

39 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.3.10 Subscribe operation Description
This operation enables the Consumer to subscribe with a filter for the notifications related to capacity and topology
changes sent by the WIM.

NOTE: Specification of the filtering mechanism is left for the protocol design stage.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Subscribe operation

Message Requirement Direction

SubscribeRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
SubscribeResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Input filter for selecting capacity and topology information for which
notifications are requested. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription realized. Operation results

As a result of this operation, the WIM shall indicate to the Consumer in the SubscribeResponse message whether the
subscription was successful or not. For a particular subscription, only notifications matching the filter shall be delivered
to the Consumer.

6.3.11 Notify operation Description
This operation distributes notifications to subscribers. It is a one-way operation issued by the WIM and cannot be
invoked as an operation by the Consumer.

In order to receive notifications, the Consumer shall have a subscription.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Notify operation

Message Requirement Direction

Notify Mandatory WIM  Consumer

40 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

The following notifications can be notified/sent by this operation:

• NetworkCapacityChangeNotification. See clause 8.3.6.

• TopologyChangeNotification. See clause 8.3.13.

6.3.12 Terminate Subscription operation Description
This operation enables the Consumer to terminate a particular subscription. Table lists the information flow
exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Terminate Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateSubscriptionRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
TerminateSubscriptionResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate Subscription operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription to be terminated. Output parameters

No output parameter. Operation results

After successful termination of a subscription, the identified subscription does not exist anymore, and the Consumer
will not receive notifications related that subscription any longer. The result of the operation shall indicate if the
subscription termination has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.3.13 Query Subscription Info operation Description
This operation enables the Consumer to query information about subscriptions. Table lists the information
flow exchanged between the Consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

QuerySubscriptionInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QuerySubscriptionInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

41 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Query Subscription Info operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filtering criteria to select one or a set of subscriptions.
See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N Not specified Information about the subscription(s)
matching the query. See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage. Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has queried the internal subscription objects. The result of the operation indicates
if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. For a particular query, information about the
subscriptions to notifications related to capacity and topology that the Consumer has access to and that are matching the
filter shall be returned.

6.4 Fault Management interface

6.4.1 Description
This interface shall allow the WIM to provide alarms related to the MSCSs visible to the consumer.

The fault management interface shall support the following operations:

• Subscribe operation: Subscription of consumers with the WIM for the notifications related to the alarms.

• Notify operation: Notifications of alarms or alarm state change from to consumer.

• Terminate Subscription operation: Terminating a particular subscription in the WIM.

• Query Subscription Info operation: Querying subscription information from the WIM.

• Get alarm list operation: Accessing active alarms from the WIM.

• Acknowledge Alarms operation: Acknowledging alarms by the consumer.

6.4.2 Subscribe operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to subscribe with a filter for the notifications related to MSCS alarms sent by the

NOTE: Specification of the filtering mechanism is left for the protocol design stage.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

42 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Subscribe operation

Message Requirement Direction

SubscribeRequest Mandatory Consumer 
SubscribeResponse Mandatory WIM 
Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Input filter for selecting MSCSs and related alarms. This can
contain the MSCS information, severity and cause of the alarm. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Id of the realized subscription. Operation results

As a result of this operation, the WIM shall indicate to the consumer in the SubscribeResponse message whether the
subscription was successful or not. For a particular subscription, only notifications matching the filter shall be delivered
to the consumer.

6.4.3 Notify operation Description
This operation distributes notifications to subscribers. It is a one-way operation issued by the WIM and cannot be
invoked as an operation by the consumer.

In order to receive notifications, the consumer shall have a subscription.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Notify operation

Message Requirement Direction

Notify Mandatory WIM  Consumer
The following notifications can be notified/sent by this operation:

• AlarmNotification. See clause 8.4.3.

• AlarmClearedNotification. See clause 8.4.4.

• AlarmListRebuiltNotification. See clause 8.4.5.

43 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.4.4 Terminate Subscription operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to terminate a particular subscription. Table lists the information flow
exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Terminate Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateSubscriptionRequest Mandatory Consumer 
TerminateSubscriptionResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate Subscription operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription to be terminated. Output parameters

No output parameter. Operation results

After successful termination of a subscription, the identified subscription does not exist anymore, and the consumer will
not receive notifications related that subscription any longer. The result of the operation shall indicate if the subscription
termination has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.4.5 Query Subscription Info operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to query information about subscriptions.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

QuerySubscriptionInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QuerySubscriptionInfoResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filtering criteria to select one or a set of subscriptions.
See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage.

44 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N Not specified Information about the subscription(s)
matching the query. See note.
NOTE: Details are left for the protocol design stage. Operation results

After successful operation, the WIM has queried the internal subscription objects. The result of the operation indicates
if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. For a particular query, information about the
subscriptions to notifications related to MSCS fault management that the consumer has access to and that are matching
the filter shall be returned.

6.4.6 Get Alarm List operation Description
This operation enables the consumers to query the active alarms from the WIM. Table lists the information
flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Get Alarm List operation

Message Requirement Direction

GetAlarmListRequest Mandatory Consumer 
GetAlarmListResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Get Alarm List operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Input filter for selecting alarms. This can contain the list of the
MSCS identifiers, severity and cause. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Get Alarm List operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

alarm M 0..N Alarm Information about an alarm including AlarmId, affected MSCS Id,
and FaultDetails. The cardinality can be "0" to indicate that no
Alarm could be retrieved based on the input filter information
(e.g. no matching alarm). Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. For a particular
request, only alarms matching the filter shall be delivered to the consumer.

45 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.4.7 Acknowledge Alarms operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to acknowledge alarms at WIM. Table lists the information flow
exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Acknowledge alarms operation

Message Requirement Direction

AcknowledgeAlarmsRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
AcknowledgeAlarmsResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Acknowledge alarms operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

alarmId M 1..N Identifier Identifier of an individual alarm to be acknowledged, or
(Reference to multiple identifiers of the alarms to be acknowledged.
Alarm) See note.
NOTE: It is up to the protocol design stage to determine whether this operation will be modelled as a "bulk"
operation that allows acknowledge multiple alarms in one request, or as a series of requests that
acknowledge one alarm at a time. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Acknowledge alarms operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

acknowledgedAla M 1..N Identifier Identifier of an individual alarm that is
rmId (Reference to acknowledged, or multiple identifiers of the alarms
Alarm) that are acknowledged. See note.
NOTE: It is up to the protocol design stage to determine whether this operation will be modelled as a "bulk"
operation that allows acknowledge multiple alarms in one request, or as a series of requests that
acknowledge one alarm at a time. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.5 Performance Management interface

6.5.1 Description
This interface allows providing of performance information (measurement results collection and notifications) related to
MSCSs. Collection and reporting of performance information is controlled by a PM job that groups details of
performance collection and reporting information. The WIM, as producer of the interface, shall support the performance
measurements specified in clause B.1.

46 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

When new performance information is available, the consumer is notified using the notification
PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification (see clause 8.5.8). The details of the performance measurements are
provided using the PerformanceReport information element (see clause 8.5.5). Delivery mechanism for the performance
reports is left for later specification.

The following operations are defined for this interface which will be consumed by the consumer:

• Create PM Job operation.

• Delete PM Jobs operation.

• Query PM Job operation.

• Create Threshold operation.

• Delete Thresholds operation.

• Query Threshold operation.

• Subscribe operation.

• Notify operation.

• Terminate Subscription operation.

• Query Subscription operation.

6.5.2 Create PM Job operation Description
This operation creates a PM job, enabling a consumer to specify a MSCS/MSNC or set of MSCS/MSNCs, that the
WIM is managing, for which it wants to receive performance information. This allows the requesting consumer to
specify its performance information requirements with the WIM.

The consumer shall issue a Subscribe request for PerformanceInformationAvailable notifications in order to know when
new collected performance information is available.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Create PM Job operation

Message Requirement Direction

CreatePmJobRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
CreatePmJobResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

47 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Create PM Job operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

selector M 1 ObjectSelection Defines the MSCS/MSNCs for which
performance information is to be collected.
performanceMetric M 0..N String This defines the type of performance
metric(s) for the specified MSCS/MSNCs.
At least one of the two attributes
(performance metric or metricGroup) shall be
performanceMetricGroup M 0..N String Group of performance metrics. A metric group
is a pre-defined list of metrics, known to the
producer that it can decompose to individual
At least one of the two attributes
(performance metric or metricGroup) shall be
collectionPeriod M 1 Not specified Specifies the periodicity at which the WIM will
collect performance information. See note.
reportingPeriod M 1 Not specified Specifies the periodicity at which the WIM will
report to the consumer about performance
information. See note.
reportingBoundary O 0..1 Not specified Identifies a boundary after which the reporting
will stop.
The boundary shall allow a single reporting as
well as periodic reporting up to the boundary.
NOTE: At the end of each reportingPeriod, the WIM shall inform the consumer about availability of the performance
data collected for each completed collection period during this reportingPeriod. While the exact definition of
the types for collectionPeriod and reportingPeriod is left for further specification, it is recommended that the
reportingPeriod be equal to or a multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case, the performance data for
the collection periods within one reporting period would be reported together. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create PM Job operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

pmJobId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the created PM job. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

The pmJobId shall only be returned when the operation has been successful.

6.5.3 Delete PM Jobs operation Description
This operation deletes one or more PM job(s). Table lists the information flow exchanged between the
consumer and the WIM.

Table Delete PM Jobs operation

Message Requirement Direction

DeletePmJobsRequest Mandatory Consumer 
DeletePmJobsResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer

48 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete PM Jobs operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

pmJobId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the PM jobs to be deleted. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete PM Jobs operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

deletedPmJobId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the PM Jobs that have been deleted
successfully. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.5.4 Query PM Job operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to solicit from the WIM the details of one or more PM job(s). This operation does
not return performance reports. Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the

Table Query PM Job operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryPmJobRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueryPmJobResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query PM Job operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter defining the PM Jobs on which the query applies. It can be a
single identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query PM Job operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

pmJobDetails M 1..N PmJob Details of PM jobs matching the input filter.

