Who Gets The Top Jobs - The Role of Family (2014)
Who Gets The Top Jobs - The Role of Family (2014)
Who Gets The Top Jobs - The Role of Family (2014)
There is currently debate in policy circles about access to ‘the upper echelons of power’ (Sir
John Major, ex Prime Minister, 2013). This research explores the relationship between family
background and early access to top occupations. We find that privately educated graduates
are a third more likely to enter into high-status occupations than state educated graduates
from similarly affluent families and neighbourhoods, largely due to differences in educational
attainment and university selection. We find that although the use of networks cannot account
for the private school advantage, they provide an additional advantage and this varies by the
type of top occupation that the graduate enters.
1. Introduction
The UK government has stated that it aims to create a society in which
each individual, regardless of background, has an equal chance of realising
their potential (Cabinet Office, 2011). Yet educational achievement still varies
significantly by socio-economic background and, partly because of this, the UK
has relatively low levels of intergenerational income mobility (Ermisch et al.,
2012). One specific aspect of this problem has been investigated by Alan Milburn
in his reports on fair access to higher paying professions.1 Milburn found that
individuals from more advantaged backgrounds continue to be more likely to
secure a higher-paid professional role, with many employers recruiting from a
very limited range of universities and degree subjects. For example, he reported
that even in 2012, of the top 200 civil servants only one in five was educated
at a state comprehensive. Just over 40 per cent of barristers had gone to a
private secondary school and one third had attended Oxbridge. In this paper,
488 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
2. Related literature
This paper contributes to the extensive research that has identified low levels
of intergenerational income mobility in the UK (Blanden et al., 2013; Corak,
2013; Crawford et al., 2011). Educational attainment in the UK also varies by
socio-economic background (Devine and Li, 2013; Gregg and Macmillan, 2010;
Goodman et al., 2011; Chowdry et al., 2012; Crawford et al., 2010; Jerrim, 2012;
Green et al., 2012) and is a key driver of persistence in incomes across generations
(Blanden et al., 2007).
Our research focuses on access to elite occupations by family background.
Access to managerial and professional careers are of particular interest as they are
expected to account for approximately two million additional jobs in the next
decade, increasing their share of total employment in the UK from 42 per cent
to 46 per cent (Wilson and Homenidou, 2011; Brewer et al., 2012). While there
have been a number of official reports published on this topic (Cabinet Office,
2009, 2012), academic research on potential barriers to professional careers is
limited (Langlands, 2005; Sutton Trust, 2005, 2006). Macmillan (2009) found an
who gets the top jobs 489
and Skans, 2006; Francis and Sommerlad, 2009; Rolfe and Anderson, 2003).
Several US studies have conducted evaluations of ‘school to work’ initiatives,
which often include work experience opportunities but also mentoring and
employer engagement (Neumark and Rothstein, 2006; Kemple and Willner,
2008). The findings from these studies are mixed. An AIR UK (2008) report for
the UK government indicates that only a few similar robust evaluations have been
undertaken in the UK, but, for those available, school links with employers have
positive effects on student attainment, employability and initial wages. Mann
(2012) also found that young people in the UK who have had regular contact
with employers while in education are five times less likely to be NEET (‘not
in education, employment or training’) and earn, on average, 16 per cent more
than their peers who did not have the advantage of this regular contact. More
broadly, the importance of finding work experience, internships and placement
opportunities is also regularly highlighted by national reviews and graduate
recruitment research (Wolf, 2011; Association of Graduate Recruiters, 2012; CBI,
2011), thus again highlighting the disadvantage faced by students without access
to relevant networks.
3. Data
We use data from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)
‘early’ and ‘longitudinal’ surveys carried out by the UK Higher Education
Statistics Agency (HESA). The ‘early survey’ is conducted approximately six
months after graduation,3 with a total 453,880 eligible leavers in 2006/2007, of
which 332,110 (73.2 per cent) responded: the response rate is in line with previous
years (HEFCE, 2011). A longitudinal survey was conducted up to 3.5 years after
graduation4 for a sub-sample of students,5 with 49,065 valid responses from the
332,110 students who responded to the census survey.6 Of these, we limit our final
sample to 24,980 graduates who finished higher education in 2006/2007 during
the reference period, completed the survey at 3.5 years after graduation, studied
for an undergraduate degree, were aged 18–25 on 31 July 2007 and provided
occupational data (Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 20007 ). Appendix
Table A1 suggests that this restricted sample looks very similar to the ‘early survey’
sample in terms of student characteristics. We focus our analysis on graduates
some 3.5 years after graduation because the period immediately after graduation
is transitional. Some graduates may take temporary jobs or no job at all. We are
more confident that their occupation 3.5 years after graduation is a better guide
to their future occupational status.
