Tseg 1 Semi Final Noriel

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Name: _______Jovelyn V.

Noriel_____________ Score: ___________

Year and Section: _______BEED 3-D_______

Activity 1. Read carefully the curriculum guide for science. Copy some examples of the standards on the table
Quarter: 1-4 This will be used on the entire activity.
Grade Level: 3-6

Grade Level: 3
Content Standard Answers the question, “What do the students
want to know, be able to do, and understand?”
Performance Standard Answers the question, “What do we want the
students to do with their learning or
understanding?” and “How do we want them
to use their learning or understanding?”
Learning Area Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of
basic science concepts and application of
science-inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific
attitudes and values to solve problems
critically, innovate beneficial products,
protect the environment and conserve
resources, enhance the integrity and wellness
of people, make informed decisions, and
engage in discussions of relevant issues that
involve science, technology, and environment.
Key Stage Standard At the end of grade 3, the learners should
have acquired healthful habits and have
developed curiosity about self and their
environment using basic process skills of
observing, communicating, comparing,
classifying, measuring, inferring, and
predicting. This curiosity will help the
learners value science as an important tool in
helping them continue to explore their natural
and physical environment. This should also
include developing scientific knowledge or
Grade Level Standard The learners will demonstrate an emerging
understanding of the parts of their body and
their general functions; plants, animals and
varied materials in their environment and
their observable characteristics; general
weather conditions and ho these influence
what they wear; and other things in their
environment. Understanding of their bodies
and what is around them is acquired through
exploration, questioning, and careful
observation as they infer patterns, similarities,
and differences that will allow them to make
sound conclusions.

Activity 2. Jot Down at least 5 Competencies, including the code, from the selected Quarter and Grade level
and determine its domain and its nature whether it is knowledge based or skill based.

Competencies Domain Nature

Describe sources of light and sound, Earth & Space (ES) Knowledge
heat and electricity (S3ES-IVg-h-5
Practice safety and precautionary Force, Motion and Energy (FE) Skill
measures in dealing with different
types of weather (S3FE-IIIg-h-4)
Identify the parts and functions of Living Things and their Skill
Animals S3LT-IIc-d-4 Environment (LT)
Describe different objects based on Matter (MT) Knowledge
their characteristics S3MT-Ia-b-1C

Activity 3. Using the competencies you have selected in Act. 2, formulate a topic and add time allotment based
on the codes of competencies.
Time Allotment Competencies Nature Topic
2 weeks Describe sources of light and sound, Knowledge Energy: Lights, Sound
(Week7&8) heat and electricity. (S3ES-IVg-h-5)
2 weeks (Week Practice safety and precautionary Skill Earth: Space and
4-5) measures in dealing with different Weather
types of weather (S3FE-IIIg-h-4)
1 week (Week 3) Identify the parts and functions of Skill Living Things:
Animals (S3LT-IIc-d-4) Animals
2 weeks (Week Describe different objects based on Knowledge Matter: Solid, Gas,
5-6) their characteristics (S3MT-Ia-b- Liquid
1 week (Week 7) Identify the basic needs of humans, Knowledge Ecosystem: Human,
plants and animals such as air, food, Plants, Animals
water and shelter. (S3LT-IIi-j-14)

Activity 4. Using the draft used on Activity 3, make an assessment strategy to be used per competency.
Time Competencies Nature Topic Assessment
Allotment Strategies
2 weeks Describe sources of light and Knowledge Energy: Lights, Answering short
(Week7&8) sound, heat and electricity. Sound response test on
(S3ES-IVg-h-5) sources of light
and sound, heat
and electricity.
Describing the
sources of light
and sound, heat
and electricity
indicated by the
picture prompts.
2 weeks (Week Practice safety and Skill Earth: Space and Simulating
4-5) precautionary measures in Weather different
dealing with different types of weather
weather (S3FE-IIIg-h-4) condition and
the right
response or
reaction to each
condition in the
Participating in
1 week (Week Identify the parts and Skill Living Things: asks students
3) functions of Animals (S3LT- Animals to make
IIc-d-4) observation
about animals in
a woodland and
polar habitat, list
characteristics in
2 weeks (Week Describe different objects Knowledge Matter: Solid, An anchor chart
5-6) based on their characteristics Gas, Liquid like this gives
(S3MT-Ia-b-1C) students
something to
reference as
they learn the
concepts and
complete states
of matter
1 week (Week Identify the basic needs of Knowledge Ecosystem: As collect soil
7) humans, plants and animals Human, Plants, samples, assess
such as air, food, water and Animals the status of
shelter. (S3LT-IIi-j-14) fields, and make
decisions on the
amount of
fertilizer” to
increase crop
yield while
impact, they will
understand the
dynamics of the
cycle in a better
way. Through
choices and
they can also
gain firsthand
knowledge of
other related
ideas of

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