49 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.5.5 Create Threshold operation Description
This operation allows the consumer to create a threshold and specify threshold levels on specified performance metric
(for MSCS/MSNC(s)) for which notifications will be generated when crossed. Creating a threshold does not trigger
collection of metrics. In order for the threshold to be active, there needs to be a PM job collecting the needed metric for
the selected entities.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Create Threshold operation

Message Requirement Direction
CreateThresholdRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
CreateThresholdResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create Threshold operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

selector M 1 ObjectSelection Defines the MSCS/MSNC instances for which the
threshold will be defined.
performanceMetric M 1 String Defines the performance metric on which the
threshold will be defined.
thresholdType M 1 Enum Defines the type of threshold. The list of possible
values is left for the protocol design stage and might
include: single/multi valued threshold, static/dynamic
threshold, template-based threshold, etc.
• SIMPLE: single-valued static threshold
• Etc.
thresholdDetails M 1 Not specified Details of the threshold: value to be crossed,
direction in which it is crossed, details on the
notification to be generated, etc. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Create Threshold operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier Identifier of created threshold. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result. The thresholdId
shall only be returned when the operation has been successful.

50 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.5.6 Delete Thresholds operation Description
This operation allows the consumer to delete one or more existing threshold(s). Table lists the information
flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Delete Thresholds operation

Message Requirement Direction

DeleteThresholdsRequest Mandatory Consumer 
DeleteThresholdsResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete Thresholds operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the thresholds to be deleted. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Delete Thresholds operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

deletedThresholdId M 1..N Identifier Identifiers of the thresholds that have been deleted
successfully. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.5.7 Query Threshold operation Description
This operation allows the consumer to query the details of an existing threshold. Table lists the information
flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table QueryThreshold operation

Message Requirement Direction

QueryThresholdRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QueyThresholdResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

51 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table QueryThreshold operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filter defining the thresholds on which the query applies. It can be a
single identifier, multiple identifiers or a wildcard. Output parameters

The parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table QueryThreshold operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdDetails M 1..N Threshold List of threshold details matching the input filter. Operation results

The result of the operation indicates if it has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

6.5.8 Subscribe operation Description
This operation enables the consumers to subscribe with a filter for the notifications related to performance information
with the WIM.

NOTE: Specification of the filtering mechanism is left for the protocol design stage.

Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Subscribe operation

Message Requirement Direction

SubscribeRequest Mandatory Consumer WIM
SubscribeResponse Mandatory WIM  Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Input filter for selecting notifications. The filter can be on MSCS,
MSNC, type of notification or attribute of the notification. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Subscribe operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the realized subscription.

52 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Operation results

As a result of this operation, the WIM shall indicate to the consumer in the SubscribeResponse message whether the
subscription was successful or not. For a particular subscription, only notifications matching the filter shall be delivered
to the consumer.

6.5.9 Notify operation Description
This operation distributes notifications to subscribers. It is a one-way operation issued by the WIM that cannot be
invoked as an operation by the consumer. In order to receive notifications, the consumer shall have a subscription.
Table lists the information flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Notify operation

Message Requirement Direction
Notify Mandatory WIM  Consumer

The following notifications can be notified/sent by this operation:

• PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification. See clause 8.5.8.

• ThresholdCrossedNotification. See clause 8.5.9.

6.5.10 Terminate Subscription operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to terminate a particular subscription. Table lists the information flow
exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Terminate Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

TerminateSubscriptionRequest Mandatory Consumer 
TerminateSubscriptionResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Terminate Subscription operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

subscriptionId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the subscription to be terminated. Output parameters

No output parameter. Operation results

After successful termination of a subscription, the identified subscription does not exist anymore, and the consumer will
not receive notifications related that subscription any longer. The result of the operation shall indicate if the subscription
termination has been successful or not with a standard success/error result.

53 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

6.5.11 Query Subscription Info operation Description
This operation enables the consumer to query information about subscriptions. Table lists the information
flow exchanged between the consumer and the WIM.

Table Query Subscription operation

Message Requirement Direction

QuerySubscriptionInfoRequest Mandatory Consumer 
QuerySubscriptionInfoResponse Mandatory WIM Consumer Input parameters

The input parameters sent when invoking the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation input parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

filter M 1 Filter Filtering criteria to select one or a set of subscriptions. Details are
left for the protocol design stage. Output parameters

The output parameters returned by the operation shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Query Subscription Info operation output parameters

Parameter Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

queryResult M 0..N Not specified Information about the subscription(s) matching the query.
Details are left for the protocol design stage.

7 Interfaces consumed by WIM

There are no interfaces identified from the consumer side that are consumed by the WIM.

8 Information elements exchanged

8.1 Introduction
This clause defines, or references, definitions of information elements used in the interfaces defined in the present

8.2 Information elements and notifications related to MSCS

8.2.1 Introduction
The clauses below define information elements and notifications related to MSCS management.

54 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.2.2 Information elements related to MSCS Introduction
The information elements in this group encapsulate information related to MSCS. MscsData Information element Description
The MscsData information element encapsulates information needed for creating or updating a MSCS. Attributes
The MscsData information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the MscsData information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsName M 0..1 String Human readable name for the MSCS.
mscsDescription M 0..1 String Human readable description for the MSCS.
mscsEndpoint M 2..N MscsEndpointData MSCS endpoints for establishing the MSCS.
mscsProfile M 1 MscsProfile Profile of the MSCS determining connectivity
constraints and requirements.
mscsLayerProtocol M 1 Not specified Protocol aspects for particular layer determining
the type of MSNCs to be established realizing the
MSCS, e.g. l2vpn, l3vpn with specific protocol
technologies such as EVPN, VPLS, VPWS,

The attribute allows the specification of identifiers

of the virtual private network segments, associated
to the particular layer protocol. MscsEndpointData information element Description
The MscsEndpointData information element encapsulates information about the MSCS endpoint and the network
configuration necessary to setup the connectivity to/from MSCS endpoint to the multi-site (WAN) network edge point. Attributes
The MscsEndpointData information element shall follow the indications provided in table

55 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the MscsEndpointData information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

connectivityService M 1 Identifier (Reference to References a connectivity service endpoint
EndpointId ConnectivityServiceEn that acts as MSCS endpoint of the MSCS.
directionality M 1 Enum Directionality of the data traffic in the context
of the terminating MSCS endpoint. Allowed
values are:
• INBOUND (into the endpoint)
• OUTBOUND (from the endpoint)
networkAddressing M 1 Not specified Information about the network addressing
configuration applicable in between the MSCS
endpoint and the network edge point.
lag M 0..1 Not specified Link aggregation configuration for the link in
between the MSCS endpoint and the WAN
network edge point. MscsProfile information element Description
The MscsProfile information element encapsulates information determining the connectivity constraints and
requirements for the MSCS. Attributes
The MscsProfile information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the MscsProfile information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

bandwidthIn M 1 Number Incoming bandwidth (in Mbps).
bandwidthOut M 0..1 Number Outgoing bandwidth (in Mbps). If value is not provided,
symmetric traffic bandwidth, i.e. same value as
bandwidthIn shall be assumed.
qosMetric M 0..N Not specified Set of QoS related metrics such as cost, delay, delay
variation and latency. Time-based values shall be
expressed in milliseconds.
directionality M 1 Enum Directionality of the data traffic. Allowed values are:
mtu M 1 Number Maximum transmission unit value determining the
largest PDU size that can be transmitted.
protectionScheme M 0..1 Enum Describes the resiliency requirements. The value is
used to determine the capabilities and number of
MSNCs needed to fulfil certain availability. Allowed
values are:
• <0:1>
• <1:1>
• <1+1>
• <1:N>
• <M:N>
connectivityMode M 1 Enum The type of connectivity to be enabled. Allowed values
• P2P (point-to-point)
• MP (multipoint)

56 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

numSegment M 1 Number Number of virtual private network segments (to be)
segmentId M 0..N Identifier Identifiers of the virtual private network segments,
e.g. the Virtual Network Identifier (VNI), Routing
Distinguishers (RD), etc. Mscs Information element Description
The Mscs information element encapsulates information about an established MSCS. Attributes
The Mscs information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the Mscs information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS.
mscsName M 0..1 String Human readable name of the MSCS.
mscsDescription M 0..1 String Human readable description of the MSCS.
mscsEndpoint M 2..N MscsEndpointInfo MSCS endpoints on the established MSCS.
mscsProfile M 1 MscsProfile Profile of the MSCS determining connectivity
constraints and requirements.
msnc M 0..N Msnc The attribute represents the data related to the
instantiated MSNC realizing the MSCS. Cardinality
can be zero if a MSNC has not been established
yet. Msnc information element Description
The Msnc information element encapsulates information about an established MSNC on the multi-site network, partly
or fully, realizing the MSCS. Attributes
The MSNC information element shall follow the indications provided in table

57 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the Msnc information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

msncId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSNC.
msncEndpointId M 2..N Identifier (Reference to The multi-site network edge points across
NetworkEdgePointInfo) which the MSNC is established.
path M 1..N Identifier (Reference to The path of the MSNC through the network
NodeInfo) nodes in the underlying network topology.
msncProfile M 1 MsncProfile Information of the MSNC with connectivity
constrains and requirements applicable to
the individual MSNC realizing a MSCS.
msncLayerProtocol M 1 Not specified A structure describing:
• Protocol aspects for particular layer
of the established MSNC realizing
the MSCS, e.g. l2vpn, l3vpn with
specific protocol technologies such
• Identifiers of the virtual private
network segments, e.g. the Virtual
Network Identifier (VNI),
Routing Distinguishers (RD), etc.,
associated to the particular layer
protocol. MsncProfile information element Description
The MsncProfile information element encapsulates information about the connectivity constraints and requirements of a
particular MSNC realizing the MSCS. Attributes
The MsncProfile information element shall follow the indications provided in table