The occupational status of graduates at 3.5 years after graduation is measured
using 5-digit SOC 2000 codes. We aggregate this into a form that enables us to
rank the socio-economic status of occupations. We assign each individual an
analytical National Statistics Socio-economic Classification8 (NS-SEC) codes 1 to
who gets the top jobs 491
7.9 Individuals’ positions within this scale have been shown to be a major influence
on their economic life chances (Chan and Goldthorpe, 2007).10 We define
high-status11 occupations as those in the top NS-SEC grouping (29.8 per cent
of the total sample of graduates).
We also consider three separate groups of occupations within the top NS-SEC
in our analysis: (a) higher managerial (NS-SEC 1.1 occupations), (b) business,
medical and law professionals and (c) other professionals (including educational,
built environment, scientist and other NS-SEC 1.2 occupations). Occupations
within these groupings are listed in the Appendix. These high-profile occupations
within the top NS-SEC are the focus of government policies for promoting fair
access, and there are clear differences in the labour market reward by groups of
occupations: on average, individuals working in higher managerial occupations
earned £81,000 in 2011 compared to £51,000 for business, medical and law
professions and £39,000 for other professions compared to £24,000 for all other
occupations (NS-SEC 2–7).12 Table 1 shows the proportion of graduates in our
sample employed in these high-status occupations at 3.5 years after graduation
(column 1) and the average annual earnings in 2011 by occupation grouping.
We have three measures of family background available: parental NS-SEC,
the neighbourhood participation rate in higher education and type of secondary
school attended. Undergraduate students entering higher education through
UCAS are asked to provide information on their parents’ occupations, though
some choose not to do this, particularly mature students, which may explain the
relatively high rate of missing data. Missing parental NS-SEC data (18.8 per cent
of our sample) includes graduates for whom the occupation of their parents is
either unclassified (14.4 per cent) or unknown (4.4 per cent). Appendix Table A2
illustrates the proportion of our sample with missing information. The extent of
missing data is identical for those in top NS-SEC occupations as it is for NS-SEC
2–7 occupations.
Our measure of neighbourhood higher education participation is based
on the POLAR3 classification, which contains rankings of higher education
participation by area (Census Area Statistic wards). From this, quintiles of areas
are constructed, ordered from 1 (those with lowest participation) to 5 (those with
highest participation). School type is binary: private (independent) schools and
state schools.13
Columns 3 to 8 of Table 1 illustrate the socio-economic background of
graduates employed in our various definitions of high-status occupations
3.5 years after graduation. Of those with professional or managerial parents,
31.5 per cent work in high-status occupations compared to 27.3 per cent with par-
ents working in a lower NS-SEC occupation. Of those from low higher education
(HE) participation areas, 24.2 per cent enter top jobs compared to 29.8 per cent
from higher HE participation areas, and 40 per cent of private school pupils enter
an NS-SEC 1 occupation compared to 28.1 per cent of state school pupils.
492 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
Frequency earnings Not
(percent) (2011 £s) 1–2 3–8 Low low State Private
Top NS-SEC 29.8 52,024 31.5 27.3 24.2 29.8 28.1 39.8
NS-SEC 2–7 70.2 24,163 68.5 72.7 75.8 70.2 71.9 60.2
Total 100.0
Within top NS-SEC
Higher managerial 6.1 81,057 6.6 5.7 5.3 6.1 5.5 9.8
NS-SEC 1.1
Within NS-SEC1.2
Business 4.6 64,691 5.0 4.5 3.3 4.6 4.0 8.6
Medical 3.5 46,496 3.0 2.2 2.2 3.6 3.2 5.6
Law 2.4 52,672 3.0 2.1 1.8 2.4 2.2 4.2
Education 3.1 37,775 3.8 2.8 2.4 3.1 3.1 3.2
Built Environment 8.4 40,218 8.3 8.3 7.1 8.4 8.4 7.2
Scientists 1.5 39,740 1.5 1.7 2.2 1.5 1.6 1.0
Other 0.3 54,316 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.4
Total 29.8
Notes: Data in column 2 from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)
average annual earnings for 2011 for all workers by 4-digit SOC code. Occupations
within professional groupings: business – accountants, economists, statisticians, brokers,
underwriters, tax specialist; legal – judges, barristers, solicitors; life science – doctors, dentists,
pharmacists, psychologists, veterinarians; education – higher education teachers and
researchers, secondary and primary head teachers, senior administrators; built environment
– engineers, IT consultants, architects and surveyors; scientists – chemists, biologists,
physicists, astronomers, mathematicians; other – clergy, probation officers, aircraft pilots.