58 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the MsncProfile information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

bandwidthIn M 1 Number Incoming bandwidth (in Mbps).
bandwidthOut M 1 Number Outgoing bandwidth (in Mbps).
qosMetric M 0..N Not specified Set of QoS related metrics such as cost, delay,
delay variation and latency. Time-based values
shall be expressed in milliseconds.
directionality M 1 Enum Directionality of the data traffic on the enabled
MSNC. Allowed values are:
mtu M 1 Number Maximum transmission unit value determining the
largest PDU size that can be transmitted.
protectionScheme M 0..1 Enum Describes the resiliency requirements of the
particular MSNC. Allowed values are:
• <0:1>
• <1:1>
• <1+1>
• <1:N>
• <M:N>
connectionMode M 1 Enum The type of enabled connection. Allowed values
• P2P (point-to-point)
• MP (multipoint) MscsEndpointInfo information element Description
The MscsEndpointInfo information element encapsulates information about network configuration of the MSCS
endpoint of an MSCS. The MSCS Endpoint relates a connectivity service endpoint with the MSCS. Attributes
The MscsEndpointInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the MscsEndpointInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsEndpointId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS Endpoint.
connectivityService M 1 Identifier (Reference References the connectivity service endpoint
EndpointId to that acts as MSCS endpoint for the MSCS.
directionality M 1 Enum Directionality of the data traffic in the context of
the terminating MSCS endpoint. Allowed values
• INBOUND (into the endpoint)
• OUTBOUND (from the endpoint)
networkAddressing M 1 Not specified Information about the network addressing
configuration applicable in between the MSCS
endpoint and the network edge point.
lag M 0..1 Not specified Link aggregation configuration for the link in
between the MSCS endpoint and the WAN
network edge point.

59 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.2.3 Information elements related to MSCS Reservation Introduction
The information elements in this group encapsulate information related to MSCS reservation. MscsReservationData information element Description
The MscsReservationData information element encapsulates information needed for creating a MSCS reservation. Attributes
The attributes of the MscsReservationData information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the MscsReservationData information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsLayerProtocol M 0..1 Not Protocol aspects for particular layer determining the
specified type of MSNCs to be reserved realizing the MSCS,
e.g. l2vpn, l3vpn with specific protocol technologies
connectivityServiceEndpo M 0..N Identifier Identifiers of the connectivity service endpoints of
intId (Reference the MSCS to be reserved.
mscsProfile M 0..1 MscsProfile The profile determining the connectivity
information, constraints and requirements for the
MSCS to be reserved. ReservedMscs information element Description
This clause describes the attributes for the ReservedMscs information element. A ReservedMscs provides information
about the properties of a reserved MSCS including references to the MSCS endpoints, profile, protocol layer
information, etc. Attributes
The ReservedMscs information element shall follow the indications provided in table

60 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the ReservedMscs information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS reservation.
mscsLayerProtocol M 1 Not Protocol aspects for particular layer determining
specified the type of MSNCs that has been reserved, e.g.
l2vpn, l3vpn with specific protocol technologies
connectivityServiceEndp M 0..N Identifier Identifiers of the service connectivity endpoints of
ointId (Reference the MSCS that has been reserved.
to See clause 8.3.12.
mscsProfile M 0..1 MscsProfile Information specifying additional attributes of the
MSCS that has been reserved.
See clause
reservationStatus M 1 Not Status of the MSCS reservation, e.g. to indicate if
specified a reservation is being used, if a reservation has
been created but not in use yet.
startTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the time to start the consumption of the
MSCS. If the time value is 0, the MSCS is
reserved for immediate use.
endTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the end time of the reservation (when it
is expected that the MSCS will no longer be
needed) and used by the WIM to schedule the
reservation. If not present, the MSCS is reserved
for unlimited usage time.
expiryTime M 0..1 DateTime Indicates the time the WIM can release the
reservation in case no allocation request against
this reservation was made.

8.2.4 MscsChangeNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of changes related to the MSCSs managed by the WIM. The support of the
notification is mandatory. Trigger conditions

This notification is produced when the MSCS is changed due to updating the MSCS, or due to changes in the MSNC
realizing the MSCS, or due to changes in the underlying supporting resources performed due to maintenance and
operation, such as:

• Change of network path, e.g. to avoid network congestion or achieve load balance, etc.

• Change of network QoS, e.g. to adjust bandwidth, etc.

• Operation and management of WAN resources, e.g. to share WAN connectivity resource, etc.

• Update the MSCS, e.g. adding new MSNCs, terminating or updating existing MSNCs, etc. Attributes
The MscsChangeNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

61 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of MscsChangeNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

mscsId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS for which the change
notification is issued.
changedMscsProfile M 0..1 Not specified Details of the changes regarding the profile of
the MSCS. It shall be present when the
notification refers to changes on the profile,
and it shall include the data that has been
affectedComponent M 0..N Not specified Identification and information about
components or sub-objects of the MSCS that
were affected in the change. The applicable
components of the MSCS shall be MSCS
Endpoints and MSNCs The attribute shall
enable providing information about:
• the type of change, such as addition,
removal, modification;
• the identification of the resource
concerning the change with a
reference to the corresponding
sub-components of the MSCS; and
• any additional data about the change
if the change concerns to a
See example in the present clause.
NOTE: It is up to protocol stage design to determine whether additional attributes are needed in the notification
to categorize the types of changes that concern to the MSCS according to the information provided by
the notification and trigger conditions.

EXAMPLE: An example when adding new MSCS Endpoint to an existing MSCS follows:
networkId: "wan-eu-de-zone1-nfvi-pops_1_2",
changedMscsProfile: "",
affectedComponent: [
{"addition", "mscs-endpoint-99", ""},

8.2.5 MscsReservationChangeNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of changes related to the MSCS reservations managed by the WIM. The support
of the notification is mandatory. Trigger conditions

This notification shall be produced when:

• A MSCS reservation has been updated, e.g. the profile, or schedule.

• A MSCS reservation changed due to changes in the underlying supporting resources that are part of this
reservation (e.g. this can include pre-reserved connections, network links, etc.).

• The status of the MSCS reservation changes. Attributes
The MscsReservationChangeNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

62 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of MscsReservationChangeNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reservationId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the MSCS reservation for
which the change notification is issued.
changedMscsProfile M 0..1 Not specified Details of the changes regarding the
profile of the MSCS reservation. It shall
be present when the notification refers to
changes on the profile, and it shall
include the data that has been changed.
affectedComponent M 0..N Not specified Identification and information about
reserved components or sub-objects of
the reserved MSCS that were affected in
the change. It shall be present when the
notification refers to changes in
components. The applicable components
of the MSCS shall be connectivity
service endpoints that had been
associated to the reservation. The
attribute shall enable providing
information about:
• the type of change, such as
addition, removal, modification;
• the identification of the resource
concerning the change with a
reference to the corresponding
sub-components of the
reserved MSCS; and
• any additional data about the
changedTime M 0..N KeyValuePair The time (startTime, endTime or
expiryTime) that has changed and new
reservationStatus M 0..1 Not specified New status of the MSCS reservation,
e.g. to indicate when a reservation has
started to be used.
NOTE: It is up to protocol stage design to determine whether additional attributes are needed in the notification to
categorize the types of changes that concern to the MSCS reservation according to the information provided
by the notification and trigger conditions.

8.3 Information elements and notifications related to capacity

and topology management
8.3.1 Introduction
The clauses below define information elements and notifications related to capacity and topology management.

8.3.2 CapacityInfo information element Description
The CapacityInfo information element encapsulates information about capacity of the network in between the
NFVI-PoPs (sites). Capacity information can be held on a variety of key performance indicators (KPI) such as
bandwidth, logical network identifiers (e.g. VNI), etc. Attributes
The attributes of the CapacityInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

63 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the CapacityInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

objectType M 1 Enum Type of measured object (i.e. resource) in the
network to which the capacity information is
related. Allowed values are:
objectInstanceId M 1 Identifier (Reference to Identifies the measured object (i.e. resource) of
NodeInfo, LinkInfo, the network.
TopologyInfo, or
capacityValue M 1..N CapacityValueEntry Value of the capacity associated to the

8.3.3 CapacityValueEntry information element Description
The CapacityValueEntry information element encapsulates values about a capacity metric. Capacity values include
total, allocated, reserved and available capacity, which can be expressed via sub-counters. Attributes
The attributes of the CapacityValueEntry information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the CapacityValueEntry information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

capacityMetricName M 1 String Name of the capacity metric. This attribute shall contain
the "Measurement Name" value of the related capacity
measurement as defined in clause B.2.
capacityValue M 1 Value Value of the capacity metric. The type of this attribute
shall correspond to the "Measurement Unit" of the related
capacity measurement as defined in clause B.2.

8.3.4 TimePeriodInformation information element Description
The TimePeriodInformation information element specifies a time period for which capacity is queried. Attributes
The attributes of the TimePeriodInformation information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the TimePeriodInformation information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

startTime M 1 DateTime Indication when the capacity query period starts.
endTime M 1 DateTime Indication when the capacity query period ends.

64 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.3.5 NetworkCapacityThreshold information element Description
The NetworkCapacityThreshold information element defines threshold for triggering capacity change notifications. Attributes
The attributes of the NetworkCapacityThreshold information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the NetworkCapacityThreshold information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier Identifier of this CapacityThreshold information
objectInstanceId M 1 Identifier (Reference to Identifier of the measured network resource
NetworkInfo, object instance for which the threshold is
TopologyInfo, defined.
NodeInfo or LinkInfo)
thresholdType M 1 Enum Type of threshold. The list of possible values is
left for the protocol design stage, but it shall
minimally include: single/multi valued threshold,
static/dynamic threshold, template-based
• SIMPLE: single-valued static threshold
• Etc.
thresholdDetails M 1 Not specified Details of the threshold: value to be crossed and
direction in which it is crossed and capacity
information to which it applies (available, total,
reserved, allocated).

8.3.6 NetworkCapacityChangeNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of changes in the capacity of the network in between the NFVI-PoPs managed by
the WIM. The object instances for this information element shall be networks, topologies, nodes and links.

The support of this notification is mandatory. Trigger Conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• Allocation/termination/updating of Connections and Multi-site Connectivity Services affecting the available,

reserved, and/or allocated capacity.

• Addition/removal/upgrading of network nodes and links affecting the available and total capacity.

• Faults and repair of network infrastructure affecting the available and total capacity. Attributes
The attributes of the NetworkCapacityChangeNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

65 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the NetworkCapacityChangeNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier (Reference Threshold which has been crossed.
crossingDirection M 1 Enum An indication of whether the threshold
was crossed in upward or downward
direction. Allowed values are:
• UP
objectInstanceId M 1 Identifier (Reference Object (network resource) instance for
to NetworkInfo, which the threshold has been defined
TopologyInfo, and the threshold has been crossed.
NodeInfo, or LinkInfo)
capacityValueEntry M 1..N CapacityValueEntry Capacity information related to the
capacity change. See note.
NOTE: The NetworkCapacityChangeNotification uses the CapacityValueEntry information element. In the present
notification, only the values of CapacityValueEntry that have been requested as part of the creation of the
capacity threshold shall be returned.

8.3.7 NetworkInfo information element Description
The NetworkInfo information element encapsulates information about a network in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

The relationship in between the information elements specified in the present clause is depicted in figure,
which illustrates the information model of network resources and topology for multi-site connectivity.

66 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Figure Network resources and topology modelling for multi-site connectivity Attributes
The attributes of the NetworkInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the NetworkInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

networkId M 1 Identifier Identifies the network node.
topology M 1..N TopologyInfo Describes a network topology built with the nodes/links of
the network.
node M 1..N NodeInfo Describes a node which is part of the network.
link M 0..N LinkInfo Describes a link which is part of the network.
NOTE: Cardinality can be zero to support the use case that a single node can interconnect the multiple sites. It also
supports the use case of having higher level network abstractions represented by single nodes.

8.3.8 TopologyInfo information element Description
The TopologyInfo information element encapsulates information about a topology of the network in between the
NFVI-PoPs (sites). Attributes
The attributes of the TopologyInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

67 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the TopologyInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

topologyId M 1 Identifier Identifies the topology information element.
layerProtocol M 1 Enum The protocol for particular layer used for
creating the topology. Examples of values
• ODU: Optical Data Unit
• ETH: Ethernet
• OCH: Optical Channel
nodeId M 1..N Identifier (Reference to References to a node which is part of this
NodeInfo) network topology.
linkId M 0..N Identifier (Reference to References to a link which is part of this
LinkInfo) network topology.
See note.
networkEdgePointId M 1..N Identifier (Reference to References to the network edge points of
NetworkEdgePointInfo) the topology.
NOTE: Cardinality can be zero to support the use case that a single physical node can interconnect the multiple sites.
It also supports the use case of having higher level network abstractions represented by single nodes.

8.3.9 NodeInfo information element Description
The NodeInfo information element encapsulates information about a node of the network in between the NFVI-PoPs
(sites). Attributes
The attributes of the NodeInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the NodeInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

nodeId M 1 Identifier Identifies the network node.
layerProtocol M 1..N Enum Supported protocols for particular layers.
transferCapability M 1..N Not specified Information about the data transfer
capabilities of the network node,
e.g. switching, routing capabilities.
networkEdgePointId M 0..N NetworkEdgePointInfo Describes a network edge point of the
network which is mapped to a node point
(an actual port (or interface)) of this
network node.
NOTE: Cardinality can be zero to support the case of the network node participating in the network as a "core or
internal network node" (e.g. a -P- network node).

8.3.10 LinkInfo information element Description
The LinkInfo information element encapsulates information about a point to point link in between two nodes of the
network in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites), or a point to point link at the edge of the network enabling the connectivity
between the connectivity service endpoint of the NFVI-PoP and the WAN.

NOTE: The links in the network are assumed to be bidirectional, and therefore the set of network nodes and links
create an undirected graph.

68 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01) Attributes
The attributes of the LinkInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the LinkInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

linkId M 1 Identifier Identifies the network link.
nodeId M 1..2 Identifier (Reference to Reference to the nodes
NodeInfo) terminating the link.
See note.
isNetworkEdgeLink M 1 Boolean Defines whether this is a link at
the edge of the network, and thus
enabling the connectivity to a
connectivity service endpoint of
the NFVI-PoP. It shall be set to
True if this is a network edge link,
false otherwise.
networkEdgePointId M 0..1 Identifier (Reference to References a network edge point
NetworkEdgePointInfo) corresponding to a node edge
point (port or interface) of one of
the nodes terminating the link.
A reference shall be provided if
"isNetworkEdgeLink" equals true.
connectivityServiceEndpointId M 0..1 Identifier (Reference to References a connectivity service
ConnectivityServiceEn endpoint of the NFVI-PoP which
dpointInfo) is reachable via this link.
NOTE: Cardinality can be one to support the case of the network link participating in the network as a network edge
link, hence being one of the terminating points not identifiable as a node of the network in between the

8.3.11 NetworkEdgePointInfo information element Description
The NetworkEdgePointInfo information element encapsulates information about a network edge point of the network in
between the NFVI-PoPs (sites). The network edge points represent the ingress/egress ports of the network in between
the NFVI-PoPs. Attributes
The attributes of the NetworkEdgePointInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the NetworkEdgePointInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

networkEdgePointId M 1 Identifier Identifies the network edge point.
layerProtocol M 1..N Not specified Provides information about the supported protocols
supported for particular layers.

8.3.12 ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo information element Description
The ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo information element encapsulates information about a connectivity service
endpoint of an NFVI-PoP on which a MSCS can be terminated. The WIM's managed object
ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo relates one to one with the VIM's managed object ConnectivityServiceEndpoint (refer
to clause 8.10.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 005 [i.9]).

69 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

NOTE: The setup of a concrete instance of ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo (e.g. its creation and maintenance)
is not specified in the present document. Attributes
The attributes of the ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the ConnectivityServiceEndpointInfo information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

connectivityServiceEndpointId M 1 Identifier Identifies the connectivity service
layerProtocol M 1..N Not specified Provides information about the
protocols supported on the
connectivity service endpoint.
linkId M 1 Identifier (Reference to References the network link over
LinkInfo) which the connectivity service
endpoint is reachable.

8.3.13 TopologyChangeNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of changes in the network in between the NFVI-PoPs managed by the WIM in
terms of topology, nodes, and/or links. The object instances for this information element shall be networks, topologies,
nodes and links.

The support of this notification is mandatory. Trigger Conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• Adding and removing a network node from a network topology.

• Modifying the characteristics of a network node.

• Adding and removing a network link from a network topology.

• Modifying the characteristics of a network link.

• Making a new topology available, modifying an existing topology (e.g. addition or removing of referred
network nodes and network links), or removing a topology from the network.

• Adding and removing a network edge point from a network topology.

• Modifying the characteristics of a network edge point. Attributes
The attributes of the TopologyChangeNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

70 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the TopologyChangeNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

networkId M 0..1 Identifier (Reference Identifies the network that has changed. It shall be
to NetworkInfo) present when changes occur on an existing network.
See note 1.
changedInfo M 0..N Not specified Information about the characteristics that have
changed (added, removed, updated). The attribute
shall enable providing information about:
• the type of change, such as addition,
removal, modification;
• the identification of the resource concerning
the change with a reference to the
corresponding TopologyInfo, NodeInfo or
LinkInfo; and
• any additional data about the change if the
change concerns to a modification.
See examples in the present clause.
NOTE 1: If the notification concerns to the addition or removal of a network, the information about the change shall be
provided as part of the changedInfo.
NOTE 2: It is up to protocol stage design to determine whether additional attributes are needed in the notification to
categorize the types of changes that concern to the network topology according to the information provided by
the notification and trigger conditions.

EXAMPLE 1: An example when adding new network nodes to an existing network follows:
networkId: "wan-eu-de-zone1",
changedInfo: [
{"addition", "node2-zone1", ""},
{"addition", "node3-zone1", ""},
{"removal", "node1-zone1", ""},
{"modification", "node0-zone1", [{sub-change1}, {sub-change2}]}

EXAMPLE 2: An example when adding a new network follows:

networkId: ""
changedInfo: [
{"addition"; "wan-eu-de-zone2"; ""}

8.4 Information elements and notifications related to Fault

8.4.1 Introduction
The clauses below define information elements and notifications related to fault management.

8.4.2 Alarm information element Description
The Alarm information element encapsulates information about an alarm. Attributes
The attributes of the Alarm information element shall follow the indications provided in table

71 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the Alarm information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

alarmId M 1 Identifier Identifier of this Alarm information
managedObjectId M 1 Identifier Identifier of the affected managed object.
The Managed Objects shall be MSCSs.
rootCauseFaultyObje M 0..1 Identifier References the root cause faulty element
ct or sub-object associated to the MSCS,
when the fault is directly linked to such
element. The managed sub-object shall
be MSNCs.
alarmRaisedTime M 1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the alarm was
raised by the MSCS.
alarmChangedTime M 0..1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the alarm was
last changed.
alarmClearedTime M 0..1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the alarm was
ackState M 1 Enum State of the alarm, permitted values are:
perceivedSeverity M 1 Enum Perceived severity of the managed object
failure, legal values are:
eventTime M 1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the fault was
eventType M 1 Enum Type of the event. The allowed values for
the eventType attribute use the event type
defined in Recommendation ITU-T
X.733 [3]:
faultType M 0..1 String Additional information related to the type
of the fault.
probableCause M 1 String Information about the probable cause of
the fault.
isRootCause M 1 Boolean Parameter indicating if this fault is the root
for other correlated alarms. If TRUE, then
the alarms listed in the parameter
correlatedAlarmId are caused by this fault.
correlatedAlarmId M 0..N Identifier List of identifiers of other alarms
(Reference to correlated to this fault.
faultDetails M 0..N Not specified Provides additional information about the
fault. When a fault in the MSCS is
produced due to a faulty network
resource, this attribute shall provide
information identifying such a network
resource (e.g. network node, link) and
additional information to typify the fault.