Within the top NS-SEC, there are notable differences in the family
background of those entering different careers. Graduates from higher parental
NS-SEC backgrounds, higher HE participation areas and who attended a private
school are more likely to enter into higher managerial or business, medical and
law professions. The picture for other professions is more mixed. State school
pupils are more likely to enter into built environment and scientist occupations
than private school pupils. Scientists are more likely to be from lower parental
NS-SEC families, from low participation areas and state educated on average.
When considering the role of networks, we use information on the channels
that the graduates used to find out about the job that they are employed in
3.5 years after graduation. Three types of network are identified: professional
(professional, work or educational contacts or networks), personal (personal
contacts, including family, friends and social networks) and already/previously
having worked for the organisation. Our baseline category includes students
who found out about their job in other ways, using non-network channels
who gets the top jobs 493
TABLE 2. How those entering high-status occupations found out about their
jobs (per cent)
Notes: Other professions include: education, environment, scientists and other occupation
groups from NS-SEC 1.2.
4. Methodology
We hypothesise that more socio-economically advantaged students will acquire
more human capital and in turn will access top jobs to a greater extent than
more disadvantaged students. To the extent that we can control for individual
human capital, however, we might expect socio-economic background to have
an additional independent impact on the likelihood of accessing a top job. This
494 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
might occur if more advantaged students can afford to invest greater resources in
their job search, taking more time to secure the top job they want. Sociological
theories also suggest that more advantaged students will be more likely to secure
a top job because they have greater levels of social capital. We cannot measure all
aspects of students’ human and social capital but we are able to assess whether
the use of networks plays a role in helping to secure a high-status occupation. We
use this as a proxy for their social capital.
we control for institution effects (I) to condition on the choice of institution and
region. This is to reflect the fact that studying at a prestigious institution can
provide an additional advantage to students in terms of future employment.
Finally, we condition on the type of postgraduate study undertaken up to
3.5 years after graduating (PG) to assess whether this is an important route into
the top jobs and if this accounts for differences in entry by family background.
g rad f amily g rad g rad g rad g rad
F (Top j obi ) = (α + βX i + γD i + δA i + ρI i + τPG i
The inclusion of these controls allows a ‘like-for-like’ comparison of graduates,
at least in terms of observed characteristics. For example, professional firms
often claim they recruit graduates based on academic attainment. Controlling
for degree class, subject choice, prior attainment and where the graduate went to
university ensures that we are comparing the chances of similar graduates entering
top professions. The results show whether or not socio-economic background
has an effect on occupational status over and above these controls. Despite our
attempts to eliminate the impact of other factors on occupational status, graduates
are still likely to differ in ways we do not observe, in particular in their aspirations,
preferences and other aspects of non-cognitive ability, which may be influential
in securing a professional career. We cannot control for these unobserved sources
of selection bias in our model and we return to this issue in our conclusions.
When we analyse entry to higher managerial occupations, business, medical
and legal professions and other professions compared to other graduate jobs
(NS-SEC 2–7), we use a multinomial logit model, presenting the marginal effects
of the probability of entering each occupation group relative to entering an NS-
SEC 2–7 job evaluated at the sample mean. The multinomial logit model requires
the assumption of the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA). This implies
that the relative likelihood of preferring one occupational group to another
must not depend on the availability of other irrelevant alternatives, which we
argue is not an overly strong assumption in this case. It requires, for example,
that a graduate’s relative likelihood of choosing a higher managerial occupation
compared to a business occupation would be unaffected by other career options
available to them. We argue that choice of occupation is dependent on a number
of factors, including human and social capital and, as such, the existence of
alternative occupation groupings is sufficiently independent to the individuals’
relative preferences, given their capital.