72 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.4.3 AlarmNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of alarms related to the MSCSs managed by the WIM.

The notification is mandatory. Trigger conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• An alarm has been created.

• An alarm has been updated, e.g. if the severity of the alarm has changed. Attributes
The attributes of the AlarmNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the AlarmNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

alarm M 1 Alarm Information about an alarm including AlarmId, affected MSCS ID, and

8.4.4 AlarmClearedNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver of the clearing of an alarm related to the MSCSs managed by the WIM. The
alarm's perceived severity shall be set to "cleared" since the corresponding fault has been solved.

The notification is mandatory. Trigger conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• An alarm has been cleared. Attributes
The attributes of the AlarmClearedNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the AlarmClearedNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

alarmId M 1 Identifier (Reference to Alarm identifier.
alarmClearedTime M 1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the alarm was

73 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.4.5 AlarmListRebuiltNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver that the active alarm list has been rebuilt by the WIM. Upon receipt of this
notification, the receiver needs to use the "Get Alarm List" operation to synchronize its view on current active alarms
with that of the WIM.

The notification is mandatory. Trigger conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• Active alarm list has been rebuilt by the WIM, e.g. if the WIM detects its storage holding the alarm list is
corrupted. Attributes
The AlarmListRebuiltNotification does not contain any attributes.

8.5 Information elements and notifications related to

Performance Management
8.5.1 Introduction
The clauses below define information elements and notifications related to performance management.

8.5.2 ObjectSelection information element Description
This information element allows specifying the MSCS or MSNC instances on which performance information will be
provided. The ObjectSelection is a pattern to select object instances. The pattern is used in multiple interfaces. In the
present interface, the ObjectSelection pattern is used to select MSCS or MSNC instances.

The pattern proposes 2 exclusive options:

1) Provide a list of object types and a filter to specify object properties.

2) Provide a list of object instances. Attributes
The attributes of the ObjectSelection information element shall follow the indications provided in table

74 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the ObjectSelection information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

objectType M 0..N String Defines the type of measured object: MSCS or MSNC.
One of the two (objectType+ objectFilter or objectInstanceId)
shall be present.
objectFilter M 0..1 Filter The filter applies on the object types to specify on which
object instances the performance information is requested to
be collected.
One of the two (objectType+ objectFilter or objectInstanceId)
shall be present.
objectInstanceId M 0..N Identifier Identifies the object instances for which performance
information is requested to be collected.
The object instances for this information element shall be
MSCS or MSNC instances.
One of the two (objectType+ objectFilter or objectInstanceId)
shall be present.

8.5.3 PmJob information element Description
This information element provides the details of the PM Job. The object instances for this information element shall be
MSCS or MSNC instances. Attributes
The attributes of the PmJob information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the PmJob information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

pmJobId M 1 Identifier Identifier of this PmJob information
objectSelector M 1 ObjectSelection Defines the object instances for which
performance information is requested
to be collected.
The object instances for this
information element shall be MSCS or
MSNC instances.
performanceMetric M 0..N String This defines the type of performance
metric(s) for the object instances.
Valid values are specified as
"Measurement Name" values in the
performance measurements of
clause B.1.
At least one of the two (performance
metric or metricGroup) shall be
performanceMetricGroup M 0..N String Group of performance metrics.
A metric group is a pre-defined list of
metrics, known to the producer that it
can decompose to individual metrics.
Valid values are specified as
"Measurement Group" values in the
performance measurements of
clause B.1.
At least one of the two (performance
metric or metricGroup) shall be
collectionPeriod M 1 Not specified Specifies the periodicity at which the
producer will collect performance
information. See note.

75 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

reportingPeriod M 1 Not specified Specifies the periodicity at which the
producer will report to the consumer
about performance information. See
reportingBoundary O 0..1 Not specified Identifies a boundary after which the
reporting will stop.
The boundary shall allow a single
reporting as well as periodic reporting
up to the boundary.
NOTE: At the end of each reportingPeriod, the producer shall inform the consumer about availability of the
performance data collected for each completed collection period during this reportingPeriod. While the
exact definition of the types for collectionPeriod and reporting period is left for further specification, it is
recommended that the reportingPeriod be equal or a multiple of the collectionPeriod. In the latter case,
the performance data for the collection periods within one reporting period would be reported together.

8.5.4 Threshold information element Description
This information element provides the details of a threshold. The object instances for this information element shall be
MSCS or MSNC instances. Attributes
The attributes of the Threshold information element shall follow the indications provided in table

Table Attributes of the Threshold information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier Identifier of this Threshold information element.
objectSelector M 1 ObjectSelection Defines the object instances associated with the
The object instances for this information element
shall be MSCS or MSNC instances.
performanceMetric M 1 String Defines the performance metric associated with the
threshold. Valid values are specified as
"Measurement Name" value in the performance
measurements of clause B.1.
thresholdType M 1 Enum Type of threshold. The list of possible values is left
for the protocol design stage and might include:
single/multi valued threshold, static/dynamic
threshold, template-based threshold, etc.
• SIMPLE: single-valued static threshold
• Etc.
thresholdDetails M 1 Not specified Details of the threshold: value to be crossed, details
on the notification to be generated.

8.5.5 PerformanceReport information element Description
This information element defines the format of a performance report provided by the producer to the consumer on a
specified object instance or a set of them. The object instances for this information element shall be MSCS or MSNC
instances. Attributes
The attributes of the PerformanceReport information element shall follow the indications provided in table

76 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the PerformanceReport information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

performanceReport M 1..N PerformanceReportEntry List of performance information entries.

8.5.6 PerformanceReportEntry information element Description
This information element defines a single performance report entry. The object instances for this information element
shall be MSCS or MSNC instances. Attributes
The attributes of the PerformanceReportEntry information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the PerformanceReportEntry information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

objectType M 1 String Defines the object type.
The object types for this information element
shall be the MSCS or MSNC.
objectInstanceId M 1 Identifier The object instance for which the performance
metric is reported.
The object instances for this information element
shall be MSCS or MSNC instances.
performanceMetric M 1 String Name of the metric collected. This attribute shall
contain the "Measurement Name" value of the
related performance measurement as defined in
clause B.1.
performanceValue M 1..N PerformanceValue List of performance values with associated
Entry timestamp and measurement context.

8.5.7 PerformanceValueEntry information element Description
This information element defines a single performance value with its associated time stamp and measurement context
(see clause B.1). Attributes
The attributes of the PerformanceValueEntry information element shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the PerformanceValueEntry information element

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

timeStamp M 1 DateTime Timestamp indicating when the data was collected.
performanceValue M 1 Value Value of the metric collected. The type of this
attribute shall correspond to the "Measurement
Unit" of the related performance measurement as
defined in clause B.1.
measurementContext M 0..1 Not specified Measurement context of the metric collected. This
attribute shall contain the "Measurement Context"
value of the related performance measurement as
defined in clause B.1.

77 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

8.5.8 PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver that performance information is available. Delivery mechanism for the
performance reports is not specified in the present document. The object instances for this information element shall be
MSCS or MSNC instances. Trigger Conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• New performance information is available. Attributes
The attributes of the PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification shall follow the indications provided in

Table Attributes of the PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

objectInstanceId M 1..N Identifier Object instances for which performance
information is available.
The object instances for this information
element shall be MSCS or MSNC

8.5.9 ThresholdCrossedNotification Description
This notification informs the receiver that a threshold value has been crossed. The object instances for this information
element shall be MSCS or MSNC instances. Trigger Conditions

The notification shall be produced when:

• A Threshold has been crossed. Depending on threshold type, there might be a single or multiple crossing
values. Attributes
The attributes of the ThresholdCrossedNotification shall follow the indications provided in table

78 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Table Attributes of the ThresholdCrossedNotification

Attribute Qualifier Cardinality Content Description

thresholdId M 1 Identifier Threshold which has been crossed.
(Reference to
crossingDirection M 1 Enum An indication of whether the threshold
was crossed in upward or downward
• UP
objectInstanceId M 1 Identifier Object instance for which the threshold
has been crossed.
The object instances for this information
element shall be MSCS or MSNC
performanceMetric M 1 String Performance metric associated with the
threshold. This attribute shall contain the
"Measurement Name" value of the
related performance measurements as
defined in clause B.1.
performanceValue M 1 Value Value of the metric that resulted in
threshold crossing. The type of this
attribute shall correspond to the
"Measurement Unit" of the related
performance measurement as defined in
clause B.1.
measurementContext M 0..1 Not specified Measurement context of the metric
collected. The specific measurement
context for each kind of performance
metrics is defined in annex B.

79 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Annex A (informative):
Terminology mapping

A.1 Introduction
The present annex provides a translation of the concepts of the present document to an industry understandable
terminology used in multi-site connectivity as defined in external organizations.

A.2 ACTN terminology

A.2.1 Introduction
The present clause provides a translation of the concepts of the present document to terminology used in IETF (Internet
Engineering Task Force). IETF RFC 8453 [i.4] outlines the Framework for ACTN; the IETF RFC 8454 [i.5] outlines
the information model for ACTN. When IETF ACTN (Abstraction and Control of TE Networks) is used, the following
terminology is applicable.

A.2.2 Mapping between IFA 032 and ACTN terminology

A.2.2.1 Mapping of concepts
Table A.2.2.1-1 illustrates the mapping between the present document specification and IETF ACTN for easy
understanding across the concepts.