5. Results
Family background and accessing the top jobs
Column 1 of Table 3 presents the marginal effects from our baseline probit
model in equation (1) to show the raw socio-economic gradient in access to
top jobs before conditioning on any further characteristics.16 Graduates with
parents in a top NS-SEC occupation are 4.7 percentage points more likely to be
working in a top NS-SEC occupation (baseline 30 per cent) compared to graduates
whose parents work in a routine occupation. There are no other significant
effects by parental NS-SEC, although graduates whose parents are long-term
unemployed are 17.2 percentage points less likely to work in a top NS-SEC
occupation compared to graduates with routine occupation parents (note the
unemployed parent group is very small).
A socio-economic gradient also exists in terms of the neighbourhood
measure of HE participation. A graduate from a low participation area is
3.1 percentage points less likely to enter a top job, while a graduate from a high
participation area is 3.9 percentage points more likely to enter a top job than a
graduate from an average participation area. The strongest gradient is observed
for those who attended state schools compared to privately educated graduates.
Figure 1 plots the private school advantage for each of the five specifications we
consider. As seen in the first bar, before conditioning on any other characteristics,
graduates who attended a private school are 9.5 percentage points more likely to
enter a top job 3.5 years after graduation than a state educated graduate.
Columns 2 to 5 add controls as discussed in the previous section. Adding
in demographic controls does little to the estimated socio-economic gradients
across the measures and in some cases accentuates the findings from the baseline
specification. However, when conditioning on prior attainment, degree subject,
degree classification and UCAS tariff point score, the socio-economic gradient is
reduced substantially.17 This implies that a main mechanism by which socio-
economic background impacts on access to a high-status profession is via
TABLE 3. Marginal effects from a probit model of family background on having a high-status occupation(top NS-SEC) 3.5
years after graduation compared to other occupations(NS-SEC 2–7)
Demographics: Gender, age, ethnicity. Prior attainment: UCAS tariff, subject, attainment. Institution: institution fixed effects, region of institution.
Post-graduate: higher research, taught, post-graduate certificate/diploma or other at three years. Robust standard errors in parenthesis. In models
including institution FE standard errors are clustered at institution level. ∗ 90% confidence, ∗∗ 95% confidence, ∗∗∗ 99% confidence.
498 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
Demographics: Gender, age, ethnicity. Prior attainment: UCAS tariff, subject, attainment. Institution: institution fixed effects, region of institution. Post-grad:
higher research, taught, post-grad certificate/diploma or other at three years. Robust standard errors in parenthesis. In models including institution fixed
effects, standard errors are clustered at institution level. ∗ 90% confidence, ∗∗ 95% confidence, ∗∗∗ 99% confidence.
who gets the top jobs 503
Business, medical
Top NS-SEC Higher managerial and law Other professions
No No No No
networks Networks networks Networks networks Networks networks Networks
Business, medical
Top NS-SEC Higher managerial and law Other professions
No No No No
networks Networks networks Networks networks Networks networks Networks
3rd quintile Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline
4th quintile 0.005(0.011) 0.004(0.011) 0.003(0.002)∗ 0.004(0.002)∗ −0.001(0.001) −0.001(0.002) 0.000(0.003) −0.001(0.004)
High part. 0.015(0.009) 0.016(0.009)∗ 0.003(0.002)∗ 0.004(0.002)∗ 0.000(0.001) 0.001(0.001) 0.002(0.003) 0.003(0.003)
State school −0.025(0.013)∗ −0.024(0.013)∗ −0.010(0.002)∗∗∗ −0.012(0.002)∗∗∗ −0.003(0.001)∗∗∗ −0.005(0.002)∗∗∗ 0.011(0.003)∗∗∗ 0.013(0.004)∗∗∗
Prof. network 0.053(0.012)∗∗∗ 0.003(0.003) 0.002(0.011) 0.017(0.004)∗∗∗
Pers. network −0.010(0.012) 0.005(0.002)∗∗ −0.001(0.009) −0.010(0.004)∗∗
Prev. worked −0.003(0.010) 0.005(0.003)∗ −0.005(0.002)∗∗ −0.000(0.004)
Demographics x x x x x x x x
Prior x x x x x x x x
Institution x x x x x x x x
Demographics: Gender, age, ethnicity. Prior attainment: UCAS tariff, subject, attainment. Institution: Institution fixed effects, region of institution. Post-grad:
Higher research, taught, post-grad certificate /diploma or other at three years. Standard errors are clustered at institution level. ∗ 90% confidence, ∗∗ 95%
confidence, ∗∗∗ 99% confidence. First two columns from probit models. Other six columns from multinomial probit models.