Table A.2.2.1-1: Terminology mapping between the present document specification and IETF ACTN


(the present document)
Network edge link Access link
(LinkInfo with isNetworkEdgeLink=true)
NFVI-PoP network gateway (see note 1) Customer Node
Network link Link
Network node Node
Network node (where NodeInfo has one or more Operator Node
Network Edge Point Operator Node port
Network Topology TE Topology
MSNC TE Tunnel
Connectivity Service Endpoint (see note 2) Access Point or VN Endpoint
(from IETF RFC 8454 [i.5])
MSCS Virtual Network (VN)
MSCS Endpoint VN Access Point (VNAP)
NOTE 1: Not specified explicitly in the present document, but it maps to the NFVI-PoP network gateway or
CE router (see clause 4.3).
NOTE 2: The ACTN's Access Point is a logical identifier that identifies an access link in between the customer
and operator nodes and it is used for the setup of the VN. Similarly, the Connectivity Service Endpoint
fulfils the same role, but in addition, the Connectivity Service Endpoint also identifies the endpoint
from the customer node's perspective.

80 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

A.2.2.2 Description of IETF ACTN concepts

Access Link:

A link between a customer node and an operator node.

Access Point (AP):

An AP is a logical identifier shared between the customer and the operator used to identify an access link. The AP is
used by the customer when requesting a Virtual Network Service (VNS). Note that the term "TE Link Termination
Point" describes the endpoints of links, while an AP is a common identifier for the link itself.

The usage of the AP provides also a degree of confidentiality between the customer and the operator, which do not
share information about the CE and PE nodes but just identifiers of the points where it is possible to access the network.

The customer and the provider will have different views of how their resources can be connected to the APs. It is also
possible to define parameters against the AP such as reservable bandwidth and physical bandwidth.

Customer Node:

Node on the Customer network (e.g. nodes serving fixed residential users, mobile users, and small enterprises).


A domain is "any collection of network elements within a common sphere of address management or path computation
responsibility". Domain is part of an operator's network that is under common management (i.e. under shared
operational management using the same instances of a tool and the same policies). Network elements are often grouped
into domains based on technology types, vendor profiles, and geographic proximity.

Inter-domain link:

A link between domains under distinct management administration.


A link is an edge on the graph representation of a TE topology. Two nodes connected by a link are said to be "adjacent"
in the TE topology. In a physical network topology, a link corresponds to a physical connection. In an abstract network
topology, a link (sometimes called an "abstract link") is a representation of the potential to connect a pair of points with
certain TE parameters. Network abstraction may be applied recursively, so a link in one topology may be created by
applying abstraction to the links in the underlying topology.


A node is a vertex on the graph representation of a TE topology. In a physical network topology, a node corresponds to
a physical Network Element (NE) such as a router. In an abstract network topology, a node (sometimes called an
"abstract node") is a representation as a single vertex of one or more physical NEs and their connecting physical
connections. The concept of a node represents the ability to connect from any access to the node (a link end) to any
other access to that node, although "limited cross-connect capabilities" may also be defined to restrict this functionality.
Network abstraction may be applied recursively, so a node in one topology may be created by applying abstraction to
the nodes in the underlying topology.

Operator Node:

Node in Operator network (e.g. transport network nodes and edge points connecting Customer nodes).


Traffic Engineering (TE) encompasses application of technology and scientific principles to achieve performance
objectives of operational networks.

81 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Virtual Network (VN):

A VN is a network provided by a service provider to a customer for the customer to use in any way it wants as though it
was a physical network. Virtual Networks are built from abstractions of the underlying TE networks. There are two
views of a VN as follows:

The VN can be abstracted as a set of edge-to-edge links (a Type 1 VN). Each link is referred as a "VN member" and is
formed as an end-to-end tunnel across the underlying networks. Such tunnels may be constructed by recursive slicing or
abstraction of paths in the underlying networks and can encompass edge points of the customer's network, access links,
intra-domain paths, and inter-domain links.

The VN can also be abstracted as a topology of virtual nodes and virtual links (a Type 2 VN). The operator needs to
map the VN to actual resource assignment, which is known as "virtual network embedding". The nodes in this case
include physical endpoints, border nodes, and internal nodes as well as abstracted nodes. Similarly, the links include
physical access links, inter-domain links, and intra-domain links as well as abstract links.

Type 1 VN is a special case of a Type 2 VN.

The key advantage of VN concept is, the operator does not have to deal with issues related to the management and
control of multiple domains.

An underlay connectivity between two remote nodes (i.e. belonging to different Autonomous Systems (AS)) is
composed by a number of intra-domain tunnels, plus inter domain links, plus configuration mechanisms to handover the
traffic form one AS to another AS (e.g. Inter AS option A, B or C). This complexity is hidden by the VN, which
represent the result of the stitching of all these items into an end to end connection.

A VN can be P2P (point-to-point) or MP2MP (multipoint-to-multipoint) and each branch of the VN is called
VN member.

VN Access Point (VNAP):

A Virtual Network Access Point (VNAP) is the binding between an AP and a VN. It is used to allow different VNs to
start from the same AP. It also allows for traffic engineering on the access and/or inter-domain links (e.g. keeping track
of bandwidth allocation). A different VNAP is created on an AP for each VN.


A Virtual Network Service (VNS) is the service agreement between a customer and operator to provide a VN.

82 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Annex B (normative):
Performance and capacity metrics and measurements

B.1 Metrics and performance measurements

B.1.1 Introduction
The performance monitoring of MSCS and MSNC is supported by the Performance Management interface. The
interface supports the handling of PM jobs, performance Thresholds, and the issue of notifications about the availability
of the performance information. There are two types of information relevant to the performance management:

• the type of measured objects; and

• the performance measurement on a specific measured object type.

Clause B.1.2 defines the measured object types for the performance measurements specified in the present document.
Clause B.1.3 specifies the performance measurements.

The WIM shall generate the measurement value(s) according to the "Collection Method" and "Trigger" defined in each
respective performance measurement.

B.1.2 Measured object type definitions

B.1.2.1 Mscs object type
The measured object type "Mscs" shall be used to collect and report the performance measurements for one MSCS.

The objectType, when used in PM job or performance report, shall be equal to "Mscs".

The objectInstanceId, when used in PM job or performance report, shall be equal to the mscsId of the
measured MSCS instance (see clause

B.1.2.2 Msnc object type

The measured object type "Msnc" shall be used to collect and report the performance measurements for one MSNC.

The objectType, when used in PM job or performance report, shall be equal to "Msnc".

The objectInstanceId, when used in PM job or performance report, shall be equal to the msncId of the
measured MSNC instance (see clause

B.1.3 Performance measurements

B.1.3.1 MSCS measurements

B. Number of incoming packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of packets received/incoming at the MSCS (i.e.
incoming into the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSCS endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

83 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming packets for each one of the MSCS endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of incoming
packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetPacketIncoming.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of outgoing packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of packets transmitted/outgoing at the MSCS (i.e.
outgoing from the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSCS endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing packets for each one of the MSCS endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of outgoing
packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetPacketOutgoing.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of incoming bytes

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of bytes received/incoming at the MSCS (i.e. incoming
into the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per MSCS

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming bytes for each one of the MSCS endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of incoming
bytes measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetBytesIncoming.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

84 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. Number of outgoing bytes

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of bytes transmitted/outgoing at the MSCS (i.e. outgoing
from the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per MSCS

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing bytes for each one of the MSCS endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of outgoing
bytes measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetBytesOutgoing.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Maximum one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the maximum one-way delay among all pairs of MSCS endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the maximum value of the one-way delay measured among all the pairs of MSCS

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMax.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSCS endpoints in between the maximum one-way delay has
been observed. Format: Source:SourceMscsEndpointId.Dest:DestMscsEndpointId, where
MscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSCS endpoint, and
DestMscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSCS endpoint
(see clause

B. Minimum one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the minimum one-way delay among all pairs of MSCS endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the minimum value of the one-way delay measured among all the pairs of MSCS

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

85 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMin.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSCS endpoints in between the minimum one-way delay has
been observed. Format: Source:SourceMscsEndpointId.Dest:DestMscsEndpointId, where
MscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSCS endpoint, and
DestMscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSCS endpoint
(see clause

B. Mean one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the mean one-way delay among all pairs of MSCS endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM takes the arithmetic mean of all the collected one-way delay measurements among all the
pairs of MSCS endpoints in the collection period.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMean.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Maximum one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the maximum one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSCS

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the maximum value of the one-way delay variation measured among all the pairs of
MSCS endpoints.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMax.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSCS endpoints in between the maximum one-way delay
variation has been observed. Format: Source:SourceMscsEndpointId.Dest:DestMscsEndpointId, where
MscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSCS endpoint, and
DestMscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSCS endpoint
(see clause

86 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. Minimum one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the minimum one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSCS

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the minimum value of the one-way delay variation measured among all the pairs of
MSCS endpoints.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMin.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSCS endpoints in between the minimum one-way delay
variation has been observed. Format: Source:SourceMscsEndpointId.Dest:DestMscsEndpointId, where
MscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSCS endpoint, and
DestMscsEndpointId is equal to mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSCS endpoint
(see clause

B. Mean one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the mean one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSCS

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM takes the arithmetic mean of all the measured one-way delay variation measurements
among all the pairs of MSCS endpoints in the collection period.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MscsDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMean.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Packet loss rate

a) Description: This measurement provides the percentage of packets lost among all expected packets to be
forwarded in the MSCS.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM computes the percentage as ((num_packets_lost / num_total_packets)×100), where the
num_total_packets represents the number of packets that should have been forwarded by the MSCS.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: %).

e) Measurement Group: MscsPacket.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

87 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

g) Measurement Name: PacketLossRate.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Packet collision rate

a) Description: This measurement provides the rate of packet collisions among all expected packets to be
forwarded in the MSCS.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM computes the percentage as ((num_collision_packets / num_total_packets)×100), where

the num_total_packets represents the number of packets that should have been forwarded by the MSCS.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: %).

e) Measurement Group: MscsPacket.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: PacketCollisionRate.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of incoming broadcast packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of broadcast packets received/incoming at the MSCS
(i.e. incoming into the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSCS endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming broadcast packets for each one of the MSCS endpoints.
The WIM generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of
incoming broadcast packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetBroadcastPacketIncoming.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of outgoing broadcast packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of broadcast packets transmitted/outgoing at the MSCS
(i.e. outgoing from the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSCS endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing broadcast packets for each one of the MSCS endpoints.
The WIM generates the measurement for the subject Mscs by assigning the value of the collected number of
outgoing broadcast packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSCS endpoint.

88 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MscsEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Mscs.

g) Measurement Name: NetBroadcastPacketOutgoing.MscsEndpointId, where MscsEndpointId is equal to

mscsEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSCS endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B.1.3.2 MSNC measurements

B. Number of incoming packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of packets received/incoming at the MSNC (i.e.
incoming into the WAN, from the network's perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSNC endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming packets for each one of the MSNC endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of incoming
packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: NetPacketIncoming.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of outgoing packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of packets transmitted/outgoing at the MSNC (i.e.
outgoing from the WAN, from the network's perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSNC endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing packets for each one of the MSNC endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of outgoing
packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: NetPacketOutgoing.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

89 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. Number of incoming bytes

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of bytes received/incoming at the MSNC (i.e. incoming
into the WAN, from the network's perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per MSNC

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming bytes for each one of the MSNC endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of incoming
bytes measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: NetBytesIncoming.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of outgoing bytes

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of bytes transmitted/outgoing at the MSNC
(i.e. outgoing from the WAN, from the network perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSNC endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing bytes for each one of the MSNC endpoints. The WIM
generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of outgoing
bytes measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: NetBytesOutgoing.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Maximum one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the maximum one-way delay among all pairs of MSNC endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the maximum value of the one-way delay measured among all the pairs of MSNC

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMax.

90 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSNC endpoints in between the maximum one-way delay has
been observed. Format: Source:SourceMsncEndpointId.Dest:DestMsncEndpointId, where
MsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSNC endpoint, and
DestMsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSNC endpoint
(see clause

B. Minimum one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the minimum one-way delay among all pairs of MSNC endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the minimum value of the one-way delay measured among all the pairs of MSNC

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMin.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSNC endpoints in between the minimum one-way delay has
been observed. Format: Source:SourceMsncEndpointId.Dest:DestMsncEndpointId, where
MsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSNC endpoint, and
DestMsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSNC endpoint
(see clause

B. Mean one-way delay

a) Description: This measurement provides the mean one-way delay among all pairs of MSNC endpoints.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM takes the arithmetic mean of all the collected one-way delay measurements among all the
pairs of MSNC endpoints in the collection period.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayMean.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Maximum one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the maximum one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSNC

b) Collection Method: SC.

91 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the maximum value of the one-way delay variation measured among all the pairs of
MSNC endpoints.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMax.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSNC endpoints in between the maximum one-way delay
variation has been observed. Format: Source:SourceMsncEndpointId.Dest:DestMsncEndpointId, where
MsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSNC endpoint, and
DestMsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSNC endpoint
(see clause

B. Minimum one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the minimum one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSNC

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM selects the minimum value of the one-way delay variation measured among all the pairs of
MSNC endpoints.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMin.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

- EndpointPair: the information about the MSNC endpoints in between the minimum one-way delay
variation has been observed. Format: Source:SourceMsncEndpointId.Dest:DestMsncEndpointId, where
MsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the source MSNC endpoint, and
DestMsncEndpointId is equal to msncEndpointId, the identifier of the destination MSNC endpoint
(see clause

B. Mean one-way delay variation

a) Description: This measurement provides the mean one-way delay variation among all pairs of MSNC

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM takes the arithmetic mean of all the measured one-way delay variation measurements
among all the pairs of MSNC endpoints in the collection period.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: ms).

e) Measurement Group: MsncDelay.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: OneWayDelayVarMean.

92 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Packet loss rate

a) Description: This measurement provides the percentage of packets lost among all expected packets to be
forwarded in the MSNC.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM computes the percentage as ((num_packets_lost / num_total_packets)×100), where the
num_total_packets represents the number of packets that should have been forwarded by the MSNC.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: %).

e) Measurement Group: MsncPacket.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: PacketLossRate.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Packet collision rate

a) Description: This measurement provides the rate of packet collisions among all expected packets to be
forwarded in the MSNC.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM computes the percentage as ((num_collision_packets / num_total_packets)×100), where

the num_total_packets represents the number of packets that should have been forwarded by the MSNC.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is a real value (unit: %).

e) Measurement Group: MsncPacket.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: PacketCollisionRate.

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of incoming broadcast packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of broadcast packets received/incoming at the MSNC
(i.e. incoming into the WAN, from the network's perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSNC endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of incoming broadcast packets for each one of the MSNC endpoints.
The WIM generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of
incoming broadcast packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

93 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

g) Measurement Name: NetBroadcastPacketIncoming.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B. Number of outgoing broadcast packets

a) Description: This measurement provides the number of broadcast packets transmitted/outgoing at the MSNC
(i.e. outgoing from the WAN, from the network's perspective). This measurement is split into sub-counters per
MSNC endpoint.

b) Collection Method: SC.

c) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of outgoing broadcast packets for each one of the MSNC endpoints.
The WIM generates the measurement for the subject Msnc by assigning the value of the collected number of
outgoing broadcast packets measurement(s) to the sub-counters per MSNC endpoint.

d) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer value.

e) Measurement Group: MsncEndpoints.

f) Measured Object Type: Msnc.

g) Measurement Name: NetBroadcastPacketOutgoing.MsncEndpointId, where MsncEndpointId is equal to

msncEndpointId, the identifier of the measured MSNC endpoint (see clause

h) Measurement Context:

- MeasurementInterval: the duration of the observation by the measurement system to assess the metric.

B.2 Metrics and capacity measurements

B.2.1 Introduction
The capacity monitoring of multi-site network connectivity is supported by the Capacity Management interface. The
interface supports querying capacity data, as well as handling capacity Thresholds, and the issue of notifications about
capacity changes. There are two types of information relevant to the capacity management:

• the type of measured objects, according to the capacity and topology information objects; and

• the capacity values on a specific measured object type.

Clause B.2.2 defines the measured object types for the capacity measurements specified in the present document.
Clause B.2.3 specifies the capacity measurements.

The WIM shall generate the measurement value(s) according to the "Trigger" defined in each respective capacity

B.2.2 Measured object type definitions

B.2.2.1 Network object type
The measured object type "Network" shall be used to collect and report the capacity information of a network in
between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

The objectType, when used in querying capacity information, shall be equal to "NETWORK".

94 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

The objectInstanceId, when used in querying capacity information or notifying about capacity changes, shall be
equal to the networkId of the measured network (see clause 8.3.7).

B.2.2.2 Topology object type

The measured object type "Topology" shall be used to collect and report the capacity information of a topology instance
of the network in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

The objectType, when used in querying capacity information, shall be equal to "TOPOLOGY".

The objectInstanceId, when used in querying capacity information or notifying about capacity changes, shall be
equal to the topologyId of the measured topology (see clause 8.3.8).

B.2.2.3 Node object type

The measured object type "Node" shall be used to collect and report the capacity information of a network node of the
network in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

The objectType, when used in querying capacity information, shall be equal to "NODE".

The objectInstanceId, when used in querying capacity information or notifying about capacity changes, shall be
equal to the nodeId of the measured network node (see clause 8.3.9).

B.2.2.4 Link object type

The measured object type "Link" shall be used to collect and report the capacity information of a network link of the
network in between the NFVI-PoPs (sites).

The objectType, when used in querying capacity information, shall be equal to "LINK".

The objectInstanceId, when used in querying capacity information or notifying about capacity changes, shall be
equal to the linkId of the measured network link (see clause 8.3.10).

B.2.3 Capacity measurements

B.2.3.1 Network measurements

B. Bandwidth
a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to bandwidth over the total set of links in the
network. This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: For the allocated, reserved and available capacity values, the WIM computes the average bandwidth
considering the total n set of links i in the network as the "sum of bandwidth per link divided by the number of
links in the network ((∑௜ ௜ )/)", wherein bwi is the corresponding percentage of bandwidth on link i,
whether allocated, available or reserved over the total link throughput. For the total capacity value, the WIM
computes the average total bandwidth capacity considering the total n set of links I in the network as the "sum
of bandwidth throughput per link divided by the number of links in the network".

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement of allocated, reserved and available capacity is a real value (unit: %).
The sub-counter value of total capacity is an integer (unit: Mbps).

d) Measured Object Type: NETWORK.

e) Measurement Name: NetBw.[total | allocated | reserved | available ], where total, allocated, reserved and
available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

95 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. Number of logical networks

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of logical networks, such as
virtual network identifiers (VNI). This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the available number of logical networks in the network. The total capacity value
equals to the maximum number of supported logical network.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: NETWORK.

e) Measurement Name: NetNumLogical.[total | allocated | reserved | available ], where total, allocated,

reserved and available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B.2.3.2 Topology measurements

B. Number of circuits (tunnels)

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of circuits supported by the
particular layer protocol to which the topology is associated. This measurement is split into sub-counters per
capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of circuits in the topology. The total capacity value equals to the
maximum number of supported circuits.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: TOPOLOGY.

e) Measurement Name: TopoNumCircuits.[total | allocated | reserved | available ], where total, allocated,

reserved and available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Number of routing areas

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of routing areas supported by
the particular layer protocol to which the topology is associated. This measurement is split into sub-counters
per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts number of routing areas in the topology. The total capacity value equals to the
maximum number of supported routing areas.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: TOPOLOGY.

e) Measurement Name: TopoNumRoutingAreas.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Number of routing peers

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of routing peers supported by
the particular layer protocol to which the topology is associated. This measurement is split into sub-counters
per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of routing peers in the topology. The total capacity value equals to the
maximum number of supported routing peers.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: TOPOLOGY.

e) Measurement Name: TopoNumRoutingPeers.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