506 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
Figure 3. Marginal effects of the use of networks to find out about a job on having a high-status
occupation 3.5 years after graduation
Demographics: Gender, age, ethnicity. Prior attainment: UCAS tariff, subject, attainment.
Institution: Institution fixed effects, region of institution. Post-grad: Higher research, taught,
post-grad certificate /diploma or other at three years.
6. Conclusions
Our findings are stark. There is a large socio-economic gradient in the likelihood
of a recent graduate accessing a top job, and differences across socio-economic
groups are statistically significant. Our baseline model predicts that 40 per cent
of graduates who attended a private school secured a higher status occupation,
who gets the top jobs 507
different motivations. Note that even if this is the case, this is likely to be linked to
differences in graduates’ social and cultural capital. To the extent that we cannot
measure all these factors, our identification strategy does not entirely eliminate
the possibility that graduates are sorted into top jobs on the basis of characteristics
unobserved by the researcher.
This research contributes to the literature by eliminating differences in
education achievement and use of social networks as the sole reasons for the
differences we observe in graduates’ access to top professions, though the former
is clearly very important. Further research is needed to establish which alternative
explanations are most important.
The policy implications are important. The research tells us that among
recent UK graduates, socio-economic background remains a significant factor
in explaining why some students secure top jobs. After many decades of policies
to improve social mobility and to widen participation in higher education, it
remains the case that a student’s family background has a major influence on
their job and their life chances. The fact that this relationship is largely but not
entirely explained by more advantaged students having demonstrably higher
levels of human capital would imply that we must strive to achieve greater
transparency in hiring practices so we fully understand why socio-economically
disadvantaged students are somewhat less likely to get a top job even when they
have the necessary human capital. Only when we understand this can we develop
policies to address it.
This work was part-funded by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission. We
are grateful for comments from John Micklewright, Paul Gregg and contributors to the
Intergenerational Mobility and Social Gradients in Children’s Life Chances conference hosted
by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission and the Centre for Market and Public
Organisation, University of Bristol.
1 http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/±/http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/
227105/fair-access-summary.pdf. See also Macmillan (2009).
2 http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/sites/default/files/resources/IR_FairAccess_acc2.pdf.
3 The Longitudinal Destination of Leavers from Higher Education.
4 Reference dates of 16 April 2007 (if the leaver obtained the qualification between 1 August
2006 and 31 December 2006) and January 2008 (if the leaver obtained the qualification
between 1 January 2007 and 31 July 2007).
5 The process used by HESA for constructing the subsample is explained here: https://www.
6 The HESA technical report indicates that the pattern of non-response from previous studies
meant that women older graduates and white graduates were more likely to respond and
this varied by subject and institution (HESA, 2009). Reference date 29 November 2010.
who gets the top jobs 509
7 http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/classifications/archived-standard-
8 http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/classifications/current-standard-
9 Due to the lack of data on employment status, we are restricted to using the simplified
method of conversion between SOC 2000 and NS-SEC. This has around 88 per cent success
rate compared to the full method of conversion. http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/
10 Measures of earnings at age twenty-five may suffer from significant biases due to age-
earnings profiles and therefore understate the true role of family background (Haider and
Solon, 2006). Of course, occupation is likely to also change across the life-cycle although
appears stable after age thirty (Bukodi et al., 2011).
11 We acknowledge that status commonly refers to an alternative concept of social honour in
the sociological literature (Chan and Goldthorpe, 2007).
12 Data taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE http://www.ons.gov.
uk/ons/rel/ashe/annual-survey-of-hours-and-earnings/index.html) average annual earn-
ings for 2011 for all workers by 4-digit SOC code.