96 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

B. Number of edge nodes per routing area

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of edge nodes per routing area,
as supported by the particular layer protocol to which the topology is associated. This measurement is split into
sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of edge nodes per routing area in the topology. The total capacity value
equals to the maximum number of supported edge nodes.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: TOPOLOGY.

e) Measurement Name: TopoNumEdgeNodesRoutingArea.[total | allocated | available ], where total,

allocated, and available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B.2.3.3 Node measurements

B. Number of logical forwarding entries

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of logical network entries,
such as virtual routing/forwarding tables, split per supported layer protocol and transfer capabilities of the
network node. This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of logical forwarding entries in the network node. The total capacity
value equals to the maximum number of supported logical forwarding entries.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

e) Measurement Name: NodeNumLogicalForwardingEntries.[total | allocated | available ], where total,

allocated, and available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Number of routing peers of a node

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of routing peers associated to
the measured network node, split per supported layer protocol by the network node. This measurement is split
into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the total number of routing peers associated to the network node. The total capacity
value equals to the maximum number of supported routing peers of a node.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

e) Measurement Name: NodeNumRoutingPeers.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Number of bidirectional forwarding detection sessions

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of bidirectional forwarding
detection sessions of the network node. This measurement is applicable for network edge node (i.e. PE-type
network node). This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of bidirectional forwarding detection sessions of the network node. The
total capacity value equals to the maximum number of supported bidirectional forwarding detection sessions.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

97 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

e) Measurement Name: NodeNumBfdSessions.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Number of link aggregation group members

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the number of link aggregation group
members of the network node. This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the number of link aggregation group members of the network node. The total
capacity value equals to the maximum number of supported link aggregation group members.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement is an integer.

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

e) Measurement Name: NodeNumLagMembers.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. Forwarding load

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the forwarding load of the network node,
split per supported layer protocol and transfer capabilities of the network node. This measurement is split into
sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM computes the forwarding load of the network node. The total capacity value equals to the
maximum supported forwarding load.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement of allocated and available capacity is a real value (unit: %). The
measurement of total capacity is an integer (unit: frames/packets per second).

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

e) Measurement Name: NodeForwardingLoad.[total | allocated | available ], where total, allocated, and

available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

B. CPU load

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the CPU load of the network node. This
measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the total (maximum supported) and allocated (in use) CPU load of the network
node. The total capacity value equals to the maximum supported CPU capacity.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement of allocated is a real value (unit: %). The measurement of total
capacity is an integer (unit: MHz).

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

e) Measurement Name: NodeCpuLoad.[total | allocated], where total, and allocated are sub-counters of the
respective capacity.

B. Memory load

a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to the memory load of the network node.
This measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the total (maximum supported) and allocated (in use) memory load of the network
node. The total capacity value equals to the maximum supported memory capacity.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement of allocated is a real value (unit: %). The measurement of total
capacity is an integer (unit: Mbyte).

d) Measured Object Type: NODE.

98 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

e) Measurement Name: NodeMemLoad.[total | allocated ], where total and allocated are sub-counters of the
respective capacity.

B.2.3.4 Link measurements

B. Bandwidth
a) Description: This measurement provides capacity values related to bandwidth on a network link. This
measurement is split into sub-counters per capacity value type.

b) Trigger: The WIM counts the total (maximum supported), allocated, and available throughput load of the
network link. For the total capacity value, the WIM retrieves the nominal link throughput.

c) Measurement Unit: Each measurement of allocated, reserved and available capacity is a real value (unit: %).
The measurement of total capacity is an integer (unit: Mbps).

d) Measured Object Type: LINK.

e) Measurement Name: LinkBw.[total | allocated | reserved | available ], where total, allocated, reserved and
available are sub-counters of the respective capacity.

99 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Annex C (normative):
Security and Regulatory Concerns

C.1 Risk analysis and assessment

Table C.1-1 is the output of the Threat, Risk, Vulnerability Analysis according to ETSI GS NFV-SEC 006 [i.6].

Table C.1-1: Threat, Risk, Vulnerability Analysis

A Security Environment
a.1 Assumptions
a.1.1 A set of management networks providing connectivity for management
purposes among the existing NFV-MANO functional entities (NFVO,
VNFM and VIM) and the WIM, whose produced interfaces are specified in
the present document.
a.1.2 Internal attackers have access to the management network. See a.1.1 in Table 1 of ETSI
GS NFV-SEC 014 [i.7].
a.1.3 Internal attackers are attached to the management network. See a.1.7 in Table 1 of ETSI
GS NFV-SEC 014 [i.7].
a.1.4 Internal attackers have access to the NFV-MANO functional entities. Specialized from a.1.3, and
a.1.5 in Table 1 of ETSI
GS NFV-SEC 014 [i.7].
a.2 Assets
a.2.1 Existing NFV-MANO functional entities: these are the NFVO, VNFM and See clause 4.1 of ETSI
VIM. These assets offer interfaces for consuming NFV-MANO services as GS NFV-IFA 031 [i.8].
well as are responsible for storing relevant NFV-MANO information and
artefacts (e.g. VNF Packages, NSD, VNFD, images, etc.). The NFVO can
act as a consumer of the interfaces produced by the WIM.
a.2.2 WIM: it is responsible for assisting in the management of connectivity over
the WAN infrastructure.
a.2.3 NFVI-PoP: N-PoP where a Network Function is or could be deployed as
Virtual Network Function (VNF).
a.2.4 Interfaces produced by the WIM for the management of WAN resources See clause 5.2.
and connectivity across multiple NFVI-PoPs.
a.2.5 Fault alarm: fault information reported to a consumer including information See clause 8.4.2.
to identify the object on which the fault occurred, the type of fault that was
identified, the cause of the fault, the timestamp information about when
the event causing the fault was observed, as well as timing information
about the alarm that is raised.
a.2.6 Performance and capacity metrics: performance and capacity information See annex B.
that need to be reported/acquired.
a.2.7 The credentials of authorized administrators with legitimate access to the Specialized from a.2.2 in
NFV-MANO functional entities and the WIM. Table 1 of ETSI
GS NFV-SEC 014 [i.7].
a.2.8 WAN resources, such as network nodes and links, which are used for the See clauses 4.3, 8.3.7, 8.3.8,
establishment of Multi-Site Connectivity Service (MSCS) by using one or 8.3.9 and 8.3.10.
more Multi-Site Network Connections (MSNCs).
a.3 Threat agents
a.3.1 Unauthorized user of assets.
a.3.1.1 Agent can be human, e.g. an administrator with access to the assets.
a.3.1.2 Agent can be a piece of software, e.g. a malicious computer program
installed during an earlier access and programmed to run later.
a.3.2 (Industrial) espionage agent.
a.3.3 Sabotage agent.
a.3.4 Internal threat agent, e.g. corrupt employee.
a.4 Threats
a.4.1 Unauthorized read (viewing/copying/consuming of data and interfaces). Refer to threat agents a.3.1,
a.3.2 and a.3.4.
Refer to all assets in a.2.
a.4.2 Unauthorized write action (masquerade ("spoofing"), forgery, loss or Refer to threat agents a.3.3
corruption of information). and a.3.4.
Refer to all assets in a.2.

100 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

A Security Environment
a.4.3 Unauthorized access. Refer to threat agents a.3.1,
a.3.2, a.3.3. Refer to all
assets in a.2.
a.4.4 Repudiation (endpoint and threat agents). Refer to threat agent a.3.4.
Refer to assets a.2.4, a.2.5,
a.2.6 and a.2.7.
a.4.5 Denial of service. Refer to threat agents a.3.3
and a.3.4.
Refer to assets in a.2.1,
a.2.2, a.2.3, a.2.4, and a.2.8.
B Security Objectives
b.1 Requirements for the assets relevant to the present document's scope
b.1.1 The WIM shall ensure that only authorized and authenticated entities can
access (read or write) the provided interfaces and that data is exchanged
in a confidential manner following the requirements for access controls
and communications security (see clauses 8.5 and 8.6 in ETSI
GS NFV-SEC 012 [2]).
b.1.2 The WIM shall ensure the authenticity and integrity of all data exchanged
on the interfaces following the requirements for authentication control (see
clause 8.4 in ETSI GS NFV-SEC 012 [2]).
b.1.3 The WIM shall ensure that data provenance is logged.
b.1.4 The WIM shall ensure that collected data is authentic. Collected data includes fault,
connectivity information,
timestamps, etc.
b.1.5 The WIM shall provide means to detect and mitigate denial of service
b.1.6 The WIM shall ensure the authenticity of the WAN resources.
b.1.7 The WIM shall prevent replay of any data following requirements for
authentications control (see clause 8.4 in ETSI GS NFV-SEC 012 [2]).

101 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Annex D (informative):
Change History
Date Version Information about changes
May 2019 V3.2.2 Base line version for ed331 created from published version 3.2.1
Oct 2019 V3.3.2 Base-line version for ed341 created from published version ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 v3.3.1
April 2020 V3.3.3 Implements the following CRs:
• NFVIFA(20)000154r1 - IFA032ed341 Rename CapacityThreshold IE and
• NFVIFA(20)000286r2 - IFA032ed341 - Fixing issues in CapacityThreshold and
CapacityChangeNotification IEs
• NFVIFA(20)000307r1 - IFA032ed341 - Including measurementContext attribute to
ThresholdCrossedNotification IE
• NFVIFA(20)000311 - IFA032ed341 - Fixing Cardinality of the attribute faultType for
Alarm IE
March 2021 V3.4.2 Base-line version for ed351 created from published version ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 v3.4.1
Implements the following CRs:
• NFVIFA(21)000128 - IFA032ed351 Miscellaneous maintenance
September V3.5.2 Base-line version for ed361 created from published version ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 v3.5.1

102 ETSI GS NFV-IFA 032 V3.6.1 (2022-01)

Document history
V3.2.1 April 2019 Publication

V3.3.1 September 2019 Publication

V3.4.1 June 2020 Publication

V3.5.1 May 2021 Publication

V3.6.1 January 2022 Publication


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