13 Schools not classified as independent are deemed to be state schools, therefore students from
selective grammar schools, sixth forms and further education colleges are also included as
state schools.
14 The proportion entering higher managerial and business, medical and law professions are
the same across gender. There are more males working in other professions (20 per cent
compared to 8 per cent females), while there are more females in NS-SEC 2–7 occupations
(76 per cent compared to 62 per cent males).
15 Z score testing the difference between the two coefficients = 0.48
16 Note that we include parental NS-SEC, neighbourhood participation and state school
indicators together from the outset as we believe that each measure is contributing
additional information regarding the family’s socio-economic status. The pseudo R-squared
for parental NS-SEC alone is 0.003, for neighbourhood participation alone is 0.005 and
for state school indicator alone is 0.005. Attending a state school has a correlation of 0.31
with parental NS-SEC, 0.09 with neighbourhood participation and parental NS-SEC and
neighbourhood participation have a correlation of 0.11.
17 Prior attainment and degree classification are the important drivers here rather than degree
subject choice.
18 Indeed the correlation between the type of school attended and the use of networks is low
in these data: the correlation between state school attendance and personal networks is 0.01,
professional networks is 0.04 and previously working for the employer is 0.03.
19 Indeed private school pupils are more likely to be out of work than their state educated
counterparts (46 per cent and 40 per cent) six months after graduating, although the
majority of these individuals (70 per cent and 66 per cent) are enrolled in post-graduate
education. Ideally, we would observe these individuals 1.5 years after graduation to allow for
pupils to finish their postgraduate studies, but there is no data to observe this.
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512 lindsey macmillan, claire tyler and anna vignoles
Occupations within professional groupings:
Business: Accountants, economists, statisticians, brokers, underwriters, tax
Medical: Doctors, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, veterinarians.
Law: Judges, barristers, solicitors.
Education: Higher education teachers and researchers, secondary and primary head
teachers, senior administrators.
Built environment: Engineers, IT consultants, architects, surveyors.
Scientists: Chemists, biologists, physicists, astronomers, mathematicians.
Other: Clergy, probation officers, aircraft pilots
who gets the top jobs 513
TABLE A1. Differences in the social origins of those in the early HESA
sample and those in the later longitudinal sample
Parents’ NS-SEC
Professional 13.1 12.3
Lower manager 16.3 16.3
Intermediate 7.9 7.7
Small employer 3.8 3.7
Supervisor 2.4 2.6
Semi-routine 5.3 5.8
Routine 2.4 2.6
Unemployed 0.1 0.1
SEC missing 48.8 49.0
Low participation 7.7 8.7
2nd quintile part. 12.6 13.3
3rd quintile part. 18.1 18.4
4th quintile part. 23.1 22.7
High participation 31.8 30.8
Low participation missing 6.6 6.2
State school 60.2 59.6
Private school 6.4 6.6
School type missing 33.4 33.7
Parents’ NS-SEC
Professional 25.2 23.2 27.2 24.6 20.7
Lower manager 25.6 28.9 23.3 25.9 26.2
Intermediate 11.3 12.5 11.3 10.7 12.5
Small employer 5.6 5.9 5.2 5.8 6.4
Supervisor 3.6 3.4 3.0 4.3 4.0
Semi-routine 6.7 6.4 5.5 7.8 7.7
Routine 3.1 2.7 2.8 3.6 3.8
Unemployed 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1
SEC missing 18.8 17.0 21.7 17.3 18.8
Low participation 5.9 6.3 5.0 6.4 7.8
2nd quintile part. 10.5 10.7 9.2 11.5 12.9
3rd quintile part. 16.2 15.3 16.1 16.6 18.0
4th quintile part. 23.2 24.3 22.0 23.7 24.1
High participation 38.9 38.0 41.8 37.1 33.6
Low part. missing 5.3 5.5 5.8 4.8 3.6
State school 72.4 69.1 68.5 76.9 78.5
Private school 14.8 17.8 19.3 9.8 9.5
State school missing 12.9 13.1 12.2 13.3 12.1
Notes: Percentages based on our final sample once additional restrictions applied
including aged eighteen to twenty-five, must be an undergraduate leaver in 2006/7
and must have a 5-digit SOC 2000 code at 3.5 years.
who gets the top jobs 515
Males Females